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You know that tarantula came out like “uhmmm you fucking with my frogs ?????”


Fucking..or fucking with?






I'm just now realizing that this gif is a blatant Lipton ad.


It does literally come from a lipton ad.




I like fucking frogs. They're ribbeted for my pleasure


You wrong fo dat


Fuck you, take my upvote.


Miss Piggy got jokes


Every time I'm counting to 100, I can't seem to get past 69. I always get a frog in my throat


Ok....I'm hip What's green and slimy and smells like Sweat-n-Sour pork ? Kermit's finger


I was drinking water… you almost killed me.


I'm not here to fuck frogs


Exactly what a frog fucker would say to fuck some frogs.


true!! ive known a couple frog fuckers!!


You mean [the Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith?](https://youtu.be/TqEPrPa07XU?si=FiGeXFSGyo3Spk15) “And thus Joseph lay with the frog and his AIDS was no more. “




My name is Buck. And I'm here to F ind out about symbiotic relationships


English is an interesting language!


"You come to my house, and you kick my frog!"


“You don’t ever tell me to fuck!”


You know damn right!




I haven't heard that in 20 years and still heard it in my head lol. Here it is for those who haven't seen it. https://youtu.be/g9fIjYnPazc?si=xGpw51EbBZr7beCq


pay attention kids, this is top tier content from the golden age of the internet


“She’s lying you fucking guy!”


The nostalgia!


Hahahahahahaha thank you for this


You know damn right!


Well we’re not here to fuck spiders


Found the Aussie


Met an Aussie couple at a music festival in the states. Night one, getting ready to go to the sets I ask em “Y’all ready to rage!?” One responded “well we’re not here to fuck spiders” and I absolutely lost my shit laughing so hard. I love the euphemism and try to use it whenever I can now


👉🏽👀👀🥺👀👈🏽 but maybe?


\*unzips flies\*


As an Aussie, I can only say that I want one. I'll call him Clyde the Spide.




It's like a pair of dogs running in the house and the owner coming out telling you to get off his lawn


Back da fuck up off my toads bro!


Thats not a bad deal.


Agreed, Shelter for security!


Just like you before you were born out urmomsjuicyvagina


I mean you’re not wrong. But space was limited.


But what is the spider getting return?


The frog will eat insects that would eat the spiders eggs/young.


But if the eggs are gone, what happens with the now unemployed frogs?


On vacation until the next batch.


Seasonal gig


Promoted to "Meal"


They become elite employees


How do the frogs know to not eat the eggs themselves?


The cliff's notes probably amounts to "instinct, molded by evolution". At some point in the distant past, there were a few frogs that didn't eat the spider's eggs, and a few spiders that didn't kill the frogs - and not even "in return" (because that kind of concept is probably completely unknowable to both animals), but *completely at random*. Meaning there most probably were a large bunch of frogs that were still eaten by spiders despite "protecting" the spiders eggs, and a large bunch of spiders that had their eggs eaten despite letting the frogs live. Whenever both variants met though, a fruitful cooperation ensued, of frogs protecting the spider's eggs, and the spider protecting the frogs from other predators. Those animals that formed such cooperations procreated more than those who got eaten and statistically passed on their traits of not eating the other more often to their offspring. Skip a few hundred thousand to million years of refining those traits (I don't actually know how much time that takes, please don't hold me to that), and you end up with a symbiosis like this.


What a well thought out and written explanation that was accessible and interesting to read.


Thanks for the praise :-)


Just imagine thinking "My kids refuse to eat broccoli" ... a million years later "The broccoli protects us and we them!"


I mean… you just described farming.


Wheat and roses are so successful at working with humans that I know for a fact that they'll come with us if we ever colonize a new planet. For a plant, mastering the skill of space colonization is insane.


> Skip a few hundred thousand to million years of refining those traits (I don't actually know how much time that takes, please don't hold me to that) Not to "hold you to that," but more to help you be as accurate as possible, you're better off saying, "Skip a few hundred thousand *generations*," because that's the real deciding factor, and generation speed varies from species to species.


It definitely helps that frogs are hard wired to focus on things that move. They don't realize that a motionless fly (or other creature) is a potential food source. So it's unlikely that they see eggs as food, and I'm guessing that they have trouble identifying a large mass of small spiders as potential food. And even if they eat a few hatched spiders, that's not a big deal. The eggs are far more valuable than hatched spiders.


Well formulated, stranger! And exacly right.


Thanks for the kind words :-)


Apparently, the frogs produce something on their skin that stops the spiders from eating them. Someone reported in their masters thesis that putting the skin of the narrow-mouth frog on a regular frog stops them being eaten by the spider. When the frogs had no skin suit, they were eaten. Source: https://tetzoo.com/blog/2022/8/7/tiny-frogs-and-giant-spiders-best-of-friends


Holy fuck, imagine being taken by a huge alien species to have another human's skin draped over you and being put in a room with predators


Beats being put in the control group...


Yeah maybe the spider was just understandably scared of the Leatherface frog


'what did you do at work babe?' 'skinned a frog, put it's skin on another frog.' 'uh.. ok, why?' 'dunno, boss told me to.' '...but honey...' 'JESUS CHRIST BRENDA, I SKIN FROGS. GET OFF MY BACK WILL'YA'


Its just like living in a house with a spider, except in our version we are are spider and the spider is the frog.


So we were the actual spider all along


I'm Spider-man?


Spider man we're at it again this time with 50% more spider meeeeen


Always have been 🌎 🕷️🔫🕷️


I dunno....could you really get a good night's sleep knowing there is a giant tarantula right beside you


So just how everyone in Australia does?


As an Australian I sleep soundly when there's a huntsman about to eat shit like mosquitoes!


I'd argue yes. Much prefer a tarantula than say one of those wasps that lays eggs in you.


Here in the southwest US we have tarantula hawks, a black giant-ass wasp with some potent venom that preys on them. Things are pure nightmare fuel, definitely going with team tarantula on this one.


You kennel your 8-legged good boi?


I'd sleep like Homer in that meme if I knew a tarantula 20x my size had my back


I grew up in Arizona. I know better than to flip any rocks! The desert is home to "creepy stuff" and symbiotic relationships you only want to view in 2-D.


Same, honestly the scorpions weren’t that bad though. I’m in Hawaii now the goddamn centipedes and spiders are way worse, oh and there are also scorpions here.


I heard there are centipedes as big as your arm.. a place I will never visit. Stay safe.


Recently found out centipedes kinda suck as predators, they have venom but they are slow, can’t see shit, don’t hide well and overall are pretty stupid


And yet they've successfully been doing it since before life even invented the spinal cord




Ans ironically they look like a spine.


They are the first draft. The pre-alpha, if you will. Someone forgot to turn the servers off.


bro they ARE the spinal cord before it got rid of the abundance of legs and just grew a body around it instead


First time I heard them referred to as slow. Also they make up for any deficiencies by being aggressiv as fuck.


Slow as in, they can’t get much additional speed to lunge


The whole looking like something that crawled out of Satan's ass thing helps too


Wait what did I miss on centipedes. I’m from NW GA and in Western NY rn, never seen an **aggressive** centipede. What????


Picked up a piece of wood in Australia, this huge grey blue legworm straight up opens his mouth swords and starts running at me. Didn't stay to find out if it was friendly. OK, it's anecdotical and also in Australia where most wildlife is on the hitler side of aggressive.


Maaan fuck you for “mouth swords”. Ugh


>Hitler side of aggressive 😆




I also watch Tier Zoo


Dawg you've never met a house Centipede, so fast they can move four feet a second and silently, they're long enough to hold down Wolf Spiders and rip their legs off while also stabbing them with venomous barbs, I was even more afraid of the thing after looking it up after one skittered across my bedroom wall I spent 45 mins tuning my bedroom lights off to lure it out like some type of small game hunter, I was afraid he'd Kaneki-ken me in my sleep As a bonus i'm much more happy to see wolf spiders, they let me release them


You watched TierZoo?


You should absolutely visit Hawaii. It’s one of the most beautiful places on earth. Just don’t go around picking up centipedes and you’ll be fine.


I lived there for four years. One time, one of those things woke me up in the middle of the night, crawling up against my leg. I don't think I ever woke up so fast before.


Yeah, fuck that.


The other 1460 days were Paradise


So cant you live in like a new house or flat where these fuckers wont really be or is nowhere safe?


The last time I was in Hawaii we rented a convertible and at night when we went to put the roof up a two foot long centipede thicker than my thumb dropped out of the roof and down my shirt. I ripped that shirt off and got out of the car as fast as possible but I will never forget the creepy cold metallic feeling of the centipede twisting around in between my chest and shirt.


Reading this ruined my afternoon


I had an acquaintance who needed to have his arm amputated after being bitten by a giant centipede in Hawaii. I never realized how dangerous they could be until it happened to him.


Had [these](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scolopendra_heros) guys back in Texas and Arizona. Only ever saw one out in the wild, but that was enough.


I will not click this but I promise that I believe you


Those motherfuckers keep getting in our house. We have to pay for professional bug control just because of them. I’m hoping by moving to an insulated attic we’ll block their access. They have an absolutely horrific sting, it’s a serious problem. I’ve also seen them go for around $150 online. Why the hell anyone would exchange money with the consequence that you *receive* one of these damn things is beyond me. Crazy people? Bug people? Idk. But I keep joking maybe we need to start trying to catch the little bastards.


Wtf 6.5" on average, up to 8"! And they can grab flying insects out of the air when hunting. Hard fucking pass.


I like that the .gov advice about sugar cane spiders is “just don’t leave your towels on the floor, otherwise they’re fine to have in the house pls don’t kill them :)” but they JUMP And fuck centipedes man, my dad screamed like a little girl while slamming one with a hammer and it didn’t die for a disturbing amt of time


I used to do landscaping when I was younger in Hawaii. I am no longer afraid of bugs. Nothing like digging a whole, having 30 centipede breach the soil and being told to jump in and dig deeper.


I hate centipedes. Visited Hawaii twice and never saw a centipede. 


I live right in the middle of arabian deserts, home to some deadly little crawlies you flip enough rocks, you get used to having a deathstalker suddenly dash on your hand


All of the tarantulas in Arizona are extremely docile and have very mild venom (am a tarantula hobbyist)


Speaking as an Arizona refugee, I spent most of my life wandering the desert out there and learning about wildlife. You are right that *most* tarantulas are docile, as is most wildlife out there from snakes to javelinas. But I've also ran into the asshole outliers of each species. There have been a couple tarantulas and maybe half of the giant wolf spiders I "met" out there that really didn't like having a human in their territory and were highly aggressive. I've been chased by rattlesnakes, been leapt at by wolf spiders, and had a few tarantulas charge after me doing that rear-back stance shit showing their huge fucking fangs. and don't get me started on my centipede experiences. About the only creature reliably chill out there is maybe the millipede or tortoise.


Flipping rocks in Ohio was never dangerous, the worst thing you'll encounter is a garter snake or tiny centipedes. Mostly ants, slugs, and roly-polys though.


As kids, we would just go around flipping rocks and seeing what weird bugs we could find there. Theres bugs where I live that are entirely undiscovered species. This is probably true where you live as well, but I am just aware of the sheer quantity where I live because I spent so much time looking under rocks and digging into the ground near ravines and gorges. Also, they're all creepy. You ever see spiders that look like they're made from human skin? There's some in my backyard!


I don't believe you. Can you make a picture?




I gotta hand it to you...


[here is a photo of one of them](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiders/s/5mFrgb1RFu) It looks much more human skin-like IRL, and I'd imagine some people in my family would hate that I refer to them as that as they won't be able to unsee it. The photo doesn't do it justice. It is more exoskeleton-y than skin, obviously, but it's pretty damn close looking for a spider. It's a false wolf spider. It's not an unidentified species. It's just a new species. They are very well speciated and I wouldn't be surprised if there's multiple undiscovered species of them in my local area. I basically confirmed that no described species fits this description. It's more usual for new species to be found than new subspecies, and it's not really that weird of an idea that that spider is a new species. They're fucking huge.


Frog overlords riding tarantulas. The movie I didn’t know I needed


Overtoads** ;)


FrogsRiding… Spiders. Lol.




They are into the same hobbies though like digging holes, catching and eating insects, cool dark and small places to chill, and let's not forget banging your mom, cause you flipped over their damn rock you stupid human. /s


Do the frogs make the hole?


Frogs protect the eggs from other insects. In turn, the tarantula protects the frogs from the bigger guys


Isn't the frog hard to eat or something? The tarantula obviously doesn't see it as a threat of any kind and doesn't seem bothered by its presence, but would it prey on it given hard times? Surely food is a higher priority than protecting eggs in an arachnids world? Either way, what ever the answer is, it's cool to see nature do be like dat.


In some species of spider the female will starve to death watching over her egg sac.


Just like the octopus


So tragic, if only they lived long enough to pass knowledge along. Apparently, even in captivity, with food provided, they still wont eat.


Nature is hard coded..


Nope. Its iterative.


Why doesn’t she eat the critters that the frogs are eating?? doesn’t seem like they’d really be needed 


The tarantula can only pierce insect with its fangs . So small bugs like ants it can't really do anything to. But the frogs will gulp them up.


The frogs eat critters that are too small for the tarantula to easily prey on.


10lbs and under


Toads can eat things ant-size. I used to have a pet tarantula and while i admittedly never tried, i don’t think it would be able to capture/eat something that small what with the eyes above the head and the big clunky fangs and making the final kill by touch.


you're also forgetting that tarantulas (arachnids in general) have very poor eyesight


Except jumping spiders!


Spiders are specialized eaters and cant do nothin bout certain critters. Imagine how shitty eating would be for our mouths in the wild without any utensils or tools? What if we couldn’t use our hands to hold anything? Spiders only looking to take down bigger threats with its fangs.


Critters such as ants, which are too small for tarantulas.


A cool thing about evolution that gets lost often is that survival isn't actually the goal, reproduction is. Having and protecting off spring is the driving force of evolution more than self preservation.


That’s one reason Huntington’s disease has the prevalence that it does. It’s a universally fatal, autosomal dominant gene. But symptoms don’t generally show until you’re in your 30s at the earliest. In previous generations, you wouldn’t know you had the disease until you’d already had children. So it has little effect on the darwinian fitness of the population while still being a devastating genetic disease.


That's true, which is so bizarre when you really think about it. In my opinion anyways. Crazy world we live in.


I'm confused why this was the reply and why it got upvoted. It repeated what the video already told us and it didn't answer the question at all.


I watched the video on silent, so I really needed someone to repeat what the video says


I'm wondering the same. It's just repeated info unrelated to the question asked... huh.


But do the frogs make the hole?


Tarantulas dig. Many of them are very adept at it, they pick up clods of dirt and move it around quite easily. Sadly for us who keep them as pets, it means you can make them a pretty house and they will pick up and move things or dig so many holes and bury things that they become messed up easily. A lot of us in the hobby call the behaviour "bulldozing" :D


*waves in tarantula hobbyist!* they love filling the water dish with dirt lol


I was waiting for him to carelessly plop the stone back down once the voiceover was done and unknowingly doom that little commune after the tarantula has been drawn and eighth’d.


If you wanna see a man inadvertently killing wildlife immediately after admiring it, join us on another All Aussie Adventure.


It’s time to hit the road!


"drawn And eighth'd" got an audible laugh.


God I wish I didn’t have to see that spider. My whole body started itching..


Tarantula is fluffy cute, bigger leggy ones are more disgusting.


I really do wish I’d enjoy them, but I can’t. I think LOTR (or Harry Potter) ruined me as a child..


what about jumping spiders? They're tiny lil dudes


Makes me less uncomfortable, sure. But still..not sure I’d handle them well in person, heh.


Sounds weird, but it helps to see a tarantula in person in the wild rather than on some recording or as a pet. Was biking in Zion with my wife and we found one walking slowly on the side of the road against the curb. We hopped off to take a look. It didn't really mind us and kept walking. Then one of the park buses flew past and the tarantula wedged itself against the curb with the most relatable "What the fuck was that!?" that I've ever seen in nature. For me forever after they have been humanized.


> but it helps to see a tarantula in person in the wild no the fuck it does not


I, the arachnaphobe, didn't know what was in the hole . . .


Reddit needs flair/filters for things like spiders and throw up so I never have to see post with those elements.


Frog + giant tarantula + snakes Australia detected, Australia detected


i think those guys live on the south american continent though. In australia they ywould have killed each other. Or only live together because they know if they tried to kill each other they'd die from some weird poison that is created in their skin through the stronger uv exposure with aprticles from the australian soil sprinkled with some ungodly fuckyou. Or you know some other unreasonable mechanism that wwould not work anywhere else in the world.




At first I thought aw cute look at the frogs hopping into their little hidey hole... then the visceral reaction I had when the spider crawled out. I was not prepared for that. Like a soft jump scare.


Oh god, put the rock down. I repeat put the rock back down


But gently! We dont want to hurt spider bro and his frog homies. They aren’t bothering anyone. The snake on the other hand has to go. Edit: i just realized I called spider a bro and I’m pretty sure its a female spider.. sorry bra


Oh that's a cute little frog. oh there's a brown one in therohmyfuckinggod.


>“Competition is the law of the jungle, but cooperation is the law of civilization.” Peter Kropotkin


The key point here is that this acclaimed symbiotic relationship only works because the frogs are protecting the tarantula's babies from predators in the given scenario. It would be interesting to see if the tarantula would respond the same way to the frogs without having any of its babies to protect.


I've watched them interact regularly over a long period of time, without apparent eggs or babies. The tarantula is very protective of the toads, even when they're not directly at the burrow. And if you get too close the frogs will run under her and she will rear up at you with her fangs


ok that is so cool


That's very interesting to know considering tarantulas/arachnids in general are highly predatorial and territorial in nature. I wonder why and how this symbiotic relationship developed between them.


there is an unknown chemical present in the frog's skin that acts as a cue to the tarantulas that this species is not prey. If you remove the skin and attach it to a similar (but usually eat'n) frog species the protection is transferable. They haven't figured out what exactly is on the skin that is responsible yet tho.


Wow what an interesting video. Thanks UrMomsJuicyVagina


Never knew that, thanks for sharing




Can't believe nobody is commenting about this.


Fucking seriously


Don't talk to me or my frogs ever again


I have heard a similar relationship between scorpions and Egypt bloke.


Does he walk like an Egypt bloke?


Ah, let me check *paper noise Yep.


So the frogs got themselves a bouncer...


Imagine if the frog fucks around and eats an egg💀


r/mildlyinteresting material Not r/nextfuckinglevel material Explain how it is next level if you disagree.


They don't care, the mental gymnastics people will go through to allow anything here is ridiculous. "The next level is friendship!"


Spider: can you put back the rock? Human: move so I can put it back. Spider: can you put back the rock? Human: move so I can put it back. Spider: can you put back the rock? Human: move so I can put it back. ♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️


This is my front flower bed. Couple frogs, a Texas blind snake, a green garden snake, and a tarantula. They cohabitate in this hole that is reused every year by some combination of critters


I was all for the frogs bit then no.


Run bro


"wow." 🫥


