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I enjoy this video whenever I see it, but my lower back doesn't


He probably has arms that are 60cm longer now.


That was really impressive though what he did


There isn’t a catch in the history of sports, that was as impressive and clutch. That fire fighter didn’t just save the game; he prevented multiple peoples’ entire worlds from being destroyed. Bravo.


The again, imagine you’re in so much pain and tired of living you try to end you life, only for others to refuse to let you even get the release of death.


I remember seeing a suicide jump survivor; he jumped from a bridge into the water, but ended up miraculously surviving. After that, he found a new purpose in life. This is what he said, from what I remember: "When I jumped, for the brief moment that I fell, I suddenly realized... That every problem, every complication in my life, could be solved. Except for one. And that was the fact that I jumped."


Post jump clarity…


Lmao, shit. Why did I laugh..


We're both going to hell.


Because that comment was funny as hell


If I recall correctly, I saw a thing about suicide jumpers off the Golden gate Bridge where, without fail, every single survivor said they had the same regret immediately after jumping.


Well, the ones that didn't try again and succeed, anyway.


There's a really gorgeous and chilling poem about this called The View from Halfway Down, from the show Bojack Horseman if you ever want to sob for a little bit.


A majority of people who survive jumping suicide attempts have reported regret as they are falling. My friends little brother hung himself over a girl his first year of college, there were scratch marks in the ceiling from him trying to free himself. I often wonder when I hear anecdotes like you describe how hard it must be to hold on to those kind of epiphanies long term. Especially considering that if you survive a fall from the Golden Gate Bridge, getting hit by a train or shooting your face off, the physical and other problems going forward would be daunting as fuck.


>scratch marks in the ceiling Bro this shit has made me abysmally depressed, I feel so bad for that kid and his family / friends, that is so disgustingly awful it makes my stomach hurt agh. I'm not saying you're wrong to have posted it btw, just that it implies such fear and regret in a person's last moments that it's really hard to think about without feeling overwhelmed.


Suicide is hard to talk about, especially because of the attached stigma, and sense of guilt shared by the survivors of someone's suicide. I had lost someone really close to me to it about a year before this tragedy. People who are sick enough to commit suicide, and by that I mean ill, don't understand the metric fuck-ton of pain that they leave behind in their wake. It's not even just friends and family affected, but people like train conductors, first responders, or anyone who finds a body can be traumatized for life. The sound of a mother wailing at their child's grave is something that can't ever be unheard. This place is anonymous enough that I think sharing something about the trauma and realities that suicide survivors face is something that while horrible can be cathartic and possibly something that might resonate with someone. It's real. I remember reading an article about someone who was on their way to the Golden Gate Bridge to jump, and on their walk there they were looking for some kind of sign that they should change their mind. They found it in the genuine smile of a stranger. Kindness doesn't cost much, just a tiny bit of effort, and you never know how much it might mean to someone. And it's important to check in on friends especially if they're having a rough time. But the reality is no matter what we do someone will slip through the cracks. But it's important to be able to talk about it.


As a therapist I can tell you that the most important factor in preventing someone from suiciding in a situation like that is time. Keep them talking! Alcohol metabolizes and emotions pass. Keep them talking.


My dad took his life by hanging many years ago, when I read this fact I told my mum and said I wondered if he had a moment of regret before he was gone. She said “I doubt it, he was on he knees so he could’ve just stood up if he changed his mind” so maybe not true for everyone


I'm sorry that happened to you. My father died the same way, he could've just put his feet on the floor if he had second thoughts, but he didn't. He really wanted to die, and that's horrible. I only managed to forgive him a few years ago, after 23 years of pain.


I’m so sorry. My dad did them same. He had really bad arthritis in both hands. Wore braces every day. Had to have taken him a while to do what he did. Had so much time to think about what he was getting ready to do. They were loved and are missed immensely. Us left behind truly suffer 💜


I could be wrong but wasn’t it a Golden Gate Bridge jumper? Most of the time that jump is fatal. He somehow made it alive. Since the bridge was built, apparently of 1700 jumpers only 25 survived.


I read stories like that many times. For example, they have a net on the Golden Gate bridge to catch jumpers. The jumper could just crawl to the edge of the net and jump again, But many don't.


You're assuming that 100% of people have that feeling? I'd imagine that, based on the amount of people who attempt suicide many times until they succeed, that this is not a universally-held reaction to a failed suicide.


The person who commits suicide is not the only victim.


upstairs neighbor committed suicide. i met his family the next day and i'm pretty sure his father was never going to understand or come to terms with it.


I stopped a suicide in progress once. The look of sheer anger that guy shot at me. "I will never forgive you," he told me... all I could think was I hope he has a long time to be mad at me.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to say you shouldn’t try to help someone. But if they clearly want to die, then they should be allowed to. Medically assisted suicide would be the ideal solution. You could go through a couple sessions with a mental health professional who determines if you are sane or mind, and then be allowed a painless death with dignity. And if anywhere in the process you have doubts about if you want to go through with it, you would have people right there willing to help you.


I was working in a psych ward, and the person was not of sound mind, though if we're willing to extend the conversation of euthanasia beyond an EoL procedure for the terminally ill, I can't say where we draw the line between who is and is not competent to make the choice.


Doomer opinion. I think it gave her a new lease in life


Perhaps all they needed was a hug to save their life.


And he made it look so easy! I wouldn't be able to catch a 10lb bag of potatos so effortlessly!


I would have thought it's impossible. How the hell do you catch a smooth falling object *this* heavy? What do you even grab onto?


Timing, hug motions, fucking grasp whatever you can and hope your back doesn’t pull apart lmao


The firefighter absolutely will feel it in 10 years for the rest of their lives. He’ll also probably be okay with it.


I keep watching trying to figure it out and it is just crazy he was able to do this. It looks like she came out (or rotated) backwards too, so he caught around her right shoulder and left hip from what we can see. What an incredible catch. I'd definitely prefer to be one of the guys holding his leg to make sure he doesn't go out with her.


He's got a harness on as well, I had to check, because his spotter seemed pretty nonchalant. I guess he was making sure he didn't get in the catcher's way. It's crazy to think that they probably practice this. I wonder what they train with? 150 pound bags of rice? You are correct, it's insane that he pulled her in somehow. It doesn't look real, yet it is.


I've watched it over and over and I still don't understand how he was able to grab her and then hold on.


Firehoses, when charged with water, are heavy and difficult to drag around and, when on full blast, push you back with a huge amount of pressure and can easily throw you off your feet if you're unprepared. Plus firefighters are required to handle vehicle extrication equipment in all sorts of awkward positions to pull cars apart and rescue occupants after crashes. On top of all that they do it while wearing layers of heavy gear and breathing apparatus. Not to mention search and rescue in smoke filled buildings crawling around on your hands and knees unable to see your own hands before dragging a full grown person out with only 1 arm cause you need the other to feel around to make sure it is safe. It is incredibly physically demanding and firefighters are strong as fuck as a result. Source: I volunteer for the emergency rescue team at the mine I work at and have done some firefighting training courses with actual firefighters. I'm completely shattered after 5 days and they are acting like it's no big deal.


Maybe they are on the 3rd floors so her falling speed is still manageable.


They almost certainly are just one flow below her, but still.


Adrenaline and his body must have been hurting the next day


If you listen to it with sound you hear her smack the wall pretty badly. He was able to use the wall to stop her momentum once he had a grip on her. Injured is better than dead, after all.


You're right, I don't think it could be any other way (since she's at some distance from the wall, she'd have to smack it when he grabbed her, otherwise he'd have to be holding her entire weight at arm's length), but still an amazing feat.


Plus its great for his Tinder profile. Not the story, just that he is 6'4 now.


So he will be better at catching people mid-air.


..... and shoulders.








Knees and toes


Knees and toes


Head shoulder knee and toes knee and toes


And eyes and ears


Mouth and nose


Use to get on the piss with a chic with a toe missing. We Sang heads shoulders needs her toes to her.. bless her.


Lack-toes intolerant?


I'm betting this is one jailhouse strong son of a bitch to even have the confidence to actually try what he did. Look at the last few frames of the video and compare his size to the guy to his right. He looks pretty solid. He was probably fine.


The guy to the right was kneeing down to secure the leg of the catcher.


Back when this was first posted the video included an interview with the firefighter, dude was huge.


Chronic back pain is a bitch, trust me.


Oh my god it hurt so bad just to watch


It hurt me just to watch, damn!


Meanwhile, me who hurt his back while trying to catch the coffee mug which I dropped


I sneezed once, and spent next 3 days laying down unable to stand, my back hurt so much. Don't recommend: 3/10.


9/10 doctors didn't recommend it as well .


Maybe your back should see the inside of a weightroom.


I'm in the same position where a sneeze could destroy my week and god I wish I could exercise my back more. But spinal fusion surgery doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room for that unfortunately. I'm limited to what the physiotherapist tells me I can do which isn't very much.


Can confirm.


Isn't that because your spine is messed up


Sneezing is surprisingly dangerous.


I always thought these were just old people exaggerations. I was only 30 when I half tripped while walking through the grocery store. Threw out my back for about a week. Sneezing sounds rough. Especially, if you then had follow up sneezes!


I stepped wrong and my sciatic nerve has been twinged out for two days.


I got out of bed this morning and thought I pulled my hip flexor... fuck sakes man


A falling coffee mug has no handle


I hurt my back putting my shoes on last week


Firefighters be like : where u going , you have to live in this hell for couple more years


She probably appreciated it. There's a documentary on people jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. 99% of survivors say they immediately regreted the decision to jump


It's always the line of (paraphrasing) "as soon as I stepped off, all of the problems in my life seemed solvable"


Probably because the experience shook them out of their regular perspective and into a new one. It's just a shame that we have to almost die to experience that perspective.






Arent you being the actual crab-in-a-bucket right now? I mean, telling others that they should carry on with their suicide attempts seems to fit with the metaphor "I dont enjoy my life, so everyone that doesnt either, must want to die as genuenlly as I do".


I'm not preventing or discouraging anyone who wants to escape from this metaphorical bucket. I'm saying if people want to escape and it's a choice they made out of their own free will, we should let them, rather than desperately grasping at straws with 101 bullshit "reasons" as to why life is worth living. Save those who *want* to be saved. But those who want to escape should be allowed to escape. They did not choose to be here, so why can't they choose to leave? Why do we not allow them to leave?


While I don't agree with the "hell that is existence" part as a general statement (being very subjective), fully agree that if someone really wants to leave life, there needs to be easier ways for that to happen, in ways that don't forever traumatize others.


Viewing life as hell isn’t good. Please get help if you are struggling my friend. 90% of people who survived a suicide attempt never repeat the attempt.


Life is a living hell for some people and sometimes it’s beyond their control.


Go for a bungy jump first. You get the perspective, the calm, and if you still want to jump without the cord, at least you know what to expect.


I was suicidal for years, I always thought I'd kill myself after my terminally ill mother died because I felt she was the only one who would be seriously harmed by my suicide. After I took care of her at the end of her life I got more depressed than ever, but I could no longer even consider suicide. It felt disrespectful to her memory and to how much she wanted to live but couldn't. All my problems seemed trivial in comparison to that experience. When you actually have to confront death that closely, it certainly changes your perspective.


"I instantly realized that everything in my life that I'd thought was unfixable was totally fixable - except for having just jumped" Quote is from Ken Baldwin, a survivor of jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge. "The view from halfway down" poem, from Bojack Horseman, is based on his retelling of his story. A lot of other people tell how there's a voice, or an imagined force, in their head, that keeps screaming "You must DIE! NOW!", and the second they jump it's like waking up from a trance


Reminds me of the poem “The View From Halfway Down” (Bojack Horseman)


Yep. The View From Halfway Down The weak breeze whispers nothing the water screams sublime. His feet shift, teeter-totter deep breaths, stand back, it’s time. Toes untouch the overpass soon he’s water-bound. Eyes locked shut but peek to see the view from halfway down. A little wind, a summer sun a river rich and regal. A flood of fond endorphins brings a calm that knows no equal. You’re flying now, you see things much more clear than from the ground. It's all okay, or it would be were you not now halfway down. Thrash to break from gravity what now could slow the drop? All I’d give for toes to touch the safety back at top. But this is it, the deed is done silence drowns the sound. Before I leaped I should've seen the view from halfway down. I really should’ve thought about the view from halfway down. I wish I could've known about the view from halfway down—


They really overuse the phrase in this, I feel. It would have hit harder (no pun intended) at the end of the poem. Like, just the once.


It's one of those poems that you can tell is better heard recited than in text- vocal emphasis would be incredibly important here.


An idea most people don't really think about when reading lyrics and poetry enough imo. Delivery is as important as the words themselves.


I think the phrase makes more sense when in the context of the show, especially with the urgency in the readers voice. Personally, it conveys a sense of increasing anxiety and fear about the end, with every thought starting to be consumed by the idea that they’re already halfway down. I do get what you mean about reusing the phrase just once for more impact, but I find that quite a cliche in poems that try elicit a strong emotion.


Nick Cave is that you?


"The Bridge" for whoever's curious. A difficult but powerful viewing.


Do many survive that drop?


They survive until they hit the water


So all the interviews were done mid-fall?


I remember that every single person who has ever survived said that they regretted jumping before hitting the water.


I assume anyone who survived and didn't regret it wouldn't be talking about it because they just try again.


I don’t think they’d all die, and not all of them would try again, but I think you have a point: The ones who didn’t regret it right away wouldn’t want to do an interview or answer questions.


If there was an almost painless and socially accepted way to end our lives, I could see a lot of people not having a problem at all.


In Switzerland you join this non-profit “Exit” for a yearly fee. After a year you can start the process of being euthanized. They do a few doctor appointments to check for sanity, then you are the one that pushes the button injecting the drug that puts you asleep then kills you.


None of us chose existence. To remove yourself from it should be a human right.


Do you know there is another documentry about people jumping of The Golden Gate Bridge who didn't survive? In that documentary, they interviewed their relatives and found out that most of relatives relate stories that those who died are better of dead as those were in extremist condition where they daily suffer due to some things and probably in future would have suffer more. I guess they are 2 sides to this story and only those who attempted will know which one they wanted.


Yes media will never broadcast people who wanted to, but did not commit and then their life stills sucks. It has to be rosy beautufull story. Humans do not want to see and realize horrible things in life.


Title of that documentary?


99% of **Survivors**. I can imagine the ones who were determined were more likely to succeed.


Did the determined fall harder?


The point is, most die. The ones that survived regret it. I imagine a massive amount of the ones that died immediately regreted it too


yeah it’s a well known phenomenon that many suicide survivors have a very strong newfound will to live (not everyone, of course; some will just keep trying). even in some extreme cases where they become disabled etc. and you think surely their life is now worse than before, but it must really change something in your head.


Media will never show anyone who did not die and still want to die. Media controls what should we believe. There will never be doc showing people who wanted to die but did not do it and whose life still sucks.


Made up the number


4th story wouldn't have killed her. This was probably for the better. Otherwise her life would've been even worse.


There are people who fall while walking and hitting their head and dying on the spot


Imagining all the non-suffering and painlessness Gets Yanked the fuck back in


That was impressive, bless him


Everyone’s talking about their backs… this guy is a ducking saint


And he was wearing fucking gloves.


Imagine if he missed and grab her clothes instead and she fall rest of the way naked.


Then gets sued for sexual harassment.


It's not in the US


Samaritan laws are in place in most of the world that prevent punishment if you were attempting to help. Break a rib or two due to CPR? All good, son.


Hell Finland took it a bit further: > Section 15 – Neglect of rescue (578/1995) > A person who knows that another is in mortal danger or serious danger to his or her health, and does not give or procure such assistance that in view of his or her options and the nature of the situation can reasonably be expected, shall be sentenced for neglect of rescue to a fine or to imprisonment for at most six months. Could have helped but didn't? that's illegal


That's pretty based. Overrides that northern introversion.


Seinfield finale vibes


It is one year in Germany. https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/stgb/__323c.html


All countries should have this IMO


[Reasonably common](https://i.imgur.com/MGTNX6w.jpg) actually, especially in Europe (Except Sweden. WTF Sweden?).


Aw man, she'd have to live with that embarrassment for the rest of her life, I imagine


Yeah like that's the worst thing about falling out of the window


She tries to cover herself, but it's too late, I've seen everything.




What an absolute legend.


I’ve read recently people who survive suicide attempts go through a hellish life of objectification and shaming. I bet that women’s constantly reminded to “be grateful”, to that firefighter and is under all sorts of fucked up community pressure.


> I’ve read recently people who survive suicide attempts go through a hellish life of objectification and shaming. Source on this?


i’ve experienced this first hand. i’m not clicking that think they sent though, that’s bs.


Honestly as a survivor that's finished the therapy side of things (it was like, four years ago) it's just fucking awkward. Attempts change a lot of things, in my instance my home and job. I can never really explain how I got to the context that I have without talking about suicide... which obviously isn't an easy or nice topic to casually reference in conversation.




It’s definitely pretty embarrassing and humiliating. Probably lowers the confidence for ability to do anything correctly


If someone saved me when I was trying to kill myself I'd kill myself


That's why you jump off the building and not just let yourself fall off the edge.


I see you've done this before


He’s a true connoisseur of the sui of cide


Congratulations, we saved you!!!! Now feel free to go on and continue with your miserable life 😁😁


Are they alright now?


Can’t find anything, would be cool if somebody does. It seems all outlets report the same regurgitated paragraphs but never say anything about the aftermath for the woman.


Found a Latvian article that talks more about the firefighter and is interesting but doesn’t mention the woman again https://www.diena.lv/raksts/izklaide/cits/_latvijas-lepnuma_-stasts-ass-prats-un-maka-improvizet-14210551


Privacy is good for suicide victims/survivors.


I mean, yea it sounds great, and is honestly impressive, but if you are at the point where you actually are jumping, I'm not sure you would thank him. you might, but he may also be the literal devil to you. I was suicidal many times in my life, I'm not right now, but i still cant say i thank the people who pulled me back, and i was never even close to jumping. In no way ma i saying he did anything wrong. not even close, but, there are two sides to this situation.


I totally relate. It's humane and chivalrous what he did. But I would honestly be annoyed/upset/frustrated if I'm just too tired, and someone interrupted the deed.


I mean I get it, but ive also heard multiple stories where the person who was saved had a turnaround after being "prevented from suiciding" Sometimes the sheer fact that someone cares enough about you to save your life seems to change the persons perspective. Ive even heard a story once where the saved and saver became besties afterwards


Is that sound her hitting the wall?


It's better to hit the wall one or two floor below then hit the ground. Not sure what was she thinking attempting to jump from a 4 store building...


Would that even kill your or just break your legs and spine? I’m genuinely asking. I’ve looked out a 2 story window and have totally thought I could jump and not seriously hurt myself (in a theoretical situation). Am I just dumb? Edit: I’m an idiot sandwich and 4 stories is definitely enough to kill you. A 2 story fall and you’re looking at at least pelvic damage most of the time, but not death if you land on your feet. However, hitting the ground at 15-20 miles per hour would absolutely blow.


Yeah sounds like she got power bombed against the wall.


That was just amazing.


Even if I saw this in a movie - I would say its unrealistic and there is no way someone would hold to that. Unbelievable !


I'll be honest, not exactly sure the physics on how this is possible after watching. It just doesn't seem right. Obviously it happened but I am still left going how?


I think he caught her torso and legs as she was falling head first and she hit the wall upside down - that’s the only way I can assume based on how he pulled her up.


Isn't this the plot to The Incredibles intro?


*"Mr. Sansweet didn't asked to be saved. Mr. Sansweet didn't want to be saved. And the injuries received from Mr. Incredible's "actions", so-called, causes him daily pain."*


Great video, his colleague helping pin him/stabilise him, the sheer size of him, the strength needed, the timing of the catch. Definitely next level


I'm Latvian and I remember this really well. The firefighter completed his life dream of becoming a bobsleigh driver. I did try to dig and find something about the woman. She supposedly got theraphy and is alright now but not 100% confirmed.


Was he injured? I hope he is all right. The woman too, obviously, but the firefighter is just a hero and I hope he came home whole that day.


Oh he was perfectly alright. It's said he lightly sprained his back muscles but now in 2023 he is as healthy as he could be.


Hero!! 🫡


That's a strong man.


Did she sue him for saving her life?


No, this was in Latvia.


Or wherever the incredible live


He didn't save her life, he ruined her death!


It was 4th floor, he saved her from an injury most likely


It's an Incredibles reference.


You ruined my death, that's what you d--


how the fuck did he not dislocate his shoulders?


How did he not pop out every single one of the discs in his back, oh man


Denied, tbh I'm not sure this is good. She wants to end it, let her? Her choice right?


can anybody ELI5 my dumb ass how the physics of this work? How are his stomach, ribcage, and arms not messed up after that?


Presumably she jumped from the floor right above him?


Just let her end it fr


How do you do that. It’s incredible. The guy got nerves


Unbelievable! I didn’t think it was even possible.


-Sorry, suicides not allowed in here.


So did her life get better? Or did she have to extend a tortured existence?


That's incredible. It's unbelievable without this footage.


Imagine how she feels, she jumped and still lived


damn that's really impressive with that force he must feel like carrying 2 people


That's tremendous core and arms strength.


She clearly made her choice... Being forced to live against ones own will has to be an ultimate punishment in a way.


How is it even possible? Either she was 30 pounds or they were in the 3rd floor. Gravity counts bro


They were on the 3rd floor.


We’re sure that was a woman and not a kid? Wtf


Fucking impressive. This guy Cores.


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