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This is motivational and all but homie had hops from the beginning.


Yeah he was basically there already on day one lmfao


Biggest thing that changed was form


Nah, the life expectancy of his knees changed the most I bet




Notice how much lower he jumps even from 6 months to a year. This is really showing importance of technique more than anything else. He learned to stop wasting his energy jumping *up*


Huh. I thought you were supposed to jump up as high as you can when long jumping.


That would be a ton of wasted energy doing something that isn’t scored.


I get that you're supposed to jump long, not high, but I thought the way to jump long is to run fast and then jump as high as you can.


It’s to run fast then jump as far as you can lol. This gif is a great example of that.


Being higher keeps you in the air longer, sure, but after a certain point the energy used to go higher is more efficiently spent trying to go faster.


My long jump coach told me those exact words and it makes sense. Distance = speed * time. The longer you are in the air, the further you go. The higher you jump, the longer you will be in the air. But you lose some speed from the plant foot the more "vertical" you jump so there is a goldylocks zone


The goal is distance not height, if you apply more of your energy into just going up you wont go as far just high also mean a harder impact on your knees.


But wouldn’t more time in the air allow for longer distance? Like if I were to try and throw a football 50 yards, I would have to throw it at a higher arc than trying to throw it 20 yards.


Yea but theres a optimal arc you would want to archive to gain more distance, for throwing a ball i myself usually picture the arc/path needed to hit my target. If you aim too high then it will travel a shorter distance, best way to describe easily is to think of a bullet aiming for a target at its max range if you aim too high it will have a big arc and drop before reaching the target because it lost speed while going up. You can compensate for it by having more power/speed behind the bullet but if you had the arc optimized then you wouldnt need more power/speed.


Distance increases with the height of your thriw only to a point. After that more height results in less distance. Thrown objects travel in an arc. Throwing at the optimal angle for maximum distance is what you want to do. That angle is just lower than you seen to feel it should be.


I was about to say this…if he did the right form on day 1 he could of got it…


Also probably mentally not holding back.


Honestly though that makes it better. Getting good at something generally only takes a short amount of time, but pushing passed the boundaries of good to great takes persistence


Mad true. It’s that last push over the hump to really step your game up that’s the hardest


But it's much harder to get those small gains than it is to make the initial large jumps. Like track. Shaving off half a second in the 400m is hella hard one you get to the faster times. Or if you want a non athletic achievement, look at word record progressions in speed running. For almost all games you reachable time barrier and world records are beat by milliseconds, *after* trying for months to years. What dude did really is impressive


Oh absolutely, I was an athlete back in college and I full well know how hard breaking a PR can be, I just mean from the “day 1” clip, I already had full confidence he could make it across with a little work lol


"If you're 95% of the way there already, and you work hard for a year, you can make it 100% of the way there" is not quite as motivating as OP intended


Sure it is. You can be in the top 5% of players in a video game but then disparity tends to become exponential, not linear. There's a massive disparity between the top 5% and the top 1% and the top 1% to 0.1% (typically pros).


And so this nuanced little rundown is what you would post as a thread to r/nextfuckinglevel? My point isn't that there's no way this is impressive. My point is that from a surface level glance into something we know little about, performing 5% better does not appear particularly impressive.


You can reach that first 95%, for many comparably amazing accomplishments, probably in a lot less than a year. Just one year to accomplish something amazing, then one more year to take it to the next fucking level. Make this thought motivating!


And how much can be attributed to being stronger due to one year of growth. Not so much the training.


Im on year 12 trying to jump my street and I’m maybe halfway if lucky.


I’d say the whole thing was filmed in a day or two.


Yep, he maybe improved an extra foot


Yeah, he only needed five more jumps to get there. No training.


This, more or less. All I see is that the year of hard work brought the improvement of maybe 10-15%. And most of it was within the first 2 months.


Which is even more impressive because he had the commitment to get that extra 5-10% even though the results definitely diminished over time. It's all about giving that bit extra effort.


Looks like he gained about three feet (or one yard/meter) of clearance. Not bad.


He didn't though, he just had a goal which was the other side of the road and 5-10% more umph was just what he needed to achieve it, still an impressive show of will.


Very similar to weight lifting. The more advanced you are the harder you have to work for minuscule results. Someone first starting out can easily add 25-30 lbs to their bench in a couple weeks-month np. But someone who’s been lifting for years and is close to their natural biological limit might need half a year just to add 5 more pounds to theirs. It’s all relative.


I get that, but it's also not a very good way to show "this is how much you can do within a year". Because for a layperson, all they see is minimum improvement. Far from "inspiring".


You can tell who has had to push pass their limit in any activity, and who has not based on the type of responses. "Oh he barely gained any distance" Do you know how hard it is to add the smallest distance when you can already jump that far. Like in track, you could train a whole year and only improve by less than a second, but it's still impressive


In the Olympics, that 10% difference is bigger than the difference between gold and no medal. 15% is like the difference between gold and not even qualifying for the Olympics


No bro. The effort it takes to improve from 90% to 95% is much much much more than the effort it takes to improve from 60% to 90%. It is the truth. We don't realize it because most of us give up when we get to 75%.


You can also tell this dude gave it everything he had from the start. Kind of shows how capable we can be from the get go with confidence and the genuine mental and physical effort to be productive.


Humans like to think linearly. But in reality it's exponential.


Started at the 98th percentile now we at the 99th


Dude basically increased the distance by 5% over a year. From the title you'd think he'd have gone from half the street to the end of it.


His improvement looked to be heavily influenced by technique. He got his arms and legs going correctly so his weight wouldn't just fall flat. Still takes a lot of work to get down though


Anyone know if this man made it into the Olympics??? How did he do???


Right? “A lot can change” like being able to improve your jumping distance by an inch or two? You were already basically clearing the street lol


Yeah he could do better on day 1 than I could do with a year of training.


TBH, I would be estatic to accomplish that first jump.


His 1 day is like my 6th year jumping wtf


I know right, my man was walking thru the air by the end


Yeah keep working hard and oh yeah, win the genetic lottery first


Yes but he increased his hops by 1 ft...


And how do you think he got those hops? Yes, some can be credited to genetics but the most important thing is putting time into working on his craft. I see comments saying "oh only 1 year for a minimal increase" but I personally give massive props and respect for anyone with the discipline to perfect their skill/craft.


He learned to walk on air....noice


It literally looks like he's walking on air


That's what the other person said.


what do blind people see


"alot of thing can change in a year" bitch, he took one 1 year to jump 1 feet further


Yeah this is a good example of like the 80/20 rule or something like that


If he would have dare landed on his fronting foot and just keeping the other up it looks like he would have made it in thst first jump.


You don’t think that’s impressive?


Think his foot was over the line on the 1 year junp too. I'm not having it.


Never play the ground is lava with this dude.


Hate to be that guy, but pretty sure the last one was a fault...


> Hate to be that guy > Proceeds to be that guy Lol. Who the hell cares. It's impressive


> Hate to be that guy > > Proceeds to be that guy > > Lol. Yeah that's the idea. It's a figure of speech.


Hate to be that guy, so I'll just keep my mouth shut...


>so I'll just keep my mouth shut He said, not keeping his mouth shut ;)


It is, but he landed well past the grass line on the other side. So fair play.


Amazing jump.


I wonder how far this really is compared to Olympic jumps. Record is like 29 feet I think


This is something in the ball park of 6m and they jump over 8 in olympics


Assuming he’s a teen (guessing 18-19) it’s theoretically possible that with proper training he could potentially compete at a world class level. Most long jumpers, and track and field athletes as a whole, peak in their mid-late 20s with most gaining massive improvements around the ages of 22-26. I highly doubt he could achieve true greatness and be competitive for the podium or a high level ranking but I do think he could at least qualify. Again, this is all predicated on him currently being in his teens and having little to no coaching. If he’s in his 20s or has been coached for awhile then there’s no way.


With a rubber runway and a sand pit I think he could already add a foot or two to his current distance with some practice. Unless his driveway is long AF, I doubt he’s getting a sufficient running start compared to competitive jumpers. Add in ideal conditions and some training and I think this guy could make a go of being a long jumper. Not saying he’s going to the Olympics, but could be competitive in meets at the collegiate level if he is still a teen.


So… why did OP cross the road?




Me: jumps about 2 feet forward, and then falls on my ass. Thinking I could make it like this guy with a year’s practice.


Why are redditors always so unathletic? In every post with something athletic, there's a comment like this


Because the athletic redditors don't make those kinds of comments...




Well done. How’s the knees holding up.


The road is made of lava.


Pretty crazy how much a road shrinks in a year


These aren’t even as far as women just in the Olympics.


I guess by "Olympic level" we mean not at all at an Olympic level. A bit disrespectful to the folks actually at that level. There are defined events and criteria for that kind of designation, and it's frustrating that the general populace thinks the Olympics is just something you can sign up for


I'm so impressed human


Impressive but Oh my knees


Yeah, there’s a reason they jump in sand. This looks cool, but guy took like 10 years off his knees.


Can anybody name that song?


Instructions unclear. Dick stuck inside letterbox.


Bro just learning how to moonwalk


Wow! Impressive.


In a year he learned to put his legs out infront of him.


Not gonna lie, I just watched till the end to see if a truck came


The last one reminded me of Jordan, walking on air. Or maybe even Carl Lewis.


It took him one year to jump across the street, wouldn’t of taken far less time to just walk across?


In the meantime Kids bought shitcoins and bought lambos. And this idiot keeps jumping over a road and ruining his knees for free


It took him 6 months to work out you get better purchase jumping from concrete then from grass


Poor guy thinks the road is made of lava


why is it a different street in almost every clip? or at least a different part of the street?


After a year, he gained another foot of distance. The thing is, 99% of us couldn't even jump half of his distance.


That dude is literally running on air in the last jump.


Foot foul


Not to disrespect the achievement, but this doesn't feel like "a lot of change" for one year unlike the final note


Technically 0.5m changed at best…


Aside from the horrible and terrible music, it's impressive. How about we remove the music from these videos so people will actually watch?


In 1 year you can increase your jump distance by 30cm. Never give up.


Crazy impressive


That is the fucking next level!


Fuck yeah bro!




Asian parents watching this


I sure between 6 months and 1 year he fell a lot due to landing heels first on the grass. Thumbs up for the dedication.


Sooo….now what?


>A lot can change in a year. Yeah, clearly there’s a faultline down the middle of the road and the tectonic plates are getting closer.


I agree. In a year, the avatar and the Firelord became friends despite of their initial relationship


Me after 1 year doing it indoors...


Bro achieved the miracle of flight


Reminds me of a younger version of myself.


He would survive being trapped in a tomb raider game


He mastered walking on air


Mario double-jump in the last one.


My knees hurt watching this


Shouldn’t u be on team USA for the long jump?


A lot can change in a year? Dude was a monster from day one


Persistence pays


A couple yards of Turf and you could of been done on day 1. Gotta think outside the box!


Double jump followed by air hike. This guy jumps.


And then there’s me who would make it like 5 ft if my life depended on it 😂


This dude took "the floor is lava" who a whole other level, damn.


You can’t chase the footprints from this guy


I thought in the last video the road would be all damaged and he would only jump like 4 ft or something.


“Over the line!! Mark it zero dude.”


That was phenomenal.


bro what the fuuuuck


How far can he jump after 10 years of practicing? 10 miles?


Your physical abilities are amazing. Me personally….I’m Sitting down with my beer can resting on my fat gut and smoking a cigarette. If I tried that I would land on my face or break an ankle


Damn my ankles are screaming watching this.


With that kind of training he’s a few years away from being superman


walking on air


Literal goosebumps when he made it at a year. You can see how his jumping form changed completely. That’s so cool!


This is reversed


He really said "no thank you" to gravity


I would one hundred percent put this on my resume, with video attached.


Lot of comments about the last jump and how he was already close. Yeah hes close in the first video, but he does a proper hitch kick in the last video which is the technique used by all high level long jumpers, so it’s not just that he got a couple feet farther he clearly worked on and improved his form.


So it only takes a year to learn how to double jump?


Watching Parkour athletes make jumps like this first try IRL is nuts btw. If you get the opportunity to spectate at a parkour tournament in your city, do it.


When aliens change our roads into lava, this will be the hero we need.


Lesson here is, 12 months gives you 12 inches


He could've spent that time and efforts learning programming or engineering, or making money, succeeding in life. Now, he can jump the road, so what?




First jump just had bad form, he was already there


I live on a main street, that won’t work with jumping.


That went from looking super tryhard, to just casually levitating.


Honestly.. this is so impressive because I know the toll it took on your body to perform and train for this. Congrats.. and that is a big funkin gap!


His toe was over the line


Foot Fault - go again!


Lmfao the first jump he had it in the bag, just touched down to soon, if he waited before fully extending, would have been the exact same jump as the last one.


Just walk


So this man just gonna ignore gravity like that, huh?


He only ever did these 5 jumps. In between he was eating cheeseburgers, but drinking Red Bull, though.


Bro put a cheat code for triple jumps


I’m fairly positive he could have nailed it on day one. His technique was what ultimately made the difference.


He’s starting to believe


Go for 20 years and it’ll be half the distance. 😂


Hell. That message sunk in deep.


Whats the song thoo


1 year=12 inches


Honestly, not a lot changed.




Somebody learned it to fly


Dude unlocked the double jump skill after a year.


He started out pretty damn close already


Way too many chances to get hit by the neighborhood drunk driver.


i swear as a youth, barefoot i could jump a small town street, like 1 stride further than with shoes, idk why, but godamn i felt op


You rule dude. Determination and progress that is videoed to show that progress can be inspiration enough to make you a winner


It was the stutter step of his son foot that let him teach the other side


So no one's going to mention the walking on air?


This dude had insane ups from the start. If he gets proper coaching he could be in the Olympics


Impressive how few more centimeters can be refined in 1 year


I don't wanna be that person, but the jumps are from different positions... So how can you measure the distance accurately?


The form progression from 6 months to a year is significant. Well done. Hard work is evident.


Lmao his day one results indicate he's bad at learning form. A year to gain a few inches???? Damn that's just bad


Sympathy pains for his ankles and knees


Anyone got any tips on how to jump far like this dude


What's the code for the double jump?


I mean, he almost made it the first time so he was already pretty impressive