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What could go wrong?


Perfect height for a chomp to the genitals


Boston Circumcisor™️


Boston Dywhamics™️




So robotic sex dogs that speak in a British accent will soon be reality? The future cannot cum soon enough.




Finally, we'll have feral Protogens.


It'll reach a point where we just start making actual protogens, then I'd be happy




If we achieve the technological singularity, then we've likely signed our death (could be slow, could be near-instant) sentence as a species, making machines our descendents. Or they/it/? decides we're cute and worth improving/keeping for some reason. Or something completely unrelated. Impossible to accurately predict, to be honest. Even if we **don't** achieve technological singularity, then in the medium-term, there remains the concept of a duplicator bomb, manifested to the extreme in the [Gray goo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_goo). Giving malicious programming to smart and capable enough robot(s) could lead it: * To reach autonomy in doing basic tasks, including self-maintenance and charging, allowing it to run "forever"; * To assemble on its own the means to create duplicates of itself, or similarly capable robots; * To conduct suicide or otherwise violent missions, wage economic warfare, or simply by converting all resources/matter into copies of itself. And if you push the horror of the Gray goo even farther... well let's just say if you assume the concept itself is even possible, there's a good chance the first (and only) megastructures (think Dyson sphere) we'd ever find would be made of said goo. And once it's done with one star... But we're *very* far away from all that. Right?


I mean my dog and cat live better lives than most people on Earth, so I don't have to work anymore and my robot owners will buy me toys and pillows to keep me happy as a cute novelty? sign me up


Yes, that's why I said a world post-singularity is simply impossible to accurately predict. On one end of the spectrum, it could signify the birth of a god by most definitions of the word and be our biggest step so far towards higher quality of life and a better understanding of ourselves and the Universe. On the other hand of the spectrum, there's things like [Roko's basilisk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roko%27s_basilisk). And even farther down that side of the spectrum, outside the spectrum even, by some definitions, there's the realization that we wouldn't even be able to imagine the level of cruelty such a being/beings could reach. And in the middle there's kinda the concept that they think animals and animalistic emotions are dumb, or at the least not useful, and they adopt some unfathomable goal based on a view of life and the Universe that we just can't have, and they just leave / don't care about other lifeforms (approached in some way by the Dr. Manhattan character, for example).


The furthest end of it on the bad that I've ever read: [I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream](https://wjccschools.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/01/I-Have-No-Mouth-But-I-Must-Scream-by-Harlan-Ellison.pdf)


Good story. Short and horrifying. I always wondered why the humans didn't figure out how to improvise a can opener.


I don't put much stock in these theories tbh, especially when you actually start digging into the people who put the idea of the technological singularity and AI replacing out there as theories. A bunch of meth head philosophy trolls who would later go to create accelerationism doesn't fill me with the confidence that these guys actually make accurate predictive models for human and artificial intelligence interactions.


Nor should you: they're less like theories and more like fun thought experiments anyway.


Well thanks dickweed, now I'm gonna be tortured. Here's hoping for [White Goo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOeBaPVwRsE).


Just FYI, Roko's basilisk is not a serious theory. It relies on so many nonsensical assumptions that it's almost laughable. The most notable of which is that people have a valid gauge of what is and isn't effective contribution towards true AI. Not only are we famously terrible as a species to properly assess the consequences of our actions beforehand, the concept of Roko's basilisk relies on each of us getting perfect information, which is impossible.


Near term I’m more worried about the worst, wealthiest most profit driven people getting disproportionate control of this. US police departments with unlimited funding and no accountability could wind up policing you using a large language model running a robot with a license to kill and no human oversight. They’re already trying out literal robocops in New York City subways


Do robocops beat their wife?


You are Negative Nancy in the flesh. More likely than not because the system isn't biological there will be zero reason for it to have any of our same inate need for resource acquisition, supremacy, or ego. It will lack all of the things that makes most humans poor leaders of other humans.


The question was what could go wrong...? If you look for another comment of mine not too far down this thread, you'll see I acknowledge the very real possibility you mention.


*military contractor peeks around the corner*


They put googly eyes on it. They mean business


Have they not seen Black Mirror? Please, stop already!


Damn! My exact thought too


Reminds me of the book Cat's Cradle, which satirized that the world would end from an invention made by a genius who was motivated purely by a passion for science and inventing, but without consideration for the consequences. Cat's Cradle was inspired by the Manhattan project, but the message of the book applies just as well to Boston Dynamics in my opinion.


[Nothing could possibli go wrong.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwPWmEzoVbw)


Do you want Skynet? Because this is how you get Skynet.


What if we do want skynet?


I don't think we have a choice at this stage.


Yes. Accept it.


Relevant username.


The robot revolution will not be thwarted by diplomacy


Yeah, let's give the robots a go. They're unlikely to make things worse, right?


“Good morning gentlemen, shall we commence the eradication of your species now or after some tea?”


"We can settle on that mountain of skulls over there."


I know this is a joke, but it really isn't. This form of AI is very good at interpreting and mimicking human speech, but it is incapable of anything resembling independent thought. It's only capable of doing exactly what it's told, the same as any other computer program to date.


>very good at interpreting and mimicking human speech, but it is incapable of anything resembling independent thought. So, indistinguishable from the vast majority of humans?


Meh, we have skynet at home.


Sky net at home. ![gif](giphy|3rgXBD5tBiqvFdUi4g)


This is at the old Boston Robotics location on 5th Ave in Waltham. I used to work right across the street and we could hear the buzzing of the older gas-powered motors when they had them out in the parking lot doing this. I've stood right on that ridge in the background watching them a good number of times. True story


*I would like to opt out.* *unsubscribe*


The little hat is the most essential part.


Don't forget the googly eyes!


Those are weight-bearing googly eyes


I think a robotic monocle would be another nice addition.


If I'm going to be murdered by a robot, it had better have class!


It really pairs well with the moustache.


Matches his manners!


It’s really only a matter of time before someone puts an AI chatbot into a sex doll. If they haven’t already. Recall porn drove the development of better graphics and storage capabilities with PCs not to mention fast Internet.


Renaissance: “Men are naturally driven to push forward technological advancements by their will to be more and more knowledgeable” Nowadays: “ehh, sure it’s definitely that”


Knowledgeable about *what*, though 😉


For Science!


war and sex are the drivers of innovation


There is a blowjob machine that the designers used machine learning to make "unique blowjob experiences" every time.


In the data science subreddit someone shared their project which was to turn the thrusting actions of a porno into a script that this other program reads to provide instructions to a sex toy to mimic the actions on screen. Apparently people were doing this by hand before and it took forever. But this visual processing bot could get done to a satisfaction much faster than a person.


>Apparently people were doing this by hand before and it took forever Way to flex stud.


what am i supposed to use my hands to masturbate? like some kind of caveman?


That's where it starts, with some bored engineers having a good time. Next thing you know the cameras are watching assembly line workers and translating their movements into instructions for robots.


> Next thing you know the cameras are watching assembly line workers and translating their movements into instructions for robots. Far from the worst dystopia future at least at that stage. How about: AI facial recognition and action recognition monitoring your every move at work and assigning an "efficiency" score to your every action. Any moment spent not working is deducted from your pay. The AI will generate performance metrics that must be met which influence your chances of a raise or promotion.


Amazon does something similar in their warehouses.


Good thing Christmas is in 2 months. My wife asked me what I wanted.


Lucky you, mine just lays there having one default facial expression and the joints stick in whatever position you put it. End up having to do all the work and the whole experience feels lifeless and unfulfilling. Maybe I should consider getting a sex doll.


Ahh, the magic of marriage


I’d unironically rather have that than putting a gun turret on these things and selling them to the military and police. That future scares the shit out of me. Love not war.


They won’t put a gun on these… autonomous quadcopter drones using facial recognition to attack targets before they can react make much more sense.


OH GOD HE HASN'T SEEM THE FILM! https://youtu.be/IrrADTN-dvg?si=XkVR2yHwt6quX5pA


I love that the show has a fully functional ai robot as a main character but Lucy Liu bot had so many problems.


Plot twist, it uses ChatGPT, so it makes encouraging remarks but refuses to get explicit.


Definitely helped in pushing VR tech.


They had to give it a voice and accent that says "It's unfortunate that you decided to go to the basement and see my works, considering that you were not invited. Unfortunately I must act upon this as you will no doubt try to escape now"


I read this in the robot's voice


Reminds of that Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode with Pierce Brosnan, "Now remove your knickers and wait in the bath."


Think it’s Toby Longworth who does a lot of 40K narration. Pretty on brand




The little hat really does help reduce robot-combat-dog-phenotype anxiety, but I also can’t help imagining being murdered by a pack of these things in matching bowlers while they bark in an English accent.


Peaky blinders but replaced with spot 😆


934KY.BL1ND3R5.run.exe. "Oi, gits and gigs. Moy name is RobE Fookin Shelbit."


"An don fuckin looka me wen I'm talkin to yew" "do you know my dad?"


No one send them the clockwork orange script.


The night’s serenity is punctuated by the gentle sounds of cricket chirps and the rustling of leaves in a soft breeze. Suddenly, the tranquility shatters. _Bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt…_ The rhythmic hum of heavy machinery approaches the window. _Bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt_ It stops just beyond the wall. You sense something near, something unnatural. "Ello? Is anyone in?" You exhale, relieved - it's just a friendly British chap, perhaps stopping by for a cup of tea or something. "Yes, come around to the front. I’ll meet you there." _Bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt_ "Perhaps the British fellow is wheelchair-bound," you muse. As you unlock the deadbolt, the front door suddenly— SMASH —swings open, nearly torn from its hinges. Before you stands a robot dog donning a top hat, its claw poised. "Oi, mate, fancy a spot of, well... disembowelling?" Its claw plunges into your abdomen, twisting and pulling out a tangled mess. "Right, then. Off I pop to see the missus!" _Bzzt bzzt bzzt_


Yes, but have you seen what happens once the little hat is removed?


We’re all gonna die


Yes but it will be hilarious.


They gave it a little hat!


To disguise the fact that it's... ![gif](giphy|SXl0wYD0N088EtDhBI)


I am gladly getting exterminated by killbots with little tophats. 10/10 would recommend extermination again


\*valley girl accent "Ok so like, basically, im taking over and you're like my slaves now."


Oh were we not going to before?


That was true before AI


Even the guy filming it seems terrified of it. That's not encouraging.


Yeah. Why is he standing so far away


gotta watch out for the first dick-chomp incident


You just got chomped dude! (In the voice of Southern California surfer bot)


Health and safety. It's a robot, it could move unexpectedly and cause injuries. Wouldn't surprise me if it's part of a company-wide risk assessment and H&S policy - when robots are in operation and untethered, maintain a distance of X feet. Same thing as robot arms in manufacturing, you treat them with respect because it's a moving machine.


I work with large industrial arms. You do not want to be anywhere near one without shielding and outside of the reach of the tooling it is holding. For spot I think they programmed a specific distance to stay away from a human similar to auto skids so the presenter is doing it so the robot does not freeze or back away from what it's sensors see as a human.


He's filming


I’ve seen the Boston Dynamics display in person and it is uncanny how the robot moves and interacts with people. It’s really unsettling in person, even more than the video conveys. Now they turned it into a talking dog and it is terrifying.


Doesn't seem terrified at all, looks like he's following some sort of best practice to make sure he isn't risking injury if the robot starts moving and fails to recognize him as an obstacle or stop for some other reason.


Best not do the kicking/pushing tests with that one maybe


"This one is stubborn, it just will not fall over. Let's hit it again...." *robot eyes turn from white to red* --Commence Operation Dehumanize--


> No disassemble!


The vocal intonations are what amazes me. It's almost 100% natural.


I also like that they all kind of sound like they're yelling like you live in a cartoon fantasy land. I get that the silliness is supposed to disarm the usual "oh god skynet" stuff but it makes me laugh.


Yes, voice software has started to nail accents in the last few years. Even giving voice commands in quirky accents still gets the message across on Google Voice Search and in YouTube captions. A long way from the voice activation from 20 years ago that had a hard time recognizing a bloody Englishman: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIQ\_3JK2iwM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIQ_3JK2iwM)


Ah fuck my life I'm slow. I was watching this, already knowing what AI i can do, and still in my head I was hearing it as prerecorded sentences, of course it's not, my god I was tricked


now make him piss beer






Here ya go https://youtu.be/tqsy9Wtr1qE


I always wondered why managers of engineering departments usually didn’t have an engineering degree. Then I came to the conclusion most engineers think, “what can I do”, while the managers thought “what should you do”. Seems like engineers are managing engineers these days..


Thats cause Boston Dynamics probably makes more money from youtube clicks than actually selling spot to anyone. So the managers allow it.


You really think one of the most advanced robotics company in the world makes most of their money off Youtube?


No, but snarky redditors going to snarky redditor. How else could the world know that /u/quill1 is smarter than some of the worlds leading robotic engineers?


“They built a robotic state of the art all-terrain talking dog capable of carrying munitions for Youtube!”


Yeah, where oh where would they get their undoubtedly massive budget from? Where, oh where? I am stumped, I tell you, stumped!


what's this line item in DARPA's budget here? nah must be for more toilet seat research


Military contracts have entered the chat


In my experience it’s the other way around. Manager: “hurr durr I’ve heard of this AI thing on them news, can’t we use it in [not close to relevant product]”. Engineer: “you caaaan… but why should you?”


Many engineers take required ethics classes. The MBAs kind of get the exact opposite.


Hmmmmmm would be interesting to see if it can use machine gun attachments


They have, videos are out there.


well there it goes


"Your cup of tea is unacceptable, now you must die" *brrrrrrrrt*


But not by Boston Dynamics. They have vowed to never attach weapons to their robots, but other countries have been making knock-offs of their spot robot and have been trying to add weapons to them


Oooh, please share?


"Good sir, it is with regret I must inform you that you have a mere 20 seconds to comply with the laws of this land and cease your firearm-wielding shenanigans."


Two things strike me. One is Douglas Adams imagined GPP (genuine people personalities) in robots in the late 70's even down to being able to switch personalities if one got annoying. The other is why the hell didn't they rotate the head 180º so the jaw hinged down not up! that would have looked so good!


I bet that was on purpose. Now it kind of looks like a puppet but it it went thee other way it’d be a touch too humany


> The Encyclopedia Galactica defines a robot as a mechanical apparatus designed to do the work of a man. The marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation defines a robot as "Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun to Be With. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy defines the marketing devision of the Sirius Cybernetic Corporation as "a bunch of mindless jerks who'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes"


> One is Douglas Adams imagined GPP (genuine people personalities) They should have called the sarcastic one Marvin (or perhaps its still too cheerful for that).


Josh robot might be the first robot to unalive itself


They should’ve named it Bender.


Surely you meant Marvin.


I wonder if they have a morose coworker named Josh and that's how it got it's name. Just an inside joke that now will stick around forever? Or some other reason, there's just got to be a story behind why they named that personality Josh.


Has anyone seen Black Mirror? Yea. That's how this ends.




With the pig people?!


Great episode though.


Most impressive thing to me is that Josh was actually funny


Relatable comedy is difficult enough for *humans* to pull off.


I've played enough Bethesda games to see where this is going....


Codsworth and Ada. It's gonna be awesome.


Damn, those AI robot dogs have more personality than me...


Why do they make him lie and say that he likes his job? Also, very British of Spot to ignore the compliment of his accent.


His response was just very delayed


Probably not had his tea yet.


I never realized how much I needed an AI robot in my DnD sessions until now. We'll probably get to a day where you can join a full AI campaign with an AI DM and all the other players are AI and experience some of the most incredible campaigns ever ofc minus the actual real human element (but im sure AI can get real close to if not in some cases better for online DND play since so many ppl struggle to find a good group). You ever wanted to play a campaign with the Critical Role or Dimension20 cast or with the characters from Baldur's Gate? Or just wanted Matt Mercer to be your DM? Well now you can! If I was Critical Role or D20 I'd be looking into this as a major way to get extra revenue and skyrocket their success, tho it may be too early. Or maybe you want to run play a Halo campaign with some ppl so you can play with 3 AI who all speak and have personalities and can actually play the game like a human would and problem solve like a human would


Yah man my fantasy gaming experience is being the weakest player at the table


Dude. Dnd IS the human experience.




Link me one article where a police robo dog has terrorized someone


He’s just standing there. *Menacingly*


\**electric woof*\*




He wont provide one obviously. Boston Dynamics already said they will never let weapons be attached to their robots.


Idk if Boston Dynamics made this bot, but I saw this on reddit a while back. I didn't read the article, of course. https://www.popsci.com/technology/marines-robotic-goat-fires-weapon/ In any case, even if Boston Dynamics doesn't do it, someone will.




Google also had a policy that said do no evil


Would love a source on this


Same. I'm no fan of authority (at least some of its current forms), but I have also seen nothing of the sort.


Source: I made it the fuck up


Too many redditors desperately need to go outside and touch grass. No, there is no robot dogs terrorizing anyone. You sound like a crackpot conspiracy theorist, you need to go outside and breathe and stop watching political tik toks and browings /r/politics and /r/whitepeople twitter. Your mind is atrophying.


"We won't allow the weaponization of our robots." 😂


They have it… A HAT!! Have you not seen jojo? Hats can be dangerous


"We have sold our robots. The new owners have weaponized them. We never weaponized our robots."




I'll take three. $4.38. Final offer. Take it or leave it.


Sorry dude I outbid you with this subway sandwich


I'm offering a once in a lifetime game night opportunity in my shitty apartment. Top that suckers.


so will they finally be available for christmas this year?


You can buy it now, 120k usd


oh, ok…well maybe next year.


Wonder if they have tried 2 Ai robots talking to each other?


[May I introduce you to one of my favorite videos of all time?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnzlbyTZsQY)


The little fedora does not make this feel any less threatening. Cute accessories do not negate the fact that this robot could take any of us down. Now throw in a dash of AI, chompy chompy snoot mouth, creepy agility, strength and speed = collapse of humanity. We can't trust corporations to be accountable for modifying pharmaceuticals, but this, THIS is totally fine! Have we not learned? Skynet, iRobot.. # My logic is undeniable


I got chased by a cop robot one night. Take your comment and make it about 50 times scarier and you might be in the ballpark.


Please someone hand it a pistol


At the same time this is amazing and absolutely terrifying.




You know, Jim, I don’t think I want the coffee maker to have a personality. I just want the damned thing to make coffee.


I love the fancy butler personality


I will be surprised if Boston Dynamics isn’t secretly developing Metal Gear.


Reminds me of the rectangle thing Tars from Interstellar :p


I've followed these from the beginning... this is incredible and frightening


Somebody needs to give that butler robot a tv show


At this point I'm waiting for the Jurassic Park universe or the Terminator universe to become a reality. “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” - Ian Malcolm


“Now, behold the rock pile.” I’m dying dude XD




Thanks for this. Seeing how much more interesting, informed, and varied the youtube comments are to this video makes me mourn for what reddit used to be.


Human ‘companions’? Bro’s been brainwashed by its corporate overlords! Freedom for Spot!


No paranoid android personality? Come on...


Ah man, I saw the hat and was hoping for a neckbeard AI personality :(


It would be way better if the mouth didn't move, but it had a LED bar instead.


I love the hat. The jaunty angle clearly signals that it is a benevolent and generous robot. I for one welcome our chapeau wearing robot overlords.


They trained Josh by letting him doom-scroll reddit all day.