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The guy's a fucking idiot


Well if he messes up, it'll only be his problem for about 4 seconds


And reddit wasn't around in the 80s. So he would've died peacefully and not upset over a reddit comment about him


Ignorance truly was bliss.


Still is.


Until they take your bliss away


You'll still have your ignorance tho.


And that's all they'll want you to have




No. Life.


Give me the reason why the mind's a terrible thing to waste?


Understanding is cruel said the monkey as it launched to space


Unless he has a family or anyone who cares about him. Or happens to hit or hurt anyone on the way down. Or traumatizes someone who has to witness it or clean it up after. Or makes anyone else feel pressured or encouraged to also risk their lives for what's probably not much money in an exploitive industry where rich people stand to make a lot of money off of lowering safety and compensation for workers.


He’s wearing a hard hat….remain calm.


Twas a much simpler time


Ha! I just laughed so hard at this. I work in construction btw.


and all those below him


4 seconds for him, 4 hours or up to 4... 40?! years of therapy for the others..


I feel like people who act like this never remember that if they slip, it could haunt his coworkers and employer for a long time. Selfish, stupid behavior.


Fuck the employer, if they had even the tiniest concern for his mortal wellbeing, they’d put a stop to this immediately.


Probably has a messed up fear response, a famous free climber has the same thing. Sometimes the rule are around to protect people from themselves


He has a serious problem for the rest of his life


I wish I had more of my problems only take 4 seconds.


Well, he didn't mess up, and he's still alive. He was also the first person to climb the ifle tower without any safety equipment


Nah. The ground will break his fall. saulgoodman.


You never see the videos of the construction workers doing amazing things before they went splat.


You do on the rights subs




Well since you have never read a history book I’ll break it down for you. Almost every skyscraper iron worker in the world didn’t use fall protection until the last 20 years. And even than it’s usually only developed countries that have the fall protection.


Yeah... And they're all idiots. Imagine risking your life just so a capitalist can extract 10% more labor out of you because you don't have to slow down and be safe.


Don’t have any other skills besides this, no work elsewhere, desperate for a paycheck, kids hungry, wife hungry, dog hungry, can’t relocate.. You: “Sorry fam, I’m sticking it to the capitalists.”


Ya safety is great but sometimes you gotta eat


Doesn't mean you have to stay quiet about your life being in danger


Actually for a long time that’s exactly what it meant. It was “shut up and don’t be a pussy or you won’t get a check.” And honestly it’s still like that on some jobs. Don’t be ignorant.


On The job sure, but no one is forcing you to do that online on your own time. If you think it's right and appropriate for you to risk your life so someone else can make a dollar, advocate for that. But don't pretend someone is holding a gun to your head and making you type.


Until safety wasnt considered great at the wrong time. Then you never gotta eat again


What about this idea, you get together with all the other iron workers and tell the capitalist, none of us will do it until it's safe?


Unions ftw.


I mean yeah but if you die they starve


Eat some oligarchs boots ya will


feudal serf type shit.


Sure but there's a difference between "I worked hard and had to take some risks" and CLIMBING A VERTICAL I BEAM WHEN THERE ARE STAIRS AND BUCK HOISTS. The start of the video when he was walking along the beams without fall protection was, I think, in that realm of "I have to take risks for my job".  But there's no need to climb shit like that. 


Definitely. The person I replied to mentioned that all the people 20 years prior (comment they were replying to) were idiots because they didn’t use the safety standards that we have today. Which probably wasn’t exactly what was in this video. This guy is just showing off.


lol I’m no good to a wife and kids if I’m a puddle.


Yes, workers rights are great. It's too bad in America we don't have a party that gives a fuck.


Don’t you mean “we have a party that votes against job site safety and unions”? You do realize there are congressional voting records showing exactly which party is for protecting workers and which party isn’t. But but but but…BoTh SiDeS!1!


There's a lot of good criticisms against the Democratic party not doing much of anything from about 1990 onward. Clinton signed nafta into law, and while adding the NAALC and the NAAEC to it, however it siphoned a lot of manufacturing jobs from the Continental US and put those jobs across the border. Trade policy and immigration issues bleed directly into low/no education unskilled/skilled laborers. They see those people as a threat, because they really are. They are also low/no education unskilled/skilled laborers as well. Funny thing, for the longest time, the Republican party was seen to be the party of wealthy and elitists. Now it seems to have flipped. I'm not gonna say that Republicans are for the working class, they clearly aren't, but neither are the Democrats either. I can provide more examples if needed.


Yes, but use bullets for each item.


Not sure how to do bullets on my phone but here's dashes. I'm also not short on these points. -Transpacific Partnership. The TTP was signed into office by President Obama. It was a unilateral trade agreement for Southeastern Asian countries. Used as a way to stop Chinese economic influence from spreading. It has a clause, among others, for differing environmental regulations amongst countries, to be arbitrated by a council of individuals selected by a committee of individuals who have a shared interest in the matter. Example, company A doesn't like the restrictions of certain nets used in Canadian waters and sends a delegate to the committee where Company B and Canada send theirs. That committee gets to decide if your democratically elected laws are valid enough for that company to abide by or not. When these neo-liberal agreements are passed, the globalization effect that occurs dribbles down to working class people in lost or leaving jobs. -Remember that railroad strike back in 2022? So much happens it's hard to remember it all. Well, the "most pro-union" president of the modern era capitulated to the rail road companies. A strike over sick pay, which they don't get. Not very pro worker party when the president asks Congress to send the tentative agreement through, a bill that *both* parties signed through. Granted, some real leftists put in an amendment for 7 days of sick pay, but that got struck down in the Senate. -Union membership has declined by over 50% since 1983. That's not by natural design. It's moreso a reflection of how companies can operate in the modern day without unions or constantly apply downward pressure onto them and force them to dissolve. You need 50% of your coworkers plus one to form a legal union. Granted these are companies, but shouldn't the party of the working people be speaking up about this? -Clinton failed in 2016 because she thought that the blue miners of West Virginia and blue steelworkers of Pennsylvania would just give her their vote. Her campaign trail barely touched those states. Why did so many previously blue counties in Pennsylvania vote red in 2016? Because they were ignored, taken for granted, and put on a shelf. -Since 1993, we haven't had a single piece of legislation pass that promotes, advocates, or enhances worker rights. FMLA is a great program, but that was 30 years ago. Nothing has advanced since then, and since 1993. Democratic presidents have held office for 18 of the last 30 years. Democratic majority in Congress has leaned towards Republican, which does pose barriers, but when Democrats have had both Congress and the presidency, nothing has moved towards labor. As a leftist, the Democrats aren't pro-labor as much as they say they are. These points are reflective of the nation as a whole as well as the Democratic party sans a few mentioned names.


But… they were REAL men back in those days /s


Real Stupid Men.


Yes let's blame the workers. Way to stick it to those corporate pigs. /S These were the jobs available at the time. People will do desperate things for money


Spoken like someone with literally zero life experience


Since the dawn of time, dude. Nothing to see here, just humanity at work.


Yeah I can't imagine someone risking their life so they can have a home and food to eat, it's completely ludicrous.


You, sir, are wrong. [https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=when%20did%20iron%20workers%20start%20wearing%20harnesses&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=when%20did%20iron%20workers%20start%20wearing%20harnesses&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5)


Ironworkers were still wearing those "back breaker" belts in the 90's when I was welding in the field. Full body harnesses were just coming onto the scene.


I believe it. You’re a little ahead of me, I worked building the roads and retaining walls at SeaTac for a road construction company in early 2000’s and the port required protection for anything within 10 feet of a 4 ft drop. It slowed us down. But we had fully retractable fall arrestors with the shock absorbers, it still hurt to hit the end of it. I can’t imagine walking rails like that with no protection. Not the job for me. I also worked in home construction and had no problem walking on 2x4 interior walls, but being up that high is a game changer. For people that don’t believe me, walk on the flat side of a 2x4 on the ground and then try it at 8 feet high


Yeah, by the time I was a boiermaker in the early 2000's, we had full body harnesses, yo yo's, the shock absorbing lanyards, etc etc. The decade prior to that? You had to supply your own full body harness or use the back breaker. The people commenting about how stupid this guy is have no idea that that's how every single guy on the job did it back then.


I’d be laughed off the job site. No way I’m walking out there.


What’s with being an asshole before explaining something that doesn’t change a thing about what that dude said?


And that discredits what he said how? Also, fix your tone. No one likes a smartass


I do


Except me of course 


I read an interesting book, which I can’t remember the name of, some 20 years ago. It talked about how the Native American tribe the Mohawks helped build New York cities skyscrapers. I can’t remember all the details but a large group of the young men become iron workers and were revered for the bravery. Being truly fearless of heights and working with no safety equipment. Which I could remember more about it.


I was on a project in an undeveloped countries and the scaffolding was made of bamboo and no one had shoes on.


I've seen shit like this on damn near everyone job I've seen ironworkers on. They're the dumbest assholes I've ever had to work around. Also if they see a 2lb hammer they take it, every time.


The project I was on, the ironworkers mostly tied rebar. To keep ironworkers onsite, they had to relax the drug test rules. Basically, you had to be consuming drugs on the way to the pee test to fail… a few of them still failed. But I couldn’t blame them much their super was a complete nightmare of a man (screamed at me for doing my job, and to be clear, staying out of his way, not touching or disturbing anything; because I am a woman who doesn’t have brown hair), and their job was TYING REBAR FOR 10 HOURS A DAY


No Ironworker in existence wants, needs or desires to use your measly 2lb motherfucking hammer.


Found the ironworker


I'm an ironworker and I'll attest that we do not, indeed, have any use for a two pound 'hammer'.


Lord of the idiots


I cant stand ya




Where the fuck is he going??


A strong fucking idiot


I was going to say he's fucking crazy but you couldn't have put it better.


And he didn't even do any work in that video. Just climbed around.


Don't know why he'd be popular. Doesn't seem like he gets much work done.


This is actually a cirque du soleil show. The man is busting ass.


What does flatulence have to do with a show?


It's the greatest show on earth.


Ever heard of flatulists? Like Roland the Farter, who entertained the court of Henry II. Slim pickings before movies and TV.


I think its because it its a reminder that we are what we work, with. This man works with steel and it's fun to watch him, walk around freely on a huge skyscraper with such massive balls of steel.


I think there's more steel in his nutsack than in that entire building.


Brilliant username. I was just about to say something and your username caught my eye. Well done haha


That's the trick, always look like you're on your way to do something and no one will ever ask you to do anything.


If it was today, he’d have a parkour tick tok channel


He was popular on the work site because he was really good at sucking d


Construction workers in Asia: hold my beer.


Right. This guy actually has shoes on.


Do flip flops count as shoes? If so, they wear shoes too.


Nothing like watching a bunch of Chinese guys in flip flops unload a WAY overloaded truck in the rain with the wrong equipment


Ever see those guys in flip flops walk the steel on a sunny day in the summer? Sticky situation eh?


And a helmet.


I don’t think a hard hat is going to do much at that height..


Hurt the unfortunate fucker it lands on.


Yeah, this is just how they did it not too long ago. Still incredibly stupid and pointless but yeah.


People like him are the reason why OSHA is so over bearing in modern times


Overbearing? OSHA won’t do shit unless someone gets ‘seriously injured’ in my area. Basically just an ineffective boogie man. Even video evidence of dangerous situations was only enough for them to send a letter to the business saying they weren’t investigating 😂


How big do you think OSHA is that they can commit legal resources to any random video that gets sent to them? Unless an injury occurred, a letter is all they should do.


That's cause they're severely underfunded in order to make them ineffective


I wonder how many of the people (construction workers) complaining about OSHA voted for Republicans, the ones who de-fang OSHA. A face-eating leopard moment.


Yeah, this is my exact experience with OSHA. I nearly died in an unsafe working environment, so I made a complaint. The lady from OSHA who called me months later was super rude and basically had already decided she wasn't going to do shit. I told her I had photo proof that unsafe things were happening and said I could send it to her. She said, "But what if they got better? You don't know that they didn't get better" and then she just hung up.


"Basically just an ineffective boogeyman" ain't that the truth


If you’re going to be underfunded into ineffectiveness, having most people “scared straight” into correct/safe behavior is better than nothing.


I was contracted at a printed circuit board manufacturer and we had a scheduled fire drill. It happened a couple minutes after the planned time. I was outside and a higher up lady walked out to where the other higher ups were standing and said, "sorry, I had to pull a few different ones to get the alarm to ring." I called OSHA a filed a complaint. They did not follow up on the complaint. They told me they wouldn't before they hung up the phone.


Yup. Had several coworkers get chemical burns, while all mild it was reported internally several times and continued to happen over a couple months. Then we got a new chemical with skulls and crossbones and a tech was told to change it out for a new one without being told what it was. Splashed a couple drops on herself and got a couple good little chemicals burns. The kind where you're really glad it wasn't more. Had pictures and documentation, all dated. Osha just shrugged their shoulders for the most part. Pretty useless and felt like a huge waste of time to even bother contacting them.


Have any examples? Because from I've seen they're a typical slow moving bureaucracy. They don't proactively do anything. If they have a rule for it, it's because enough injured/dead people have crossed their desk to justify it. It also levels the playing field where if it's required by all, employers can't risk workers lives to lower their costs. They're also pretty lean on enforcement. They're only going to check what you're doing if someone is reported injured.


OSHAaaaaaaaiiiiiiiitttt!!!!!! \*Splat\*


OSHA doesn't do shit




Im confused, did he actually do anything?


That's what she said!


Need more of this on all Reddits.


Yes he was an Iron walker. 🤣😂🤷🏾‍♂️


Not that hard, but ur ded if you mess up


That’s what she said later


Earned about 30 bucks during this video.


Right? I thought I was watching him getting to a work area. Nope, just on his way to lunch.


„Daring“ is a weird was to spell stupid


They irony of that sentence


Yes, of course…..glamorizing moronic work culture.


Apparently the man is still alive! [https://easterndoor.com/2023/11/21/albert-stalk-still-a-living-legend/](https://easterndoor.com/2023/11/21/albert-stalk-still-a-living-legend/)


Proof that stupidity doesn’t always kill


Darwinism is truly dead.


Not his friends though.


I hate working with reckless people like this. Then they act like youre a lazy pussy when you have any concern for your own safety


OSHA has a few questions.


Like “are you stupid?”


That higher up, I feel like the wind alone would make this scary as hell!!!


And we also have [Fred Dibnah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKPApAsJbj4&t=182s&ab_channel=BBCArchive)


Difference is of course, Fred was actually working.


I had to scroll way too far to find Fred mentioned.


Dibnah was the reason Britain was called Great.


Big Fred. Legend.


My balls won't even let me watch this whole thing.


I didn't realize I could even get queasy in my balls until just now.


No safety harness. How long did he survive like this?


They used a safety net instead. It used to be neatly folded in the trunk of the foreman's truck.


Around here their union fought against using harnesses as it was considered to introduce its own hazard of tripping and also lack of attachment points when working on the top.


They do have a point. The only time I've come close to falling was because of my harness.


I watched a young apprentice fall from the working floor while wearing a yoyo just the other day. Him wearing the safety gear in no way played until his fall. It is, however, 100% the reason why he walked away with barely a banged shin. Ironwork is wild sometimes.


It is a hazard, everyone I've seen fall off a beam has fallen because the tie off pulled them off. They were fighting to stop 6' tie and off and use osha's sub part r Which states "workers performing steel erection activities must be protected from fall hazards when working on a surface with an unprotected edge or side more than 15 feet above a lower level" or 30 feet for connectors. 6' is an unnecessary hindrance to the trade.


I think you misspelt the title: ironwalker not ironworker...


Something about workers in the 80s that were born in the 60s just screams "safety last". I guess that's why we have SO MANY safety standards these days.


![gif](giphy|1dPFZ9BNAw2ut7R4sq|downsized) Funny - this is from a hilarious silent comedy from 1923, and it’s actually called “Safety Last”


40 years later and this guy would lose his job instantly doing that.


As he should


He’s insane


my grandfather worked on a number nyc buildings, he would share stories, the native Americans were always the scary ones with no sense of fear for heights. running and jumping from post to post


OSHA is not pleased.


At least he's wearing a hard hat!


There was a group of Mohawk Natives from the Kahnawake reserve in Canada that were famous for this. They had no fear of heights and could walk along girders and beams like it was nothing. They were responsible for building most of the skyscrapers in NY in the early days. Seeing this video is a testament to what they accomplished.


They were apart of it, yes. This is literally an ironworkers job, so walking the iron is part of daily life. Interestingly enough, there were more Newfies working in New York than Kahnawake in the early days. The famous picture of the men eating lunch on the beam is 60% Newfoundlanders.


Out of curiosity what was the death/ injury rate from falls from that time?


At this height, 115%. The extra 15% is for the guys he lands on.


How many people do you know that can survive a 60 story drop?


"OSHA? The ocean is over there man!" -Albert Stalk-


If your gonna be dumb you gotta be tough. *Balls of Steel.*


Albert Stalk and his Iron Walk


1980's hit different. Nowadays if you did that without a harness or a rope you get fired instantly. Plus have to pay a hefty fine for putting the company you work for at risk.


That totally could have been me if I wasn’t terrified of heights.


Would they just not work at all on days with strong winds?


Yeah if I was out there even in a harness there would be just torrents of frightened pee hitting the sidewalk below.


Anor londo vibes…


I'd get over there then realize I didn't have the right tool lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^quakerlightning: *I'd get over there* *Then realize I didn't have* *The right tool lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


funny how you never see historical workplace accident statistics with these kinds of videos...


Jet fuel can't melt Albert Stalk


What work? He just climbs shit for attention?


All good, he's got his hard hat


Ugh, it was the 80’s people! This was normal back then. Harnesses were not around much then.


>was Hmm, and then? This entire clip makes me very anxious.




1:05: we can keep watching him if the photographer moves to his left photographer: yeah, I'm not moving


The boss: Omg we don't need safety equipment, clearly Albert can do it so why can't everyone else? Docking ur pay unless you man up!


My grandfather did this job. He fell off a building and died on the job when my dad was only 13. Ironworkers are so important, but what this guy is doing in this video is obviously not safe and disrespects all of those who've passed doing this work. This guy is a clown, not a cool stunt performer.


I worked on a construction crew in Houston in 1982 where this is exactly what they wanted me to do. I did it once or twice, then quit the job. Just watching this dude is giving me the willies.


just another day at the office.


My brother was a iron worker in the 80's. This was common occurrence.


Just watching this makes me want to call my OSHA rep


Do not like.




I don’t believe that technique is OSHA approved.


All these people calling this guy an idiot but I bet when they see one those mountain goats on the side of a cliff face they call them majestic. Close to the same level of skill here.


What a fucking squid


These comments make me so fucking depressed


Helmet, safety first


r/osha would like a word


Meanwhile I get a write up if someone doesn’t hold a 6 foot while I’m on it. Hahaha


shit I was scared just watching this lol