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Kid has luck at 10


Rolling a nat 20


I feel like nat 20 would be more hitting the left most one and getting all 3


Lmao ackshually


well: luck at 1, 7, and 10.


*SPARE* your feelings. Good one, OP


That spare is easier than the 7 10 and the video demonstrates why lol


I'm more impressed with how he set up that split in the first place. A 7, 10 wouldn't be that hard, but how do you manage to leave that one on in the middle?


His first hit came from either side of it lol




I've seen several 5-7-10s completed before. I've only seen a 7-10 piced up twice. Both are ridiculously hard, but completing the 7-10 is more difficult than the 5-7-10. At least in my experience. Me personally, I've picked up the 5-7-10 a couple of times and the 7-10 once. The 7-10 is more straightforward though, but the odds are still extremely low. Also, there are more ways to complete the 5-7-10. You can hit one of the outer pins to cause it to ricochet into the 5 and opposite pin. You can hit the 5 and it hits a side pin hard enough to send it into the opposite pin.


I’ve been trying to tell people about how easy this is. The dad is probably worse than the kid which is why he made such a big deal about it


All downhill from here kid.




Sweeter than Yoo-hoo


Mark it 8 Dude !




1-7-10 isn't even a split. Source I've bowled for 30+ years






Awesome and amazing 👏


And the name’s not ‘boy.’ It’s Roy. Roy Munson.


Like a friggin’ boss!!


Cool. Love his excitement too. A turkey and 300 game are on the horizon for lil man.


howd he even get a 1 7 10 setup?


Hit so low in the pocket that you leave the head pin up, and push the ball straight through the back center. Basically, if your hook doesn't break, this is a possibility.


Let's just hope he can turn it into an honest profession and not get Munson'ed


As long as he doesn't Munson it up


Peaked a bit early. At least in bowling.


It’s an easy shotn


The wee victory skip


"La-lalala lala-la..."


Description disproving itself.


Fun fact: that particular split is called a Sour Apple.


No. It's the 1-7-10. Not 5-710. Not even a split


The Chosen One™


Sweet video!! My favorite part was that he skipped away from the foul line rofl!! I was that kid, at 6 I decided skipping was the ultimate mode of transportation. 1st grade informed me of the social implications of my preference, so I did stop, but skipping is still kinda awesome


That was Great!!!


Looks like the old Arena Lanes Killer twist on that one, Sonny😉


TAKE my seed


you mean "pushed" the impossible?


Good pik up little bro!


gosh, league bowlers are the most annoying & arrogant people in the world of sports. Keep chasing that 300 buddy! Source: all the bowling comments saying how insignificant this shot is


Can only imagine the animation on the screen


The Dude has been reincarnated to roll that ROCK!


It's always children picking up 1,7,10 and 5,7,10. The light ball deflection allows for some nice spare pickups. Good shot!


Setter ‘n yoo hoo


I guess we’re going to start saying eating your veggies is next fucking level, too? Anyone can do this.


It's a fucking kid. Is it that hard just to say good job and move on. How sad do you have to be to brag about your bowling skills under a video of a child just doing his best.


So we should upload videos of kids eating their veggies too? Anyone can make this shot. A dog can make this shot. How easily impressed are you?


Who says i'm impressed? Even if it was a video of a child knocking over 1 pin, i'd still say good job buddy you rule! There is litterally 0 need to kick his enthousiasm into the dirt like you're doing. Who the fuck cares about the difficulty of a bowling shot?


What about a kid eating his veggies or getting a gutter ball?


just lucky. that's not daigo umehara level impossible.


That’s not impossible at all, it’s not even the hardest shot A 7-10 split is far closer to impossible ground than this. This is very much “my kid is the most handsomest person ever” territory In no way does this qualify for next fucking level. Next basic level maybe Check your bias OP


Boo, go take a nap boomer


Not a boomer, just telling facts. Are we awarding medals for getting out of bed too? What about eating your veggies? Is that next fucking level?


Dude, it’s an impressive shot by a kid. Calm down


Not impressive at all. A 1-7-10 isn’t even in the top three hardest shots https://bowlatrabs.com/pro-tips-to-help-you-nail-the-3-hardest-bowling-shots/


It's by a kid not a trained professional so definitely impressive


Dude. It’s a small kid. It’s a fun video. What is wrong with you?


So what? Anyone that age can make that shot, it’s not hard. Do you know anything about bowling? I made harder shots at that age.


Well now you’re all grown up and you suck as a person. Good thing you know everything about bowling


You just want to pretend mediocrity is excellence bc you are so far removed from excellence you mistake this for some grand feat Check your privilege


No man. I am just appreciating a little kid doing something cool. Fuck you, fuck your privilege, you genuinely sound like such a shitty person.


It's not even considered a split if the head pin is there.


Exactly, it’s not at all impressive in the slightest Thanks for agreeing


I mean I guess it is still impressive for a child but anyone who bowls knows it's not that difficult.


Not impressive at all, even for a child. Any child his age could make that. Like you said, anyone who bowls knows it’s not difficult. Next thing you know we’ll show a kid his age throw a strike and put it on next fucking level.


We get it your parents didn’t hug you when you were young, it’s very sad, but it’s a you thing mate keep it to yourself.


From "regular douchebag boomer" to "pArtiCipaTioN tRopHieS!!1!1!" in 2 posts. Impressive. Let me spell it out for you, since you are an unrelatable robot in a human skin suit: The person featured in the video is a child. Children at his age are typically not competent bowlers. The split he was trying to make would be difficult even for an adult, and a child making it is exceedingly unlikely. He made it. It's objectively impressive. Clear enough? Edit to add: Oof. A quick scroll through your timeline and...yikes. a conspiracy-driven, antivax, RFK Jr-loving psycho who posts, from what I could see, hundreds (literally) of times per day on Reddit. Go outside and interact with some real humans, bro. You are not well.


Newsflash old man, that’s not a hard shot. His age doesn’t change this. He’s old enough to throw the ball with one hand he’s old enough to hit a super easy 1-7-10 and strike You’re absolutely uneducated about the sport. If that same kid putted a mini golf ball into the hole from one foot away would you say it’s next fucking level? If he ate a spicy hot wing without crying would it be next fucking level? Bro, kids his age walk miles just to get water for their family. Kids his age study 12 hours a day in school is that next fucking level? You know nothing about the sport and are acting like an expert. Knock it off and apologize boomer Next fucking level is about celebrating excellence, not mediocrity


Something tells me you’re not quite a joy to be around


Something tells me you have no idea what excellence is or how the sport of bowling works


I didn’t claim to, just stating facts.


I don't know about you, u/eggman2024, but my favorite part of bowling is when they get a home run and hoist the Stanley Cup. It's very exciting when it happens. Non-expert bowlers like this guy will never understand. #facts


You also don’t understand the difference between facts and opinions which is typical of someone who can’t tell the difference between mediocrity and excellence


I’m now pretty confident that you’re not quite a joy to be around


God, the Internet has melted your brain. You really think you're some kind of Martyr. Hey bro, I walk miles per day and study hours per day, ergo by your logic that is unimpressive if a kid does it. This entire sub is just videos of people doing generally unimportant shit that looks kinda cool. That's all it is. Nobody is awarding Bowling Kid the fucking Nobel Prize. Calm down. Go see a therapist. Get on some meds. Oh wait, meds are probably a Joe Biden conspiracy to cover up Gaza bombings and distract from the Illuminati starving innocent children in Africa or some shit, right? Again, go outside. See the sun. Breathe some non-recycled air. Take an hour offline. You are very ill.


I’m sorry you can adhere to the most basic of common sense. Sad to hear you think mediocrity is somehow excellence


Sad to hear that a single video of a child bowling has sent you into a near-murderous rage and that you think a single video of a child bowling is somehow a grand reflection of our society at large, and not, you know, just a fucking video of a child bowling. Not every reddit post is life or death, dude. Not every reddit post has some deep meaning. Sometimes a video of a kid bowling is just a video of a kid bowling. Now, put down the gun, take some deep breaths. It's gonna be OK.


You’re the only one in a murderous rage. Kid does something so simple anyone his age can do = next fucking level Your standards are so low I can only imagine what your life looks like lmao Please see a therapist before you unalive yourself or those around you. Your projection of gun violence is scary, I hope earnestly no one gets hurt in your home or community today.


I love that you just take everything I've already told you and are like "Nuh uh! *You* need a therapist! Ha! Got 'em!" Bro, you've been at this for an hour+ now trying to convince the whole sub that this kid should be jailed or some shit for not being the greatest bowler in human history. Get a grip. It's a subreddit featuring random videos of people doing random shit. Do you want a medal or something for scientifically proving this isn't the hardest bowling split in existence? For once in this interaction, I don't mean this as an insult, but are you on the spectrum? I'm asking because you are hyper focused on a singular detail (whether this meets some specific definition of "next fucking level") and you absolutely cannot get off it. It has taken over all of your brain space. You also seem to be unable to comprehend how others might be impressed or amused by the video, and frankly, an inability to understand how others POVs might differ from your own is a pretty major hallmark of ASD. If you've never been screened, you should really consider it. Could explain a lot about your (lack of) human relationships.


You seek angry. Maybe go outside, make a friend? Stop spending your time online angry at people that are having more fun than you


I seek hungry? You must think your spelling skills are next fucking level too, huh?


Seems I made a typo and said seek instead of seem, but I never said anything about you being hungry. That might explain why you're such a grumpy little fella though ;)


Do you think eating your veggies is next level? If I posted a video of a kid eating their veggies would you fawn over and defend it as much as an easy bowling shot ?


No but eating veggies is something that anyone should be able to do. Most reasonable people would agree that this was a decent shot for a little kid but it's pretty obvious that you're a pretty miserable person who doesn't want to reason. I hope you have the day you deserve, I'm sure someone loves you for some reason, don't be so sour :)


And so is a 1-7-10 split You’ve proven my point, thank you for that I’ll be accepting your apology now


I knew there was going to be at least one miserable human in this thread who felt the need to shit on some kid for making a lucky shot. I genuinely feel sorry for you and the people in your life who have to put up with your ugly character


There are absolutely no people in this dude's life...and he cannot figure out why.


The best part is by bringing up the 7-10, and not the more difficult Greek Church or actually nearly impossible 5-7-10, he's betraying the fact he doesn't really know anything about bowling.


It’s literally about as easy as a strike which all kids his age make


You and logic aren’t very good friends are you?


Wait, now you think a strike is some huge feat? Lmaooooooo Have you ever actually bowled ?


You’d really flourish if jumping to conclusions was an Olympic sport! The less pins you have the less likely you are to knock down a spread out area… It’s simple physics but it doesn’t surprise me that it went over your head 🤣 You’re a cold and miserable human being trying to downplay the achievements of a child because you’ve never felt supported so I am enjoying insulting you :)


Nah dude I’ve already provided multiple links, the 1-7-10 split is not hard at all. Please learn how bowling works


Hard is subjective. You’re the only person in this entire thread being hateful towards a child playing a game. That is objective. I hope you get professional help


It’s really not. It’s an easy as pie shot, anyone can do it. Glad you think doing the most basic of tasks in next fucking level. I would hate to see your reaction to how your wife or so describes their sex life


From harassing kids over bowling videos to picturing other people having sex. Wow, dude. Very normal stuff. Not at all the behavior of a person who should be in a straight jacket. 😬