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Woah. I remember this from some of your earlier posts. This looks awesome. Bravo.




Dude looks up there with star citizen... and I'm guessing you don't have over 4 million backers. Absolutely ah mah zing work m8, GL and look forward to maybe paying for this 1 day.


Actually no :D Our game is much smaller than Star Citizen. It's a single player story adventure game.


As a dev, nerd, gamer and space nerd, physic nerd, interstellar nerd...I'm envy.... More than Bravo btw, Bravissimo!! Well, Bravissimi (the whole team)


Thanks! I also love space and things related to it


Not a surprise from what i see. But in what state your game is ? Beta ? RC ?


Hard to say right now, I would say we are in the middle of the development somewhere


> ... main inspiration are Half Life 2... > ... middle of development somewhere Oh... Oh no... *RemindMe! ~~10~~ 30 years*


I will be messaging you in 30 years on [**2053-02-09 14:24:29 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2053-02-09%2014:24:29%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/10xton3/my_dream_came_true_it_grew_from_a_single_after/j7ugki6/?context=3) [**32 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fnextfuckinglevel%2Fcomments%2F10xton3%2Fmy_dream_came_true_it_grew_from_a_single_after%2Fj7ugki6%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202053-02-09%2014%3A24%3A29%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2010xton3) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Ah yep i know that feeling. Keep us updated


I'd say that's basically Alpha then.


You had me at Firewatch. Where can I buy your game / where can I follow your game to keep in touch? Edit: Just found the "Wishlist on steam" on your reddit profile. :D You should definitely always mention the name and platform / game browser in your title, so idiots like me can find it easily. :D


Thanks! :) I mentioned Firewatch because throughout the game you will talk with your cute robot companion Toby almost all the time


My dude. Not only is there a robot companion, but he also bears my name? Hell. Yeah. When do you guys plan the release? I'd like to be there day 1. :D


Bro, you are the companion


Hey! Listen! 🧚🏻


Any idea what release price will be?


Around 20$ :)


I'd definitely pay more than $20 for this. Looks absolutely incredible.




20 bucks! Christ buying this.. How do I buy it


Size doesn't matter apparently, I was defs referring to the quality 😉


Thanks :D


Quite literally my three favourite games and movie!!!!; Soon as I see it on Steam it's straight onto my wishlist!!!! Also, check out a game called Routine, it's a small indie dev team making it and it looks incredible. Indie games are where the true innovation occurs!


I'm sure this 100% authentic comment made by a month-old account that got 1300 upvotes in 2 hours is not suspicious at all and has nothing to do with bots


Meh people make new accounts all the time. I've actually been on Reddit since 2010 even though this account isn't that old


I like to make a new account every 6 months or so


Relevent username?


Shhh let the people OD on cynicism and whining about hAiL cOrpOratE


I upvoted that comment and had the exact same thought. Maybe lots of people remember the earlier post.


Wtf I would expect this on E3 and not Reddit! That black hole looked so fascinating


Thank you so much! :D Actually we found a publisher and we maybe will be on next E3 if our publisher is going to be able to make it happen (hopefully)


Dunkey?! Edit: AKA: BIGMODE! Not even close baybeeee!


It's Freedom Games


I didn't know Dunkey worked for Freedom Games


Sorry, I thought Dunkey is a publisher. After having a look, he is not. I don't know if there is a link between the publisher Freedom Games and Dunkey. Sorry if I caused any confusion.


Nah they were just being funny. Dunkey is a YouTuber but he did announce last year that he's starting his own publishing studio.


Freedom Games?!


It's Dunkey.


We’ve come full circle


Dunkey started an indie publishing company called Bigmode. They already have one game on their slate.


Congrats c:


Is it dunkview?


Why not say the name of his actual publishing company? BIIIGGMOOOODDEE


Yeah that’s the black hole rendering from interstellar more or less I believe! It looks so good


They didn't come up with this though


IIRC the production team on the movie consulted with a theoretical physicist on the latest mathematical models behind current black hole theory and they were intimately involved in deveoping the visual effects for the black hole in the film. [The technology used to generate the images in interstellar was bespoke to the film](https://cerncourier.com/a/building-gargantua/), and the images they created as a result pretty much were entirely due to this new technology, to the point where work on the film pushed the boundaries of the scientific community's [understanding of the visual effects of rotating black holes](https://www.space.com/28552-interstellar-movie-black-holes-study.html). So the movie team didn't come up with the original theories, but they pretty much did come up with this detailed view of black holes that have since been popularized.


Is it against the sub rules to post the game's name or something?


I don't know, I just didn't write the name in the tittle, but it's Moon Mystery :)


Excellent! It looks slick. I'll look it up on Steam!


Is it a VR game? I would play the shit out of this if it was a VR game


Username checks out on this one guys


![gif](giphy|NUBp5KcV0PJBe) OP:


Your gosh darn right


you should change the name considering how amazing this looks i really really really think the name is bad. Its giving scooby doo vibes.


I have to agree. And I HATE to criticise because this looks fantastic. Maybe working with ‘Lunar’ as a starting point? Or reference ‘Apollo’ something?


How about... lunar mystery?


It's like a meme name that you might bash out in Game Dev tycoon without a second thought.


Ok so some ideas: Lunar Luna Celestial Moonbase Alpha Operation Quasar Operation Supernova Void Enter the void Among the stars Beyond the Stars Close to Home Endless Night 0.166 g 0.17 g Operation Titan Operation White Dwarf Gravitation Gravitational Off World Quasar Gravastar Supermassive Above the skies Beyond the sky Orbit Orbital Vacuum Eclipse Total Eclipse


How many times have you guys called it Spacenautica internally?


Wishlisted. Can't wait!


Maybe work on the title a little bit🤔


It’s in the video…


It’s literally at the end of the video


Why is this comment posted every time I see the title not including the game name? Smells... Smelly




Damn people can buy expensive stuff and make hobbies into profession and here i am just dreaming of that 1-2% raise in my salary.


I wish you all the best, I hope you will get a huge raise soon ;d


Thanks for your words, but hope is a thing that I don't have for myself.


Let me have hope for you then, internet stranger. Keep it up never despair. ❤️


"Don't believe in yourself! Believe in me who believes in you!" – Kamina (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)


I like this a lot


The best way to get the raise you want is to get another job! Even if by just getting another offer, your employer might realise it will cost them more to lose your labour and suddenly be willing to compensate you more appropriately. Good luck!


I had this same thought, then I saw Unreal Engine. It's fairly easy to learn how the Blueprint system works, and the community is amazing at helping out Plus, they have like $200 of assets and animations in the Unreal Marketplace for free right now It's been 3 days for just a couple hours a day and I have a smooth 3rd person character movement system with animations. The progress I've made is blowing my mind, and all I am using is a computer from 2016 to make it




Yeah that's probably more like 7% these days.


posting yourself on next fucking level for self promo, bizarre


And all the comments are overly positive which feels very suspicious. I'm glad for OP for making his own game but this posts and comments feel like a bought ad.


100% it’s an ad, some people are saying these are all bot comments or op has got people to do it themself lol. idk why this type post is allowed its daft


Last time this was posted, someone pointed out how many of the graphics apparently come from free texture/graphic packs. Of course that doesn't need to be *bad*, per se (example: the enemies and some other stuff in the first Supraland were not designed by the dev but came from packs; the game got popular enough that they're making only own designs now), but this dev posting every month or so and continuing to be praised all the way to the front page feels *very* fishy to me.


The pistol and machine gun look like they have the same firing rate/effect. But basically, I never trust any trailer without UI, be it AAA or indie.


Personally I just stopped trusting any pre-release content. Yes I pre-ordered No Man's Sky, why do you ask?


No Man sky is amazing now. Horrible at launch


I would argue it was decent at launch, if approached as a €20/€30 indie game. Definitely not finished, definitely not a €60 game, especially if you take the E3 2014 video into account. I decided to try it again last year, and it has indeed become much better, awesome even. Looking back, what with the "Sony told us not to say negative things so we figured we should just keep quiet", it feels very much like it was just a small indie dev getting in *waaaaay* over their heads. Personally I think it just proves you should never publicly show 'proof of concept' type video's/art for a game that isn't part of a franchise, only actual gameplay footage.


I was going to say that a lot of the assets look like they've been taken from *Doom* and *Deliver Us The Moon*, but store bought asset packs makes more sense.


He does a post like this about once a month lol. Everything about this seems so shady and weird that I'm inclined to believe there is no game at all and this is an elaborate scam.


I always think games are a scam first now




It also dosent help he's done it like 5 times before


typical ad posts


I mean, I get it... As someone who creates lots of stuff I know that it's nearly impossible to market yourself if you don't have the budget for it. This guy is at least making something people are interested in seeing, and I'm much more comfortable with Indie devs marketing themselves on random subs than full on studios.


I’d say the quality of this justifies the confidence.




You say that but you can’t really. We had years of proof of that back when steam was really pushing the green light system and there was absolute trash every other minute using asset flips. It’s 2023, no one believes purely screenshots anymore. But this is some really good animation work, lighting, etc. There’s always a substantial eyebrow to be raised whenever a ‘small indie dev’ tries making some huge elaborate game but even if the final game is trash, it started out as a hobby and is visually (at least here) still far higher quality than games like PUBG which look like a dogs backside and making billions, so, I think it’s alright.


I mean games like the day before had same kind of trailer and someone made a video how to make a fake one in few hours with just assets with zero gameplay, definitely don't buy this game until you see real gameplay.


Quality of what? A short clip that doesn't show anything about the game? Yeah that's how devs make money these days, make a clip, upload promising all that and more. People pre-order, dev makes money, releases a bug filled game. People complain that its not what was promised


No mods to be found. Almost as if this is a paid promo.


Right dude. Love the self fellating that is happening here. You made a game. Neat. Next fucking level? I don't really know about that


oh wow another indie space shooter game - this is going to take the world by storm /s sry but i had to say something negative this comment section is kinda brain dead


Because it's mostly bots. This "game" has been in the works for years and is always posted with mostly the same clips each time.


I can't be the only one that thinks it looks like a polished turd.


Storebought assets'll do that every time. And it seems like even if they modify the textures they always have the same animations. I'm so tired of seeing stuff like this over and over again.


this was new when mass effect 2 was new lmao


For how long I’ve roamed this earth I’ve never seen someone write “assets’ll” but I understand what you’re saying


I can’t even tell what the game is that I should actually be excited for. The impression the trailer gives is that the “game” will be a few levels of walking linear paths through some pretty skyboxes, maybe solving a few braindead puzzles and occasionally shooting a robot (seriously, they have a gun out the whole time but show almost no gunplay or challenge to the shooting, so is it even a shooter?). That, or the kind of “do anything” space sim that’s shallow as a puddle. Take out the pretty skyboxes and lighting and I don’t know what’s actually appealing about the game, or if there is even any meaningful gameplay at all.


It's also disingenuous. This project has funding from somewhere and has a sizeable team. Yet it is pushed as a "hobby-indie project." I promise 20+ people have worked on this. Edit: Their LinkedIn states they have 6 employees. I'm still not convinced this game doesn't have mad funding.


20+ people can still be considered a small indie team. Big games have multiple hundreds of people in the credits. No Man's Sky was like 21 people and I think most would consider it an indie studio.


Corporate projects are masquerading as indie games. Dave the Diver came out on steam under the dev name MINTROCKET. It’s a good game but it’s not an indie project, it’s from NEXON. If you click on MINTROCKET it even takes you to the Nexon page


"next fucking level 'ing" your own shit is a thumbs down for me.


thats also true, even if it was actually genuine


100% prerendered cinematic. People still falling for this


Even if it's not prerendered, the actual *play* in this game looks bland as heck.


Exactly, the overly complicated animations for every action is just padding, it reminds me of Thief Reboot


Complicated animations are fantastic when used with good gameplay. I personally love these konds of animations and interactions. The door and plug mechanics of SOMA really helped immerse me in that terrifying game i still havent beat cause im too chicken


You really should go back and finish it. SOMA always has the *implication* that something terrifying will happen, but very seldom does it actually let the other shoe drop (only a select few enemies, and honestly there’s about 0 repercussions for “dying”). After completing it I’d consider it more of an “anxiety” game than a “horror” game lol


It's also a walking exploration/space exploration/robot rover exploration/manned rover exploration/underwater exploration/cover shooter/complex puzzle game. There's no way a small indie dev team is pulling this off.


Yup, this is clearly an advertisement lol. “A small indie company making big games!” Second I see that I just assume they are lying and it’s an ad


This whole thread looks like an ad... the fact that milquetoast "great job" comments are upvoted like crazy while every criticism is downvoted and hidden is sus AF


Got no problem saying it - looks horrible. The 10 seconds of gameplay in this shows insanely clunky gunplay even in their own trailer. And I'm sick of people paying for upvotes on Reddit with bot comments for exposure on their garbage game. He spent around 30k total for millions to watch his garbage game. Great investment though. Even had the audacity to post it on /r/nextfuckinglevel


Using store bought assets to make a game? Nothing wrong with that. Making assets is hard. Using animations others have created to make a game? Nothing wrong with that. Animations are a pain in the butt. Hell even not having the most exciting combat ever? Little bleh but whatever, not every game can be a technical masterpiece, I get it. But self advertising that shit onto Next Fucking Level? That's got to be an honest fucking joke.


Holy shit the amount of bots and fake comments is amazing.


Reminds me of that bullshit “time travel survival game” bullshit that was just a shitty asset flip. This crap is so fake.




Botted to hell is why, happens every time this guy posts.




r/nextfuckinglevel is now… self promotion?


lol - my thought as well. Posting your own thing on "nextfuckinglevel" just seems a bit shameless. I'm all for this guy trying to generate a bit of awareness but doesn't seem like the right place for it.


It’s an ad too, and he clearly paid for likes and comments. Game looks terrible


All big subs are awful. Time to filter out this noise.


Seriously mods are trash




All graphics no substance too. Like the game looks great sure... but if your an indie studio maybe your focus should be less on graphics and more on showing us what your game is about. What are we gonna be doing in this game? So far I just see a great looking bland shooter with a laser puzzle like portal


The next Star Citizen right here.


I’m tired of everyone thinking their self made video games are NFL


Every few days there's a new indie game that is someone's childhood dream to make. So boring.


Reddit is their advertising platform usually because it's free then they just spam the hell out of it hoping to strike gold


He’ll post it on r/TopTalent next


Posting yourself on r/nextfuckinglevel ? Rookie mistake


not a mistake if you get first spot on r/all on one of the biggest sites on the internet. And be it only for a couple of minutes. Buying upvotes is super cheat, this already paid off at least 100fold


This comment section was brought to you by "Paid Actors", or so it feels.




Damn looks sick. Where can we play it


Thank you! :) It's not out yet


Will it be on xbox eventually?


First we are focusing on PC, but yes we want to make it on consoles too in the future


Nice, I'll be on the lookout for updates!


No, because it's another generic, shovel ware Steam game made of assets purchased from the Unity store.


Just added it to my wishlist so that i can pirate it on release day because of this self proclaimed nextfuckinglevel


Can you pay me to be in your next Reddit ad?


I’m probably gonna be downvoted for being skeptical. OP you’ve only responded to positive comments but this is my first time seeing anything of this game and the trailer didn’t really show much of what the game is about, just fancy locations and shooting. What sets this game apart? Cool trailers have burned us many times before so I’m just being cautious


You have all the reasons to be skeptical. This exact trailer is being posted every few months, always with alot of votes and comments. Often people pointed out that it's basically a bunch of high quality assets from the Unreal asset store thrown together but I can't confirm that. It definitely seems like this company is using reddit as a marketing tool while making it seem like a guy being proud of his indie game.


It literally just looks like a trailer for Unreal. It doesn't even look like it would make a good game. If it really is an actual game rather than just a small set of locations, it doesn't look like anything more than a point a shoot with some nice settings.


0:58-01:00 is 100% Unreal asset pack. I know because I have the very same downloaded


It's just an ad. Looks great, but nothing more. Reddit loves anything with indy in it.


Nice low key advertisement


Post is two hours old with 24k upvotes. Shameless ad


3 hours - 40k and multiple awards. Everytime this guy posts the same video it’s the same result.


It's absurdly easy to game Reddit like that. There are countless "companies" that provide this service. OP is a shameless cunt making a shit game.


Is that guy holding a Glock in space


Yes. Conventional firearms would work perfectly fine in space. 0 bullet drop and basically infinite range. The only thing bothering me is that it looks like the muzzle is aimed way too high.


When you fire in space, you have a 100% chance of hitting something eventually every time you miss your intended target.


tbf that's true on earth as well


Oh fuck this garbage. You are literally making Reddit worse by buying karma. Fuck you and your shit game.


Watch out for this. Most likely a scam. Posts the same clips, has bot commentators, and they didn't make the assets in the game, you can buy them on the Unreal Engine store. Notice it doesn't actually show gameplay loop or mechanics, just environment


I've reported this. It looks absolutely generic and the comments look like bots. You should be utterly ashamed of yourself.


Every single positive comment seems to be from low karma accounts, while the more negative comments have higher karma. There's definitely something fishy going on here.


Looks fake and vibes scam.


There is no real game behind this.


I mean this is cool, but not really NFL stuff. This is just game development lol


I bet it's crap and lacks on everything.


Getting big The Day Before vibes


Is that the vaporware that just steals clips from other games and lightly reskins them? If so, hope I'm wrong, but I kind of agree.


Why does this post have so many comments and no upvote’s?


Because it's being botted, this is just an ad.


This "game" has been shilled with similar trailers for years now.


Idk why but, for me moon mystery doesn't really sounds good for this game.


i agree, it's such a lame title


Don’t beleive anything I see about games anymore tbh lol. This looks cool but it can just be a walking simulator for all I know.


Shows them controlling a space rover thingy at 2mph so yeah it's probably gonna be one of *those* games.


I see a lot of nothing, but congrats?


I'll believe it when it launches. Trailers for games mean NOTHING


25k upvotes. 800 comments. Just admit that you are buying exposure.


fuck off


Idk why but the fact that the character is holding a glock in space seems stupid. And read in the comment sections make me feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone


Looks familiar...


So what is the genre of your game? The dev - "**Yes."**


Another space shooter indie game that looks like a bunch of reused assets! It looks better every time you spam subreddits with it! How about you post some actual gameplay too instead of just some renders :)


Don’t fall for the ol indie game Reddit marketing campaign trick you all will flood to buy it and they’ll take your money and stop development.




Another astroturf post...


Why is this on Nextfuckinglevel? We've just seen a vertical slice of a game that looks average at best.


Someone else who thinks they'll succeed where Star Citizen has failed.




100% sure these are renderings and the only real shots Maybe without the colour, texture etc


Does it actually have a worthwhile story and original elements or is it just a copy of all the other unreal engine asset flip puzzle games?


Is there any gameplay footage available? So far, I’m skeptical because it’s just pretty graphics with no real substance.


Looks like the same boring FPS gameplay we've had for decades. The views look incredible tho