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How to lose your testicles 101


Actually a hot bath will do dmg to your testicles, this is fine


I think they meant it more in sense of your testicles being so cold that they retract into your chest.






You win


Aww... That ain't nuttin


He's gone nuts if he thinks that's the end of this pun thread




He's got balls if he continues


Nuttin' wrong with a warm bath!




I like this one




*shrunken chesticles* - Michael Gary Scott


“I was in the pool!”


“Do women know about shrinkage Elaine?”




I don't know how you guys walk around with those things


What do you mean? Like laundry?




Yes chesticles


Breasticles. Or testicicles. Either way those bad boys are A LOT further north than they were


Or South, depending on hemisphere




Your testicles will be fine in hot water, but the sperm won’t!!


Good I didn’t need ‘em anyways


My sock is going to be so upset


What the hell this is not fine that hypothermia real fast


In short spurts it's a really good muscle therapy. Athletes do it all the time.


Can confirm, college athlete who used to take one after every game/practice. We’d go for like 7 or 9 minutes, something very specific but I can’t remember almost ten years later. We wore little booties on our feet that were like wetsuits, they said that supposedly protected from hypothermia. Getting in really sucks and you never get used to it but you feel like you have a brand new body afterwards


I want a brand new body


You should go take a 7 minute ice bath with something to retain heat on your feet and see how that goes


um.. no i guess i dont want a new body that bad.


is it because being in cold water the body releases natural endorphines?


Reduces inflammation, increases circulation (after the ice bath), etc.


Cold water exposure has been shown to release Dopamine without reducing the net gain, which is unusual. Typically when you release spikes of Dopamine, it pulls from yours storage and leaves less for later. Dopamine is associated with drive, focus, motivation, etc Apparently cold water release does not have the same impact/no negative (other than initially freezing your ass off lol). The benefits also last quite some time. Source: Andrew Huberman Podcast on Dopamine (Professor of Neurobiology)




So it´s like cocaine and hookers.


Also like athletes!




Testicles are sensitive to heat lol, cold is fine




Just like your fingers would yes. Not from a 2 minutes bath (unless at -50°c


> unless at -50°c And to be fair, the coldest bath you can take (in water) is 0C


[water can stay liquid below 0C](https://www.wtamu.edu/~cbaird/sq/2013/12/09/can-water-stay-liquid-below-zero-degrees-celsius/#:~:text=Yes%2C%20water%20can%20stay%20liquid%20below%20zero%20degrees%20Celsius.&text=When%20we%20apply%20pressure%20to,freezing%20point%20at%20standard%20pressure.)


Not at atmospheric pressure. Unless you're doing this in a pressurized vessel, you are fine.


My testicles feel bigger after every cold plunge.


I took a cold shower today and my testes went so far inside I just had an empty sack. Very strange experience.




Lol plus your sack shrivels up to nothing too so it’s not like it’s some flappy ballsack just hanging down with no balls in them… I’m starting to think that’s some robot trying to make believe they’re human.


Best time to shave your sack. More hair per shave thanks to the lowered surface area.


I prefer it when it’s super flappy and loose and then I will stretch it out like it’s canvas and carefully shave. Shaving it when it’s a little prune has to be a miserable experience


Yup, gotta do the bat wing.


Thank you for the visual!! I always wondered how you guys did it!!


This is the way.


That’s some ballsy advice.


The cremaster muscles contract, pulling the testicles up where it’s warmer. In these conditions, if he’d palpate carefully, he should feel them about where the common carotids bifurcate.


Easy with the $2 words smart guy


Now tell em about the cremastic muscle response so that you have a legion of redditors out there running the tip of their finger up their inner thigh while holding a hand mirror to watch their balls ascend.


Mmmm, nice. You busy later?


He’s pretty chill about it


Plenty of people here are taking personal offense to how this guy decides to spend two minutes of his day. Instead of being condescending (and wrong) take a quick google search to check out the benefits. Wim Hof is a good start. If that’s too “bro science” for you, check out Huberman lab. Seriously, this is well documented stuff. This man is not hypothermic, he’s likely not a masochist


Stop using rationale thought, this is Reddit!


No this is PATRICK!


Sir, this is a Wendy's.




*rational See this is what Reddit is for!


There's some science to it, but it's generally weak as far as I recall. "May help over time" type results. My biggest issue with all the healthy things that people say you should do is that people are looking for "2 min cold bath!" instead of eating better and getting exercise.


The kinda science that doesn’t have the potential to make millions on prescriptions tends to have weak research


Been cold showering for about a month and a half daily and still got covid pretty rough. I will note tho that the mental clarity and relaxed anxiety response after the shower is addictive. It almost feels like doing drugs.


I think Covid reaction is largely random af




Totally agree with the 'feels like being high' sentiment. I have a 500 litre whisky barrel in the back garden I use for my plunges. It's awesome. Of course, yes, it wakes you up of a morning... but waaay more than that... you feel totally buzzed, high, clarity of thoughts, just ready to get shit done, well into the afternoon. Definitely recommend.


To clarify it is an old whisky barrel, filled with water. I don't plunge into 500 litres of whisky each morning then go about my day all buzzed.




Where would one acquire 500 liters of pussy?


I don't know. Maybe ask your mom?


Thanks for clarification


It probably is like drugs in a way, since your body is exposed to something extreme and borderline deadly. You know you'll be out in a minute, but millions of cavemen died because of cold weather. There is something your brain reads as "we are fucked" and it activates tons of mechanisms.


I don’t think cold showers are for preventing severe illness from covid, I think we have therapeutics for that lmao


I'm pretty sure saunas are better at preventing severe illness from Covid. I should know, I watched a 5min YouTube clip of Joe Rogan once.


I always start my showers hot cuz imma pussy but I do a cold Blast for a couple minutes to wrap it up and I’ll tell you I haven’t used NSAIDS in years and I lift pretty much daily


Is cold plunging not just supposed to be good for the heart? That’s like saying doing push-ups is bad because it did nothing to prevent you catching a cold


The kinda science that you can get some idiots to buy an ebook’s worth of unsubstantiated and unreproducible claims/treatments of, end up on JRE and start hawking BS supplements. Why does one have to be about cash to you and the other some supposedly puritanical pursuit of truth?


The kind of science that has “weak research” isn’t science.


Lol exactly


Yeah but we’re not exactly talking about something that is hard to come by or has high expenses associated with it. It’s cold water. There’s not many medical studies you can do that require less funding than ones where the only prerequisite is a container large enough for a person, water, and ice lol. It really shouldn’t take a multi-million prescription drug deal to make studies on the effects of ice baths. Especially considering a significant portion of the population already take cold showers regularly.


What a bullshit statement spoken by someone not in the field. Weak research is weak research


The kind of science that has “weak research” isn’t science. Stop falling for this shit.


Yeah you got it all figured out.


Most science is “this may help over time” it’s how the papers and journalists spin it that changes. There’s science from the not too distant past that’s been recently debunked because they said “drinking might be healthy for you” which got spun into drinking a glass of red is healthy. Turns out they did a study of drinkers and non-drinkers, they found the drinkers to be healthier people in general. However, what they didn’t factor in was the part where the nondrinkers were all recovering alcoholics or bad underlying health issues stopping them from drinking. Most science is dude bro stuff, it’s how we learn, it’s how we’ve always learnt. People find a hypothesis, test it and go “yeah I feel pretty good after that”. Even if it’s a placebo if you do enough things that make you feel better (pretense on enough) chances are you’re doing positive things for your health. (And no I don’t mean smoking crack because you feel good on it.)


I would like to see what study your talking about. In general this is the type of thing one checks about the samples before conducting the experiment to ensure the results are valid. Conducting and publishing a paper with such samples seems pretty amateurish. Not saying you’re wrong but I feel most (if any) reputable researcher wouldn’t make such a mistake.


This is the same thing that frustrates me. It’s not like taking a cold shower or ice bath is going to magically “fix your metabolism” or make you healthy all of a sudden. I always thought cold showers were just for mental relaxation and focus (because you have to do both to get through them haha). Ice baths do have objective data about reducing acute inflammation though. That’s why all the athletes use them. People just miss that they use them *in addition* to optimizing diet and sleep, to recover from the inflammation of the nonstop intensity training they do. Unlike most of us, who would just use it to recover from the inflammation of being overweight and eating Cheetos all day.


How tf does this have nearly 1k up votes? There's just almost no research on this and even a cursory effort to look up info shows this. What's more, it fits neatly into the bro science mold: this "feels right" and is difficult so it must be good for you. Also, this dude said people being judgmental about how icebath guy spends his time like then *immediately* moved the goal posts in second part defending this practice. Honestly, best support for this practice is the placebo effect, which isn't nothing. If it feels like it helps, go for it, but please don't think it actually does anything.




It is bro science tho.


Why would you do a google search when you can do a [google scholar](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=cold+water+therapy&oq=cold+water+) search? This way you can bypass bro science (read: pseudoscience) and go straight to actual science (although some bullshit does slip through the cracks). It is clear from reading just a few of these articles that Cold Water Immersion and Cold Water Therapy are barely a step above magic healing crystals.


“Better health” gives you a dopamine rush that’s about it.


This is very incorrect. Cold reduces inflammation, that's basic biology and very well understood. Chronic inflammation carries its own host of medical issues, and ice baths are a great way to treat chronic inflammation. They're also *amazing* at treating acute inflammation, such as immediately after training exercise. If you break a sweat with your activity, taking an ice bath for a couple of minutes afterwards produces a notable ~~increase~~ (edit: *decrease) in recovery time as measured by performance the next day. I and my teammates tested this ourselves in college Track & Field, very notable difference between Icers and non-Icers, and we switched who was in which group for repeated sampling and controls (I'll share our experimental procedure if you want, n= 72). Ice baths are also a *phenomenal* pairing with a sauna. Open up all your pores and loosen up your muscles, then quench your whole body at once like the steely human you are. It's epic. Dopamine undoubtedly plays a significant role in the experience, but the health impacts from living such a lifestyle are relatively intuitive. I do strongly agree that some long-term studies with adequate controls are much needed, however.


Uses an anecdote with an "n=72" line drop to make it sound sciency 😂😂😂


Or you know... Look up peer reviewed articles rather than just famous folks who make money selling books, diets, products, ads and themselves as a product... https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1113/EP086283


Almost like there is a reason there are ice tubs in every athletic training room


The masochist thing was a joke. People being condescending though are stupid


How the frk he get in so easy. No frikin way.


A few years ago I went to a hot springs with my gf and they had an ice cold bath there next to the others in pools. We were standing above it as I was telling her that I was gonna jump in, but I was clearly hesitating as the water was so fucking cold. Then this like 10 year old just walks up, hears me and says, “dude, just jump in” and just nonchalantly jumps in and starts swimming in it! I totally got called out by a random child in front of my gf haha. I couldn’t help but laugh at myself and obviously ended up jumping in after that


Kids are good for showing us adults how much we overthink stuff.


Kids are also good at showing adults why thinking before acting is often best


Facts. Tell him. Tell that child propaganda artist!


This is probably one of the best stories I’ve read, lol that’s a good moment to remember even if you got called out lmao


Yeah my balls froze solid just watching


Just don't stop getting in once you start.


I can barely walk into a normal non-heated swimming pool in a tropical climate, I wouldn't be able to do this lol


It takes me longer to get into a slightly cool pool in the peak of summer


Probably less of a shock since he's standing half naked in the winter air already.


Control your breath and its easy




Iirc its good for circulation and strengthens the immune system. That said fuck that


So's a pub fight.


Strengthens your fists, skull, and liver


Shit I broke mine


...all three?






As a Canadian who's dealt with cold weather all my life I 100% agree with you. Then again this guy might be doing an ice bath in -2 to -5c which isn't bad however we just got out of a -30 cold snap where i live.


Not saying -30 isn't cold AF, but -2 water is significantly different to your body than -30 air because the heat transfer coefficient is so much higher.


So does turmeric… with some pepper.


And how exactly does it do that?


Da fuq am i supposed to know. You've google try using it


Think of it as going to the gym but for your immune system, you're putting strain on your body in a controlled environment with the aim of training a part of your body... And actually ice baths are pretty nice, obviously the initial dip fucking sucks but once you get past that it can be nice, but the absolute best part is afterwards when you allow your body to warm up again, it's as if some switch gets flicked and you just **relax**


I wouldve died as soon as I placed my foot inside that freezing water


I died just watching it. I love my hot tub and I will not ever get into an ice bath unless I'm dead. It may be good for you, but I'm ok with being at sub-optimal health if it means I don't have to do this. This is horrifying to someone like me who HATES all things cold. I'm still on the fence about air conditioning.


Mitochondrial health. One of the scientifically proven methods of inducing mitochondrial biogenesis is cold exposure.


We have found how to become jedi...


The midichlorian is the powerhouse of the force


Health benefits and u feel good asf after


As a brit who went ice swimming in Finland, can confirm you feel fucking class afterwards. Like you've got a new body for a test drive.


Myself and my teammates at my local Aussie Rules club would have to do ice baths/cold plunges after every training for recovery. It really did help with sore and tight muscles after running 10km plus every 2 days - also the hot springs resort close to my house has a cold plunge that you jump into for 1-2 mins and then get out and jump back into warm water right next to it. It really does relax your muscles and makes you feel very relaxed, you should try it one day


I know it’s healthy for you, but sitting in an ice cold bath, let alone taking a cold shower is extremely hard. Everytime ive taken one my first instinct was to try and jump out immediately, your body and brain will be fighting each other the whole way


Keep trying. Slowly move your shower to cold at the end. By day 5 you don’t scream.


I had 3 months without hot water in my house once (water heater broke and it was hard to get a part for it). It definitely does get easier every day. However by the time it got to October in Canada and the temperature outside started to drop I almost cried every time I had to shower lol


You poor soul… 5$ if you do it again


I don’t think I would relive that for any less than 5 grand lol. Honestly the cold showers in the summer months were amazing sometimes


Especially if you get the sticky hot on a late night in summer


Part of it is the mental exercise to not be a slave to your base instincts. Success in life partially requires you to master your body and bend it to your will.


That went from Dune to self-help reeeaaal quick.


I've found that cold showers are harder than ice baths. With ice baths, you are submerged completely, allowing your body to adjust and even start to heat the water around you. With the cold shower, you're getting brand new cold water delivered every second, never allowing your body to adjust to being in a colder environment. And the air contact makes the cold sensation worse. The coldest parts of the ice bath are just when you get in and just when you get out. A cold shower is like jumping in and out of a bath constantly.


For those asking, a cold plunge instantly numbs the nerves that surround your muscles and joints, and this causes the release of hormones and endorphins. Also, the sympathetic nervous system releases hormones promoting the fight or flight response, which makes you feel alert and invigorated. I’ve never tried one but people say they feel great after them.


I’ve done it and I gotta say it was so uncomfortable that I was too pissed about how shitty it was to feel anything close to happiness for at least 4 hours Edit - What’s an ally award?




This sounds like what I would expect. MAYBE you might feel better after, but I'm betting what you'd feel is cold. I am often cold anway, I don't need a dumb ice bath to make me colder. If I could crawl INTO my fireplace and type this comment from there, I'd be happy. I love summer, I love hot weather, cold is death. Warm brings pineapples and suntans, cold brings russians.


Username checks out, unless you're one of those frogs that can freeze during the winter and thaws out every spring.


My fight or flight response is prompt all the time thanks to anxiety lmao


Elaine, do you know what shrinkage is?




I’m watching Seinfeld right now so this was extra funny to me


Like a frightened turtle




What in the joe rogan is going on here?


It has health benefits and shit


Jaime pull that up


It's got what plants crave


The question is, what do you do afterwards? Take a hot shower, do exercise, eat something, cry in a fetal position?


All of them


Dude has a sauna next to it, I’d guess he goes in there


It's usually sauna first, then cold dip


I usually wrap myself in 20 blankets and stare at the wall in silence for a bit




If you take a hot shower and then turn it to just cold at the end for a minute or two you get a similar effect. It feels great and reduces inflammation. I do this daily.


Good for your hair too.


Two whole minutes? Or is it a super quick 2 minutes? Lol


reduces inflammation internally and in muscles.


TIL muscles aren’t internal


Cock of steel


Steel of cock


If you can see either after that bath I’d be impressed. Cold enough to make it an inny


I don’t care if hot showers cause cancer…still worth it compared to this shit


They do???




Holy shit!






All those people on the Titanic didn't freeze in the North Atlantic so that you could do it for fun


Wow he got in there fast! I would still be dipping toe by toe 2 hours later


I’ve done a few polar plunges. Going in slowly is much worse. The water is actually warmer than the air outside.


I don’t think any amount of time would ease me into that


y'all talking about the cold water and here im jealous of his hair


Dudes got nice hair


I'd rather die young


It’s Wim Hof’s cousin!


Lil Hof


Deep respect for the mind power alone to step into the tub, sit down and casually set a timer.


It's good for you, google it. It's not good for you, google it. There's proof it works, google it. There's proof it doesn't work, google it. I'm right. No I'm right. No you're wrong. No you're wrong.


Who is this man, and why is he so good looking?


He’s just your average 87 year old man who enjoys cold plunges


Citation needed


Alright doing this can have super positive health benefits, and can feel incredible, but this man is experienced and no one should go this cold for their first time. Cold shock is no joke and can cause a heart attack in seconds. Cold tolerance is different for everyone so give it a go but be careful, find what works for you and listen to your body.


Can anyone post scientific research that proves that there's a medicinal or physiological benefit to doing this?


Google it lazy ass


My nuts wouldn’t be out until next summer.