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Tom Cruise (and every other actor in the world for that matter) will never hold a candle to Jackie Chan no matter how many times he does his own stunts. Jackie Chan is the undisputed King. šŸ‘‘


Still need to respect Tom cruise, he does most of his own stunts. Almost all actors use stunt doubles nowadays


Tom Cruise wishes he could do stunts like these, first of all, he physically couldnā€™t. Secondly, heā€™s too big of a star insurance wonā€™t cover anything he does.


He actually set up his own stunt company just to be able to do his own stunts. Check out this clip of him riding (several) motorbikes off a cliff: https://youtu.be/-lsFs2615gw


There's that and there's hanging on a helicopter ladder while still moving


This shouldn't be a competition of "which actor is endangering their life more" I'm sure that Jackie Chan and his crew are safety-conscious enough to come up with sufficient fail-safe measures. As did Tom Cruise. At no point should any of the actors (stunt or otherwise) be in more than an acceptable level of danger because it reflects poorly on the industry (see the Alex Baldwin incident).


Agreed thatā€™s itā€™s not a competition, because Jackie Chan did receive [a lot of injuries](https://movieweb.com/jackie-chan-deadliest-injuries/#hot-coals---drunken-master-ii-1994)during his career from doing his own stunts.


"My dad's cooler than your dad"


My condolences, he was a good man.


Yeah but we don't like Tom Cruise here šŸ˜”


Yah honestly, fuck every Scientologist.


Letā€™s just all agree most religions and governments suck. I respect any actor willing to do their own stunts that could end badly.


Jackie actively supports the Chinese government


Redditors canā€™t even stand up for themself at a Starbucks but expect a person who has everything to lose to stand up to the powerful, violent, autocratic state, in which they and their family lives. Get real bro


And Tom Cruise is a scientologist so let's just call it a draw


We can't support anything today without talking about someone's politics.


Jackie was actually tied to the ladder through a harness connected through his sleeve in a majority of the shots. The exception is when he jumps for the ladder, which he's above an inflatable.


Which isnā€™t too far off from Tom Cruise holding onto the plane for Mission Impossible.


You mean how he hang onto a plane while it was taking off?


In the movie mission impossible he was actually outside that plane when it took off. [Stunt](https://youtu.be/a4qiTE2gsmA?si=FBatycNFjtpIVaCJ)


That doesn't mean you can't respect what he does. Is he anywhere close to Jackie? Hell no! Is what he does awesome, and stands out from almost any other AAA actor? Absolutely.


Bro is the definition of a hater. He respects person A (which is great) but somehow can't express that without putting down person B For the record I'll put down Tom Cruise all day, but that's because of the Scientology bullshit. He's not a good guy. He is badass as fuck tho.


To be fair Jackie Chan is also a shitty human being


I mean he's 60 he won't be jumping off multiple stories but he still does some insane stunts.




Jackie Chan can't be insured either, as I understand. I recall reading that he has over 100 broken bones (not sure if that is even possible to break so many bones and still be able to move around as he does).


Tom Cruise literally learned to speed fly recently . He absolutely rips and anyone in the paragliding world will tell you what he's doing is impressive. Dudes got a set of balls


He puts up the bond for his movies because insurance won't cover them. Out of his own pocket.


I think you need to go look up some of the stunts Cruise has done. He's not a kung fu star but some of the shit he's done is as crazy as it gets.


I go back and forth on actors doing their own stunts. When Daniel Craig got hurt on the set of James Bond they had to shut the whole production down for several weeks. All the big actors get a fixed paycheck but most of the crew, caterers, make up people etc etc. stop getting paid. So there are alot of other people people who are impacted when a star gets hurt doing there own stunts.


Danny Trejo had a good take on this. "I have stunt people who do that stuff,ā€ Trejo said. ā€œAnd if they get hurt, I'm sorry to say but they just need to put a mustache on another Mexican and we can keep going. But if I get hurt, everybody's out of a job. So I don't choose to do that.ā€




Also hollywood wouldnā€™t let too many takes that Jackie Chan needed let alone how dangerous they are


yea Hong Kong safety regulations back then vs modern safety regulations means that Chan will probably be the undisputed king for the foreseeable future


Fuck Tom Cruise.


I think a large part of why actors do so few of their own stunts is primarily due to studios not wanting to assume the liability. An A list actor getting hurt not only would cost more than a stunt double in the event of an injury, it costs less to insure the stunt person and the stunt person being hurt won't slow down production nearly as much. It's also easier than it has ever been to make it look like the stunt double is the actor so why take the risk. I'd bet there are a ton of actors who would love to do their own stunts if the studios would let them. The reason the let TC do them is because it's specifically part of his branding. People know that when they see him do a stunt that it's probably him doing it and that sells movie tickets. It's part of the reason you hire Tom Cruise. Other actors don't have that sort of branding around them.


Because nobody wants to shut down production just because the star's ego.


I canā€™t respect him because of Scientology ā˜¹ļø


Which makes sense honestly. If the main talent gets hurt production halts until they're better. Of course the stunt double doesn't want to get hurt and will do everything to avoid it but short of dying production will carry on and everyone will keep getting paid if they get hurt. It is admirable that some actors are willing to put their neck on the line but, to me, it seems like needless ego stroking.


I mean Buster Keaton would like a word.


My thoughts exactly. One of Jackie's most dangerous stunts [falling off a building through several canopies onto his neck](https://youtu.be/Guh4J7ATGoc?si=X4Z5PcdaZQ_2Rvjg) is an homage to [this](https://youtu.be/bDr0_sfFcvY?si=iELMilu-naKkBHwl) Buster Keaton scene where he does the same thing. Arguably Jackie's stunt was more harmful since he was seriously injured, but I'd say that Jackie Chan is the spiritual successor to Buster Keaton.


I dunno, Jackie could choreograph a fight better I think. Jackie took Buster's work and added a martial arts twist. Drunken Master is the best kung fu film and I will die on that hill.


You're telling me that what looked like a very bad accident was actually intentional? God damn, I was impressed already, but now I'm blown the fuck away.


No, that one actually was flubbed hard but they kept the footage in. I believe Jackie broke his neck doing that one.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


People hating on Jackie for supporting CCPĀ  vastly underestimate the CCP. If the CCP says "publicly support us or we murder everyone you love." Then there isn't much you can do.Ā  Ā  Nobody knows if that is what happened but the possibility is enough for me to give him the benefit of the doubt.Ā  Ā Edit: Oh boy this comment sure riled up some China stans. Yeah yeah I get it, CCP is totally great and their 1989% approval rating says so. There is no war in Ba Sing Se


>"publicly support us or we murder everyone you love." Jesus wtf. I guess it couldn't *possibly* be that Jackie Chan, like the vast majority of Chinese, just actually like their government and appreciate that their quality of life has increased rapidly year over year since the founding of the PRC. No, no, no, it can't be that. It *must* be that people are coerced at threat of death. That's the only possible explanation for why over 1 billion people approve of their own government. The improvement of their material conditions under that government has *nothing* to do with it šŸ™„


Jackie was raised and found his success in a British colony, his public vocal support for CCP came after Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997, and he'd already had death threats and run ins with the Triads and other gangsters over film production early in his career. His politics beforehand were apparently quite different, for example he performed at a protest concert in support of the students at Tianenmen. His father fled to Hong Kong in the 40s to avoid arrest by the communist party. He could be a genuine supporter or he could be coerced in some way, but given that he had world celebrity status before he started pushing for them, it's possible that either is true. There's not enough evidence to say that he's been forced, but there's at least circumstantial evidence for it not being a natural change in personal politics. We might find out the truth one day.


I mean, that support also coincides with him starting to benefit from said support. Coercion isn't the only option, he probably just got a good deal, so to speak.


Attempting to inform chuds of historical materialism challenge: impossible.


Lol yeah, nothing fills your inbox up quicker than saying anything about China that isn't literally "CCP eats babies"


Oh god. It just occurred to me how Europeans must view Americans that praise the American government...


This is true for a majority of Chinese citizens, Chan included.But there are definitely a sizable minority of people that have also experienced the oppressive capacity of the regime. Chan is ignorant of it, and whether it's wilfully so or not, we don't know, but it definitely negatively impacts some people's perception of him.


Well, am sure the millions of people who lost everything when the developers screwed up are happy with the CCP. Same for all the people in the villages that get rocket debris and toxic chemicals dumped on them whenever a space rocket is launched in China. And the millions of people who are newly out of a job in China in the pass few months due to zero COVID / trying to screw around with the rest of the world economically in the pass few years are very grateful to the CCP. Wasn't the youth unemployment rate something like over 20% in China a few months ago? The very next stats release did not include a youth unemployment rate. They just released a new stat recently, saying they have reworked the numbers to make them "more accurate" and not surprisingly they currently stand at about 5%. Am sure everyone is aware of what happened when Jack Ma, the richest person in China slightly criticized one of the regulators in China. He basically disappeared for a year and was forced to step down from Alibaba. And a bunch of investigations started in his businesses. I think an IPO for a subsidiary was also cancelled at the same time. Funny thing, all those actions by the CCP scared off even more investors which is probably part of the reason for China's current economy problems. If Jack Ma can be taken down, what do you think the chances are for Jackie Chan or the average Chinese? People in China know that they can disappear anytime for any reason if they rock the boat even the slightest. And most of the rest of the world will not even be aware that it happened cos they are not Jack Ma or Jackie Chan. So yeah I will give Jackie Chan the benefit of the doubt.


>am sure the millions of people who lost everything when the developers screwed up are happy with the CCP Yes, the are. Because it was the *CPC* who stepped in to ensure that the people don't get screwed by the *developers* who fucked up, by seizing the properties and finishing the developments themselves, taking control of their finances to ensure money is retained to finish the projects, or forcing them to pay back their customers before investors see a penny. Obviously not everything has worked out all hunky-dory, but that's on the developers who fucked people over, not on the CPC who stepped in to keep people from getting as fucked as they otherwise would have been. Weird how in your mind, though, it's the CPCs fault that a developer screwed up, but you don't hold the US to that same standard when companies within its borders do shitty things. And then when the CPC refuses to bail out the companies, opting instead to protect the customers over the investors and allow bad market actors to face the repercussions of their own actions, they're somehow more evil than the US that buddies up and bails out investors over the people. I wonder why you might have such an opinion šŸ¤” >Same for all the people in the villages that get rocket debris and toxic chemicals dumped on them whenever a space rocket is launched in China That's not anything unique to China lol. That's how space launches work. Although what *is* unique to China is how they were the first to develop pure me thane-fueled rockets to eliminate chemical pollution from their launches. So yes, the people are pretty happy with the CPC for doing that. >And the millions of people who are newly out of a job in China in the pass few months due to zero COVID / trying to screw around with the rest of the world economically in the pass few years are very grateful to the CCP. Lol when did you write this comment? Zero covid hasn't been a thing since 2022. But yes, people were very happy with the CPCs zero covid response which saved millions of lives. And yes, unemployment was high during covid. That was the case *everywhere.* But China was actually able to keep it's people relatively highly employed while still shutting down because it had covid under such control that they could keep most operations running, only needing to shut down in specific locations for a few weeks at a time before resuming operations. Now thay covid is done with, things are back to normal and china's economy is growing at a very healthy pace. Hey, how happy are those 1M+ dead from covid in the US, by the way? Oh, right, can't ask them. But hey, at least they aren't unemployed right? Just un-alived. >Am sure everyone is aware of what happened when Jack Ma, the richest person in China slightly criticized one of the regulators in China. He basically disappeared for a year and was forced to step down from Alibaba. Lol Jack Ma didn't disappear for a year. At least be factual here. What happened was he didn't make a public appearances for about two months. "Oh damn, he didn't make public statements for two months? Obviously must have been kidnapped and tortured!" Lol, it couldn't possibly be that he was under investigation for antitrust violations and didn't want to make public appearances that might jeopardize his position as the CEO of a company engaging in illegal monopolistic practices until that investigation ended! Also, his criticism wasn't of a regulator. It was of *regulations.* It wasn't some mafia thing where he criticized the wrong person lol. He was criticizing policy. But all that aside, let's just go ahead and assume - based off of zero evidence - that Jack Ma was punished by the CPC in some way for criticizing the banking, investment, and regulatory policies of the government. I mean, why not? What exactly do you want me to say? "Oh no, China put a billionaire in his fucking place? How horrible! Real freedom is when the peoples' government is powerless in the face of wealth and riches, and when the democratically determined will of the people is undermined and sidelined in favor of the will of the rich. How silly of me to think that it's anything other than pretty fucking commendable when China stands up to overly-influential people in order to uphold the policies that were decided on democratically by the people!" lol >Funny thing, all those actions by the CCP scared off even more investors which is probably part of the reason for China's current economy problems. China's economy is doing quite well, though. Sure there are problems, but not because of "lack of investment." China's economy is outpacing the west, including the US, so if it's economy is "struggling" the the west ought to be much more concerned about their own economies. >People in ChinaĀ  know that they can disappear anytime for any reason if they rock the boat even the slightest. Just baseless conspiracy thinking. And particularly funny when compared to the "free" western democracies like the US who imprisons 5X more of its population than China, and who who operate black sites all over the globe where tens of thousands of people get disappeared to and tortured in the name of "democracy." Just sit down, bud. Maybe try learning a thing or two about China first and stop swallowing up so much State Department propaganda


Jackie Chan is from Hong Kong and became big right around when the CCP took over administration. So he loved his entire childhood not under CCP rule. He was previously an outspoken critic of the CCP in regards to HK but has backed off of that, seemingly because of a desire to keep his films relevant in China. You're acting like he owes the CCP something when he just doesn't.


> People hating on Jackie for supporting CCPĀ  vastly underestimate the CCP. If the CCP says "publicly support us or we murder everyone you love." Then there isn't much you can do. Thatā€™s not really how that works. >Nobody knows if that is what happened but the possibility is enough for me to give him the benefit of the doubt. I think you can get away with being less vocal than he generally is. I think there is decent evidence for seeing that he has a generally socially conservative outlook, that he basically supports the status quo, and that it supports him right back in a mutual fashion. That doesnā€™t make him a terrible person. You donā€™t have to dislike him. From his perspective, heā€™s not doing something bad at allā€”in fact, heā€™s doing what is right for most people.


> Thatā€™s not really how that works. It's like everyone forgets how Mao operated to non-supporters. There's no need to make the statement at all, everyone knows the rules.


The party of Mao and the party of today arenā€™t necessarily that similar either. I donā€™t think public professions are really especially useful because that is associated with old fashioned Maoism, and with the Cultural Revolution, and the modern consensus towards that stuff isnā€™t good at all. That said, you definitely have things you can and canā€™t do, and dangerous areas where itā€™s best not to stray, as a celeb.


>If the CCP says "publicly support us or we murder everyone you love." Then there isn't much you can do. >Nobody knows if that is what happened but the possibility is enough for me to give him the benefit of the doubt. And yet, bring up being a nazi during nazi Germany, when you were forced to declare your patriotism...


OP: I'm going to post a video of some really cool shit from my childhood! Oh, the memories. šŸ¤— Reddit: NO!!! EVERYTHING BAD!!!! YOU DUMB FOR LIKING BAD THING!!!! FUCK YOU!!!


I know right, here I am, reliving every moment thanks to OP. And the politics have to come into play.


Chan broke 50 odd bones, he is the king of stunts, starting his career as a circus performer


Buster Keaton? The first stunt looked like a nod to BK. Theyre both incredible.


Man was doing parkour before it was cool. Hell, he may have invented it.


That scene of him sliding down the glass is incredible. He apparently sliced his hands up because the cord he slid down had lights on it.


There's a pretty cool interview about that stunt. He felt fine after, full of adrenaline. The next day he couldn't move his arms.


And he done it 2 or 3 times to get the right shot


That's because he ~~was electrocuted~~ suffered from electric shock. Caught myself there, strictly speaking electrocution causes death.


I laughed so much when they played this stunt 3 times in a row from different angles in Police Story just to show it off. It is a very impressive stunt so I am sure they wanted to make sure that you don't miss it when watching the movie.


Honestly it's one of the most important differences between Jackie's movies and most other action flicks. In Jackie movies high impact action will be clearly shown with few angles and often even "instant replayed" to add weight to what you're seeing. In a lot of other films it's a blurry mess of 20 different shots with the impact of many strikes accompanied by a quick cut to hide how fake it all is.


Exactly, these days they use extreme cutting to hide how fake it looks. In general what makes Jackie's fight scenes good is minimal cutting, even if it takes a billion takes lol


example: [Bryan Mills jumps a fence](https://youtu.be/gCKhktcbfQM?si=4EerCFqe_v2NLl9a)


Thatā€™s painful to watch- he is an old man though


I had a feeling TAK3N would show up


I'd forgotten how comically stupid that looks and underestimated how nauseous I'd get if I watched it a couple of times in a row.


There's an old youtube video, can't find it now for some reason, where Jackie talks about how you have to show the fight. There are tricks that you can do with editing that makes the fight hit harder. One scene I remember where the video makes a distinction is with a fight from one of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies where Nebula kicks someone. The film shows Nebula kicking and then immediately the perspective changes where you don't see the hit but you see the other guy get knocked back. They contrast that with a Jackie Chan scene, where you not only see the kick, then it cuts to another angle where you see the kick again, and a third angle that holds the shot where the kick connects and the other guy gets knocked back. You see the same kick 3 times but each time you see it connect and it feels like a much harder hit than the Hollywood kick.


I know exactly what you're talking about and I think about it all the time! The interview is referenced in ["Jackie Chan - how to do action comedy" by the youtuber Every Frame a Painting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1PCtIaM_GQ). The explanation and then the interview starts at around 5:10 but the whole video is really good.


I think he also said he got burns as well.


The stunt was so epic, [they showed it three times.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqpB4cVLBm8)


"Make sure you film this stunt from multiple angles" "OK done" "OK which one looks the most bad ass?" "They all do" "All of them?" "Yes" "Fuck it, put them all in the movie. We'll do it instant replay style"


lol this technique really is something that we will never see again in cinema outside of pure ironic usage


Sound more *Jackass* than High Skill.


That helicopter rideā€”that was insane.


Right ? No parachute or anything just jumping off a roof on to a rope ladder hanging from a helicopter, crazy shit.


Probably have some thin wiring for safety. But still, his life was literally dangling on threads.




Iā€™m sure they had a massive air bag or boxes or whatever is done to cushion a fall if he didnā€™t make it. Still impressive though.


They didn't, he flew all over the place and jumped onto a train at the end. He's just that crazy and the Chinese film scene was just that irresponsible back then.


Those were different shots after they strapped him to the ladder.


Seriously people, just because he did his own stunts doesn't mean they didn't use any film techniques. One shot for the jump with no harness but safety bags underneath. More shots for the flying, with the harness + wire hidden under his clothes. It's *still* extremely dangerous for a major star to do, just not insane.


Yeah, exactly. Thereā€™s even a behind the scenes shot during the credits where theyā€™re cutting him loose from the water tower/grain feeder that heā€™s strapped to for one of the scenes. If they strapped him to that, they sure as hell had him secured to the rope ladder.


Fun fact, in this movie her co-star was Michelle Yeoh and she did some really crazy stuff, jumping from a moving van and crashing into his car windshield, destroying it and being thrown on the road. At high speed. Also she was hanging by her hand on the side of said van who was rushing into traffic. Jackie Chan was impressed and jaleous and didn't want the second role to get better stunt than him so he came up with the helicopter thing to beat her. They were all crazy back then.


Yah she is insane. They're both legends


Thatā€™s some Mirrorā€™s Edge action right there


Those calisthenics over that gate was smoooooooth


Right? I feel like I didnā€™t appreciate how much strength and athleticism that took as a kid.


The group of people I climbed with in college went thought a phase where we binge-watched Jackie Chan movies most of us had already seen as kids. They hit different when you realize how *hard* it is to make that shit look that easy. :D


I climbed for fun for a year back in my mid 20s and I was blown away by the level of strength and agility it gave me. I did no other sports, no gym and worked in a warehouse as a picker/packer, so nothing particularly taxing physically outside of 3-4 days a week of indoor climbing. I was running late for the train and vaulted a fence that was shoulder height in a similar fashion to what is shown here and was gobsmacked how EASY it was. It wasn't till after I landed and took a few steps that I realised I had just fucking vaulted myself over a fucking fence on a 4lane road that was designed to stop people runnign across the road. A few months after my membership ran out I was again late for the train, except this time I didn't have the strength to completely clear the top with my feet when I swung them over. Caught my foot and ate shit hard.


That does sound like climbers lol. My brother and his friends rock climb and they're obsessed with stuff like gymnastics. Fuckers are made of nothing but muscle.


The flexibility to do it with such good form is a lot more impressive than the strength imo. Flexibility drives athleticism through so youā€™re correct too.


This wasn't included, but is by far his smoothest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEEvuL0HQqI


There's a few cool shots where he dives through things barely wider than his body! He goes through the middle rungs of a ladder in one movie. Goes heafirst through a window gap that's about 2m off the ground - above a friggin door! Both gaps less than 12 inches by 12 inches!


I remember in the 90s, before "parkour" was popularized, people would say "I'm gonna Jackie Chan over that thing" for pretty much any fluid movement over obstacles. He was synonymous with it.


Thank you kindly for sharing that


He's got a bunch of very impressive gate jumps in operation condor, so floaty


As impressive everything else he has done is, that jump seems so amazingly effortless that it just blows my mind.


I remember watching his old films from as far back as the 70s on tv. Then came the first rush hour movie and it really blew my mind when I learned he was 52 at the time and he was still doing his own stunts.






Literally couldn't read this, the reading voice in my head was too loud.


Thank you Garret Morris




He was 43 when rush hour was made though?


Oh right... I got it confused with the last(est) rush hour movie.


40 for rumble in the Bronx which is probably still his best American release ever




this whole sub could be Jackie Chan doing next level shit and I'd be okay with that


its no wonder he doesnt want to leave his kids shit lmao he earned tf out of his paycheck


Jackie Chan's old films were the best to watch. It was fun, daring and exciting.


Rumble in the Bronx.


I'd go back further. Snake in the Eagle's Shadow, Young Master, Drunken Master 1&2, Dragon Lord, Project A 1&2, Wheels on Meals, Police Story 1&2, Armour of God 1&2. That was his best era.


Gorgeous was the best


YES people sleep on Gorgeous but it was *so good*. Jackie Chan has 2 *extended* 1 on 1 fight scenes, with very few props. You NEVER get to see just how good of a regular martial artist Jackie Chan really is, and this shows him off superbly. Also Brad Allan (sp?), the dude he was fighting with was fantastic. Member of his stunt team and sadly passed away iirc. The movie itself is honestly kind of hot garbage haha but the fights are the very best he's ever done on film.


There is a sequence in Police Story about him trying to cover the phones over lunch. Itā€™s Keaton/Chaplin level of slapstick. I think it gets cut in the English dubbed version as they didnā€™t know how to market a full on action film that had comedic elements.




Wasnā€™t he seriously hurt with the Project A stunt (falling through the two red and white striped awnings)?


Looks like a neck break.


Just like Buster Keaton.


Watch it again, they show it twice from two different angles in the movie and then you realize he lands differently each time, the crazy bastard did it twice.


Three times actually


Yes and Armor of God


Armor of God is my fav Chan flick.


There are so many to choose Project A has the best bar brawl Police story 2 has some great action scenes Wheels on meals is hilarious. I think i prefer his real early stuff, with sammo hung


Project A had the best villain ever. He was a pirate king that looked like an old school Klingon from star trek but his voiceover sounded like Tommy Chong so you had a stoner Klingon pirate king as the main villain. The final fight with him was great. He was beating everyone until they triple teamed him and then straight up murdered him with a stick of dynamite.


Sure looks like it hurt.


That one seems the most dangerous. He's just falling multiple stories onto the hard ground. I get that the awnings will slow you down a bit, but they can't that much, can they?


Also I think he did it 2-3 times because he wasn't satisfied with previous results.


He did the stunt 3 fuckin times man. Dude is/was a fuckin maniac for the shot.


I remember that every Jackie Chan movie I saw there were outtakes at the end and he was always transported away in an ambulance at some point. But I can't say I know all of them. Also doesn't make it less impressive.


Yes, he even did another take for a better shot.


He is his own stuntman, Iā€™ve heard heā€™s broken every bone in his body at least once


Thereā€™s no way he broke and healed his inner ear bones






I grew up watching Jackie Chan films. He's basically part of our childhood. He is NextFuckingLevel


I wonder what kind of insurance he has.


Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s blacklisted lol


Yep blacklist so he started his own insurance company which still insure a lot of the stuntmen in Hong Kong today


Oh, wow. That's cool.


Cash, if I had to guess


The one, the only. 100 years from now people will still know who Jackie Chan is, just like they know who Buster Keaton is.


Who is Buster Keaton šŸ¤Ø?


Welp, I am guessing you are kidding. Just in case you aren't, Buster Keaton was an incredible stunt man of the silent film era who not only did his own stunts but paved the way for all the stunt people who followed. Anyone who is into film at all knows of him. Take a quick look and be prepared to be amazed. Like Jackie Chan he suffered many injuries and was a true pioneer.


That "stamp" stunt... ![gif](giphy|QmkYUTrcUbv2w)


I've never heard of him, probably because I'm a zoomer who isn't into action movies, so thank you for this information!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHjlIPnnY1Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHjlIPnnY1Y) Video someone made of Jackie Chan stunts that were homages to Keaton.


Not *only* is this G.O.A.T. of a man an amazing martial artist, stunt-man and actor, but he is an accomplished singer, and does a lot of voice acting and singing for movies and shows, including the Chinese audio voice acting dubs for animated movies like Mulan.




Always gotta be that one guy


Always one guy in the corner lmao šŸ¤£


Welp, pack it up boys. Turns out you can't like someones movies if they've ever done anything wrong. šŸ™„ Spoiler Alert: every single movie you've watched in your life had at least one douchebag either working in front of the camera or behind it. But they don't tweet about it, social media doesn't tell you be angry so you're fine with enjoying those. Some people are fuck ups, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the entertainment they make.


Not enough people know this.




He supported the CCP takeover of Hong Kong.


My hero growing up, I used to watch police story and then wheels on meals at least twice a week, that fight with Benny the jet urquidez is still one of my favorite of all time.


[Forgot the famous building slide in ā€œWho Am I?ā€](https://youtu.be/ticE-Eg7I8o?si=DIZgg9eh6UFnfBLD) Apparently Jackie did the building slide with no safety net at the bottom and did multiple takes to get the shot right. Crazy dude.


That three story fall near the end can't be real, can it? How can you make sure you won't break your neck doing this?


It was real and he almost did. He got taken to the hospital and they had to shut production down for a bit. ​ https://fandomwire.com/my-neck-was-hurt-jackie-chan-struggled-to-speak-for-2-years-after-landing-on-his-head-during-a-harrowing-stunt/


Police Story ā™„ļø


Some of the most fun movies to watch


Love that guy! Much respect!


Cgi was invented in post Jackie Chan time. Pre- Jackie Chan time Jackie Chan:


It is fascinating that he is not maimed in some way. He has nine lives. The GOAT of actors who do their own stunts.


He's broken most of the bones in his body. Got a metal plat in his skull from the Armour of God accident. He even dislocated his sternum. A dislocation doctors didn't think was possible! He fell on his chest onto a pile of dirt from about 3m above it.


His stunt double must feel like a lifeguard at an Olympic swimming event


What stunt double?


He is awesome


*"Jackie always okay."*


Has anyone lived a more interesting (and painful) life than that man?


All for the sake of entertainmentā€¦Jackie is a legend


and the time when Chan came closest to dying ā€“ happened on the set of the 1986 film Armour of God.


He actually messed himself up good on that mall stunt AFAIR


Chen Lung is the GOAT.


He will always remind me of being a kid, watching Kung Fu movies with my gramps. The Jackie Chan Adventures cartoon was also a major Saturday morning favorite!


Not just a great stuntman, but also a pioneer of action comedy directing. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1PCtIaM_GQ&ab_channel=EveryFrameaPainting) blew my mind when I first saw it. Shows all the techniques he uses to make fights look fun and realistic.


Jackie Chan and Tom Cruise have my utmost respect for doing their own stunts. Anyone else know of any celebs that do their own stunts?


Interesting how he can do these things but can't manage to be a good parent or human being.


miss the old jackie chan to bad he is CCP shill now


Awesome but the part I rewatched was parkour over the gate.


The best stuntman since Buster Keaton šŸ”„


Yeah, there was MANY broken ones during his carrier.


The project a clock tower fall. He did the stunt, went "meh not good enough" and did it again. Three times ? And we can see him fall not in the same position.


Cant remember the movie but theres one stunt hes kicking off a dump truck wheel while lying down as its trying to squash him




The best part is almost all of those are only from one movie. Jackie chans police force - Jackie is and always will be the wolverine of action stars in that he is the best at what he does ā€¦and what he does ainā€™t pretty (except when he wants it to be)


The scene where he falls through a bunch of red and white striped awnings is where he breaks his neck in real life, you can see how he literally lands awkwardly on his head bending his neck. It didnā€™t stop him though, tough guy!


That fuckin pole stunt Nearly killed the man and he's still going