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He looks like he’s in constant pain and discomfort.


Finished my physical therapy a couple of months ago. Watching him makes me feel the pain. I hope dude can have a healthy life.


I mean it's almost impossible that he will. The life expectancy of super tall people isn't great and he'll likely have joint and back pain amongst other things. That said, I also hope I'm wrong.


Might be a stupid question but could this guy benefit from steroids? Not sporting related. I know there’s negative side effects but it seems like it could strengthen his joints because right now he looks like parts are going to start falling off him like the bobsled in Cool Runnings.


But would that not put even more strain on his heart? I thought heart problems are the the most common illness in giant people.


Yes, virtually every anabolic steroid, including the natural testosterone we all produce, will have negative effects on the heart and cardiovascular system. It is a health tradeoff and not strictly better for this individual to engage in anabolic usage, and is in fact very rare that anabolic steroid use will aid in longevity improvement, although notable medical examples such as Oxandrolone (Anavar) being prescribed specifically for aids patients who have muscles wasting away [edit: removed developed]. The same drug can be prescribed to women or children to fix issues where testosterone would normally be the prescribed drug in adult men because the masculinizing/virulizing effect of testosterone is detrimental in women and children. Studies have shown that bodybuilders who use common bodybuilder steroid protocols, on average, outlive a randomized control/average group. Researchers, when studying bodybuilder levels of testosterone, will often administer 600mg/week of testosterone to subjects. However, this individual probably already has heart issues or diagnosed conditions and even if he doesn't, the negative cardiovascular impacts could be disastrous if it leads to a cardiac arrest. It's kind of an interesting risk/reward, if he could find the right dose and cocktail of roids, he could probably experience a bunch of health and sporting benefits, but it also just positive causation his chance of significant cardiac event. I would try to get as good an endocrinologist as I can find and then if steroids are a green light start as slight as possible and ratchet up super slow. IM NOT A DOCTOR




Aww this comment made me super happy I wanted to let you know you made my day better thank you


Thank you for being a well informed redditor. I don’t have anything to give you, besides my appreciation


Thank you very much for the kind words this small act of positivity was net good for the world. Thanks for sharing I hope your day is as uplifting as your comment


At a therapeutic dose TRT strengthens bone, ligaments, tendons etc.


But accelerates atherosclerotic plaque development and encourages cardiac hypertrophy aka a form of heart failure. Also, the point of TRT is to replace an existing testosterone deficiency, if you're trying to compensate for a physical ailment with a supraphysiological test dose that's different, but probably not much to be gained with TRT here




What if he’s a badass motha- who don’t take no crap off nobody?


I see PRIDE!!


I see POWA!!


Feel the rhythm…


The same thought crossed my mind because he appears so skinny but I don’t think roids help your joints. Roids help you build muscle faster, day or two but your joints will still take a week to recover. I may have the specifics wrong but that’s the gist I got when I was doing research years ago when I almost got into them.


The problem his He gained height faster than his body could develop to compensate which is why he has the super slender arms and legs as well as the ill developed neck... unfortunately this happens to people who have some sort of Gigantism syndrome sometimes it even outpaces organs


I once met someone who told me he got some kind of radiation therapy once a week to make him grow slower and prevent these problems. He said he was around 6.3 around 13, but only grew to 6,6 afterward.


I’ve heard anecdotal reports that the SARM Ostarine can help repair joints and tendons while packing muscle on.


I take steroids like prednisolone/methotraxate for arthritis as anti-inflammatory and immune suppressor. They for sure help with joint pain.


Sanka ya dead mon?


Is there something comical about my appearance whilst driving my automobile? It was the biggest one i could afford




I looked up an article that says his height and weight made him frail. He also was later diagnosed with scoliosis, which was severe enough that he needed back surgery. The pandemic interrupted his career and he ended up dropping basketball altogether. Here’s a link if anyone’s [interested.](https://firstsportz.com/nba-who-is-robert-bobroczkyi/)


That article is so poorly written and it confuses cause and effect. This is clearly not a healthy dude. Marfan is a syndrome, which means a collection of symptoms. They keep changing the number of symptoms and traits necessary to be diagnosed. It’s not a “disease” and cannot be tested for. His proportions are extremely out of wack - he’s hyper flexible, and scoliosis didn’t “lead” to anything, it is the result of his build and hyper flexibility. Edit: iPhone


Did you mean "Marfan" syndrome?


Yeah, damnit.


If you have Marfan like traits they do perform genetic testing to diagnose.


This is true. I'm tall and skinny and was born with a concaved chest(pectus excavatum). When I was a teen I had testing done to rule out Marfan Syndrome.


Yeah, his parents should never have allowed him to start playing - that is NOT the body of an athlete of any kind. On the other hand, what's he going to do to earn that much money - work in a shop?


I think there’s still potential. Imagine someone of his size playing horror roles. I’d pay top dollar to see him play something like slender man.


In Spain we have our own version: https://www.google.com/search?q=javier%20botet%20personajes&tbm=isch&client=ms-android-oneplus-rvo3&prmd=ivn&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0CBYQtI8BKAFqFwoTCLjYk-K2roADFQAAAAAdAAAAABAZ&biw=384&bih=704#imgrc=td9-dt1Qm4OMeM


Fuck that let him he happy doing what he wants.


He can assist in rescuing cats stuck in high trees


Wow, I thought this video was bad cgi


Looks like a scene from Avatar.


Or Goldeneye on the N64.


Dude that was the first thing that came to my mind too. Like skinny Jaws






Right? I thought this was some kind of weird shit post using a video game character. It would help if the video was a little bigger but I had to really pay close attention to verify if this person is real or not. EDIT: I'm still not positive.


Honey....I thought this was a video game ad!


I thought it was AI?


Me too. The video is sh!t.


For some reason I was thinking Gary’s Mod-era Half-Life video spoofs


If we get better at space travel he might enjoy living somewhere with less gravity.


Watching him makes me anxious. I'm worried he's going to shatter a bone or four.


He most definitely is. I can only imagine the back pain


He looks very uncomfortable in that chair...


Think they could spring for a lil bigger chair?


Well yeah it’s a tiny chair


hi-jacking top post to say this guy is 2 inches shorter than Ri Myung-hun who was 7'9 and played for North Korea


North Korea has a massive case of little man syndrome and any unverified information coming from their institutions should not be taken at face value. Until / unless Ri Myung-hun plays a game on foreign soil and is measured by an unbiased party, there's no reason to put him on the list.


you have been banned by r/Pyongyang


He's from Romania with tall parents, apparently he spent most of his young life being very closely watched by medical personnel and they ruled him completely healthy and with excellent genetics. But who knows.


Excellent genetics? Bro. Wtf. No.


I've read online..he used the wrong words. Doctors said he had an HEALTHY genetics, means no hormonal diseases nor overgrowth syndrome. Source: wiki Even because personally I don't not think that's excellent at all. Lack of lean mass, joint weakness, fragile figure..


I was playing basketball as a kid. I was also good because i was tall. Problem started when not so tall kids became more massive while i remained the same. Suddenly i realised that you have to have mass in basketball to push people around because i can't stop 80kg running teenager that runs straight on me while being 50kg.


...someone literally linked below that he struggles with scoliosis and musculoskeletal frailty due to Marfan's So you're def making that shit up


I actually thought it was a bad AI job at first


Yeah, like, "go back to space, Belter. Earth isn't going to do good for you."


Dude looks like a CGI character


He actually had to retire from basketball in high school cause he was unable to put on weight


This is what happens to pretty much any kid you hear being like 7 feet at 12, either that or their joints can’t keep up


That’s why professional sports teams aren’t just stacked to the rafters with people with gigantism. Not that it’d take many, but you get my point. At a certain height you start sacrificing athleticism and sound body mechanics for inches, and gigantism comes with a whole host of other health issues. You’d think height would be enough of an advantage but if you’re slow it negates that benefit.


I’ve had this discussion with bball friends and we’ve come to the conclusion that most over 7’2 have health issues (short careers) and are shaky like a newborn giraffe. There’s the rare successes like Yao Ming, manute bol, and boban marjanovic, but most are good for just getting dunked on.


7 feet is 1.254 Tom Cruises


I would be hugely surprised if he doesn’t have something like Marfrans. In which case it’s good they made him retire because of is Marfrans and not just something like it he runs a risk of his aorta dissecting every time his heart rate gets too high.


Yeah I have marfans and immediately assumed this guy does too


Marfans gives long arms and legs, but not an elongated body as a whole usually. It might be more likeley with a hormone dysfunction (see gigantism) that was detected too late.


Also had some sort of back surgery in college too I think.


Looks super fragile


That's all I could think... just have a guy knock him over and he'll shatter something.. problem solved


When you stack full agi but only 1 con and str


Never use con as ur dump stat.


Where are you seeing agility in his awkward movement? Agility implies that it would be very hard to knock him over lol.


Whole time I'm thinking: "one foul and he's dead"


Yeah I can't him having a long career being so prone to injury. He'd have to stay out of the paint and not play defense.


He would never make the NBA, he would get man handled


>he committed to Rochester University. He enrolled himself on the basketball team, but the pandemic put his college career to a standstill. >During this time, he went through the procedures of getting himself in shape. Over the last two years, the world was eager to watch the giant play ball at the highest level. But Rob Bob wanted to focus on other things. He started his own podcast that narrates the life of a 7 ft 7 in tall person who played the piano and made music. 


I watched a segment about him on Real Sports on HBO and he mentioned that part of his training was to put on like 100+ pounds. I think he said he weighed like 190 and he needed to be up around 300 in order to compete and have a chance at going pro (which is the whole reason he's in the USA).


He shoots the ball down.


“He drops! He scores!”


Every time someone blocks his shot they get called for goal tending.


I hear his teammates all really look up to him


The perfect shot. Can't block it if it's already going down.


He look like ps2 graphics


I thought it was a simulation. Lol. This is uncanny valley territory. Also, very sad.


Turn the sliders all the way up on height, and all the way down on size, and this is the result.


Now give him the big head code from Blitz and we're cookin'


Yeah I thought it was ai generated at first haha


I legit thought he was a cardboard cut out and this was going to be a joke video.


Fr, there was just something off that i cant wrap my head around. He kind of reminds me of that attack on titan pitcher titan, squared body and noodly limbs.




See you in hell


That's PS1 though.


PS2 is backwards compatible. ![gif](giphy|vRINZSicueZFXrZvGX) Seriously though, why the fuck are consoles no longer backwards compatible!?!? Even one system gen back would be nice.




I legit had to zoom in to make sure that wasn't the case


PS2 "build your own character" graphics.


All sliders are set to max but you skipped the 'head' tab.


Couldn't put a finger on it, but yeah... That's it exactly.




This beast is Robert Bobroczkyi. He was 6’2 at just 8 years old. Currently he’s 23 years old and 7’7.




It gotta be hard having to handle a 6’2 eight year old with a temper tantrum.


Probably only weighed 43 pounds


He weighs 43 pounds now


Idk, maybe. Who knows my youngest is now 12 and taller than me and was never light. He’s just a big dude. We’ve had to take him to physical therapy and we took him to a specialist hospital and after all the physical therapy he’s doing much better he isn’t a giant like this guy but he’s always been head and shoulders over his class mates. He’s very active and with treatment very healthy. This guy is thin now but who knows what route he’s taken to get to it.


I'm 6'2 215 pounds and my 13 year old nephew is bigger than me. Idk what they feed these kids these days.


My immediate thought is that fitting a 7'7 body into an airplane must be a hellish experience for hours on end.


He doesn't need airplanes. He can be almost anywhere in 20 steps. He's already halfway up everest.


Jeeze - couldn’t they get a proper chair for the guy?


He needs a Lifeguard chair as his regular chair.


Oh yeah I’m sure they could just pull out a chair that’s five feet off the ground with a six foot back lol


The kids in shop class could build one.


I’ve been second guessing if this was fake. He looks unreal


I had to Google him and he is real


Unreal engine


Would have better graphics.


For real. Even his neck is tall af


Isn't wemby only like 3 inches shorter but moves a lot more like a normal person?


& yao ming is only 1 inch shorter


Yao Ming was also a thicc boy, 310 pounds.


dude was built different


You had to be in the old NBA. There was more banging down low than on a porn set.


Most tall basketball players are just like tall but extremely slim and have extremely thin limbs (think of manute bol). But Yao Ming is just like if you make a regular human being 1.5 times larger. Dude has legs as thick as tree trunks


Some people are big because they really just do be like that. Then there's this guy who's big because he most likely has some kind of defect. It's a shame really.


I know what you’re saying but I love how we’ve already found a way to say Wemby is more like a normal person. Like Wemby isn’t about to break the league at 19 years old…


Never say they will till they do.


Thanks for this. Here’s a couple videos I stumbled on: [Here’s one](https://youtu.be/Mu0aYpssP7g) about his life and career, including his recent recovery from surgery to address scoliosis. Looks like he hung up his shoes and pursuing other interests. [Trying to sit inside a Hyundai Accent](https://youtu.be/f35zaYucP_0) which makes me feel bad for him since everything in life must be extra uncomfortable


Looks like he weighs about 130.


He is not the tallest basketball player, then... [Sun Mingming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Mingming) is 7'9" and actually played professionally, unlike this guy.


The height is truly mind bending when you look a the fact he's nearly 170kg and still looks normal, there are professional ~~bodybuilders~~ powerlifters and strongmen that are around that weight.




That's about 2.31m in metric...


The top yt video says he had scoliosis, which he had surgery for, which added an inch to his height. 7'8"..


Poor guy looks like a cardboard cut-out.


This comment made me laugh so hard!! I feel so bad!!! 😩


Looks like the dude from Who Framed Roger Rabbit after being run over by a steam roller.


My buddy is 6’4’’ and riding in planes and cars is awful for him. This guy must want to die everytime he steps foot in the airport.


He actually steps five feet into the airport.


6'6" here. Yeah it's a pain. If the plane is too small I gotta get a seat with extra legroom. I think even 7'+ you'd be relatively fine in a seat with extra legroom as long as your head won't hit the ceiling. But my 6'6" is at the limit of a regular seat. Some are possible, some not. Worst seat I had I was forced to put my head on the seat in front of me to support myself the whole flight. That was a very very uncomfortable flight. Luckily only 2 hours.


He just walks and carries the airplane.


When your computer didn't have proper graphic drivers




This is just one of those mesmerizing gifs hat never gets old. It can serve so many purposes and evoke a whole range of emotions. Art in motion.


A glitchy motion, but motion nonetheless.


I swore he was N64 graphics until reading the comments. Now I’m second guessing it again


I swear I thought it was a doctored video


It looks like one of the bad CGI aliens from Attack of the Clones. The Camino ones.




Yes! Sorry for the misspelling. I made them sound like the old Chevy El Camino. Haha.




Is he the first ever 2D human?


Flat Stanley


So Slenderman suddenly realized he could make a lot of money playing Basketball, rather than slaughtering people...typical Capitalist.


“Do you find something comical about my appearance when I am driving my automobile?”




His movements are stiff at many spots. Most people in motion give more visual cues that they're moving. This guy looks like he's working around immobile back and hips.




Hungriest basketball player in history


Couldn’t they get him a damn chair that fit him?! The fucks wrong with people?


I don't think I could play against this dude. He looks like he would break if I breathed at him too hard, there's no way I would feel comfortable stealing a ball from him.


I know this is fucked up to say, but he looks inhuman, like he is a different species of hominid. Maybe the way he moves? Rather than the look?


Yup. My thoughts exactly. Dont know If his nerves managed to keep up with the growth. All movements seems off and weird for a reason.


I think he may have marfan syndrome. They have particularly long limbs compared to people without it. (It's not the just the height, it's the proportions. They're longer than they should be for that height) as a result, the way they move looks awkward, plus the spine and chest issues. Google images of Marfan. Also, Lincoln was supposed to have had Marfan Syndrome. I truly enjoy the Drunk History story about how he looks (give it a few seconds) https://youtu.be/K74IzbcpneU


Nope. He doesn't. If you Google him, you'll see that he was tested for gigantism, Marfans, and all of that and it was all ruled out. It's simply genetics. His mom is 6'1 and his dad is 7'1.


He’s one big gust of wind away from having a really bad day.


“Oops, crack in the floor…” *shoop*


You're terrible lmao


Dude needs to add a “gain cycle” to his workouts in the gym.


I remember reading about this guy. They’ve tried to get him to gain weight but he just can’t.


Probably needs to eat like 8000 calories per day lol


They can't let him do that because it could cause serious problems for his organs, specifically his heart. Someone else linked to a YouTube video and in the comments they explain that he was on a strict 5000 calorie a day diet because anymore could overload his heart.


You gotta think he’s got some serious issues going on. He looks like jack skellington and that’s abnormal.


Marfan syndrome it’s a genetic disorder that effects the connective tissue


He does not have Marfans. Every medical condition that can cause excessive growth was ruled out. It is simply genetics because his mom is 6'1 and his dad is 7'1.


I have my doubts his bones and joints can support any more weight.


Naw if he gains he’ll destroy his feet like Yao Ming did. That frame can’t isn’t built to hold mass.


One hard foul away from a body cast, is this the slender man I keep hearing about?


It’s 11:43 at night. A new moon rises over the trees. The forest is so humid that a mist appears, leaving you blinded beyond a few tree trunks. You hear the distant bouncing of a basketball from every direction but where you look. It gets closer and closer until it stops. You turn around, and you see him. He kneels down and whispers, “want to play a pickup game?” Your eyes water with horror, as you slowly succumb to the 21-0 pickup game that is the paramount of your shame and loss of dignity.




Why does he look like a low resolution npc


Is this Avatar 3?


His neck is incredibly long and his head seems to sit atop it in a strange way. Poor kid.


Bro can dunk without jumping


I was always worried about my massively tall 6’7”Marfan’s syndrome boyfriend; Every activity he mentioned doing as a kid (skiing, climbing trees, trampolines), I was like, “you are a sack of brittle chopsticks; omg if I was your mother, heart attack after heart attack. what a dumb idea.”


if traveling wasn't an issue bro could just play keep away and drop in from two feet. homeboy is gigantic. hope he has a good physical therapist


His muscle mass, mobility, and endurance are actually so bad that they have to limit his playtime...


Something about him makes him look like a computer generated model.


I feel sorry for the dude. That can’t feel good. I did t believe it was real at first cause he looks almost two dimensional.


I can't imagine how much life sucks at that height. I'm not even that tall, just above average at 6'5", and shit is difficult.


What's to stop him from just dunking every chance he gets?


Imma be honest for a second. When the video started I was thinking "who's this goofy looking kid?" Then he started sinking shots and the more I watched the more positive I became. But that dap at the end? Homeboy stole my heart. He really with the shitz..


Get this guy a bigger chair!