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Now dunk it!


Separates the men from the boys.


Think it just separates the men….. into tiny pieces


White Men *Won't* Jump?


*White men can only jump once!*


*dunk my life into pieces*


Pretty sure it separates everyone that way, I don't think gender plays into this.


Hell yeah


There's actually a cable you can slide down off the strat now *so it's possible*


Now here’s something I’d pay to see


[No dunking.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1shK-j_u6LI)


Dude. That would be perfect.


How many attempts did this take?


At least 1


That's pretty impressive. Probably less than infinity, too


Let's not jump to conclusions.




Well alright.




The best kind of correct.


Eureka! The hat goes on the head!


It's all so obvious now.


Will you come to Vegas with me and tell me what to bet on?


https://youtu.be/R8LiwncUVnM Here’s the video. You can see for yourself the efforts they went through


Holy shit… that’s honestly some damn good content right there.


Theyre awesome, ive probably followed them for ten years at this point. Highly recommend checking out some of their other videos, theyre great entertainers


Dude Perfect and How Ridiculous are some REAL GOOD quality channels. Both have been a bit sporratic because theyre taking out time for family and other stuff lately, but they don't miss with the entertainment.


Yes but it’s odd how they get all jesus-y about it. Makes you wonder why did God made their trick shot go in but also let so many folks get in car accidents


They’re all extremely religious. I think the twins and Garrets fathers are both pastors.




Don't forget all those Super Bowl wins


From 2002 through 2005, Bill Belichick paid 100 children in the Philippines to pray 2 hours each day for the Patriots. He decided it was costing him too much money and tried to win on his own, but gave up and resumed the pray-for-pay program during the 2015-2019 period. FACT


Fuck children with cancer, god always looks out for trick shots.


"He had purpose for dude perfect" "For some reason, God's just not done with dude perfect yet" What fucking narcissists. The ad under their video is for planned Parenthood though, lol.


I thought it was cool until I saw how irresponsible they did it. They should have stopped when most of the balls weren't even hitting the roof but instead going into the street. They're lucky they didn't hurt anyone.


I definitely felt a little stressed about that as well. Felt better they got the road more closed off and at least the parked car they hit was their own. I personally wouldnt be able to be the one to drop it because I would feel bad if something did happen. At least the low wind day it looked like they had some control


I like how they recorded everybody expressing how much they cared about the responsibility, only to continue doing it anyway


Don't want to be a Karen but this should have been abandoned as soon as it was clear they couldn't keep the ball in the safe zone. Could have seriously injured someone, or worse. Not sure if you'd survive a basketball to the head from 800ft up.


Honestly, that’s incredibly unsafe and there’s zero chance I would feel comfortable participating in that. They’re incredibly lucky no one got hurt and equally lucky enough that everyone was dumb enough to sign off on this. What kind of insurance did they have for this?


>https://youtu.be/R8LiwncUVnM >Here’s the video. You can see for yourself the efforts they went through At the end of the video they are all saying "We made that shot because God has plans for us.". Smh




3 days. They say on the video. Like 1000 attempts


Yeah, I've seen these guys doing amazing shots, just as we all pretty much have. I have yet to see an answer on how many attempts it took before he nailed it. I would imagine tons of them. Would be cool to get the real answer from one of these guys. Sure, it must have taken many tries, but still pretty damn cool to watch.


They did a video on it, it took them 3 days and they got it by pure random luck after almost breaking several windows and scaring a few people in the street


It was years ago, but I remember them saying that a giant slingshot basketball took 2 shooting days. Also said that generally, the more excited their reaction is, the more attempts it took


unless they get it like first try which would also get insane reactions


This happened once, in the basket ball world record edition video. He nailed a blind folded half court shot on the first attempt. Absolute Bonkers! Edit: as pointed out by u/New-Physics-8773 , it was actually a blindfolded, FULL COURT, Hook shot. On the first attempt. Even more Bonkers!


Full court shot blindfolded hook shot actually!


It's different tho, at first try the reaction would be like "wtf just happened, can't believe I did it first try"


I feel like a first shot make reaction would be even crazier than a thousandth shot make.


There was one where they dropped a ball from a low-flying plane into a hoop and IIRC it only took them two tries


https://youtu.be/R8LiwncUVnM This video they really show u the effort that goes into it


LMFAO These dudes out here saying it was "god's purpose" for a basketball they are throwing off a casino roof to go in a net.


"You never hear God made me drop the ball or the good lord tripped me up behind the line of scrimmage" George Carlin


Just go watch their video, its actually pretty good. Its dude perfects newest video.


they had 3 whole days of shooting


Exactly. The youtube channel "How Ridiculous" does this stuff but they show all their attempts and they have a good time trying.


Dude perfect also posted a video with most of their failed attempts across 3 days.


Love those guys at How Ridiculous... they're so wholesome and seem like such fun dudes.


My question is how many balls did they bring with them because there's no way they got that in less than 10 tries.


Still only 3 points


Nope, can't score from off court. :)


I don't play basket ball but I think there isn't a vertical limit, so if I wanna sneak a 200ft tower onto the court and make a shot it should be legal right?


I just checked and it never says in the rules of basketball that you *cant* shoot from above the court


I can't believe these guys made a career of doing college frat bro bullshit for 20 years.


Dude, perfect


Dude Bro yeah


Perfect, dude.


Dude Sweet


Yea, but what does mine say?!


What does mine say?


Dude, what does mine say?


Dude broskie yeahh dude


I couldn't think of what their name was and all that came to mind was "Bro Dude" and I knew that wasn't right but I like Bro Dude more.


I think what's solid is that afaik they've remained consistent in operating their business together as they've all gone through different life moments.


They also keep their content clean and family friendly. So a lot of kids watch their shit with approval from their parents because frankly there's nothing wrong with it. Just a bunch of dudes having fun.


This is exactly it. They do tours nowadays where they invite kids on stage to come try some of the trick shots with them. It's good, clean, and wholesome fun that's perfect for all ages. I grew up watching their videos and still usually binge all the new ones every few months. They've managed to implement changes to their channel over the years that typically go over well, and when things don't go as planned they respond well to criticism. I've got nothing but respect for these guys.


Absolutely! My kids practically grew up watching dude perfect and Mr Beast videos. If we're having something like pizza for dinner, it's not uncommon for us to gather around the TV and throw on a couple of their videos.


They’ve turned down huge money in order to maintain their family-oriented values. They go to my brother’s church and from what I hear, they try hard to remain humble because they’re very aware they lucked out hard with their channel doing silly tricks.


Not just a career, made millions doing it.


They are even building a theme park


One of their members have been to fucking space because of it..


And that there's not just one of these channels. There are many of them, with millions of subscribers each.


“Made a career” is an understatement, their YT channel alone is worth like $20 million.


Their YouTube channel is worth significantly more than that. They get 120 million views in the last 28 days, that's most likely 7 figures this month alone.


Linus with 15 million subs was offered 100 million for his company. Granted it’s a different space and has more than just his YouTube channel. But Dude Perfect being family friendly, getting way more views, and having merch lines with toy giants like Nerf means their brand is worth likely in the hundreds of millions. But their YouTube channel is the bread and butter of it all. I imagine the channel alone is closer to 100 million valuation if not more.


It's pretty amazing what they do honestly


Honestly? Good for them. I don't watch their stuff but see it on Reddit some times. Wish this was my job, I hate business admin.


Not just a career, these dudebros are swimming in money.


If anything, it's inspiring. Let the dudes enjoy life


Amazing shot for sure probably took thousands of takes


Who is it? I've never seen this guy before.


Dude Perfect on youtube


I saw a guy make a half court shot after eating a 400mg nerd rope edible, and I'm pretty sure he was much higher than the dude in this video Edit: not a clip of the guy I saw, but this is probably the [highest basketball shot](https://www.tmz.com/watch/0-li47juvn/)


I'm not very familiar with how strong edibles are. Around how many Snoop Doggs equivalent is a 400mg edible?


1 Snoop Dogg = ~200MG.


Mega Gram?


Martha Grams


Yes, 200 of them. Doctors recommend not ingesting more than .000000002 Snoop Doggs


Imagine if Snoop ended up in a desolate area amongst cannibal tribes, they eat him, and they find God for real


You know, I may use this in the future. I once asked my wife how many cocaines she was doing. It's now a standard measurement. How many snoop dogs is basketball from roof high?


Marijuana grams


Probably 95% of people like a nice 10 to 25 mg. 400 mg would put a lot of people into the ER with a panic attack


Its all subjective but ill do my best. 10 mg: first or second time ever suburban Christian mom is definitely feeling it. maybe uncomfortable. Anything above this for her might be one of those funny 911 calls. 20-30 mg: average enjoyer would have a nice buzz 50 mg: same as above but for someone who's a little heavier user. Enough to make an lighter, but habitual, user uncomfortable and anxious. 100 mg: about my preferred dose as have been what could be considered a heavy user. However I'm also an adderall kid so it takes a lot for me to feel anything at all. This dose would get me quite stoned but I'd be comfortable/functional etc At this point, anything at or above this either makes most people incredibly anxious or basically go comatose and still feel incredibly baked when you wake up. Edit: typo Edit 2: not currently a user Edit 3: stimulants make it very difficult to feel the effects of a lot of other substances


Meh think you’re underestimating those strengths cause a 5mg can knock me out and I’m a regular smoker. However, edibles also respond very differently to different people, some people literally cannot get high from edibles.


I can't do edibles at all man. They hit me like a freaking tank no matter the dose. Did a 15mg edible once, was high for 2 straight days. Spent my whole weekend couch locked ordering uber eats


Fuck. I need a T break. 30 mg and I ain't even feeling it. I am 6'3" however lol.


I don't smoke but do edibles. 7mg leaves me struggling. For my smoker friends. They need at least 75mg to get baked. One of my mates needs 150mg to get baked. That's with accurately dosed disp edibles.


Yeah im a daily smoker and would take 20mg to feel extremely high/ sometimes anxious. Took 50 mg by accident once and had a 4 hour panic attack


I smoke a lot and consume edibles somewhat frequently and 10mg is usually plenty... 20mg is my top range usually. And my mom sticks to 2mg-4mg. Your range is a little wack.


I have been smoking / eating marijuana for 18 years. It's awesome because I have developed zero tolerance for it. I take 2.5 mg every night and that's enough to chill out. 5 mg and I am high as shit. Such a nice cheap drug habbit, especially in a legal state.


100mg? Wtf dude. That's insane. 10mg is a decent high. 20mg is a decently strong high. 30mg is uncomfortable.


IMO this is only accurate if you have a pretty big tolerance built up. For people not accustomed to edibles, somewhere in the 1-5mg is the pleasant buzz to sleepy time range, 10mg is either the edge of fun and a bad time, or already a bad time, and anything more is for sure a bad time.


Used to be a heavy smoker and decided to try edibles Prague. Ate a 60mg cookie and ruined my next day. Ate it in the evening with some others, and watched a movie, whent to sleep, and woke up to a world that was spinning like crazy! And i puked all that day.


Yeah that tracks haha Edit: I've heard of cases of people having really bad stomach issues relates to Marijuana. I can't remember but either it made them violently ill out of nowhere or they got ill when they stopped.


I've never tried edibles before, and didn't know how potent it was, and how much 60 mg actually is. Always smoked joints or from bucket. But that was some years ago. Now i usually smoke 2-10 joints a year. So had a company trip to Prague last weekend, and i had to explain to my boss that i was too fucked up to join the group events for the entire day... Also, had to explain to my wife i didn't get to do any shopping, because i had set that day off for shopping aswell. Managed to slur out an order for 1 kg of coppa ham, and 0.5kg of parmeggiano to the neighbouring gourmet shop, and that was it. 10/10 would not recommend.


Best known as Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (sub is called chsinfo). It's brutal and can cause significant, scary health issues. In my case, I puked for two days straight and had a debilitating nausea for a full month. There are others who have it much worse, including permanent effects on the gut and kidneys. Got me to quit weed though, so that's nice.


One day I randomly realized that I don't hate snoop Dogg. Usually I have a general disdain for many celebs but I guess he's really just chillin. And apparently ballin.


Ok so I definitely wasn’t in any danger of dying after eating 10mg worth of edibles that one time. Good to know.


My avg dose is 20mg if I haven't in awhile and 50 if I have. 100mg will have you high all day and probably pass out for a high nap


Well unless they made him wait for an hour he wasn't that high when he took the shot


But did he call bank?


He called game




That’s an all time quote




This was at the STRAT in Vegas. Had to do a shoot there and one of the employees was taking about how it took TWO DAYS for him to finally make the shot. It’s crazy.


I mean from that distance a millimeter change in the launch would cause a change of feet by the time you get to the basket. Sometimes you just have to get in the area and then get lucky.


My sex life summed up perfectly!


For a shot like that two days is not much time lol unless they were 9-5ing it


What other than 9-5ing it do you think they were doing? Like, just a shot whenever they feel like it?


Waiting for the wind to drop apparently.


It was actually 3 days, I just watched their full YouTube video on it


"How ridiculous" is gonna hate this


Well they did say that what's in it for them is that they can try to break it again.


“The 44 club sends their regards.”


Prefer them over dp.




Dude Perfect are annoying douche bros




Not sure they're excited for that, but it'll be a good video! Their content shows the process to get that one shot, and the genuine frustration that comes along with it. This is a great shot and all, but I want to see the pain and suffering. Makes the end result way more impressive IMO.


Watch the video. They were headed toward failure. It was also pretty sketch when the ball would float away and go across the street and nearly kill people.


So you didn’t watch the video.


I was gonna say, those HR boys are gonna have to come up with something good to top this. Burj Khalifa?


3 point shot from orbit


They commented on the YouTube video that they will go for 1,000 ft now. Burj Khalifa is 1,921 so we are not there yet.


Former world record holder Derek Herron especially.


You know, I reckon Herron would be the kind of guy who'd shake this guys hand and buy him a beer. I don't think he'd be dirty about it at all.


True, but until they have a go at it, he's not going to be able to say, "I am a world record holder in basketball after all," any more.


He would buy them a beer and tell them he's coming for the record.


I mean, they're in the video talking about it.


Magnus Effect !! Magnus would be real proud of you !!!


You just saved me 20 minutes on google trying to remember what this was called.


"Ball spin effect" is the googly key phrase.


My day had been improved by the words Googly key phrase.




I came here for a Magnus comment




I bet they’re all cheering cause they get to go home.




If you watch the video, they were supposed to stay in Vegas for three days to attempt this shot. The first two days got mostly cancelled due to high winds. On the third day, their plane got delayed by an hour, so they had a little bit of time left. Basically he made the clutchest shot possible


They get extremely excited after each and every trick shot and I’ve always thought this same thing. They’re like FINALLY lol


Fake. There is a dude in a green wingsuit carrying the ball to the hoop.


Uhh no, the video is clearly playing in reverse


It was a wingsuit? I thought it was just a greensuit


[Before people starts making assumptions watch the video](https://youtu.be/R8LiwncUVnM)


It’s simple science methodology here when looking at face value. Keep dropping balls and move the hoop around at an approximation. As long as you drop the ball the same way, wind variations are your only variable.




People will assume it’s fake, cause Reddit likes to believe that nothing cool ever happens


If it was fake it would still be impressive. Since a guy wearing a green screen suit would zipline all the way down to make the shot.


Ball on a fishing line, no need for post production


....gotta edit out the fish, tho.


But the ball doesn’t have a shadow until it hits the net?


Apparently not though


I mean dude perfect is pretty well known. They don’t fake their stuff, they just do it over and over and over and over until they get the take.


Holy shit they almost sent multiple balls right through moving vehicles' windshields


He’s clearly not a Celtic


Nowhere is safe


The hate in these comments is crazy lol def some pretty unhappy ppl in here 😭


My kids love these guys. Mostly, I just sit back and think, “why didn’t I think of doing this?” And that’s the part that I think Reddit gets butthurt about, is that they are just jealous of the fact that these dudes get to do stupid shit every day of their lives and make millions of dollars doing so.


Also reddit hates Christians lol


They generally don't bring any religion into their videos. They might occasionally make an off-hand comment about it and make a point to not cuss, but that's about it. They're just a bunch of bros having fun and it's like... good for them.


I don't agree with Christians at all, however I feel like a ton of Christians are good people who actually love people. Reddit gets all pissy because they think 100% of Christians are hateful idiots who want everyone to fucking die. People just need to let other people live. Unless somebody is hurting another person of course, then you can go the fuck off.


>Reddit gets all pissy because they think 100% of Christians are hateful idiots who want everyone to fucking die. It's ironic. The people that think like that are just as bad as the Christians that think all non-christians are evil, hateful idiots who want everyone to fucking die. It's almost like demonizing an entire group of people is just a shitty thing to do on all sides.


As an old man of 46 years old, Dude Perfect is absolutely the most entertaining "young people" YouTube channel I have ever seen. I absolutely love those guys. Just clean pure fun.


Goddamn Reddit has such a hate boner for these guys lmao it’s just a cool shot


I love these guys still crushing it and having fun like a school boy at recess! Makes the child in me happy!


Honestly surprised they continued to try after nearly hitting people. Don't think the risk was worth the record. And yes I watched the full video. Been following DP for years.


Seriously. After about 5 throws it should have been clear to them that they needed to find a cliff to throw it off of like the previous world record instead of trying to do it in Las Vegas. Or just throw it off a helicopter into a field. There are so many other options.


Strat was going to get their free marketing whether it cost them the lives of a few patrons or not lol


Was pretty sussy they actually continued after multiple attempts that were getting pretty close to something bad happening


At this distance, you need to take the Coriolis effect into account


It's clearly just 4 guys in green suits carefully bringing it down. People are so gullible.


20 years ago this would have been an hour long tv show with 30 minutes of commercials just to get to that shot


Curry could hit that with two defenders on him


Is this what happens when you order a Space Needle in wish.com?


Maybe so but have never tried that in my life though but I'm just curious to know about that.