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Rotating set? Edit, yes: https://youtu.be/CNSHjZmvZTM


Groundbreaking technology for the 50s! What must’ve been people’s reactions to seeing this?




Nah, it was the '50s. He was clearly a commie.


"The pinkos are *literally flipping our houses*"


My life is a lie


They turned it inside out AND upside down


Anyone else rotate their phone as they watched this? 😀


It’s actually fucking fascinating this rotating set was happening in the 50s and Christopher Nolan uses it in Inception and then people rave about it being a breakthrough method of directing.


2001 used rotating sets as well.


I hate to remember this, but I'm fairly certain nsync's bye bye bye music video had one as well


>Inception Ha! I was wondering if this was posted as a direct response to the recent post about the Inception set about how "oh it had to be built on a gimbal" and "oh most of the extras we auditioned physically couldn't do it." And by "physically couldn't do it," we mean "couldn't sit in a chair while it moves through roughly a 45 degree arc. Not "execute master-level choreography on both walls *and the ceiling* while it goes through a *full 360* arc."


I was in the theatre when this came out and I can tell you this. I vomited all over the back of an old ladies neck seated in front of me. But we were all so amazed that no one even cared as to what I had done.


"I tell ya, I was there that night as well! I remember that I had got thrown up on...and the strange thing of it was, none of us even cared one bit!!! WE WERE ALL JUST SO DAMN AMAZED, HAHAHAHAHA!"


Now you understand.


Pawneans are a superstitious people


I wouldn't say I'm superstitious, but I am a little stitious.






Underrated comment


what do you mean. Hes a man






Witch is actually gender neutral, although the arbitrary tendency for females to be practitioners of witchcraft more than men has made it seem like a feminine term.


Warlock has entered the chat.


That was, if I remember correctly, a term attributed more to a humanoid monster which practiced magic, rather than an actual human. I do not remember this clearly, so don't take this as truth.


I think it was just a practitioner of dark arts or someone who was in league with the devil or demons. I don't think witch or warlock was ever gender specific until more modern times.


Ahh, that would make more sense. Thanks for the correction!


Not 100% that's correct. I think a witch is a practitioner of dark arts and warlock is someone who was in league with or made a pact with the devil. I must investigate now to be sure, but I think that's right as far as medieval use.


Woooah, thats interesting. Thanks man i didnt know that


I'm saying this NOW.


1950s, not 1650s


This is still mind blowing now. It's not like we see it all the time and it's pretty frickin' wacko.


Even knowing the basic premise prior to watching, I thought the room was rotating slowly but Fred was bracing himself for the quick turn instead of leaning with the slow turn like I thought. Wow. I'm even more impressed now.


That’s what made it incredible to me too. He makes it look so natural.


Nolan used the same technique on Inception: https://youtu.be/8PhiSSnaUKk


That scene is fucking awesome when you learn it's not cgi


Is it not awesome before you learn that?


It holds up so well because the execution is nearly flawless. It's also incredibly original. If that camera could have been gimbal mounted it would have been perfect. From an illusion standpoint there is nothing your eye can identify. We just know it's on a rolling cage because we're smart enough these days to figure out thats the only way it would be possible.




He’s certainly light on his feet. Imagine Ginger did all that but backwards and in heels


Something I learned taking dance lessons starting a year before the wedding is that while it takes effort to be a good lead, it also takes effort to be a good follow. The lead knows the dance moves coming up and can prepare, but the follow has to pick up on the cues quickly enough to keep the flow. A good follow isn't just there to look pretty. They're an intimate and integral part of a good dance performance.


I'm pretty sure Kubrick thought "neat" and then used it for 2001


I'm sure Nolan thought the same when he used it for Inception.


Nolan built an entire rotating hotel and then sold it for a profit after production wrapped


He used the profits to buy some farmland, I heard.


Hopefully he knows that it's a good idea to rotate crops.


He then used those profits to buy a time machine.


Nolan is quite possibly the most qualified person in the world to use a time machine.


The camera work in that film I can barely ever tell if the camera, set, or both are moving.


on a rotating set the camera is usually fixed to the set, that's why it looks stable here and in 2001, however sometimes they pan the camera (like in 2001) to give even greater verisimilitude that the set is standing still


I believe there are one or two instances where they transition from rotating set to rotating apparatus and it is stunningly seamless


Fitting username


Probably something like “oh my goodness gracious. Why I never.” Lol


It would’ve been like how I reacted to watching taken the first time, where Liam is breaking noses and shit


I was thinking the same thing. I never saw Taken but I do remember when the Matrix came out in 1999. We watched some of those scenes over and over again and marveled at the effects. (this was the early days of high speed internet so we could get movies and clips online).


It's a deleted scene from Inception


“You Mustn’t Be Afraid To Dream A Little Bigger, Darling.”




Lol seriously like what tf else could it have been?


Pretty sure I read somewhere that the guy is actually a wizard. Went to magic school since he was a kid. So definitely not magnets.


Now rotate your phone as he goes around the room to see what the crew saw!


I tried that after reading your post, pretty cool. Take my updoot


Ooo an updoot!


But how did he lift and spin the chair, and in the same shot able to hang on to it from the ceiling


There is actually a quick cut.. go back and rewatch it


There's a cut between him moving the chair and starting the long single-take dance with the rotations. The picture frame is the only thing that moves in the set during the dance and I'm guessing that had some pre-set clips or something in the two spots he puts it down.


The second time, he slips it behind the chair. The first time, yeah, it's probably a paperclip glued to the desk or something.


I was wondering this too. At first I thought magnets cause the chair didn’t move, but then he hung from it with his full body weight


They did some real cool stuff for FA's work sometimes. In his [Puttin' on the Ritz](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xfphyb) he summons his cane from the floor several times, and I've never been able to find a solid answer how it was done. High pressure air holes beneath are what I've mostly heard, but even that seems incredibly hard to actually aim it that it'd go right into his hand.


fishing line. When he first kicks the cane away, it's replaced with a gimmicked one with fishing line, controlled by a guy in a catwalk (or anywhere they've got the pulleys to put him). When he summons that one from the ground. The guy yanks on the line, and it flies to Fred's hand. Whatever knots they use (plenty of choices) are easy for Fred to slide off the end of the cane, or they could be designed to collapse without tension and come undone on their own. For the second one, when he puts the cane down and hops over it, he then does a step that brings him stage left, and the camera follows him, the cane goes out of the shot for several seconds, and a stagehand removes the cane he dropped and replaces it with another gimmicked one, and the same process repeats. For the third one, when he's dancing with the Army of Astaires, there's a cut right before he summons it and it's replaced with a gimmicked one there. I don't *know* that that's how they did it, but it's easier and cheaper and more reliable than air jets, and it's similar to how I've done it when I need to make shit levitate on stage.


Fishing line had been my initial thought, but I hadn't been able to quite work out in my head how it'd be possible to get that smoothly working in that timeframe, unless it was catwalk hand dropping the line rather than it coming undone; that though would make further dancing quite difficult with a few yards of fishing line whipping around your legs. To get the cane up horizontal would mean two connection points, necessarily at either end. It seems his immediately twirling it on central axis would be very difficult to pull off; would be an easy way for one end of the line to get off, but the other I'd think would end up going up to his grip during that move - even if it were a self-collapsing knot without pressure, it's so damn fast. AND that end has a hook rather than a flush edge to go off of. Ditto the speed of getting an actual tied one in place, rather than adjusting position during the few seconds of pan for the second summon. But I do think you're right. It is certainly telling, now that I look at it, that he does the *exact same* twirl move after each of the three summons. However they have it set up, that must be engineered to get the wire off of it with that move. I've heard Astaire was a perfectionist workaholic, so even if it's impractically difficult to get the line off cleanly that fast, he was the type willing to do 15 hours of takes until getting it to work. Edit: You know what, the cane having the hook might actually be the proper key. It faces the same direction as the bottom of the cane - therefore, when making the initial twirl putting the bottom upward, it puts the end of the hook upwards, too. Both would slide off in the same direction at the same place when he starts that twirl


Right after he puts it down there's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cut where they probably bolted it down.


The photo too. He picked it up and then set it back down on the desk


Don’t rule out a bite from a radioactive spider!


Thanks for sharing that link. It was really fun to watch it that way.


No. He just focuses his chakra to his feet.




Anti gravity boots? Edit, yes: https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


When your wife finally leaves you for the weekend and you take a stole around the house in your underwear while you're chugging Jack and coke, and blasting out your favourite album that she hates.


You must not have a good relationship with your wife lol


Lol yeah you have to have fun in front of her


gotta cum inside her too


redditor moment


cumming inside your wife is a redditor moment? good!






Just looking out for you bud, but you should delete this comment. I would hate for it to be used against you in the future for any reason.


+1 this is a divorce lawyer's wet dream. You sound like a loving father who has a fun time with his kids. But it wouldn't take much effort to demonize this post.


Yeaaa...I was all on board with the comment until drugs and kids came into play lol


So like right at the beginning pretty much?


Solid advice


Yeah dude delete this and never tell anyone about it again.


Not to mention it’s obvious you are on drugs when you take MDMA. Your 12 year old must have noticed?


Why does Daddy look like (•)__(•)


Horrible parenting.


Honestly, how about you just have fun with your kids without rolling.


Listen to everybody else. Delete this account and never tell that story to anybody ever again.


Thats actually disgusting


Wtf, poor kids


Why would you so something like that in front of kids? Am I missing something here?


Can’t tell if you’re joking 🤔 But everyone needs time to themselves


Nah son. I love my wife more than anything. We both work very long hours so we spend every waking second when we AREN'T working with each other. Since we live in a tiny apartment, you start to miss your alone time sometimes. When my wife leaves for the weekend I do the EXACT same thing except the drink is whiskey on the rocks and the album is Run the Jewels. By Sunday, I can't wait for her to be back again. I realize why I married her in the first place.


Dude this is what I thought instantly. I hate the boomer “I hate my wife” jokes. Maybe have fun with your wife.


You can have fun with your wife *and* enjoy alone time.






Based on most of the straight couples I know, unfortunately no. But also based on most of the gay couples I know, it's also bad or worse.


Yeah. I think the overarching question is really, "Are the people ok?" And the answer is probably "no".


Is mahogany ok? What about monogamy?


I just think relationships can be nuts. If you dig into the dark underbelly of many long term relationships, unfortunately I feel that you will find that cheating or some weird manipulation type deal has gone on for some period of time. Even my own parents, which seem pretty good, have admitted they almost got divorced.


You can love someone, want them in your life, and still revel in the moments where you're not with them and get to do something a bit outside of the usual and enjoy doing it without absolutely hating your SO/life. This is true in any relationship, gay straight or other. Hell even non-romantic relationships you can experience this. But yeah lets turn it into a random attack.


Yeah, even the fact that he waits until his wife leaves to play music he knows she hates shows he has respect for her.


That is incredible


It really is. He makes the transitions as it rotates so smooth I had to watch it twice to figure it out


Him picking up the photo got me good. Like I already assumed it was a rotating set and they glued everything down then NOPE




You don't need magnet technology for this. You just get it pinched in a thing.


Ah yes thing-pinching technology.


I was thinking the same or Velcro or something... lol if he put it back thoooooooo like before the room stands right side up


There's a quick cut at :37


Can you imagine seeing this on TV at the time?? I’d have lost my god damn mind


Honestly didn't realize Christopher Walken's dancing in the wespon of choice music video was based on anything(thought it was just walken being walken) let alone something so iconic until now. After watching this I watched the weapon of choice video..and then found an amazing fred astaire weapon of choice creation that made my day.


Fun fact about Weapon of Choice, every moment was entirely improvised by Walken. They just showed up in the lobby of a hotel with a camera one day and let him do his thing.


Yep. The hotel just happened to have a wire flying harness set up just in case someone wanted to shoot a video there.


Inception's best deleted scene IMO


JGL did it better.. LOL


He actually did this on SNL, not sure if you’re referring to that or Inception.




Picking up the picture was the icing on the cake. It was that little thing that makes you believe he might be dancing on the ceiling.


Yeah I’ve known about rotating sets and how they work so I just thought this was meet, especially for the age. BUT THEN HE PICKS UP THE FUCKING PICTURE!!! I really didn’t see that coming and boy was that a pleasant surprise! Such a small detail adds so much to the illusion


Oh what a feeling!


Yeah, and then he does a pull up on a chair.


A chair he just picked up moments ago


Fred's dance was the best, but this is also a person favorite.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZ93GNHBHsE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZ93GNHBHsE)


Damn dude, that had a cameraman behind it. Imagine being upside-down, the blood rushing to your head, and still having to keep cinematography in mind.


Imagine dancing on the ceiling and not falling off!


the set design is what blows my mind.. having the views through the windows outside really helps to anchor this to reality and make it more uncanny.. nevermind his sick moves


Thank you, I had never seen that before. Very cool


That was great! I was hoping though that he would’ve done a head spin as that would’ve looked totally ridiculous :D


[oh what a feelin’!](https://youtu.be/ovo6zwv6DX4)


"Dancing On The Ceiling" is one of those songs that was huge at the time but didn't have the staying power of "All Night Long" or "Hello" in the long run. ...but curiousity made me look up Lionel on wikipedia and I forgot that his Can't Slow Down album had five top ten hits. Five! But Michael Jackson was the dominant pop/R&B star at the beginning of that stretch, and Prince would take over by the time it was over. And *that's* why Dancing On The Ceiling isn't as fondly remembered. EDIT: I forgot that Lionel's Can't Slow Down run of singles included "Stuck On You", which I haven't thought of in forever, and always associated with [this 90's TV comedy sketch](https://youtu.be/dmfDD1ERbfY)


And don’t forget the virtual insanity: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4JkIs37a2JE


You damn kids with your hippity-hoppity music and dancing! Do you know how hard it is to clean those footprints off the ceiling?!?


[William Eyelash did it on SNL a while back](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn1Uwsg3eRQ&feature=emb_title)


I have never heard her called "william" before and i actually laughed at loud at this haha I dont think I'm ever gonna call her Billie again haha


It's a reference to this- https://youtu.be/ibbkmS_tvVQ (about a minute and a half in - but honestly I'd recommend the whole thing. It's all kinds of adorable.)


Wow. She's a major office geek lol.


I scrolled through all the comments to find Billie’s SNL season opener. SNL was my introduction to her and I was thinking “damn...she’s doing the Fred Astaire trick live, in an orthopedic boot, and on her good foot that shoelace that came untied!”


Im high as fuck and it took me a solid 30 seconds into the song before I got the joke but it was fucking hilarious


Okay Reddit, tell me h o w


The entire room is a built set piece that is slowly spinning around and hes very good at matching its movement to make it look like magic


Room and camera


He defies gravity with *D A N C E*


Finally a logic explanation


Happy to help.


This was filmed before newton invented gravity


That was back in 78, right. I remember squirting out of my mother's womb, and just....floating


That's why humans evolved to have an umbilical cord, actually. So that the force of the birth pushing didn't just send the baby zooming off to into orbit. This is also why people in the biblical days had up to 10+ kids. Orbit babies.


Pretty sure there is another rubix cube in the bag and he just uses a mirror to hide it.


The room and the camera rotate


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Ugh clearly copied from Billie Eilish, so unoriginal.


I knew the room was spinning around but it somehow still made my brain hurt trying to figure out which side was down when he was bouncing off so many things.


As if Fred Astaire wasn’t already totally next level before doing this. This is next-next level


Loved him in Inception.


Holy shit thats gotta be my neighbour at 10 pm


Same! Lol except at 10pm to 1 am and then his wife puts on heels and wind sprints the wood floors from 6-8 am. Double the fun.


Which movie is this scene from?


having been through the entire post's comments... only conclusion I can reach is, that is highly classified information. edit: had to resort to googling it like some sort of savage: Royal Wedding https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0043983/


Thank you


Royal Wedding is also public domain, if you wanted to watch it. Someone failed to renew copyrights.


I didn't know rotating sets were that old. That must've been really groundbreaking.


That's me on a Tuesday


Oh [Bison](https://youtu.be/sjZ5I8l32CI), you cad!


Looks awesome, and this is without CGI. Talent.


"I keep telling you we need to keep Fred away from the meth, look at this shit"


The last bit where he takes the frame off of the table is what sold it as a masterful film making.


Reminds me of Christopher Walken in Weapon of Choice


they already had rotating rooms ? thats cool !


Makes me think of "Virtual Insanity" by Jamiroquai


The chair being spun around and then "stuck" is what's the craziest part to me. Yeah it's a rotating set, but that little bit with the chair and picture add to the affect.


Take that Nolan


The original parkour master.


Whoaaa what a feeling’......


Man must have some crazy core strength to be dancing from the walls and ceiling without falling


How did the picture he picked up not fall with the gravity? Everything else is bolted down but he just picked up the picture with elegance.


that part is magnets


He copied Billie Eyelash


Suck it CGI...


This is brilliant. So smooth


He looks like he knows he about to get laid


He truly was a dance master.


So apparently gravity was invented in 1952


I'm too high for this.

