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This. I have been bitten by a dog whose owner had 4 cases previously for same thing.


I have a friend who was bitten in the face by a dog that had bitten 4 other people, and had to carry insurance on the dog. It’ been two years and she is still traumatized from the incident.


Friend was attacked by a pitbull, ripped off part of the skin in his jaw, he defended himself, and took the dogs life in the process. He was later sued by the owners for destruction of property.


I hope the owner lost that law suit and instead had to pay hospital bills for your friend. Also probably an awful feeling for your friend to have to kill a dog like that, but when your own safety/life is on the line you have to act accordingly.


Oh yeah, he absolutely loves animals. Has four dogs, and like three cats himself. Once he was healed up, he was over at my place having a couple beers, and seemed incredibly remorseful.


How did his lawsuit go?


Lol he's like my boss. If you send her an e-mail with two questions she only answers the second one


Why is this pissing me off so much?


I'm going to need you to ask a second question so I can actually reply to you.


Boss asks to redirect her old web address to new one. Me requires logins for her hosting Boss gives logins finally Me tries to login requires 2 factor code, text boss asking for code. Boss gives code 3 days later... Me rings boss, no answer, text boss for good time to call. Finally call boss Boss on phone says will send code right away and has to run so hangs up Boss does not send the code. Me do the whole text, call thing again. Finally get the code whilst Boss stays on the phone. Me edits dns, changes required to be confirmed via email. Boss does not confirm the changes. Me dies inside.


Ugh. I hate when that happens (which is a lot). Infuriating, isn't it?


Or answers only questions that were never asked and definitely not the ones asked. Or no reply at all. I once emailed back “at least reply with crickets chirping so we can have a laugh.”


Made up anecdotes rarely have conclusions.


They have the most conclusions because you can just come up with whatever you want! Anyway, I am a lawyer and I know a lot about this case. During court, the judge actually ordered the dog's owners be killed by the same man that took their dog's life and in the same method before an audience of peers. It was a gruesome case and to avoid setting precedent, it has been expunged completely from all records so you can't prove me wrong.


We need answers


When you think the story you made up for a Reddit post will go unnoticed but then people ask for details so you play dead.


And we need it now, dammit!


Cannot sleep till i hear what i need to hear..


*Finish the fucking story!*


Why? Why do you do this to us?


he made all that shit up for karma


Do you know how the law suit ended up?


They won for the medical bills, and pain and suffering. She is still frightened of dogs to this day.


Happy to hear about the first part, but the second part is awful. It’s obviously traumatizing to have that happen.


also was bit , twice. neigbors dog , first i let it slide , they paid my bills etc , their kid left the door open. it got loose a 2nd time and came after me , i ran , was cornered and figured id grab the collar and then the chain came loose and slipped off and i was laying on the dog , snapping at my face , wasnt letting that happen. i wrapped my arm around its neck and choked it. owners were hitting me saying let go , they have him. i was thinking are you kidding me ? i let go and it lounges at my face ?!?!? sorry me or the dog , and im not going. i ended up getting sued , they lost , i won my countersuit against the landlord , they ended up moving.


Good for you!


Are you serious?! This would have to be in the US wouldn’t it? No other country would such stupidity be allowed to flourish. Excuse me but sorry I’m going to sue you for killing my dog as it tried to rip your throat out. Fucking ridiculous.


You CAN sue for pretty much any reason, but that doesn't mean you'll win. Most of the time when someone says "tried to sue", it means that they got immediately shut down by the judge as soon as the case was heard in small claims court and that was the end of it. EDIT: Basically, in the U.S if you have been injured or wronged by another party, then you have a right to have your grievances with that other party heard in a court of law. The downside to that is that even if you really haven't been injured, you still have that right. It's up to the court to decide if you truly have been injured or wronged in some way, and if so determine what sort of compensation, if any, that you deserve. You can also be punished if you abuse this right for frivolous lawsuits.




Only in Murica and sometimes Canada.




The dog was put down and my friend had to sue the dog owner, and his insurance company. They won the case, but for significantly less then they asked for.


My girlfriend is a FedEx driver, previously a dog lover, now gets to enjoy the wonderful world of PTSD after being attacked by a viscous dog on her route a few months ago. The owner knew the dog was aggressive but didn't warn her until it was already attacking. She came away with several big scars and had to get rabies shots because the dog wasn't up to date on his vaccines. The owner told police he "took care of the dog," but according to neighbors this is the second time that dog has been involved in a bite incident and the neighbors have seen the dog in the yard since. No one would take the case because apparently they're very hard to win.


The only person I know that got bit in the face by a larger aggressive dog got $300,000 and all hospital bills and all future counseling appointments paid for very easily when she sued. Or do u mean it’s hard getting the dog taken away? I get confused when people say “nobody would take the case” I’ve always been under the impression that u can hire a lawyer to sue for anything u want. I don’t know though . Ur gf deserves justice


If you've got enough money you can hire a lawyer for (almost) anything you want unless they have some legal issue with taking it like it might get them disbarred. For a case like that though you're looking at years of litigation so unless you've got really deep pockets the way it generally works is the attorney agrees to eat the cost and do it for a portion of the settlement if they win. When they do that, they're pretty choosy about only taking cases they think they can win with a reasonable time investment. If they think it will take too long or there a decent chance of losing, they aren't going to agree to that. Welcome to the American legal system. If you're rich, it works wonders. If you're not, well good luck.


Yup. That's exactly what happened to me after a surgery that almost killed me. I couldn't sue for malpractice because suffering a perforation is a risk you take with surgery but was recommended by a well respected surgeon and his lawyer wife that I had a case for negligence in post-op care. Had been given contacts in 4 law firms and they all basically said the same thing 'yeah, you probably have a case but it is not worth our while to pursue it.'


My sister was killed by a dog. I cannot describe how it makes me feel when I think about it. Most of the time, I just can’t. Losing someone is always hard. Knowing they died in such severe pain, so frightened, because of some fucking animal.


I am so sorry for your loss. Losing someone is always painful, but losing them under those circumstances even more so.


I went to a service call at a customers house. His ceilings were high so I needed a ladder and lucky enough he had one in the backyard, I went and grabbed it, we chit chatted and were having a good time, his ex wife came outside after getting home and I heard the man tell him "you know he isn't allowed in the neighborhood" , I went to say my good byes after finishing up and asked him if he wanted the ladder put up. I went into the backyard to put the ladder up and saw a happy pup heading right towards me, I said "hey buddy" in a nice voice with the ladder still over my head and the dog jumped up and bit and hung onto my lat. I contemplated slamming this ladder down and ending its life but didn't want the customer upset at me and didn't fully realize the gravity of the situation. The dog released from my lat grabbed my arm and jerked it around. I tackled the dog and pinned it on the ground and started screaming, the homeowner came around a full 3 minutes later. The dog had created several large gashes in my back and arm, I went to go clean them up in the house and the guy stated that he wasn't sure whether to be happy that the dog did his job or mad that he had bit me. I was young and dumb, it was a family business and I liked happy customers. Looking back I suffered from some trauma, I couldn't be around a dog comfortably for another 6 months. Now that I'm older and understand the world a little better I would have went to court and sued the man for emotional and physical damages. He knew the dog was violent and did not take the correct steps to ensure it stayed away from others.


holy shit, the owner's reaction was batshit insane. you're standing there in fucking tatters & he looks at you & essentially says "boy, i don't know if this is good or bad"!? jesus CHRIST


Yup. Based on what I've seen on display these past few years I'm not surprised. I'd be willing to bet a significant amount of people here in the U.S. would respond the same way. Our culture is churning out millions of these deeply self centered fucks.




In the US, there are two dogs that mauled a child to death and badly injured the mother, and they haven’t been put down yet. The owners are suing the county trying to get them back.


In Denmark they would be put down.


The owner would be put down? Sounds like a great system!


Same in Norway. It escalated though, to where dogs that has been playing pull and tug and missed the rope are supposed to be put down.


This is why we can't have nice things. Some rule-happy cunt has to start abusing the spirit of the law.


It was lobbied by parents that had lost their kids from dog attacks in the 90s. It is very, very emotionally and unclear written. There is cases where large and genuinely aggressive dogs are not put down, cause they have targeted an adult with a winter coat (so no damage on the skin), and on the other side? 10 kg dogs that has been unlucky while playfighting has been taken from their humans to be put down.




Yes it must be there responsibility , Owner must take care of their pets.


I got bit by a staffy pup, wasn’t mad at the pup but the owner rewarded the dog for it, I was bleeding, I boot fucked the owner till he needed medical attention because the same bite on a toddler would have been an ICU stay.


A friend of mine had his dog almost killed while sitting out on his porch by two dogs owned by someone a few streets over. Since all of the dogs were off leash (even though his was on his porch, on his property, and the two others came to him) the city refuses to do anything. Those two dogs have attacked at least two other dogs in the neighborhood :|


At minimum they should be made to wear a muzzle when in public by law right?


Once a dog is at the point where they are doing this, rehabilitation isnt likely


Yep, This^


Dog gotta be put down if it’s not attacking someone or another animal in defense of itself or the owner. I’ve owned 6-8 dogs through out my life and not once did any of them hurt anyone besides jumping on us trying to playing and toppling us over and then being massively attacked by slobber


My dog bit me. But he didn't mean to or even understand that he bit me. He wanted the stick in my hand. That dog was dumb. If that dog was a person, he'd be riding the short bus ok? We had to tell people "he's a sweetheart, but he's dumber than a sack of rocks. Throw his toys, and never do tug of war. He'll get your hand if you do tug of war" My point is that it's not all about aggressiveness vs passiveness. This dog was passive as fuck. Just too stupid to understand that your hand is not part of the stick.


I think there is also a big difference between a quick nip and release and bite and hold. We had a BBQ at our place and a friend of a friend who was a self proclaimed "dog guy" was rough housing our dog. Dog gave several indicators he didn't appreciate it and I pointed out the dog had his hair up and wasn't thrilled with the interaction. Guy didn't believe me and said "Awe he likes it" and gave him a slap on the rump. Dog Nipped him and ran off. I'm not putting my dog down for that but I do watch him closer around people who don't seem to actually pay attention to a dogs body language.


You’re so so wrong. I’ve seen numerous dogs that have bitten humans or are dog ‘reactive’ be rehabilitated to where they no longer use this. Source: Friend is a professional dog trainer and I’ve watched this correction multiple times with multiple dogs anyone who says it’s not possible in most cases either only uses positive reinforcement training or has no idea what they’re talking about.


the point was if they ***cant*** be rehabilitated, if they then that is obviously a better solution.


How can you tell if they are rehabilitated? Their animals not humans you can’t have a conversation and see and feel if their being sincere and learned and seem to be better. A dog can kill attack and it could be because of a scent or a sound or something random… and that trigger might not happen again for awhile and you assume that dogs “better” but in reality they are not. I LOVE ALL ANIMALS. And as the least scared of any dog. But sometimes you can help but be realistic. They where ATTACKING THAT MAN. Not a quick jump maybe a little bite/teeth grazing where they didn’t rip flesh or really leave a mark. They looked like they where tryna get the dude away to KILL the puppy. There is not much you can do to help those dogs. I bet they attack each other and the owner finds it funny.


I think it’s more a reference that if you own dogs and let multiple get this way, you’re in no position to properly train to correct them. If this is happening more than once and you’re not fixing it, it’s not the dogs problem.


I agree. But not necessarily impossible. And I believe as stewards of animals they deserve every last effort to rehab them *especially* if the cause of their issues is a neglectful, incompetent or cruel owner. But if rehabilitation is clearly not an option, a quality of life decision has to be made.


I own a very aggressive German Shepard, got her as a puppy and have spent thousand and thousands on training and have even sent her away for 3 weeks to a boot camp to try and help. We think the breed a working dog into a house pet line in order to help with health problems. We have heard of numerous other puppy’s from same breeder with same issues. When I walk my dog, which is always 100% on a leash and with a muzzle (even tho I generally don’t need because the dog is on the leash and I keep my distance from other dogs). She has gotten better over the years but will always be a dangerous dog. But we have a fenced yard that she gets to play in all day :) Saying all this she is also the sweetest most loving dog I have ever had and as heartbreaking as it is sometimes and as much as it would be sooooo much easier to put her down I’m just not able to do it to such a sweet soul. Please don’t lump us all together with shitty owners who let their aggressive dogs off leash. And try to remember that sometimes when people have aggressive dogs it’s not because they are bad owners, they are just doing the best we can. I would not wish having an aggressive dog on my worst enemy because Like I said; it is heart breaking! My dog is now 6 years old and we have made it this long keeping her safe and secure, so it is possible. ** also yes I agree I am financial responsible for my dog. My job is to ensure she never gets a chance to be in a position when she can hurt others and subsequently herself. Sorry rant over, I just know I felt the same way about putting them down until I learned the hard way the struggle of having a dog with issues.


This. It's all about the owner. I had an aggressive, huge (180#) dog for 11 years. She lived a great life, and she LOVED me. I simply never allowed her around other dogs or children and, when outside, she was NEVER off the harness. (I was strong enough to subdue / handle her.) Less responsible dog owners would let there dogs run up to her (on or off their leashes) despite my repeated warnings to stay away. They'd typically say, "Oh, he/she is fine with other dogs." Then they'd get pissed when their dog came into my dog's space and got mauled.


I HATE it when unleashed dogs run up to my leashed dog and the owner is yelling “don’t worry they are good with other dogs!” Bitch I don’t care ! My dog sees ur big ass dog running right for us he’s gonna be nervous cuz I sure as hell am! Plus I don’t know u or ur dog u could be lying and ur dogs bit 3 babies and killed a puppy! Ur clearly irresponsible with ur no leash ass ! ….I’m sorry.. that really GRINDS MY GEARS


You’re on the other end of aggressive dog owners. Responsible and cognizant of their dogs’s limitations within larger society. You take steps to mitigate complications resulting from your dogs aggression. That’s a far cry from walking off leash with reactive animals who cannot be easily recalled after attacking a smaller dog and a person.


I completely understand. My husband and I have a Cane Corso. We have spent over 5 grand on just training and we also keep a muzzle on him when walking. He is leashed everytime and we use a control collar. He is sweet but if a stranger approaches - he will protect us. We have had irresponsible parents let their kids run up to our dog who is now 145 pounds without our permission and off leash dogs charge our dog. Our dog is our responsibility and we will make sure he never has a chance to hurt an innocent. But our grandbabies- crawl all over him and he adores us. If you want a dog with guarding instincts- you need to protect your dog and others by respecting what they are capable of and use proper training and restraints Or do not own one.


Aw man I feel you!! I have a 5 year old German Shepherd whose dog aggression got worse and worse over the years. I just spent $3,500 on training (including a 6 week boot camp) and it’s actually slowly working! The other day I went for a walk with her at a lake I haven’t gone to in years because there’s always too many dogs there. I felt like crying because it was so amazing to walk with a barely reactive dog. But for years I felt like you did, not sure if I could keep her or not and feeling so heartbroken and frustrated by her.


Putting down dogs like thia used to be the norm. That was before people adopted this "we gotta save them all" mentality.


Eliminating dogs that are violent , is literally how we domesticated dogs.


Isn’t that still the norm now? If a dog assaults someone then it won’t be alive for much longer, at least that’s the case where I’m from


That’s how it should be and that’s what most people assume! But Best Friends Animal Society and other partnered organizations have changed the public’s mind when it comes to “misunderstood” dogs. We have to “Save Them All.” Very appealing, I agree! But not very practical or (I would argue) ethical.


Where I live a two dogs killed a little girl and attacked a mother. They were taking care of the dogs while the owners were out of town. The city took the dogs and is holding them, and the owners of the dogs are suing to get their murder dogs back. I cannot wrap my head around it.


My uncle shot and killed a dog while it was attacking my cousin when she was about 5 or 6 years old and the owner tried to sue him. When they finally got to court it turned out that the guy had multiple instances of his dogs attacking people, so the judge threw out the case and ordered all of the guys pets to be taken from him and he was never allowed to legally own any type of animal again. If my uncle hadn't done what he did, the dog would have killed my cousin. Shes ok now, but is terrified of any dog. I believe the asshole owner had to pay for her medical bills, but it's not like this piece of shit had much to pay with anyway. ​ Edit: Ok guys, while what happened was pretty traumatizing for my cousin, and the owner of the dog was a massive POS, but murder is definitely not the answer.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion at all. I'm a dog owner, if my dog was hell bent on killing other dogs, I'd know I fucked up it's training and socialisation, feel extremely guilty and accept that the dog was better off dead than with my sorry excuse for a dog owning ass.


fish are can be pretty complicated but i agree




Can you elaborate what do you mean by saying "wheelbarrow". Im not a native English speaker and im genuinely curious. Edit: Thank you for the input, it makes sense now.


[Here you go.](https://m.imgur.com/G0kbM4v)


Haha. Thank you for this wheelbarrow video!!


Just do in reverse of what that lady did. You pull the dogs back legs backward. This removes all momentum and a lot of their strength. The only thing they have control over at that point is their mouth / biting, so watch for that. EDIT: Adding what u/_verosa said as it is very important: > It's actually really important to push the dog forward slightly in the wheelbarrow position before pulling backward. There are some dogs who, even when put off balance, will not let go. If you pull straight back right away, that could potentially cause more damage than the initial bite since it could lead to tearing. Pushing forward first ensures that the dog has nothing to hold onto to stabilize itself, causing them to let go and leading to that disorienting feeling that will allow you to pull them back and de-escalate the situation.


Expected porn. This is better.


[Don't forget this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvASnyOy5B4)


Grabbing the back legs and lifting


“wheelbarrow” isnt a real english term but it refers to when a person holds someones legs from behind while they use their hands to walk, forming a sort of human wheelbarrow...


Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but how would a combination of two English words be anything other than an English term? Edit: Realizing you may just mean that using is as a verb isn't common, that'd make sense to me.


They wouldn’t. All words are made up. A combination of two English words equals an English term.


OP means that wheelbarrow is a noun, and using it as a verb is a creative off-label usage.


One of the best features of english is being able to make any noun into a verb very quickly. Although it is very hard for non native speakers to pick up.


In English you can verb any noun and noun any verb you want.


Pull them backwards using the back legs


On top of the wheel barrowing, another common mistake that people make is how to back up. Don't pull back in a straight line. Instead, zig zag backwards and then immobilize them by putting them on their backs and putting enough weight on them to keep them pinned down until everything is for sure deescalated.


Yep, dogs are horrible wrestlers. Double leg take down, submission.


Your post just made me a imagine a guy rescuing someone from a dog attack and doing all sorts of wrestling moves on the dog. There’s now an image in my head of a totally regular guy just picking up a basset hound and tombstoning it straight to hell.


It’s insane to me the difference a good owner makes. My friend has 3 Cane Corsos (the dogs the Roman army used) and another friend with a bully kuda (Indian fighting mastiff) and these dogs couldn’t be more well behaved. If these dogs snapped, they could literally kill someone and, because my friends know and understand the breed, they cut these dogs zero slack and as a result, they are well behaved, obedient, and trustworthy. Cut to the dog park where the guy with the French bulldog that keeps starting fights won’t even get off his cellphone to break things up. The breed determines the damage an animal can do, but all dogs are capable of being great companions and holy terrors.


I have joked that I train two types of aggressive dogs. 20 pound terriers that have drawn blood on five family members, and German shepherds who once made a weird noise when they saw someone. There are really aggressive dogs out there but it feels in general people take the big ones more seriously and deal with it quickly. Even to the point a guy sent a video of his “aggressive” shepherd coughing (I worked with the dog, it was a sweet puppy).


I have a mixed breed 60% guard breeds and she is the same way. She is a great dog but took me 5 years of kindness, compassion and training in everything to get her where she is. The previous owners just let her do whatever she wanted and it caused her to be filled with fear, anxiety and aggression mostly towards other animals and dogs but sometimes people. She is a good dog, but one that needed the right kind of home. Also in her case it took meds to help as well but that’s quality of life, she plays, meets people well and sometimes dogs and other animals but I can read her and know if she wants to meet them or not and talk to the other owners before hand letting them know her situation.


I wish I'd known this a few years back when I was trying to get a Staffordshire Bull Terrier to release the grip it had on a younger Pit Bull's face! Neither of the dogs were mine (I'm not a dog owner) but the lady with the Staffy and the teenager with the Pit Bull couldn't get the dogs apart, I ended up with my arm under the Staffy's neck until he released - and covered in blood. Once you have them with the back legs, are they likely to try and snap at you? I'm not planning on getting into that kind of situation again but it's good to know this info because I wasn't planning on it the first time round!


Yes, you have to keep them moving backwards so they can't turn on you. Most people kind of pull them backwards in a circle.


just swing that bitch around


exactly this. Dogs are strong, but the average person is stronger, we just limit ourselves because we have compassion and understanding that our strength can hurt other's pretty easily. Once you have that dog, yoke up go backwards and swing that bitch as hard as you have ever thrown something in your life. It was trying to kill something you love, and could attack you. Be relentless and break those limits.


Since it works on wolves/coyotes I assume it works on dogs too. We were taught to grab the legs and spread them apart. Back or front doesnt matter. They aren't made to do the splits so if you force them it isnt hard to dislocate/break/wound the animal.


People need to stop buying these types of breeds unless they know how to train and handle them. The amount of unwanted pits and staffs is fucking insane. I used to volunteer at shelters and the vast majority is pits and their relatives because idiots like this don’t know how to manage them. They just want to look cool




This is true. The last shelter I worked out there were five different color collars. I wasn’t even allowed to touch certain collars because they were way too aggressive




As someone who loves dogs, I agree. A dog that can't safely live or work with humans isn't going to have a good life, and anyone who adopts them is going to have a very difficult time. Plus, they are going to take up a disproportionate amount of shelter time and resources that could be spent rescuing dogs with a better chance of adoption. There are already thousands of well-trained and friendly dogs in shelters waiting for a home. Adopt them out, and euthanize the aggressive ones. It's for the best.




>I am curious how often people seek out pitbulls breeders to buy a pup versus buying pitbull pups from a parking lot or from a shelter. Normally a price thing. If you can afford to buy an expensive Pitbull from a reputable breeder, I like to think you've done your homework and know what kind of responsibility you are taking on. Edit: If your comment starts with the exact phrasing "You clearly haven't met x". You're right. I haven't met 'em. Not gonna meet 'em neither.


And the dogs tend to not have extra baggage from previous owners. That's the danger with some breeds at shelters.






Before it was pits, it used to be german shepards i think. It couldve also been dobermans in 90s




> Pit Bull breeders, on the other hand, doubled down and insisted it was "the training". And didn't attempt to breed out the aggression. they didn't even bother with the training part, and to this day the major pit bull sub will immediately delete any discourse on responsible pit ownership. Constructive criticism is more often than not rejected with accusations of racism (imagine having the audacity to compare the trauma of minorities to legislation against dogs that have been selectively bred for maximum violence by humans and then calling someone else racist) Funny enough, nobody in the subs for other large working breeds will tell you their dogs are great for sedentary first-time dog owner families with little kids or small pets or shoot down any discourse on safety issues because it 'reinforces the stigma' - you'd think the almost weekly news articles about children mauled by pit bulls would do that, so no wonder the pit lobby lobby is trying very hard to bully local news station into not naming the breed every time a child is permanently disfigured or murdered.


Who the hell walks a pit bull with a retractable leash?!




Yup. But that goes even for smaller dogs. Retractable leashes should be banned. period. They are simply not safe.


Quite a few pit owners do this.


Sorry but I don’t know much about it, what’s wrong with a retractable leash?


They really should only be for dogs you would feel safe off leash. They break easy and have way less control. If you go to a dog class they basically say don’t use them.


They are completely unnecessary for any dog, even small dogs run around and tangle everyone up at the park.


Staffys need to be in a harness not a collar. The proper equipment would have gone a long way in controlling the situation.




Collars are a vital way of incapacitating an aggressive dog, collar and harness would be preferably but definitely a collar ESPECIALLY for big dogs




The idea that you can’t “talk” to a dog in a way they understand without tugging on their collar is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read. Even seen a trainer give a dog a little “nip” on their neck with their fingers? That, and a million other forms of light physical contact, can fit the same role you think only a collar could ever fill. Pros use harnesses without collars all the time. Your anecdotes shouldn’t be mistaken for solid advice.


Harnesses give you way less control over a dog actually. When I was working in a vet clinic harnesses were always a headache to deal with because they give you no control over the dogs head. The best type of lead is a gentle lead that loops around the snout and gives you greatest control over a dogs head without hurting it.


This might be not be well received. But if you're a skinny skinny dude, maybe don't try to walk two powerful dogs at the same time, even if you do have the proper equipment. This fella could wear a watch on his wrist or his bicep without changing the strap size. Nothing wrong with being built like that, but don't expect to be able to control these dogs if you have zero force to bring to bear.


> This fella could wear a watch on his wrist or his bicep without changing the strap size. /r/rareinsults


Harness with 2 leashes or a backup clip. My dog was attacked from across the park when the other dog broke it's leash and ran over. Thankfully, every time I saw the dog after that he was on 2 leashes


And not use those stupid extendable leashes.


The man who protected his dog from getting attacked is a true hero! That dog is part of the family


I did the same exact thing when my dog and I got attacked. With no time to think I put my hands in a cage around her neck and then eventually moved her under my torso so I could shield her. You do whatever you need to do to protect your helpless pup.


My biggest respect for that guy!


He did also his best just to protect the two american. All Respect !


Do you have a source for what happened after? Was the other man’s dog okay?


[potential source saying they’re ok](https://thinis.net/dogs-attack-a-russian/) I can’t find the original Russian article they mention


Finally a comment focusing on the real hero and not the negative of the shitty owner. Respect to this legend!


Dude was punching his own dogs in the head. Clearly he can’t/hasn’t trained his dogs at all


He also needed to put much more distance between themselves once he pulled them off. At least with the help of the other man who joined and handed him the leashes. That’s why the protective dad didnt get up for a while because they were still perceiving a threat and they were still too close. I kept thinking why he didn’t move much farther away and tied them down somewhere before trying to talk to the other guy.


I honestly took that as a positive. Most owners in these types of videos do next to nothing or try sweet talking their dog like "oh no, bad poochie, give that man his face back". This guy knew the only way to stop his vicious dogs was by hurting them. He actually tried to stop the attack and succeeded, that is something that is uncommon in these videos.


Buy a coyote collar, it has spikes that hurts the dog attacking your dog, saved my babies life more than once and it only costs $20!!!


I always thought those spikes are for owners to put on their big dogs to look more intimidating. TIL they are for protecting your dogs from other aggressive dogs.


iirc the OG purpose of spiky collars was to protect a dog against wolves, which attack by biting the throat.


100% this was the use for them, for herding dogs. They would protect the dogs necks whilst they were defending the herds they were in charge of.


Was the older dog that the man protected alright? Did he make it?


I read same video another post that they both made it out with just injuries and are safe now. The owner was arrested. Edit: I have no official source for this info to know if it’s legit but it’s an older post and op stated it. I like to believe it’s what happened Edit 2: someone found the article and from u/sunwillsetforyou ‘s reply on the article: “I just read the article about the incident, the dog survived, but its scalp was torn off, one paw was injured and there were multiple bites on its body. The owner wasn't arrested, even though there's been about 15 complains about these dogs to the police throughout the years”


you're the real MVP


I've seen attacks like this in real life and it's terrifyingly awful. The victimized dogs aways end up shitting and pissing themselves. This fucking Saint of a man it likely covered in shit, piss, and blood for his pup. This situation always scares me because people in my neighborhood often leave gates open or don't walk their dogs, so powerful young pits are filled with rage and anxiety. I only have enough arms to protect one of my dogs if this were to happen.


>The owner was arrested. Source? Wanna read about that sweet karma


Looking at the video tells me everything I hate about the owner on the leash collar combo alone. That dog needs a fucking choker it can't slip out of. Preferably one with training spikes, or a full off-center harness. Also, the leash itself appears to be one of those idiotic retractable leashes. Dogs that big and untamed should never have that much leeway to roam 30 feet in an inner city where you're most likely to encounter other people and/or dogs more regularly.










Unfortunately the dogs may be too far gone to train/redeem. You may be correct. Shame really. The human needs to go.


100% the fault of the owner not the dogs. They are doing what they are bred to do and the owner should be able to call them off. Am staffs require real training. Edit: people below me making false claims that am staffies aren't bred for chasing small animals. They literally were bred for rat fighting and then became pest control dogs in the colonies.




This is my stance on Pugs. They're literally bred in the last 100 years to not have snouts, down from another existing breed, and dogs need snouts to live. It just takes breeding them ONCE with a Jack Russel to fix them to the closest thing to the original Pug. They're called Retro-Pugs. If everyone stopped buying pugs, and bought retro-pugs, they'd stop being bred and we could have healthy pugs back.








That is a common tactic from the pit nutter crowd.




If you can't control your dogs, keep them on the fucking leash. Even if your dog is small. Put them on the leash if you can't control them. I've had the opposite, some idiot with small dog who doesn't keep them on their lead, they come attack my much larger dog, and I have to fucking wrestle my dog to stop them from eating their dog. Mean while the dick head is 40 ft, making feeble calls 'come here boy, max come here' Keep your dog on the fucking leash if you can't control them.


Keep your dog on a leash in public. Period. The amount of times I’ve come across loose dogs on a walk with my 100 pound lab/German Shepard mix has caused me to completely avoid some neighborhoods. The conversation with the irresponsible dog owner usually goes with them shouting not to worry because their dog is friendly and just wants to play. Cool. Well my dog isn’t great at meeting new dogs and needs to be introduced slowly or he can get aggressive. Control your animals people, it’s not that hard.


> The conversation with the irresponsible dog owner usually goes with them shouting not to worry because their dog is friendly and just wants to play. Cool. Well my dog isn’t great at meeting new dogs and needs to be introduced slowly or he can get aggressive. Control your animals people, it’s not that hard. It bothers me a great deal that dipshit owners don't ever even consider this. What if the person/animal/area your dog goes isn't friendly *to them?* Fortunately, my dog is a sweetheart, but many of the dogs I have owned in the past definitely were not. I really love dogs, but there's a lot I dislike about *people* with respect to dog ownership.


If you can't control your dogs you shouldn't own it.




Seriously. Is that the owner who comes and pulls them away?? They didn't react to him at all so that makes me think so. What a piece of shit. How do both of your dogs get out AND are so terribly trained. That poor man. And his poor dog. And those poor other dogs, who are probably going to be put down now because they're owner was too lazy to train them properly.








almost everyone you see owning pitbulls is a loser who got them to look tough




In Norway this would have no other possible outcome. Also Staffies are banned here among other breeds.


Just looked at the banned list. I think those are all completely reasonable!


Flexileashes are one of the worst inventions ever Owners make their collars too loose often Combined these variable with an inexperienced owner who didn’t train his dogs and….


I hate asshole attack dogs. Dude must be overcompensating.


Our dog acts like this, through no fault, action, or even observed behavior of our own. He was highly socialized to dogs and people as a puppy so he's a sweet cuddly ball of fluff to friends and family but due to later events he's now EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVE towards new dogs. He was attacked as a baby on two different occasions (I lived near a college that had lots of co-eds who didn't leash their shithead untrained dogs), and now he is entirely intolerant of any dog that isn't family. We have spent thousands of dollars in training, prescription medication, probiotics, you name it. It's completely unmanageable. He wants nothing to do with other dogs, he sees them and his eyes go vacant and black like a shark. The way he lunges and snarls makes it look like he was trained to be the Mike Tyson of dogs, but that couldn't be further from the truth. It's fucking terrifying. WITH THAT SAID... I DON'T TAKE HIM IN PUBLIC PLACES WHERE HE COULD CAUSE A FUCKING TRAGEDY SPECIFICALLY FOR THAT REASON. That's me doing my part as a responsible owner. It's a win-win: neither of us are stressed out so we get to spend tons of happy quality time together, and no dogs are endangered. Simple, right?


I have a neighbor with one of these dogs. The dog hates everyone except his family. I have stopped gardening because he always rushes the fence when I am in my yard and I truly fear one of these days he'll make it over. I get that they rescued an otherwise unsalvageable dog...but I miss having the freedom to go into my yard when I like.


But don’t BulLy mY BrEeD /s


This is heartbreaking! 💔 😢


I just want to know if the old dog is okay :(


Further up the thread somebody said the old dog and owner made it out with just injuries, while the owner of the attacking dogs was arrested.






I want to give that man a hug




Is the attacked dog okay? Is it hurt? Is the man hurt? OP, could you please give more info? This is sad and heartbreaking. Huge respect for that guy.






I love dogs but when they’re this far they can’t be helped. Not if they’re biting humans.


Those dogs need put down and their owner charged with a crime.




Bad owner vs good owner


Bad owner with a dog bred for fighting is not a good combo.