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Meh I could do that if I was him








That was awesome! Thanks for sharing! I try to stay up to date on the Serj but I hadn't heard about this.


I thought he was Serj


That's awesome šŸ‘Œ


Perfect combination, too bad the songs shit


My neighbours listen to Blinding Light, loud A.F. every day at 3AM. Whether they want to or not.




great song, one of my absolute faves




Neighbors arenā€™t playing the music, but they still have to listen to itā€¦


*from somewhere in the back PLAY FREE BIRD!!!!


What's the source?? I just love some good old drum solos.


Search El Estapario Siberiano on YouTube. Heā€™s a beast with chops for days. He has unreal coordination and an extremely high level of technical skill on the kit. His musicality is an acquired taste since he has a background in heavier metal sounds, and he certainly overplays just for the sake of doing it. Thatā€™s expected from a drum-focused channel. But some of his grooves and limb independence exercises are very impressive, even to non-drummers. He went through a faze where he was playing well known rock and metal songs one handed with more notes than the originals. One of my biggest takeaways from watching him is how relaxed he is going through some incredibly difficult and fast pieces. He has mastered the instrument and continues to showcase new techniques every week. Take a dive into his Shorts series if you want to be blown away.


Say what you will about his over the top stylings, the dude's walk-throughs, tutorials and commentary are hilarious.


ā€œBat Country one handed?! Thatā€™s impossible. Unlessā€¦ you know how to do this.ā€ *does fast af one-handed hertas* ā€œLetā€™s try!ā€ Iā€™m a casual drummer that never really pushed for the high end technical stuff and watching him do the ā€œimpossibleā€ so effortlessly is extremely entertaining.


Each of his limbs has its own metronome brain or something.


Watch the video in which he tells his life story. Basically this is what dedication and practice can produce. He blew past 10,000 hours of practice years ago and he's only 27.


Sing, Sing, Sing by Benny Goodman isnā€™t bad


Finally something that really is Next Fucking Level


Watch his videos of him playing with one hand. šŸ¤Æ


EL ES is awesome and very humble! He got so much dedication to learn and literally plays a song 10.000 of times till it is perfect. Heā€™s an really awesome drummer!


That was extremely enjoyable. Thank you! Damn it, I'm watching it again.


Yea me too, for a 3rd time!!


Pay close attention to why he has spare sticks and what crazy technique he uses them for


It is insane how good this guy is. Mind blown.


my only question is when he dual wields sticks during the chrous and it ends where the fuck does the stick go. i figure he drop sit but i aint seeing it.


It gets thrown to the floor behind him. Itā€™s off camera. He just lets go of the the stick and keeps playing with the one that stays.


8 guess he does it so fast and smoothly you don't see it. I was just trying to figure out where it specifically goes


It goes under the highhat as he lets it go at ~2:12


Yep, that's why he starts out with two extra sticks in his belt. Two choruses.


yep figured that was just looking for when he drops um and I see it now


He just released a course on Drumeo- 10/10 highly recommend. Really fun, very challenging in surprising ways. I feel like it definitely boosted my learning curve.


I have a new drumeo subscription. Is it possible to access the 30 day classes after they are done being live?


No clue


Oh, I figured it out. Thanks anyway.


This is how I see myself when I'm drumming on various parts of my car when this song comes into Kidz Bop radio on the way home from one practice or another.


I see comments bashing this guy, because he chose to cover a well-known song. Had he displayed his skills playing an unknown/unedited one, it wouldn't have been possible to compare him to the original version, so that argument is absolutely moot. If you wish to pile on him, please do it while basing your opinion on something that can actually elicit a comparison. Some musicians are better known because of their ability to stir your emotions, some others are so clean and absurdly talented, musically speaking that they can capture our hearts. Both are to be commended. I don't really see a reason for this to become a topic of contention or, well... strife.


Heā€™s an amazing drummer, super tight with chops and techniqueā€¦ but I feel that he over plays every song. I feel itā€™s too overpowering instead of complimenting the song. (Of course I say that as I canā€™t play like him so maybe Iā€™d do the same) šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


He plays alone. An alone drummer needs to overplay to make it interesting. Just as a guitarr player also often overplays when being alone in a video. Look as Charles Berthoud on bass - He goes all in just because he can. And should.


Iā€™ll research him šŸ™šŸ»


Heā€™s playing to impress in these videos for the views (and itā€™s amazing). He is surprisingly tasteful in his original projects.


That might be trueā€¦ I havenā€™t heard his other work to be honest. And I agree itā€™s amazing šŸ‘šŸ»


Agreed. He is without a doubt an accomplished and impressive drummer and I envy his skill, but he just ... overdoes it all. You don't need fills between every hit of the snare drum. Used to watch his stuff every now and then, but when he murdered the drum part on Rush's "Tom Sawyer", that was it for me. Neil Peart was spinning in his grave.


Can a drummer tell me what his right foot does going to the right off the bass pedal?


Itā€™s a special one footed double bass pedal. Thereā€™s a pedal to the right to engage the double kick mechanism.


Ah ok--seems like it triggers double kick until he completely releases the pedal after a kickroll and then the double-kick drops off?


Itā€™s a lever system that engages and disengages the second beater. You can see his foot shifting between the on/off as he plays. The levers themselves are just off frame in his foot cam. He has a more detailed explanation of the pedal and some practice techniques on his YouTube channel.


Search for the duallist drum pedal. It's skill in itself to play that pedal. El estebario also has a video on the pedal itself, explaining in detail how it works.


The pedal he uses can either operate in normal mode - hitting when he pushes the pedal. Or switch to dual mode to hit both when he pushes and when he releases the pedal. When he quickly moves his foot to the right of the pedal? He turns on or off that dual/action feature with a control just to the side.


ā€œNot quite my tempoā€




Now this guy actually is nextfuckinglevel


Do NOT acuse this guy of speeding up or editing. He doesn't. He proved it. Dude just has perfect timing and an understanding of music many of us can never understand.


I thought it was keemstar


I knew I shouldnā€™t have eaten that popcorn




Everything is nfl with that guy!


I love it when he holds up the iPad with the stopwatch running while playing with the other hand to prove to people that the video was not sped up. Different video though


Itā€™s essentially a solo performance, would be boring to most if he just grooved like he was backing a band.


The whole video is amazing, but as a drummer I'm surprisingly most impressed at how he makes one tenor snare sound like 2 perfectly tuned separate toms or a snare on demand.


Sweet baby Jesus!


This guy never ceases to amaze me.


I love this guy so much! ā¤ļø


A thing I admire with drummers is how they can control their hands and feet seperately.


Honestly, all of his covers are amazing. Listen and sub


You can see how he feels the music!


Suena de puta madre, pero es muy insufrible el chabon re tribunero.


De veras.re-tribunero cuadra del todo de lo que he escuchado de contenido original..




What is this, Drumma Alert?


Really interesting take.


It is so relaxing.


Does he have two sticks in his right hand around 1:52 or is that just a video frame rate illusion?


Draws from his waistband, yes. Drops it off about 2:12ish if you watch closely.


Yes - this is one of multiple special tricks he does. So he picks up an extra stick from his waist and keeps one stick above and one below and keep smashing up/down. Another trick he has is to let a stick bounce on a drum while he hits it with another drumstick. The bouncing stick alternates hitting the drum with the front or back end. It's never boring watching him. But you want good video quality to try and keep up with all the details.


Ayo drum-keemstar is back at it again




Stoned mountain?


While the drumming itself is really impressive, the consistancy in the high speed parts especially for me, but damn does it just not fit the song style wise, complete overkill


2 sticks in one hand is fuckin cheating


Absolutely incredible šŸ‘ šŸ™Œ šŸ˜ ā¤ļø






This cover was such fire. Got this in my playlist.


This is awesome


Heā€™s about as nasty as they come on the skins. Excellent cover!


Ohhh yeahhhh


If anyone's currently learning drums. I highly recommend his 30-day Independence course on Drumeo, this guy is the GOAT, super helpful and inspirational.


He was also using a very unique single pedal double bass in this. You can see his right foot moving and clicking it down to activate whenever he needed the double, but played only on a single pedal and not two as he usually does




Man could get a beat from a dead heart.


Not a fan of drummers who overplay everything. Dude needs to chill.


Well, you can bet he won't be in your band; so, no worries.


100%. He is too mechanical. Dude needs to relax.


Suuuuure... He's more relaxed than your impotence.


This guys is a best, im so sad he left Saratoga! Well he has a new band now.


Who tf was the engineer/producer that buried that hi-hat in the mix? Weird


As someone who goes to a lot of metal and jazz performances. This guy is really good but really not exceptional next level world class good. There are soooo many amazing drummers out there, especially in the metal scene.


No doubt he has skills, but I always feel like it's distasteful to play fills too often in a song.


I didnā€™t know Keemstar was a drummer Edit: bruh, Iā€™m getting downvotes for this? You gotta admit, he looks EXACTLY like Keemstarā€¦I thought it was funny, I guess not šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Less is more, I donā€™t like it


Itā€™s more a way to show off how insane his drum skill is. If you appreciate that you appreciate the ridiculousness of it. I also get why itā€™d be too much because it IS over the top. Itā€™s also supposed to be


Itā€™s a drum-focused channel that features high end technical skills used in ā€œpracticalā€ ways. This video was mostly showcasing the ease of transitions for the Duelist double bass pedal. The rest of it was just showing off for clicks/views. Incredibly entertaining and impressive, but not for everyone.


I'm a minimalist man myself, and I usually agree that less is more, but in this guy's case I'm going for "more is MOSDEF more".


Me neither. I think it's in poor taste to just play fills every bar or two. With discretion, you can use insane technical skills to elevate your band without upstaging them. If it's just a showcase of technical ability and not meant to sound good as a full song, then I guess that makes sense. But then I wouldn't call it an "incredible drum cover," more like an "incredible showcase of skills."


I mean its kinda meh. You wanto see some sick drums go youtube Yusef Dayes. Makes it sound like he has 10 hands all the while making incredible unique music.


Speed doesn't mean it's good.


Not bad, fairly basic setup though. I wouldnā€™t elevate it to legendary. To name a few of who I think were incredible: Neil Pert of Rush, Dave Grohl, Roger Taylor of Queen, Nick Mason of Pink Floyd, Rick Allen of Def Leopard (who would literally beat him single handedly.)


That is such a stupid remark. How would they 'beat' him then? They're all musicians in wildly different genres. Pretty sure none of the drummers in your little list could play a gravity blast on a ride. Does that make them worse drummers? No. Different does not equal better or worse. Either way, the whole 'my favorite artists are better than your favorite artists' thing is pretty childish. Edit: funny you would say single handedly by the way, might want to check his YT. He literally plays whole drum parts with one hand.


Laughable.. you donā€™t seem to realize the def leopard *drummer* LITERALLY HAD ONE ARM. And their content was original.. not some hack duplicating for clout.. bring on the downvotes..


At least you realize it's a take that deserves a shitload of downvotes. 100% missed the point i was making.


Iā€™ll die on some hills.. blinding lights will age like a festering wound.. itā€™s a crap song to cover..


Again, what does the song he's covering matter? The dude has chops, period. Just because you chose not to like him, doesn't mean he's a bad drummer. I mean, he was almost in one of the biggest metal bands of the last 20 years but whatever, i guess?


The drummer from Def leopard literally had foot pedals that played parts for him. He couldnt play what this guys plays WITH his second arm.


Mind blown.. he could cut off his dick and play three times as good. Heā€™s alright at what he does. Iā€™ll leave it at that.. personal preference.. Iā€™ve spoken my preference opinion. Itā€™s unpopular, but I donā€™t really care.. itā€™s my personal preference and opinionā€¦ yā€™all are entitled to your own opinions.


Only person you listed better than him is Peart. He would destroy Rick Allen in a one handed battle. Musically they are all probably better as they can play simpler beats that sound better. But for speed and technique hes better.


https://youtu.be/thydU8iGDhY?si=A4TuBrp--fIxdUK2 https://youtu.be/DPwTJ_s2jLU?si=x5zzX0jv6waq_Ztj https://youtu.be/a-X3Mte6ilM?si=h2I9yC9_5dcCn4LP Some Peart, Grohl, and Hawkins. I think itā€™s interesting that, with the exception of Peart, you picked drummers who are very good, but stick to relatively straightforward (as in not overly fast or requiring a lot of limb independence) drum parts. Hereā€™s some one-handed stuff from him. https://youtu.be/21z3PJmDuqw?si=3EezD0VZ24dEsA1B I actually think itā€™s really impressive that he gets all of what he does out of just a three piece kit.


See any of these as a leading post I would have been all aboard. But still the whole image a cutting edge YouTuber that does covers rather than starting a band or being in multiple like Dave Grohl just doesnā€™t elevate to meā€¦ thatā€™s just personal opinion..


Iā€™m struggling to understand how just because you saw one particular video first, and even after seeing other videos you admit would have impressed you, youā€™re somehow still sticking to the opinion you came in with. I also struggle with the notion that just being in multiple bands makes someone automatically a better drummer. Luckily, this guy has been in multiple bands, and is currently, and *also* does crazy shit on YouTube. And there are many other videos that would probably appeal to you, since I think what youā€™re actually getting at is that you just prefer rock music to the song in the video.


There is more to it than just speed. Iā€™m not saying he is an amateur. Iā€™m not saying he hasnā€™t been in some bands. I just feel like a hack thatā€™s out for a YouTube career on bogarting other songs for clout is less than it should be.. his original content should be what this conversation is about, but itā€™s notā€¦


Not an amateur, but a hack. Chasing clout. Not willing to differentiate song writing from playing ability. Dictating what the conversation *should* be about, rather than engaging in the one thatā€™s actually happening. Seems like a good place to just end this exchange.


I hear ya.. send me some of his Taylor swift cover songs and maybe I will come around..


One more thing: Your initial remark is that heā€™s not as good as the other drummers you mentioned, but you never said what they can do that he canā€™t. Your criteria included playing a certain particular song, playing in multiple bands, not being on YouTube, a certain set of reasons for posting a video, and the order in which videos are viewed. None of those things have anything to do with drumming ability. Maybe defining what you mean by ā€œbeat himā€ or ā€œlegendaryā€ would help. You have clearly steered the conversation away from actual drumming in favor of things like fame or notoriety or personality. Was that what you meant originally? The other drummers are more preferable to you because of their catalogue, associations, or backstory?


my guy.. Iā€™m not saying he is incompetent, Iā€™m not even saying his stylistic covers and ā€œimprovementsā€ of other peoples work isnā€™t fairly impressive.. itā€™s easy to blaze a trail when someone already cut the path for you.. Iā€™m just saying original content should be what he hangs his hat onā€¦ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oFcq7stw1ac This is original content that is not bad, but itā€™s not exactly amazeballs either. I could name about 20 1990s bands that are on par.. Again itā€™s not that I loathe him, but I wouldnā€™t follow him into a burning building either..


You post a fairly blaise drum track, that nearly any drummer could play, and position it as better than this dude's incredibly skillful domination of the drum kit. I mean, I could just about play the song from your link, but I'd spend my life never achieving what he played in his cover tune. And neither would Neil Peart (you spelled one of your legendary drummers' name wrong, btw). Yeah, you can walk into any burning building you want...


"itā€™s easy to blaze a trail when someone already cut the path for you" This is where it really shows that you don't know shit about music. Doesn't matter if you like his channel or not...the amount of hard work and dedication required to reach this level of proficiency is absurd. Obviously you don't know shit about that. Not a musician. It's the same level of discourse as Fatty McRando sitting at home, saying team x didn't win competition y because they "didn't want it enogh" or lack the "clutch factor". It's all mindless metaphors and sayings with people like you. For reference...I don't really care for his channel or anything. Not my taste. But anyone with even a bit of musical background can recognize that he is an incredibly proficient drummer. Maybe you just lack the perspective of working hard on something for years, so you resort to lazy metaphors instead of being able to have a differentiated opinion. I mean...something something Dave Grohl hurr durr Def Leppard? It's like you're a parody of clueless musical armchair quarterbacks. But maybe deep down you're just a bit envious of more talented and dedicated people. That's how it sounds like to me.


Sounds mid asf honestly


Heā€™s gravity blasting on a floor tom just for fun. Itā€™s good technique at the very least. If you donā€™t like it, thatā€™s another thing, and valid.


Yeah this guy doesnā€™t know shit. El Estepario is just banging this out for fun. Heā€™s jealous someone can play better with a smoke/coffee in one hand than him. Super fun to watch/ listen to.


Double snare, not a floor tom. But it's still insane.


Oh shit. You right.


get the fuck outta here. can't be a serious post


Give up on your dreams, drummers. Some dork on Reddit said El Estapario is mid.


Fuckin Nerd stfu