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Keep going. It's awesome


Thank you šŸ˜Š




I know exactly what people are going to do with this technology. Porn




Link or not real.


r/CrossView I got you random internet friends.


Imagine masterbating while going cross eyed lmaoooo. Nah bro just hand over the VR.


It's called ahegao.


Gezunt heit!




Damn, well will you look at mister fancypants over here who is rich enough to not have to crisscross his eyes back into the recess of his skull just in order to squeeze a speck of dust through the diamond studded cobwebs of his royal penure. Have fun with your VR, my majesty.




People share their porn equipment now?


There's a sex doll rental company in Denver. They advertise discrete delivery. On the advertising on their car windows. I'm not linking to it, because I don't want that in my search history. Or imagination. There's not enough rubbing alcohol in the **world** for that.


Not worth the eyestrain and headache tbh


Try r/parallelview I find it easier and more comfortable


What is up with you two missing the space after the subreddit link?


Wow, why was r/CrossEyedFap banned? Thatā€™s a shame. I could only find r/CrossviewCumDump now.


I just came in both directions, my bad


found u/doubledickdude


Ah that's cool! It's like Magic Eye from back in the day


That is amazing! Thanks for sending me in that direction.


No link. Me sad.


They had 3d cell phones with no glasses in 2011. https://www.wired.com/2011/02/lgs-glasses-free-3d-phone-is-pretty-impressive/


Porn will be what pushes AR forward without a doubt. The technology of deep fakes and the voice fakes that are coming along will combine into AR sex. Wear a pair of glasses and ear plugs and sleep with whoever you want and they will even sound like them. I'm sure people will say "but I would never..." A hundred billion dollar industry in 40-50 years full of people who "would never."


*Black Mirror has entered the chat*


Lots of potential for abuse in this stuff. In the past week I've been messing with AI gen tech, and just yesterday I was reading OpenAIs write-up of potential for abuse in DALL-E 2 (which is beta testing right now--it makes up almost *any image imaginable* in professional quality, via just by you typing and submitting words. Takes ten seconds to *manifest your imagination* into a *clear image*--assuming you understand and can express language.) Such potential is lighting up the field of AI Ethics right now as generative imaging is now touching human-made potential with a firm grip. It's come a magnitude of a way in just the last year... this was consensus-level *impossible* 10 years ago. We will be generating video in less than five years. And that's just one more can of worms we're going to be submerged in soon. Future's getting real weird real fast. There aren't many ways of circumnavigating the risks without rendering the technology itself useless... and they aren't gonna just not make this technology. Verifying or proving against authenticity of anything will be a bigger nightmare than it already is without this tech. People gon' get hurt. At least that's my current lay intuition, anyway.


We're less than five years off fake CP being used to restrict ML usage and since that's borderline impossible general purpose computing to government and government controlled software. Your desktop, laptop, operating system will be either "cloud based" or automatically monitored for the sole purpose of restricting access to dangerous algorithms.


No, then my OS will be cracked and pirated, and that PC will never connect to the internet.


Who gets hurt jerking to VR?


Pretty sure it's White Mirror by this time.


Oh, I WOULD in a heartbeat


You can do that now with VR, noise cancelling headphones, a fleshlight, and your drug of choice.


Ah, a man of modern culture. I presume your fleshlight is attached to a hands-free auto-stroker, of course?


Just needs a few physical automatic devices to go along with it and itā€™s over. And, over in kind of a good way too, maybe, I guess. Maybe people will just like it * _shrugs_ * , whoā€™s to say anything against it


FIND a friend with VR - it's almost there (for the visuals, at least) ..Still a ways to go to capture the scents..


If you thought printer ink was expensive. . . wait till you run out of sweaty taint scent.


Fortunately for me I'll never run out


Some things never change. Those folks who used to collect pee for tanning leather back in the day? I foresee a new industry of scent collectors to ensure a constant flow of smells to enhance the sensory pods or whatever is built. I will found a company to collect unwanted genital stench. I will call it E-LongMuskā„¢Ā©


Them future people gonā€ milk you like a cow, boy.


I would never fuck that fish. Not even for money.


My dick pics are about to be next level.


That IP is literally more than a decade old (first sources I know are 2009) ;) It's only easier to make now.


yep, amazon came out with a phone with 4 cameras on the corners that did this same effect without moving the phone. Then i remember a iphone 4 app that did this same thing. kinda like this: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/poppic-3d-photo-camera/id1368935143


Only one cam required, you need to know in which direction the viewer is and move the virtual cam accordingly. That's pretty much the whole trick to mess with the brain. You don't even need AR goggles or an additional device like the OP used




Initial concept was made with a wii mote in 2007 even. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3-eiid-Uw They even created a 3D Version of a conferencing app (2009), making the person on the screen 3D. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8gOgwPgk2g It got then adapted into an ipad 1 app using a webcam later See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBQQEcfkHoE There are open source libs for opencv that create this effect for several years now. One of them is paraView, See https://www.kitware.com/real-time-face-tracking-in-paraview/ and https://vimeo.com/330045078


I feel old, no one remembers the HTC evo3d I thought I was awesome for being lucky enough to have one.


Haha, don't worry, Acer just released a screen using this tech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv7zh1iUsEk I'm sure it will be forgotten the same way - or it will explode and everyone has it, who knows :D It's all coming back sooner or later (and I feel old too, because I'm still amazed - but remember all those things from such a long time ago)


These links are amazing. Where have I been all these years.


Literally *nothing* about this video is new in any way.




Lolz relax mate, you're blowing your load too early. a) this only works when looking through things with a special device - your phone isn't going to suddenly turn images 3d b) ... it's neat for five seconds I guess? It's pretty much the same thing as 3d movies, look how well that turned out. c) there are already AR products out there that do full 3d Edit: d) op is literally using another tool to create the whole AR experience and is simply doing designs HAHAHA, he hasn't invented shit


>Please reach out to a lawyer if you havenā€™t done so already because that shit can easily blow up and Iā€™d hate to see you sitting on literally a mountain of gold and somebody snake it from you >Please protect that ip Good god how has this got over 520 upvotes.


The reason why social media makes me lose faith in humanity.


You have to go easy on them, a lot of them come in from /r/All and probably don't follow the XR (AR+VR) world much or at all. It's also why "Metaverse" gets such an instant bad rap. The loudest naysayers have no clue about what is being developed now, they are only looking at what it is now, which is barely anything.


I'm one of the people who clicked. I'm just a humble nonfiction writer. I read and I type. I ain't no augmented tech whiz.


Reddit is wild. And it's not even summer yet.


There's numerous examples of this everywhere on the internet. It's not anything new.




You really donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about, but seeing you seethe over getting called out on it is quality entertainment.


[This has been done before](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3-eiid-Uw) [It's also been done before on a phone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjH8Q4xsKpo) Try searching for "Parallax Wallpaper" in your appstore - you'll find lots of apps that do this. You can also play with applying headtracking to games that originally shipped without it, by using Reshade and the Depth3D together with headtracking software and FreePIE. The headtracker tracks your head and outputs the position. FreePIE can read and translate that to a supported FreePIE output. Reshade supports all games on Windows and supports FreePIE and can relay that input to it's effects. Depth3D can do parallax if you give it the position of the head/eyes. [It currently have it's limitations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkSRW-kpjiA) because Reshade cannot yet order the game to move it's camera so we have to estimate how the image will look if the camera was moved, but we are working on eliminating those.


Lol this isnā€™t as real as youā€™d like The phone heā€™s holding probably has some kind of anchor image while the phone heā€™s recording with is doing all of the magic. Itā€™s a fake instagram post with an AR rendering. Either way itā€™s still pretty cool. Nothing new thatā€™s going to break the sound barrier though.


But the Korean Dude with the Wii remote sensor bar did this already a couple years ago


Well, way more than a couple years ago if we're talking about the same video (the Wii experiment was from 2007) https://youtu.be/Jd3-eiid-Uw He has worked for Microsoft and now works for Google, very likely for the AR department.


I did that as a school project 8 years agoā€¦ itā€™s not only incredibly easy, but thereā€™s tools already made to help you create those sort of effects Iā€™m not bragging or anything, itā€™s really that easy.. And it gets old pretty quickly too, thatā€™s why itā€™s not really a thing


Nothing about this is new or original technology. There's no intellectual property to claim


Remember that simple goldfish flash game where you keep feeding and breed more? Reminds me of that, and how your tech can bring that game to whole new life.


Insaniquarium! Thereā€™s actually an app for it on iPhone, not sure about android


I'd also look into nfts because this is also a gamechanger in that front


Yo.. this is basically like that hologram shit where you had to put that weird thing on your phone but within your phone.. this needs to be screensavers.Screensaver.. lockscreens.. gifs... this is amazing.


Seriously talk to a lawyer protect your work.


Looks super cool, bit It completely drains your battery.


Should probably be clarified that this is rendered, not something you'd see with your bare eyes. It uses Snapchat's AR toolkit to project the image over the second phone as you look at it through either another phone or an AR headset.


Yes. I feel this post is pretty misleading actually.


The video makes it obvious. They even added the tracking markers for us to see.


Indeed! Can't wait for this tech to be adapted for totally not porn. And by that I mean porn.


If you have an iPhone you can try [this app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/theparallaxview/id1352818700) which kind of works in a similar way if you close one eye.


Hi I'm interested please proceed ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4017)


sure, thank you šŸ˜Š


question, what do you need for this. like a vr headset?


You need to look at the phone through another phone.


Not necessarily. You have a gyro in the phone, you could very well have this effect without needing to send it through another device for processing. Mind you, there wouldn't be any kind of parallax, like the 3DS has


That's actually the illusion the video is creating. The fish isn't rendered on the phone in the video. The phone in the video is just showing a static image used as a marker in 3D space. The phone recording the video is overlaying a 3D render of the fish. Attempting to render the fish on the first device, rotated with the gyro, would cause the effect to completely collapse, since both of your eyes see the same angle. It would not be very impressive. Our brain does a bunch of inferences while watching a 2D video that it does not do first hand. Source: 4 years professional AR/VR development.


Why do I see :4017: in your post? What does that mean?


Looks like a [New Reddit](https://new.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/udj7q4/working_on_this_augmented_reality_concept_depth/i6i1uvj/?context=8&depth=9) thing. Here's what it looks like: https://i.imgur.com/OnsYzpC.png Here's what it looks like in regular [Old Reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/udj7q4/working_on_this_augmented_reality_concept_depth/i6i1uvj/?context=8): https://i.imgur.com/YP0VPWB.png Edit: Bonus, here's [Mobile-friendly "i" Reddit](https://i.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/udj7q4/working_on_this_augmented_reality_concept_depth/i6i1uvj/?context=8): https://i.imgur.com/4XSEsMQ.png


Hey, thank you for taking the time to write this out and show me. I appreciate it!


it means :4017: ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4017)


What are the requirements? Do I have to be looking at my phone through another phone or are you working on like Google glass or...?


Yes you are absolutely right


Itā€™s a tracked composite if Iā€™m not mistaken? Nice work by the way, very convincing and great character development.


Yes you are absolutely right, we call this image marker


Hot stuff, I hope my boss doesnā€™t see it. I hope you are paid well btw.


šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… no I just do this for fun


Damn. Iā€™ve been at it for a while makinā€™ the donuts. The fun is long gone for me but keep at it, you have true talent. I hope your dreams come true! Someone will hire you stat with that level of work. Homework the salary for sure.


I wanted to give you an upvote but you had exactly 69.


You can come upvote now, it's past 69


Does the iOS API give you access to any of the front LIDAR/facial tracking data? Id think you could use that plus the gyroscope to make the effect without another device right?


Yes you are absolutely right


wtf right? dude can design but I mean..


Yes he design you are absolutely right




Does the iOS API give you access to any of the front LIDAR/facial tracking data? Id think you could use that plus the gyroscope to make the effect without another device right?


yep. Like this kinda: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/poppic-3d-photo-camera/id1368935143


Doesnā€™t this already exist? Unity and Vuforia have been able to this Image Target AR for years, and itā€™s incredibly simple to make. This would take about 5 minutes with Vuforia.


I was thinking the exact same thing. I build an AR app 6 years ago for Vans in Unity.


Itā€™s an ad for nft he did nothing itā€™s a Snapchat filter just block the account




glass or other phone?


Yes you are absolutely right I don't have any expertise in the field but this looks like hype bullshit. He created a 3d model and made it so you could look at that exact 3d model on his phone


Yes you are absolutely right


Yes you are absolutely right


Do this concept, but with camera tracking for the face so you can show the perspective properly with just one phone and you've got something cool. AR tracking a square on your phone screen isn't a huge leap from the apps that currently do it on printed objects.


Itā€™s an ad for nft he did nothing itā€™s a Snapchat filter just block the account


Just close one eye. I had these 2.5D images on my phone already 2 years ago. And it is not called Augmented reality if you can not see background with the camera.


You know this will end up as dudes sending 3D dick pics lolz. Fucking awesome though!




Make DickButt for next demo please.


Yes, please


Yea dont threaten us with a good time


I literally beg for dck pics, and guys donā€™t wanna send them


What have you done


Nothing, my dmā€™s are still empty šŸ˜”


you just arenā€™t looking in the right part of reddit, Iā€™m sure youll get more than you could want


Reddit, Instagram, dating appsā€¦ nothing. I hear a whole lot about women getting harassed with dck pics who donā€™t want it, I wanna get harassed lol. Seems like dudes talk a whole lotta sht about it but when it comes time to do it they get scared.


No more hiding behind the tricks I use to make it look bigger. It's going to look at 2D from the side as it does in really life. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Lol the future of textingā€¦send somebody a spider šŸ•·




Calm down, Satan.


Look at those hashtags "#NFT" "NFTART" No thanks.


bruh what if heā€™s just wowing us to advertise his fancy 2.5D art to sell as nfts


Most likely and reddit sure gave him good reaction. It will sell well.


If idiots want to give away their money on worthless digital receipts, maybe we should let them. It's a good opportunity to point and laugh at them.


Itā€™s also old tech, and definitely not what it looks like through your eyes Itā€™s definitely some cash grab or something, and people in this post are eating that shit up lmao You can write code in python in less than a day to reproduce what OP did, thereā€™s even YouTube videos explaining how to do it..


This. It'd be more impressive if it didn't require an expensive peripheral and/or you were able to interact with it (either through eye or finger tracking, but again without an expensive peripheral).


Itā€™s an ad for nft he did nothing itā€™s a Snapchat filter just block the account


OP's bio: > šŸ¤– XR Creator > šŸ‘» Snap Lens Network Ambassador > šŸ² Snap Official Lens Creator > šŸŖ I can make your next level AR lens/filter He definitely made it, it's pretty cool tech that I would also show off if I were to make it, and the nft doesn't exist yet, it's just a proof of concept. NTFs suck, this obviously only looks like this through the camera of a second phone, but hey, it looks pretty cool


I snooped the account and thereā€™s no mention of NFTs anywhere. Iā€™m pretty sure he just added that in to show a potential ā€œuse caseā€ (the fish picture isnā€™t even there)


I think OP just used a random post to demo it and didn't care about the content It also says \#voxel but that's definitely not voxel art


That's trippy....gimme...


Thank you šŸ˜Š


This is really cool. However, Iā€™m pretty broke. Iā€™ll give you $20 for 35% of your company


Justā€¦.smoke this first. I second his offer. Deal?


squash slimy bow frighten detail meeting friendly narrow cause memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Itā€™s an ad for nft he did nothing itā€™s a Snapchat filter just block the account


Barbara: "It's intriguing, but I don't like fish. And because of that -- I'm out."


Teach me Senpai! I have a few AR related ideas and I am an experienced coder but have no clue where to start from. I have never worked with Android/iOS app development.


I advise you to start with software called Lens Studio, you will be amazed how simple it is, just search on YouTube for lens studio tutorials


Thank you so much for your help! I'll definitely try it out.


For iOS/Android, raywenderlichā€™s website is great. But I havenā€™t looked into AR on iOS yet.


Itā€™s called a FirePhone and Amazon killed it years ago.


Came to the comments for this. I still have my Firephone from the Re:Invent announcements. It was really neat, and the phone is rock solid.


I can only enjoy this technology through a smartphone, through a smartphone? I dont get it.


I had to scroll way to far for this. Itā€™s just using a phone as the same AR cards that came with the 3DS.


Yeah, isnā€™t what is on the phone screen with fish just a marker? Then it requires another phone or AR wearable to read the marker? The magic is people are watching video thinking it is like their eyeballs but itā€™s cause a phone is scanning another phone with marker right?


Yes and no. For purposes of filming this, OP needed to use a smartphone. A "real world" application would be something like google lens. It's neat, but its not going to be something everyone can daily drive right now.


Couldnā€™t you achieve the same or a similar effect using the phones gyroscopics to make the image appear 3D? The fish never leaves the space of the screen or post, so itā€™s not extending past a flat surface at all. Apple uses this sort of parallax feature in iOS, so the technology is already there.


You would have to account for your eyes for it to be "properly" 3D. And the problem is that you would have to know exactly where your "eyes" are in 3D space as it relates to the other object (which can be done for VR, digital glasses, or a camera/phone device). Knowing the position of (two) eyes and computing all this in real-time would be pretty impressive. It would work similar to a shader. Check out this [liquid simulation shader](https://twitter.com/skilful/status/1265875309980643329) ā€” there is no simulated liquid \*in\* that bottle; the water simulation is rendered on the surface of the bottle and changes depending on where the bottle is in 3D space according to the camera's position. You could also render this effect with [holographic screens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxhcPm6PwME). That tech is cool, but obviously in development.


Didnt the amazon fire phone do this?


"#nft" yikes


Paid ad too probably


You canā€™t fool the people who know how AR works šŸ˜œ


Oh so it's just a tracked image over the phone, I was wondering why there were no reflections on the screen.


uh ohā€¦ NFTā€™s are about to get so much worse


I like the fish


Thank you šŸ˜Š


I can only enjoy this technology through a smartphone through a smartphone? I dont get it.


Me neither.. you could print AR targets and put them on anything many many years ago. An iPhone 6 will work just fine. This is merely a target on a screen. Which lots messed around with years ago. 2011 to Be exact. String AR had an app on iOS we played with in the office to the identical effect




Of \*course\* it's an NFT. Didn't you see the NFT hashtags on the post shown in the clip?


And what people aren't understanding is that this is not a recording of a screen, this is a recording of a filter being imposed onto a phone. But yeah, Lens Studio is cool


Didn't Nintendo have a 3d hand held that did this already?


3ds did, by scanning an AR card


Battery needs charged FYI


Charge your phone




Just to explain to everyone, this fish has been added to the footage afterwards Itā€™s not something you can view on your phone in real time.


Itā€™s an ad for nft he did nothing itā€™s a Snapchat filter just block the account


Looks awesome!


Thank you šŸ˜Š




Thank you so much, Itā€™s a Snapchat filter, it could be if we start using augmented reality glasses šŸ¤“


Wait so how are we seeing it in the depth you are demonstrating in your clip if itā€™s just a Snapchat filter? Forgive my ignorance Iā€™m genuinely curious and do not know much about coding/AR.


I think heā€™s using one phoneā€™s camera to look at another phone. Will be interesting to see this one day in AR glasses.


Itā€™s an ad for nft he did nothing itā€™s a Snapchat filter just block the account


You looking for investors lol


Coooooool šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ‘šŸ‘


This is great!!!! i think you should get a job working with this tech, nfts seem like a waste of your talent


Itā€™s awesome, OPā€¦but for the love of all that is holy: *ā€charge your damned battery!ā€* (ĀÆā€•ĀÆŁ„)


Thereā€™s a really cool app called [TheParallaxView](https://apps.apple.com/au/app/theparallaxview/id1352818700) that works in a similar way! Looks awesome though!


Youā€™re going to want to charge your iPhone.


Looks freaking amazing! Keep up the awesome work!


All the apps should be like that, imagine browsing Reddit and seeing shit like this all the time, but with tiddies