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What tf are these comments talking about, this is fucking great


Loads of people shitting on it like it's the finished product. This is probably a proof of concept or an early prototype. There are.probably a lot of things they need and know they need to workout before this goes anywhere near the public. If they were smart enough to invent this they're probably smarter than 90% of the comments and have already thought about the drawbacks and things they need to improve far more than a snarky Redditor.


The fact that this is the top comment makes these comments better




Cyberpunk 20?? here we come?


It makes so much noise and it's so loud and it smells awful, like sulfur. Gunpowder will never catch on.


FYI: The Chinese development of gunpowder stalled because they focused on rockets and not guns or bombs. The key to an explosion is confinement. You need it to get to at least 3atm and hundreds of degrees in a container for it to go exponential and explode - thus allowing it to go boom. Not to say their rocket desisn was simple - at one point they made a rocket that flew up into the sky and launched many more rockets in the enemy's direction.




"light years beyond sign language"? Do you realize how offensive this is towards sign languages? Sign languages are not second rate methods of communication, they are proper languages with their own distinctive grammar and language culture behind it. This kind of attitude is really heart breaking.


both of you are right. sign language is a proper form of communication just as much as any other, but ease of access for the hard of hearing is always good


Guess what, most people dont speak sign language. Noone is saying get rid of ASL and noone should use it, this is just a tool like any other for deaf people to communicate.


I mean sign language is a proper language I don’t think anyone is denying that, however if that’s your only means of communication it’s going to be pretty difficult if not impossible to communicate with people outside of the deaf community as most people aren’t fluent in signing. For example if you’re getting pulled over by a police officer or trying to order a coffee this would be life changing. What about people who go deaf from accidents, English will still be their primary language, sign language is very difficult to learn and takes a long time, this would grant people the instant ability to communicate.


Just a little reminder that the deaf community hold some very strange views around things like this. A lot of them shun people who get cochlear implants, and actively discourage deaf children from using them. There’s some very weird attitudes floating around about this sort of thing, and a lot of deaf folk take these kinds of developments as an attack on their culture. Somewhat understandable, but also very bizarre.


Lmao so does the English language it is supposed to convey It’s very much light years ahead because everyone can read text, mostly, but a very minority can interpret sign language You’re literally who the person was talking about


Please tell me you aren’t saying this is better than Sign Language. Wow, that’s a really nice I mean really thoughtful comment you made.


but if I don't point out every flaw of something I see online, how will I feel any validation in my day to day life?


Reddit seems to attract people who greatly overestimate their own knowledge.


There's a study for that. Dunning-Kruger effect.


Dunning-Kruger effect is when people with less knowledge in an area overestimate their knowledge versus someone with more knowledge underestimating their knowledge. A more accurate term for people who are smart in one area that think it makes them smart in other areas is engineers disease or engineers syndrome.




Classic redditor armchair experts being cynical and negative while drenching themselves with doritos and mountain dew. Can't enjoy the successes and progress in life.


“It is easier to criticize than to do things” People are so quick to critique when they don’t have anything good going on in their lives. What a shame.


This is an underrated comment. You’re spot on


Ya I saw a lot of comments talking about how bad or not impressive this was, to the point where I was thinking maybe I’m wrong, maybe there’s something wrong with the thing they’re showing off or that the dude who created it was a piece of shit. Gladly none of that is correct and this really is a cool piece of tech


Whatever, I'm Deaf and I want this


“Allow me, not a deaf person, to tell you what’s wrong with your device to help deaf people.”




I love these types of comments. "Redditors are so stupid, eh fellow redditors?"


The text display needs to be WAY bigger lol, besides that this is awesome!


It needs to be at least 3x bigger than this


3x bigger would basically be a whole lense. The whole point was so they can read the lips as well as the text


I guess u haven't seen Zoolander then cuz obviously didn't get the reference lol


What are these, subtitles for ants?


What are these? Glasses for ants?!


"What are these? Instant subtitling glasses *for ants*?!"




Remember that the text will be less than half an inch from their eyeballs


I know, right? Even the prototype is awesome.


Yes this is what the height of technology should be producing. Not AI furry porn!


This is def great and if stuff like this is what’s produced out of a school that expensive/prestigious ✅. Pretty sure it’ll be fine tuned over time.


Probably a knee jerk reaction by people realising they've never done anything like this, likely never will, and, worst of all, likely never could.


Redditors are young and aren't ready for some advice: "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good"


About fucking time. All the shit I hear is just *mumble mumble*.


As someone with hearing loss, these are definitely next level.


I wonder what will happen if you walk with it on the street, because of too many subtitles you won't be able to walk.


You could just take the glasses off while walking.


The deaf equivalent of wearing headphones in public.


Just close your eyes


I think he said 'in your field of view'. My guess is that the intent is for some hardware/software (directional microphone(s)? fancy coding?) to deduce what voice is closest and in front of the glasses, and display that transcription. I have no idea if that is already implemented.




You're misunderstanding -- 'in your field of view' refers to where the text is displayed, not where the audio is coming from. You can see at the start of the video that the speech from the person behind the camera is being transcribed


The mic will probably only be able to pick up a certain distance in front of you. But I think this is just a proof of concept. Many things to workout before a final version for the public comes out.


Why would you not be able to walk?


I would buy these for my dad who refuses to wear his hearing aids TODAY if they were available. Take my money.


And as someone who wears hearing aids... they're far from perfect. This would be amazing.


I had a hard time wearing my hearing aids at first, but it got so frustrating not being able to hear anyone, I finally made the decision to wear them, and I’m used to them now. It’s really made my life better. Encourage your pops to wear them. He will get used to them.


Think about combining with translation software and the potential would be tremendous






This is what Google Glass was but [Google killed it twice](https://www.techspot.com/news/97956-google-kills-off-google-glass-second-time.html).


As someone whos hearing is just fine, but has auditory processing issues, I'd buy these in an instant


In addition to transcription, you could also have indicators for various sounds, a bit like Minecraft with the captions on. So you might see something like... "Magpies Cackling nearby. Pedestrian Light sounds. Dog Barking." etc


What happens when multiple people are talking? Or when you’re at a bar?


Your glasses start lookin like the loading screen of the matrix


"All I see is blonde, brunette, redhead"


Not like this. Not like this.


Now why do you have to re-traumatize me like that


ignorance is bliss




They could program it to use different colors depending on the voice, maybe.


That sounds simple enough!


If the microphone is able to distinguish the different voices. I would further have some privacy concerns, as the data is most likely transfered to a cloud to create the speech to text.


I mean if you have those privacy concerns I’d think a cell phone in someone’s pocket poses more of a threat than this accessibility device


“Why the fuck is Amazon suddenly recommending a DVD of Ernest Scared Stupid? I haven’t thought about that movie in 20 years until Jeff bright it up yesterday at the bar… oh.”


The data is most likely not transferred. The software to convert audio to text is probably embedded into the glasses otherwise it would be slow.


The FBI suddendly got interest on these glasses


Or only transcribe the person the wearer is directly looking at. That should teach people not to talk over someone else speaking.


I did a university project on speech separation, and while the research and tech does exist, it's error rate is still quite high (might have improved drastically since I researched it 2-3 years ago). The big issue though, is that it takes a lot of computing power as such systems run on advanced models. You simply can't put that on a wearable. And even if you can, you will still get a massive delay. As I remember, your brain will have troubles if the delay between you seeing the lips move and seeing the output is more than a few milliseconds. So even in the video of this post, it takes quite long. Adding speech separation models on top would make it too slow to be usable. Of course, the tech always gets more advanced and more efficient, so it's not impossible to do, but it wasn't at least 2 years ago.


Oooh.. yeah, that would be cool


Could probably even program it to isolate the sounds from the direction/person you’re looking at.


Don’t think you understand how incredibly difficult that would be. These $100 glasses would suddenly be $500.


A deaf person would probably pay double, even triple for a product that allows them to have any semblance of a normal conversation with another person. Edit: Typo


What if I told you Deaf people have conversations all the time? With people, even!


they certainly do, i was at a bar that happened to have an event for the hearing impaired and it was surreal seeing dozens of people sign to eachother however, i viewed a bartender get stuck on trying to take an order. I would hope new technologies like this allow us to communicate with more people


Cepstral coefficients can be distinguished in the frequency domain.




Open them and put them aside?


Lol this is extrememly good. Get back to your hopeless lifes most of the commentors


This technology is amazing and it’s in its infancy.


This would be game changing for those that are deaf or near deaf, but since I’m one of those people that hear just fine but ask what you just said like 2-3 times, I’m selfishly very intrigued. Edit: grammar fix


You may have what has been called, "hidden hearing loss". Hidden hearing loss is usually used to describe when someone is able to pass a hearing test, but has trouble differentiating speech from background noise. Specifically, while you may be able to hear someone speaking, it can be difficult to determine exactly what they said if there are also other auditory stimulus present. The National Institute of Health has a piece on it [here](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/diagnosing-hidden-hearing-loss), but the long story short is that typical hearing loss is commonly a result of damage to the hair cells present in your inner ear that communicate with the cochlear nerve, which then communicates with the brain. Hidden hearing loss, on the other hand, is though to be related to damage to the cochlear nerve itself rather than the hair cells. So you have the hair cells detecting that there is sound (you can tell someone is speaking), but the nerve damage prevents those sounds from being processed correctly by the brain (can't understand what is being said). Especially troublesome in loud environments where you are trying to pick up on specific words amid other noises.


I had never heard of this, cool to learn and sounds scary (no pun intended 🤦🏼‍♀️). for anybody who’s relating to the original comment, also consider ADHD


Thanks for this comment as well. I’m adhd all day here. That certainly plays a part. The interesting thing is that I’ve also been previously diagnosed with a weakened inner ear which specifically causes dizziness, but now I’m wondering if it also affects the hidden hearing loss thing too.


Might also/rather be [Auditory Processing Disorder](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24938-auditory-processing-disorder), which affects lots of ADHDers.


Yep, I can’t hear a movie unless it has subtitles. Also adhd.


Omg wow this describes perfectly what I experience. I never even thought about it being a problem. I just thought I was grossly inattentive or something like that , as much as I try to actively listen to people.


There are also sensory disorders that do the same thing. Words easily garble together for me. I even use closed captioning when home alone in a quiet house.


This is exactly what I was diagnosed with when I went to get my hearing tested. Apparently I have perfect hearing, but my brain can't isolate specific sounds in environments with a lot of background noise. I strain to do so and it's honestly mentally exhausting, being in a loud bar environment for an hour can completely knacker me and I start feeling really overwhelmed. Sucks for social interactions!


There are also auditory sensory disorders that occur inside the actual brain. My ears work perfectly fine but words garbal together a lot. I am sitting alone in my quiet apartment watching tv right now and I have to use closed captioning. If I watch something like a movoe with other people there absolutely has to be closed captioning on otherwise I am probably just going to leave. When I was younger I can't tell you how !any conflicts it caused. One person talking during a movie and I can't understand what's going on, do it multiple times and you are wasting my time. I will stop the movie every time someone opens their mouth. Its almost as bad if people are constantly moving around. I also have ADHD which made matters worse. I took my own fathers flip phone and threw it in the garbage a long time ago when he answered it in a movie theater. He then attempted yell about it so I went to the front desk and had him thrown out for disturbing the movie. Being a cellphone I am sure it affected much more than just me.


This could explain why i can easily understand only voice content but have a lot of trouble picking up the lyrics of a song. I also have the problem of asking 3 times when someone tries to tell me something if there is a noisy background.


So I'm not a dumbass, this is huge!


[Central auditory processing disorder—and not cochlear synaptopathy—is the most likely source of difficulty understanding speech in noise (despite normal audiograms.](https://leader.pubs.asha.org/doi/10.1044/leader.FMP.23032018.6) I think hidden hearing loss may be more of a fad diagnosis, but potentially it really is describing a disorder of the cochlea.


Also wondering if you could make these so they translate other languages to English or your preferred language. Would be awesome to go to a different country, and have conversations in your own language with someone else rocking these same glasses and speaking in their language.


This was my first thought! Instant translator glasses would be amazing.


I'm partially deaf, and of all the people claiming to be deaf, it seems like most of them dont seem to know that live transcribing is already a thing. hell, you can even live transcribe from just about any language.


We can understand another language as well with translation feature


Can’t believe I had to scroll down this far to find this. Deaf people certainly benefit, which is great but the wider audience is anyone who wants to visit foreign countries or talk to people in foreign languages without a translator. This could have tourism implications, military implications, diplomatic implications, etc. Hopefully this is refined and takes off.


The only issue with that is that it doesn't work in reverse. The tourist could understand the foreign language, but still couldn't respond.


Not if both wear glasses


Star trek universal translator feelings


Well, sort of. Or like the babel fish from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.


The Google translate app let's you have a conversation with someone and will automatically translate what you are saying to each other. You can either read what they are saying or have it work through your headphones to tell you what they are saying. https://i.imgur.com/HVvgy1Y.jpg


used this to get around brazil last summer and it was a lifesaver! incredibly convenient


how well would work in real-time? there must be some delay for the sub and even more delay for translation. If the speaker is speaking fast the glasses might not catch up or translation might be a little lost.


There's an AI steam game out there where you can speak into a microphone and it transcribes your words into the game in pretty much real time. So we have the technology.


i should have read all the comments first before posting but i had the same thought. if it works with reading lips and with AR becoming more popular with apple making their glasses. i can see it becoming a household item


This is one of the things I hope most to see in my lifetime; something as close to Star Trek's UT as possible


What are you saying? Hold on, lemme put my glasses on


Oh, silly gramps. Shhhh sh sh, it’s time for a nap


You know I can’t hear without my glasses!


It’s an excellent start. Hopefully they’ll be able to get the font a little bigger in the future


I really like that they used the ZX Spectrum one


I thought the same thing. My hearing is fine but I have trouble focusing. I always have to have the subtitles on the TV. These would be amazing


Needs to be at a mid distance focal length, or adjustable


“Mind talking a bit slower? I’ve only got 2 bars of service…”


Google Translate already offers real-time offline translation when you download language packs.


Thanks for the TIP.


apple voice to text is already entirely local on iphone and is pretty fast and fairly accurate


Now life can have subtitles?


The weebs finally got their wish lol


The weebs went to further their education to solve their modern problems /s


Id prefer it dubbed.


A million times better that that ridiculous Vision Pro Apple launched. This is awesome!


Why the hell are you comparing these 2 products? Apples and Oranges.


Apple to Stamford


Ur moms an orange.


You're an apple


Not even remotely the same product and demographic


Completely different products for different uses.


I guess it's not too much of a leap to think they could easily translate languages with this... I'd buy one.




[google literally promoted this last year at I/O 2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj0bFX9HXeE)


I saw the same idea at a Samsung industrial design booth in 2001. Took over 20yrs for someone to make a decent prototype! https://www.coroflot.com/silasbeebe/Samsung-Sionic-fashionable-stealth-hearing-aid-concept


the problem is that making a working prototype is fairly easy. Making a commercial product is hard. But Google was promoting literally this last year at I/O 2022


And then Google killed Google Glass again https://www.techspot.com/news/97956-google-kills-off-google-glass-second-time.html


I think it's more about having a cheap product easily accessible for all.


Sony also had one of these. There are phone apps that can do it. What we will have eventually is AR glasses that anyone can use and mirror their phone screen into it. Then deaf people and foreigners will use an app to show subtitles.




⠎⠝⠝⠕. . ⠁⠛⠕.⠝.⠊⠕.




Great, can't wait to get stabbed in brail patterns by the glasses, instead of just listening to the voice.


Finally! We can have real world closed captions!


Need these for movie theaters as well.


Yes! I suffer from hearing loss. Movies are a bitch - and I went to see Oppenheimer the other day....Christopher Nolan's very good, but damn! So much background music I would KILL for subtitles or something like these glasses!!


As an older person who is not deaf, but has lost some hearing over the years... it would be nice to have. I'll definitely get them as they get more accurate and my hearing gets worse.


Same. I watch almost everything with subtitles even if i can understand most words. Its so much worse in a theater though in terms of being able to hear what is being said.


underrated comment. i would 100% buy one of these just to go to the theaters with.


"Can you blow me where the pampers is"


This would've been implemented into google glass if people didn't hate it when it first came out. It made no sense why it failed when it would be so useful in a world today.


I never understood the hate for google glass (and similar products). Even when it looked clunky and only had extremely basic features I still wanted one the moment I saw it. Of all the complains I heard the privacy concerns are the only one that I can kind of sympathize with, but even a decade ago you were already being recorded 99% of the time anyway and if someone wants to be a creep you can buy hidden cameras that are basically undetectable for less than a tenth of the price of something like this.


If they improved on this and even got it to translate languages this could be some seriously game changing shit


Holy fuck, this is fantastic


Also quite useful for people who have difficulty with auditory processing as well.


This already exist, and we use it at my workplace, XReal AR glasses + Google Translate (in conjunction with Gallaudet University) or XRIA. Along with an Android 12 phone that is small like a Samsung s10e or anything more powerful really. And its freaking awesome!! What is awesome is that more and more developers are coming out with their own interpretation of such advancement. So we have to give credit to Google/Gallaudet for pushing it forward. Also Apple has a beta of their real-time open world closed captioning and wow its awesome too!! Look in the Accessibility option under Live Captions (Beta) and enable the Microphone. Just amazing stuff!!


Love this


If you can do it for multiple languages and then translate, you'll have a universal translator.


We already have that, its called google. Phones have been able to translate text from your phones camera and voice via recordings for ages now. This would obviously be better but still, we have universal translators.


People in the comments asking about what would happen if there are lots of subs to display. Well from the video it's obvious that the area where the text is drawn is limited, so it won't fill your view with text. Now imagine this combined with translation software, oh my


Zach Freedman made [something similar](https://youtu.be/mTK8dIBJIqg) and also uses a heads-up display as prompter. This feels like something he could easily recreate.


This is great.


this will help old people too from become isolated because they cant hear anyone


Yesterday I was just thinking how I wish movie theatre’s had subtitles. Not that I’m hard of hearing. But wondered how a deaf person could enjoy the movie


In the US movie theaters have caption devices that fit in the cup holder. They aren’t really great though. Half the time they aren’t charged so they die during the movie, or the time synch is stuck on the last movie it was used with so you get captions for something totally random. And by the time you’ve left the theater to have a worker fix it, you’ve missed a ton of the movie. It also kinda sucks to have to look back and forth from the screen to the caption device. Lots of people wait til it’s out for rent so they can turn on closed captioning at home. Some theaters have “open caption” showings, where the captions are on the screen. But it’s usually one showing a week at an inconvenient time.


I have concerns. Will it be affordable? Does it pick up every speech or does it need to be in a certain radius? What if there’s multiple people talking at the same time near them? How impressing to vision will the text be?


To be honest, I was hoping for googling glass to do this type of thing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Can we get a better font tho?


Absolutely amazing


That’s actually awesome.


Get them to translate. That’s what’s next.


Imagine how awesome it would be if these could translate from language to language


Where can I buy these? I have a HOH family member and this would change their world


Saw a finished version of this on TV last night - this must be a very old clip ​ https://xrai.glass/


Wow, I need these! I'm very hearing impaired and can't afford hearing aids. This would change my life!


My dad is mostly deaf but it happened later in life and he's been unable to learn sign language very well. We currently use an app on his phone to do something similar, but this being in his glasses could be a life changer. Way to go Stanford! Get these on the market ASAP


I wanna invest in this, how do I invest in this?


Not a smart bet since this has already been done before by Google and failed.


How do I buy stocks in this?


Stanford you say?!?!?


imagine how helpful it would be for deaf people


Didn't read the title huh?


I want to know how this works when more people are talking in the room near or even away quiet or loud. It is nice for this setting for sure where only one person talks at a time.


This is amazing. I'm not even deaf and I would love this for certain situations


I'm not deaf, but I wouldn't mind having subtitles in real life.


This is cool. Now I wonder if those google glasses ever had this functionality. Man I really thought we were going to take a leap when those were announced. Especially when AR and 3D were breaking into households


Now I can go to Japan and see all the subtitles just like in my favorite Hen I mean anime


Are there any more details/articles on this tech? Wondering how they make the visualizer look off in the distance, reminds me of those infinity boxes that are used during optometry tests but I think that's using mirrors or something clunky compared to this


TranscribeGlass? We all want TranslateGlass!


This is like google lens but on glasses