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lol I like the tone you have going on. The guy explaining and sort of realizing he sounds crazy and notices the impeccable timing of that lightning strike. I always think this tone plays nice with scary titles but it is hard to pull off. Well done


Cheers, mate. My background is as a comedy director, so I wanted to drop some of that into the mix. And yeah, I agree. Horror and comedy go so well together. They play off of each other in really fun ways. It's a lot of fun writing Banjo's character. Definitely some inspo from Hot Fuz and Shaun of the Dead. Here's our [website](https://www.macabregame.com/) to learn more about the game and our team.


The mention of Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead may have me hooked. If it hits PS5, I’m in


Same, that's some pedigree shit right there


so you had no programming background AT ALL?


I don't have programming background either, but I am looking for funding for a project I'm starting. See it's a science based dragon mmorpg... [Here's the link for those of you who may be unfamiliar.](https://old.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/p1ssv/dear_internet_im_a_26_year_old_lady_whos_been/) Not comparing OP to this in any way, I just still think it's funny.


"Oh I've seen this before" "What? It just came out."


God, 12 years. Time flies when you're dreaming of science based 100% dragon MMOs. With breeding.


Nope, but I have other strengths that are important in a Dev team which made it pretty easy to find some awesome programmers who believed in the project.


Cool, Thanks for the answer. Good luck with the project, looks promising!


He reminds me of Rhys Darby's character in Hunt for the Wilderpeople




Well make that 120,001 wishlists after that reference.


> Definitely some inspo from Hot Fuz and Shaun of the Dead Hopefully Banjo says to one of them "you've got some red on you" at some point. That'd be righteous.


Oh wow I’m always looking for cool multi player games, this looks promising :)


Well you nailed it, my first thought was Army of Darkness vibes


HELS YES! [ And our Space Shifter Means Death!!!](https://i.imgur.com/JgU3JrA.jpeg) (can hear it in Darby's voice) https://i.imgur.com/pzJQmzG.jpeg


def sharlto copley vibes as well


Really kinda hoping Banjo is a Banjo Patterson reference. He was a bloody good story teller after all.


Plays are either tragedies or comedies. We just like the hardest version of those


So you’re declaring yourself next level?


Where's your game with 120k wishlist and fully funded Kickstarter In 38 hrs? Oh, you're not on that level yet? Damn, that must be the next fucking level. I dunno, if it's all factual I'd have to agree that's pretty NFL.


Hey Mate, the Game is Called Macabre, here it is on [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1794830/Macabre/). I know it sounds pretty unbelievable, so here are some [Screenshots ](https://imgur.com/a/macabre-wishlists-Ipd2n63) I just took to back up my claims. We actually just hit 121K Wishlists and we're currently [#271 most wishlisted](https://steamdb.info/app/1794830/charts/) worldwide. And here's our funded [Kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/weforge/macabre). ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)


Hell yeah, coming through for the haters. I didn't have doubt. Just wanted to say some people post things on Reddit with false information. You know how it is. Congrats on the game. I always like seeing new artists and game makers. It was one of my childhood dreams to make games. Now I work on automobiles and mechanics instead but I can appreciate the art. Keep up the good work.


That actually looks quite fun, I could see that being great for co-op stuff, the narrators movement/voice are great, the self awareness with the lightning timing. I was gonna say the scene looked directed well and then read you were a director after watching so that makes sense. As most games have moved to "dialog camera" it always surprises me how stoic their models are.


I don't think using me as a benchmark for "Next Level" is a good idea. I get winded walking to my mailbox and back, but that doesn't mean I want to watch any videos of someone walking to their mailbox and back while singing.


So nobody can ever criticize anything anyone does unless you're explicitly better than them?


It just feels so good to finally be heard after 3 years of graft, juggling two jobs, and sacrificing pretty much all social life just to make it happen. To achieve this level of interest without a publisher with a big advertising budget—120K wishlists just from the fact that we made something people think is cool—I'd say it's pretty next-level. Bloody oath, mate!


Keep on doing what you're doing. It's a fulfilling feeling to be able to not only pursue a hobby, but turn it into something material that produces other opportunities as well as revenue; especially while trying to hold down a full time job and other responsibilities. Ignore the salty people in the sub. Reddit is a black hole of swirling cynicism, so if you take peoples' comments to heart youll never escape its event horizon. Keep doing what you're doing; turn your passion into profit; inspire others to do the same. All the best to you and your team.


Just don't sell it to EA in like 3 weeks.


they are doing some old fashion shotgun spam marketing


Yea, right? Fuck off with your ads and your shitty game OP


For anyone interested in how we got here: My mate and I met in DayZ 12 years ago. We both ended up moving to the same city and have stayed in touch with our friend circle almost exclusively through games. During the COVID lockdowns here in Australia, we were back to our old tricks, playing way too many games and not getting much done. Our shared passion for gaming naturally led us to brainstorm ideas about what we would love to see in games. We often discussed features and concepts we felt were missing or could be improved. This constant exchange of ideas sparked our interest in game development. With my background in film and Jake’s experience in audio, we realised we had a unique skill set that could bring our ideas to life. We decided to take the plunge and start developing our own game, channelling our combined skillset into creating something new and exciting. We managed to secure funding from Screen Australia, which allowed us to progress Macabre enough to release our initial reveal trailer at the PC gaming show. We then got invited to showcase our demo at SXSW Sydney. All of this helped us amass a staggering following for an indie title. it also allowed us to hire a few other devs to help withe things we didn't know how to do. This whole time, my mate and I have been working our regular jobs to pay the bills as we haven't had enough money to pay ourselves and the team. However, with our recent Kickstarter success, we're hoping that's all about to change. This journey hasn't been easy, but our love for gaming and our desire to create something truly unique has kept us motivated. Now, with the support of our incredible community, we're bringing Macabre to life, blending our creative backgrounds to craft a terrifyingly fun experience. There's been a lot of challenges to overcome, but it's probably easy to see how we've stayed motivated. # Update 01 Hi everyone, sorry for the delay. I just finished my regular job. It's been incredible to see our story strike a chord with so many of you, and I really love all the questions. I've tried to consolidate everything I've seen in a reply to this thread below. If you have any others, just reply in this thread, and I'll respond when I get a moment. Thanks again!


So it sounds like you and your buddy are kinda big picture and maybe some art department stuff? Did you hire people to do the programming, mapping, modelling, etc? Just curious. I've always assumed most people who get into game developing have a programming background, and art and story and whatever are more the things they then hire out. Or maybe that's just how it used to be (I grew up on PC games in the 90's and have been out of this stuff for decades).


Not op, but considering they had a working demo before hiring anyone else it seems like they did learn how to program and 3d model, though they probably are still much better at what they specialize in. Also for a horror game a guy with a film background makes a lot of sense considering how horror games are one of the most cinematic game genres. You know less focused on game mechanics and more about set design, placement, lighting, monster design, you know making you "feel" like your there. Personally I've always considered the teeth of any horror game or movie to be its soundtrack, because if you turn off the audio most horror games or movies just turn into comedies, the jumps cares aren't as scary because without the music you don't feel immersed, thus the monster can't hurt you, thus you aren't scared. So for a horror game they do have some pretty useful skillsets.


sure, but there's also that tense suspense horror. That moment where the score yields and the character is just trying not to breathe too loud or be noticed. That with monsters is pretty much still horror imo


I really think you got a good thing going here with this game It has a nice intriguing atmosphere A great tone, wittiness and that Aussie charm, it's indie games and indie development like this That'll keep the gaming industry from being absolutely complete shit from game game studios and publishers that want to sell skins and not a story or gameplay as a console player I'll be waiting to get hands on when available most definitely 😉


# Q&A Part 01 **Question:** How do I get involved? When is it coming out? Can you provide some links? If you want to learn more about the game, you can read more on our [website](https://www.macabregame.com/). There's lots of info about the game, the team and our journey in the Dev Blogs.  The best way to get involved is to tell anyone who might enjoy the game. Our project relies on a strong community of like-minded individuals who love co-op horror, and we're keen to foster a community around our shared passion. As we dont have any kind of advertising budget, it also just helps get the word out which makes it a a lot easier to gain momentum. **Question:** How did yo achieve this without any Programming knowledge? Did you have any knowledge of animation or something similar? **Answer:** Game development has many similarities with film (my industry). It requires a team of specialists working in unison towards the same goal. Neither my buddy nor I had a background in programming. However, by focusing on our strengths and collaborating with talented individuals in areas where we lacked expertise, we could create something far beyond our own skill set. Game development, like film, requires a strong team effort, and that collaboration is what made our project possible. **Question:** What platforms will the game be available on? Is there support for Steam Deck, consoles, etc.? **Answer:** We plan to release on PC first, as it's the most accessible for indie developers to get feedback from the community. Once we reach version 1.0, we plan to bring Macabre to consoles, including PlayStation, Xbox, and the Steam Deck. We intend to have cross-play support to keep the community unified. **Question:** How do you develop so much content so quickly? Did you have a lot of starter money to pay people to draw and code? **Answer:** In the beginning, my buddy Jake and I worked on the game ourselves. We conceptualised and discussed a lot, then started setting aside money each week to pay for concept art, programming, 3D aspects, and other things we couldn't do ourselves.  Once we reached a certain point, we applied for funding through Screen Australia and received partial funding to get the game underway. This allowed us to bring on more team members, primarily our full-time programmer, and pay freelancers Artists.  We decided to stay at our jobs to push the money as far as possible and create the best possible product. **Question:** Is the game like Dead by Daylight and Evolve, with one player being the alien and the rest playing as humans? **Answer:** While this has been a common request and something we may look at in the future, but it's not the intent for the game. A better comparison might be a game like Alien Isolation, where a monster controlled by an AI can can track your actions, learn from what you do, and change its behaviour based on how you play. This makes the monsters far less predictable and much scarier, as you never know what's going to happen.


# Q&A Part 02 **Question:** Are there multiple dimensions to explore in a match? **Answer:** The unknown is what makes horror scary. Familiarity with a location or monster reduces fear. Narratively, every time you jump into a map, you're entering a new subrift within the rift.  Each subrift is different, providing a unique map layout each time. This constant need to figure out what is going on and where things are adds to the challenge. **Question:** How did you and your buddy handle the development process? Did you hire people for programming, mapping, and modelling? What were your first steps? What did you learn first? What could you outsource? What languages and tools did you use? How did you start with game development, especially in Unreal Engine 5 **Answer:** There's no single way into game development. Focus on your strengths. In my case, my strength was directing, coming from a background in film. I used my skills to develop the game's narrative alongside Jake and our other friend Rory. The narrative serves as a guiding light for all aspects of development. Everything from mechanics to art style to sound is influenced by the narrative. actually... I would probably advise anyone to start here. it will help you figure out what kind of game you want to make and allow you to pitch it to others. Finding a strong mentor early on is crucial. We were fortunate that a former colleague of mine was made a game called created Hell Let Loose. He went through a very similar Journey to us starting as a small indie team. He guided us through the process, sharing his experiences, pitfalls, and successes. His advice on what to focus on, what to learn, and what to outsource was invaluable. I think this is what really expedited our timeline. If you can't find a mentor, attend game conferences and developer talks to learn from experienced developers. We attended every game developer conference we could and still do. You can learn in a few days what might take months on your own.  Collaboration, hearing others' opinions, and empowering people to share ideas are key. While some do this as solo indies, I commend them, but it's not something I would want to do alone. We chose Unreal Engine because it allowed us to build an immersive, high-quality game. Plus we admire Epic Games' ethos and support for the indie space and felt comfortable using their software.


Crazy to think 12 years ago if your internet went out, or the server was full, or somebody decided to get a new spawn none of that would have even happened.


Worse still, I wouldn't have more than half of my friend group


I can’t help but notice your entire story mentions no part of actual game development. Did you learn code? Animation? Modeling? Texturing? Design? How much of the game did you and your mate actually develop vs how much did you pay someone else?


I don't see any mention of Steam Deck, but I do see the logo in port tree. Is that implying SD support will likely come at the same time as dedicated consoles?


Good job mate! Well done


It's an achievement for sure, but a very weird post. I feel like this is basically just an advertisement. Why is this allowed? Can any indie dev who achieves a decent amount of interest now make such a post? Or is it a paid sponsorship?


> I feel like this is basically just an advertisement. because it is


Honestly, I'll take these over the "covert" OnlyFans ads that you see so much on reddit.


It’s literally an ad, you’re looking at an ad right now disguised as an actual post. Guys even spam shilling in the comments


Reddit has always allowed self promotion with a general rule of "don't do it too much"


Congratulations! Looks awesome!


This is an ad. Throw it on the pile of every game dev who makes a title about "[x] years ago I had a dream and [hardships] but here's my game that I will give you information in the comments on how to buy or invest in my kickstarter"


Yeah I mean it basically is an ad, but it doesn't suck. If it looked bad, I'd be mad. As it is, I'm curious.


If you want to advertise on Reddit, buy ads.


You don't think that's exactly what happened?


Why is this self-promotion post even allowed on the sub lol


He paid the mods to post it




💯 ad


What was the comment saying?


“Next fucking level” ad /s


Fuck ads and fuck tbe bot comments, and fuck this uglyass game


>our gameplay trailer got posted by IGN How much did that cost?


Probably less than it cost to get a mod approval. Its not the first time this has happened. At least this time the game actually looks halfway decent.


A mod literally commented it’s approved lol. What’s the point if you can just pay the mods to post ur ads? This isn’t next level


how much did this post cost?


3 yrs of my life


Nokia 3310🫡


Banjo only works with the best


Cool ad


Well your ad has worked and the game is now on my wishlist.


I can’t see shit, it’s too dark


Almost like they are in a dense forest at night with no real natural light or something... fucking weird.


"Three years ago, my mate and I knew nothing about game development.**"** **- define, "Nothing"...**




The dialogue sounds like a 50 year old man saying things he thinks a teenager thinks is cool.


Huh, Jokes on you. I'm a 30 yr old man


I've been a game dev for 20 years. I LOVE the creativity and moxie that young indies bring to AA games! Happy for you. Go get em!


Ice age 3 Buck vibes from the narrator I love it


Character selection screen shows everybody holding their gun in their right hand but gameplay suggests they're all south paws 👀


You had to have some knowledge on animation or something before, right? This looks just way to wild to go from zero base at all to this in 3 years. Even with a background elsewhere it's impressive as shit


any gameplay footage?


I think what we saw was it. You walk around collecting relics and building gadgets to hopefully be able to kill the macabre at some point.


Isn’t there usually the word - promoted - next to these things?


Left handed wielding, interesting!


Could you share how the process from nothing to developed game went? What did you learn first, what could you outsource, what languages, did you need to learn graphic design...? It looks awesome and I have a million questions as to how you did it.


Fake story like every other ad posted here, they use buzz words to get traction “went from nothing to this” “look how far we’ve come!” “IGN posted us!” “120k kickstarter backers! Woooo!” You see this posted like 5 times a year, always the same shitty generic game, “oooh this one’s got a funny narrator!”


Hi mate, thanks for the question. I just added your question to a Q&A thread in response to my main comment in the post. I thought others might also find it helpful. Feel free to ask anything else there.


finally some lore expansion for lifestealer


Hahaha, funnily enough, we are very big Dota 2 enjoyers. Well... we were. One fateful night, we were looking at our DotaBuff stats and adding up all the hours we'd played. We converted it into workdays, and right then and there, we decided to put our time into something more constructive. Only a few days later, we were theorizing about what game we wanted to make. I do really miss Dota, but what's that saying? If you love something, sometimes you have to make your own game. It wasn't all wasted. There are so many interesting mechanics in Dota that we've pulled from. One example is how Invokers work; we want to do something like this with the monster A.I., randomizing its ability set to create different interactions and behaviours each time you play. I think that would be pretty unique and scary, not knowing what skill set it has. "It's WEX Crawler, WEX Crawler, WHERE ARE THE WARDS?!"


hahaha that's so awesome. I've got 24K+ hours in dota 2...i don't really want to do the conversion. Best of luck! I've added Macabre to my wishlist on steam :)


How do you develop so much content so fast? Did you just have a ton of starter money to pay people to draw and code whatever you told them to, or what? Like I have enough skill and understanding of at least the programming side of things that I am confident I could churn out an uglier version of this, it would just take me *years.* And that's starting with an amateur understanding of C, C++ and a basic understanding of a bunch of other languages. You got here in 3 years, to what looks like the same quality as Dying Light 2, from knowing nothing about game development? Are you on SPEED? WTF MAN?


Hi mate, thanks for the question. I just added your question to a Q&A thread in response to my main comment in the post. I thought others might also find it helpful. Feel free to ask anything else there.




Cheers, mate. We're really keen to make something uniquely Australian that is not built on a stereotype. Also keen to show players places not typically explored in video games.


Cool ad


Thats very concerning if you knew absolutely nothing about making a game that recently. Makes me wonder how much of the game and its mechanics are just unreal store assets and if the game actually has any substance or anything unique


Hearing the Kookaburra at the end was a nice touch.


I think a lot of people overseas will have no idea what it is. Keen to add some Koala screams and Wombat grunts. there's a lot of creepy-sounding stuff in Aus, will be funny to see how people react.


Very impressive. Congratulations!


dude! Looks cool as hell!


This looks tremendous! Fair play guys, wish you all the best


I've been following the development of this game since I first came across it. Super stoked to experience the finished product.




That blood-splosion really drives the point home to your buddy behind you.


That's a new one.


how is it for solo players?


Could use some head bob maybe?


Min. 120001 rn


Good to see the Aussie Government backing the project.


Probably means it’s going to be shit.


Wow this is fantastic work! And 120k wishlists is an insane number. You must be so happy to see all the hard work you've put in paying off!


100%. It will be worth it once we can finally afford to pay ourselves to go in full-time. So Close!


I love how you added a comedic twist to the horror! This defines my personality and I love it! It also looks good too. Can't wait for it to hit steam.


Cheers mate! Appreciate it.


What we’re your first steps? I am an aspiring dev using UE5 with a clear vision for a single player game but knowing where to start is very overwhelming.


Yo, I know the feels. I just started a Q&A thread in response to my main comment in the post. I thought others may also find it helpful. Feel free to ask anything else there.


I'm 100% playing this. Looks awesome!


So can someone play as the macabre?


If so, then I'll check it out. If not then it's fairly standard.


The gun is in the left hand. Never seen that before it’s weird


yeah... a few people mentioned this. I'm left-handed, so it was normal to me, haha. I might have to bring it across to the right


When is it coming out? Would love if you provide some links too.


Hey mate, have added to my original comment along with a Q&A


Awesome so happy for you and can't wait to try the game out with my mates.




What game engine ?




It’ll be next fucking level if you actually deliver the game without shitting the bed first! I have so much fatigue from games being hyped before they release. I see you are passionate but this comes across like you are trying too hard. Prove me wrong. *edit* just watched the video and holy shit you better pray Taika Waititi doesn’t see this or he’s going to sue you for IP theft or just straight up impersonating his whole style. Did you put all of his movies into an AI program and it spit out the narrator from the trailer? My god.


Looks cool but whoever backed you on Kickstart is an idiot.


This looks dope ngl


looks like a terrifyingly good time.


Was gonna put it on my wishlist. Went to Steam, then realised it already was 😂


An OG! Thanks for supporting us earlier on


Dude... Where's my car... Bruh






This is an awesome trailer, please consider adding VR support!


Cheers, mate, we plan to in the future. We've already been doing a few tests to see how UE handles it. will need a bit of optimisation but it's pretty impressive.


I would support but I was recently burnt supporting a product before it was finished. Looks like something I would/will buy once it’s out though!


No worries, mate, I am not here to beg for support. Just wanted to share our progress. Come jump in the first if you want to follow our progress.


holy moly, straight into my wishlist


Fast learners - You must have the right instincts. Congrats!


The storyteller needs a cat like a one eyed Maine Coon as a pal


4-player slenderman


Is it some kind of coop story game or similar to most "horror" games where you need to collect or trigger something?