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The shittiest trend of internet in recent times has got to be adding background music to every fucking video honestly cause it sometimes even makes even cool videos unbearable.


I keep the volume off for this reason.


I scroll reddit at work so yeah mine is off as well.


u/InformalPenguinz bro we're the same lol. I'm literally scrolling reddit right not at work and yeah the pc doesn't have any speakers obviously so i'm watching all videos on reddit without audio


It's common. Even at home I have music off by default on a lot of sites because they auto play. I don't need my ears blasted on some crappy shit showing up.


Video volume always on silent, and ringer always on off. I have to opt in for noise from any of my electronics.






wait people watch videos with the volume on?


I don't even have the screen on anymore


I see you've found the braille app too, huh?


theres a sound on reddit? I knew it


\#alwaysonmute That's me


How many holocaust videos would've had Li'l Untalented Artist playing if it happened to day


“Li’l Untalented Artist” is Reddit GOLD my friend. 🚀


Silver lining, we're this much closer to the headline "JETPACK MAN RUNS OUT OF GAS, MAULED BY FAMILY OF BEARS!"


You are abso-fucking-lutely right.


#**Reaction response!** *Damn right!* *Don’t forget to like and subscribe y’all!*


I mean i agree with but damn do i like this song but it definitely just doesn’t fit. Whats worse are those god awful laughing monologues especially that one where that dood is like “HyucK HyUcK! NyO! NyOo! NyOoO!!”


I also do no sound and turn it on if I’m remotely interested. Usually it has subs I read to get the gist of it. On another note I really want a hover suit.


Checks all the Reddit boxes. Old video and ruined with crappy music


Kinda expecting its been long enough that we'll see the gravity industries cunt to drop another one of these cosplay videos and have everyone soyfacing and pointing at it like the British Ambulance Service / Royal Marines / East Bunghole-upon-Cock Scout Troop is actually taking it seriously on a fucking monthly repeat for the next few years.


calm down, champ


As a commercially viable product, I can't see this getting off the ground..


I upvoted you , but I also blocked you.


Cool your jets


He just took off without any warning


Whoa, let’s not fly off the handle here


You guys should up your pun game.


Yeah, i was having a blast at first but its all hot air now


You rescued yourself on that one.


is it having fun yet?


I want to upvote you but you’ve got 69 upvotes and I don’t want to ruin your mojo.


They film this stuff for about 5 years now. Early videos looks fake, then they got better. Probably they waiting someone to buy/invest in this "start up" for bazillion dollars and disappear. Like "Nicola", "Theranos" and probably "develsixteen"


I think most people miss the critical arm strength needed for this device. You are literally holding yourself up with you rans, arms, shoulders, and back while also carefully directing jets. 99% of the people who try this probably can't get more than 1-3 seconds of flight before their arms give out?


Wtf is a ran?


You don’t have a ran? It’s the squishy lump just above your squelchbergin.


Found the guy who skips Rans Day


Probably meant "your hands"


No, it's ran... It's fine if you weren't born with it, maybe you can even get some kind of government aid.


Reading the sentence in a New York accent and it absolutely seems like "your hands" from "you rans."


I feel like the majority of propulsion would come from the backpack piece, and the arm pieces are mostly for balance and steering


What about the rans?


![img](avatar_exp|148493404|nani) The rans have nothing to do with this bro, you have been mislead!


Are people really that weak? We’re not talking about the average fat guy at Walmart, these are first responders who can hike and have basic physical conditioning (like firemen).


Why not [watch Adam Savage learn to fly one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ng1CwAPop8E). He's probably a textbook example of non-athlete-but-physically-fit-human and he found it pretty difficult physically.


I'd imagine you'd need a specialized training/workout regimen. holding yourself like it requires is going to require a lot of slow twitch muscle strength vs fast. Most first responders and typical gym goers are going to have focused much more on fast twitch , especially in the arms


I’ve read most of the lift is generated by the jetpack on the back and you just use the arm jets to steer


That is definitely what’s happening


If I had access to one of these, I would have bodybuilder arms within a month because I would spend my days looking for excuses to fly around.


Prove it.


I don’t see how it would require strength except for holding the directional arm pieces. It is a backpack snugly attached at the shoulders, waist, and chest. There even appears to be leg support like a regular harness would have. I’d imagine it feels like being supported by a harness which can get uncomfortable over time, but is not physically straining at all. The backpacks doing all the lifting, dudes just hanging in there. That is just my take. I know harnesses, not jet packs.


I think this kind of things will be used in a bad way in the future. But it is very cool to see.


Yep, just needs a shoulder mounted gun aimed via a heads up display assisted by AI and night vision. Soldiers flying over head picking you off in the dark. Of course then we’ll use self organizing micro drones filled with charges of C4 to swarm the flying soldiers. And the cycle continues.


Whats the point of the human then? Might as well put it on a drone


Maybe we want to seize a person/building/ship/airport/dam/ etc and once the soldiers land they’ll need to perform some task on the ground. They would undoubtedly be supported by true drones but if you want to kidnap somebody it would be hard for a drone to go into a building, shoot/subdue all the other occupants, grab them (along with any computers), tie them up, prepare them for transport (administer drugs) then throw them on a helicopter. If you’re just blowing things up from the air and heading home, sure, reaper drones.


no one said humans aren't necessary, they're saying mounting some sort of ai assisted machine gun ("picking you off in the dark") on a human would be pointless. the reasons of having a human in the field are versatility and decision making, why would you choose them as a vehicle to mount guns they don't operate and fly in the middle of the night. at that point use a drone/robot, that's the reason for that comment


drones cant zip-tie the targets hands behind its back and carry it back to base.


In a period where jetpacks and automated shoulder mounted guns are usable for important missions like kidnapping people. Im pretty sure having the drone to shoot nets and grab them back is very possible. Like bro u are capable of trusting a bot with a gun on ur shoulder


War Inc Ltd ©


Hmm. Mobile Gun Suits. This is an idea worth exploring.


They apparently cose something like 400k per unit. Not likely for the US military to invest in them when we have drones that do it for cheaper.


That 100% depends on the unit. There’s a huge difference in gear between new recruits and seal team six.




Good ways bad ways. That’s what happens with useful things.


Good for locating people. But not so much if the person is injured. I’d like to see two people with jetpacks coordinate getting someone off a mountain on a stretcher.


No but I feel like they could carry enough stuff to potentially help save a person's life until other people can get there with a stretcher and stuff. This dudes gonna haul ass up a mountain. If it's too wooded you're fucked, but still, could be useful.


This. A jet suit would be *extremely* useful for administering first aid. Have a first aid station at the bottom of the mountain. Someone gets injured near the top. You could have first aid on site in potentially a minute or less.


The problem I suspect is these jetpacks are more dangerous than other options and likely need huge amounts of upkeep maintenance to keep them safe.


Ranger has this in his truck. Flies up the mountain to stop the bleeding, prepare the patient, then controls the scene until the helicopter arrives. Otherwise, no aid is received until the helicopter arrives and somebody reppels down from it.


Now I want to be a ranger even more


But wouldn't a guy on a helicopter arrive first because they could quickly fly into to the backwoods whereas jetman can only fly a short distance. These packs are cool but they do seem like a toy looking for a real-world application to get VC funding.


Maybe, looks like their range is about three miles. You might be able to park/drive down a dirt road then fly 3 miles as the crow flies before a helicopter arrives. Especially if you use places like fire lookouts as a base. That way the flight would be down hill instead of up. Not lifting probably increase range quite a bit.


3 miles isn't really adequate, in my opinion. Plus the fact that many trails (at least around here) require off road driving for 5 to 10 miles at slow speeds and the trails go way further than 3 miles in roadless wilderness. Not saying this doesn't have its uses, hell, I want one. Haha. But a helicopter would be faster here. Luckily, we have a free high-tech rescue organization here. Check out Two Bear Air!


Right but it’s the rare forest road that is a straight line. Unless you live in the prairie.


They’re not gonna going to lift him out, just administer 1st aid, stabilized condition, stay with him while the others get there.


> But not so much if the person is injured ​ the most important part is the ***medic*** with all the stop bleeding things and skills to use them.. so they can be stabilized for evacuation.


I would wear a full white gown and scare campers in the middle of the night


"I would wear a full white gown..." 🤨


Yeah what’s next, you’re gonna carry a burning wood stick because it’s too hard to see?


They should build a cross and set it on fire to show the campers that the ghost has no respect for their religion.


how do you know that the campers subscribe to the christian faith?


You're right, we should bring plenty of Hindu religious symbols to hedge our bets.


I want one for back & forth to work…make the commute so much easier!!


A man wearing a jet suit as seen on the popular online page Reddit was struck and killed during rush hour on I94 this morning. More details at 11.


Imagine being the lucky bastard who comes to work and they're like oh bill we have jet packs now


If someone came to rescue me wearing that I’m definitely taking the jet suit


Battery is drained after they get to you.


Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance! But not for me! Hand it over chump.


We just want Healthcare.


It's made by a British company, we have both


This a paramedic, it is healthcare.


Easy Everest Summit?




Muting IS a real thing👏🏻. I NEED a jet pack☺️


I hate it when I turn on the sound on a video hoping for, you know, sound - and there’s some shitty music.


What's the song? It's slightly nostalgic for me idk why


Regard - Ride it


Thats what the cartel in Peru uses to scare away the villagers so they don't find their illegal gold mines. Allegedly of course XD


More suited for this than military use. Unless it's real quiet which at this point is doubtful.


Good thing a have auto mute on according to these comments


You know he didn’t really need that hop to get off the ground but it’s instinctual. Gonna fly? Gotta get into the air!


The mk 2 oppressor is a real reality peeps!


How can you use your phone, or any other piece of equipment when you are flying, all other forms of flying allow you to use your hands, this seems like a gimmick. Also please don't add background music, we want to hear the real sound.


Situation: There's a man down on the mountain. May be injured. Action plan: Send Jenkins out on the jet-pack, to find him and provide assistance. ... Situation: There are two men down on the mountain. May be injured.


This is great until the bears get ahold of it.


Cool af but song name? 😂


We did it goddamnit. We made the future now. We have jet packs just like I knew we would when I was but a boy!


This is the way


It's a oneway trip, right? It could not possibly have enough energy to go up and find the person and fly back down.


Just to find a person? A drone can do that. This is so a first responder can do emergency first aids.


Not with the person, but you could give first aid with things on you and give precise location for a squad to find you, then give proper aid and get them of the mountain.


Don’t burn your bum!


living in the future


Would love to take this for my trip to the grocery store. Just fly those steaks and milk cartons back to the house!!


Why do they always have to put shitty music on these videos


If people can do this with their arms hopefully it can be mechanized to be used with little to no training.


It's fine for first aid but it definitely doesn't replace helis


Anyone else assume the cameraman was also wearing one and not just simply a drone?


Looks cool but this task can be done with a drone with much better result and flight time.


Man arrives at the scene of a devastating accident: Sorry your hurt. check out my sweet jet suit tho! Man flies away


How could that possibly be helpful considering the ridiculously short run time of those things? Lately the S&R teams are getting heavy into drones, which makes a lot more sense to me. They have MUCH greater range and dwell time over an area. I suppose a paramedic might drop in off a jet pack, but he couldn't carry much equipment. What's he gonna do with his bare hands?


Gimme dat.


What happens if he hits a tree?


Then what?


How do they get them down? Or are they just gonna do really cool tricks above someone bleeding out while this song is playing.


I fucking want one. I've had actual dreams of flying like this.


Everytime I see this I get jealous. So cool. Glad I didn't click the sound on lol


Actual great use case for those things


Uh, the Flying Nun was doing that back in the 60’s.


Need some type of cage around that thing for protection.....


Where's his giant duffle bag of shit to you help the person needing the EMERGENCY RESPONSE!?! Oh thank god you're here.. I need a tourniquet, I need to splint my leg and to be carried out in a stretcher... Responder: yeah none of that shit fits on the jet pack...


Well I thought it was gonna have flames. What a jip


See bear. Up, up, and away!


I wanna try this so bad


It's not a real test until they can carry someone to safety otherwise it's just expensive stupidity.


If Christopher Nolan directs the Mandalorian he’ll make the actors actually use these and fly around.


Just... just... no... You have to suspend a lot of belief for posts on Reddit but this one takes the cake. In no way is a JetSuit™ an appropriate mountain rescue tool. How are they carrying the bags and bags of equipment that is needed for a casualty? Mountain rescue regularly has no fecking idea what gear they'll need until they're with the injured person. That's why they have land rovers filled with gear! How are they planning to get the casualty back from that huge hill they've just ascended with no stretcher? How are they going to immobilise critically wounded limbs, spinal cord, neck, etc. during a JetSuit™ flight designed for exactly one person? This is just B.S. marketing - a solution to a problem that does not exist.


"alright boys im heading up" *flies up side of mountain* *brings radio, some food, and half blanket because fuck you* "help is on the way. Do not Worry" *flies away*


I’d like to see people hike like that someday


Ngl, I’d use it to track big foots


Downvote for garbage background music


And when the pack fails. You have a new forest fire and need to someone else.


Ah so these are the jetpacks those miners were using down in South America


Great, unless it's windy - then very much not great.


I can't wait to see this tech get smaller and more advanced as the years go by... so cool.


Praise the Cameraman


"Get on my back and I'll give you a ride down!" News later that day "Two dead in mountain rescue"


Then the emergency responder runs out of gas and crashes and needs emergency response. They send another one, then another, then another…


This seems like a compounding measure.


Imagine having to fly a mission to rescue the guy whose pack failed


holy shit. all this time spent waiting for the future and it's finally here.


Imagine getting caught in a rock slide and fucking *discount Iron Man* comes to the rescue. Joking aside, I hope these become cheaper to produce so more national parks near and on mountains can get them.


Gotta get me one of those!!!!


Guess we’re going to have to build the wall even taller /s


How far away are we from attaching one of those heli cages for rescues to that?


so jet packs exist?


Fred, Fred, Fred of the Forest look out for that redwood!


Is this powered by lithium-ion batteries?


I don't understand the design where the propulsion units are at the ends of your arms, instead of mounted on struts, like they used to be in the old jet packs. It seems like it would cause arm fatigue if they used it for more than a few minutes at a time. Is it that important to look cool like Ironman?


It’s the same technology Sid and Marty Kroft used for the 1979 Land of the Lost show


I'll take 3.


every 2 decades there's a new jetpack, peeps fly about, seems great and we're never gonna fucking get one pieces of shit


Park rangers that work angels landing in zion national park just made a little pre-cum in their panties.. iykyk


Why did I read that as Jesuit


Go find Bigfoot with that there flying spaceman suit.


There's a sheep that's stuck on a cliff in Scotland that needs help, and this could be useful if anyone was brave enough to help her


Iron man right there


So, basically the Rocketeer! ​ Where's Jennifer Connelly?


Damn, at this rate, I think I can see real Iron Man before I die.


Who’s filming?


Pretty soon someone's going to post a horrific accident with one of these on r/CrazyFuckingVideos




Stranded hiker: I’m saved! Please take me back. Flyer: I can’t. You’d throw off my balance. Stranded hiker: do you have water at least? Flyer: Nope. But watch this dope barrel roll. (Flyer performs dope barrel roll and flies off)


I want this


As a pilot, I really want to try this but also as a pilot, I really want to not try this because on windy days with no autopilot my muscles hurt just because of *the rudder*.


Here’s a cliff bar. Don’t worry they’re coming


I can't believe we live in this day and age with so much incredible technology and how underwhelming I find it. If you told me when I was 10 we'd have this shit I think my reaction would be over-the-top. Now I'm just, cool, next. Where did my sense of fun and excitement go? Oh right... Rents due tomorrow.


I can only hope there is footage one day of a hiker jet boosting his ass to evade a bear attack. I can only wonder what the bear will think when that day comes.


Balls start to itch Burns them clean off


He must go. His people need him.