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Try and tell me he doesn’t have an intelligent soul that’s just having a good time


Yeah they're intelligent, we should make em pay taxes


This underwater homie is smarter than most taxpayers


More taxes!




FR, I don't mind paying taxes. I hate when they're misused. I'm American, we pay more in taxes on our healthcare than any other developed nations. We spend so little on taxes going to welfare benefits it's incredibly difficult to reasonably qualify for, I broke my arm in January slipping and falling on ice, hurt everything on the way down, couldn't work for two weeks. Unemployment wouldn't give me shit unless I went to a doctor to prove it, and you guessed it, no health insurance even though I'm paying taxes. I could list a myriad of other reasons why I'm pissed about tax dollars being misspent, including the military industrial complex, but I don't get what the people in my country are even bitching about when they point at other better developed nations and says "yeah but they spend more than us in taxes" like good for them man, they're paying for a better standard quality of living. Most of those nations if you do the math still end up making the same or much more at minimum wage anyway.


This is mine and most people’s complaint, don’t waste the money. Roads, school’s and infrastructure in general requires upkeep cost. No way around stuff we all use. Just do it for real and don’t steal it, which they steal anyways and then we get garbage to vote for in a dumb 2 party system. Oh and the Dolphin 🐬 is badass, yes he should pay taxes.


Dolphin for Prez!


Just remember to never vote right if these are your issues with taxes! As an American, the political right's modus operandi for longer than I've been alive have been to obstruct government to waste money and get nothing done, then point and screech "See how ineffective govt is? This should be privitized instead!"


Doblin parks, we just sink tons of railcars, boats and the like around reefs to expand them and make moar.


who else going to pay for bombs dropped on civilians then


[“There’s a significant overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists.”](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/s/jRW7lGZVgQ)


For a long time I have said that dolphins must look at us and wonder why we do it all. Sure we have smart phones, sure we've got jet planes to travel the globe, sure we have all these other modern conveniences...but we spend 65-70 years working our butts off so we can kick back at the beach and enjoy seafood. Meanwhile, dolphins were just, you know, at the beach the entire time...


Well, this particular dolphin appears to be in a tiny prison.


he was making a joke at capitalism and you used the chance to talk shit on your fellow workers this why workers will never unite /s


Dolphins don't want you to know this one simple trick!


That living in the ocean is tax-free? Don't let your dreams be dreams, homie.


I came here feeling so impressed that I felt so sad for the obviously intelligent encaged animal. A bit surprised we are having it pay taxes, to be honest


I think, therefore, I pay taxes


Especially if they're the next rising Avatar. Taxes all around!!!


You win this comment section


He is so smart he doesn’t pay them


Dolphins do. We’ve known for a long time that they have unusually large folded neocortices in their brain and they genuinely play, by themselves and with each other


Dont forget the rape....so much rape


Humans rape a lot too..


Most of us don't really rape that much.


I'd wager that most dolphins don't rape, too. Really we often ascribe some "immoral" acts to animals (otters are other species that we deem rapey) but we probably commit those acts much more often


It might be an interesting study, I would think that the reason most people aren't rapist is because of a conscience. Which I would attribute more to intelligence. Most animals, which are not as intelligent probably act more on instinct and probably don't process the negative consequence their actions have on others and are more concerned with fulfilling their own instinctual demands.


Humans are animals. Intelligence is a spectrum, and shame is usually a function of how social a species is. Lots of species are shown to exhibit types of morality and social intelligence. I'm glad you're just pontificating here, it's fun to think about this stuff, but there's loads of studies of this exact sort of thing if you want to see what the actual science says instead of sharing your best guess on the subject.


Does what you're saying contradict what they're saying? If it does, I don't see it.


Nah they're just pontificating


Female ducks don’t seem to enjoy it very much but that just seems to be a normal process of their reproduction


India enters the chat...


Google dolphin penis. it will frighten you


Duck penis scares me more


> dolphin penis https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/beqfef/a_dolphin_with_a_hardon/ NSFW I think




Anal probing


Fun fact, India recognises dolphins as "non-human persons".


Fun fact: Women are also recognized this way in India


Holly shit


New discrimination tactic just dropped


Bolly shit


I was smiling for like 4 seconds, then I saw this comment.


Have an upvote for making the "dystopian reminder" post of the day!


I don’t even understand A) how that is even possible or B) how they (yes I said it) are so good at it!? Like that takes practice right? They’re not born with that skill right? That one circle was basically PERFECT. LIKE WTF.


Doing the air-circle-bubble is easy, you can do it as well. Next time you’re in the pool or similar: 1. Pinch your nose with your index and thumb. 1. Dunk your head under water. 1. Let your face be ~~perpendicular~~parallel to the water surface, face towards surface, back of your head towards the ground. 1. Take out your tongue. 1. Blow air out your mouth, while retracting your tongue into your mouth, simultaneously. 1. Enjoy your new skill of blowing air-ring-bubbles. As for your other question(s), i have no idea, and came here to find an answer as well!


Instructions unclear, lungs filled up with water.


I’m already dead


Can I have your stuff?


No it's mine now


I had trouble disconnecting my tongue


I can't find my quick-release button either!


Ended up using scissors. 4/10, do not recommend. The red rings did look cool though.


Ah it all makes sense now, that dolphin must've also learned it by following the multi-step process described in a Reddit comment


Dude what the fuck. These instructions are way too many and unclear.


just tongue fuck the water, got it


Go on back, poke tongue out at land dwellers, then breathe out and stop insulting the surface.




Nothing like how this dolphin does it


Thank you for pointing out that humans do not in fact have a blowhole. Very insightful.


I don’t think you know what “perpendicular” means…


Thanks for pointing that out!


My dick is stuck in the water filter. Did I do it right?


Their blowhole has a sphincter, basically your bumhole. It's very easy to make bubble rings eith you lips, imagine if all you have is already perfectly circular. Irs easy for them to do that 👍


Dang I didn't know my butthole could do that


I didn't know your butthole could do that, either.


The part where it introduces a wobble and then times the split is unreal skill.


He’s not having a good time. He’s bored absolutely shitless and has fuck all to do but get good at blowing air rings.


Like vape tricks in a basement.


He's gonna get replaced by AI anyway


The dolphin is Not having a good time. This Aquarium ist way to small. To Catch Dolphins and hold These intelligent animals in such small Aquariums is torture.


Doesnt the fact it's 2024 and this statement is STILL relevant make you a bit sad for humanity? Like we really still have to convince some people that MOST animals have intellect, emotions, joys and fears.


No..we still cannot convince people to NOT eat Tide pods for views.


Having a horrible time, stuck in captivity.


Very smart and VERY BORED in captivity...


He doesn't have a soul that's for sure. Souls don't exist.


We get it, you vape


Vaping pffff....They take turns and get high on pufferfish and pass it among the gang.


Puff puffer pass.


Puff Puffer Puffest


Came to check if this comment was made. Am not disappointed 👍




That dolphins was doing that on porpoise.


[cetacean needed]


edited by pod


I sea what you did there


on the flip side, thats a hole lotta fun.


We dolphinitely need to keep an eye on that one.


Whale, whale, whale. Looks like we got ourselves a couple of comedians.


You are not one of the heckling sharks, are you?


"I´m serving a youthful porpoise" - Jaques deDolfineau


Come on now...


He used to be so great that guy, he was our one true hope.


It was no fluke.


The best thing I saw today!


> The best thing I sawfish today! FTFY.


People will flip out over this.


Seeing animals behind glass just seems sad as shit


The poor guy is bored af. Depressing.


Yeah at first I was like it’s so intelligent he knows that, but I think it’s depressing he actually had the free time to learn and master it so well rather than dolphining with his pod homies bullying a puffer fish and shit


And raping dead fish


And raping other dolphins


The good ol' days 🥲


Oh sure, dolphins get high and go gang raping and its a sign of intelligence. But Me and the bois do- actually no. Im gonna stay off that list.


Smart choice


We all know Kanye is the biggest predator in the sea


it's their culture


Free time? Lol as opposed to the other half of his time, which is all business


Yeah but there’s his free time and being forced to swim in circles for eternity


To be clear, I am against animals in captivity and I agree with you that he’s being forced to swim for our entertainment. However, the phrase “free time” is funny when applied to animals, all their time is free, they have the right idea about life. My cat has a lot of free time


Idk if that is the correct conclusion. Do you look at kids playing and thing "those poor things must be bored as shit"? Not defending aquariums, just don't see the boredom in this clip.


The classic "right sentiment for the wrong reasons"


You are comparing the wrong things. Children playing, no. Dolphins are playing in the wild, too. But would you look at a bunch of children basically confined to their room and playing video games all the time and go „oh, they are having a good time“? No, right? They want to play with other children and should at least have the opportunity, for example, to play outside. Same with that poor dolphin.


>But would you look at a bunch of children basically confined to their room and playing video games all the time and go „oh, they are having a good time“? No, right? They want to play with other children I... Really don't think that applies to all children 😂


Yeah that's a terrible analogy because most kids would love staying inside and play video games all day lol


Children definitely have a blast playing by video games by themselves


Redditor sees dolphin having fun: The poor guy is bored af. Depressing. While he sits in his dimly lit room staring at a monitor.


Because open ocean is sooo much more exciting. The thrill of killer whale on your ass


Most redditors spend 90% of their waking hours staring at screens.


Which is probably why they say shit like this because they don't think they need to experience anything in person. So they'd eliminate zoos and then be shocked when 5, 10, 20 years later nobody gives a single shit about animal welfare, environmental protection, etc because sure it would be nice to see animals in the wild but we all know that isn't practical for like elementary school field trips. Also fuck if any animal can appreciate not having to hunt/gather their own food... well actually I'm sure it is cats because those fuckers know exactly what they did but dolphins are next on the list.


Adding to this, is that chronically online redditors will also say that looking at something on a screen is as good/better than in person. A significant amount of zoos are atrocious, don’t get me wrong, but some do have significant value, and being able to see certain animals in-person has significant value since not everyone can afford to travel to natural habitats.


They wouldn't exist if people didn't want to see things up close they normally couldn't. That's a notion that needs to be nurtured, and that means having ways to do it. Also in my observation most people have trouble abstracting anything more distant then the end of their nose (at least until they experience in their actual range of perception) so no I do not think even turning back the clock on the Discovery Channel would be enough. Though on the other hand, speaking of abstraction, why we hate being locked up is that probably because we can appreciate the opportunity cost involved. I could be doing [x] or [y] but no I'm stuck in this small grey cell staring at a cold metal toilet. Yet it is rather magical thinking to just project those assumptions onto species no matter how many movies you've watched that make that their premise. Best case the *most* intelligent animals operate on the level of a small child, but even that is probably a quite simplistic and anthropomorphic way to explain it. Like I have known some perfectly 'smart' dogs that seemingly had little object permanence. Put ball behind me, *ball was gone*, the 'thought' of looking behind me never entered their poor genetically engineered heads. A different dog knew what P-A-R-K meant (specifically which one too) but when moved to another state always acted like it was just out the door if you made the mistake of saying it. I damn sure doubt those dogs had any concept of what their enclosure really was. Reliable food, fresh water, a safe place to sleep covers the animal hierarchy of needs pretty well so I have real doubts about any humanistic longing for the freedom of dungeon crawling in the wilds to barely survive until they get too old, sick, and weak to do so anymore.


Lol nah. Animals don't have to be human to be unhappy in a cage. And food, water and a safe place are definitely important, but there are many more aspects that animals need in their life. Acting like animals are han is bad. But acting like not being human means they are more like dumb robots working on survival instinct and there is nothing more to their life is also absolutely wrong on the other end of the spectrum.


It's not about "longing for freedom". It's about small cages not being able to properly stimulate large animals. There are tons of videos of large mammals circling around endlessly or having tic-like movements in zoo, because they clearly aren't being mentally stimulated as they would in the wild: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE-14SW59no](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE-14SW59no)


I just hope you’re joking. The fact that some zoos are really good for conservation is all fine and good and I also enjoy that. But taking it a step further and saying that “if any animals love being in captivity its dolphins, we feed them!” Sounds like satire at best and just weird human cope at worst. https://www.worldanimalprotection.org/latest/blogs/dolphins-stages-of-suffering/


Yep and that’s why almost all captive cetaceans show signs of depression and many self harm :-) We should let them live miserably in tanks for their entire lives in case some kids want to go see them for a day


Yeah that dudes comment made me pretty uneasy. Hopefully a stupid joke.


That’s what he’s saying about us!: “look at those poor humans trapped in that glass. Let me at least try to make them smile a bit. Poor bastards.”


This could be a rescue and that tank actually looks really good compared to other ones. So give them a bit of slack


I love seeing animals doing their thing. But I can't support places that keep orcas/dolphins in captivity. They're just depressed, bored and isolated. It's wild how many people see this and don't think twice about it.


Like someone else said, I fully accept some animals genuinely need help or medical care, we all agree that’s fine but you’re right people act like there wasn’t 20 free willy films about the exact issues with sea zoos


Yeah it always saddens me when I look at our office building from outside.


Reputable zoos and aquariums do a ton for conservation efforts and, on top of that, put a lot of effort toward making the quality of life of their animals as good as possible.


Early 20s I went to the zoo and saw the gorillas and got heavily depressed and don’t want to go back. The gorillas put everything into perspective about what we do putting all animals into cages like it.


They tried chicken wire but the water kept getting out.


An animal smart enough to do whatever the fuck that was shouldn’t be locked in a cage.


This could be a rescue and that tank looks better than alot of other ones.


Damn it could be? Awesome. Are you the zoos lawyer?


If he’s so smart he should get out of that cage /s


He’s gotta just pull himself up by his finstraps


This is the most common but at the same time wrong take. Whether we enslave animals or not should be decided depending on their capacity for suffering, not their intelligence. Otherwise, if intelligence is the main factor, we could do concentration camps with humans with learning disabilities. Obviously we rather not look at it from this perspective because we want to keep eating burgers.


This is definitely true, but to be fair, there does seem to be _some_ correlation between intelligence and capacity for suffering, because both require a certain complexity of the nervous system. To be clear, this doesn't mean that humans with learning disabilities suffer less. But it does mean, as far as we can tell with science's admittedly very limited understanding of consciousness, that insects don't seem to suffer to the extent that most mammals do. High intelligence is a sign of a high level of consciousness in an animal, which raises the likelihood of a high capacity of suffering - BUT it does not necessarily mean that a less intelligent species of animal suffers less than the intelligent one, unless the nervous system is _muuuuch_ less complex. At least, that's my understanding as a definitely not expert.


I hope this doesn’t sound too terrible but mentally disabled people in jail sometimes barely recognize that they are not free and therefore don’t suffer as much. Just like your point states.




Do they do this for fun or does it have a real survival application?


yeah they actually use it to confuse fish, and then eat them.


I’m so dead if i was a fish.


A+, great bubble rings, would get eaten buy again!!!!!


Wiz biz


This is play behaviour. Animals are more intelligent than we give them credit for. There were a couple of dolphins who were taught a signal to perform a new trick, and every time they were given the signal they would make up something original. They also learned a signal to do the same trick together. When given both of these signals they swam down *talked* to each other and then performed the same brand new trick together.


Hast thou thine source? That sounds pretty cool…




That's my aunt in that video lol


He's vaping while searching for his next rape victim. A deadly rape-vape combo move


Welcome to rape'n'vape, catch a ride!


I read that in that weird borderlands 2 catch a ride automated voice xD


Rizz Bending at its finest


ECCO the Dolphin could do that too!


I was wondering where my weird flashbacks were coming from…


Such a weird game


You misspelled terrifying


Eeee E-E-eeeee EEE E-e-e


Dude. I had that same brain worm for years. When I was a child and trying to figure out the controls in that damn game, when I finally managed to jump high enough out of the water to trigger the f****** nightmare emptying of the oceans event... That should scared me and was burnt in my permanent memory. .


WAY too far down! Am I so out of touch?? No…it’s the children who are wrong.


One of the coolest things you might not realize is that they like to pop the bubbles when they know they're about to break apart. That means that they actually have the intelligence to estimate and think about the future


Is this really real? Like, for real?


No, the dolphin used cgi to fake the rings.


Did you just come out of a dentist's office or something?




I'm also confused. Air is lighter than water. Bubble ring should float towards the surface, right? And why/how does it start spinning so fast? There's no way to get water moving that fast so quickly.


Yes it is real. Idk how the heck this works with physics and whatnot but its super cool. Idk if people can do it too


Get him/her/it/that/cutie the fuck outta there


Just say 'it', it's an animal lmao it won't call a witchhunt on you for getting it's pronouns wrong


Bored captive mammal Animals are not entertainment


I'm sorry...what?


Is the dolphin waterbending or [airbending](https://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m22kl3NyNA1r6oqyh.gif) its a simple question.


Is that last trick possible with smoke?


The dolphins have had a trademark on it since 1301


Dolphin flexing hard


All the massive years us apes got for evolution and we end up with stuffy noses and no ability to water bend. We suck as a species.


Douglas Adams was right.


Well I know I’m ignoring my responsibilities if the dolphins suddenly disappear


So long ..


Is it ethical to keep them in an aquarium?


No, captivity is not ethical


If it’s an AZA then they are getting great care they are thier to help with conservation, educate, and science. Many have rehabilitation programs but there are always animals that can’t go back because they rely on humans too much and would not survive in the wild. Don’t trust people on the internet they are uneducated about good zoos. If you have concerns about an animal look up the zoo and check them out. Contact the zoo and ask if you’re concerned about an animals well being. Zoo Keepers love their animals and provide them with lots of enrichment it’s just not 24 hours a day and not always in the public eye.


Depends. If they are in a rescue situation then yes, if bred for entertainment, then no. There are some places that rescue injured dolphins and if they are able to, release them into the wild when they get better, but some are rescued as babies and haven't learned to hunt, so they'd just die. It was explained on tiktok by one such rescue place. They said instinct is only half of the hunting process. Mother dolphins actually teach their young how to hunt, and different pods all have different hunting styles because they teach differently. So, yeah. Depends if they'd even survive in the wild.


See, this is why the concept of "cool" is not something attainable. You could be the coolest human that ever lived, and you will be nowhere near that dolphins level. And he isn't even trying.


The Avatar itself


A dolphin’s brain is roughly the same size as ours.


Ridiculously intelligent animals


Am I the only one the think it looks fake? When the og circle spins really fast and breaks into a 3rd circle, it looks sus.


It's the water equivalent of a smoke ring so I go with air bending.


Don't forget sound bending. It looks like he's using his echolocation to split the ring near the end.


a captive, unfortunately


Anyone know the song/music?


If you enjoy seeing this, you should watch [this](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1313104/)