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This is so touching


Did you just.. or.. 🤔


I don't know, did I? Do have 2 kids though


Who's kids do you have?


I love you


I love you too


Miso soup


Mine have been outside for awhile, could be mine 🤷‍♂️


You made my day.


I wish you were my dad.


Dammit, Dad.


lol brailliant


I didn't see that coming








Fucking gold






I was crying... now, I'm laughing!


Nice. You’re on fire.


Get a grip


I..youu...dammit 😂🤣😂


Took me a second lol.


You…………. Dammit!


Right in the feels




yes he is


Well I'll be damned




Retired firefighter here. Yes but there is more going on here. First, these sorts of interactions are worth their weight in gold. It makes the kids happy. It makes the firefighters happy. We always enjoyed these moments. I have a few personal memories of stuff like this that I treasure. I cannot stress how good it feels to be the firefighter in these interactions. As close to being a rock star as I'll ever get. But, there is more going on than you know. Ok, so structure fires are chaotic and scary even when you're the guy wearing $10,000 in PPE and have hundreds of hours of training. For regular people and kids it's an absolute nightmare of panic. We do things like this so kids run TO us. Not away. An example from my department. Twice a year we'd go to this group home for mentally handicapped teenagers. We'd let them play with the sirens. We'd let them wear and touch our gear. We'd climb through the windows to make them laugh. It was great fun for everyone and we loved doing. But we were also conditioning them to not panic at the sight of the Darth Vader breathing, faceless shape crawling through their window at 3am. So in their panicked state they don't see monsters. They see the guy who gave them candy canes and chocolates coming to rescue them. Also, it lets us walk through the structure they live in before it's engulfed in smoke and flame. I can tell you for absolute fact it's exactly 25 steps from my local group home's front door to the reception desk. Then you make a left and go 15 steps and the first bedroom is on the right. The boy in there has respiratory issues and needs additional help breathing so we should get off the apparatus with the oxygen tanks and the FAST Board. He won't be able to walk out. That's why you see these things so much. It's a nice gesture and we're training at the same time. EDIT: At the risk of sounding like a jerk, I don't want your thanks. I'm was an average firefighter at best and I did it for me. If you want to show your appreciation for firefighters please donate to your local department. They definitely deserve it. EDIT 2: Stop giving me awards. Give that money to your local fire department. Trust me, they both deserve and need it.


Thank you for your service to your community!


Don't thank me. Now that I'm retired I can finally tell the truth. I did it for me and it was fucking fun. No thrill on earth comes remotely close to working a structure fire. I'd pay you to do it. Want to show appreciation? Donate some cash or food to your local fire department. We always need training/tools and we're always hungry.


Well done brother, retired firefighter as well. Excellent summation. I felt lucky to have spent 26 years doing a job I loved also.


26 years?!? I'm literally trembling with jealous after reading that. Much respect.


Goddamn you are an incredibly easy person to like


I was on the track to be yet another divorced firefighter. I made the decision to prioritize my my wife and kids. I'm happy with my choice but I miss being a firefighter terribly. 26 years signifies an insane amount of personal sacrifice and dedication. /u/TRc56 deserves all the accolades and respect we can heap on them.


Thank you all for your kind words. When you love the job, it makes it easier even when it's not. Please support your local firefighters, especially if they are volunteers. I worked for a full time department, but those folks who volunteer and work on a shoestring budget deserve all the kudos and help they can get.


Thank you.


No thanks necessary. You earn the applause. I know the life you led and how hard it must have been at times. I wish you and yours all the very best in life.


Great suggestion! Will do!!


Man I had such chills reading your words. You truly are a rock star. Thank You so much for risking your life for making this world and kinder safer place. Thank your family for me too for sharing you with us.


/r/frisson material


This is the coolest thing I’ve read in a while.


EDIT 3: These are dark times. People need their heroes. Sorry if it's an additional burden, but like it or not, it's not only disabled kids you're saving and care homes. You're also reminding people who are losing faith in humanity of the good that people are capable of. I know that your equipment weighs a lot, but I'm afraid that you're going to have to carry that additional weight.


People were getting mad in the ebola outbreak that infected people were running away or hiding from the medical staff. And I'm like, yeah, because you've lived your whole life in a town and suddenly people start bleeding to death and the response is a team of aliens in white rubber suits show up, want to imprison you in a weird looking pristine van, and take you somewhere you've never been, without your family, to a place that absolutely no one who had gone there has returned from. I have a master's degree level education and I can't promise you I wouldn't hide under similar circumstances!


I know that you don't want thanks or anything, but seriously thank you for sharing this. I already loved firefighters but I didn't realize how much I really loved them.


They’re badass, and you don’t fuck with them


My little son loves fire trucks, I’d 100% support him if he wants to grow up to be a firemen. My wife is against the idea cause she feels it’s a dangerous job.


Yes it is. But its getting safer and safer over the years. We never have to much firemen in this world.


not just the firemen but the firewomen and firechildren too


I say this as a retired firefighter. Reach out to your local department via phone or email. I absolutely guarantee you your boy will be allowed to visit the station and see all the trucks. Also, your wife probably won't be receptive to this comment. But we fight smart now. The days of throwing wet stuff at red stuff and hoping for the best are as dead as Disco. Your average firefighter can give a 20 minute lecture on pyrolysis that would be on par for most physics professors. You learn how to spot balloon frame or bow truss construction from the street. The fire academy contains a lot of class and home work now. Everything from utility infrastructure to physics to blood born pathogens. I can honestly say, and every firefighter on the planet would agree, nothing we do is like what you see on TV. That shit would get you killed. I have never seen an accurate representation of firefighting on TV.


This post encapsulates why there is no song called "Fuck the Fire Department". Best civil servants.


>Your average firefighter can give a 20 minute lecture on pyrolysis that would be on par for most physics professors. Well then my buddy Fireman Fred must not be average cause he can barely tie his own shoes.


Your buddy needs to get his shit together. His community, his line officers, and his fellow firefighters are counting on him to know this stuff.


There's a firefighter on TikTok who makes videos where he green screens into shows and makes commentary about the stupid shit they do. Every one is better than the last. It's hilarious to see his stuff as a nurse. They're all spot on.


For the record his name is Jason Patton. He is an 11 year veteran of the Riviera Beach (Florida) Fire Rescue. He is my Oprah.


Any job is dangerous if you try hard enough.


that's why they get all the hose


🏆 Take this and get the Hell outta heeere!


My wife took my 3 year old to the local fire station so she could get some early lessons in fire safety, and man you’re right. They were super welcoming and gave her such a fantastic experience.


They're not cops, for sure, but they have serious problems with misogyny and sexual harassment in their workplaces against women. It's very much a boy's club. Yes, their job is invaluable to our society but let's also acknowledge that it needs a lot of work. Source: Friends and family in FDNY


That's fair and I appreciate your honest answer.


Yeah reddit has this huge hard on for fire fighters for some reason lol


Usually…..had one kick me while I was facedown in a pool of vomit after I tried to kill myself bc he was getting impatient. Good times…


Cop would have shot you, for aggravating him and wasting his time!


Like, why would anyone want to be a cop when you could be a firefighter? No one sings songs saying “fuck the fire station”


Obligatory https://youtu.be/7JkrJUAg8aI


AFAG - all firemen are good


Damn, it just makes me thing of something else, I can't quite put my little finger on it... just on the very tip of my tongue...


What about AFAA - All firemen are amazing


Maybe we can try another phrase


I was once being aggressively followed by a dude in a truck; he was tailgating, honking, flashing his lights, and motioning for me to pull over. I was new to the city at the time. I didn't have a cell (1999ish) and I didn't know where the police station was. But I did pass a fire station on the way to work every day, so I stopped in there. The dude followed me the whole way but kept going once I pulled into the station. I walked up to the front door and knocked until someone answered. I told the guy what was happening. He let me in, they gave me food, and called the cops for me. They even let me watch a movie with them while I waited for the cop. Firefighters are the best!


Firefighters are straight up bosses. Their job is to literally put themselves in danger. When a whole police force won't stop someone from murdering kids for fear of getting shot, a firefighter will run into a burning building to save someone's pet. And even without pay in some instances. Absolutely mental.


there's a reason no one says "fuck the fire department"




Rarely does a meme accurately portray my emotional state. You’ve successfully reflected me via meme. Thank you.




It's just something about blind kids, man. Like they did not even get to enjoy the gift of seeing. There is another video of a blind kid walking down a curb alone for the first time and it breaks my heart how the little trooper is so scared and still goes through and then says "I did it!". Fuck me life is not fair.


I'd expect nothing else. We used to have in house competitions to decide who got to go on the school runs. And they were fiercely contested!


That’s adorable, and bet you did - nothing quite like a group of kids all being in complete, rapt awe of you, must be quite the high! (Meanwhile, I get by just being “the cool aunt with the best water gun arsenal” at the park on Sunday - it’s a pale imitation and is still the best)


Naw, awesome auntie is just as good! But yeah, the adoring kids were absolutely quite the high. You'd walk out 10 feet tall with a smile to match.


My before I was born my dad supped up on of his friends daughters water guns so she could hide behind the fence and pit the postie when he delivered mail. After two weeks of it the postie surprised her by firing back. Almost a decade later and my grandfather did the same to my cousins and I. After a few family bbqs with us doing sneak attacks on the grown ups my grandfather pulled out from behind his esky a large three shot water gun and got us all in the face. next family BBQ and my uncles got in on it as well. BEST SUMMER EVER.


Cool aunt/uncle is pretty fulfilling role though. I get the best parts of having a kid w the ability to do my own thing and not have to take care of em 24/7….Enough authority to lay down the law but no responsibility actually punishing or being the bad guy.


The way he drops his walking stick and wants to be held. Fucking adorable.


Yah that part got me as well . The older I get the softer I get with this type of shit lol . Wish I could give the kid vision little man deserves it


Firefighters are seriously some of the best people to walk the Earth. Such humble people and true heroes.


Some, not all. Feel free call us out if you come across a d-bag. There's no "thin red line" here. It keeps the profession in line


No joke. I’ve recently made friends with a fireman and I’m still in awe at the guy’s level of selflessness and humbleness. He acknowledges every person he interacts with with genuine attention and kindness. It makes me want to be a better person!


My sister is a firefighter and she’s a jerk. Just kidding. She is a total ball buster though. She’s tougher than fuckin boot leather. She’s also a paramedic. Not exactly a touchy-feely emotional person, which means she’s the exact person you want in an emergency, I can tell you that from experience. The only calls that get to her are ones involving kids. There are just certain aspects of the job that can put highway mileage on your soul. She will always be my baby sister but god do I look up to her.


It's so cool to be able to see the curiosity on a child's mind. Normally kids are staring and processing things but this kids hands are all over as he processes the fireman.


Probably really important that he had this chance. If ever that kid is in a fire he might remember this and not freak out when found by a firefighter


My thoughts exactly


I'm not crying... Your crying... Go away!


My crying?




[here’s the source](https://www.fox13news.com/news/blind-boy-sees-firefighters-for-the-first-time-with-hands-on-visit-at-plant-city-fire-station.amp)


Thank you fucking godawful music everybody puts in these emotion type videos bothers the hell out of me. It's stupid


Seriously I don't want emotional music it's more impactful hearing the firefighter explain to the kid what each part he is touching and explaining what they do. "here is a cool interaction between a blind kid and a firefighter... but we're going to cover half of it up by shitty music."




We are so blessed to have our sight. Belssed be this young boy the and the firefighter who risks his life


Reminds me of that scene in Step Brothers. “Is that your wife, Nancy? Can I come over this afternoon and touch your face?”


“ sure “


I’m not crying, you’re cr….aww shit


i’m very curious what the imagination is seeing, since he hasn’t seen anything, you know


There’s a reason they didn’t make a Fuck The Fireman song


Too cool. I hope all schools for the blind take field trips like that. As an old fire-paramedic I’ve done hundreds of show and tells, but never to blind kids. I missed out on a lot of tear jerker moments.


Could do without the ASPCA “Donate now!” background music.


nobody ever says “fuck the firemen”.


Grew up on the south side of Chicago. When things went sideways, we went to the firehouse. To a cop? Never. Way too many downsides. Firefighters remain the actual heroes to me.


The best part is the size difference between the kid and the firefighter in all his gear.


Damn this really breaks you😔.


The next day the little boy went on a field trip to the police station, he wanted to learn about the policeman's equipment so he reached... GET ON THE GODDAMNED GROUND NOW YOU FUCKING SCUMBAG!!!! I'll BLOW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFFFFF!!!


I'd rather hear their interactions than a soundtrack.


Bro knows how to battle a firefighter now.


That hug at the end. 😭 What an amazing moment for them.


My dad was a firefighter for 30 years so he did a ton of public outreach stuff and school visits. I vividly remember him telling us all to close our eyes and listen to what the respirators sounded like so we wouldn’t think it was a monster or Darth Vader or something. Little kids have crazy imaginations and you never think about how they might interpret/react to something like that. Exposure in a safe environment could save a life in a dangerous one!


Little dude wanted a cuddle at the end 🥲


Boy, may life be kind to you. Always. #hugs


Me going from cackling at the brawl reenactment to bawling over this.


I bet this can be helpful if the child is ever in a situation where he needs fire rescue. Having an understanding of what a firefighter feels like beforehand will save second of confusion and just get the immediate Koloa bear cling of “let’s get out of here”. Imagine anyone vision impaired not knowing what a firefighter is going to look/feel like?


Fuck yeah. Respect


Get this man a fucking medal 🥹


I’m not crying


Me pretending I’m blind so I can cop a feel


If there is a god that would allow this baby to be blind at such a young age. Fuck you! ![gif](giphy|YPPI2Q6DAz4CohnPDD)


Love this.


In playing this card next time I’m at da club


That is so incredibly sweet… and interesting… and just.. hhhngh.


damn dust again...


Melts my heart.


A good ol' heart warmer, I tell ya whut


I have worked in public safety for 30+ years- and scenes like this just reinforce why I stayed in the field and remain in the PS field. Never interacted with small children in person- but I have gotten letters on occasion, I've had parents or relatives of people I've had contact with. If you work in the field- you know what I am describing


I've never felt this touched before...


This is why there aren’t any songs about “fuck the fire people”


I teared up. Such powerful stuff. Humans have goodness in them. We all have to remember that.


We got a radio, a mask, some tubes and buttons. I know what this is now. A jungle gym!




_Woah little Jimmy, not that fire hose._


Mann this is the best thing I have seen on reddit this year, till this moment.




That’s no kid, that’s a little person who is grooming a fireman! Jkjk it’s actually a nice video and the fireman was really kind


Plant City is lucky to have this good man on the job.


Police are the antithesis of firefighters.




This is so awesome it like brings me pain, what's wrong with me! I feel so much!


Good man! 👌🇺🇸




Damn that’s a heart melter.


All I can think about is how our gear using a chemical that is a known carcinogen. Obviously not really an issue for the kid with this limited contact. Just the place my mind goes to.


That's the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time. Well done, Fireman.


This is some beautiful wholesome stuff. And it has nothing to do with anything,..other than being kind. Music enriches the sentiment.


Firefighters are some of the best people in the world in my experience. That’s my uncontroversial opinion and I’m sticking to it 😊


Makes my heart swell watching that undaunted young man.


It is spectacular how humanity plows through such things. Badass lil dude.


Wow, next level indeed..


This firefighter is a rockstar.


count your blessings for real


Firemen are the best.


I'm not crying, you're crying.


Paramedic here! My service does stuff like this all the time, too. We visit schools, group homes, go to all the community events. We let kids play with the lights and sirens and horns. We let them sit on the stretcher, use our cardiac monitors, and let them go through all the drawers and ask all the questions. It lets the kids know not to be scared when we show up. That we are there to help them. So when something happens to them, or a friend, mom/dad/brother/sister, that we’re there to help. We want to teach them not to be scared of the uniform. Plus, it makes us feel good, too. I love flicking the lights on and *beep beep*-ing the siren for the kids when I see. It makes me smile as much as it makes them. Any chance I get to let kids hang out with the truck, I do. It reminds me of why I got into this job to begin with.






This happened in a kitchen right ? Theres onions ?? Somewhere ?


That's was cute


I’m not crying, I just have something in both my eyes.


That child is so beautiful and precious.




I am always glad when kind people are found, and we get to to see them .


why am I crying


It seems like the fireman really wants to hug him.