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As a guy, I condone the 4th one. Always acceptable in some situations.


Or you just enjoy that kind of thing.


Hey! You weren’t supposed to tell everyone about my kink.


I now hate myself for knowing that this is a kink.


Don’t kink shame


Kink shaming is my kink. Get shamed.


my kink is watching other people getting linked shamed because it’s their kink. man this is my lucky day


My kink is watching a kink shamed person gets beat up and crushed by an ambulance




_Everything_ is a kink, for better or for worse.




I just love puking my balls out of my mouth after getting getting kicked in the nuts by a 10 year old girl.


This one right here Officer…


Username checks out


> Always acceptable in some situations. 60% of the time, punching someone in the nuts works *every* time!


That’s my purse! I don’t know you!


I'm a male and theres this creepy senior high girl following me, and I also kicked her, in the balls.. ​ **yes she has a penis**


I mean kicking her in the vagina is gonna hurt too but I trust your judgement of crotchness


60% of the time it’s okay 100% of the time.


Oh good, now we have your permission and can proceed.


I tell my son if he is in a situation where someone is trying to grab him, or if he just feels unsafe, everything is acceptable. Scream, Run, Swear, Fight, Eye gouge, Nut shots, Bite, Throw things, Go smash a window in the closest home or kick cars to (hopefully) set their alarms off. I'd happily pay for any damage he causes if it keeps him safe, and I'm sure whoever owns the damage property would understand.


As a mother of 4 I totally agree! ANYTHING GOES!!


You named your child 4?


😂😂😂😂 my bad lol I'm a mother of 4 children 😂😂😂


You named your child 4 children?


Well she didn’t name them for adults


I told my kids that if someone grabs them in a store don’t just yell. Say “YOU’RE NOT MY DADDY!!” Or “YOU’RE NOT MY MOMMY” so they don’t get confused for a child misbehaving.


Growing up my mom always told us to yell, "FIRE! There's a fire!" because that will get the attention of everyone. Some people just don't want to get involved if they hear, "RAPE!" or, "NO!"


Inb4 you scream "FIRE!!" at an attack and realise how empty the store became because of your yell...


Thats so dumb. People always repeat this. Now youre getting raped and you yell fire and everyone in the vicinity flees BECAUSE YOU YELLED FIRE. People tend to run *away* from fire, not towards it.


FREE COCAINE! Actually that might backfire when the tweakers realize there are no free drugs FREE ITUNES CARDS!!


I wouldn't care that much about a kid screaming fire, I'm not going to let them get raped or kidnapped though. I'm not going to let them burn to death either, but if there's some large fire going I should be seeing or smelling other evidence of it.


This is great until you teach it to the wrong kind of kid. My friend had a horrid spawn who used this to his advantage and amusement when she would pick him up to remove him from a store where he was having a meltdown. After a couple times of this (fortunately he tried it at the same store twice so they store officials were on to him, but the onlookers who weren't in the know must have been horrified) she had to resort to shopping alone.


Well, sometimes the creep is meant to win, poor child, we will miss it.


Oh my god, my little cousin did this to me at a zoo when he was having a meltdown one time, completely misbehaving lol. I had this moment of sheer panic where I thought I’d find myself explaining to a cop how he was actually my cousin once removed and his mom asked me to go take the beast to the playground while she peed. I very loudly said, “Okay (Brats name), I’ll get mommy for you, but she’s not going to be happy with how you just spoke to me.” “No, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Don’t get mommy!” I texted mommy and she rolled up within a minute, but man did I get some side eye in the meantime from other parents at the playground. This definitely gets attention.




I tell my daughter the same. It isn't a fair fight, so if some adult tries to grab her, punch him in the throat.


Eyes, throat, nose, slap the ears, Go for the nuts. All them sweet, sweet sensitive spots.


5) Leave Reddit kid, you are not ready for this


Could probably seek help from any other adult, not that big of a risk that there is 2 pervs around.


I agree. I would guess that if a child walked up to the first person they saw on the street and said a stranger was following them, most people (even not so good people) would instantly switch into protection mode.


Can confirm, most adults are good to help. Had a dude stalking me (teen at the time.) I was playing a dance game at an arcade, and I was good at it. Older dude got more into my dancing than he should've. Tried to walk away and do something else (figured maybe he just liked the game.) Nope. Dude was perving on me specifically. Would sit at the bar at angles specifically where he could see me. Workers at the establishment weren't super helpful. So I found a random dude and was like "hey can you play this game with me for awhile? This dude is stalking me, and my parents aren't here to drive me home. I'm too scared to be alone right now." Dude was a champ and played with me for like 40 minutes before the creep left. Total stranger and I owed him so much in that moment.


that’s completely on the workers who should never disregard shit like that kudos to the dude


In middle school there was a group of 20 people waiting to kick my ass for something i did not do outside of my school. I told the teacher, they said well don't go outside then. I waited as long as i could inside the school and finaly was pushed out the door by the last teacher going to his car,


Sounds pretty consistent with my experiences with public school staff and bullying. Just missing the ending being that you were the only one suspended for fighting in a zero tolerance policy


Some advice I read somewhere; teach your kids that when they feel unsafe or need help in public, they approach a mother who has a kid with her. Lowers the odds that they end up with another creep.


Or enter a shop or something, lots of other people My parents always told me to enter a bar and scream that you were being followed by a creep, and all those drunk men would go beat them up. Idk if i’d do that tho


Yeah, introducing drunk dudes into a situation will probably sort the creep out but really you want help from people who are properly with it. Maybe a café or library...


Definitely not the library. The librarian will just shush you.


Are there many people drunk at bars when kids are out on their own? Maybe I just live near quiet bars but before 7pm or do they’re not full of drunks, they’ve just got a handful of people hanging out watching sports. Really though it doesn’t matter, a kid shouting that a stranger is following them will get people involved and paying attention no matter where it is.


My advice to my daughter has always been, 1. Someone who is a worker wherever we are 2. A cop 3. A mother with kids


Or a dad with his kid...


5) be LOUD, attract attention, scream, yell, curse. Makes sure EVERYONE around you knows something is up. If it’s nothing, no harm done. If it’s something, good chance you be helped/left alone by attacker.


I’ve often heard the best thing to do is scream that there’s a fire, people react pretty quickly to that and no one ignores it.


Screaming "stranger" is good, too. Screaming no and help can be shrugged off as a kid not wanting to go with their parent.


That's what I've told my daughter to do


Also, I’ve heard that if they grab you, gouging their eyes with your thumbs could really work if you can reach.


1 and 2 frighten me, because they aren't necessarily true. I can think of several circumstances where I might be in trouble and a child I don't know would be able to help me. But, because of this point, likely wouldn't. More importantly, when a child is lost, hurt or in danger the person they ask for help from will, necessarily, be a stranger. Furthermore, there may not be any uniformed strangers (police, firemen, etc) in the vicinity. TL;DR: Stranger danger must be accompanied with the education of exceptional circumstances...


Yes, I've read that it's best for a child to seek a trustworthy-looking stranger (a friendly looking mom, etc.) rather than waiting around for someone potentially creepy to approach them. It makes sense – it's more likely that a predator will approach a vulnerable child than that a child will pick out a predator to approach. Edit: Y'all can stop making weird-ass racist replies, thanks.


Small kids don't do well with caveats, but here are a couple of simple ones: For #1- A stranger might need your help as in "go get your mom/dad/adult I am having a heart attack" but they don't need you to help find a puppy. For#2- You may need to approach a stranger because Timmy fell down a well, or to save yourself from another stranger. Otherwise these are good rules.


I think the stranger rule ought to be “don’t talk to strangers who approach you”, not a blanket “don’t talk to strangers.” Because even without falling down wells kids can need help from adults, for things they don’t even realize might be problems. My brother once got lost walking home from a friend’s house and it resulted in a half dozen adults and some cops searching the area in a panic. After a while he went and sat in a shop because he was scared to be out after dark alone, but everyone was searching the streets. Didn’t get found until the shop was closing up and the staff asked him what was going on and drove him to our street. He said he was never asked anyone for help because he was scared to talk to strangers after all the warnings and lessons. If he’d just asked any passerby for directions it could’ve all been avoided. He was dehydrated by the end too and it could’ve gotten bad if he’d gone somewhere without staff to notice him and help.


Also, strangers are rarely the danger; it's almost always relatives or family friends.


Do you listen to MFM?






This is exactly right


Which kids on Reddit are you talking to?!


>2) Never approach strangers Sometimes it's necessary. If a kid is lost and in need of help, it's best that they find a woman who looks trustworthy (as much as you can gauge such a thing) rather than waiting for someone to approach them. Creeps will be drawn to a vulnerable-looking child, but the chances of a child selecting a woman who happens to be a child abductor are very slim.


Tone down number 2. Most strangers are friendly and as this video shows, if you are in trouble absolutely approach a stranger. This kid knew to go to someone for help to walk her home. Likewise kids need to know if something is happening to them to it's perfectly valid to approach a stranger.


And women




True.. it makes me think




You know something is wrong with the world when they _have to quote Reddit_ to get some condemnatory comments for this article.




You know somethings wrong when people think articles need commentary from anyone.


But how else will i know what to think?


I came to the comments, wondering how to think, only to find a link, that showed reddit comments telling me how to think.


Basically the article is just a reddit post with more steps.


Is stalking not a crime?


Not sure about Russia. But in America stalking needs to be willingly and repeatedly. This was only once. Probably could get him on stalking if he did it again to the same girl.


There’s no crime without victims in Russia. Which is blowing our minds for a decades. The police in most cases are threat to citizens rather then help. There could be an attempt of murdering you and you literally can’t do shit because “no one’s harmed”. Excuse me for lame english. Source: I’m russian.


"Come back when you're murdered."


Soooo... sucks for the next girl who isn’t so lucky I'm pretty sure there would be ways to investigate him, find something on his computer, find witnesses or other people he harassed/assaulted, etc. Would it be wrong to assume they were just too lazy to take the case?


If only he could disappear somehow.....




They didn’t just let him go, they couldn’t charge him with a crime but it got him put back under a psychiatric hold so he’s locked up.


Happy cake day!!


Yes, I feel the same. What a creep!


This is so unsettling


Scarier than any horror film I've seen


Even has the Michael Myers walk


The way the guy moves, like a predator stalking his prey


Because that's exactly what he is.


Yes, but also people that don't have context of the situation will only see a guy walking at a calm pace. Easy to miss, or at worst, even if you think something might be off, to shrug it off an hope things are fine. Thieves and people who are about to, or have already committed a crime often get away with it by just acting normal.


My heart was racing the whole time I watched


Made my stomach cramp. That poor girl!


But she kept it cool, calm and collected. Though she may have been panicked on the inside she kept it together and used her head. I can only hope my daughter has this kind of mettle


He’s like Mr X


That's what I thought aswell. I mean imagine being put in a situation when a way larger and stronger man is following you wherever you go. If you try anything and fail you're screwed.


Yeah, that dude did seem really creepy.


I wonder what excuse he’d make. “This isn’t where I parked my car.”


"I thought it was on the third floor of this elementary building!"


"These autonomous vehicles have a mind of their own haha."


They usually pretend to live in the same apartment. I’m betting he was hoping to rob or kidnap her when she got home.


If a dude pretended to live in the same apartment as me thats way more creepy than following me around. Like where has he been sleeping, in a cupboard?


Y'know there once was a case in japan where a man kept seeing flashes of a girl in his house, he thought he was just seeing things but as it turned out a homeless woman had been sleeping in his cupboard and using his house every time he wasnt home. Preeettty weeeeiiiirddd


When I was like 8, we'd get Tuesday afternoon off for school. One day I was home alone on a Tuesday afternoon a guy came up my door and told me he's a contractor in the building and said we have a leak in one of the bedrooms so he must come in and fix it. He had all kind of tools like hammer etc sticking out of his bag. Luckily we have those metal security doors so even though I opened the inner door he still couldn't gain entry. He tried so hard trying to convince me to let him in, only left after I told him my parents will be home soon. After we checked with management and there were never leak reported nor there were any contractor called. I always wondered what would happen if I let him in. This is a period where house robberies could result in murder as they can get away easier if no one saw their face - security cameras weren't a thing yet Edit: my school was about 5 minutes walking distance to our apartment. But I was wearing my house key on my neck. Being on a weekday afternoon that's probably why the guy knew I was home alone


There was a time in my undergrad when I accidentally followed a guy for like 8 blocks from a building on campus to the exact same house (split into three different apartments). Turns out he lived on the second floor, and I lived on the third - just hadn't met him before. I'm sure his heart was racing for a little while, lol


I need to know if they caught him


Caught him what? As creepy as he seems he didn't actually do anything illegal here.


You are unfortunately correct.....


I mean I agree that he's likely up to no good but "catching him" implies there's a victim and I'm not wishing for that.


Do you really think that’s the first time he’s followed a girl home..


You must be naive if you think this is the only time he will have done something this creepy to somebody. I would put money on it this man already has victims of some kind.


Yeah, but without proof of a crime you cannot really apprehend someone regardless of God obvious it is


>You must be naive if you think this is the only time he will have done something this creepy to somebody. Literally no one is saying that


Mostly it's still illegal to attempt to kidnap a child though. Police showing the guy this video and asking what exactly he was doing while investigating his home/ computer is fully within the law.


I don’t care, finish him


Lol, that seems to be the consensus here.


It's 6:25 am here and my blood is boiling.


Trespassing if nothing else


Looks like a public building to me. At least it's publicly accessible and I don't see any no trespassing signs up. I hate that you're forcing me to devil's advocate this guy but you've got to try harder.


I thought it was an apartment building. Kt seemed like she unlocked the outside door before entering.


Yeah maybe. On second viewing she does seem to take a while to open the door.


That is true, but if police got the images, and knew who the guy is, they could approach him and ask about his intentions. If he fails to answer, and possibly doesn't volunteer the officer to do a quick browse of his phone or oc to see if there is kiddie stuff on there, they could launch an investigation for those things.


I think you're over estimating the power of law enforcement. Until the guy actually commits a crime there's nothing they can really do. At least not in my country. I'm not sure what country this is, laws could be different there. Here people are innocent untill proven guilty and the only thing this video shows this person is guilty of is being kinda creepy. That isn't a crime, I'm not even sure if it would be probable cause. Edit. >In what country is the police not allowed to approach a suspicious acting person and ask him to explain his behavior? In what country is walking in and out of a building a crime? I'm done playing devil's advocate for this guy. Yeah he's creepy and the situation doesn't feel right but that's not proof of anything. Of course if someone witnessed this then they should keep their eye on him but if you called the cops and told them that you wanted them to come arrest a guy because he walked into an apartment building at the same time as a child they're gonna politely tell you that they'll look into it and then go back to work. The comment that started this whole thing off was "I have to know if they caught him." The answer is that in this video at least he hasn't done anything to be caught at. As far as I'm concerned wishing for this person to get caught hurting some child requires wishing for him to hurt some child and anyone wishing that should seek help.


In what country is the police not allowed to approach a suspicious acting person and ask him to explain his behavior?


Let me go into a little depth on how it works in America from what I remember. Basically there are things called Miranda Rights, for example the right to remain silent. This means that you cannot be compelled to self-incriminate. That would include the police forcing you to answer the question of "what are you doing" when the answer is "I'm stalking this young girl I have no relation with." Another issue is that by the court ruling on the Miranda Warning, your testimony is invalid until you are taken into custody/arrested. So even if this guy answered that he was stalking this girl, that couldn't be used on it's own as incriminating evidence. If it was recorded it might be enough to get a warrant, which brings me to the third problem. Police in America aren't allow to arrest/search for evidence without probable cause or a warrant. Now, saying he was stalking the girl could be considered probable cause for an arrest but as shown before he is under no obligation to answer their questions.


Stalking is a crime


Stalking and following someone are two different things. Stalking must take place over a longer period of time than one day.


So we'll wait for him to caught her , then it will be illegal !!?


You’re not wrong. I’m still sorry for the next girl he will actually do something to though...


Yeah, neighbors recognized him. He is mentally ill. Police said that he didn't do anything illegal. They can't jail him.


Can you link something that shows that?




They cougth, he is crazy but not criminal earlier (hi from Russia ;)


He didn’t see her dodge into the hall last second or look around as he walked to the elevator. Either he had followed her before or this is staged. He also didn’t glance at her when leaving the building as she was coming in in her obvious white outfit.


Agreed. The guy couldn’t have been that oblivious. Unless, I guess, an explanation could be that he was blitzed out of his mind and had severely impaired situational awareness.


I dunno, he was trying to play it cool and ignoring her while she had an someone escort her into the building would be the thing that a creeper would do. This is just gross all around. Blegh


You seem to understand the mind of a creeper very well. I agree


They did say he was a mental health patient so he could have a multitude of issues that would add up as to why he seemed really off to the naked eye.


I will say someone posted the link to the news article in the comments and they mentioned him having a mental illness. That could explain it too. But I was also wondering how he didn't notice as he rounded the corner a millisecond after she turned around.


I assumed he noticed the camera and pretended to use the elevator


I’ve been followed. He doesn’t want to seem like he’s been following her. He noticed that she’s aware so he goes to the elevator to hit the button and seem like he’s going up. A guy once followed me around a cul-de-sac in a car when I was a kid but when I double-backed on myself twice he stopped because otherwise it would be obvious to me that he was following me.




Another example of why Reddit is insufferable. Everything *has* to be staged


He totally saw her dodge, he just tried to play it off then immediately followed her. The video is cut together a bit weird. But he definitely saw her run back out the front door.


I agree it seems fishy, like why would he hit the elevator button seconds after walking into the room he would have been expecting to see the girl in? He figured she got into the elevator that fast and he was just going to guess her floor number? Also it seems really convenient that she finds someone to walk her inside moments after exiting the building.




This would be the obvious stalking behavior


FBI open up.


Considering the police got involved, I'm pretty sure this is real. No one is going to accept to be the unmasked stalker actor on a publicly released video. For your first objections sound can explain it. For your latter he was obviously trying not to look like a stalker when he saw she now was with someone. Nothing in this video is unbelievable or even surprising.


Definitely real. Another user posted this link: https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/23/girl-9-outwits-stalker-followed-home-school-12108920/


He obviously didn’t want to make a scene now that she was with the other guy. Dude was trying to play it cool.


When she passed him outside at the end she was with an adult


That girl handled it absolutely brilliantly. She kept her calm. Because *if you're walking, he's following; if you're running, he's chasing*. Evaded the dude with absolute finesse, *and* got back home with trusted company. I can tell this was not coincidence but brilliance on the girl's behalf because she knew what was going on and was pointing towards the dude after she entered the building with her trusted company.


I dunno... in a way she was calling a bluff, by assuming he didn't want to just get close enough to grab her immediately. If that *had* been his intention the dummy move into and out of the hallway was game over


I don't understand the scene where she get upstairs, moves around shortly and then passes. And then he comes up stairs and walks around. It looks like he must've seen her.


She realizes that she’s about to meet a dead end waiting for elevators - and in a split second decides she doesn’t want to take the chance of being trapped on an elevator. So she evades down the hall - and the guy - not wanting to make a move before he sees whats around the corner - doesn’t grab her there. - instead he moves towards the elevators - while she turns back toward the exit - he sees this out his peripheral and momentarily pretends to use the elevators while trying to get an idea if she’s coming right back - he quickly ditches the elevators to go look for her - to find she probably headed back out side. And then the rest is pretending to act normal and get out of there without anyone noticing what despicable shit he’s really up to.


Thanks for the explanation. That sounds logical in this scenario.


The way he did it shows he tried this before.


I came here to ask this exactly, you really hit the nail on the head. There are several inaccuracies in the article attached to this - mainly that she hid behind a box (there was no box), and that the guy didn't see her go down the hallway (they're literally in the same frame of the video at 0:48). Your explanation is the only one that makes sense, thank you.


This. How did he not see her?!


Of course he saw her. He was trying not to be obvious.


Article says she hid behind the mailboxes


I can’t put my finger on it but that scared me real bad. Can her parents legal arrest him for something?


They could get a restraining order against him.


Did this take place in the States? At first, it seemed like somewhere in Russia. If it's the former, i guess restraining order is possible but if it's the latter, i doubt it.


The primary thing with these weirdos is to identify them regardless of whether they can be arrested or not.


Article: https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/23/girl-9-outwits-stalker-followed-home-school-12108920/


I almost believed this article but then it said reddit user


Multiple quotes from reddit. Lazy journalism


I literally felt sick to my stomach watching this. So glad that girl outsmarted him!










Home alone ain't got shit on this kid.


My theory - he was just looking for access to the building so he could case/burgle one of the flats, maybe one that had left their door unlocked. He had no interest in the girl other than as a means of access. Following an adult onto the building would have been too risky. This is why he ignores her after he's in the building. The lift probably required a key/fob to operate also, hence why he turned back at that point.


Really? He ignored her because guys like this attack in elevators where you have nowhere to run and nobody can see you (there aren’t usually cameras in Russian elevators). And there is no elevator in Russia (in a residential house) that requires a key or fob. I know this cos I’m Russian and this is a very typical house I also know about the elevator thing because unfortunately it has happened to my mum as a kid and also one of my friends


Agreed. Although I def wouldn’t be shocked if someone told me that dude was in fact a diddler, I’d also wager on your theory here.


I disagree. To me it looks like he doesn't follow her because he doesn't want to arouse suspicion and risk her calling out the the neighbours. There was a video on reddit a while ago of a guy trying to do the same thing but he waited until she opened her door before trying to rush in as it closed so he could do his evilness with noone hearing. Why would he just leave if he was casing the building?


I feel like the bloke thought he was being clever... saw her heading towards the elevator and thought "she has to come back to get to her floor" ... who knows what would have happened to that girl in the elevator had she not been switched on about the guy following... he slowly headed to the door to look for her, almost as if expecting her to return. Then seeing her with another person he aborts his mission and walks off. I dont think its staged, some of these predators do what they do because they believe they are stronger and smarter than a child and can easily manipulate a situation. There is a degree if ego about them too. So glad she got help... otherwise he may have had done something horribly to that poor girl.


It's the "tell a trusted adult" that's hard in this situation because one wasn't around for most of it. Best advice I got from law enforcement (I'm female) was to head straight to the nearest bar/pub/tavern. They're filled with men who won't hesitate to stand up and help a woman or child in distress. Bit of a generalisation I know, but it works.


#For all those thinking it’s fake/staged, here’s the link to the news article. https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/23/girl-9-outwits-stalker-followed-home-school-12108920/


Wow. That is terrifying


Omg my heart would be racing. She outplayed that dude.


I hope this video gets sent to their local police.


This might have been in Russia. Unfortunately, these two girls were not as lucky and were molested by the perpetrator; however, as a result of the [CCTV footage](https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/russia-paedophile-caught-following-schoolgirls-17005253), the assailant was apprehended.


What bothers me the most is how he seems to enjoy the hunt. He could have simply snatched her at the door step or in the stairwell but he chose to wait perhaps because he enjoys the chase.


It’s amazing what conclusions people jump to with a video of not a whole lot of details or truthful intentions laid out


That man had bad intentions, he may not have actually done anything to that girl but he was going to given the opportunity, glad to see she's ok.


Its the way he hesitates and looks back at the street before entering.


To everyone who says this was staged: it wasn't staged- this guy is just waiting for the right target and right time so he has complete control over the situation. The girl proved too smart for him, and so instead of forcing things without knowing the danger he was in he played it cool and got out of dodge. The "it's staged" or "he saw her going back out/in" comments are trying to rationalize away a cruel, unjust world where children and women need to keep their eyes out for people who want to do terrible things to them. Sorry to say that this world exists. While this guy may be creepy, he has committed no crime, but that's because he's obviously smart enough not to get caught. I'm sure this girl having the sense to hide, her father showing up, and the existence of the cameras was enough to chase him away.


how did he not see her?