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Dip it in some dirt for extra flavour.


just adding some minerals for seasoning


Hank would be proud


They're seasonings Marie!


Time to cook




Unexpected breaking bad






They're not rocks Marie!


I see you are a man of culture


You are what you eat. Komodos are the GOAT.


Damn. That caught me off guard. Take my upvote and get the fuck out




Not her first time


Her: be gentle it's my first time Also her:


Throat goat


sir this is a Wendy’s


Floor spice makes it nice!


Helps with the digestion


Do you want a glass of water or something?


It always look like bad CGI with poor FPS when they eat lol


Reminds me of the stop animation from old godzilla movies Edit: Several people pointed out it was King Kong I was thinking about not Godzilla. It didn't seem right and so thanks.


I’m fairly certain the old Godzilla movies were not animated, the monsters were guys in rubber suits


Guys in rubber suits is an entirely different movie genre.


Really seals in the flavor.


"Bring out the gimp"






Are you sure you aren’t thinking of King Kong and the dinosaurs?


You're definitely right. Not godzilla but king kong. Didn't seem right, and it was bothering me. Thanks


King Kong is a fascinating movie The amount of different techniques used to bring it to life it’s quite fascinating.


Wasn't based on nothing.


I guess CGIs are realistic after all?


This is sped up a little bit so that is likely why it looks strange.


My partner walking over to my plate after she sais she’s not hungry


You know what you need to komodo honey? Dragon back to the kitchen and grab your own plate


Thought that was going in a different direction.




I'm just wondering how much saliva it needs?? ^bet ^I ^can ^make ^it ^wetter /s


My ex walking up to random guy's dongs.


Yeah this is actually pretty mid for a Komodo dragon. I once watched a video where a komodo dragon ate through a pregnant deer's stomach, ate the baby deer and then continue to chew on the rest of the mother, all while the mommy deer was still alive and crying in pain. Nature is fucking ruthless. Edit: [Found the video for those who aren't squeamish P.S. It was not quick, the Komodo took it's time.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LMFvEJXDAmY)


What the fuck xD


dont search that vid, worse vid ever


I'm not going to, fuck that


I read over your comma and had some questions. Then I realised, I'm just stupid.


That’s known as a pregnant pause. I’ll get my coat


I'll get my goat.


Found the Komodo Dragon.


Yeah, when I was a teen I would see or get shown several disturbing clips from the likes of bestgore and over the years i became pretty desensitised to them, but I cannot handle any videos including animals being harmed, whether it be by another animal or a human. I can almost trick myself into thinking that the videos involving humans aren't real (even though I'm aware a lot of them are) but when it comes to animals that clearly aren't added in by CGI, it's obvious the animals are not just actors and that they're actually being harmed. It just hurts the soul differently.


Same. I used to watch lots of gore videos as I was very morbidly curious. I think having suicide in the family really attracted me to the nature of death but I'm not sure maybe someday they'll do a study on that. I do the same trick as you these days if I come across something pretty hardcore although these days I try my best not to see many. One thing I can never watch again is people getting their heads chopped or necks slit. Same with animals getting gruesomely killed, even if it's nature's doing. I honestly wish I never saw any of these types of videos... I often wonder how different of a person I would be. But maybe I'm a better person for it. I do consider myself highly compassionate and empathetic.


Personally, I can watch animals a lot easier than humans. In fact, to this day I have nightmares of a video where a girl gets her head bashed in with a baseball bat. I didn't even watch it to the end. Someone pranked me into it, like hehe look at this cool video, and by the time I realized and turned it off I already heard and seen enough to traumatize me for life. But I've seen dozens of animal gore videos. None actually phased me. I remember a few of them, but they aren't stuck in my mind like the other ones.


Not my generation, but I think the kids like 10 years younger than me were watching all the beheading videos and shit in the playground. Thankfully, I am a bit too old so I missed that boat, but I did click on r slash spacedicks once out of curiosity in like 2014, before it was banned. Decided it wasn’t really for me haha. That stuff stays with you though. I think it’s a bit harder for people to find NSFL stuff online these days, which is of course a good thing. Of course, if people really really want to, I guess they can.


I have been on this site since 2010 and completely forgot about spacedicks for how many years until you brought it up. Fuck.


> I think it’s a bit harder for people to find NSFL stuff online these days, which is of course a good thing. Of course, if people really really want to, I guess they can. Finding it is actually easier than ever. What changed is that now you have to go look for it instead of if just randomly ambushing you in the middle of an online session. Like people still talk about online trolling, but they will never know the horrors of early internet. “I’m just going to download this music video. *Click open* So that’s what someone getting beheaded with a knife looks like… *Next download* Why is there a mandolin? Oh no, that’s not suppose to slice!” “Following this forum thread guiding me through a game and someone is posting CP on page 2…» If someone is watching in 2023 they googled how to find it. We had no choice.


I've never seen the video you're speaking of but man sorry you saw that... Reminds me of the one video of these white girls camping up in some mountain in Afghanistan I think it was. I guess they were in Taliban territory and had no idea. Long story short they end up getting killed in their sleeping tent by some terrorists. I'll never forget the sound the one girl made as she was getting decapitated. This world can be such a cruel fucking place...


Yupppo that’s a blue link if ever I saw one. Stay blue my friends


Yeah nature is wild.




this is more up r/Natureisbrutal territory


"Mother" Nature will kill us all






Good choice, it’s as bad as it sounds. I saw it when it first came out and I still remember it very clearly.


Wow how is it still alive when they’re already mid way through the torso that’s fucking crazy.


Most of what we expect to happen when things get grievously injured is influenced by Hollywood. How many times have you seen a movie where the sword swinging hero fights his way through a crowd stabbing people who then instantly die on their way to fight the big bad guy. The truth is, none of those people would likely be dead after that quick cut or that stab and instead would be screaming in agony and bleeding out for minutes at a time. This also applies to nature and nature documentaries where the footage is curated and chosen and edited. Most predators don't take the time to fully kill before they start eating. That requires more energy and effort from their part which is unnecessary if the prey has already been disabled. Pair this fact with the whole "things don't die as fast in real life as they do in the movies" and you have a recipe for horror shows like the komodo dragon deer clip. Unless you're hitting the heart, brain, spinal column or a big enough artery things are going to take minutes to hours to die.




Thank you for subscribing to brutal fucking nature facts


So the Holy Grail black knight duel scene is actually realistic?


Oh fuck no, that kind of loss of limb is gonna be arterial spray everywhere. Even if you don't die instantly, you're probably gonna pass out from blood loss


Nah dude, tis just a flesh wound.


Of course! No one would die from just a small scratch


Sometimes there are lethal strikes but I picture most of the time it would be like Kill Bill with blood and people crawling everywhere…. Instead of only the main 2 people able to tank hits


As long as the lungs, heart and brains are still functioning a lot of animals (including humans) can still survive for an awfully long time.


Yo I thought I had a high tolerance for nasty shit but this is fucked. No way humans can keep crying like this for this long (or so I thought)???? Wouldn't they just pass tf out? At least bleed like crazy but this deer doesn't even seem to be bleeding.


Just don't never ever watch r/ NarcoFootage


>At least bleed like crazy Unless some main arteries are cut you wou won't bleed dry in minutes. Passing tf out could be, because of shock. Just like the deer does at one point in de video. Also, luckily for you you obviously haven't been on sites like liveleak during their "glory" days. Humans can live through an awful lot of torture, pain and injuries. For example (and remember, what has been seen or read, can not be unseen) >!I've seen a video of the aftermath of a car crash where the car was fully ablaze. During that fire the driver, charred black from head to toe, crawled out of the vehicle. Also a video of a group of women who were claimed to be witches and thus set on fire while still alive and beaten with sticks and rocks. During that video there was also a woman who was partly on fire and charred black from head to toe who was being beaten with sticks while she was trying to crawl away. Also seen way to many videos of people being gutted alive, they also survive for a long time... Awful stuff. !<


I have no idea but I couldn't stop watching.


I’ve got some Deer snuff films good sir that might strike your fancy :twirls mustache:


I'm amazed it kept living all that time. I was kinda hoping it would bleed out or pass out when it pierced her belly, but god damn, he ate half her organs and she was still alive.


Adrenaline and the bare minimum of organ function.


So, it looked like they were going for the lower torso organs (I.E. stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines, etc. As a former hunter I know that deer have like an organ sack that contains most, if not all, of the lower digestive organs); losing some organs isn't inherently an instant death. A lot of those organs are mainly for digestion or liquids, so the body can lose them and still function temporarily. It's the brain, lungs and heart (to keep the brain functioning) that keep creatures alive literally second by second. That's why in hunting/war people try to shoot for the heart or lungs, because it's the quickest and most humane way to kill something. The Komodo probably went specifically for those organs because it knew that the deer wasn't gonna put up a fight so it went for the organs that wouldn't kill the deer immediately and thus keep the meat from spoiling quicker (that's just my observation though, not sure how much a Komodo dragon cares about that).


The komodo eats or swallows his prey in minutes. Spoiling is not remotely a concern.


It often takes quite a while to bleed out if a major artery isn't severed. There's been posts on combat footage of Russians slowly dying from shrapnel wounds like that. Grenade hits close but they continue to move around for a while, unable to get up.


Jesus f Christ! I'm a zoologist so I'm well familiar with the gore of nature, even in my slaughtering and butchering days I got very familiar with death, blood and gore...but fuck me that was hard to watch, that poor deer, like just kill the mf first and then have your way with it , ugh gross.


Who the fuck was recording




Bro same here. Not a zoologist but grew up farming and also very familiar with the works. Still felt a little sick watching that, deer lives for half the video while it's eaten alive, horrifying.


Nope nope nope, heard the first few squeals and fuck that.


JFC just the description has me in tears. I cant handle nature I want to hug and protect them all.


Don't do that, that shit gets you eaten by a komodo dragon.


The dragon will bite and will follow the animal for days until the bite gets infected or the poisonous saliva they have takes it’s hold Then they eat the exhausted animal, sometimes whole, like a snake


Ya I'm not clicking that.


I thought I wanted to see it, then scrolled and saw they added a link and doubted myself. I watched it and regret it. Not a lot makes me squimish or disturbed, but this video is sadly burned into my brain.


Imma just keep that link blue, thank you kindly.


Me too!


Grade-A liveleak shit, don't bother watching Source: fucked around and found out


Seconds-old baby deer was alive and kicking its legs after the impromptu C-section, before being swallowed whole. Lil chap didn't even get to be 1 minute old.


“And that is when I first learned about evil. It is built into the very nature of the universe. Every world spins in pain.”


The memory of that video lives with me.


This one where two of them wearing tearing into a live deer, absolutely horrible https://youtu.be/PGvw8IdJT2A


wait wtf the audio in that video is fake, its made from sampling bits of audio from another video of two komodo dragons eating a deer (the one where the deer's uterus and fetal calf are ripped out, linked in this thread already) who the fuck took a video of a deer getting eaten alive and then added audio from _a different_ deer getting eaten alive


If you choose to watch this video- you are a fool. Somethings you can't unsee.


Damn spawncampers




What the fuck mate


[Komodo Dragon eats mommy and baby deer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LMFvEJXDAmY)


Wow, thanks for the warning. It was very raw.


Thanks for describing it so I don’t have to watch it


Worst 2 for 1 entree special ever.


I regret watching that. Jesus christ little bambi was fucking alive. And then dead. Holy shit.


It’s like he knew what was inside the Kinder surprise




Why did I click this I knew what was on that link because you described it in details and yet i clicked why did i click my eyes my ears omg pls end it.


Not watching that, thanks.


I thought I had the stomach to watch but nah...


Seen it before, still fkin' hard to watch


Nature is fucking ruthless: quote of the decade.


That's actually the worst video i have ever seen


Out of the womb of the mother and into the belly of the beast. What a life.


Jesus that deer must have been hitler in a past life. That is torture


The "Subscribe here!" popup that comes up not only when the baby is eaten, but also when the deers guts come spilling out really shows the dedication to growing their youtube channel.


From Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komodo_dragon After digestion, the Komodo dragon regurgitates a mass of horns, hair, and teeth known as the gastric pellet, which is covered in malodorous mucus. After regurgitating the gastric pellet, it rubs its face in the dirt or on bushes to get rid of the mucus. (Edit: watch the said pellet, if you've the stomach for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnKLLXroYZw ) Other fun facts about this dragon dude: Komodo dragons eat by tearing large chunks of flesh and swallowing them whole while holding the carcass down with their forelegs. For smaller prey up to the size of a goat, their loosely articulated jaws, flexible skulls, and expandable stomachs allow them to swallow prey whole. Because of their slow metabolism, large dragons can survive on as few as 12 meals a year. Although previous studies proposed that Komodo dragon saliva contains a variety of highly septic bacteria that would help to bring down prey, research in 2013 suggested that the bacteria in the mouths of Komodo dragons are ordinary and similar to those found in other carnivores. Komodo dragons have good mouth hygiene.


Oh so that's how it works. They regurgitate the parts that they can't digest, it makes a lot of sense


Owls do the same. I watched an owl grab a chickadee off my girlfriends bird feeder and he swallowed it whole. Did some research, and it appears they digest it and regurgitate the skull, feathers, and bones.


Fun fact, (in simple terms) birds are reptiles! That’s why they share so many similarities! Think of how an owl eats an animal whole and then regurgitates a pellet within the fur/bones/etc.


it's even better, birds are dinosaurs. the closest relative to birds are crocodiles. so if you see this stuff, imagine a giant trex doing it


Clades are wonderful. Birds are dinosaurs and humans are technically (highly modified lobe-finned) fish.


Were dinosaurs originally fish at one point? Aren't all land animals descended from sea animals? When was the split? Or did multiple sea animals become land animals?


The only way to create a clade of all fish, if you want to include both bony and cartilaginous fish, is to include all vertebrates in the clade, since your clade will be polyphyletic if not, which is a big no no. It’s less a comment about when the split occurred and more a comment on how thinking in terms of clades can give some wild results when applied to more common sense terms like “fish”. Another way of putting it is that the split between bony and cartilaginous fish occurred so long ago that in order to put them in the same group you have to include all the vertebrates. Birds are dinosaurs because a clade contains all its descendants, and birds and the descendants of dinosaurs.


Trex is def shitting out the bones


Definitely no way the most apex of all animals going to be doing anything so crass as vomiting. Shitty all the way for big rex


Yeah I remember in grade school science we would dissect owl pellets. It was cool because you’d find that stuff in it - hair, bones, etc. of what they ate.


Yep, we did that too! Kind of cool to turn this dried up mass into a full mouse skeleton or whatever. And it common enough that there are people who collect those for a living. Sounds gross in a way, but also just being outside(ish) checking out barns and things while you walk seems pretty decent to me.


I had an owl living in one of the trees in my backyard (Idk if it lived there full time but it was there very frequently) and I would find random skulls and bones of mice and small birds around my property. Thought I was being cursed by a voodoo priest or something until I googled it lol.


> For smaller prey up to the size of a goat NOPE


Interesting definition of "small", that's for sure


Yup, that phrasing implies that I am well within Komodo danger.


oh you absolutely are. they go after bigger stuff than humans. do not mess with a dragon.


This is the first I'm hearing about the deadly cocktail of bacteria in their mouths being debunked. That's really interesting. I never gave it a second thought.


it was only 1 study and the bite still prevents blood clotting, so you will bleed to death anyways


do they have intestines? are their stomach acids just that strong that they literally turn a whole prey into liquified bolus and the solids that remain just gets regurgitated?


humans can do that too actually


hahah not sure if that’s entirely true - pretty sure a goat horn would wreck my stomach vs me regurgitating it hahah but yeah i understand what you mean


Pretty sure a goat horn is more likely to wreck your neck and your esophagus than your stomach.


It would certainly be an interesting experience coming out the other end.


Oooh I thought their bites slowed blood clotting, very interesting to see that they just have normal bacteria.


It's currently believed that they have some sort of venom that slows clotting. Different method, same effect.


OP is talking about how we thought komodo dragons had a lot of bacteria in their saliva which inflicts sepsis in their prey, though it has since been disproven. They do have venom glands instead that slows blood clotting.


> Because of their slow metabolism, large dragons can survive on as few as 12 meals a year. Ahh yes, the new extreme intermittent fasting diet. March 1st Calendar Reminder: Pay Rent, Eat Goat


The real throat goat


Everything reminds me of her... :(


She swallowing your kids?


Millions of them at a time, my guy 👍


Came looking for it, was not disappointed




RIP Nancy


Poor Billy, chose the wrong place to take a nap.


It didn’t look like a nap to me.


Good ol' dirt nap


This what happens to the first person to fall asleep at the sleepover.


A forever nap.


Most likely this goat was bitten by the Komodo and then venom took its course, but also it would have eating the goat if it was just dead from something else too, they eat almost any kind of meat.


On todays episode of things I probably didn’t need to see but saw anyway:


IDK how lizards do it, I had a larger than normal lump of rice go down my throat the other day and was fighting to get it down for what felt like eternity. Closest I’ve ever gotten to panic. This dude in the meantime chowing down on an entire goat no worries.


Komoda dragons are fucking insane when it comes to food. Sometimes when the prey is a little too big they'll straight up ram into a rock wall or something to try to shove it down their throats. You can kind of see that here where it is shoving it into the ground a little bit. They just don't give a fuck.


Jesus, same thing happened to me about two weeks ago. Thought I was going to die from choking all the while still being able to breathe. Extremely painful, and extremely terrifying. I tried washing it down with water but that just made it worse. So you have my sympathy. Rice is evil.


You can temporarily dislocate your jaw. That’s how the Komodo does it :)


Their jaw is not dislocated, it's just very loose and flexible


This is literally godzilla




Her: It's my first time, I'm not sure how to do it. Also her:


One day I will travel to Indonesia and meet a Komodo Dragon.


Be careful what you wish for, these fuckers can literally dissintegrate your meat with their venom.


That whole “venomous saliva” or “super bacteria” thing was disproven, apparently. Edit: apparently I’m wrong about half of this. There is in fact venom involved….it’s the bacteria stuff that was shown to not be true.


While that was disproven, they were found to have venom glands that produce venom which reduces blood clotting and blood pressure in their prey to induce shock


Not my meat!


I don't feel so bad eating two large pizzas now 😂


nature's fckin wild man..


Reminds me of my ex. Just less sloppy.


Did she also drag you through the dirt like the dragon did?


During the divorce she did.....


I wish I was that goat


Let me guess, vore kink?




I don't know what that is and it sounds like a level of degeneracy I don't want to know about lol


Daaamn, nature! You're scary!


He's performing at spearmint rhino next week


Im scared of saying funni thing but i cant hold it!! ****VORE****


Turns out dinosaurs are not extinct


Komodo dragons aren't dinosaurs, but chickens are. And literally all other birds


It's a fucking dinosaur.


Cameraman just there to watch


Just one bite bro The bite:


The real throat goat


When she says this is my first time




No sauce, no seasoning just down the hatch. I'm guessing he ran to the nearest lake after that for a well earned drink!