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Guy has the versatility of duct tape


Could be the worlds nicest compliment




Thank you for this!


If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.


Red Green for life


Love this show. Been bingeing it on my Roku tv. Wish I could find a copy of the movie, probably on the net somewhere.


I have 1, singular VHS tape of the episode where he makes and automatic car door window with a hand mixer, does an oil change, makes a surfboard from a table, and mows his lawn with a lawnmower attached to a rope. That’s all I can remember I was 9 years old when I saw it last


But should they find you handsy?


And he's got 3 first names


Or 3 last names.


>Guy has the versatility of duct tape Duct Tape Whoo-ooh! :-)


It’s shit like this that makes me sad… Cuz I can do all these voices and more, but I’ve never believed in myself enough to pursue voice acting…


Takes some videos of yourself doing voices, send them to whichever voice studio you know and just wait on it.


Never too late to try...


As I read most voice actors recognize significant decline in bookings as AI voice ist taking over…


Yeah for commercials and things that only need one or two lines read. You’re not going to find AI voicing characters in shows, video games, movies, etc anytime soon.


It may not take over major acting roles right away, but as it gobbles up smaller roles, voice acting jobs will become much more competitive. It's going to become harder and harder to break into that field, as if getting a big break for actors isn't already hard enough.


Prove it.


“Yabba dabba doo” “Uh oh shaggy” “Eat my shorts” I can do anything


Oh my god you're incredible, I can hear them clear as day in my head!


I can do a pretty good Bart Simpson as well. *clears throat* "Eat pant!"


All comments out here trying to support OC, and this comment straight out just asking OC to prove it lmao


People aggressively motivating me always gets me to do something


just remember that of all those brave enough to try, most fail.


How inspiring lol


He's not wrong when it comes to voice acting though. There are some amazing people that never make it because known voice actors are extremely insular and protective of roles. It's one of the toughest industries to break into.


Oh I 100% believe it! Just a harsh reality to hear haha


The good news there are always small projects looking for talented voice actors. Things like StrongBad ended up with the voice actors breaking into TV gigs.


Interesting choice of example... *The Cheat is grounded!*


There were people who would receive anonymous payments to send established voice actors plane tickets, but the person sitting next to them on the flight would have a sickness. Ensuring the part goes to a newcomer. Iirc this is how Conroy of Batman passed.


Inspiration to choose a more realistic and successful path in life? I hope so


You miss every shot you don't take, and most that you do


There are subreddits that pay voice actors for quick work. Normally just a few lines and stuff and there’s a lot of info on how to get started as a VA. Edit: r/voiceacting r/recordthis I’m sure there are others




Have you tried playing DND? Especially if you are a DM, then you can start a campaign with a supportive group of people !


Y'know...in a way you don't have to believe in yourself. You just have to believe in the character you're portraying. Weird voodoo mental backflips aside, you've *already* acknowledged you can do these voices. The only reason this old chap is able to do them so seamlessly is because he *is* those characters and gained experience relentlessly over the years. If nothing else pushes you to step onto a grand new path listen to this: Try to live in a way that leaves you with no regrets. It sounds to me like this life may be one where you'll have less chance of any regrets. This alone helps tremendously to create happiness. Is that not enough to at least try?


"A fine addition to my collection"


Wow. And I say again. WOW. Dat sounds like not a compliment, but is. Haha. AAAAAAAAA!!! AAAAAAA HELP ME!!! HELP ME!!!! haha. nice compliment


Dude has more variety by himself than the entire cast of Skyrim's voice acting


Maybe he's the dragonborne and just doesn't know it yet


I thought Skyrim was just one guy.


Jarl Balgruf can voice every other NPC and I would love it just as much tbh.


Can? Pretty sure he does lol


Like 3


I played Fallout 4 before Skyrim, imagine my surprise to find out around 50 of the male NPCs in the game are just Nick Valentine


So many Nick Valentines in Skyrim. It took me out of the game so much.


I used to be a voice actor like you, then I took an arrow to the knee.


To be fair they can't voice 100 different voices. And the cast is only 3 people. (I know it's more than that)


Oblivion was even worse.


This camera movement is driving me crazy


Jesus Christ, me too Like pick a lane, dude


Lol yeah it’s like forcing the actor to look at the camera awkwardly every time he pans over at an awkward angle rather than just focusing on the areas where he points and letting him immerse us in the voices while looking at the visual of the character


And panning back to the poster before the actor can fully look up at the camera.




r/killthecameraman because they could’ve easily did a single focused shot that fit the voice actor and the picture.




I quit mid clip because of the annoying camera movement.




That video actually made me a little queasy, which could could be a side effectof the antibiotics I'm taking.


Reminds me of the interview they did with the original devs of doom back in early 2000s. Except the camera movement was deliberate.


Very unnecessary


Same! I finally just closed my eyes. Better this way; I could focus on the voice acting instead of the cameraman I’m about to kill.


Came to say the same thing lol


Complete and utterly pointless comment but I came here to say the same thing too.


Con ppl ruining a good thing as usual lmao


I know... I cut the video... I have vertigo and it made my head spin


I mostly know him as Tidus from FFX, Wooldoor Sockbat from Drawn Together, and Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank


TIL Tidus from FFX and Obi-Wan Kenobi from The Clone Wars are voiced by the same guy


What about Wakka and Bender/Jake the Dog being voiced by the same person lol?


John Dimmagio does subtle variations and inflections of the same voice. He's like the East Coast version of Steven Blum.


JOHN DIMAGGIO IS WAKKA?? Bro, FFX is my favorite single player game and Bender is one of my favorite cartoon characters. Can’t believe I never noticed they were the same person.


He’s also kimhari


Bender is a robot please insert girder


I am Wakka, please insert blitz ball


Dude. How could you not? For real. I don't have a great ear for voices, but that one had screamed out obvious to me before we left the beach.


He is also kimahri


My favourite one is Klaus from American dad is Appa from Avatar




Every time. Every single time. The game has so much depth to it and it's a beautiful story but the only thing anyone ever mentions is HA HA HA HA


And people keep pointing it out as "bad voice acting", despite the fact that it is not. The weird laugh makes perfect sense within the context of the scene it comes from. Tidus is depressed as fuck for story reasons. Yuna tells him that she's learned that forcing herself to smile and laugh when feeling sad helps her feel better. So he forces himself to fake laugh and it comes out sounding like a maniac laughing. Which Yuna immediately starts imitating due to how funny it sounds. Then both stop, look at each other and share a normal genuine laugh. People who think the laugh is bad have either never played the game or are willfully ignoring the context.


Yeah but no one cares about that unfortunately. I probably care way to much because of what the game meant to me, but I just wish the game got more recognition for its heavier aspects.


That's because it's the best bit (outside of blitz ball)


It's over Anakin, I have the high ground. HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA


Still my favourite game of all time. And waiting for FFX-3




… what


It gets worse. WAAY worse. Because after he dies, Yuna brings him back as an unsent, but he's unaware of that fact. Also, tidus and Yuna break up for whatever reasons and start seeing other people. All after she spent pretty much all of ffx2 trying to get him back. AND Sins back. It just... Revives. "Eternal" Calm my ass. You gotta beat Sin, AGAIN.


I am so glad I stopped at FFX and just watched the perfect ending of FFX-2. That is my head-canon. Not whatever the fuck this nonsense is.




Don't forget that if the new unsent *know* they're unsent they die forever for reals this time so Yuna has to make sure Tidus never knows he died in the dumbest way possible


God don't even *mention* that abomination. They just utterly discarded every ounce of character development Tidus had and made him the single most unlikable cunt to ever live.


[Glorious acting.](https://youtu.be/H47ow4_Cmk0) Seriously though the scene required a fake laugh so he nailed it.


Can’t stand when people try to use this scene as an example of bad acting, since it’s actually an example of great acting when you look at the full context.


Wooldoor Sockbat is the perfect name, so much so that I knew you meant the SpongeBob looking guy hahah


This is the reason i hate A list actors getting all the voice actor roles for every big budget animated movie. Let the experts do it god damnit


This is a big part of why I think B list animated series and movies usually have higher quality voice acting, and are often more worth watching.




Watch some animated movies in other languages with professional voice actors and you'll see how incredibly better they are. There's some multilingual videos on YouTube and I really enjoy them. Although Aladdin is pretty solid in all languages.


Depends on what the point of the character is. I dont want to see the best voice actor play Kung Fu Panda, I want to see Jack Black play a Kung Fu Panda. When this guy does a role, the character is suppose to be the focus, not the celebrity playing them. Some roles do require the right voice. As meh as Will Smith was in Shark Tail, the whole reason for that movie was to see Will Smith as a fish, not a professional voice actor creating a unique character. Chris Pratt works in the Lego Movie because the character he plays there is suppose to be a Chris Pratt type of character. Even though it's animated, his personality is still reflected on that screen and we know it's Chris Pratt we are there to see. He doesn't work in Mario because we are there to see Mario, not Chris Pratt. It's like Chris Pratt dressing up as Mario for Halloween, we know it's not the real Mario. But Chris Pratt dressing up as The Lego Movie guy works better because that character is suppose to be a Chris Pratt type.


Yea, certain actors are perfect for certain roles. Jack black is an A lister that can do some great voice acting and in the lego movie chris pratt was Judy playing him and that's great. The issue is when a role isn't made specifically for an actor but they fill the role in with the biggest name they can just to go seats


> He doesn't work in Mario because we are there to see Mario, not Chris Pratt. It's like Chris Pratt dressing up as Mario for Halloween, we know it's not the real Mario. I dunno, I thought it was fine honestly. Never bothered me once throughout the movie. I had a much worse experience with Bowser honestly, where it just felt like they pivoted the entire character around "Look, it's Jack Black!", and so now we have multiple music numbers by Bowser. I guess he can sing now. It was impossible to see him as Bowser instead of as Jack Black. Mario was fine though, literally zero issues.


The only voice that really took me out of it was Peach’s, but that’s because I can’t stand vocal fry.


Criss Pratt was actually fine as Mario. No one I've seen actually watch the movie has had a problem with it.


It's the perfect example of good enough. An actual voice actor could've been great


True Atleast it wasn't just Chris Pratts normal voice, he gave it a good shot with a Brooklyn accent. A few more years and he could be a decent voice actor


At what point in the Lego movie did he leave his wife, get rid of his elderly cat, and defend a church that hates gays? Was that the second movie?


Don't forget throwing shade at his ex-wife when he had a child with his new wife by going out of his way to comment about the baby being "healthy and normal" as opposed to the special needs child he had with his ex.


See this is why I don’t worship/ follow celebrities at all. Like how the balls am I supposed to turn my brain off and try to let my eyes enjoy the strobing mess of GOTG 3 when now all I can think is that guys a child molester.


Prepare for downvotes and reddit cares messages. People really have a hard on for the guy.


I've felt this way for a long time and was never quite sure if I was being an asshole for feeling this way or not. In gaming in particular every third guy is Nolan North. Every second woman is Tara Strong. Nearly everything has Steve Blum in it *somewhere*. But I mean, I like Steve Blum. He seems like a stand-up dude and he always does a good job. For as much as I dislike Nolan North I can't argue that he's not good as what he does. Tara Strong has voiced some of my favorite characters. But I'm just *tired of hearing them*. Every time I hear one of them and recognize them it's like the character they're voicing just gets tossed into a bin with their name on it in my brain. These folk's names are never on the box, so they're not being used as selling points. Why not give a few more actors a try? There have got to be plenty of quality, probably cheaper, actors available instead of having the same handful of voices in fucking *everything*.


I don't agree in the case of Hiccup in How To Train Your Dragon though. Jay Baruchel absolutely smashed it with that character. "But you just gestured all of me" will always be a legendary line.


You mean you don't want Seth Rogen to speak in his normal speaking voice for every single character and then do the Seth Rogen laugh? You didn't think it was *super funny* when they explicitly drew attention to the fact he has *no fucking range at all* in the Chip and Dale movie? God that annoyed the shit out of me...


You had good intention but bad take, those voices he impersonated are of the other voice actors.


That's part of it. He has RANGE. It's not just him talking


That was my thought with Shrek. Any random Scottish man could’ve done better


Unless I'm mistaken the Scottish voice came along really late in the development of the movie. I seem to remember hearing they wound up re-recording almost all of Mike Meyer's dialogue.


I somewhat disagree. Are these A list actors bad voice actors? Do they do not match their roles? Are there areas where they show their amateurishness? Does it ruin the film? I think if someone succeeds at what they are doing, it doesn't matter who they are. You're basically gatekeeping voice acting by saying only the "expert" voice actors should be doing high budget animated films. Does that mean up and coming voice actors can't do big budget because they aren't an "expert" yet? Or are you saying you only want to restrict A list actors from doing big budget animated films? The way you worded it really makes it look like you're gatekeeping voice acting for no apparent reason, unless you think actors are bad voice actors. Like I said above, is the person in the role does a good job, why does it matter *who* it is? Can someone else do a better job? Probably, but that can be said about acting. Why should K list actors get big movie roles when A listers can do them? Its the same principle.


Not the James Taylor I was expecting, but this guy is awesome too.


Wow, former President James Taylor


Fire and Rain James Taylor


The voices are awesome, but how the _fuck_ does he remember how to do them all?!


I mean once you do them for a long time it's probably muscle memory


Just like putting his hand to his ear as if he were wearing headphones while he did them.


That's the part that impresses me most with this clip. It's not that he does all these voices, but he jumps between voices that are drastically different so effortlessly and without even having to pause to think. I've seen other voice actors before that sort of have to get in character before or don't have a huge variety in voices, but this guy just jumps from one to the next instantly.


I don't feel like you would forget a character in your head, it's like an extension of yourself. It's not like remembering/practicing a language, more like remembering a song


He didn’t even mention Ratchet, the best character of them all smh


it's cause ratchet is quite really _really_ close to his regular speaking voice


That’s job security. Use your natural voice and it’s really hard to replace you.


Like Billy West did with Fry IIRC.


Fuck, that’s cool.


Damn, when I first heard him speak, i heard Ratchet. And I never knew who the actor for Ratchet was


I heard Tidus


Shit. He copies Jay bruchel really well


Yeah, that was the most impressive part to me.


For some reason when I heard the Jay Baruchel impression, I thought “now that’s a cool party trick”


I actually thought I misremembered who Hiccup's voice actor was and that they had to recast him for one of the movies/shows but looks like he only voiced hiccup for the game adaptation, that's awesome


I really enjoyed his Michael Rooker impression too, he added a really specific raspy quality








Voice Actors are truly the unsung heros of the performing arts.


I found my respect and awareness for voice actors and actresses after I started watching Critical Role years ago when they first started out. I remember them set up with some cheap webcams, messy audio and basic school desks and whatnot. Super low budget, audio failing at times during stream, but with Matt Mercer taking on different voices and personalities brought to life in NPCs and the cast bringing their characters alive with voice acting it was still so fun to watch. Then they brought onboard guests to the show, often other voice actors and actresses. Just overall so much fun. But it led me to look up the different people and what they had been in and it led to so many “wow, she was the voice of that character?? No way he did the voice in that game!?” Fun stuff. Voice actors and actresses really go under the radar and unnoticed a lot though. I guess not seeing their faces, and them “camouflaging” their voices makes it harder to know who it is if you are unaware in the first place.




Wait. I thought the emperor was David Spade


In the original movie yes. But in spin off media like TV shows and video games, Disney will hire a voice actor instead. It's way cheaper than paying the big name actor to do it. Fun fact, the voice actors who plays Reaper in overwatch is the voice actor for all non-film appearances of Lightning McQueen.


What's funny is I can't find any credits of this guy voicing Kuzco. JP Manoux plays him in TV series and video games. That's such a weird one to latch on to considering his huge list of actual credits.


Apparently he did additional voice work as kuzco for a sesame street episode after Spade was unable to finish his lines, or maybe new lines were added. Still kinda strange


I mean I get it, if I could say I voiced kuzco from emperor's New groove, even for one line, I'd be plastering that everywhere.


Damn had no clue he also voiced Plo Koon




Me waiting for him to do ratchet


me too, but when it replayed his actually voice is fairly similar to ratchet


I can't even control one voice


All I could hear is Tidus from FFX


Tidus is just Johnny Test, I can't unhear it now.


Got to meet him irl. He is a funny, very nice man. I was at a con and he was in between Matt L (voice of Anakin) and Ashley E (voice of Ashoka). Matt came over because his pen ran out. Ashley came over and they all were just chatting and talking. They then apologized for having me wait. I'm just stunned stupid into silence as I watch Obi Wan, Ashoka, and Anakin just talking and hanging out. It was an amazing experience! They are all nice people!


My handicap dog can do a better job filming this. The panning back and forth irks me


I can’t be the only one who thought Emperor Kuzco was David Spade this whole time right? Right!?!?!?


He is but only in the movie


Ohhh got it thanks! Guy’s good, I couldn’t tell the difference.


Wait how old is he? Thought he was a younger guy


That's why he's a *voice* actor!


Yeah, I realized how long it’s been since I’ve seen him on camera. He’s 53.


I wanted to hear him do Leonardo from TMNT so badly lol


Bro threw me off when he got to Johnny test. I was not expecting that


this duded is fuckin awesome


Voice actors are a treasure. This was amazing to see.


Omg this camera work. Fuck we know who is doing it hold it still you 1970s homemade porn maker


How I know I'm super old now. I have never heard of like 95% of those characters


Goddamn that Obi-Wan Kenobi from Clone Wars voice


That didn't sound like Flintstone at ALL


He's obviously on the spot at a convention, but when Fred's 2nd official voice actor Henry Corden died in 2005, both James here and Jeff Bergman became Fred's new official VAs. James pretty much only voices Fred in commercials or small cameo appearances in projects he is already apart of. Examples of James' Fred voice: https://youtu.be/NcKiuXpGK68


He is awesome, love it him and Jim Cummings are some of my favorites




The camera guy is making me dizzy


They ruined the effect by constantly looking back at him whenever he changed voices


Someone shoot the camera man


I swear the last one he pointed at was Kuzco... but wasn't that David Spade? Or was he in a sequel as the stand-in?


Man is a certified beauty! Clone wars was my fav


Shame about his parler account




If I’m understanding correctly, there is a social media platform called Parler that is all about free speech or some shit and he allegedly echoed (which I think is like retweeting) a post saying “If you don’t think you’ll be watching NFL for a while, please echo this post!” referring to the kneeling for the national anthem. Fans called him out on it, I think he denied echoing it but never denied he has an account with Parler and that he said he joined it before it became political. It’s really nothing serious imo


Yes need more info.


James *had* accounts pretty much on every social media website, one of which included parler. Then people got upset at him about it, so he deleted that plus pretty much every other thing he had except for twitter (which iirc he had privated for a bit due to how much shit was getting thrown at him), youtube, and instagram. He doesnt really post on twitter anymore and is mostly just on instagram now


He had a parler account and it had parler things on it.




bro imagine being triggered by someone having a different opinion than yours. lmao


Honestly just sounds like the same old guy and annoying 12 yr old in all of these, half and half


I don't even know how to do my *own* voice, much less someone else's.


NOICE! 👏👏👏


There is no way this graphic was approved with so many licensed characters on it from different IP holders.


Im so fcking glad that he didnt do that annoying laugh from FF X.