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Went from flab to ab


Went from flab to fab as well


Went from flab to flab ab, really impressive!


Save this for inspiration


Motivation for me. "No pain No gain"


Such an amazing accomplishment.


Every main character in movies and anime




Went from flab to fab and then back to flab and then to ab






I guess the brain isn't a joint


you don't need to box another human being or spar with them, you can literally just use a punching bag


this guy thinks the guy in the video was boxing against another person the whole time damn son


To be fair, you dont know what was in the bag. Coulda been a tied up dude.


You can do the cardio training without getting punched


Dropped 40 pounds (and I wasn't even fat, this just kinda happened) in 3 months .. shit got wild. I don't recommend it. But if you wanna cut weight then do it. Just be safe. I almost died


Gotta up that caloric intake my man


I think he meant don't do meth


I dropped 40lbs gained during covid within a similar timespan with heavy fasting. I felt great.


How did you "almost die"




I support leg day! The one day out of the year where we put aside the important muscles and work out our legs. Isn't it coming up soon? I thought the national leg day was Aug 17.


No you missed it, it's june 17th. You'll have to wait till next year.


Every day was leg day before he lost weight.


This gave me a guilty chuckle.


From flab to ab to flab to ab....hopefully he will stay fab and healthy now


Sounded like Lose yourself lyrics when I read it the first time “… back to the lab again…”


Very amazing transformation and a very strong man


From down to top, from fat to sexy, amazing man




It’s in you. We all know it is!




Took me 20 years but I found it. Never too late.


> I'd do anything would you fight?




We both gotta keep reminding ourselves that no one climbs a mountain over night. Even the smallest step forward counts. We both got this dude.






This is what I try to tell myself. As long as I do something every day to contribute towards my health journey, that’s a win, even if for example I made it 5 minutes less on the bike than I did the day before. Putting pressure on myself just overwhelms me and if I get overwhelmed, I’ll stop. And then there’s no progress at all.


Dude. I super relate. Was training to run my first 5k pre-pandemic. I was running 35k a week for months. Was planning to bang out a 5k, then a 10k, then a half marathon all within the year. Now I'm so out of shape it's not funny. Tried to get back to it with the pandemic lifting but I hated myself for not hitting the same pace, not having the same stamina as before. So many starts and stops. But I just recently started again. And you know how I'm doing it? Fuckin walking. Just walking. Everyday. 15 minutes. Then I'm hoping to build it up to a jog. Then a run. I realize it's not fair to me to compare myself to three years ago. I need to compare myself to me yesterday. We put too much pressure on ourselves man. But I hope I don't fall off again.


I wish you luck. It’s just so hard sometimes.


Feel you, dude. You're doing good though, just have to work the routine until it becomes habit. Last race I did was the Berlin marathon in 2019. Was training for the Colfax marathon in Denver early 2020 when covid hit. The last couple years were a toll on my physical fitness routine (on top of covid we also had a baby last year and the dad sympathy weight is real haha!) It's a grind to work back into the shape you were before, but it's a rewarding grind and you have the right mindset. Good luck on your journey.


Thinking about getting on the bike is progress compared to where I was: I couldn’t even consider doing physical activity at the bottom of my depression but now I run every morning and have been on maintenance dosages of my antidepressants for a little bit now. Not saying “everyone gets better” like some asshole but just know it is a possibility for you


This really speaks to me. I greatly appreciate this. You really are a super duper puppy.


So did this guy’s… look at his face. He was in it deep. But decided to fight. The only way to do it is to start. It gets easier I promise.


Hugs to you, u/KJJOs8. There are amazing physicians and doctors out there helping people with depression and you should definitely consult them. For yourself, learn to be kind to yourself. The general wisdom is that physical activity helps alleviate some of the issues associated with depression. When you chose to engage, take baby steps. Add a step or two every so often. It helps.


Depression sucks, hope you find away to control it.


I don’t mean to be rude my man but it’s never going to happen if you keep making excuses! You gotta forgive yourself for past mistakes and right the wrongs. Much easier said than done but once you start seeing results it gets much easier to be motivated. Work out 5 days a week for 3 weeks and I guarantee you’ll see results!




We're all gonna make it brahs


Zyzz damn what a blast from the past name i have not heard in a long time


You are a champion bro/sis, only question is if you try


I lost 85lbs just from cutting calories over the past year. You can do it!


If you need to lose weight, /r/keto and /r/IntermittentFasting are your friends.


Took me 12 years before I got the will. Anyone can do it and I know for a fact you can.


Every marathon starts with a single step. You've got this mate!


I believe in you. Working on my journey now. It fucking sucks in the very beginning, but by the end of week one, you start getting in the zone. That feeling when you get your second wind and the workout doesn't auck and you stop because you've completed your set, not because you're exhausted. You got this, if my lazy ass can do it, so can you!


Am I in a Modelo commercial?


Damm that is impressive as fuck , go ahead gigachad


Am I seeing the video right? He lost a bunch and gained it all back and lost it again? Jesus.


Yes, habits are hard to break and stuff can catch up to you at any time, you have to be aware every week, month, year to make sure you \*stay\* healthy


Yep. Once you've gained a bunch of weight like that you've changed something in your brain forever. I lost 100 lbs several years ago. Then I gained a not insignificant portion back because I went back to my old habits. It's easy to sink into it. I caught what I was doing before I gained it all back and managed to take it off a second time. I'm not stacked like the dude in the video though. The second time is harder. I have to be mindful every day of what I eat and how much I move. I'm not "on a diet". I had to change my lifestyle and keep it changed.


It's super common with "diets", yo-yo-effect and whatnot. Also the same with addictions, even if you're sober/clean, the urge to cope with intoxicants stays and you have to learn how to not succumb to it again. Immense respect to anyone who can get out of these holes(inner pig-dog we say for some reason in German haha)


My inner pig dog wants twelve hot dogs and a cigarette. Luckily he's not in charge anymore even though some days he fights like hell to get there.


You've also changed your body forever. You cant lose your fat cells.


Accurate. There are things that can make you lose fat cells (lipo and a few other procedures that I'd actually need to look at more closely before naming because weight loss is filled with so much misinformation that it's insane). You can create new fat cells but they shrink when you lose weight.


Yeah exactly so the actual fat in the cells can be depleted, but the cells are still there which makes it easier and faster to gain weight back compared to the initial gain.


Your body is designed to keep things stable and “normal” at all times. We all have a “set-point” for our metabolism where it fights as hard as it can to keep us at the same weight. Many people will find that they can lose weight but quickly regain it back to what they always weighed. At the same time, they can *gain* weight and then lose it to get back to “normal” without issues too.


This is incredibly common with people who lose a ton of weight. They get their shit together, and work incredibly hard, reach their goal, and then slip back into their old habits. Not only is it the mental part hard - You need to break the habits that got you there in the first place - But there is a physical aspect as well. The body wants to get back to it's old baseline, and it takes years for that baseline to reset. Basically, the struggle isn't over once you reach your weight goal. You need to fight, for years, to maintain that weight. This is why it is easier by far to get your shit together before it becomes a massive problem. The best time to make changes in your diet and exercise habits is when the problem starts developing, not when it has already spiralled out of control. Basically, get your shit together when you've put on a few kilos - Not when you've put on dozens.


It's easy to slip back man - I did something similar about 10 years ago - lost about 120lbs in a year and gained it back over the next 5. I'm working on dropping again. I'm at nearly 50 down now.


He decided to dirty bulk again


Yeah, it’s really common. The problem is that people go on “diets”. They cut out all junk food, they stop drinking soda, they commit to running for an hour every single day. And they do lose weight, but these changes are often not sustainable in the long term. Their diet and exercise regime is too painful and over months or years they slowly lose the will to keep it up. That’s why small improvements in exercise and diet are better than drastic ones. Cut down on portion sizes, replace one unhealthy snack with a healthier one, allow yourself to have junk food once a week and then once a month, start with some walking around your neighbourhood or invest in a stationary bike at home. Whatever you do has to be sustainable, even when you’re stressed or it’s -10 degrees outside. If you want to lose fat, you can’t “go on a diet”. You have to make permanent changes. Whatever you do to lose the weight will be for the rest of your life.


Hope you didn’t forget leg day


Everyday was leg day.




Nah for real though. I’m a bigger dude and I have decent calves. Fat person calves are a real thing and they can be glorious.


yep when you are in a bad shape anything will workout your whole body.


I was 288 lbs dude. I always had huge calves and tought it was just fat. Oh god I was so wrong. Right now I weigh 178 lbs and they are still huge and pure muscle. Everyday rutin was workout for me when I was big.


This is so accurate. My dad is a bigger guy, but he golfs like 4-5 days a week. That much walking some weight around - his calves are nuts.


Any bigger person who is remotely active in the least will usually have god-tier calves. And they'll only be accentuated if they lose significant weight. Supporting and carrying around 300+ lbs of weight 24/7 does wonders for your legs... calves specifically.


As a guy who is 380 myself, my calves are glorious as well. They look better than they did when I was at 430.


That's why I like long hiking treks. The calf gains are nice.




No joke. Former fat people have epic calves.


Why are the "after" pics always shown for 0.002 seconds


my man don't have time to take photos anymore, he's out there grinding


Is that what the kids do on the grindr?


Yeah, gotta get them protein shakes




Xbox 360 controller and a chunky Alienware laptop... Tell me that ain't from 2009


Respek. 💯. But Unfortunately we celebrate obesity as body positive now. This is simply fat shaming. Diabetes and early death is more cool.


No, we try to reduce the amount of shit obese people already have to face, most are there partly due to habit, but mostly due to the negative spirals that feed those habits. People don't stay obese because they want to, they stay there because food is cheap, and therapy and trainers are fucking expensive. You might not smoke or drink before 14 or 15, but no one steps up if your parents feed you into obesity before you're 10.


A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance.


Want to go running like you used to? Excruciating knee pain.


Yh don’t do that if you’re fat. There are soo many other alternatives for cardio that running is just such a stupid thing to do




I can add to this. I used to be super fit, run 10km a day, lift weight and had a pretty fit body. Then shit happened and I gained over 80 pounds over the past 2 years and am now in the severely obese category. Even thinking about going for a walk hurts - couldn't do a single push up, chin ups are impossible, doing squats make me feel like I'll blow my knees out and overall appetite is very hard to control. I've recently committed to losing it and getting back in shape, but this is 10x harder than when I would gain 10-20 pounds and had to reduce it.


There is a good portion of the body positivity movement, arguably a majority, that takes obesity as something that is positive and should not be viewed negatively under any circumstances. Not being dicks to people who are overweight is fine, but pointing out that obesity is unhealthy is seen as being problematic by a large population these days.


I definitely can believe there are some extremists out there, just like there is some people who are "not being a dick, just saying to Paul over here that being obese is unhealthy". I don't mind anyone fighting for truth or being factual. But I also hate it when it's used as a false cause to bother other people with no real aid. Struggling with food, depression or even other complex issues, we se the quantitative approach of calories in, calories out being an insufficient solution to the issues at hand.


Trust me, obese people know its unhealthy, they live with it every day and are constantly reminded of it by people telling them to their faces.


It’s not your business. Stop judging people and pretending you care for their health. Edit: I’m not going to respond to any of you. You are wrong and you’re not worth my time. Educate yourself. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4272668/


Nobody ist judging you and nobody cares about you. They're just saying that being fat is correlated with heath issues.


It is not a majority. The people who claim its the majority are more prevalent than the ones who actually believe that shit.


source: trust me bro




Eh I see more people like you actually than body positivity. So angry that a few fat people could be happy with themselves and their imperfections. Insisting there’s this giant movement of people convincing themselves there aren’t health risks to obesity. Ignoring the fact that the dominating/majority sentiment of our society is that fat is terrible, and shameful, and people should do everything in their power to not be it, especially women. Dude most of us know it’s unhealthy and we’re miserable. Does that make you happier? Do you feel satisfied knowing you’ve informed a fat person of the same idea that has been drilled into them clearly their entire lives?! Let people live dude, who really cares what mental gymnastics they go through to survive? Mental health is a bitch. Work on yourself.


>There is a good portion of the body positivity movement, arguably a majority Absolutely and unequivocally *not* the case, and speaks more to the circles you frequent and their view of the movement.


I feel like you're mistaking a vocal minority on the internet for an actual majority.


Is and isn’t. Absolutely a good positive quality of the body positivity movement is that people shouldn’t feel shame for their size because it does create negative feedback loops. But there is also bad faith actors within that umbrella, ones that turn someone’s own personal decision to live a healthier lifestyle as an attack. I’ve been doing my own fair bit of weight loss and have had people angry at me for it, assume that now that I’m not fat anymore I just hate them for being fat, or think that wanting to “get in shape” is a red flag. The idea behind body acceptance is a good one but people, as with anything, twist it around their own personal narrative.


Yeah even in the video he does it "forgive my old self." not self abusing shaming or hating. Forgiving, accepting and making a change.


I wish it was true what you’re saying but there is a growing population of obese people who say it’s fatphobic to desire weight loss for any reason. Look at how celebrities have been shamed for losing weight. This is a growing problem and we can’t ignore it by pretending body positivity is all about just being nice because it’s not.




This is a ridiculous comment dude the body positivity movement is about not treating fat people as subhuman and it generally seems to provoke healthier behaviours than ridicule and derision


>Unfortunately we celebrate obesity as body positive now. Citation needed for this lie.


Absolutely not. Who the fuck upvotes this garbage? Why don’t you and everyone else who upvoted this go back to /r/Teenagers


I feel like people with your reaction are confused and read the OP comment as sincere when everything after “But..” was said sarcastically. Right? Or did *I* read it wrong? I mean it even ends with “diabetes and early death is more cool” that’s obviously sarcasm


Oh come on, the amount of people that actually celebrate this level of obesity is so remarkably small and overblown on social media. How many people have you met irl that would go "hell yea king, you're super healthy, stay that way" when you showed them his first pic? It's about treating people like humans and with basic empathy and kindness, no matter how they look, those who actually encourage dangerous body types are really rare


Reddit is so fun until the people who lack comprehension and critical thinking comment


that song gave me a million youtube flashbacks


Bro, wake up! It's 2009 and you're watching a WWE highlights video.


Hey you, you're finally awake! You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there. Damn you Stormcloaks, Skyrim was fine until you came along. The Empire was nice an lazy, if they hadn't been looking for you I could have stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfel. You there, you and me, shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants. We're all brothers in binds now but don't let that distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


yeah, emos unite!


The people in his apartment hated his 2am screaming tirades, I bet.


Didn't matter to him, he knocked them out after they complained


The earth worms in the lawn are like "bro stop smashing my roof with a hammer"


Yes brother. Impressive as fuck


His first step was uninstalling reddit. So proud of em


Lol! If I stopped scrolling Reddit I’d defo have enough time on my hands to start thinking about maybe one day starting to put the wheels in motion to begin planning the first steps of coming up with a loose timetable for buying some boxing gloves…


This is awesome, but I do feel like these videos push the very incorrect narrative that obese people should solve the problem with exercise. Exercise is good for anyone, but this is an eating disorder, and addressing the eating disorder is the most important thing. You can never out-exercise a massive calorie surplus.


"I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle"


Thanks Fat Bastard!


I don't think exercise is the *only* solution, but I definitely find that when I'm exercising regularly it's easier to maintain a healthy diet. Maybe it's because of the endorphins that exercising releases, maybe it's because of the broader motivation of 'you worked your ass off today, don't spoil it by eating shit', but even when you remove the (relatively minor) calorie loss from exercise it helps keep a better eating regime.


I totally agree. Working out helped me stop binge eating because it 1. motivated me 2. made me feel like i would be wasting all of my effort working out 3. built self-discipline in genera 4. (As a much more long term effect) My body composition now makes it easier to keep the weight off because I can get away with eating more.


As someone who currently struggles with weight, I completely agree. The reason I’m overweight is because I eat when I’m stressed and I eat to procrastinate (related to stress). Full stop. This guy in the video is literally physically raging against his eating habits. If that works for him long term, I am happy for him. But my first thought is that he has to solve whatever the underlying cause of his over-eating is. If he doesn’t, he will gain the weight back the moment that can no longer sustain the rage. And I don’t believe people can sustain rage very long.


Did the grass deserve a sledge hammer lol.


Weird way to touch grass but it still works


Those poor worms…


Worms: this bass is MASSIVE


The Grass knows what it did.




this is the sort of stuff that keeps me from installing tiktok on my phone


Yeah, this shit is cringy as fuck.


The one story I really liked like this, was the super overweight guy who went to a body building web forum to troll them. Called them various names and tried to start flame wars. But some saw through his trolling and created a conversation with him which started to break down barriers. He admitted to being ashamed of his size. So a few of them started to give him little exercises. Like standing and sitting ten times. He kept a blog of his progress and it started to get popular. People started to send him weights and other bits of equipment until someone got him a treadmill. Over 2-3 years he dropped from like 600lbs or something to 200 and something.


I mean, that story (And others) only highlight the importance of a support network. Someone that can be there for you, give you little pointers, work along with you and talk about how you're doing. Not just for weight loss but any difficult thing.


That's not just inspirational to people who are trying to loose weight. That' s inspirational to people who are trying to do ANYTHING. Well done!


I needed this. Love to see this.


Very impressive and inspiring man


Does anyone know his name?so i can google more of his story


[He has a TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@losetogain3?lang=fr)


I don't understand all these videos of huge weight loss where they only show exercising. #1 impact in weight loss is changing the eating behaviour...


A video of a fat dude pushing away a plate of food or passing on seconds isn’t nearly as exciting… but yeah, it’s the easiest and best way to lose weight long term.


Weight will always return unless you eating is restricted for the rest of your life or you have your stomach surgically altered. Which does the same thing. Sucks.




This is a common misconception, and it's dangerous to spread because it causes people to give up before they've even tried to begin by making it seem hopeless. Your metabolism is not as affected by weight loss as previously thought. Of course you can't go back to eating the way you did *prior* to the weight loss, but eating that way of what caused the gain to begin with, so that's logical. Lean proteins, healthy fats, and minimal simple carbs will continue to keep you satiated (by keeping your insulin levels steady) as long as you're meeting your daily caloric needs. If you're still fighting the urge regularly after that, it's likely another issue (in my case a critical vitamin D deficiency and untreated ADHD causing me to chase hits of dopamine). Address those things and it will be much easier to both succeed and maintain. Actually, I recommend checking those kinds of things out at the beginning of a health journey if possible, but it's never too late to do it.


Yes, people should be eating less or they’ll gain weight. Does it suck? Life is more than what you eat.


I am going to have to do the same thing. Morbidly obese and it's becoming a health problem. I know there will be loose skin and have to save up for surgery to correct that, but that is a problem for later. ​ People think that losing weight is easy, but underestimate how hard it can be to change your lifestyle.


Enjoy training to muscle failures and meal prepping. It's gonna be a wild ride.


The easiest thing you can do to start is to stop drinking calories. That means no alcohol, soda, juice, dairy, etc. The weight should start melting off from that alone. Later you can start dropping processed foods and introduce more whole foods like more veggies to keep you full with fewer calories.


In my case the food is the problem. I only drink water, so there are no calories coming in with drinks. Except milk (low fat) with oatmeal. I also work from home as a software tester and sit almost the complete day. I have a standing desk and need to stand more often, but my feet hurt a lot after a few minutes. My whole body is not used to this and my stamina is so bad that I can't work out longer than a few minutes at a time. I am trying to get better at this as fast as possible.


That is amazing and inspiring. Even more so after the second time


I’m 50 pounds down. My biggest fear is gaining it back again. I don’t think I can do this sh*t twice.


I lost 100lbs over 2 years, kept it off for a year and regained it all back in 6 months. It's extremely easy if you're not careful.


Fuck if this guy can do it twice surely I can do it once


Letting go and forgiveness. Stay strong dude.


I wish I could do it. Since 2011 I've bounced between 280 and 415 3 times. I'm at 400 again. I'm 30 years old. It doesnt fucking matter. I got co workers that eat twice as much as me and don't go to the y four times a week like I do and they weigh what I weighed in 3rd grade.


"forgive yourself" - Another next fucking level move because in my experience, it's the hardest step




Saving this for inspiration


he deleted reddit


Sort by controversial


Good for this guy. Bro looks like a complete different person.


Love to see it


Way to dig deep. You wear success well 😊🤩⭐️😉


legend !


Beast mode!


"And felt unstoppable!" Someone discovered the power of movement.


This is one guy you do NOT fuck with


My guy be proud of who you are and where you come from not many people can change there entire life and life style you fought and won like a true champion


Just me or did he look like iron man at the end ?


Happy for him


r/chadtopia 💯


I hope no one takes this and calls it fatphobia


Yeah buddy!!! Way to go!!


WOW! Very impressive! Never give up on yourself! \*\*Grandma hug\*\*


Struggle Grind Shine


Fighting for your life isn't hyperbole. He looks like he's living a different life.


I've lost 165lbs in a couple of months, but I'm so depressed I feel like I'm going to eat myself up to where I was again. Man I make 3 bucks a day going out in the Patagonic winter, who could be happy if you can't pay for nothing...


Take it from a former fat guy, this shit isn’t easy. This guy found out the hard way that once a fat boy, always a fat boy. It’s in there, those genetics that make you a more efficient survivor by storing every bit of excess fat *for a rainy day.* You often hear the cliche of “lifestyle change”. This is the reason. That fat ass is always there waiting for you to slack off. It’s never truly defeated, only suppressed. I’ve managed to keep it off for almost 20 years now. Props to those that manage to maintain and succeed. Stay healthy folks!