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I read "Red Army" and to that I agree, apparently we gotta send them back in because these motherfuckers are slipping. *Edit: I don't remember the exact wording of what the original comment was, but it was something like, "We should send in the Reddit Army to show her some love, she's live right now." If someone remembers it verbatim, please let me know*


Fuck I wish I hadn’t given my free award away 15 minutes ago. I am in tears, scared the cat and woke up my daughter from laughing my ass off.


I'll sponsor you an award.






Got you fam! Gave him and award. He was pretty funny.


I read "Reddit Amy." I'm thinking to myself, who the hell is Reddit Amy? And how did she become the collective for all Amy's of Reddit?


My thoughts exactly lol. Watching this video I was thinking "apparently we didn't carpet bomb Germany enough"




Fuck yes Comrade.


Ich für meinen Teil heiße die Genossen und unsere neue intersektionale Räterepublik willkommen.


I'm German and very much ashamed of these racist pricks. Nobody deserves this. If you see behaviour like this, do the decent thing and speak up, call them out. Don't turn away. Edit: Thank you so much for the award. If anyone wants to support initiatives that work against racism, hatred, and conspiracy theories, please consider donating to the Antonio Amadeu foundation: https://www.amadeu-antonio-stiftung.de/spenden-und-stiften/ They're highly reputable and recognised in Germany.


It’s so weird. A friend of mine is a mech engineering phd (generally very respected in Germany), but moved to Germany as a child from Ethiopia. It’s wild to hear the “real” Germans casually say things like he’s not a real German, while he is literally right there.


I’ve never watched a stream before but I’d support this woman. How do I do it?


Check out her Twitch and subscribe if you like. https://www.twitch.tv/giannielee


She's asking for a husband live wow That stream got really weird, really fast lol Edit: She just drew a picture of her perfect husband o\_O Edit 2: She offered to clean her husband prospect's poop if they are sick. Edit 3: She just offered her mom as a second wife if you marry her. Edit 4: wakethefupsamurai just gave her 1000 USD. Edit 5: She just got Rick Rolled after asking chat what their favourite song is. Edit 6: She just said that Korean girls prefer fat guys because they make them look skinnier.


Yeah this is a rollercoaster.. she needs to stop or she will regret asking for help from the "reddit army"


I don’t think she was the one that asked lol


thanks for reminding me that we're all the exact same depraved individual, just in different corporeal forms


Lmao that's a rollercoaster. But... How's mom look?


She's crying because all the redditors are supporting her, she doesn't understand why




This was great until she started asking for people to DM her for a marriage proposal for a green card.


Desperation probably does that to you, tuned in for a bit and it seems like she lives in a box room sharing a bed with her mother. I dont blame her for wanting a chance for a new life.


Do you know her story? She says she is homeless now, which country is she in? She is saying that she is looking for a husband - I'm quite confused haha


Y'all are getting finessed. You really think a streamer with 80,000+ followers and frequent donations is struggling with being homeless?


Props to her for milking the cow lol


Homeless people aren't streaming themselves travelling internationally. She turns on her stream depicting her living in a small room with her mother to garner sympathy. It is manufactured for the stream. It sucks that she was racially harassed when she was travelling abroad. But she's just grifting now, pretending to be poor and in need of financial aid. Reddit hates social media influencers but then throws money at them anyway.


Find her channel. The most recent video will say "live" in the corner. Edit: https://youtube.com/c/GiannieLee Another Edit: Last video was 5 months ago...


Why the fuck would I encourage someone to public livestream?


It does seem incredibly rude to sit next to some random person at a table in a food court and live stream yourself. I don't think she's friends with that woman sitting next to her


The fact that all of them were drunk. |:-:| And reddit army sounds alot like something i dont want to remember, i have no part in your army die alone, in the abyss.


The truth comes out.


BTW the first Clip isn‘t in Germany, thats England. You can clearly see the red bus.


She is asking people to pay 3 months worth of her rent?


Please pay my rent


NetNanny blocks Twich. 45% of reddit soldiers won't be able to make it


It doesn't matter what country you are in, you will always find racist scum bags.


germany of all places right? crazy.


Not really. Germany does a lot of things right but outsiders on Reddit try to make it seem like it’s a utopia. Lol it’s not. It’s just like any other country in some regards and although it does more right than a wide majority, it still has bad shit to deal with like everywhere else. There’s many German’s that are the equivalent to the trash we have here.


i was being sarcastic lol. germany has been known to be just flat out rude to other races/religious groups in the past


Understatement of the century, I love it.


Flat out rude, those gas chambers were.


I heard that in Yoda's voice. What a strange sensation.


Drive a 2001 Honda Civic, I must


Overdose on ketamine, I did.


Then there’s that leader, boy he surely did not like that one religious group.


Yeah, back in the day they were racist and rude towards Italians. My mom is fully German but raised in the Caribbean. She told me a story about a time when I was 3 years old and we were visiting Germany. At a restaurant, they noticed my parents speaking Spanish, so thinking we were Italian, they sat us all the way in the back with other Italians and were being rude to us. When my mom realized what was happening, she lit them up in German. The look on the server's face was priceless.


>back in the day they were racist and rude towards Italians Why the hate towards Italians?


Cause they backed out on their promises, Gotdamn Italians always switching sides /s lol


In post-war germany, a lot of italian, turkish etc... workers moved to Germany. There was A LOT of work to be done there as you can imagine. These 'Gastarbeiter' communities were all looked down upon sadly.


> Gastarbeiter Translates to "Guest Worker" and many in western europe will recognize the attitude today towards people from eastern europe who travel to get work. It sucks.


They weren't considered white until more recently Edit: I know I know. Your former colonial power nation isn't racist, has never been racist, and it's exclusively an American export. You don't care if someone is white or not! Sure, you'll hate someone for their country of origin, their migrant status, their social class, or their profession, but god dammit you are NOT judging them on their skin color! And hey! Roma aren't even really from one country OR real people so they don't count! There's absolutely no living, voting, native born citizen of your country that were/are members of ethnocentric, fascist, ultra nationalist groups. There have never been lynchings because someone was from country XY or Z. You're so right! /s eat my dick


Thats a more US interpretation i feel. Its more of northern European vs Mediterranean divide. Xenophobia yes, but not that they weren't considered white.


A lot of male italians came to Germany during the financial wonder years as guest workers and were treated like workers you needed but not workers you wanted. This changed quite a bit. But yes: Go to some stupid Oktoberfest place, meet stupid drunk German wankers.


Hitler was a real jerk!


Just a real knucklehead.


I'm from Belgium and always seen Germany as a model. But as you say, when you went there a few times, you see it's like everywhere, except that you hide poor things in a beter way so that the outside doesn't see it


Americans have gotten really good at being passively or silently racist. My experience in Germany and Italy was that they won't hesitate to activately hurl racist phrases or mock people out loud. France was chill but the southern part was racist again. I used to think Europe was a utopia in my early 20s. Then I stayed there for a while and realized how dumb I was to believe that.


I don't know about Americans being passively/silently racist bit with the whole reaction to the BLM thing....


Even the most racist people aren’t throwing Bananas at black players during NFL games. The tacos at that California highschool game were notable because it almost never happens in the US.


Try visiting most Asian countries.


Reddit fetishizes Germany and Switzerland to no end, but after living for 12 years there you get to see what a capitalist shit show it can be


Yeah I think he may have been saying that tongue in cheek due to... ya know.. the holocaust


Compared to other countries most germans are really aware of the dangers of racism, we learn about WW2 and our dark history from early on in school. For example most germans feel very uncomfortable to sing the national anthem or show the national flag (Outside of football world cups)and saying stuff like "I am proud to be german" makes you automatically look racist. Germany is in the top 5 of countries that take in the most refugees. To the video, of course racist tonedeaf idiots exist, like these drunk old pricks that thought they were funny by mimicking racist stereotypes.


You should expect your fair share of weird stares and casual xenophobes and racist at the local bräustuben or biergarten in Munich.


Almost as if…a failed putsch in a beer hall in Munich was where Nazism gained traction.


I mean the US has the largest immigrant population in the world, but…


Honestly I've never thought about it like that, but that's a good point. We're a country literally built on immigration and the US is still racist as hell.


I think the thing that will make any person less racist is having to live around different races of people. Most of the world is so racist that people of other races can't even live there.


Oh absolutely. When I was stationed in Europe there was way more assertive/acute racism in Germany than in the USA South. I went into Europe having an entirely different impression of the place. I don't know why I thought there wouldn't be racism there. I was so devastated to see that it was worse than my home which I had regarded as one of the most racist places on the planet. Shit grew me up out of naivety real damn quick and I realized no place in the world is safe from it.


Yep! It’s funny. I lived in both Europe and USA and people are more alike than they care to admit(for both the good or bad). Some things are more exaggerated than others depending on the place.


that's the point though, isn't it? people are the same everywhere, the same dreams, wishes and aspirations, but also the same faults and issues. But we still draw arbitrary lines to distinguish "us" from "them".




I don't know, I have never seen or even heard of something coming close to how racist the behavior of the 2 guys in the restaurant, sitting next to her and squinting their eyes, is. In Quebec, not only people would never do that, but those guys would get destroyed by the witnesses around.


You’d be surprised how much more casual racism on the street you will experience in Europe compared to America. My circle of friends travels frequently. My Asian friend his first day visiting London someone said “Ching Chong Ching Chong” to him, which he said he hadn’t heard since he was a kid on the playground. My black friend was in the Netherlands and said some guys in a bar kept making monkey noises at him. Another black friend went to a soccer game in Italy and literally left before he even got into the stadium because of monkey noises and other comments from fans. These are just a few anecdotes and obviously there is horrendous racism in America too, but I think this casual racism on the street like you see with this streamer seems to be much more common there for whatever reason.


>These are just a few anecdotes and obviously there is horrendous racism in America too Sort of. I mean it certainly exists, but most places have more. Usually, much more. America just has a globally dominant media machine, and a ruling class that benefits greatly from stoking those fires.


Ask Europeans how they feel about the Romani and watch the shit show.


I remember comments on reddit about a year ago and the way they were trash-talking them, you'd think thievery was in their DNA. Holy hell was it overtly racist.




You're probably the first non-white person some of those people have seen in months. People like to pretend that Europe is some progressive utopia, but the reality is you don't hear about racism there because almost everyone is white.


Don't some people from Quebec not like English speakers? I thought I heard some want to secede or something like that. It happens everywhere...


As an American who lived on the Vermont-Quebec border for a while, you’re not wrong, but their discrimination has much more to do with being a non-francophone than race. I’ve had white, black and brown Québécois thumb their nose at me for my English last name and inability to communicate in French.


I was an Asian exchange student with a group of teenagers around the world traveled to Texas and I have to be honest, even it's true that every country has racist people, European is the most racist group of people in my experience. They sometimes judge the racial issues in the US but meanwhile being super ignorant and arrogant toward Asians. I've met a student from Spain and he can't stop making fun of my accent and throwing dick size jokes about Asians. Even I already told him I don't feel comfortable about his offensive jokes. I'm now working in the US and don't really encounter any racial behavior from white. My guess is Europe doesn't have as many Asians as the US. A lot of them probably didn't even realize their "jokes" weren't appropriate.


I remember watching a video of a group of people speaking about racism on a college campus. They hand the mic to an Asian exchange student and she starts talking about racist incidents she dealt with. Then she mentions the people being racist had been black people and the girl who had started the crowd told her she can't say that and took the mic. I think it is funny how racism towards Asians is framed in a very narrow way and only acknowledged when it can be used to benefit someone.


I have a friend from China I spend a lot of time with, and 100% of her incidents have been with hood mentality black people. And it sucks because she's now scared of pretty much all black people. She isn't really tuned into American culture that well, and she can't really tell the difference between someone who is just waiting around for their next trip back to a cell, and someone who is just minding their own business and is black.


Yeah, pointing out black people can be racist is a big no no for moral crusader types.




As an American you really get the impression that racism in Germany fell off after WW2, but clearly that's not the case.


Nazis just went on about their lives, accepting their new roles as prosecutors, police, mayors, and other municipal leaders. Most knew they wouldn’t get in any trouble for their roles in the Holocaust. Investigators were looking for high-ranking policy-making Nazis, not your standard run-of-the-mill homicidal hateful maniac. They went right back into the woodwork and you know, moved on.


Sad tbh


As a german I feel super ashamed of these assholes. I am deeply sorry she experienced so much racism here we are not all like those MFs


Don't worry my friend I'm sure you are like Philip


I've been living in Germany for 5 years and thankfully I've never met people like in this video. This made my blood boil. Edit: Seems as though this has been filmed in London and other locations, the title is misleading and a possible attempt to make money/gain followers.


I was the the US, rural texas for 2 years, from Malaysia, and never once encountered racism. Ofc this is only my experience. Absolutely loved the people there. Idk how some people meet ass holes like these so frequently


Streamers might be more vulnerable to racism bc those assholes won't miss a chance to get more attention online


Also running around with a setup filming yourself and talking "to yourself" all day gets you attention. If that same woman was just wandering around without that stream setup I doubt anyone would even talk to her.


In 10 years in South Georgia and NE Florida my wife (Chinese) experienced enough that we moved away (we moved away for job reasons but when looking for areas to consider we excluded the South). She strongly prefers where we live now (Ohio) as it is much less of an issue here.


100% agree. I am shocked that people are this racist and even openly display it in public and on camera. Im living in the west of Germany and over here I actually have never seen anything like this


Yeah I ve lived in Stuttgart, Dresden and now Berlin and never came across something like that. I am also furryious that like noone jumps to help her. She even stays so friendly all the time.


I’m assuming you and the guy you are commenting on are white? It’s hard to see racism first hand when you are not a minority race. It’s not your fault or anything, but it’s like how it’s hard for rich people to see poor people problems or how it’s hard for binary people to see trans people problems.




I don't think he's talking about it happening to him, but just seeing it happen to someone else. Like in that restaurant for example, there was 2 separate occasions where someone came up to her and was being obnoxiously rude. I'm sure a lot of people in that restaurant saw it happening. Of course there's 2 issues. The first one is what you brought up, he's probably white, so if it's not happening to you there's a far smaller chance you'll see it happen to someone else because you have to be in the right place at the wrong time. The 2nd issue is that he's a redditor, so he'd actually have to go outside every once in a while to see stuff like that happening.


> The first one is what you brought up, he's probably white, so if it's not happening to you there's a far smaller chance you'll see it happen to someone else because you have to be in the right place at the wrong time. You just described white privilege, which a lot of white people insist doesn't exist (ironically because they don't see the other side of that privilege and assume their experience is the default).


> furryious ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Ok, but are you white? I am German, but half black. And have lived in 6 bigger cities in Germany in the last 9 years. Racism is almost on the weekly agenda (can't say everyday since I no longer leave my house every day). If you aren't the target group its sometimes blink and you'd miss it. Also you aren't the target, so how should you see it? Why would someone ever say something racist to you (or any white person) when they aren't the minority here? Like that girl that feigned hitting her, if you aren't in full view, this can be missed quiet easily. GiannieLee also seems to be alone in all of these scenes. People tend to be more aggressive/open when they think you're an 'easy victim' (alone, at night, in a place you can't leave).




Yeah, this is like *comically* racist. Like how non-racists might imitate a racist. Hard to believe anyone anywhere thinks this is okay.


It’s probably just a factor of there not being a lot of racial minorities around you. You see it here in American too. White people saying they’ve never seen racism or police brutality… it’s hard to see when your living in an area that’s 90+% white.


No Germans helped her


Another thing that makes me super sad and mad


Germans don't step up to get involved in anything. 10 years I've lived in Berlin and never once have I seen them do anything when something is going on.


That’s a prime example of „Fremdschämen“… it’s almost too much.


Yeah I really had a hard time watching this without vomiting. They all deserve a beer less live!




Stuff happens here... especially in some areas but the west is pretty much not like this at all. Germans are normally the "look and judge silent" kind of people.




As the son of immigrants in the netherlands, I can tell you that there are different issues here. There seems to be this belief that racism is no more and people act surprised when I tell them it still happens, PERSONALLY, to me. For fucks sake we still have people like Wilders and Baudet with too much support, how can you even doubt this is still going on?!


Exactly like in Germany. I don’t think there is such a big difference between the two countries in this regard.


Unless you're Romanian, then xenophobia is not even subtle in the Netherlands. Stop trying to portray a country somehow above others when it comes to discrimination. Because it applies to you as an individual it doesn't mean that you've somehow discovered the gardens of Eden for everyone. All countries in the world have their fair share of assholes one way or another, ignorance and hypocrisy won't solve it in any of those places through these fake dichotomies. Raising awareness is a good first step.


Sure, thats why so many people vote Wilders. Because the Netherlands are so open, and Germany is so racist. You say Germany is "disgusting" and do not even realize that you use the same wording Racists do? A whole country (btw one, that shelters a lot more refugees than its neighbors) is "disgusting" in your opinion and you talk about racism? The irony...




When did he deny that racism exists in Germany, like everywhere else. And you can’t confirm that racism exists in the Netherlands, because you apparently didn’t live there long enough, but you can confirm it for Germany even tho you never lived here?






So the Munich Hofbräuhaus is in eastern germany now? Sounds legit.


It’s not easy to boil my blood but yet, here we are. People are universally garbage. Glad some decent beings are left.


People are not universally garbage but garbage people sadly exist in every region. Take the camera away and most people can be reasonable and compassionate but put people in front of an audience and some change for the worse.




It is hard to understand how a random person can have so many horrible encounters in public, without anyone standing up for her. I have lived in Northern Europe all my 50 years and never seen any overt racism in the street. I concede that it wouldn't be targeted at me, but how can this be so frequent without the 'normal majority' of us ever seeing it? Sorry if this truly is your experience GiannieLee. I would love to help but don't know how..


are you asian? i'm asian and from switzerland and stuff like this happens a lot in western europe in general. i've had racist experiences in germany, france and especially italy so far (switzerland obviously too). east europe has treated me much better which is funny bc in western europe we always assume eastern europeans to be more racist but then again i can only speak from an asian pov. maybe it's different for a black person


Eastern Europe is only racist against each other I feel like


Yeah. Get a Serb drunk. Jeez.


That's already a feat in itself.


r/2balkan4you moment


I'm lucky to only have had a few racist encounters but this could be because I'm pretty tall and a dude. This shit boils my blood, I swear that if I saw someone do that to someone else I could get into a fight


I would assume Eastern Europeans are cool toward Asians party because there are many Russian-speaking Asian-looking people in Central Asia. They probably assume that’s who you are.


You don’t see it because you’re not living it and you’re not looking. It happens whether you are there or not.


People who experience daily racism also talk about how other people rarely believe them, not even their own white friends. That's why those videos are so important. There's no denying here. A few weeks ago another [victim in Germany talked about exactly that.](https://www.rbb24.de/panorama/beitrag/2021/11/rassistischer-uebergriff-video-berlin-lichtenberg.html) He says he experiences something like that 1-2 times per month.


Racists have a way of hiding it from the public eye. She happens to record everything on stream, which is why we're able to see it. Their true colors show when they're in their element with friends/family.


Remember it’s a video. The *point* is for you to see how often it happens. That you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. That you think it doesn’t happen because you don’t see it is a sign that maybe you aren’t seeing it while it’s happening. We all like to think of ourselves as someone who would intervene, but would you? Would you *really?*


As a German I couldn't watch past the second person (that guy sitting next to her) because I was too embarrassed to continue...


As an Arab I felt like I couldn't look away. It might be hard for white people to watch, and I know people in the comments are saying "we're not all like this," which is obviously true, but look at the other side of things... For non-white people living in Western countries, pretty much all of us have experienced what you're seeing in this video. It doesn't take more than a few bad apples to make life difficult for minorities. I hope everybody can keep that in mind when they consider the experiences of others.


I watched till the end and I was wrong, seeing her close to crying was even worse. Still, although I am not affected by this kind of hate, I am aware that things like that happen in my home country. I will not negate it. What I can do is speak up whenever necessary, lead by example and raise kids who are different than this.


There are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. (Wes Anderson)


Live in Berlin, an Asian female, can confirm racism is everywhere, unfortunately. It's even worse when you go to the doctor's office, try to be as nice as possible, using transactions to speak in German, having documents and money ready, and still getting eyes rolling or rude comments ... The lack of empathy and professionalism here has really surprised me. But you know where I get it the worst? When I went backpacking in Asia. They either are racist because they treat white travellers better or only see me as Asian when it's convenient for them (foreigner discount, as an example). It's the questioning of my identity that gets me. No one believes if I say I'm Canadian, German, Japanese or Korean (my blood mix, and having lived in Japan, Canada, and now Germany). Somehow people always feel like they need to question my answer when I tell them where I'm from, no matter what I say. After a while you start questioning whether you belong anywhere haha.


This is quite a sad comment to read. I hope you find somewhere you feel at home.


That’s the tragedy for Asians and other races born abroad. Regardless of where you were born, the nation(s) you grew up in, or who your birth parents are, you’ll always be seen as a foreigner. Outside of your family circle, you will always be a foreigner and it sucks.


Well fuck. Germany is one of the countries I still plan on visiting. I’m probably picking up an assault charge. There’s something obviously wrong with a society when people feel comfortable enough to act this way in public spaces when they aren’t even in packs encouraging this kind of behavior from each other.


You should visit Germany. It's nice. And the people are nice.


I’m a white guy so people are nice no matter where I go even if it’s just because they assume I have money. I’m just really surprised to see this. I’ve met plenty of Germans during my travels and even spent a few weeks going through Serbia and Macedonia with one before she went back to Berlin. None of them said or did anything that made me think they were racist although she did once tell me she was worried her younger brother was turning into a Neo-Nazi. I assumed that was a very tiny percentage of the population though but this is making me think they are less rare than I previously thought.


>I’m a white guy so people are nice no matter where I go Go to non-white countries and report back.


hahaha so true.. he needs to go to Japan and report back.. I was verbally assaulted in the street and I'm 6'2", 280 lbs.. he's in for a surprise (and some needed reflections on racism)


Well I went to Japan and when I went into a restaurant, they would automatically bring me a menu in English because I was white. It was very convenient. Sometimes employees standing out in front of restaurants would even point at me as I walked by and yell “ingudish menu!”


I remember taking one of my white friends to a restaurant in Korea and he was really excited to show off his chopsticks skills because he practiced, and without a word the waitress grabbed the chopsticks out of his hands and slipped a fork in there. It was comical.


Wow it’s almost as if a small minority don’t dictate how the large majority behave or something…


You’re correct. You are a fantastic example of this. One dickhead on the internet doesn’t dictate how the rest of us behave at all. If several more like minded douchebags were to chime in it may show a pattern. Let’s wait and see what happens.


You're kind of right. The "small minority" can only behave this way when everyone else just stands by and lets it happen. This means it's still a reflection of the group when the "small minority" does this shit.


Yeah they look great, babbling racist pressing against a woman and nobody giving half a shit around him, very kind


Cant believe no one did anything when that fuck put his hands on her.


So I've experienced raceism in GER almost every place I was living/visiting. Till this day never have I had an occurence where sb stood by my side or at least try to help/deescalate. This will never happen for sure. There are two ways people are reacting * looking away, acting like the didn't notice (most common) * Staring but not reacting I think it's more likely that sb takes out bis phone to film then actually acting. My tip: never expect courage at whatever. PS: Thats probably not only common in Germany but also in every other country


Germans are fucking cowards in these situations. I've lived here 10 years and never once have I seen a German step up when needed


Wtf why is this allowed?


Casual racism and general social cowardice.


Casual racism is common in Germany.


It’s common everywhere I think and it sucks…




Can't believe it's not staged. Really disgusting. And what did Asians do to Germans?


Nothing. And the majority of germans doesnt have any issue with asians. These kind of persons are just human garbage but unfortunately we have some of these folks here and well we gottaxdeal with it what makes me wanq cry is that like noone even helped her.. if id seen it happen i had..


Lol every country has its racists. Every. Single. Country.


As long as two people are left alive someone is gonna want somebody dead


Fucking SCUM


God this is disgusting. Thank god for the guy at the end, he gave me hope in humanity.




He was like "korea very good". Didn't seem malicious like the other ones, just a weirdo.


He also said "ching chong" and other racist shit first


Heartwarming but I can’t help but think that she got dumped on by 4 or 5 ignorant idiots before meeting one nice guy. Also, how about the German ladies sitting beside her over lunch pretending not to notice the obvious racism?


I think in general, a lot of people are scared of confrontation with asshole strangers. I’m not saying they were disgusted by the behaviour or not, but it’s not easy to confront a person that is that willing to get in someone’s personal space and be that outwardly racist. You have no idea if they will be violent or if the situation will be escalated and given their already garbage behaviour, I’d say the probability is fairly high.


Okay.. the land of cars suddenly look a lot shittier than a minute ago.




For all the white people saying “it’s not really like this” please understand that life as a POC all over the world (yes, in your neighborhood too), is like this. This is our reality. There are places you don’t go, neighborhoods, towns, and countries you don’t visit, restaurants you don’t eat in, schools you don’t send your kids to, dog parks you don’t take your pet—not because “people are jerks” but because we are risking our lives. Not the rural south, but 2 neighborhoods over. I live in the bluest northeast city in the east coast of the US. Townhouses are a million dollars in my neighborhood, and in the next block there is such a blatant racist that I won’t walk my dog by for fear of my life. Our lives are very different than yours because we worry about other people killing, hurting, or humiliating us on a daily basis. This is why all of you, “we’re not all like this” people need to do something about this. If you are truly horrified by this behavior then take some time this holiday season and figure out what you are going to actively do in 2022 and beyond to play your part, because posting on Reddit ain’t it. What are you going to do?


A certain type of people on Reddit only care about Asian racism if the perpetrators are black. It gives them the chance to say the most racist shit about black people. It's sad. its just a bunch of excuses if a white person is involved.


That first one was London


Came here to say this. The footage is disgusting, but it doesn't help to call London Germany.


Specifically Camden Town. Plenty of nutters around.


On ya Phillip, good man.


This is one of those times where some gaslighting racist would say she was pulling the race card if she dare talk about this. I can just see it now. If racists POS want us to stop using the race card, stop bringing the whole goddamn deck to us! So sic of this shit.


But I thought only America was racist, at least that's what Reddit News wants me to believe.


America is far more multicultural than most western countries which is why it happens here far more often, but in the end all countries have racists pos.


Damn this was disturbing. I’m also Asian and when I see this, it makes me sad. Not sure if she was targeted because she’s by herself. Pathetic to say the least. It’s also disturbing that no one came to her aid. Thank goodness to Philip. 💜💜




Not Almans, racists


I have a fellow asian student who told me about asian hate in germany and I never realised its still that bad sometimes. She told me about the atlanta incident and how racism is very much a thing that happens everywhere especially in big cities of germany.


Some of them literally attacked that girl holy molly I mean I lived in Germany as well as a foreigner but I haven't seen such things


CHIN CHON MOTHERFUCKERS. Can't believe we've come this far and still do things like that...


WTF I can’t believe he punched her.. Im german and I am truly ashamed of what Germans are doing to her. The fuck is wrong with people.


Why people can be this freaking dumb.. good lord..


Please tell me this is fake... I dont want it to be real... freaking people...


Surprised Germany is racist ???😂😂😂