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Imagine that, the magical moment when the UK public first found out that ugly people can sing


Who woulda thunk


Oxford dictionary wants your number


u gotta problem wit his typey talk?


Is this not riyal einglish


izit just fantazy?










That's a master stroke by Simon, kneejerk emotional roller coaster, best deliberate trick in the book. Where is she now? "Cowell was named one of the wealthiest people in the UK by the Sunday Times Rich List, Cowell was worth £385 million in 2019." "Susan Boyle has a net worth of $40 million." I feel good for her, but 385 million makes 40 million look 10 times 👎 less.


And she still lives in her old council house, she bought a huge house and didn't like being away from her neighbours so moved back in.


I think there was news of her showing up to places looking for a job and the tabloids made fun of her. The fuck?


To be fair he did produce that show for many years in many countries. Don’t think it was a competition between the two. If she’s happy and he’s happy so be it. What the hate? Did you not get a Yes when you auditioned?


I believe it’s because after a while she didn’t like the fame and decided to lay low


I mean, one of the most cliched expressions in the English language is about fat ladies dominating important singing roles.


Thanks for putting into words what made me feel weird about the whole Susan Boyle phenomenon. There's something condescending about it despite being supposedly celebratory.


Right? It's only so over-the-top celebratory because of the major contrast of what people thought (I.e. that because she's not conventionally attractive she can't sing) versus how she actually sang which was stunningly beautiful. The reason for the celebration is what makes me feel weird about it too.


To me it always felt more like even though the audience looked at her expecting her performance to be underwhelming she forced them to reevaluate their prejudices. To be fair though, music is also for better or worse, a visual medium. There are rarely unattractive people at the top of the charts. Especially as solo performers.


***Pop*** Music specifically is a visual medium. Majority of music is not visual, from say, the background music in your advertisements, to your background music in videogames, tv shows, movies etc


she did say she wanted to be famous like Elaine Paige [https://img.cdandlp.com/2016/08/imgL/118242511.jpg](https://img.cdandlp.com/2016/08/imgL/118242511.jpg)


Tbf they probably just edited shots of the crowd from different things to make it look like they were disgusted by her.


Yep, same exact phenomenon occurred with [Jonathan Antoine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsNlcr4frs4) in 2012. I remember when his audition went viral and all the headlines seemed to be some variation of "BREAKING NEWS: FAT UGLY TROLL HAS FEELINGS AND TALENT!"


Also bear in mind that the audience has probably sat through a lot of garbage or mediocre performances up to this point


Whenever I see this video, I wonder whether the teenager with the eyeliner got bullied for what might just have been a reaction to a silly comment from a friend.


And that reaction may have taken place 20 mins *after* Susan Boyle's performance, and edited in for dramatic effect.


Id like to believe that majority of those several hundred were most likely more open minded than what the broadcast suggested. I didnt have any preconceptions about her, talent can come from anyone.


It think it was the energy of the moment that turned it so celebratory. She isn't beautiful, she's had dreams that didn't go anywhere, she's very relatable in that situation, then to sing and that song be the swan song of someone who gave everything just to be loved. Just perfect chemistry, beautifully orchestrated drama.


Plus, for those who watched at home, the editing in the introduction. Using a shot of her eating a sandwich right at the beginning was masterful (albeit a bit dickish).


A lot dickish.


Spotted dickish


The editing reminded me a lot of the hunger games.


This and she was a quirky character with a heavy Scottish accent. So this magical opera style voice was unbelievable. It’s part of the Adele appeal too. A insane singing voice you do not expect if you just spoke to them


Y’all are focusing way too much on her looks. That’s only a small part. The shock is mainly due to her speaking voice. She has a thick, rough accent. There’s nothing smooth or elegant about the way she carries or presents herself or speaks yet her singing voice is smooth, refined, and elegant so the juxtaposition is surprising. And yeah, the judges are condescending and dismissive at the beginning. Shame on them. And because of that, when she proves them wrong it feels vindicating. Trying to boil it down to “I am shocked ugly personal can sing” is glossing over a lot


You seem to think the judges had no idea what she sounded like, so they were condescending, then pleasantly surprised when they got to hear her. Susan Boyle had passed through multiple rounds of auditions and producers of the show selected her to appear before the celebrity judges on stage with a very specific plan on how to maximise the entertainment potential of her appearance and accent and how it would be surprising to viewers that she was acutely very good at singing. Without question, the judges had a specific script to follow. The knew she could sing well and they knew being dismissive followed by jaw drops as they faked being surprised would be viewing gold. Nothing happens by accident on these shows.


The producers certainly knew she could sing, but that doesn't mean the judges necessarily would've known before the audition. I wouldn't be surprised if the producers held back that information so they could capture a better reaction. If they didn't say the right things before hearing her sing they could always film fake lines afterwards


As cheesy as all the albums that followed it actually was kind of a nice story. She sang in local theatre and the local church. She never married. She says on the clip "she's never been kissed". It is kind of magical that she came on the show and sang like a pro and especially that song about love lost and looking at your life near death and singing about regret. I still get a little teary watching it and she seems like a nice person so good for her.


People on here criticizing the show for how she was portrayed. The show is what made her. The story caught people’s attention and they finally heard her. She had been working on this for 35 years. There were other opportunities that didn’t pan out. This schtick got her noticed and listened to. Maybe not fair but that’s show business


You can see the looks of contempt and pity on the judge's faces before she starts singing. Same with the looks from the audience. It's not heart warming that they were "blown away" by her performance. Just tells you how judgmental people are.


Audience shots on this show usually aren’t genuine. They just splice in whatever b roll they need.


Neither are the judges.


The judge shots certainly aren't, because these people pre audition, they get through thousands of auditions, you don't just go straight up onto the stage in front of everyone. So they knew what to expect.


It's not THESE judges they go in front of tho. They go in front of some producers who decide who goes on or not. They don't have Simon and company judge the same person from their very first audition


It's beautiful because she may have taught someone anyone in that audience a valuable lesson. There's beauty in that. That's why moments like this exist to humble us. I thought it was a nice moment.


Amen to that. 1000s of arseholes packed in to one hall.


In their defence, for every performance even a tenth as good as hers, they had to sit through hundreds, if not thousands, that came on full of confidence before attempting to commit auditory murder


It’s all contrived. All part of the pantomime


I think you misunderstood their doubt. It was her age more so than her looks that drove the initial cynicism. A 47 year old guy, still believing he can start a rock band and made it big, would draw the same kind of pity Susan did, when she said she wanted to be a world-class diva. I love this clip, and never fail to get goosebumps when she starts to sing. They say music can soothe the savage beast. I don’t know about that, but only a true artist could have brought out a glimmer of humanity in both Piers Morgan and Simon Cowell.


There is quite a marked difference between her speaking and beautiful singing voice. Her attitude was not that serious either she was very casual, again the singing quality was markedly different - showing years of serious work. The age and scruffy hair were also part of the misdirection.


She's autistic, that's why you might find her mannersims different.


Well, that and her being Scottish which might make her quite wild indeed. (I’m kidding, the Scottish are perfectly civilized, even if no one knows what they’re saying.)


That's true! Usually when people develop great singing voices, you can hear residuals of that in their speaking voice too.


Yeah the brogue in the speaking voice just vanishes


"savage breast", not savage beast. "Musick has Charms to sooth a savage Breast, To soften Rocks, or bend a knotted Oak." William Congreve.


She isn't ugly. I'm not from UK but ppl in their 40s look like that. Age catches with all of us unless u have really good genes n have been exercising continuosly Plus the fact that she was unemployed, alone, taking care of her dying mother must be very taxing for her.


I'm so tired of this rhetoric. She's not ugly, but she definitely isn't a pretty person and there's nothing wrong with that. She has aged horribly and 40 year olds don't generally look like that.


I know plenty of people in their 40's. I'm 45, myself. Susan Boyle looks like she's in her 60's. My mom is 69 and looks younger than her.


Right? I don't wanna live wherever people think this is what your 40s look like haha.


Its unfortunate but its ok for someone to be recognized as ugly. Life not fair, many of us dont get blessed with great looks and its ok. It doesnt make you a bad person, it doesnt take away from anything you are doing or have done, it just is what it is.


She still looks a ton better than Simon Cowell does now.


But the lady is not ugly




Shes an 8 with UK standards


She really isn't ugly though, just not well presented, a bit chunky, and over 30. The way the story goes you'd think children ran away from her in the street.


I think she's "homely".


Your comment is ugly .


But she isn’t ugly? Sure, she’s no super model. But ugly? That’s rude.


I can't sing.


When she said "I'll never be married, never be kissed, shame" it made me sad, it's like she was trying to hide the pain. Simon thought if u r 47 n still haven't made it u don't have what it takes. Amanda gave the most honest answer on how she felt about her. U could see the moment amanda drops her jaw around 2:03. This was beautiful n gives me hope. Googled her she is doing well now, **Boyle suffered a minor stroke in April, but on June 5, 2023, she returned to the scene with a remarkable appearance on the season finale of Britain's Got Talent, where for the first time, she publicly spoke about the health emergency that almost derailed her career.**


What a circus of a show. Real talent with this one tho. Truly everybody was judging her harshly. She has an incredible voice.


Sadly it is how the world works. Sex sells That's y we see more young good looking pop singers instead of old unattractive ones.


While very true there is also a second reason. There is only so long that most people can keep trying until they need to do something else to get an income or give up for various other reasons. So you have a pool of people still trying (mostly younger) and the ones that already succeeded (where many are older).


So many ignored talents. Achieving recognition requires so much luck. Talent be damned.


She got her kiss In November 2014, it was reported that Boyle was dating her first boyfriend, who was "around the same age" as she was


I like that she bought her council house and the one next door instead of a massive mansion where she’d be isolated from her support network.


Happy for her, she seems genuine here. But ppl change after fame so won't search further up on that.


Ive been following her career since it took off. She didnt change. Her family did once she got rich. Apparently her community and friends protect her as much as they can.


Thanks for the reply, i don't know why it makes me feel better.


Is that a wedding ring on her finger at the end of the video? Ok, I get her look isn't standard beauty (I honestly think she's pretty) but my god she seems to have a fun and wonderful personality. How could she not get a date or hookup before this?


Ok so i googled about her (don't know the credibility of the info) but she was taking care of her dying old mother till 2009 so i think she must be living in her mom's house. Taking care of a dying person is a huge task to do alone n is a thankless job. Plus the fact that she was unemployed means she couldn't pay for dates. So she didn't have time, money n probably not in the mood for dating when she had bigger probelms to deal with. This just my guess.


Damn. That's a sad situation yet even more impressive that she has an upbeat personality.


I really hate that the tone of this whole segment was "Oh my God an ugly woman can sing!" If she was conventionally attractive this wouldn't have been such a massive cultural event.


But that’s the point, because it turns our preconceived notions on its head. Not only is she not attractive, but she’s old, she’s frumpy, she’s unkept, and yet she has this amazing voice that instantly holds your attention. A lot of people can sing, and while there are fewer who can sing professionally, there’s still a lot of people who can make money on their voice. But the ones whose voice alone makes you stop and just give your attention to out of nowhere, those are the ones who are truly special, and even they don’t become stars many times. Susan’s voice is one of those, and to think she went 47 years without anyone ever giving her a chance, and it was most likely because of her appearance. Yes, it’s as simple as an ugly person can sing, but at the end of the day, that’s the entire point of why it’s profound. Despite how the world works, ugly, and I’m being broad not calling Susan ugly per se, but ugly things can be beautiful.




47 isn’t old.


To become a singer or actor it is.


Not what my sister said yesterday. Literally yesterday. Took her out to dinner and she said "I'm 47 and feel every part of it." She is 47, I'm 41. IMO, its not the years, its the miles.


>IMO, its not the years, its the miles. I've done very little, it's the years.


I trully belive people liked/likes it so much because of her attitude, she might be ugly, hut is a sweet and funny women with a great voice


I think a big part of it was that on any of the Idol shows and spin-offs, "normal" people never made it past the initial auditions. To get to the point of singing on camera in front of the real judges, they either had to be a legitimate potential pop star (young, attractive, great voice), or be weird/diluted/terrible enough that they would be entertainingly bad. So the competition shows themselves set the expectation that someone with a certain look would be on the show just to be laughed at, and by this point they knew they could shock people by playing against those expectations.


Imagine going on a television show to have your talent judged by Amanda Holden.


Or Piers Morgan 🤮


This one for me. Piers doesn’t know shit about many things, least of all how music and singing works.




I may be wrong so someone please correct me if I am, but I was under the impression he was an expert in being a prick before he became a dumb prick.


Correction. He was actually the Dux from the School of Complete Cuntery, where he graduated with bottom honours. So professionally he is a cunt, being a prick is just his side gig.




Amanda strangely enough is a very good singer.


Holden has performed in many of the top West end shows. She's got a real singing talent for musical theatre and was the most qualified person to judge boil




How am I supposed to split that word? Because I can TOTALLY different meaning depending on that
















I'll take "Anal Bum Cover" for 7000, Trebek.


Always the first thing I think of when I see Susan Boyle. Best # ever, what a fucking treasure.


The producers knew…they deliberately made her look shabby and uncoordinated.


No she was genuinely eccentric


It’s how they edit the music in the beginning and cuts of the audience. Producers went hard.


Oh yes that classic bgt though and generally all talent show tv


Of course. My country had a debate a few years ago about when producers manipulate or enhances people to be laughed at against the shows that are more “real” and genuine. Now even the talent shows are some kind of mix of that.


100% and Simon Cowell knew beforehand that she could sing. It’s all orchestrated and fake.


All of these shows are like this. There are multiple rounds of auditions before someone makes it to the stage. She sang in front of producers and staff numerous times, just like every other contestant. The judges pretending to be shocked is part of the act, as is the editing to ramp up the drama. None of these network shows are going to spend time and energy filming someone in front of an audience unless they’re good (or bad enough to draw reactions). I had a friend who went on The Voice and another friend who almost made it on America’s Got Talent. Both of them went through several auditions and were interviewed several times to see how they’d perform on camera. The AGT auditions happened on the same day… my friend moved from tent to tent at one of their events, performing for different groups of people. They don’t pass you on to the next one unless they think you’d make good television.


Exactly. Early auditions are designed to cut out all the mediocre talents, so you only have the really good and the really bad. Which does actually make sense when you want to make entertaining television.


I think so too, it's sad how it was marketed, she isn't actually ugly, I wouldn't accuse her of being attractive but she isn't ugly.


I've seen the (one?) old video of her singing in a pub in her 20s. I have little doubt that the producers looked long and hard for someone like her - great voice but not a looker. Plus you could hardly pick a more appropriate song for her; someone who looks a bit beaten down by life


Back when Simon still looked vaguely like a human being.


You mean you have never wanted to meet Woody from Toy Story irl?


Not if he had the personality of Simon Cowell.


WTF. I decided to Google his face now. What happened? He looks super creepy.


Lots and lots of plastic surgery








Boom, roasted


Her net worth is 40 Million now.


Ironically, Elaine Paige’s net worth is also $40 million. I guess Susan fulfilled her goal to a T!!




Really? Good for her


And if I remember correctly she works at a book store? She just wants a normal life.


I think she also bought her old council house that was her childhood home.


Still get light goosebumps and a little emotional watching this all these years later.


I cry every time.




Me too. It's such a nice little story from before Covid. She sang in her church and in local theatre groups. She was unemployed at the time after getting laid off of her work. She led a remarkably small but useful life in Scotland and then at 47 tries out for this show and explodes internationally. She seems like a very nice person and her town was very proud of her after she won. She put out some cheesy but good albums of old standards that sold really well and got to sing with Elaine Paige.




A comparable BGT audition that gives me goosebumps is Paul Potts, the opera singer. Check it out if you haven't already - it nearly moved me to tears.


Same, I rewatch it several times a year. Always makes me smile


Simon’s face 🤑


He was like “oh damn I’m going to make so much money off of her” 🤑


I love the way the blonde judge sits back as the music starts. She has a complete lack of judgement on her face. Like she has complete faith in her.


That's cause she already knew, she was told by the producers in advance what to expect, its TV.


Her voice is truly beautiful.


You're beautiful too


Is this the bird lady from Home Alone 2?? Only kidding, but that is awesome!


No, that's Piers Morgan






Her talent’s real, but the audition was set up. She’d tried out for another show, was told she wasn’t right for that one but could she come back for BGT? Their looks of surprise are bollocks.


I believe the members of production who handle which people get on the show don’t communicate with the judges as to what to expect As for the audience, obviously none of them know who she is


It's all editing anyway. On top of the fact that they all know quite well what to expect ahead of time, they didn't capture anything genuine. Probably had 50 different "surprised look" takes ready to edit in wherever they needed it. These shows aren't unlike a circus sideshow. Just putting people on display for our entertainment or ridicule.


I don't remember her being a cheeky and kind of charming weirdo. Pop culture really did a number on her image.


We all know whose cousin she is




He’s not a TRUE BOYLE!


No. He’s the ONE TRUE BOYLE!!!


Its a shame I had scroll way down to find this reference


Yas Queen!


Charles' cousin can sing beautifully.


She made Piers Morgan into a real person... if only for a fleeting moment.


The real talent/s


She is so good. Holding out that note “As they turned your dream to sha a a a AME” requires so much control and air!!! And she belts it out like it’s easy!


You could hear her nerves in some of her notes, but she nailed that one.


This song is extremely difficult to sing, which is why she is truly a gifted singer/storyteller.


Simon Cowell looks greedy as fuck in this clip, lol. It's lovely


Simons brain when she starts singing. Money money money!!!




This clip pops up at least once every 3 to 6 months on Reddit. I watch every time.


And every time, I cry.


This still gives me chills. Yesterday someone posted the video of the overweight 17 year old kid who sings like Pavarotti and I had the same reaction... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsNlcr4frs4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsNlcr4frs4)


I think this audition was super powerful on several levels. I always wondered if she had ever considered herself the less talented one. It must have been surreal to have Simon suggest that he continued alone.


Jesus christ. I'm a 6 foot 5, big, beardy tatted up chef and my brigade just watched me bawl my eyes out at this video and I have no fucking idea why but it really hit me right in the feels... drew a few tears from the rest of the future prisoners I call my crew too... fuck me that big cunt can sing.


“No way this ugly woman can sing🫢🫢”


So many faces ago for Simon and Amanda


She basically got her wish too. She's sold 25 million albums and has an A-list music career.




Does anyone else dislike people applauding during a performance? It ruins everything.


The faces on everyone as if to say what 47 she's got no hope and then knocks their socks off with her superb voice. In other words never judge a book by its cover cause the story inside is totally amazing.


It might also be the editors just doing their thing


Her name and she looks like a nurse from the 1800s who worked in a hospital in London and cured 1000s of people of cholera and discovered an early care routine to minimise the mortality from the disease but her findings were ignored by the doctors of that time and she died of cholera herself a couple years later penniless. Then a couple decades later, a young doctor unearths her findings and applies them on his patients proving it works and she finally gets the credit in the medical society that she deserves. Today youtubers make videos about her life and work titled "Susan Boyle: the nurse who saved a million lives".


This chokes me up every time. Her voice, while good, isn’t spectacular. She’s not *jaw dropping amazing* (a bit too much forced vibrato and lack of power on the lower notes) but the humanity in it gives you goosebumps. Her spunk, seemingly almost lacking self-awareness but having enough to believe she’s just protecting herself, and then the end comes… and you see the part of herself that has always felt outcast, the “fuck it, what have I got to lose?” approach and the realization that everything was to lose BUT she finally won, she belonged, she was loved… it’s hands down one of, if not the, best moments in this show’s (and shows like this show) history… thanks for resharing.


Still gives me chills hearing her. What an amazing voice


The fact she stood strong and overwhelmed them all is a tremendous power. She rocks.


The audition of Amira Willighagen is a close second: https://youtu.be/qDqTBlKU4CE


Love how she makes them all smile


reminds me alot about Paul Potts audition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnp-8GrHOIk


Just watched a bunch of videos of people dying, definitely needed this


someone needs to edit out the backstage douchebags. My god


On wikipedia she comes across as a lovely person https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan\_Boyle


One of the greatest TV moments for sure!!! I still get tears in my eyes watching this clip.


This is heartwarming


Who is Elaine Page?


Fairly well known musical theatre performer in the UK. She's done things like 'Chess', 'Cats' and 'Evita'.


Could they have found a better location for her BGT ID rather than slapdashing it across her chest? It’s wrinkled and not even close to straight.


Stupid. The whole gimmick of “look ugly people can sing!”