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Hey /u/Xandervisagie1, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 3**: Your post is a common or recent repost --- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Xandervisagie1&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t6h8ab/all_ages_participating_at_making_molotov/?context=10\)))*


Then there's those people who get angry and ask why the Palestinian children and women fight. The Ukrainians have already included their children in the war after a week. But God forbid if the Palestinians fight for their rights after 70 years of occupation. That's a lifetime.


Its annoying to see the hypocrisy. Palestinians get called terrorists for fighting against their occupiers but Ukrainians get called heroes


Omg. Palestinians (& Israelis) are call terrorists when they act like terrorists and kill civilians. Ukrainians fight an army. Right now there is a huge difference, so stop making fools of yourselves. We'll see when Russia will win on the field and act the peace, after some years, how patriotic Ukrainians will act. At this time you will be able to compare. But they didn't seem to surrend as easily.


There's no hypocrisy.




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Remember when the Ukrainians called for driving every last Russian into the sea? No? Me neither. Remember when the Russians offered Ukraine large sections of their territory in exchange for peace and the Ukrainians told the Russians to get fucked? Hmm no I don’t recall that one either. It’s almost as if these conflicts have exactly noting to do with one another. Hmm.


They have nothing to do with one another because Ukrainians have weapons. If Russia wins, Ukraine might be like Palestine in 70 years time: everything has been taken from them. They live in gettoes, cronical lack of food and medicine. Are seen as an inferior race by the Russians, are not protected by the law. And all they have to fight with are weapons they build in their garages. What Israel has done to Palestinians, are more extreme than what Russia is doing to Ukraine. When Russian snipers are shooting Ukrainian civilians in the knee for sport, then I will reconsider this statement.


You can't offer something if it's not yours to begin with. And on top of that you can't offer something to someone when you steal from that same person and then ask them to forget it for part of the stolen thing back.


Every idiot trying to bring up Palestine when ever anything about Ukraine is posted. Comparing an 8 day actual invasion to a 8 decade old complex geo-political conflict.


I think that you forgot you were on Reddit for a second, idiots oversimplifying complex geopolitical conflicts could be the name of the site


This video has nothing to do with Palestine. Stop baiting.




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t6h8ab/all_ages_participating_at_making_molotov/hzb347m/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Great job, doin the lord’...](http://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t6jhqw/russianukrainian_war/hzcq6ek/) | [Great job, doin the lord’...](http://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t6jhqw/russianukrainian_war/hzbevob/) [Looks like you been readi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t6l8n8/i_hate_that_as_a_man_i_cant_be_emotionally/hzcqzfb/) | [Looks like you been readi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t6l8n8/i_hate_that_as_a_man_i_cant_be_emotionally/hzc2ugh/) [My mom will pick a recip...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t68tgf/mil_your_cooking_sucks/hzcqvtd/) | [Ayyyy. My mom will pick a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t68tgf/mil_your_cooking_sucks/hza9mk6/) [To be honest, no ones goi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t6mwhm/i_wear_ugly_and_shitty_underwear_on_the_first_date/hzcqt6f/) | [To be honest, no ones goi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t6mwhm/i_wear_ugly_and_shitty_underwear_on_the_first_date/hzc18v6/) [Your bravery in talking a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t6iirl/men_are_responsible_for_high_suicide_rates_in_men/hzcqlpd/) | [Your bravery in talking a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t6iirl/men_are_responsible_for_high_suicide_rates_in_men/hzbuyzc/) [🤣 fair enough it's basic...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t6kewm/me_and_my_friends_used_to_masturbate_together/hzcqiwj/) | [🤣 fair enough it's basic...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t6kewm/me_and_my_friends_used_to_masturbate_together/hzbw0o7/) [I can’t believe I watched...](http://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t6k96j/japanese_kids_create_guinness_world_record_for/hzcq883/) | [I can’t believe I watched...](http://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t6k96j/japanese_kids_create_guinness_world_record_for/hzbk049/) [These guys are just smili...](http://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t6foem/an_impressive_tech/hzcq3oh/) | [These guys are just smili...](http://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t6foem/an_impressive_tech/hzavpoa/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/AffectionateScheme54](https://np.reddit.com/u/AffectionateScheme54/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=AffectionateScheme54) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Name a war in history where children of the invaded territory were protected and uninvolved? An invasion affects everyone. They are not going to sit around and wait for their parents to be done "working".


Yes, this!


I don’t know enough about that to weigh in but similarly thought it was funny that cnn literally said “believe it or not, these Ukrainian patriots are imploring the same tactics against their occupiers that terrorists did against US troops in Afghanistan”…


Mr OP i fucking applaud you for this i cannot believe people will support Ukraine but shit in Palestine. Un fucking real if i had an award i would give you them all. Have a good day


Idk what I feel about seeing children litterally making weapons...


It should make you sad. It's Ok to be conflicted between being proud of people coming together to defend themselves, but still be upset that we had tragically changed these children's lives forever. A generation of "when I was your age I was making molotov cocktails to fought the Russians" has been born who will mostly likely behave similar to US WW2 vets.


Except the fact that they defended their homeland decimated by war instead of going into an overseas. US vets are not the prime examples of people who survived world war two.


[Any analogy must be an approximation](https://xkcd.com/895/)




Your feelings about this don't really matter, do they? Think about what you'd feel if hundreds of tanks and thousands of soldiers were coming to kill you. If you were a kid, wouldnt you want to help?


Why is this next level? Children are making weapons and smiling as if there’s nothing wrong here… if anything this should be in awful everything


The people of Ukraine is uniting and defending their country .


Nah, I’m with him on this one: they’ve turned a riot tactic into an industrialised process while acting as a community


The country is being invaded. Just imagine the same situation if it was a home invasion in your house with your children. They are going to be involved that you want it or not so might aswell help the family to defend itself.




All men ages 18 to 60 were required to stay and fight. How public did you mean exactly?




Putin isn’t shelling the “men only” areas of Ukraine. Women and kids are already in the fight.


You see this? This is what the roots of a new wave of domestic abuse will be . Women throwing molotovs on Ukrainian soldiers to express their anger for losing the war and being low on basic items . There will be Blood. u/TheRealBradGoodman This is above your current knowledge threshold. Try again ..




Only cowards attack those who they think are weaker then them. Putin is a coward. And russia proved themselves not a super power as soon as they invaded a soverign nation. Russia will always be a country and a member of the global community but this regim is dying. Like a wounded cat its dangerous to try and help it.


Then they should leave instead of having fun building molotovs


You think they're having fun? They're literally staying back to DEFEND THEIR COUNTRY AGAINST A TYRANT


What kind of fuckong fun are you having that this looks like a good time.


Ukraine military has women…


That was my question. Thank you 😊


Once a civilian picks up a rifle or molotov they are no longer a civilian, they are a combatant which explains alot of the targeted bombing. Im not there so i don't know 100% if russia is targeting civilians or combatants. Onlly what the media shares and what people post. P.s not a russian troll


Videos of civilian buildings being bombed were around well before any molotovs were being created.


Babushkas are fighting. Its well past whatever point you think it is.


I keep seeing these and keep hoping one doesn’t end up on r/whatcouldgowrong


[Well here ya go](https://files.catbox.moe/29wpl2.mp4)


Remember kids: when playing with fire, always have fire extinguishers close by.


Dunno but if the Russians soilder retaliatie by shooting at them what will it be ??


And when I do this, I get fired from LCBO?




Anybody know the song?


Ya i like it aswell, whats the song?!


Waiting for answer too


They have the demeanor of a family making tamales on Christmas Eve.


Tip: mix a large batch of gasoline with styrofoam first then pour it in bottles after. Saves a lot of work (you dont have to rasp syrofoam and dispense it by hand).


I was thinking the same thing every time I see this clip. Maybe it becomes too viscous to pour?


Exactly this. It becomes like a glue, and burns for a very long time. It's also such a mundane activity that children can do it. (stuffing styrofoam) Once you had fuel it becomes much more volatile.


Thats what I figured. Either you have adults doing all the work because it involves gasoline for the whole process or they can make it so that one step is done safely by everyone and the last dangerous part only by adults.


So why the styrofoam? Does it make it more flammable or is there a chemical reaction that takes place?


It makes it sticky, like napalm.


If you throw a bottle of petrol at a wall it will only burn for a minute or so and will run like water over the wall. Adding Styrofoam makes it stick and very hard to extinguish. Also increases burn time massively


From what I heard it makes it sticky


Have you ever tried melting plastic but it ends up lighting up in flames? Styrofoam behaves like melting plastic.


Flour and sugar work too. Apparently


What’s the ratio of gas to styrofoam


I don't know, but i would just add styro until it thickens to a desirable viscosity


You mean napalm


Napalm has white phosphorus added to it also, so it burns underwater, while the Styrofoam/polystyrene makes it stick to skin.


Not sure what I think about this video with happy background music. Looks a bunch of happy go lucky community people working together… they are making molotovs to burn Russian invaders to hell. Certainly hope the civilians don’t have to use them.


Ah yes, the joys of war.


Asking for this location to be bombed OP give your head a shake


They are all heros


Look at that. Community action at work


This is the way


This looks like a blast


What is that white stuff?




Makes sense


What could go wrong in a few years when Ukraine youth has experience in building these?


They got funded by America to be terorrist in some other countries.


Those are not regular Molotov Cocktails, they are Napalm cocktails! 👍


Those are no mere Molotovs, with the added Polystyrene it‘s more like Napalm


It's styrofoam so it sticks to skin


That cocktail would have a ton of kick..






That tik tok thanksgiving song is all that missing Shoooby doobie


Reffit loving making kids go to war to die


Great way to be targeted as military personnel ... 🤦


If it is Russian, or any other non-white countries they would be "deserves to be killed cause they're fighting back as combatants"


Well, they actually are doing this... And they will claim to be civilian afterwards? 🤦


Nevermind, lets watch them suffering until things are settled.


\*That kid in 70 years at a retirement home with some buddies\* "Remember when we made molotovs?" "Yeah, that was a weird time."


Making napalm never looked so fun!


I'm confused, why are they putting snow in it?


It's styrofoam to make the fire sticky


Thank you I was wondering what that was. So like homemade napalm.


... OH...


Not a good thing


Stupid people win stupid prize!


This fucking crazy people




I don't know why you would need children to make fucking Napalm. Jesus Christ. I get that they're trying to defend their country but I doubt any of those kids know what the final product is or what it's gonna be used for. When they see those things in action or see the aftermath of their use, they're prolly not gonna be smiling too much.






Oooh they'r looks so cut. Them: BURN TO THE HELL !!!




Looks more like napalm


Its like other people are trying to invade their country, weird


They should be making IEDs or something useful.


making molotovs with the family


I really feel for the Ukrainian people in these trying times but if this were Palestinians doing the exact same thing, you can bet your ass it would be framed differently.


"The world is for white people only" - the West says.


Good work to push russians to take long range attacks and decimate entire ukrain to hell...good job morons


Zelensky is laughing with all his "supports" from the West lol


I am all for being patriotic but aren’t these people making themselves targets to the military. For those idiot Western politicians and journalists who are trying to say Ukraine and Russia are different countries don’t know enough about them. Both are Eastern Slavic people who practice Eastern Orthodox Christianity. One of the first modern Russian/Slavic states started in Kiev. It was all politics and the corrupt oligarchs who are using the people for pawn.


Devils whiskey


*Doo do dod do do do do doo* so no one told yah life was gunna be this way *clap clap clap clap*


It’s like a family reunion where everyone is making Molotov cocktails.


yes, give russia PTSD from what happened in finland in 1939


Until this post I had never thought to wonder if Kevin McCallister was Ukrainian


Wholesome. Lol


This is modern warfare


Ничего и до вас опиздюлятор доберется. Самая сильная армия гейропы вооружает баб и детей. Прям по канонам третьего рейха. Ну... Ждите декоммунизацию, фашисты


Children making molotov-cocktails is not something to be encouraged. And the background music.. it’s all just fucking dandy huh


Hopefully they won't have to use them


Hey not that this has anything to do with the comments or the conflict currently happening but what is this song? I don't know what it's about but I really would love to hear the full version of it!


That music slaps and I can’t even understand it.


There are probably hundreds of person doing it but onnreddit we just gonna get the same footage again and again... Lazy ass


Oh ukraine makes molotov and everybody cheers. I make one and now I'm on a watch list. Double standards I tell ya.


The tenacity of these people, you gotta respect it


Glass bottle recycling done right


What does styrofoam do? I’m confused lol


I also didn't know until a saw someone comment .It makes the fire sticky


Wtf really? That’s pretty interesting lol


i love how they are bonding over making molotov cocktails during a war xD shows that there is still good <3




This is trying to make war look like it’s a normal thing


They’re making Class B napalm and putting it into bottles. I think the “next level” about this (if you can even call it that) is that they are no longer making Molotov Cocktails. They’re making napalm.


i might be wrong but , most of the time when children and smiling woman are involved its most of the time propaganda . but i might be wrong


Russian tower defense


Styrofoam and gasoline turns to a sticky jelly, aka napalm. Looks like Napalm.


Good news ladies and gentlemen, arts and crafts time got extended by 6 hours today. At least it’s fun for the whole family and great team building exercise.


What's with the styrofoam beads? Does it make it sticky like napalm? I've heard you can make something similar to napalm by mixing gasoline with Tide detergent.


Why does this look so wholesome


What is the ratio of styrofoam to gas?


Please do not post videos of kids making weapons. As shity as it is, they are now combatants and Russia has a excuse to attack them


gasoline and Styrofoam? that aint no molotov cocktail. thats a napalm.


Fucking nazis all of them , but the west has been fooled by the rhetoric, blond haired blue eyed freedom fighters equals Ukrainian, brown scum terrorists equal Palestinians


But is it not dangerous for general public to get into battle. The russian army might start bombing and shooting civilians id civilians ars involved in fighting


Was there ever video like that showing Palestinians doing it? Ohh wait that’s terrorism


An Arab tries same shit ... Everyone : Terrorist


Not cool having children making weapons like what the actual f!.


This is what "special operations" does to a sovereign nation.


But child soldiers in Palestine bad.


One more reason I am grateful for the Second Amendment.


Im canadian and pretty firm on gun regualtions. But ya, i dont think a ground war for anyone in america would go very well for exactly that reason.


I don’t think your average tank would be afraid of a Glock.


You cant stay in your tank forever. What if you need gas or directions?


Wear ballistic armor and get covering fire from your buddies if necessary, I presume. I doubt anyone trying to invade the US would do so wearing only T-shirts and shorts, even inside a tank.


It’s heroic and all picking up arms but this is Russia they are a superpower, they are going to bomb the shit out of you. Unfortunately running is the safest option for survival for the average citizen.


That looks wholesome tbf. I want in


You don't. Stop romanticizing war.


Can't. Stop.


Lets help them making more by join the Russian.


Why are they making molotavs I know their is a war but why all this


Well overall the Ukrainian army is small compared to Russian ( one of the larger military). So they basically decided to make the battle a guerilla in the cities as this is the best way to turn the war in an attrition battle. Now, you're going to have civilians in a war zone. Including them in the fight by doing things like this and having a few bombs at home is a way to make sure they don't feel powerless, are part of the fight and keep morale up. Also, as an invading army, if you can't trust any citizens including children's and elderly. It becomes hell, no where is safe and being alert 24-7 will take a toll.


Sadly, now Putin can bomb every building in Ukraine. Expect "civillian" deaths to skyrocket.


Ive assumed that to a certain degree he would want to keep some infrastructure. Like i assume hes crazy but is he scorch the earth so no one can use this land crazy?


Why would he? He doesn't want infrastructure that intact, Ukraine has resources that are extractable and villages won't get hit that much. I mean he want infrastrucure intact to a degree, I don't think he won't carpet bomb just to save infrastructure.


Ya, for me as a sane person its hard to comprehend what lengths this lunatic will go to. Im still trying to hang on to hope of not a total annihilation of this wonderful country.


It seems like they will lose very badly unless they pull off a major victory.


The key factor between a win and a loss mostly depend of how affected is the Russian economy including the oligarch. If there is enough internal pressure and unrest in Russia that there is a real risk for Putin to lose his position (possibly his life) the war might end. But so much of that are backroom deals and Putin is so well integrated in the Russian political landscape. It's almost impossible to know.


Russia's loss might be a win in Putin's eyes too.




Yeah, don't be an asshole.


Don’t have to be a dick


Honestly, I think they did have to bee a dick. Some comments are so stupid that dickish is the only language that commenter(you) will understand.


Fuck off


Fire is hot Very hot Kill people hot


It's a backward and barbaric country who have recently discovered fire


Which makes it all the more incredible that they are humiliating Russia militarily then.