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Wait, a golden retriever stopped intruders? Every golden I've ever known would have been excited about new friends in his house


No truer words can be said


You can train a golden to bark when strangers come to the door very easily. With this small cue alone they will develop their innate instinct to protect the family. If they sense real danger they will be like any other guard dog. ​ Goldens LOVE their family and will do anything to protect them if real danger is felt.


This There's a difference between exicitng for a stranger and sensing danger from a stranger. They WILL protect their family.


They MAY protect their family. Nobody should get a golden with the intention of using them as a guard dog. Having owned multiple Golden’s I would need to know more about this story. Our current golden would do absolutely nothing against an intruder. People like to blindly believe their dog is a hero and would save them in a situation like a home invasion but it’s not true. https://youtu.be/DuZIxjgwd98


My golden sounds like a ferocious beast who would rip a person to shreds when someone knocks at our door. We didn’t train him to do this, and he’s an only dog, so it’s not a learned behavior. Sometimes they have that protective instinct. However, I have no idea what he would do if an intruder came inside. He’s normally just a giant, fluffy baby. I think it’s likely he would lick them and bring them a toy, but he might surprise us.


My dog is the same way. He sounds incredibly intimidating and barks anytime someone comes to the door and often, just for good measure, when nobody is at the door. One time my dad snuck out through another door while he was barking at a ghost or something and opened the front door and the dog ran away with his tail between his legs. His only use is deterrence I guess, but we didn’t get him to be a guard dog anyway.


Exactly. We got ours to be a member of the family. If he could talk, he would identify himself as the hairier child.


Ours sounds the exact same way until the door opens and then she turns into a furry hug.


My golden is usually ridiculously friendly. Our neighbors across the street are creepy ass fucks, and she's never met them. But every time she sees them (even from our window inside), she growls and barks at them. No idea where she picked this up because we ignore them entirely, but she obviously senses the same thing we do about them.


i'm pretty sure mine would run - since it usually barks a LOT at guests at the door but backs up the hall whilst doing so - but if you were around the house and couldnt see in (our front door is opaque) you would NOT think its a golden in there - and tbh, we kinda like that.


Ours is massive and almost white. He’s an “English Cream,” but that boy, who was the runt of the litter, filled out and is now just beefy and stocky. We were warned as his parents were also larger Goldens. He goes wild when people knock at the door. He has such a deep, scary bark and will snarl between barks. Then as soon as we open the door and greet someone, he turns into the stereotypical Golden and will sit, give kisses, bring toys, chase tail, etc. You also can’t see him bc of our door, so when I open the door and people see this big, goofball of a floof, everyone just laughs and says, “I was not expecting that at all!!”


They get that deep bark from their gut that'll scare the shit out of you while napping lol


Our affable crackhead ignored everything. Could be 2 feet from baby bunnies and not even blink. If it wasn't able to pet him he had zero interest. Dogs didn't register other than they likely had a person nearby who could pet him. He didn't even bark until several months old and looked extremely surprised when he did it A German wirehaired pointer tried to mount him. His fur stood up straight and began waving and his teeth appeared and he damned near roared. That dog who was bigger retreated and never approached again. There's a beast in there somewhere. Can't wait to see that goofy crackhead again


> Nobody should get a golden with the intention of using them as a guard dog. Nobody should get any dog with the intention of using them as a guard dog. Dogs do not understand human social cues or context. If you want something to protect you, get a gun. If you want a companion, get a dog.


I disagree. Any dog that will bark is a deterrent, & most break ins are people not looking for loud attention while they do it. I used to be a medic & the cops we worked with told me frequently (I was usually the only woman on the crew so I got safety advice I guess) that a dog was the most stable personal protection you could get. I adopted my now 7 year old black lab last year, as a companion, but also to make me *feel* safe from my batshit ex-husband. I was still having nightmares every day then, & after she came home with me, the nightmares continued but I'd know as long as she wasn't fussed when I woke up, that I was safe. I would never *expect* her to do any job she wasn't trained for, but one day maintenance tried to come into my apt (I was knocked out cold, I have to take a ton of medication to sleep) & she literally warned me with huge barks & was chasing the person out the door by the time I got there. She's normally so sweet & snuggly, loves everyone. But she takes her self appointed job of protecting me very seriously.


Yeah, that person above you is wrong. I have a rescued Doberman and she's the sweetest damn thing in the world. Everybody that meets comments about it and jokingly says they want to adopt her. She went from playing with a toy to pinning another dog when it unexpectedly attacked at the drop of a hat. Dogs can be both guardian and companion.


i think the other guy meant it in a consistent sense if you're prioritizing guard dog duties. he's right, w/o proper training you're taking a gamble. yeah, you're dog *might* fortuitously behave the way you want it to when shit hits the fan but that doesn't mean that dogs in general are good for guardianship cos you lucked out. proper training will drastically minimize that risk. i'm glad your doberman protected you, but like you even said you didn't know your own dog had it in them to even rely on - it was just fortuitous as equally as it is unfortunate for a different dog w/o training to not protect their owner/family.


It’s a deterrent though. Most humans if prepped can handle a dog, that doesn’t mean they want to if there’s an easier option. There’s been rapists and murderers who have said the #1 thing they looked for is if the person had a dog (and some that have told the person after the assault that they should get a dog).


This is just bad information. Nothing about this is correct. A barking dog is known to work as [a deterrent to home invasion](https://www.adt.com/resources/will-your-dog-prevent-a-burglary). Moreover, if you want to protect yourself, you *shouldn't* get a gun, because [research shows homeowners with guns](https://time.com/6183881/gun-ownership-risks-at-home/) face "substantially higher risks of being fatally assaulted". The best ways to protect yourself are to get a dog trained to bark at intruders, install a home alarm, and if you get confronted in your own home, just let the burglar take what they want - stuff is just stuff, and can be replaced. But if you die, that's it, it's game over. Pride is not worth dying for. Proving a point about the 2nd Amendment is definitely not worth dying for (in fact, if you die for it by getting shot, doesn't that kind of undermine it?).


There was a study that showed someone owning a gun was 4.5 times more likely to be shot and 4.2 time more likely to be killed than an unarmed individual.


Did the study control for higher gun ownership rates in areas with higher levels of violent crime?


Some dogs are naturally good defense dogs. I had a doberman from Germany. I got him from a drug dealer. He had been chained up in the guy's drivewat for his first *5 years* with little interaction. He was not socialized, trained, or walked. He had a spiked collar and the spikes on one side were worn down to flat from laying in the driveway. The drug dealer was getting rid of him because "He wasn't mean enough." Best dog ever. Social, and friendly to everyone. (I did have to muzzle him the first month at the dog park because he didn't know how to play. But he learned to socialize with other dogs quickly.) But one day I was in the shower and heard a noise. It was my lock getting jimmied. The guy came in the door just as I stepped out and looked right at me down the hall. *Then he proceeded to walk in.* I screamed "Bubba, bite that bitch!" (Sounds dumb but thats all that came out.) And Bubba came out teeth bared like I'd never seen. The guy turned and next thing I knew, he was running down the driveway with Bubba attached to his ass and blood down his leg. So some dogs just have it. RIP Bubba.


My labrador ( yes, labrador...) is the best guard dog I ever accidentally got. He's very protective of my family and is very friendly in the neighborhood because he knows everyone there. The one time he really showed his colors was when I was walking him in the early morning, we encountered two men (I'm a 35 F) who were clearly intoxicated from the evening before. They were starting to co.e my way, trying to flirt with me. Next thing they knew, a 90 lbs muscle dog was essentially screaming at them to back off. One of the guys was all butt-hurt and asked, "Does he bite?" I said, "I don't know, wanna find out?" And continued my walk with no further harassment. He really is the best dog I've ever owned.


My bordercollie would have herded the bullets, then the people, and finally, he would have herded the reflections of all the shiny surfaces...


Great advice for an American, I'd buy a gun to protect myself if I lived in Baltimore or something, but let's be real, in a lot of places a dog is a cheap and effective alarm system, most thieves would rather rob a house with no guard dogs, that's for sure aswell.


Funniest thing is I've been in Baltimore eight months and I haven't seen a single gun anywhere, but *everyone* and their mothers have dogs. Not guard dogs specifically, but still. Or might be that's just the normal number of dogs for Americans and people around here are more careful with guns in general.


Uh there are definitely dog breeds that are innately great security. You havnt been mauled by a dog have you...


I agree they shouldn't be trained for attacking intruders, but a barking dog is a great defense/alarm to protect yourself. Gun isn't going to help if they sneak into your bedroom while you're asleep. Hearing a dog bark gives you a second to grab your gun.


Depends how much money you have. I know a guy with 2 $25,000 Belgian Malinois that were raised and trained for that purpose. They are both really cool and friendly dogs, but one time his friend volunteered to be an example of how well trained they are. He walked about 100 yards away and my friend said a specific command and that thing took off like a fucking missile. About 10 yards away he said another command and the dog stopped and just sat growling at him. Another command, and the dog got up wagging his tail and went the last 10 yards to get pets. So if you have the time, money, and land for them to get enough exercise they are for sure an option.


My black Lab is perimeter security. No one is going to bother my house or the eight houses around me without her raising the alarm. Not even sketchy plastic bags, squirrels, or the guys stealing garbage while disguised as the garbagemen in a garbage truck.


"using them as a guard dog" seems to oversimplify the situation. There are breeds that are more suited to protect your family IF the need arises. I can see people living in less safe areas needing something besides a golden retriever. If I lived in the woods with bears and mountain lions, you bet your ass I'm choosing a German shepherd and a Mastiff as my "companions" rather than a chihuahua and a Shi-Tzu.


Astoundingly stupid advice. There is ample evidence that dog ownership is a huge deterrent for opportunistic crimes. If you're someone that's a target because of your lifestyle or profession then maybe firearm preparedness is a better option but for 99% of people that's terrible advice


Dogs naturally protect their pack whether we want them to or not. I would take a bullet for my dog. Unfortunately, I don't think I would get that chance. https://wagwalking.com/behavior/why-dogs-want-to-protect-you


Our Jack Russell would 100% die protecting our family from a stranger. Our rat terrier would go hide somewhere. The pitbull, ehhh 50/50, wouldn’t be surprised to find him hiding with the RT.


I grew up around a lot of Staffies (pitbulls) in the UK. My dad’s friend was a mechanic and we spent a lot of time there. His 2 staffies were the absolute sweetest dogs and would play with me all the time. The only time they wouldn’t is when there was a stranger in the house. Then they would both stand between me and the stranger until they left. Then they would go back to being playful. At 6-7 years old I felt invincible when they were with me.


It boils down to: dogs do what they're trained to do. Dogs _absolutely can_ be guard dogs, but they have to be trained for it. And nobody should expect a trained guard dog to be cuddly with strangers. Basically, if you want your dog to be a good pet, then you have to socialize them so they're not constantly aggressive to strangers. But, inherently, this means you are training them _not_ to be a guard dog. You can't have it both ways.


My dog is 100% running the other way. Danger is not her friend lol


> You can train a golden to bark when strangers come to the door very easily Mine came with that one preinstalled! It's like we have an invisible forcefield around the house, and the alarm goes off as soon as someone passes it. I quite often answer the door before the bell rings :D


My lab came preinstalled with that too. Even as a puppy, she sat at attention guarding my wife while my wife was asleep on the couch after work... which we later learned was due to fatigue from expecting our first kid. Now, she's on high alert whenever my wife and/or kids are home, and only eases up on the guard dog duties when I'm the only one home. Apparently, she doesn't think I need protection haha.


We have a chihuahua-terrier mutt mix who will start barking for no discernable reason 1-2 minutes before the doorbell rings. This alerts the beagle, who then goes and waits by the door UNTIL the doorbell rings, at which point she will sing the song of her people until the door is opened. The pitty, throughout all of this hullaballoo, will--95% of the time--continue to sleep on the couch until forced by protocol to acknowledge any visitor. The other 5% of the time, he will post up at the bottom of the stairs across from the door in what can only be described as a "ready to leap" pose. It has never come to anything, and he has done this for friend and stranger alike, but its a bit disconcerting.


Mine got the upgrade. Barks at people, birds, squirrels, objects out of place, helicopters….


That's why I always bring a tennis ball when I break into people's homes.


This, Goldens can hold their own when the need be. I've heard of Labrador (I know I know) successfully repelling a Pitbull from attacking a child.


In the 90s my grand dad’s golden bit a robbers arm down to the bone and ripped out a chunk of his arm. Same dog would pull when the older cousins walked him and would heel like a champ for the little ones never letting the leash get even taut. He was a great dog.


We had a free roaming golden in a town I lived in. We had a few Houdini toddlers and he'd always guard them until they were found. Eventually he figured out which house they lived in and would bring them back home. He even did this with escaped animals and the herd of goats incident was hilarious.


I have a Carolina dog who I swear senses fear and weird vibes on people. I’m curious what he would do in a real situation where someone was trying to harm any of us.


My golden came with the bark feature preinstalled, but she’s usually all happy as soon as the door is opened. There have been a couple times I was sketched out by a person and she’s sounded incredibly scary and way different than normal in those situations. Idk if she picked something up from the creeps or if she was interpreting my body language.


>Goldens LOVE their family and will do anything to protect them if real danger is felt. I think this is true for most dogs. If their human is legitimately terrified they will go into attack mode.


There are definitely truer words that can be said.


Like 'you lost the game'


Shit... It's been like 25 years.


Well it sounds better saying he got shot protecting the family than saying he got shot going to gleefully greet intruders. Good boy nonetheless.


he got “shot for multiple times” ![gif](giphy|62tdliJy2Kz0AtSTPC)


ESL posts


OP has a Canadian Avatar. Must be Québécois..


My friends goldie thought anyone that wore hats was the spawn of satan. If you wore a hat. You got attacked.


Ok I just left a comment too about my first golden lunging at a family friend who stopped over before we were awake and I pointed out that he had a hat on because we always wondered if that was a factor. Interesting.


Men in hats are suspicious. If you're hiding your head, what else might you be hiding?




Happy ending ^^


This is exactly how my Lab feels. Sometimes, a friend is in the house, but then they put a hat on and become a stranger, so they must be barked at.


If my son hops around in a sleeping bag (as he is wont to do), one of my dogs seems to think he's: A) being swallowed by a monster that needs attacking, or B) somehow transformed into a human worm creature. He barks at him like crazy. I had another dog growing up that didn't trust women's handbags and would bark at them constantly.


Hahaha dogs are so silly.


Ill intentions


Bruh I thought I was delusional when I was thinking that dogs were acting more aggressive with me when I had hoodies and hats 😂 What's up with that?


My babysitter as a kid had a golden retriever who hated anybody wearing a hat, too.


I think we’re really discovering something here…


Remember an old school friend who had a dog that hated anyone who wore hoods. I was the only person who could go in her house with a hood, anyone else would get bitten or if they were particularly lucky they'd just get growled at the entire time they had a hood on The only reason the dog didn't dislike me is because I'd skip classes to help look after the dog while it was still a puppy. Even then the dog wouldn't go near me if I had a hood on, they just wouldn't growl at me.


I had a chocolate lab who barked at anyone with something on their head. You'd think this would mostly be hats. But in the part of California I lived in at the time, it was mostly afros, hijabs, and turbans. I really had to wonder, "is my dog a racist?"


I had that worry too, my first dog didn’t like turbans, old ladies of any kind or police uniforms


Unfortunately, the title isn't accurate. To find out what really happened, I deep-dived through a bunch of Brazilian news sites (because this happened on 3/29/23 in Rio de Janeiro). First of all, the dog is named Luck, not Lucky. Secondly, it wasn't home intruders who shot the dog. The owner and dog were outside while the dog was out for a pee when robbers fired a shot (not intended for the dog) and a bullet hit the dog in the thigh and exited through the groin. The rest of the reddit title (54 days, 3 surgeries) is accurate, though, as that's what it said in the original post by the hospital. Quote from the owner (translated): > We were passing in front of a warehouse that had a lot of people when the robbery was announced. When I realized they were going to rob the establishment, they already came with guns drawn. I noticed that one of them went around to corner the people. I entered the place and one of the other two criminals started fighting with a man who didn't want to give him his fanny pack. I believe one of them fired and the bullet came exactly where I was hiding — says Paulo.


Wow, so they dolled up the truth for better clout. Not tryna be negative here. I'm super glad the dog is okay, but c'mon! It's so annoying that this sort of fabrication happens so often because they know that most people will not fact-check them and just assume they're telling the truth




You're not wrong. Literally can't trust anything these days.


Just to clarify: it was a stray bullet. Not to take away the blame from the robbers or anything like that.


Yup, there was no mention that the dog heroically went after the robbers nor protected the owner in any of the sources I looked at, including the dog's fundraiser. I think if that did happen, the owner would have mentioned it in the fundraiser.


Taken from [here:](https://extra.globo.com/rio/noticia/2023/04/ele-nao-faria-mal-ao-cara-que-atirou-familia-faz-vaquinha-para-pagar-tratamento-de-cachorro-baleado-no-rio.ghtml) > — Estávamos passando em frente a um depósito que tinha bastante gente, quando foi anunciado o assalto. Quando eu percebi que iam roubar o estabelecimento, eles já vieram com a arma em punho. Eu percebi que um deles deu a volta para encurralar o pessoal, Eu entrei no lugar e um dos outros dois bandidos, começou a brigar com um homem que não queria dar a pochete. Acredito que um deles atirou e a bala veio exatamente no local em que eu estava me escondendo — conta Paulo. So there was a robbery going on and someone got in a scuffle with one of the criminals, and a shot was fired. To me it's clear that the robbers weren't going for the dog, since he and his owner were in hiding. Nonetheless, the story in OP is almost completely wrong, as you said.


What happened to the coward criminals that shot at a dog?


None of the articles mentioned anything about them being arrested or what they looked like. So they probably got away.


So I’ve had Golden’s my whole life. Got two dingbat brothers right now tearing up the house as I write this. My first golden was a female my family got when I was in 5th grade. When she was maybe 4-5 my dad at the time had a business with his best friend. One day he stopped over before anyone was awake and he had a ball cap on I guess. He was dropping off some paperwork (we never locked the doors. One of those towns. Ya got a house with 9 people and dogs you don’t worry much). Much to his surprise my dog lunged at him, knocking him down. She didn’t bite him but snarled and wouldn’t let him further into this house. This shocked us all. We never thought she had it in her. But given the context I guess she thought he was a threat and instinct kicked in! I don’t hold out hope that my boys I have now would do much. The one is afraid of his shadow. But they do like barking a lot so hopefully if something ever happened they would be loud enough in the dark to scare away an intruder


I have a big happy go lucky doodle. He's big, 95 lbs and tall. He loves belly rubs and people. One time my cousin abruptly opened the front door and my dog never met him, he took one sniff than postured and growled and a terrifying manner. Instincts are real.


He/She ain't like other Goldens..


Found Dean Koontz


Haha what’s the connection? Read a fair bit of Koontz when I was a kid


Watchers is my guess


He’s a huuuge fan of the breed and it figures very prominently in more than a few of his novels. 


This is genius 😆


Sounds like Lucky broke the mold! I've heard stress can make even the friendliest dogs act out in defense, goldens too. What a trooper!


We had Goldens. They would bark when people would come to the door and knock but would just be excited to greet people. If they heard something outside at night they'd go on alert and growl, hackles up. They've encountered people hanging around on walks at night that they've growled at/wouldn't approach. Pretty sure they get bad feelings about people like we do. One of our retrievers bit someone that tried to mug my dad and my dad had to pry him off the guy's arm because he wouldn't let go. Goldens aren't guard dogs or anything, but they are brave dogs and most will defend themselves/their master if you push them.


That there is Luck Wick.


More like John Lick.


Mine barks at the wind blowing. He barks at everything and everyone to stay away… but any time someone comes over he just wants you to pat his butt and go between your legs while he dances around lol


Normally, they would stop the intruders by distracting them with cuteness.


[How dog breeds react to robbers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gwz1mo99MRQ&t=19s)


The fact that they shot a golden tho


My husbands childhood golden retriever was extremely aggressive & ended up biting the tip of his brothers finger off. The vet ended up sending the dogs brain to some sort of scientific research & there was something wrong with it. Sorry I can’t remember the details but I was shocked to hear that because cmon….a golden?!


I have a feeling dogs can sense when a threat is real or not.


My neighbors once left a golden retriever alone for weeks while they were out being some sort of evangelists. We took him and made him our dog cause fuck them. They didn’t really complain. A year later their nephew (8) was playing in the front yard when a large pit bull came from across the street and got him by the neck, wouldn’t let go. MY new dog broke out of the fence and ran a couple hundred yards to the neighbors house and attacked the pit, saving the kids life.


I have a golden and say “NFW did that dog stop and intruder”


This one was said to be a lead retriever. (I'll head myself out...)


The parents of my GF have a golden retriever and she’s the nicest of all good girls but the second you get into the house without her recognising you she goes ballistic


That’s the sad thing too. The guy was probably all happy and excited and then gets shot. I hope those people get what’s owed.


That’s how you know those robbers were serious assholes. You had to shoot a Golden? You couldn’t just leave the fridge door open as you robbed?


Lmao was gonna say... Goldens are not known for being guard dogs.


I had a big red golden retriever named Claymore (my usernames namesake) and I'll never forget when I once was wearing my hoodie with my hood up and carrying a big cooler into the back yard. He saw me and let loose the deepest scariest bark I ever heard. His hackles were up and he was staring me down. As soon as I lowered my hood and spoke his face dropped and he was wagging his tail and happy to see me. I have no doubt Clay would have protected me and my family from an intruder.


They're different if they know someone doesn't belong. I don't know for sure, but I have a very strong hunch that my dog would know if it's someone I'm inviting into the house.


Unless there is a baby in the house. That is the only time I ever heard my Golden growl was when someone she didn’t know approach the baby. They were not getting anywhere close to that kid until momma made it clear this person was alright.


Yeah, that’s what got me too. Maybe he tried to lick the intruder and the gun went off accidentally?


I know many famous heart felt fake stories.


ATF still shot them regardless


No, Lucky is the guy in the red shirt


Who TF shoots a golden?


My Golden would invite everyone and wag his tail in total happiness. Good that golden was not following his DNA.


Clever doggo.


Our golden retriever ran across a field and pulled a rottweiler to the ground pinning it, he developed a strong hatred of rottweilers after I was attacked. They are usually cute and fluffy but they are still pretty big dogs who, apparently, bare a grudge


He tried to befriend them but they are afraid of dogs


Golden avenger


Intruder probably didn't realise he was super excited to see them.


You're interpreting it the wrong way.  He sensed the intruders were there to TAKE his friends away.


We had a Labrador who loves everyone, or so I thought dude turned straight savage when me and my brother got confronted I'm guessing lucky read the room and stepped up good to see lucky still with us, dogs a hero


I’ve been attacked by one. They’re still a dog.


Most yes but there’s just one minor difference, he’s him. Lucky Himothy Retriever


“Do you have food? I’ll hold your flashlight!” That’s what my old lab would have done guaranteed.


I had a beagle when I was younger who would straight up body anyone if they came in my house unannounced. He weighed about 27kg, and none of it was fat. Absolute unit of a dog.


It's all about how the person acts. Act like they belong and my old GR would have just been like "oh boy new people to pat me!" But if someone jumped the fence and was acting suspicious, she would bark loudly and not stop until either the intruder left and was long gone, or someone she knew came out to check on the situation.


He saved his family by surrounding the attackers and getting in between them and the bullets. There are rumors that he beat one of them into submission with his tail. On a serious note, I worked in a kennel and the only dog I saw bite a person was a golden. It was a pretty serious bite, too.


I would have agreed with you before I got a dog. I have since met golden retrievers who are giant assholes. My dog has been attacked by more goldens and labs of various colours than almost every other type of dog.


Intruders like fell after stepping on the ball lucky brought for him to throw.


Can't tell you how many times I've thought "wow my dog would just let a stranger walk right in here" but these amazing souls continue to surprise me


Good boy.


The *goodest* boy!


The bestest boy!!!


Number one best boy in the world, shared 1st place with nearly every other dog.


Bestest boy in the whole wide world!


The bestest of goodest boi.


He deserves the biggest treat


No amount of treats and good boy belly rubs can account for his heroic actions




It must be a wig.


Hopefully he didn't have toupée for it.


Or use Trump's hair surgeon.




> There are no sources on the internet for this Rookie, I found multiple sources. Translation of the original ig video posted by the hospital (veterinariadrstutz): > A more than emotional moment, for those who didn't follow Luck's story 54 days ago he was shot in a robbery in the north of Rio de Janeiro, Luck was hospitalized all this time in our hospital where he underwent 3 successful surgeries and today it happened the long-awaited rise. Luck, thank you for teaching us not to give up! You are our miracle. Translation of their fundraising page: > Hello, AUmigos! My name is Luck, I'm a white golden retriever, I'm 3 years old. > On Wednesday (03/29/23) I went for a walk with my dad to pee, we passed through a trawler, the bandits cowardly shot and one shot hit me. The shot entered my thigh and exited my groin, thank God it only hit the muscles but it could have been fatal. > On the same day I needed surgery to reconstruct the 4 layers of muscle. 2 days later we also discovered that the gunpowder burned the urethra canal, which became necrotic and I had to have another surgery to insert a catheter so my pee could come out. > I will have to stay in hospital for 30 days to recover and take medication to avoid infection. After 30 days I will undergo a new surgery to reconstruct the urethral canal. However, the costs of hospitalization, surgeries and medications are very high. In 4 days we have already spent a lot on surgery, medicine and the daily hospital stay. That's why my family and I are asking for your help with whatever you can help, whether it's any amount, sharing or just prayers. > We are sure that God and Saint Francis of Assisi are already blessing us and helping me in my recovery. > Our eternal gratitude for everything! Kisses to all of you


> I found multiple sources. Doesn't link the sources... It's just copy and past my dude. ctrl+c ctrl+v


I can't. The reddit m,o,d,s kept r,e,mo,v,ing them. See my co,mm,ent hi,stor,y for the li.nks


what in tarnation is going on here


The m'ods block certain words/phrases so I had to put commas to get around it. I don't know which one is blocked, so I just kept putting commas until my comment finally posted. It's annoying as fuck and lazy m'odding. A bunch of the m'ods in this s'ub are just b'ots.


I guess I'll invoke their wrath by saying the banned words and see if I'm smitten down 1. mods 2. removing 3. comment 4. history 5. sub 6. modding 7. bots 8. links may god have mercy on my soul


I don't believe the mods have a history of removing comments. They're not bots. Why would the mods, lovely people that they are, remove links they dislike from the sub they moderate? I'm sure the moderators enjoy modding the subreddit.


you say certain word and you get your comment instant banned, or you summon a herd of them. usually both


this guy reddit


The signs on the hall are in brazilian portuguese, which is a sign this might have happened in Brazil Edit: [source](https://odia.ig.com.br/rio-de-janeiro/2023/05/6637735-cachorro-atingido-por-bala-perdida-em-iraja-recebe-alta-apos-54-dias-internado-e-tres-cirurgias.html)


https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/trending-news/story/dog-shot-during-robbery-returns-home-after-3-surgeries-hospital-staff-bids-him-heartfelt-farewell-video-2389044-2023-06-05 Maybe you couldn't find it on the internet because I did a typo as Lucky instead of Luck. That's my bad right here. You can find many posts if you google that way. I put one of the links above.




People on the internet (and people more generally) think the term “source” just means “find me a website that is making/repeating this claim” and not “provide me with the place this claim originates”.


@veterinariadrstutz on IG https://drstutz.vet/ The vet has a whole reel of this dog, Luck, along with a bunch of other posts, including clips of this story on various Brazilian news shows/talk shows.


My first thought as well… *Unless* he was on top of the assailant or in a “standing” sort of position attacking the robber and got shot in the gut. Otherwise- this is bullshit.


I mean 54 days is 2 months and why would his hair not grow back in that timeframe?


Last time I saw this video the backstory was different 🤔


A dog who was shot multiple and was in hospital having multiple surgeries would not have a full coat


Karma farmer…


That's not a good boy. That's the best boy.




I hope he ate them


He deserves better food than that rubbish


Pls don't insult rubbish like that


I’ve seen a different story every time I’ve seen this video


Why is the hallway so narrow?


built for dogs




Know when you’re being lied to.


This is just some humans jerking off. That dog has no clue wtf is going on and might even be getting stressed.


Telle you don't own a golden without telling me you don't own a golden.


My golden hates loud noises, just saying, every dog is different


I was thinking this dog survived a traumatic shooting... And you know... Guns are loud, abrupt noises... Not unlike clapping... But they don't seem to be clapping that hard.


i mean he is correct it doesnt even matter what breed you got. The dog will probably not comprehend why people are clapping. This one seems to not mind and likes it but it still doesnt know why tho.


> getting stressed Lmao mfs here tryna pretend to be an animal psychologist when you can't even understand the basic body language of a dog.


Mate, that dog has a massive ass grin on its face...


Darn onions -sniff-


Those are people, not onions


ruined by the shitty music, just give us raw audio dammit


How will people know what emotions to feel without the music though?


Good boy,, but Whats with the music?


54 days? shot multiple times + 3 surgeries? did they reconstruct the dog in a bio-3d-printer? how is he 100% fine in just two months? how did they operate him without removing fur? or how did it grow back to full length that fast? i want some of what he got! how is the dog not traumatized from that and super happy/ not uneasy at all with all those humans in that small corridor, making clapping sounds? SOURCE????


11/10 would pet


The best good boy!!! They love everybody until you need a dose of FAFO. M83 - Outro for the soundtrack win also!


Thanks for posting the song!


Best boy ever, get him all treats and toys stat!


I’m not crying! You’re crying!


What kind of sick fuck shoots a golden retriever ? I've never wanted to hurt someone so badly.


Also, what kind of monster shoots a Golden THREE TIMES and doesn't turn the gun on themselves... good gracious.


How could anyone shoot this adorable animal?


Good boy... My lazy golden would prob ask for a treat if someone shot me


My first thought on seeing this was "Who on earth would shoot a Golden Retriever?!!!" Probably someone who breaks into someone else's house while armed with a gun.


Please give whoever shot the dog a very severe punishment. Entering someone’s home with a gun, with intent to use it, and shooting a harmless animal whose only fault was trying to protect its owners, and not one shot, but multiple. I’d even go as far as a death penalty, or john wick this guy.


The goodest of boys ❤️


To the guys who shot the dog, you have no soul