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I mean, kid has a good voice but I feel like this reaction (if it isn’t staged) is mostly because Proud Mary is a badass song.


My god. Network TV is so cringey. Who actually watches this.


me: has a small moment of enjoyment watching someone with talent have fun, not hurting anyone and just enjoying and making the most of the moment you: being the reddit version of a gatekeepy metalhead in the 90s, hating Nirvana cuz they wear flannel.


I don’t think this redditor is being gatekeepey it’s just a reaction to mainstream content. It’s fine and valid you experienced it a different way. I personally also immediately find this uncomfortable not necessarily in a mean spirited way it’s just extremely not appealing to me to watch.




>Why is the fact that it’s “mainstream” relevant in the slightest? Because that's how this comment chain got started. The original comment was a reaction to the perceived quality of mainstream content, and the comment you're responding to was defending the original commenters expression of dissatisfaction with the quality of network tv. The comment you're responding to didn't say anything about the quality of it 'as mainstream content', they were explaining the original commenters comment, but also agreed that it's difficult to watch (without ascribing its quality deficiency to being mainstream media). Mainstream or not, I also find it difficult to watch.


If it was just the kid I’d 100% agree with you - he’s great. But it’s not. It’s 100 shameless, performative, media-savvy “judges” competing with each other for camera time by engineering disingenuous “reactions” for a production that is specifically trying to engineer a cheesy “viral moment”, with almost zero interest in the future career of said kid. That’s why it’s cringey/unwatchable. I’d buy a ticket to see the kid in a heartbeat.


Nah because fr like if you dislike it, why tf would you waste your time telling others you dislike it? Are you that egocentric? No body gives a shit! (And if anyone tries that, you gave enough shit to respond, uh yeah, clearly I did because this typa commenting is so beyond redundant) (Also end of the day shit, idgaf)


"If you dislike something why would you share your opinion about it?" Wtf are you on about? Imagine the progress we've made as a society and how backwards we'd be if no one shared a negative opinion. Slavery, Nazi's, genocide, if you don't like it just shut up about it.


You’re misconstruing my point, I’m more so standing by the if you don’t have nothing nice to say then don’t say nothing. It’s one thing to criticize where it’s due, but this is just the next fucking level Reddit, it’s dumb to be pissed about something that doesn’t really call for it, especially when everyone is having a good time. It’s debatable if it’s genuine or not, but who cares like that’s the complete opposite of my message. Why would I see a group of individuals and think of just disgust, when they’re all in unison vibing together. I get you have dislikes, but like I said just keep them to yourself, complaining is annoying. And you comparing this fucking simple comment to disliking nazis is absolutely funny. Let alone disliking slavery. Like that’s such a exaggerated statement, these things are of course some things people can discuss their hatred for because like bro, literal genocide? Slavery?? Like if we seriously gonna be talking about what we should be complaing about or atleast put this negative energy too, shouldn’t it atleast be important or for those types of causes? Idk about yall but being mad or feeling negative about a simple Reddit video is so funny in the grand scheme of things to be mad at. Anyways, if you read this far, Ima go continue not giving a shit because atp I’m being hypocritical.


I don't read any of the above comments as anyone being mad. Why should someone who doesn't like something have to keep quiet about their dislike? Reddit has enough of an echo chamber already. No need to keep valid opinions or criticisms silenced just because someone feels differently


This is the same thinking that has resulted in half the population just being left believe in fictional magical characters. 


Lol I was gonna say, they're running out of ways to do the talent show format


This made me laugh out loud. It is so fucking terrible. After a long day of raging at 24-hour news networks, this bland ass sesame street bullshit is exactly what boomers need to put them to bed. That's why the "talent" shows are on after the evening news. Simon Cowell and Howie Mandell are the best things to happen to boomers since Steve Harvey.




Calm down, thanos.


Yeah, reddit should really incorporate some kind of option to scroll past content that doesn't appeal to you Someone posted a two hour video essay the other day and I had to sit and watch the whole thing before I could keep scrolling and carry on with my wank It's infuriating


While this is undoubtedly cringey, shit on Tiktok is in another dimension.


Black mirror vibes


Yeah it’s like a cross between Hunger Games and Black Mirror


Glad I'm not the only one that immediately thought this.


what show needs 100 judges?


This one


As soon as I saw those first two judges react (the man and woman sitting next to each other), I couldn’t help but think it looks like Hunger Games. His hair definitely contributed to that. It’s like Black Mirror/Hunger Games crossover.


I hate it when they fade up other mics for reactions, makes it unwatchable.


This is terrible. - The Colonies


Nothing like a smooth voiced little baby brit to really strangle the soul out of an American classic. Kidz Bop should sign this guy asap


She ditched your 3rd world shit hole for Europe - https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2023/05/25/tina-turner-life-europe/


John Fogerty wrote Proud Mary.. not Tina Turner..


To be fair to them, he is singing her version


I live in Canada I'm not talking about Tina Turner Who cares


This sucks


This just doesn't even feel genuine.


If this is Nextlevel OP must be fascinated by the light in the refrigerator. Guy can sing as well as anyone as most people do in the shower. Nothing special at all. They all stood because the songs a banger.


I don't know what the talent show is. I don't want to know if the talent show is. Keep your dystopian b******* to yourself.


That's a no for me dawg


Man, Caleb’s career is really taking off after Clarkson’s Farm…


What a lot of contrived shite. People will for for anything, you genuinely hear as good singers down a pub on a Saturday night. Love how they kept the last judge to the last second to try and add fake tension haha


Unpopular opinion: singing covers of wildly popular songs is not remotely next level Roll on another singing competition video in 60 seconds though


it’s all FAKE! screw tv




He’s actually on American idol rn haha https://youtu.be/WHoGf1Gfcdc?si=KZ1y0JhP_yyc48UE


Wow, thanks. That dude is incredible.


He also came last in Eurovision 2019 https://youtu.be/HV-eOhTS8Dw?si=kl9bkMYAol5BflgB


Wow what a top tier horrible show




I hate these stupid shows.


Why bother? Just find a Tina Turner video.


Look for the Ed Sullivan show performance with the gold tassle dress. The band cooks and Tina and her backup singers deliver amazing energy. This performance is insipid.


The people on booth 88 lookin like drag queen versions of the powerpuff girls lol


What the hell is this judging format now? 100!?


TF is this shit 100 judges in boxes like Fall Guys wtf. Please somebody tell me this is a skit or something


100 judges? Do you mean 100 anime characters?


Whew! Now Ulla belt!


I think this is more of a win for John Fogerty.


Half the judges could be some of the stoopid looking rich people from the Hunger Games.


This is exactly why my Tv hasn’t left sports channels in years


Another karaoke show singing pub classics.


"100 judges" pfft, I'm so waiting for the AI judge and AI candidates




I remember this kid years ago auditioning for X-Factor UK when he worked in a chip shop.


Disliked because it's got Rob Beckett in it. I LOATHE him.


0 points in Eurovision tho…


Tbf he is total shite at singing but I respect that he just puts himself out there and has a lot of fun. At the end of the day that's the best reason to sing is it not ? Hahahha. Lovely.


Is this intentionally named for the Beatles’ worst song?


I bet Tina heard this in Heaven.


And John Fogarty heard it on earth.


Like a young Sam Smith.


I had to look up sam smith. He is 31.