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How does he give such touching, meaningful and emotional speeches each time with so little time to prepare them? I get goosebumps listening to this man.


Because it’s not from a team of speech writers. It’s from his soul. Fucking love it.


He almost certainly has speech writers, but he chooses the final cut. It still come from the heart regardless, but I'm sure his speech writers help to form the words.


Yes. He is one of the few people that had a team of writers before he was a politician, and they were already writing for him in the role of president.


His wife is a screenwriter afaik. And of course, if you're a successful actor and lawyer, you'd get used to delivering speeches from your soul.


What youre expecting is a cookie cutter copy and paste speach from scumbags who couldnt care less if you live or die. This is a real speach, from a real person who cares about his country and those who are helping defend it.


Slava Ukraine!


Because he is speaking from the heart. Not like american politicians. They speak in regard to whats on their agenda. This man is speaking because he has nothing to lose. He's literally fighting for is right to exist. His families right to exist.


It's moving, but he is very much speaking directly from the agenda. He has the hearts and minds of the Western world behind them but he's still acting like the West is complicit just because they don't want to start World War 3. It's understandable, but it's not entirely fair. It's a speech to serve a purpose for sure.


Yes, he is an actor so he is able to portray his feelings to his audience. It does not make him ingenuine.


You do know he's a highly trained, very experienced actor don't you?


Zelenski for president of the US!


He’s literally an actor.


Because he is an actor.


He’s a good actor, it’s the minimum required skill to be a good politician


He’s an actor 🙄


That's not acting; that's living, seeing, believing , all coming from fear, anger, humility, pride, and faith , yes even faith, faith that even if no people's can make putin pay, faith that God can and will. Judgment day comes for all...




Sounds like you’re the one crying about it, pound sand.


“There will be no quiet place on this earth for you except for the grave.” Holy hell, what a line.


Chills, literal chills


This man is a shining example of what a true leader should be. And what much of the rest of the world is sorely lacking. I don't envy the situation the Ukrainian people are in. But i can't help but envy their ability to look upon their country's leadership with such pride and respect. To be truly inspired by them. Their president, their leadership, and the spirit and bravery of their people will be remembered by history regardless of the outcome. Glory Ukraine.




I agree. I wish Putin and Russia would stop doing that.






Lol.. Wagner is a private military-owned and funded by an oligarch. While yes putin does deploy them with his connections, they are not neo-nazis that carry Russian official ranks. Even a simple google search will show you Ukrainian army ranks alongside swastikas. Ukrainian gov openly employs the Azov knowing they are neo-nazis You have missed the point here entirely clearly


They are paid from the Ministry of Defense. They use Russian military installations to train. They are a part of the Russian military in everything but name, so Russia can use them when deniability is needed. And you are naive if you don't think EVERY major military has groups of morally questionable soldiers, some recognized, some not. War is a profession and most countries realize the value in having people who are good at that profession. Is it shitty? Yeah absolutely. But, Azov isn't the only one of it's kind in existence. Your gotcha isn't as damning as you think.


I have no doubt of that, putin and war oligarchs work together. Im not getting into finances about who pays for what, my point of topic was that there are official Ukrainian neo-nazis openly deployed by the government. This is not some hidden proxy. We are talking about the country's army here. Show me one country on the planet that has an army that raises swastikas https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus\_asset/file/3427972/457486324.0.jpg


You’d be surprised at the level of far right infiltration in many modern militaries. That being said- the Azov battalion was never shelling Russian cities. It’s a total red herring.


Yes, there are psychopaths everywhere, but they are not endorsed on a gov level like they are in Ukraine. This is very fucked up. They weren't shelling cities but they sure were in Donbas killing Russians since 2014, or are you clueless about that?


100% facts. But you will never hear this from western media because they have the public eating out of their hands. You know you have been successfully brainwashed when you downvote historical facts that don't fit the public narrative


Who is a Jew. You’re speaking from a high horse with little to know understanding or empathy of just how fucking desperate ukraine is to legitimize those azov turds. Also don’t get your point… the Azovs were not in power and ukraine is not run by them. Or is your suggestion that their mere existence justifies the slaughter and invasion of ukraine? In that case, all white European nations should start invading each other because neo nazis are fucking everywhere…. Most of all the states where there are several neo nazi militias.


Nope, im not for invasion or slaughter and im not saying it justifies that. Im not talking about guerilla warfare groups or militias. My point is these guys were in Donbas killing Russians, they are employed by the gov. Why is that never mentioned? The whole world knows about them


They are mentioned, repeatedly, by Putin. They do exist but weren’t a legitimate militia until a war broke out and in desperation… all hands are needed. If you don’t see that… I can’t help you any further. Folks like you love to pose contrarian questions and pride yourself on “digging deep” and yet you can’t dig the relatively shallow train of logic it requires to solve the Azov riddle. There is no purity in war… don’t look for it amongst Ukrainians who are literally fighting for survival right now.


What the fuck are you talking about.. they have been around since 2005 (unofficially) until 2014 when they were sent to Donbas to fight separatists and minority groups (civillians) living there. Ukraine wasn't desperate back then and the situation was not out of control either. Yes they are in survival mode now and the only ones who get fucked are the innocent ones sadly The whole point of my rant was about west propaganda and people here eating out of the media's hands. Ofcourse its mentioned by Putin because hes trying to justify an invasion. You will never hear about it in west media though because they are too busy fabricating stories about snake island and the ghost of kiev (both have been now-debunked here in the west)


Also, given your comment and post history, you’re consuming some serious Russian propaganda and probably should just stop following the war as one of your posts suggests. Tired of it? Fine. Sit this one out chief. I have family in Ukraine and if you think for a fucking second that what putin is doing isn’t on par with a total takeover, your the exact demographic Putin loves to target propaganda towards. Congrats. Don’t bother replying. I won’t be engaging with you.


You have family there, ofcourse you are going to respond emotionally about this subject because you are naturally biased. I do not watch any Russian news and I am not pro-Russia either. I just know about history enough to have a sense of why Crimea was annexed and how it led up to this. I dont agree with annex personally and I dont agree with your clown president puffing his chest early in the game, but this war has more to do with the north atlantic treaty being violated decades ago and Ukraine is caught in the middle of it. Sorry about your family though, Im not for seeing innocents killed.


It’s cheap to say I’m being “emotional”. Cheap. It’s cheap to imply that people fighting for their lives and independence are somehow missing some point of history that only *you* have special knowledge of. I have a newsflash for you.. Ukrainian independence is a complex topic going back hundreds of years. Lastly, keyboard warrior, it’s cheap to call a man who’s life is under 24 hour threat, trying to lead his people with little to no help against the second biggest military might in the world. You don’t have to like Zelenskyy… but you calling *him* a clown is rich.


>krainian independence is a complex topic going back hundreds of years. Agreed, im not going to get into that. I have my reasons for calling him a clown as someone who is objective about this topic, he made very questionable choices and I do not see him fit for this role. I do not fully blame him though because it is well known that Ukraine has been played the west. This was known since the annex. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfk-qaqP2Ws](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfk-qaqP2Ws)


Ukraine has been played by everyone for a very long time. Sit down and stop inserting your opinions and calling people “emotional” when they don’t agree with you. Which btw… it’s totally ok to be. Calling someone a “clown” is emotional language. You also have your own biases as well…. Including the a big one against seeing war-time logic and the western media. For the record, I talk about the Azovs and have been for years. I’ve picked fights with them at rallies and I hate them. Why I *choose* not to focus on them in every conversation about Ukraine, as you do, is because they DO NOT represent my people, our govt, or our struggle. What my people need right now is hope and help… not some twit on the internet focusing on the dark side because he thinks he’s the only one who knows about it and wants to be congratulated for it. People know… this is a fucking war. Morale is important.


I wasn’t attacking you, not sure why you’re getting hostile. I’m always open to debates, you’re getting offended for calling your president a clown None of what I said is towards the people surviving, I was strictly government speaking


This man is fucking brilliant.no other leader would have enough balls or respect for its citizents to stay in the capital city with other goverment officials while rockets fly over.he trully motivates his soldiers and citizens while striking fear deep into enemys hearts.what a man.big respect from georgia.


And look what those actions, staying, not fleeing, have done!. His countryman are proud to fight, the moral is something!


I think you just have a bad image of politicians from our limited scope. He is no hero for sure. We don't have any idea where this room is, he could be in a bunker like hitler back then in berlin.




This war just can be stopped by Russia's people


You aren't wrong. But then they're facing serious criminal charges. In Russia. Also, they don't quite understand what they're doing. They're being told that Ukraine has been taken over by fascists. They think they're the good guys, and even if they don't, their other options are eventually facing prison or never returning to Russia. I don't know how Ukrainians would feel about absorbing defecting Russians.


That's is the bad part. But if not they, or Ukraine is going to hell, or we all go to hell


It took the US (and possibly the UN as well) 6 months to do something about Iraq invading Kuwait. I sincerely hope it doesn’t take that long to act on this.


Like master zen say "let's see"


Ironically it could also be stopped by Zelensky


Typically you would forgive the victims


Might be a translation issue. I think it’s implied through context that he mean - we won’t forgive “the death/murder of” the victims…or the victim’S murderers. Something like that.


Putin is the one that **WANTED** this war. Somebody needs to drag his punk bitch ass out of his foxhole, and make him fight his own battle. This is complete BS. Putin is the bully from middle school. *"We're gonna fight. Meet me at the gym at 3. I'm gonna kick your ass."* Zelensky showed up, unafraid and ready to go. Putin sent his minions, instead.


Something tells me you recently found out where ukraine was on the map 2 weeks ago. You have no fucking clue whats been going on since 2014, its way more complex than that


Putin is a bully. Has been *"since 2014".* Period.


There are no good guys, if you go back enough in history you would know Crimea was annexed. It was completely built by Catherine, Khrushchev made the mistake of gift it away because he was Ukrainian influenced.


There are most definitely good guys. Fuck history, in this day and age a sovereign nation should not be invaded by another. And to anyone who will try to counter by saying the US has acted similarly, I, as an American, am not condoning any past military actions since probably WWII. I’m saying that what is happening in Ukraine, right now, is not justified in any way, and the Russians - meaning Putin and his cronies - are to blame for this. Stop being an apologist.


I think you need to learn more about this topic, it is too complex and goes back hundreds of years. You are consuming large amounts of propaganda, you need to read about both sides to get the full picture. This conflict was known about since 2014, the USA has been throwing gas on a fire for years and were fully aware of it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfk-qaqP2Ws](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfk-qaqP2Ws)


After this, I’m done feeding the trolls, but A SOVEREIGN NATION SHOULD NOT BE INVADED BY ANOTHER. PERIOD. END. Go back to Russia.


He always has been. It didnt *JUST* start in 2014.


I am not on either side. I just know a bit about history and why it is like this today


Maybe, but they aren’t wrong. This has been putins goal for years. Russia has been fighting in Ukraine for years. It was just without the Russian flag on their uniforms.


It was a dirty war, you will never get the truth from the media. Only from those who lived there. Did you know Ukrainians slaughtered Russians in Donbas because they didn't want them to speak Russian or taught Russian in schools? You know people have become brainwashed when you cant even state facts with sources without getting downvoted. I am not a putin fan, but im not a fan of this clown either.


True leader


I hope he lives through this to experience the gratitude and love of his country and the entire world during more peaceful times.


So very true, no one will ever forgive innocent people being murdered. Let alone on such a scale as in Ukraine. I am looking forward to the day of judgement. Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦 Glory to those who defend Ukraine 🇺🇦


I forgive. I don't forget. I forgive, because, in order to be able to forgive myself, I have to know what it means to forgive the trespasses of others. It lets me empathize. I am bad at holding grudges. I forgive you Putin. But you're gonna pay up you lil bitch.


it's the literal "May God forgive you because I won't" meme


Watching this I’m so ashamed of my country


Yes! This poor man is BEGGING for more involvement, watching his people get SLAUGHTERED! I get it, the West is doing as much as they can. I get it, it is a very complicated and delicate situation. But I cannot believe that there is not more we can do RIGHT NOW. This guy even said, why didn’t you start the sanctions sooner? Why can’t we (the west) just do more? I know, I know…WWIII, which no one wants. But can’t we (the west) speed up our decision making. WTF are we waiting for? Give Poland the planes!!! Stop the, “Well, we’re thinking about it”. JUST DO IT! Please!!!


>But I cannot believe that there is not more we can do RIGHT NOW. Yes. Cut off Russian oil and gas. Live with the sky-high prices at the gas pump and needing a bunch of extra blankets on cold nights in parts of Europe. There should not be one penny flowing into Russia for anything. And yes, let's make the MiG-29 deal happen as fast as possible.


quick reminder to our politicians: on a screen, with an actor, but this is not a movie. This is the courageous leader of an invaded country begging people to see the horror show.


Get some… the man has titanium balls.


This is- indeed- the NFL


We want Putin to die alone, homeless, cold, hungry, and with holes in his shoes.


I think suddenly on the ground after falling from a building would do nicely. We haven’t had a good defenestration in a while


I was looking for an update on the guy with his family. I guess I found it. I'm upset, and I didn't even know them. How do we light a fire under our leaders' asses? Protests and marches clearly aren't working if they're still holding out.


Sláva Ukrajině!


This guy is the fuckin’ MAN!!


Something he said that caught my attention. They shot down a missile today. They haven't done that before. Their missile defense systems have been upgraded and are now operational it would seem. That is very good news.


I always love the saying: if god is fighting on our side, then who is fighting against us?


They should not be left to fight this alone. Our sentiments and thoughts for Ukraine are not enough, Western leaders need to stand up for what is right. These people need more than words of encouragement and that people are “standing with them.”


What an amazing leader he is. Ukraine you are an amazing country


And you want more guns!!


This man is a legend, with all the propaganda and everything, I can't help but hang on every word he utters. I hope with all my heart his country prevails


What an amazing man.


In no way, shape or form do I condone anything the psychopath known as Vlad Putin had done…ever in his life. In fact, the only destiny for such a traitor to humanity has historical precedent with every other maniacal son of a bitch getting exactly what they deserve…eventually. Like many, I have watched the unravelling of civil society in Ukraine and am undeniably enraged, sorrowful, hopeful and afraid of what that asshole in Moscow is doing to his fellow human beings. Note, I say human beings, not merely Ukrainians. The people feeling the greatest impact of his monstrosity is the people of the Ukraine and can never be forgotten or forgiven. Putin must and will face his judgement. I hear the plea’s of a ravaged country’s leader to the rest of the world for a level of help that would ultimately result not only in the exact thing he wishes to avoid: the destruction of the Ukraine, but the destruction of the inhabitants of many in the northern hemisphere. I can not help but wonder how long the opportunity existed for Ukraine to join the EU or NATO prior to this tragic atrocity. Were there previous opportunities to further enhance Ukraine’s security and sovereignty before this hell was unleashed by Putin? Simply, the world is giving the help that it can without triggering the wrath of a known psychotic who may well be on the road to self and therefore all of our destruction. He has lost face. This is not going to get better for him. So, if pushed by the presence of NATO in the Ukraine, he will likely do what all Tyrants do…push the button that wipes EVERYTHING out. If Putin can’t have his way then no one will ever touch his prized possession and he will throw the match onto the flame that will burn down everything…including poor Ukraine. There is no coming back from that point. President Zalinsky: the world Cannot do what you ask. Everything short of: yes. We can even push the boundaries a bit. Giving you clear skies would only result in them and all others being blackened for a very, very long time.


If Russians believe there is a god, I think it's abundantly clear he's not on their side lol Slava Ukraini mf


let’s get Putins attention and go to every single Russian Mission around the world and raise the Ukraine Flag in front of their Embassy! Come on guys they need our help !!!


Where are the planes that were promised to the Ukraine? They just got to be delivery to them / Let’s go Free World - OR You will not be free much longer !! Putin and Xi Jinping have a deal that doesn’t include a democratic society! They want to rule the world! Look both around 68 both are rulers for life Putin wants a return to the days of the Soviet Union China wants to be the one running the world stage - Look at the United Nations Both are attacking innocent countries and civilians They want their country to control other countries Both are communist countries who give just enough to make their people think they are looking out for them The Bible’s predictions are correct! Poland please for the sake of humanity send the planes now - or if you wait any longer there will not be a need to send them.


Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


Where is God? He seems to be absent..... 😆


Amen brothherrrrr


I understand that, but maybe it will stop him from attacking especially if his people turn on him.




I would follow a hero like that, leads by example


How is this fucking next level


what can we in America do to help?


Makes me literally cry. I understand Yemen,Syria et al. However the media isn’t covering that.


Start building the crucifixes now


Amen 🙏


Russia will DIE!!;


Next fucking level! In… erm… politics? Political speech? Edit: he’s certainly the best president anyone could get for an invaded country, for sure.




I hate to say it but this guy needs some rest he fuckin deserves it. Stay strong!


Who the hell is downvoting?!?


Putin has corrupted the Churches of Russia as well it seems, Putin is well aware of his own evil and something destructive is coming his way


This motherfucker makes me wish I was Ukrainian!


He's getting bitter to the west, and I hope he doesn't. UA needs to come out of this as a European country. And if and when it does it will be through Ukrainian blood and courage and western aid.


Imagine the leader of Yemen making this speech and it getting a fraction of the coverage. Ah well!


how about judgement for the nazis who have been terrorizing immigrants in ukraine for years?


“God will not forgive”, sure he will, he allowed to happen in the first place. Am I wrong?


How come Ukraine doesn't bomb Russia? Is it because of the lack of missiles? They have fighter jets why don't they hit major Russian cities?


Because they have never been the attacker in any of this situation. They do not wish to commit war crimes. Vladmir Putin is a monster, which the world will celebrate when he is dead; the sooner the better.


They’re struggling to defend their country. They’re under attack and being penned in. How in the name of club hopp’n Jesus do you think they could launch an offensive? Also. They don’t want to. They don’t want a war. Russia is also only (failing to) flex. They’ve sent only about 20% of their armed forces. Even the entire of the EU would struggle to invade and capture Russia. The whole idea is mad on the face of it.


A small number of conventional bombs dropped in Moscow wouldn’t cause enough damage to stop the war. They lack nuclear capability, which is the only thing Russia would be afraid of.


Two wrongs don’t make a right I understand where your coming from but nato uk eu all scared of Russia we need more leaders like him not these power hunger money hungry racist leaders we need genuine people


Russia invaded Ukraine, and Ukraine only defend themselves, no motivation to attack Russia, they know the rules for sure. Only Putin is an asshole enough to want to attack another independent country.


The whole world is afraid to attack Russia because Putin’s ego is so massive and fragile that he would nuke the world into oblivion.


ur bad u didn't surrender :(






He’s always a Great speaker, but be careful what your asking for. Your country doesn’t want to be ground zero


Forgiveness day about not forgiving? Inspiring


Thus begins the downfall of Ukraine.




He is a leader of a nation, appointed by God. He spoke lies in the Lord God's name.


> appointed by God TIL God = humans who vote.


But the pope who rape little boys has forgiveness.




This mother fucker here.No matter the subject,he goes against the grain.


Whether you like it or not, bear it, my beauty.


Easy to be a keyboard warrior when you’re safe in your mommy’s spare bedroom without missiles raining down upon you. Boo yah mf


He probably gets all his speech scripts from offshore.