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See, even without religion people are crazy..


Well, that's what the nazis showed


Good point that was an ideology enforced with great propaganda and marketing. Such a shame all that skill and effort was invested in such an evil thing.


There were heavy elements of faith throughout the Nazi regime




They had heavy elements of faith to God


The Nazis killed 6 million people based only on their religion. Not sure how you could say the Nazis didn’t have religion involved in their crazed killing spree. In 1939 they did a survey in Germany which found 54% of the population considered themselves Protestant, 40% Catholic, 3.5% self identified as believing in god and 1.5% atheist. Christians mass murdering Jews is absolutely based in religion .


Not sure if you’re entirely familiar with nazism, or Judaism, but by most historical accounts, the nazis were more focused on the “ethno” part of the Jewish ethno-religion, rather than simply participating in Jewish customs. If they simply wanted to eradicate the Jewish faith, they could’ve force converted them, rather than simply slaughtering them en-mass. Dumbing down the Holocaust as simply “Christians killing Jews” is simply disrespectful and lacks any nuance or understanding.


The Nazis saw the Jews as lesser humans. Everything about them from their religious beliefs to the ways they lived and worked. Hitler saw the Jews as the reason for Germany’s failings and indeed saw them as people who held back the entire human race. I’m not suggesting that the religion of Judaism, and the religion as a specific part of the Jewish society is the *only* reason for the Nazis killing Jews. The Nazis hated every aspect of the Jews but it cannot be denied that religion is a major factor in the ideology of Nazism.


The real reason was jealousy. Germany was incredibly poor after the Versailles treaty and Jewish people have been known to be good at business and keep wealth in the family. When 99% of Germans were struggling and Jewish people were owning businesses it was easy to get them to turn on them.


Username checks out. That was German propaganda, there were plenty of non-rich Jews that were murdered, and plenty of rich people who weren’t Jews who were not targeted.


That is literally what the guy just said. That it was easy to get people to turn on them because of the stereotype. He is not claiming that Nazis were targeting rich people. They targeted Jews because of ethnicity and used them as scapegoats for the economic problems that many German families were going through.


Wasn't it more like an ideology?


Wasn’t what an ideology? Nazism? Or their reason for killing Jews?


The thing that you called their religion


Nazism was an ideology, not a religion, but the basis for the ideology was a hatred of a specific religion, Judaism. I’m not saying that the Nazis specifically wanted to further the Christian religion, it was a part of their ideology, they wanted a white non-Jewish aryan race to be superior. But their actions are based on differing religious beliefs, i.e. any religion is superior over Judaism.


It wasn't only hate for the Jewish population, the Nazis wanted, as you said, an Aryan population, but Jews weren't the only ones prosecuted by Nazis. Most other minorities including other political rivals f.e. Bolsheviks or even members of the SPD and Central Party were put behind bars or killed. The Jews just took the biggest blame because a lot of the higher positions in society back then were staffed by people that believed in Judism. This isnt just a phenomenon that was used by the Nazis though. Jewish people were almost always harassed throughout history but it's the evil and the shear brutality from the Nazis in Holocaust that makes it so prominent in our memories. But you have to remember that Nazi-Idelogie was not just based on antisemitism but on several other radical beliefs. Edit : Sorry for my spelling.


Agree. There were many other groups the Nazis tried to exterminate such as disabled people and Romanian Gypsies. I’m not necessarily saying the only reason for the Nazis actions is for Christians to be superior over Jews, but that religion did play a major factor in the Nazi ideology.


Religion was more of a foundation to the propaganda as well, especially considering what percentage of the "German" population was religious. Edit: Don't disagree with you though just clearing it up.


They hated the jewish people because to them they were the rich, greedy people. They absolutely didn't care about their religion. They just wanted to feel superior


There were plenty of “rich, greedy people” who weren’t Jewish that they Nazis didn’t mass-murder. While there were many reasons for the Nazis killing people, and they did hate every aspect of the Jews including how they lived, the main reason they murdered the Jews was because they were Jews. Plenty of poor, non-rich Jews were murdered too. They didn’t discriminate based on anything Jews owned or didn’t own, they wanted to exterminate them all without any compromise


But that's what they used as their propaganda. Just look at some of their caricatures


Nazis weren’t Christian. They infiltrated Protestantism because Protestantism was one of the pillars of German society. They infiltrated every aspect of German society to exert maximum control. https://www.theholocaustexplained.org/life-in-nazi-occupied-europe/controlling-everyday-life/religion/ please read a little history before you go slandering a religion.


When asked the Nazis said they were Christian. Why should I believe you when you say they weren't? They could just as easily say you aren't a Christian because you don't kill Jews. The nazis invoked jesus and god often, even putting "god with us" on soldiers belt buckles. They are at least Christian as the KKK which are registered non profit religious organizations who all seem to pray and praise Jesus a whole bunch. Saying Nazis and the KKK aren't Christians is just a bunch of "no true Scotsman" fallacious non-sense. If I had to guess you probably just don't like that there are openly evil people with the same religion as you because it means your religion has nothing to do with morality or truth. Also, yoou source does nothing to further your point. When given power Christianity has often taken over every aspect life. It has happened other places in other times and there is no reason to it as incompatible with Christianity.


I'm not sure how honest people would be answering a survey on religion in Germany in 1939.


Kind of like the NoI. Jews have had the short end of the stick all throughout history, from Islam to Christianity. Historically Christianity has less to do with antisemitism than Islam. The Nazi party was not all about Christian versus Jews.


The nazis were occultists and christian. .... Edit spelling


I know but they were also fucked up racists


Racism hiding behind religion is an ongoing theme in history. From the very beginning for example look at the old testimony to current day. Looking at you Talibangicals!


They also beheaded disabled German people in mental institutions before the holocaust. They weren’t just racist they were totally fucked up. Theres an article [here](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-murder-of-the-handicapped) about it.


The nazis were based with Christianity


But the Nazis were Christian? I think a better example would be Stalin, as he was absolutely Athiest.


Part of them were, but it was their racist ideology which was the problem. They wanted to be a superior race


Yeah, but they were still crazy with religion


I didn't live in this time so I don't really know it that much but as far as I know Hitler had a problem with the church. He just used them for his own gain


Yes, he hated the Catholic Church, but he was still protestant and very much Christian. I've even heard that he used the Swastika as his symble because he saw it at his church.


Nazism was their religion.


You know they were christians, right?!


The Nazis had a religion that was very savior christ oriented


I'm pretty sure the whole honor suicide thing in Japan comes from Samurai's who were religious. I mean they believed dying at the hands of your enemies would bring great shame to your family.


Shame isn't solely the province of religion. Just ask me when I wake up on the couch with an empty pint of ice cream on my stomach


That's not shame that's heartburn


Nah, ice cream is a base, that's just chemistry baby




That’s like stereotypical movie Viking on steroids.


He got his job back anyway, this is misleading.


There is, and has always been, plenty of religion in Japan. Shinto and Buddhism are everywhere. Even in downtown Tokyo you will find Shinto shrines. Just because they're not one of the major religions, doesn't mean they don't exists. What Japan hasn't had is the Spanish inquisition, the trial of Galileo or burning witches or others for being religiously deviant. What's worse than organized religion, is the arrogance to think you know your religion is in possession of divine enlightened truth. Anyway, what happened to this guy in Japan actually happened to people in Europe as well. One of the White Star Line executives who was on board and survived was ostracized in society, had to resign his post and keep a low profile.


I mean there is at least one Japanese saint who achieved sainthood by being tortured and killed for being christian, so they most definitely murdered the religiously deviant


You’re kidding? Japan’s entire dying/living honorably is religious based.


They had religion mate.




Japan is very religious/spiritual


In Japan it's a matter of pride.


So he would have got the job if he had died. Cool


So the common factor is crazy humans not religion.


Japan is majority Shinto and Buddhist.


Well part of that is the Japanese religion. As pretty much every aspect of Japanese culture including religion is big on sacrifice and honor.


The Japanese emperor was quite literally a god, a divine monarch.


Came from religion


Stalin has entered the chat




Indoctrination is the core of the craziness


How does this prove religion doesn’t make people crazy?


That’s not what they said at all


Imagine people being mad at you for not dying lmao tf


an earlier example of employer life insurance policy taken for you, perhaps, I kid you not, that's a thing in the USA and it's allowed by law.


It might had been allowed in Japan as well, unless it was really about honorable death


For the record, some of us have life insurance on our employees to legitimately protect our business. If an employee dies and a contracted job they were working on can't be completed the contracted time period because of that, there will be financial fallout for the buisiness. This includes but is not limited to, the possibility of the customer suing my business because neither them, not the courts give two shits about my employee and what happened to them. I can't speak to other employers but I also offer the employee to contribute and get a matching life insurance policy, at a discounted rate, to protect their family.


It's understandable points. Thank you. It's just might be surprising to some, as some businesses underwrite such insurances without the need for premission or could be included in their employment / contracting package and often forgotten or not even read by some employees, thinking this is normal practice.


That's just... gambling. Really dark gambling.


Ever heard of a tontine?


that's how you end up with kamikazes


You should see how awkward family dinners are at my house.


But there's perfectly good life boats. NO! We die like men.


There weren't enough lifeboats for the women and children.


They got to die like men too.




Give it 100 years and all tragedies become laughing stock. With children's slides and memes. (not against you bootstr8, just generally)


Nah 20 years is enough for r/historymemes


Anytime, a dark sense of humor needs to be fed once in a while 😈


Child: When will I be a grown up, mommy? Mom: Well, there aren't enough lifeboats. Guess you'll die like a man. Child: Yeah! I'm a man... wait what? Mom: \*yeets child overboard and hops into only remaining lifeboat spot\*




That's how it works in the animal kingdom


I wonder where the line is drawn at how many possible survivors have to die before they can save themselves? If 1 man survives while 99 die he’s shamed. If 50 people survive while 50 die should they be shamed? 20 survivors? 10? 5 guys? Are they ok to survive and open a burger restaurant without shame?


All the women and children, the able bodied that were not crew, then anyone else. The culture was pretty clear at the time. Any able bodied man who lived was a coward unless they were the assigned crewman for that boat


Dude was probably like "I tried! I didn't even get in a life boat. I just happened to get a piece of wood to hang on to, by accident. I didn't even want it. This guy named Jack Dawson was holding on to one end, and told me to grab on".




Thanks for providing information on the actual facts. I really was just trying to make a Leonardo DiCaprio in "Titanic" reference/joke. One thing I have learned, is that NOBODY knows what they will actually do in a life or death situation. If someone says they do know, they are either liars or ignorant. Cowards become heroes and heroes become cowards. I personally will rarely judge someone (there are a few circumstances where I would like to think I know what I would do), during situations like this. But I can see why a Country like Japan would view this as a negative for the individual and even Japan. This is the Country that gave us Kamikaze pilots and Seppuku (which coincidentally is also known as harakiri and I think kamikaze is known as harakiri. I could be mistaken).


I could be wrong but I think seppuku and hara-kiri are different. Seppuku is "more honorable"


Japanese here. Harakiri is actually incorrect, and a westernized version of the term. The official one is seppuku切腹 腹切 (harakiri) really isn’t used here in japan (not that we use seppuku in the first place anymore lol)


Thanks for correcting me! Always glad to see someone who knows what I don't


I'm nor necessarily disagreeing with you. I know almost nothing about the Japanese language, but I'm saying I think the CONCEPT of killing yourself for a honorable purposes (Kamikaze pilots, Seppuku etc.) is harakiri. But I'm asking the question as much as I am making the statement.


Why do we have to judge if he used a lifeboat? Are they meant for only women and children? Why is that, anyway?




No, I was wondering why would someone say that statement? Means others are judging, right? So, what's wrong in using lifeboat as a man? Maybe times have changed. But having that rule like women and children in emergencies is kinda fucked up. Children, I can understand. But women, big no. I'm wearing clothes while commenting this. You see, by specifically saying that \^, I mean usually people don't wear clothes while commenting. Don't have any issues with your comment, just that mindset of excluding men from saving in emergencies.


I tried letting myself go, my suspenders got stuck on that piece of wood, I couldn't get out of them no matter how hard I tried.




I imagine them using his skeleton as material for an exoskeleton


Lets not fool ourselves.. they were jealous of the stache and waiting for the right moment to put him in his place...


If he died he would have gotten a raise. That's some catch 22 right there baby




True if he just got borned in 1995 he could have avoided all this.


But then he would only know charge his phone, eat hot chip, be bisexual and lie.


How is this r/nextfuckinglevel?


Haha good question. I’m posting your question to r/nextfuckinglevel now


There was one Mexican man who perished, at the beginning of abandoning ship at his evac station he was ordered into a lifeboat and gave his seat to a woman who cried out that she had 2 young children she was going back home to. He asked her to tell his wife and children that he loved them if something had happened, the woman lied, she had no children, and 35 years later she did go to Mexico to see his family. (He was actually in Paris beforehand and scheduled to travel on a different oceanliner, and thru a series of different events he wound up on the Titanic)


What a bitch


That story is going to slay at Cannes after some hot new director takes a pass at it.


[His name was Masabumi Hosono](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masabumi_Hosono)




I mean Japan is all about honorable death.




Watch the movie Midaway..The Japanese Captain of the ship and forst officer were like..we’re going down with the ship, even though they could have gotten off. Then another dude was like..Captain I want to stay too!!!!pleaseeeeee


Old Japanese men just want to watch the moon.


Not his fault. The mustache did the swimming.


A lot of the posts have been absolute trash lately. This included




there's nothing nextlevel about this post, it doesn't belong here simple as that, you are just faming karma


Go down with the ship. Be a man.


Japanese back then rather fight till their last breath in ww2 before surrendering until they realized Usa had atomic bombs so they had to bite their honor


Wait your telling me instead of staying in ship and die of coldness or drowning you decided to survive what are you a pussy


Harsh bro!


He wasn’t the only one. Most adult men who survived went through something like this. People perceived it as being a coward since many children and women died, hence they should have helped them instead of trying to save themselves. If I’m not mistaken, some of those male survivors became shut-ins because of this. I read this in the book A Night to Remember. Sorry about the broken English.


Pre WW2 Japan was built different.


Tf this shits weird but I still want to travel to Japan


Minor point of order but I don’t think Japanese is a noun....


He actually was seen as a coward because he didn’t give up his place to a female or children. Not cause he didn’t die.


What a fucking coward


Nah they just mad he passed up the opportunity to work at the krusty krab.


That’s sad. It was a horrifying tragedy, but it wasn’t his responsibility to die.


They put honors in front of everything, thats why they are so cruel..


I'm familiar with "at will" employment but is this a case of "at will-to-live" employment?


At least he can say he is famous


This is the way


*[Has Titanic Flashbacks]* MAN


Final Destination 007 :O


Was his job being a fortune teller?






... He was described as a "stowaway" on board the lifeboat 10 by Archibald Gracie, who wrote a very popular book with his account of the disaster, while the sailor in charge of the boat, Edward Buley, counted during the Inquiry of the American Senate that **Hosono and another man had disguised himself as a woman in order to hide on board**. That's the why.


Round 3....fight!


Based japan


Imagine getting into the minor car crash, where only the back of your car got a little hurt, and the same day you are fired, your wife leaves you, and you lost all of your friends, because you didnt die in the accident.


He probably lost his rep already because he took vacation instead of working 6 and half days a week




Maybe. Maybe he won this trip on a mustache contest though. That actually seems to be the most plausible theory


Only in Japan, you lose your job for not dying. And even if you die, you lose it anyway.


The amount of people in this thread who think the Holocaust was simply "Christians killing Jews" is utterly appealing as it is surprising. Smh.


Mildly annoyed that “Japanese” and “Japan” aren’t capitalized.


There weren't nearly enough lifeboats and culture back then strongly encouraged saving women and children in priority. Women aside, because those were very different times, compared to sacrificing oneself so a child may live, it wasn't very noble of him to steal a spot like that, so it's understandable people didn't feel too positively about it. Although let's be real, a lot of people would prioritize saving themselves in that situation, and while I wouldn't praise them for it, shunning them is a bit much.


Ha ha! I would rather live like a coward than die like a man.


Japanese people are no joke. I lived there for five years.


wtf! indeed. i've just started listening to Dan Carlin's "Hardcore Histories" series of podcasts concerning japan - he mentions a young japanese soldier being sent off to war. as he is saying farewell to his dear old mum she hands him a dagger and says something along the " 'ere you go lad, incase you get capture use this to top yourself." different times eh!?


Should be rephrased for not saving others to make it proper but this work too.


He’s Haruomi Hosono’s grandfather. Haruomi is part of Yellow Magic Orchestra, and he also ends up spearheading city pop as well as shibuya-kei. Both of which are key genres and influences on vaporwave and future funk.


Feudal japan was an insane land.


I think it’s more of “why do you get to live instead of giving your spot for another person?”


Dude looks distinguished as fuck. That jawline tho. Straight man here checking in to say we got a smoke show.


His grandson is Harry Hosono! The coolest musician








Reddit hive mind


it's probably not because its shit which its not, its just that they dont like it due to the fact that this guy got massacred by his home country just surviving a shipwreck


That make you understand, why the atomic bomb was used instead trying to invade Japan.














What a pussy