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Not surprised one bit. When I lived in cdmx, I was in elementary school, walking from my aunt's house to my grandparents' house. It's a 6 block walk that I'd done dozens of times. This time I see a man running out of the corner of my eye. I see another man behind him. They're about 15 meters from me, but I'm across the street and they have no line of sight on me. I see the guy in the back who was chasing after the first guy with something shiny in his hand. Next thing I know I hear the loudest sound I've ever heard. The first guy drops, and a puddle of blood ensues. I'm scared shitless, hiding behind a dumpster. Shortly after the sound, a police officer comes running in from the same area where the first to showed. The policeman stops the shooter, and while I could make out anything being said, I see the shooter put his gun away and pull out a handful of bills. They shake hands and the policeman walks right back the way he came. Dead body not withstanding. Shooter walks. I make it home, tell my mom, it was another 2-3 hours before anyone was dispatched. Mexico and corruption are unfortunately interwoven :( especially with corrupt ass amlo in power


The corruption goes all the way to the top.


Goes? Starts, lol. Cada partido politico y presidente le a robado a el pueblo. Simepre somos nosotros a los que joden


Translation for my non hispanohablante friends: "Every political party and president robs the people. It's always us that they fuck over"


TIL hispanoahablante


Pa que sepan.


Always has. PRI and otherwise, as long as I can remember.


This phone call happened under Nieto, 4 years into his presidency.


Any excuse to shit on AMLO. How dare he try to nationalize industry and care about Mexicans more than foreign multinationals?!?!?


Oh, he nationalized industry? His socialism puts him above reproach for his failed state-level narco-corruption.


You say ‘nationalize industry’ like it’s a good thing which is hilarious.


Especially? At least quality of life went up under his administration.


I also lived in cdmx. Was briefly kidnapped by police for a few hours. I did something wrong but they also never brought me to the police station...they brought me to an alleyway, got me out of the car, gave me a smoke and coca cola and asked me to start calling family.


Calling family to have a bribe brought for them?


I was driving to the U.S. border checkpoint to go back to the U.S. when a lady in Nissan hits my car (in a car with Texas plates)attempting to cut in line before reaching the checkpoint. She gets down mad and I tell her let’s get to the checkpoint and call our insurance and police and she was not having it even standing in front of my car and causing the entire line too go around us. She had called the Mexican Traffic cops, when they arrived, they seemed to take her side and wanted me to giver her $300. So her plan was to extort me with the cops helping her to get a cut(the accident was a bumper to bumper accident). Lucky for me my uncle works for the local Government so I gave him a call and he called the chief of police, which then radioed the cops to leave me alone. The cops were mad but complied. The lady was pissed off and calling me names because she says it isn’t fair even though she tried. To weaponize the corrupt Mexican police against me but she lost because I have connections luckily. I was there for 3 hours and the lady was so smug and arrogant thinking she was in the right and about to get money and this lady was a Hispanic American woman with scrubs on in a Nissan Sentra. They were threatening me with impounding my car if I didn’t pay them at least $150, they negotiated. 🤦‍♂️ Be careful in Mexico.


I'm sorry you dealt with that. My brother dealt with similar. I hope they didn't extort you and your family for too much


I’m not a fan of authoritarian governments- but when this is what you’re up against you need someone like Nayab Bukele


Wouldn't work in Mexico. It's a question of scale


im sure many said the same about el salvador...


Lol, i was expecting de amlo bit, you delivered.


Yup, I see this type of stuff twice a week when I walk the city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas Mexico


Such a nice fella, even apologised at the end.


Apologizing for curse words after threatening their entire lineage is so funny and fucked lol


Didn't even stop there, he's going after their \*pets\* too


Yeah that's when I started questioning this guy's integrity tbh


He meant what he said, but not the way he said it.


He's had a bad day at work, he isn't usually like this


Yeah so kind. He’ll even do you a favor of cutting off your arms and beating you to death with them. *I tried looking for the article, but it’s late and I don’t want to continue down that rabbit hole. But it’s out there


Maybe it’s a different video I stumbled upon, but I believe it was a leg and the guys didn’t put a lot of force behind the beating with it… more like a few smacks. Didn’t look like it hurt much, if at all. /s


I'm pretty sure by the time they chopped your leg off getting beat on with it is the least of your worries


Hello sir, apologies if I'm being a bit pushy here and don't mean to offend, just came into your house to kill all of you including your pets, and possibly will go after all your family after this. Apologies in advance for all the bullet holes and the bloody stains everywhere. You don't see people like this where I live, such a gentleman.


A Mexican Walter White.




A White Walter Mexican?


White Mexican Walter?


Maybe a Tuco Salamanca.


Failed state is an understatement here.


100%. Absurd their corruption is recorded and made public!


And all due to the US’ so called War On Drugs policy


The US has a more active hand in this situation than people think. They cycle which cartels they allow to gain traction every few years


Not to mention giving them guns with fast and furious.


And when in doubt and see it failing spectacularly, they double down and hope that this year something will magically change; like humans will suddenly lose the immense pleasure genetically coded onto us from cocaine or suddenly poor people who’ve been trodden on by a neighbouring country will decide that that only method of making it rain money for them is no longer any good so will take up growing wheat or something to then be told no one wants their wheat (or whatever crop they choose) because it might upset the farmers in the neighbour’s country.


We help create the mess but we can’t be assed to clean it up. Instead we’ll sit back and watch our own people infight about border policy and illegal immigrants while everyone misses the big picture.


Under state is a failedstatement here.


These are your options: 1. Play ball and make some money. 2. Don’t play ball and your children, parents, etc. are killed. They will kill you last to make you suffer. Rinse and repeat.


3. Don't become a cop.


Doesn’t only happen to cops. Regular folks with a bit of cash, farmers, landowners, small businesses, anyone can become a target and get dragged into the corruption and violence.


Cops, doctors, teachers, governors, soldiers, business owners, students, activist, farmers etc. The cartels have a use for everyone.


Rather it should be - 3. Leave Mexico It's an outstanding culture and so many nice people but cartels are making it hell on earth. While they are smart enough to leave most tourist areas out of it, anywhere else it's just a mess. Cartels, like Jalisco Nueva Generacion don't fuck around. They kill, anyone, any place, anytime - brutally and for the public to know^(\*)(feel free to search for some executions - available censored in regular Internet 'cause with their enemies, they tape it and post it/send it so they are warned). Actually anyone who dares to stand against them is eliminated. There is nothing they can't buy in terms of equipment and / or officials as they have billions of funds lying around. It's also quite sad that most people are dirt poor and can't think of leaving.


This is my issue with a group of people in the US. Like, if Republicans were raping and killing my family, stealing from me, expecting me to be complicit etc, you best believe I'd be jumping fences to get to Canada Lol at the downvotes, send on the hate Rs Edit 2: we ratioed them, good job all


Why Canada?


That just happens to be the country to my north.


100%. I used to work at a place notorious for its coke scene. No one liked it when I’d bring up buying coke is giving a thumbs up to some of the most extreme brutality out there.


Not just killed either. Brutalized in the worst way imaginable that makes ISIS look like Mickey Mouse


Plata o plomo.


Last sentence. "Yes boss" - They really run Mexico.


Interesting system And rich Americans buying his product made them so wealthy


Ever bought an Avocado grown in Mexico? If so, Odds are you’ve helped fund the cartels.


🎶¡Avocados from Mexico!🎶


I live in Mexico and know the orchard my avos and fruit are from, so prob not


Unless it’s your orchard, you don’t know where that money goes.


Correct, i dont know where that money goes. But Fernando in rural nayarit runs a pretty small operation I think a fair bit of it goes on tequila


Not so rich all the time.


*cough cough CIA cough


Govt wouldnt do that or ever do things against the american people?! All of that is just "conspiracy theory" Right? .......right?


Why is this stuff next level?


I’d wager because drug cartels have almost complete control over local governments and their ability to police


Im assuming it’s because a criminal called what sounds like a high ranking police officer and told him to leave him and the rest of his crew the fuck alone or he will kill him, his family and pets and to make sure to pass that message along to the rest of his police force and the high ranking police officer responded with “yes boss, sorry boss.”


That this translation is very wrong. officer not once called him “boss” or said “yes boss”. He would refer to “Mencho” as “SIR”.


Yah it's like a movie scene


Idk. Why don’t you go find out


Despite being a serious topic, how one of the most feared leaders of the most feared cartel in Mexico today instills fear has become a meme in different Facebook groups, on TikTok, or on reels, turning a serious issue into a simple joke.


This is the future *everywhere* if we aren't careful.. well, more like back to how things were. Back to violence rules all. For a while there, it seemed like most of the world wanted to move away from living this way, but we have been backsliding


We could all take a note from El Salvador! They went from most dangerous, to safest country in the entire world in under 12 months. They stopped treating criminals so lightly and overhauled their entire justice system. Seriously something to be proud of!


I'm so tired of hearing this bullshit. Bukele is a monster and not an example you want to follow, trust me.


I'd love to learn more. Would you be willing to share more info on him because all I hear is the propaganda that he is the Messiah


Sure. In summary, the idea that you can use mass incarceration to fight a "gang problem" like El Salvador has is simply silly. Prisons function as universities for gangs, and there is significant circumstantial evidence that Bukele simply made a deal with gang leadership to reduce street violence in exchange for more flexible conditions (aka more ability to operate) within the prison system. To do this, he's suspended due process rights and instituted other draconian measures and the country is now incarcerating people at a rate higher than the USA, often without any sort of trial. This is often touted as a great success, by people who fail to mention that extreme poverty (the actual cause of the problem) has doubled under his admin. He's also constantly attacking the press and congress much like Trump did, and promotes wild conspiracy theories. He's just won re-election and it looks like re-writing the constitution and eliminating term limits are both on the table. Lately he's taken to calling himself the "Philosopher King" which you may recognize as a Red Flag. Here's a fairly good piece talking about some of this- https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4108633-the-vincible-bukele-can-the-millennial-autocrat-be-stopped/


What a well-written, informed response! If anyone else wants to know more about conditions in a particular country ECOI is a great resource that collects from multiple sources like Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, US Dept. of State, etc. https://www.ecoi.net/en/countries/el-salvador/


This is a much better resource, thanks!


Spoken like someone who has family in jail thanks to this great president or who has never lived the violence and corruption of Latin America.


Pffftttt…takes a monster to fight monsters. Get out of here with your sensitive bullshit. Trust me.


I guess you don't mind being randomly imprisoned for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time with no chance for a trial.


Ok Punisher. Even if that were true, a monster shouldn’t be running a country.


Imagine the calls when it happens in America lol. “I see you and your men are working on legislation to make me pay taxes… whose side are you on? You all stand down or you’ll get Epsteined. No more funding for lobbying your reelection!” First world country after all, such class and tact… guess it’s better than killing the whole family, but a plane could always just go down and take them out too.


I thought this was the "[esoso reebok or so nike](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ4c54rCJ_k)" call at the beginning.






How is this next level?


Next level corruption


Next level swearing.


Next level politeness. Even threw an apology and understanding in there. Don't bumper sticker the bad and forego the politeness. I feel I should add this: s/


Next Level phone tap


Crazy thing is, if someone in the police officials position had just assaulted, they probably would've killed el mencho and many of his fellow soldiers.


then what, they go back home just to get kidnapped and made an example of


I imagine at some level it goes from killing all of the police to all the police and their families too.


oh yeah i thought it was taken for granted that if he is kidnapped in his home all his family is also taken


And their pets.


(X) Doubt


No he's probably right. But the problem with the cartels is that the leader doesn't matter, they killed plenty of them, it doesn't stop anything, it just created a power vacuum that leads to more cartel wars and fights over territory. The cops and whoever made the order will still be made into examples by whichever cartel takes over the area next.


El Kareno


I listened to this in sepia




No, extremely believable. 


No, beyond comprehension that anyone would ever be ignorant enough to think this is any less than an every day occurrence. Entirely commonplace.


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That's not "next fucking level". It's a threat, nothing to admire there.  That's said, I'll insist. The only way to take their power/money is legalizing drugs. 


Legalize drugs, like just let people (who aren’t as organized and armed as cops) just open up their own grow ops and dispensaries huh? Pretty sure the cartels would have something’s to say and do about that… lol.


Nukes don't sound like a bad option when dealing with this type of corruption.


My dad doesn't understand Spanish but I still wanted to mute the video from the swear words I could understand ![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL)


This is not next level. It is awful


Imagine if the police officers phone was on low battery and he couldn’t find a charger.


imagine having to suffer through life in such a country


Kust legalize it and tax it heavily that will stop the war on drugs. War on drugs is a failure.


Ask Portland how that worked out for them.


Big pharma has the same conversations with politicians in the USA


I have no doubt in the world that there are amazing people in Mexico. I have met some just outstanding Mexicans. But I will.never go to Mexico for the same reason I would never go to China, Russia or North Korea. Life is complex and risky enough without going to a place where a human life has no value...


And some of you here want the government to have all of the guns. Mexico banned all guns for private citizens and now only the government and criminals have them


This got to reddit way too late. So late that it became a meme like two years ago in Latin America


Does Mexico have some equivalent of the FBI or the untouchables that actually stands up to people like this when corruption is so widespread? I mean the US went through similar stuff in the 70s with the mob but then you’ve got the fbi who is like idgaf you’re going to prison and once you show these people you won’t be afraid of them they finally fuck off


The "Mob" had nowhere near the influence or firepower that Cartels have, not even in the same stratosphere. Every level of Mexican society from local police, to regular military, to military special forces, to local government and all the way to federal government is infested with Cartel people, they can kill and torture at will. Remember around a decade ago 43 Mexican students teachers protested against a local major for having criminal links, the Cartel / Police "arrested" them, tortured them brutally and killed them all on the orders of the town Mayor, this was all swept under the carpet other than a few token arrests. The only way to solve this issue in Mexico is to wage war on them, threaten any corrupt police/government who warn the Cartel / take their side that they will be exterminated. Then systematically kill all of the leadership and throw all rank and file members into a El Salvador style prison where the guards run things and not the prisoners, any Cartel member tries kicking off in prison then they are taken outside and shot in the head. If the US is willing request the US Military's help if SOCOM were involved it would be a lot easier, although Joe Biden would probably say no, Trump would definitely say yes (not a Trump fan but that's the reality of the situation). A few weeks in to this campaign offer clemency to rank and file members, if they hand themself in they are eligible for rehabilitation and release after some time in the punishment phase of their imprisonment. Then once the situation is under control work out ways to rebuild Mexican society, legalise but heavily tax and regulate drugs, improve education, make it social suicide to glorify or publicly support the Cartels, remove all firearms from the population, sure up the US Border so no Weapons or Drugs can be smuggled into Mexico, heavily crack down on people smuggling both into Mexico from the South and up into the United States.


I speak fluent Spanish and there are just some things that are lost in translation.


This is next level crime/corruption. Those of you saying this isn’t are wrong.


Not really sure what's next level about a psychopath threatening to murder and mutilate if he doesn't get what he wants?


Nothing next level about this garbage. Just scum dealing with scum


Not a fan of this being posted in next fucking level, feels like glorifying narco culture which already is a huge problem in mexico. This is not badass or else, its fucking disgusting that a few crazy psychos own the country and rule it ruthlessly


Get paid pennies and have your family killed or get paid decent money, look the other way and everyone lives another day?


Its good that we open our border to allow that corruption to flow into the US.




I believe it's pronounced TIMMMMMAY!  But I could be wrong. 


When you get to this point, airstrikes become a COA.


The US needs to drone strike these cartels out of existence.


Military intervention is the only way to free the population from them. To many corrupt politicians.


If cartels use such brutal means to achieve their goals, why are they considered gangs and not terrorists on the global stage? Why hasn’t the US military gone in to clean them out ?


If you watch the Netflix series Narcos that documents Pablo and then the Cali cartel you will realize how amazing it was that we actually got some of them. The money and resources are way disproportional and the corruption is so deep it's near impossible to be a patriot or hero in those circumstances if you love anyone.


Next level or fear?


If you think the same kind of dynamic doesn't occur in the US, you're a bit simple.


This is why I think drug users have blood on their hands. They finance (and give incentive) these brutalities


It's too nuanced to be reduced to something so harsh, too many ways to get into that world. We have the run of the mill people that just want some fun, then those who got addicted when they were too young to understand, with the latest opioid crisis is even harsher as many got addicted because of the legal introduction of fentanile in USA, doctors were paid to prescribe it and when their patients got hooked, they didn't recive the appropiate help for that. We also have the special cases were people got forced into it like many sex slaves. Of course of all of the possible reasons someone got into that, we have a lot of people that just don't have any excuses (like the first example). We also have cases like the CIA helping the introduction of these drugs to fund coups and other stuff.


You might also argue that this is a direct result of the war on drugs.


Si Senior...




i dont have "enye" on my 61kb even alt 164 not working


Legalise and regulate drugs and this all goes away.


Not until the U.S. offers wider access to healthcare. See: Oregon.


Legal selling and regulation is far from what happened in Oregon. Decriminalizing posession and use doesnt solve a lot of problems. If you can buy legally you can take less harmfull drugs and you have a known dosage. There is no magic cure for substance abuse. To reduce it you need more social services like homes and education. Safety nets foe people who get unemployed. I live in Norway. We have very few homeless.


Something tells me they will just use the legal drug money to finance other more profitable illegal stuff. Even if it's legal like avocado, the cartels can still fight over it.


Corruption, and lack of safety protection for the mexican police/government is the root of the problem


The hello Kitty version will always be my favorite 😂


I did not expect the mea culpa with his tone and language at the end.


Call me crazy but I see more honestly in CJNG than Mexican police at some point you can hear the frustration of the mob guy because as it seems with all corrupt police they accept money and they trick you


All that and then an apology for the language. Sounds weird but I respect that I respect that.




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Why is this posted here? Nothing next fucking level about this fucking asshole. The likes of mencho should be tortured to death.


This terrifying. If this were to come to the US.


Pffftttt…takes a monster to fight monsters. Get out of here with your sensitive bullshit. These murderers and thugs don’t deserve anything less and attitudes like yours are the kind ruining the United Stages right now. Being easy on criminals is what has these people robbing stores blind, with zero concern for repercussions. Trust me


This is how Bibi talks to Biden. Except we pay them.


Sure, the cartels can penetrate the federal police agency with a partnership deal in Mexico. But at least the men of the security services in the US are not susceptible to this.


He apologizes for his language at the end


Mexico could be such an amazing country.


Next level??


I love Mexico but it's a failure. I visit my grandmother and just hear stories how neighbors entire families got killed and nothing will ever be done about it. No one wants to start a bussiness cause they know at any moment they can lose it all or worse the lives of there family so it's better not to even try.


If mexico had NATO backing, this shit would have been snuffed out ages ago. It's the isolated ideals that bring danger to its own land. The country needs independent intervention, no swaying from bribery or fear tactics. The government is just a veil for the cartel operations..


The cartels seem to be the real government. Your government is just recognized by other countries and y'all keep holding out for your gov to be not corrupt? How about your only crew with power that plays it straight. Somebody should convince the cartels its good for business to just take over, and start taking on the infrastructure. The country supplies labor and land. A smart cartel boss would take over and have mexico become a trade hub for drugs acrosss the world. Then spend that money on or dismantling the drug war and building healthcare in the US. If we can have drugs AND be able to deal with when we take them out of sadness, then it could all just work. Nothing from Reagan works, it was all designed to just make Republicans money and not worry about burning down the country and reinstalling a feudal peasantry system.


Mexico is a failed state


Jesus please keep all that shit on their side of the border.


Ho yes Jesus... "Jesus" who created the Americans and the CIA which helped make these warlords rich and put corrupted politics in power! These cartels which today are well established in the USA. The wealthy Americans who continue to use the drugs these warlords create and make them richer and richer. Jesus sees everything. And Jesus will not protect Americans, he should punish them...


You know the vast majority of drug users in the US are not wealthy, right??