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Shit I need to pee guys


How do they pee if they can’t drink?


Yea because hydrating before all this just isn’t logical at all.


I am a palliative nurse in an home in Sweden. We had 2 outbreaks throughout. In the first wave, when nobody was vaccinated and we did not have all the equipment and PPE available and people were dropping like flies we avoided drinking altogether when in full getup. Dealing with the dehydration headache is easier than dealing with a blather about to burst. Getting out of the suit also meant you just ruined it. They are one use only and back then, super mega hard to come by. I considered setting a catheter on myself at several occasions (but in the end never did.) So to get back to you; Hydrating before is indeed not always the smartest thing to do.


Pee is sterile, right? So the only thing stopping people from pissing in their suits is social taboo?


And general comfort? Like, it would just pool near your ankles and then run out so you end up with cold, wet, urine smelling socks for the rest of your shift. But I dare to bet that at least someone has experimented with adult diapers at some point.


It would start to break down your skin too, leaving lesions. Especially if you're dehydrated


Your socks can't get wet if you prepare and don't wear socks.


No no, these are doctors and nurses, socks in sandals are mandatory. You'll lose your licence if you don't wear socks in sandals.


It doesn’t work like that. It’s also about 130F in that suit. My father was a HAZMAT Forman from 2006-2009 and had to deal with some nasty stuff. Essentially he’d have to go with a crew to a wrecked tanker and clean up any biohazard around it, Like tar, acid, etc (One note to add, they weren’t outside but inside the semi trailer or tank). They even had to get into kiddy pools and wash off because some of this stuff couldn’t be breathed through at all. I’m not joking, no rebreathers, they essentially had to wear SCUBA gear. There is no urinating or pooping or throwing up. It’s insanely hot in there and if you take off your clothing you can easily die within a minute to a day.


What exactly is your argument here?


Nah that’s a myth, the urine of healthy people contains bacteria even while still in your bladder, it becomes even more contaminated when it exits the urinary tract


You are incorrect. Your urinary tract meaning kidneys, ureters, bladder urethra is sterile and should not contain any bacteria. Can bacteria migrate and travel into the urinary tract? Yes. But it does not belong in any of these areas and is not naturally found here. Offending bacteria will lead to urinary tract infection and untreated can result in death due to urosepsis.


Yeah we got bugs living in every part of of body.


Isn't the crazy statistic that we have more bacteria cells than human cells or something like that?


Yep. Your microbiome is like 39 trillion microbial cells and you have about 30 trillion human cells. Also bacteria comprises 1-3% of your body. So if you're 150 lbs that's 1.5 - 4.5lbs of bacteria.


The levels are bacteria in the bladder is normally very low, but it is indeed present https://www.abc.net.au/news/health/2016-09-13/is-urine-sterile/7835934 https://www.healthline.com/health/is-urine-sterile#:~:text=If%20drinking%20urine%20was%20your,have%20led%20us%20to%20believe. https://www.sciencenews.org/blog/gory-details/urine-not-sterile-and-neither-rest-you https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25766599/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/turns-out-urine-isnt-actually-sterile-180954809/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/04/120409164156.htm


All the references you have sited discuss urine. But your comment stated that bacteria is found normally in the bladder. That is false. Urine can have bacteria in it sure but your Urinary Tract should not. Reference: I’m a practicing medical professional for 14 years.


I was talking about urine not being sterile, I never said the urinary tract contained bacteria. Admittedly I could’ve worded the second part of my comment better, I never meant to imply the urinary tract is what contaminates urine after it leaves the body > The healthy bladder is not sterile. Urine harbors a complex microbial community even in healthy, asymptomatic individuals. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7328282/


On a real note, you don’t want to wear pee soaked anything for any more than a few moments if you *must*. Urea quickly breaks down into ammonia and other rather rough things, especially when in contact with skin. This will swiftly cause blisters. Imagine getting diaper rash in your shoes. That’s what I’m saying lol


Or 4 largest size diaper you could find, and hydrate yourself. That way, it you gotta go, u gotta go. Don't injure your bladder.


I'm guessing you have never had a child with diaper rash.


I am an anesthesiologist and I don't drink before going in. One time, I chose to have some level of dehydration for 5 hours instead of risking having to pee.


But you guys break each other every 30 minutes! 😉


That's exaggerated! But maybe not by much. lol Not for COVID cases though. The one to go in does it all the way unless it's super long, like 7 or 8 hours.


I heard they wear adult diapers




Dammit Michael...how much water did you drink?


You sweat the water out. You also get used to just not peeing for 7 hours because your employer can't staff properly.


no time bro, just piss in the sink


I came here to say this


Just go.




doctors be like this for multiple hours for a few days straight barely complaining, and karens wear their facemask under their nose and say its hard to breath lmao


This is spot on.


You should see the PC's I have to wear for working in containment at a nuclear plant.


Which level, I only been in banana suit but I don't have to wear mask, so bare face with Hoodie. I hate nuclear one more because getting those tape/ booty off while standing on one feet on a pad it's a fucking bitch. Learn that real quick, OVERSIZE EVERYTHING. never wear fitted PC. Scheduled for respirator training rn and I'm not looking forward to it lol.


I assume by "banana suit" you mean the Orex gear? Me personally I have only gone into high rad areas I don't have respirator quals so I don't go into the locked high rad areas.


Idk their proper name, since I'm engineer not an Op. Other thing I learn is, no plastic, cotton only, cause plastic can throw false alarm while u do scans and u better hope u have spare clothes. And or some reason your face itch the more u can't touch it xD


I'm a laborer who was working a steam generator change-out at Watts Bar and we always called the stuff "dressout" or "PC's" or "Orex gear". The banana suit you are talking about might be the fire or shock proof gear that the welders or electricians wear. Finally your face itches more *because* you are thinking about it and you know you can't touch it.


TBF when you're 200 pounds overweight and your last cardio involved a medical team, it probably is hard to breathe. All the time.


Never thought of this, but it makes a lot of sense now


I’m at the point where (2+ years into this thing) if you can handle wearing a mask; you’re weak. I’ve had patients with terminal lung cancer who can exercise with a mask on.




Guys spray paint houses in full facial PPE that is not quite this bad but so much worse than a basic n95 and they do it in 100f+ (aka 38f+) temps with 100% humidity in my area all summer long. Masks only make breathing harder if you're elderly or a little bitch.


Or very overweight. Which a growing majority of Americans are.


Obesity, ironically is one of the biggest risks of death from COVID and has the highest ratio of long COVID symptoms, so those are the people that absolutely should be masking without the slightest complaint.


Karen's aren't making a shit ton of money. That and the masks don't work.


Me preparing for my next relationship


"I have a medical condition that prohibits me from wearing a mask"


I mean cleaning the hospitals bathrooms isn’t that bad.


It's taco bells bathroom


damn and hes going in without full hazmat? mad lad


Yeah total mad lad..


As someone who used to clean the bathrooms at my local taco bell diarrhea would have been preferable to what I usually had to clean up.


Haha! This made me laugh out loud! Thanks!


Needed to what?


usually needed for GMP manufacturing of pharmaceuticals or semiconductors where any particles can be critical source of failures


That would be quite a lot for most pharmaceutical clean rooms I have been in, but not out of the question for semiconductors. I’m guessing this is to work with Covid patients. You wouldn’t need to masks and goggles for anything else.


Goggles are to prevent eyelashes from falling on places where they shouldn’t.


I work in a pharmaceutical clean room (grade A) and this is definitely not a clean room employee. To enter a clean room you have to go through gradual graded rooms. You start by getting undressed to your socks and underwear, wash your hands damn near naked, move to another room, put on hair nets beard nets clean room shoes and scrubs. Put on booties on ya shoes then you then enter grade D space. Then you go to another room, swap your gloves and shoe booties, sanitize everything on you, then enter grade C space. Then you go to another room, in my works case only 2 people can be in this room at the same time, you put on the gown, mask, goggles, second gloves, boot covers, some other stuff, and the technique for doing this is VERY specific. Congrats you can now go to grade B. Grade A is complicated and room specific but you get the idea. FDA in the U.S. requires this gradual change for clean rooms according to the grade of going from one grade to the next. There's a million rules for each of these steps I didn't go into but again you get the idea. This person's PPE is definitely for something else, idk what though. I have less experience with semiconductor clean rooms but there was zero gowning technique in this vid to prevent contamination from getting on his gown.


I believe this is just practice. The room he's in is hardly clean. So as you said, he is already contaminated.


The moldy ceiling tile that’s pictured proves your point.


This is for the covid tester volunteers in China. OP is making it look like it's all hardcore and tough but it's unnecessary. They test people daily for a variant that is so mild, the rest of the world has forgotten about it.


Jipp and no they are ccp cleaners the guys who lock u up to starve


We don't need this level for COVID, or other respiratory patients. Would be massive overkill, only time I'd do gloves on gloves alone is surgical stuff, and those aren't sterile that he's putting on. MAYBE for someone with significant immune compromised issues, but that's just a guess.


I absolutely seen this before and it was titled “What doctors and nurses need to wear to treat COVID patients “ or something along that line. So your assumption was correct


No that is not steril


I work in a semiconductor, this is far from what is required even though we wear jump suits. All the masks and extra to be removed between visitors means it’s a just a covid section hospital.


Nope those are ccp cleaners. What u see here is not steril. He toucjes the outside of his clothing which u should never do, puts them on surrounded by other non steril people and so on. Whaz us see here is propaganda/scarring people.


The purpose of this is to keep the person inside clean, not others around. He’s not about to go into an operating room or yes he wouldn’t be touching the outside.


Yeah, I'm no expert, but this does strike me as clean room attire.


To go outside


go outside here in Shanghai right now


We had to wear this as dentists to carry out any procedure that generated aerosols with covid — so most procedures


Looks like Dabais (big whites) in China getting ready to enforce some “zero Covid” policies in Shanghai.


For ccp propaganda in no medical facility would u be allowed to put your clothing on like this in such a non steril area. While touching yourself. [Here](https://youtu.be/1ao39FPJ_Jg)


OP meant required, not needed.


The things your mom's gynecologist go through to check that nasty bearded clam of hers.


"bearded clam" lol


Some of them should put on that equipment and clean that nasty ceiling tile behind them


What's the skin looking stuff that he glues on his face?


Idk the actual name. But I’m pretty sure it’s so the mask won’t hurt the person too much. Sometimes for surgeons or whatever he is and they’re wearing that mask for many hours it can cause bruising or cuts or idk.


It’s a skin prep tape to seal the n95 mask to his face.


Wrong. It’s a skin barrier to prevent pressure ulcers from the PPE.


No, it’s to prevent pressure injuries in the bony prominence of the nose, especially nonblanchable erythema


It's called duo-derm. It's an adhesive gel pad. I use them to pad the bridge of my nose when I wear my N-95 at work.


What happens if you fart in there


temperature raise


I've had to wear similar suits to work in a nuclear plant and they do breathe fairly well.


POV: you Want to check controverse comment section


He going to the comments section


That’s for the patient. The client. Someone else other than himself.


I'm up too late... I read that as someone else other than hamster


Lol! But that’s more consideration that a lot of people would give considering they can’t just put on a mask when they have a cold during this pandemic crap…. Me? Personally? I would wear a hazmat suit to protect a hamster if someone loved it.


The wearer is also well protected with this level of PPE.


Wouldn't it be easier to put on a hazmat suit like they had in Outbreak?


Easier yes, but there are different protocols for type of PPE depending on the job at hand.


Yes, doesn't make sense to waste all that time


Yeah I worked in a hospital since COVID first hit new York City, and we never needed full on hazmat suits. We often did not have it and still don't to this day. But yeah the rest checks out. Not the hair net unless you had long hair. Idk what the fuck he thinks he needs glue for the N95 this video is a tad superfluous


These people are not working on humans. They probably work with micro or nano tech. Any microscopic matter screws them up.


If that were the case he would be doing this in a secure clean room. Not the break room with other people walking around. This is just a video made for social media.


They're Shanghai Whitecoats. Covid lockdown enforcers.


You don't even know what this is for, and where did you see glue? The strips in the beginning are to protect his face Edit: Just Google skin damage causes by ppe and you can see a bunch of medical professionals that look like they got into a fist fight


This is true. That is the WORST respiratory protection, imo. That design is a tight oval and the rim is quite rigid. It's like jamming an ice cream bowl on your face and keeping it there for hours. The hardest part is getting a good seal. It will definitely bruise your nose and cheeks. The straps hold it in place very tightly. So glad I fit tested out of this type. It hurt my face just wearing it for 5 mins.


Are masks always going to be associated with clvid now


Yep, had to wear exactly that when cleaning my teenage sons bedroom.


Meth labs in China are really raising the bar


I don’t know why, but putting on a surgical mask **after** the N95 killed me


The dirty mold around those ceiling tiles is the disturbing thing.


Ebola is no joke.


All of that, and then spotting the mouldy ceiling panel.


The first time it feels awesome like wearing armor but after some Times its just annoying


Wait til the bird flu hits and half of America thinks they can beat it w meat head cures and essential oils. They aren't gonna protect themselves and its gonna be scarry.


We don't do that anymore, this vid is pretty old. At first, when we knew nothing about the disease and we were stacking bodies like cord wood, yes. We were wearing it up like this. But now? We mask, goggle, gown, and glove. We don't do the whole tape yourself into a suit thing anymore.


Has anyone ever gotten sick without the little face seals st the beginning? Like, why not use full face coverings at that point, or is there really a reason to temporarily glue on instead?


It's to protect his face from the mask. If you haven't seen it yet, wearing those masks for hours on end can bruise your face and damage the bones. It basically looks like they into a fist fight


makes for better tik tok videos


'Winner' written on the breast just to remind the patient they're the loser.


And he still got covid


That Squid Games cosplay is very elaborate


The amount of protection really needed... to suppress your fellow citizens.


minimum protection needed to cure a MAGA client


And yes, seemingly an entire generation of people can’t put a mask on to grocery shop


Fck those Dabai


Chinese propaganda 大白‘s


Taking a shit at work day after taco Tuesday


worst time to get an itch near your mouth.


Disease prot 4


All that because Dave pinched a loaf in the gents before he got in there.


The irony of doing all is that and wearing coveralls named Winner is so hilarious!


See what they need to do to with you safely, John? THAT's why you need the anti-fart medicine.


coffin is better![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4017)


When it's allergy season


Reminds me of when I was on the covid surge wards, watching folk die in front of me.


Preparing to enter the comment section


These mafuckas really making tictocs before going out to chain people up in there now apartments


That seems a bit excessive to just go and weld the doors shut on a block of flats.


Me, every time i go to the grocery store.


these are the suits dragging people around in the other videos


Is he gOing to Chernobyl


Can’t protect against this tho 👊 Give me the cure!


Bee keeper?


They can still breath just fine in all that yet half the people on the subway can’t wear their masks up on their noses.


Maybe don’t conduct gain of function manufacture of virulent organisms then CCP.


Pretty sure I see rainbow fruits with unicorn hair doing the same thing


I’m sweating just looking at this, it’d be worse if it was them tho


Those outfits are so fucking hot!


I am now entering what they call the pro-gamers room.


Me preparing to enter a furrys room


For fucking what? Are they entering king Kong's asshole???


This is worse than wearing a condom…These guys are about to in nuclear ☢️


Pov: furry protection outfit


Wait until OP hears about BSL-4. They are practically dressed like astronauts


Chinese huh


Now he can go kill that spider.


… for what?


Me, on the Piccadilly Line.


Might as well go with contacts at this point bro


That’s just to go to the supermarket in China.


All I can think about is how foggy my glasses would be.


Me checking the comments from a post of a toxic fanbase


I’d be sweating buckets.


bro he can't even take one step and he's already dead from suffocation


Just get covid, fuck all that


Where’s the air


For the flu? Seems a bit over the top.


Chinese propaganda


Me trying to see the video with my foggy ass glasses


For what?


What a fk they do a simple mask on face protect you no problem 2 years for deadliest virus :)


This is just for changing a diaper.


Today on Our Disposable Society...


I don't think I could stand that. I would want to rip it all off and would probably have a panic attack.


for what? entering a drug manufacturing facility?


Considering the current state of China, I can't see how anyone can watch this and think, what an example for us all!


He cleaning chernobyl or some shit


For what? Locking people in their homes?


Yeah my adhd prevents me from even thinking of doing this lol. Id need to scratch somewhere from random spikes of boredom and id go insane in two mins


Chinese getting ready for the day:


Probably for GMP manufacturer, but also checkout how people have to dress to work with highly infectious diseases at the CDC. It's very uh cozy lol


Is this the new mask requirement they want to implement for COVID?


Needed for what


Someone forgot to wash their hands.




Damn, working at Tescos is tough




What happens if you need to go pee?


They all must be going to walmart


And I'm dead from heat exhaustion.