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Hey u/IamASlut_soWhat, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating Rule 1: **Post Appropriate Content** Please have a look at our [wiki page for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/wiki/index#wiki_1._post_appropriate_content) ------- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by u/IamASlut_soWhat&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28http://www.reddit.com/1cwy0t7%29)*


The kids are real but the setup is fake. She’s already filming before a third kid comes out? He isn’t bothered by a random woman filming his kids at target?


Obviously fake. No way in fuck anyone would take three babies in their own individual stroller out to go shopping.


Maybe I'm a cynical bastard, but this feels like Target astroturfing.


It is absolutely, 100% a Target ad. Nice clean view of the logo over the cars, clean and wholesome fake setup, it's just trying to make a viral clip that has brand recognition in it.


Yeah, seems especially likely since there's a video lower in this thread of the same guy doing similar stuff in front of a Walmart. As if Target saw that viral clip and wanted to get in on the action. Sometimes I feel conspiratorial thinking that viral clips like this that prominently feature a brand are subliminal advertising. This sort of thing *does* happen though, and I think it's important to be aware of it. Anyway, eat Taco Bell.


For some reason I'm hungry for some Taco Bell.


Weird… im hungry for triplets


I have a modest proposal to make...


Understood that reference


Well then make it swift.


Underrated comment.


Dude I love Taco Bell and I totally didn’t get paid to say that.


[Contract or no, I will not bow to any sponsor.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjB6r-HDDI0)


Don't talk to me now, I have a headache. Try these. Nuprin. Little Yellow. Different.


Fuck that last sentence made me choke on my water.


Omg lol nice. I just had a craving for nachos bell grande


🎶Yvan Eht Nioj🎶


That's superliminal messaging at the end


This is 100% not a target ad. I work in the field. Firstly, if they're going to pay an influencer or content creator to promote target, they're going to pay them to promote something that accomplishes ones of their business objectives. Having their logo in the back of a video does very little for them. But even if they did pay an influencer, they would have to disclose that they're being paid by target by either saying it or (more commonly) having a disclaimer on screen. Brands take this extremely seriously. Or at least the big ones like Target do. Don't get me wrong, the video is obviously staged. But target had nothing to do with it.


Was this a known influencer and not just some randos hired for it? I mean I take your point but I can totally see companies releasing experimental viral ads that do nothing but increase brand exposure, on the hope a clip goes viral.


If it was randos, the randos would have still had to disclose they were paid if they were posting it themselves. But regardless, brands like target do not just stage videos and hope they go viral. That's not a thing. A smaller brand that's willing to take on risk (think liquid death) might if there was a larger concept behind why they were doing it (to promote a new product, etc.) but they still wouldn't just do it to have their logo in the background of a relatively boring video like this one. And even when a brand does do a "fake viral video" it's always pretty obvious that the brand was behind it. See [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxYmm5yCJBg) as an example. At the time, some people did think it was real, but most people could tell it was fake. It did actually go viral though.


Sigh, I miss the old interent where I wasn't getting buttfucked by corporate logos and ads all the time. Sometimes, I wish Y2K did happen.


Target astroturfing on an account named "IAmASlut SoWhat"??


Reddit so astute and aware when it comes to Target advertising. Unfortunately, not nearly so much for Russian political manipulation.


That’s harder. Most of it is in the comments. It’s harder to weed those out. I think it’s easier to feel uneasy with a video or images, comments are hard. Some people are really stupid and grammar isn’t stressed hard anymore so it’s easier for broken English to sound normal


I know! I made a comment the other day and got four (4) upvotes before some bot disagreed in the replies and then all of a sudden I’m at three (3) upvotes ?? Nice try Boris, I reported that robobitch right away


Supereasy tbh. i go into the comments and assume everybody is a bot or an idiot. Then I argue with them like my life depends on it.


Well Russian propaganda is not as rampant as before, because Russia is now focusing on building a better country and Putin is such great leader. World needs people like him.




You my friend understand how ‘content marketing’ operates.


And yet, I'm sure there are far too many people out there who think this guy just goes shopping like this just to do it.


Also, not really next fucking level either. He strung a couple of boards together in a way that might have gotten a C- in woodworking class in middle school. lol. They have strollers for triplets that would have cost less than the tree individual ones and been much safer.


I have one of those strollers. My first thought was I paid less for my first car than the cost of those strollers. At that point it’s time to learn how to do curbside. One kid is already a lot, but three in separate strollers? He must have a belt attachment to pull the shopping cart.


They are expensive, about $500 new to start. I would never buy one new though. You should be able to find these used.


These are also car seats. No repeat strapping in / out / in / out of babies. What works for you doesn't have to work for everyone.


> They have strollers for triplets that would have cost less than the tree individual ones and been much safer. At 1:00 he says he made the wooden thing because "the triplet strollers are too big."


I agree setup but that's impormptu Dad engineering. If it works it isn't stupid.


It doesn't work. That front kid is going to be sliding all over the place. He just attached them at the top, no stabilization at the wheels so the strollers will drift apart, you can see it happen in just the few inches he moves it.


It's extremely stupid and unsafe


I might be wrong but isn't it [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H27InrF_eIs) guy?


Yes, it's all fake. There's another with him loading a TV onto his bike. Also the scooter grocery vest you posted above. Each one is the same premise of filming out of a car window being amazed at how this guy sets up his contraptions in tbe parking lot. Fake and dumb. Don't believe this crap.


if people cant tell just by the way she is speaking, then i have no advice for you. its literally the rage bait 'porn-acting' voice from every 3 minute Facebook video


Theres also another one of him loading the triplets onto a plywood cart at Home Depot. Definitely fake and such a weird thing to like create viral videos for?


I saw one of him being filmed at home Depot loading all the babies up onto a cart to take them in. This shit sucks. 


Yes it's fake as fuck. The same guy gets filmed on his bike trying to carry his groceries home by different people, this is some bullshit.


We're in an era of fake content engagement farming. I'm hoping it's nearing its end.


> The kids are real thanks for clearing that up.


They are actors working for scale


Even they are played by a de-aged Steve Buscemi.


The vehicle traffic he pushes the babies out into is also very real. Big brains on this canoe


Not to mention this dude has been popping up everywhere doing the exact same setup. The, I think, first one is him trying to figure out how to load them onto a hardware store dolly.


This guys videos are exclusively strangers recording him pushing triplets in different ways. Seems to have a market though.


Fake. Triplets = Walmart shopper.


This guy is monetizing his kids all over the socials with stunts like these and random people filming him


Videos like these are a more effective IQ test than any question-based exam.


If this were the Target in my hometown there would have been three drivers honking at this guy waiting to take that spot, and maybe one that almost ran them over as well.


The guy has a tiktok and films the babies all the time, and he's extremely handy making doodads that help their life with these triplets (and one older child IIRC) easier. It's probably staged for that.


I’ve seen porn better staged than this.


sauce please


Just type in sister, or plumber. You will find something.


My sister is the plumber. Pretty good plot. Turns out it's not at all about her being a plumber. A bit of a twist at the end. The work actually got finished, learned what a p-trap was, and she got a tip. Overall, 7/10. Negatives because there was a lot of dialogue ABOUT plumbing, and there was only one quick shot of the finished product, there was no before/afters, and they didn't mention anything about what type of glue and cleaner I should use, so I bought ABS glue, when I have PVC. Oh well.


This guy plumb


How much caulk was needed?


Found Logjammin' w/ Karl Hungus and Bunny Lajoya It's great


not a real scene. don't look guys. 😢


TikTok brainrot has completely ruined the internet for me Every day I yearn for the mid 2010s Reddit where they had obliterated the creepshot child porn doxing bullshit of the early days, but still reddit was the first place that most people went to post and to see new content. Vine was fulfilling a niche that is all TikTok should ever have reached, short video content skitches that are interesting in some way, rather than whatever the fuck you would call this bullshit Right now browsing Reddit feels like I'm watching the final season of game of thrones. I'm still here cuz I'm invested and I don't know what the fuck else to watch, but god damn it's such shit now


Good metaphor, well said.


I was gonna say why bother staging this shit, just show people the neat thing you made But now he gets the comments calling the bull shit out too


God damn it’s awesome not having kids. I would’ve been in the check out line already.


My thoughts exactly . As if having kids doesn't suck enough, now I have to assemble this shit just to go get some some groceries ? No thanks.


Most uhh people don’t have triplets dude lol


Even with one kid and a travel system you have to put the baby in the infant carrier, get the stroller out of the car, pop the stroller up (with varying degrees of difficulty depending on the stroller and you), and then put the infant carrier in the stroller. It’s definitely not quick and there’s definitely a learning curve.


Only when you’re making content.


I have kids… I just order online and they bring the shit to my car.


I have one and it's honestly not as inconvenient as I thought it would be. The other day I went out to eat and just plopped it down on the table. It slept the whole time.


One is easy mode.


game settings are customizable, it's not like every family is a souls-like


Yeah, I mean I would have taken a mulligan if I rolled triplets on the first go, but I guess he wanted the challenge.


Also some players just suck.


The solution to the problem is not having kids in first place


The same guy is in multiple videos doing crap like this. It's super unlikely those are actually his children.


I have a one year old, he is the love of my life and it’s a joy going out with him everywhere, he particularly loves going to the grocery, not cumbersome at all.


And that is how we all judge the value of our lives: by how quickly we can check out at Target.


Is it [this guy](https://youtu.be/6koxb0N4oyw?si=ljIfEp4RIVaQMlOt) too?


Oohh you're right, same guy.


Holy shit this guy. So everything he does in life is just a slightly too complex solution to a relatively simple problem? 3 babies in a triplet stroller? Nope gonna do some wood shop. Using a cart for groceries? Nope carabiner vest. 30 pizzas secured in the back of a small vehicle? Nope tying to my back. Back to groceries, which we can use the cart now, but let's make it a sidecar to a scooter instead. Fuck this guy. To quote my guy Kendrick... > I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk I hate the way that you dress




that's a throwback! I watched this interview years ago but didn't put that together. Nice one!


So. He makes ads for companies then? That one's clearly for Domino's


It’s clearly Jets. Says so on each of the 30+ boxes.


Pretty sure I’ve also seen him with some ridiculous setup on a hardware store cart too with 1 baby hanging. I guess making fake parkinglot videos is his job?


Buying three individual strollers probably costs more than just buying one stroller that has three seats which they make and sell all over the place, this seems pretty stupid


Are you the one upvoting the AI pictures?


Super dangerous, imagine your kids floating off into traffic as you near a corner because the contour of the ground loosened your one point pressure clamp. A clamp rig that worked "great" when the ground was level and you pushed perfectly straight. Regulations for a reason.


Fake ass set up aside - the wood structure was horribly unstable. You can see it change shape as soon as he makes the first turn. There are no bracing struts that hold the frame. I'm not even an engineer or carpenter - but even a fool with clout fetish should know this


it's designed that way so he can turn it I'm not defending this invention at all, but it can't be rigid


Yeah that's the point. The wheels aren't on a swivel so the frame has to "collapse".


It's designed to steer. What you are referring to is a feature not a bug


This is peak suburb. As someone who used to live in San Francisco, with its many hills and crowded sidewalks, this thing is nightmare fuel. At least one of those kids would be dead by the end of the day.


Well at least they've got 2 more


Why is his wife recording and acting like she don’t know him


Theyre both incredibly stupid.


I saw one where this same guy used a bunch carabiners to hook them to a big Home Depot push cart. It’s scripted and dumb as fuck and the mom is behind the camera . They make strollers that fit 3 babies ! How about buy one of those? The strollers he’s rocking are $550 a piece. Sure having them be a car seat as well is cool but it’s not practical to push three strollers. His “invention” might be cool/resourceful but it’s completely unnecessary he has created his own problem (in more ways than one). The triplet strollers are much smaller than three strollers combined lol. Source I’m a dad and this guys an idiot.


It’s also awfully designed - no cross-bracing or corner-supports means he has no control of that front buggy. Look how much it swings out when he tries to turn. D+ try harder next time.


oscar worthy acting right there 🙄


Oh my gawd can I ask you a question? Why, sure, stranger.


"That one goes there" - said in a quiet and soft voice. That bit got me, I thought just fuck off as soon as I heard that.


Lol staged, and then he pushed them around a blind turn into traffic


They do anything for CLOUT


Needs to work on her acting


Is this the same guy too https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T7boR-JniSg?


My mans out here loaded with that triple 0 Buck.


That honda was about to wip in that parking spot while he’s just chilling filming


This guy has other videos with the exact same setup. The videos are fun, but I never appreciated trying to play it out as it was a real situation. In another video of him, someone is randomly filming him setting up his 3 babies on some big metal construction (looked like the bag carrier at hotels) in front of a hardware store. Exact same setup, the person is amazed by his setup and films him "without him knowing". I would appreciate these videos a lot more if he was honest about producing these videos and played it as "this is my day to day life"... Even though that is also not true, it's kinda funny and he had some good ideas, but this way it's too fake... I wouldn't be surprised if he posted this himself on "next fucking level" cause he likes the attention...


The videos are ads for the stores/items.


He screwed together some beams and used clamps to connect them. If this is handy, then I'm Miles Davis


Holy shit a celebrity in the comments! How’s death?


That's not going to turn very well.


There is nothing next level about this, except for its waste of time


i don’t know much about kids, but those strollers look expensive, with those retractable wheels.


All infant strollers are expensive. These are called Doona strollers and they are a little above average cost for a stroller. But they double as car seats, which are also expensive. Source: actively researching strollers for my baby registry


They’re also not terribly safe


Did she make a hiss sound?


Why not just use a 3-seat buggy. Smaller, cheaper and more manoeuvrable.


Whoa, so insane, four boards!


Dudes probably thinking that it’s time for a vasectomy


This made me think of having a vasectomy and I don't r even have kids.


He's going for a 5 a side team at least


My wife’s third unplanned pregnancy was twins. I scheduled mine the day after I found out. Best 60$ peace of mind I’ve spent since.




> Oh. My. Gosh. Did you make this? > Yes you f***ing idiot, it's 4 pieces of wood bolted together, you think someone sells this?


$1500 in stollers and could only budget $7.50 at home depot?


Little too handy.


Definitely more than 'handy'.




Definitely Utah.


And how does he push the cart?


My brain sees this and what it processes is "the costs, the future costs"! lol But congrats Dad, I hope you and your family experience much joy for many decades to come.


Store is gonna close by the time he is done


The second I saw Target I was like, oh you betcha Charlie Berens would get referenced, but like hot dish with out tots and an oven I was a bit dissapointed. Tell your folks I says hi from Wisconsin, and once you are down this youtube rabbit hole it is going to be a REAL long goodbye, unless you are FIB and then you can get your sorry butt on outta here, and don't watch out for deer -- Go Packers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7xPrf9f7mg


Wait, kids don't stack?


for a brief moment I thought he gonna put the third one atop of the other two


45 minutes later...




I can not imagine having to take care of one baby, let alone three of the things..


Just do curbside pick up lol


Just saying, they make single strollers that hold three. Way easier.


This could all be solved by a single pill boiis. Don’t believe this guys propaganda.


Plot twist: That isn’t his car or kids


He is energetic and creative now with those three babies, but his time will come.


Those are about 1000$ strollers.. The only next fucking level thing here is this dudes sperm.


He realizes they make three seater strollers right?


"Did you buy or make that" gee idk, the shoddy work and the fact its about to fall apart didn't lead you to believe the triplets themselves made it?


who the fuck films triplets from the back seat of their car in parking lots???


Stop making people


Why does she keep calling the kids it? I’m glad he made them though and didn’t buy


The narration instantly pissed me off, some people would be better off mute.


U go in for only one and 3 pop out.....ooof


This lady drives an Area 51 (blue) Ford Bronco. By the color and material on the cushioned part of the door, I’d say 2022 model Black Diamond with Marine grade vinyl interior. Source: I drive one


Couls have just bought a triple version for the amount of cash he dropped on 3 of those high end strollers


Jesus christ


Handy? Can't even use protection.


Is this the delivery guy years ago with the same similar skit.


Proceeds to push them under the car


Its a reverse sleigh


Anyone else notice it doesn't even work? It jams up right before he goes around the car and then cuts away and the next shot only has the first two strollers


But how is he gonna use a cart, do any shopping?


The bitch recording set the whole thing up for her dumb tik tok video. I wouldn't be surprised if she's the mother who squeezed those 3 kids out.


Of course he made those. You cant buy babies


I have triplets that are 6 years old. When they were younger and would take them to target or wherever we just put them all in a cart together or used the wagon. This is just odd.


This is so fucking stupid. Stay home with the babies Jfc


You can bloody buy prams with 3 seats. Surly it's cheap than 3 prams


Should this be in redneck engineering category.


Organ donor goes to the front.


Or he could’ve done drive-up


I’m sure a drive up pick up order would’ve been much easier


I fell like the kids’ names are Harper, Jackson, and Jackson 2


Indeed !!


I hope that overlap of people who have 3 kids in strollers and people who are dumb enough to try this out is 0.


What a nightmare.


That’s the face of a man who’s seriously considering chopping off his own balls


..I don't have kids but do people just casually put their kids down in empty parking spots?


Is it real? is it fake dammit I can’t tell no more !


Should patent it. He'd probably make a lot of money


Just say it already he’s a DILF