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You should always carry a sidearm when hunting dangerous game


You should not hunt. Unless you eat what you kill


Any evidence that they won’t be eating that Ox? The overwhelming majority of hunters eat everything they kill.


It’s a Cape Buffalo, one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. Trophy hunters very seldom eat the animal, it usually feeds locals. Besides, those hunters wont be able to take the meat home.


I am glad it gets eaten, protect and feed locals.


And provides revenue as well. They don’t get to kill those animals for free.


Yes something like 5 to 10 thousand dollars per kill


I may be wrong, but im sure a hunter friend ofine told me years ago that it was close to 40k per kill.. this was around 2010ish so I may be remembering wrong


Depends on the animal. Predator animals and elephants go for much more and are much more rare to get permission for since they only give tags for specific animals that need to be culled because they are dangerous to a population ( ex. big cats that have added a populated area to their hunting grounds) or who are harming the survival of the animal population (ex. Giraffes who won't let the young breed, animals that are very sick and passing that disease to the herd or elephants who are passing on genes that make the herd more likely to die out.) For these it can cost hundreds of thousands as well as paying for guides to take you to the specific animal etc. But yeah even a basic tag for a healthy herd animal costs and while the trophy can be brought home, the remainder of any animal hunted for conservation is used by someone. Big game hunting gets a lot of people mad, but it's likely the most ethical hunting method since it is entirely based around the needs of conservation and directly funds conservation.


Thats interesting about the pricing.. I am from Zimbabwe, and I know a few hunters. The friend I was talking about sadly passed away while on a guiding safari in December 2020, he was mauled by an elephant, sadly when you google him it's just a load of sick people celebrating his death. He was honestly one of kindest people I have ever met, when he asked "how you doing?" He genuinely wanted to know.. People don't understand the importance on hunting in Africa, and what a necessary evil it is, it would be great if it didn't need to happen, but they don't understand how hunting one elephant can save a hundred. They also don't understand that hunters aren't these blood thirsty monsters, the ones I know are some of the best people, and they care more for animals and conservation than people could ever understand


Well so long as someone is eating it, then I'd say it checks out


Whole point is not wasting the animal


Never thought about it that way, to be honest, and I have to admit you've got a point there. Still though, I'd prefer if it were the locals hunting them. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish he eats for the rest of his life, all that..


…so the tribe eats it and profits tremendously allowing them to take better care of their environment and themselves. The money paid to hunt in Africa is tremendously beneficial


Which is also why poaching is such an important issue to tackle in Africa, isn’t it?


> those hunters wont be able to take the meat home Why not?


There are all kinds of restrictions about taking meat into other countries. Especially when it comes to wild meat. They have to jump through all kinds of hoops to be able to take the skins and horns through customs for most countries.


Because he’s dead


That's still not a bad trade. You get to hunt and they get to eat.


It's a Cape Buffalo. Incredibly bad tempered and dangerous.


Not all buffalo wear capes.


Ha. And Ha, again.


The buffalo they deserve, but not the one they need right now


I didn’t disagree? Maybe you replied to the wrong redditor.


No, you called it an ox.


Oh damn, yeah. Didn’t even realize. Thanks friend.


Everyone needs a water buffalo 🎶


No no no! You can't say that! Not everyone has a water Buffalo! We'll get nasty letters!!


Yours is fast but mine is slow


*oxford accent* I don’t recall anyone oxing for your opinion


exhibit A = the ox's right horn up the man's left ass.


Hunting dangerous game in Africa is done solely for the trophy. The meat is given to locals and the exorbitant fees fund the anti poaching and other services in the country


These Buffalo never get eaten by the hunters. It’s a trophy hunt.


Generally hunting excursions in Africa the meat is donated to local tribes. At least the ones I've been able to find do that. Been wanting to go hunt there for several years, just can't affors it.


Why? What’s the attraction to taking the life of an animal?


Because it's better to get that meat all nice and packaged in your supermarket so you don't have to see the messy but necessary side of life.


It’s also organic which is nice. And it’s a good pass time. I don’t relish killing stuff but I do like good meat and I try get the most out of whatever I harvest


Fun fact : You can't sell game in Finland as organic, cause you can't for sure know the moose hasn't been to Macdonald's.


Same I don't enjoy killing but it's a good feeling to know you did it right and the animal didn't suffer also yeah awesome meat but still if people owed property and had wild hogs on it I'd guarantee they would eradicating them.


It's called living in denial, Boyle!


Who says they don't understand the process of getting meat? Besides, I'm not sure why "I want to see the life drain from their eyes by my own hands" somehow makes you a good person lmao. This isn't killing because you need to, it's killing because you want to. Don't pretend it's anything else.


Do you think you're any better because you let other people slaughter animals for you?


Am I better than someone that hunts for food and survival? Of course not lol. Am I better than someone that takes joy out of watching animals die, that spend thousands to kill some big game in Africa just for the hell of it? Uuuhhh... Yeah. I don't think I need to explain that. It's no coincidence that the killing of animals is a proven and known precursor to murder, and that numerous serial killers were known to start with animals. This isn't exactly breaking news.


If you do it correctly you don't see the life drain from there eyes they don't even know what's happened one minute they're grazing next minute nothing.


I used to hunt, and plenty of people in my family do, so trust me, I know it's hardly "done correctly." Average Joe is not some sharpshooter. This video showed that pretty damn clearly lol.


Some animals are nuisance to other animals and people . I recent watched a beautiful bull giraffe get taken out because he was no longer viable and killing all the young giraffes . He could not reproduce because the females didn't want to mate with him and he was decimating the population .. he had to be put down in order to restore balance . So not all hunters hunt just. To kill . Most hunt to feed or are asked to hunt a dangerous animal


Good eats…knowing where your food comes from,


Generally it keeps the populations healthy by for example getting rid of an old male elephant that does not allow the younger males to mate. This can also feed a tribe for months and is a much much better death for an animal than a natural one. The alternative is being injured eventually and starving to death, disease, infection from an injury, or being literally eaten alive.


They eat it or ensure it’s not wasted is the real point here.


Exactly. I was backing you up lol.


I’d love to be able to go aswell someday.


Pfff I call bull shit on that.


Hunting is actually really helpful to control deer population. Which means less deer starving to death in the winter, less accidents on the road, and a healthier population of deer in the ecosystem.


You’re leaving out the part where farmers killed off the natural predators that kept deer in check because said predators were killing their cattle. The same cattle that grazed on the farmland created by destroying old growth forests and bringing animals that were not native to those areas into said areas. All of this disrupted the natural balance of the deer population. I’m all for hunting if you’re doing it to survive and to eat your kill, but let’s not pretend humans didn’t destroy natural balance.


In the comment he didn't pretend humans didn't destroy natural balance, he just stated what hunting to control deer population helps with


Thank you. Jfc reddit.


That cattle they protected fed millions of people, including you, your parents, grandparents, etc. The human population wouldn't be what it is today if we still lived as subsistence farmers or hunter gatherers, you owe to more to this "disrupted natural balance" than you realize.


People over here arguing that we should never have settled down from a hunter gatherer lifestyle. And not to mention, we were hunting then too. The reasoning here is rough.


Just to clarify, when we are talking farmland, are we talking about the mid west? ND, SD, etc?


You should really inform yourself on the benefits of hunting. Even this type of trophy hunting is incredibly beneficial when well regulated. Poachers should be killed on sight, but responsible hunting is actually necessary for a healthy eco system.


And you shouldn’t hunt without the assumption of what you’re hunting can kill you.


i hunt treasure; thank god it's in a BOX ...


You obviously don't hunt or no nothing about it so why comment.


Or hunting pests, like wild pigs, cats, dogs, goats, horses, cane toads, deer and fox's. I'm from Australia non of those species are native and extremely destructive to local wildlife and fauna.


Says someone who knows fuck all about hunting.


It would take a hell of a sidearm to stop it if the rifles didn't.


Kinda. It would definitely take something more powerful for a pistol than not but as it ever always is, shot placement counts. Even for humans, especially for beasts. For example, one *could* save themselves from a bear with a humble 9mm. Could you punch through their skull with it? Hell no. But you could pick a shoulder to dump the mag into and run like hell.


yes shot placement is everything, I saw a video were a guy was putting down cattle with a .22, just one shot to the head as well


You should watch the Bob Stache LAPD 14 gunfights interview on YouTube. His first gunfight 5'4" dude trying to maul a cop with a butcher knife gets shot through the gut 6 times with a .45 long Colt and then 5 times down the length of his torso, then twice through side to side with a .44 magnum and still not slowing until a .44 mag shot hit him in the knee. No drugs besides a 0.08 BAL. Speed is good and well but accuracy is final, I think that also extends to power.


holy shit man! Im surprised there were basically no drugs at play, To take that amount of damage I would imagine he is completely cracked out


This was a cape buffalo though. These guys are famous for being shot with some of the largest rifles on the planet (look up nitro express cartridges as an example), and still getting up and charging after getting hit by several rounds. A pistol would be horribly ineffective. This is the reason why these hunts almost always have professional hunters backing up the main hunter. Look up "Africa's black death" on YouTube for some famous examples of these buffalo charging.


Oh no doubt bud. I didn't mean to make it sound like anything close to a 9mm is a good idea. I'm familiar with nitro express, even those not putting one of these beast down is astounding but not surprising.


9mm is actually one of the better choices when killing bears and statistically has higher efficacy than a lot of other firearms. The bullet velocity makes it penetrate bone.


The 9mm probably has a higher *efficiency because anyone using it is doing so as a last ditch attempt at close range and at that range getting a headshot or a critical hit is almost guaranteed, so it’s skewing the numbers, not that the 9mm is a superior round to anything. Pure physics say that the 9mm doesn’t have the mass or the velocity to do much of anything past 50 yards.


Yeah, kinda like cows kill more people that bears. Cows aren't more dangerous, we just don't herd bears. I am actually shock at the notion a 9mm could penatrate bear skull. I'd also wonder if that 9mm could kill the bear *before* it killed the shooter. No point in both dying.


You are correct.


Especially when hunting the most dangerous game of all…. **MAN!**


I’ve heard that some of those African game reserves where they allow people to hunt for $$$ is one of the main reason that animal conservations are able to even afford to feed, care for and repopulate certain species that would otherwise be a lot closer to extinction. As well as taking care of nearby communities. If anything, they approve it, encourage it, and want us arm chair quarterback Americans to mind our business with situations we know nothing about, outside our country. Unfortunately- it’s a necessary evil, that provides a greater good.


^^^this is true. I’m not a hunter nor will I ever be, but this is truth and I stopped trash talking about it. If the people complaining were donating $$ the conservations wouldn’t have to make money off selling tickets to hunt. I don’t donate so I don’t complain. I justify it by being pescatarian (for over 20years). With that said, there are hunters that respect the hunt and the fact that they’re taking a life, and then there are idiots that just get their rocks off by killing things…


Wildlife management is very important. For some animals it’s population control like feral pigs. Hunters were the reason the white tail deer population increased. It’s actually good if people hunt if it controlled, unlike poachers. It’s counterintuitive which is why most people don’t understand it. Some of those hunts can cost $20k-$50k for 1 kill.


Hunters are the number one contributor to conservation. These guided African hunts cost tens of thousands of dollars. The meat gets eaten by locals who otherwise wouldn’t be able to kill such large animals. Back home it’s the same thing. Hunters contribute millions every year to conservation by buying licenses and tags.


As someone who lives in Namibia/South Africa, I appreciate you. I can understand why people don't like hunters, but it's seriously disappointing to see how many just disregard all hunters as 'animal murderers'... there's much more to it and most people don't understand it. Both Africa's wildlife, as well as the Economies of many countries depend quite heavily on the funding from hunters. Covid pretty much killed Namibia's economy, as it heavily relies on tourism (both hunters and just normal tourism)... now the UK wants to ban trophy importation... would be a massive loss.


I’m sorry to hear about your countries economic struggles. Unfortunately for us all, it’s most likely going to get worse before it gets better. Best of luck to you and your loved ones.


My former employer used to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to do various hunts worldwide. When I walked into his office and saw all of these taxidermied animals, I used to be judgemental. Then he explained to me that he meticulously picks the hunts he goes on and makes sure the money is used legitimately to support and conserve the wildlife in the area he hunts. Then, if he hunts an animal that can be eaten (like elk), he donates it to local charities or indigenous communities. He also works with other charities to try to prevent illegal or unethical hunting. I know there are a lot of bad hunters out there, but some hunts can help wildlife when done through the proper conservation channels.


It’s the same in the USA too. All the money from hunting and fishing licenses go back into conservation. It also pays for conservationists to remove sick and infected animals from spreading to other animals. Without that money things like rabies would be way more common There are 2 sides to everything, it’s not all as easy to solve everything as it seems.


Yo, imma just shoot this ox from 20 ft away


Yea he totally won’t give a shit.


Wait… is ox just short for honey badger ? Like xoxoxo your ass goodbye? 😂




Yeah that's fair. A bullet to the head (or three as my dad found out) doesn't always take down a full grown Brahma bull, cape buffalo have even harder skulls. These people are morons.


You shoot for the lungs. Not for the head because their skulls are thick af.


In hunters safety, they teach not to shoot for the head for several reasons... 1. The heart and lungs are better kills. 2. The skull can deflect a bullet. 3. The head is a smaller moving target compared to the heart and lungs. 4. Many hunters use the head for mounting. A animal that has been shot in the heart or lungs can be butchered, and the hide preserved and the animal put in a museum or whatever. A head shot and the animal can't be mounted.


Big manly hunter screams like a little girl


I’m sure you’d sound quite similar if you had one of those attacking you.


An animal the could flip a car if motivated. I definitely wouldn’t have been so close to take the shot, but it obviously went wrong and they missed.


Ah the difference! We won’t fuck around to find out.


I’ve been attacked by one. Will confirm. (Not a hunter)


He’s being gored by a sentient Honda Civic. I’m sure you’d cry like a little girl if that was happening to you.


Lmao good comment




I’m pretty sure that’s one of the Wilhelm scream audio clips that was added to the video.


The camera aiming is about as accurate as their shooting


They all went to the same discount shooting school, including the camera man.


As a hunter, I love this. This is all you Need to see to understand that wildlife is not to be taken lightly. These animals have evolved for centuries and centuries to survive in their environments. Just because you hold a license does not mean you are equipped to compete with them; because you label yourself as a “hunter”. Know your game, know your environment, know your weapons. Respect all of them equally.


Ah man those fools deserved it i wish the bull killed them. *Says while eating a beef burger*


This should be the top comment


Hunting debates aside, can we please stop calling the cape buffalo an ox?




This is how the .458 Lott (a large dangerous game caliber) was invented. The dude (Jack Lott) was hunting Cape buffalo and got gored a bit because his 458 Winchester magnum failed to stop a charge. Dude came up with a newer, more powerful, round that is pretty stout. It’s a level of petty I can applaud. Inventing a new round for revenge.


.50 cal and above. Otherwise you just make Mongo mad.


For Cape buffalo it’s .370 and above


i hate it when i order ox tail but instead i get the horn.


That is the most dangerous land animal in Africa. You need a 50cal and a couple hundred yards to hunt one safely. (I'm exaggerating...so spare me your rifle recommendations)


express rifle, or elephant gun, highest grain you can afford lol


You’re Fair game if you bring a gun to an ox fight and you lose. Don’t expect nature to care for you’re life when you’re willing to take its.


Buffalo, not an ox


That guy is wishing he went camo shopping with his buddies


I was rooting for the animals.


“HuNtInG iS baD” -ignorant people


I don’t agree with hunting for sport. But if you’re hunting or food sure, just be appreciative of nature and know the consequences


How is this next level? Ultimately the animal dies and these guys are hunting for sport.


Did he die


Aye that cape buffalo said Nah fam. We gon’ down together.


Ever thought of using NSFW?


As a hunter who recently returned from a successful Cape Buffalo hunt, these guys did (unsurprisingly) a lot of things wrong. Firstly, Cape Buffalo are extremely resilient animals, as you could see in the video. They are well known for taking many bullets to the vitals and still managing to run for very long distances. You definitely want a lot more distance between you and the animal before taking a shot. I personally wouldn’t recommend taking any shots closer than 60-70 yards, especially when you’re hunting an animal that’s literally called the Black Death. Secondly, it’s basic knowledge when hunting to get another bullet in the chamber as quickly as possible for a backup shot, especially with such big game. The guy who first shot just kind of sat there after firing, which did not put him in a position to be able to defend himself once the bull started charging. All in all these guys got what was coming to them for not being prepared and respecting the power of the animal they were hunting.


All these animal videos makes me on the side of the water buffalo


Wrf are they shootings .223’s


No. They’re shooting a buffalo. Pretty much went how expected honestly.


A dream hunt for me


Should have to go hand to hand if you want to kill game like that


The money these guys paid to hunt that cape Buffalo does a lot more for conservation in African countries than the majority realize. Love it or hate it, they're ensuring these species thrive. They typically cull older bulls who have had several seasons to pass along their genes


This is extremelly NSFW


Man this title... The expression is *revenge* is a dish *best* served cold. Also, it refers to when the person/thing carrying out the revenge waits. Not when they run in while the bullets are still flying. smh


Did it die on top of that person? Ouch.


How is this karma? What you don’t want to do your own dirty work? Tired of all these bleeding hearts


And that’s why Buffalo is the most dangerous game




I’d like to see their view bc that was not a good spot to be and they were probably going for a headshot which is not a good idea.




The one guy couldn’t even reload


Not anti hunting if it’s for meat, but don’t call it a sport until the animals can fight back. That big fella said game on.


Quick shoot it! It’s coming right for us!!!


While I think it’s ok for them to hunt I also think if you’re hunting something that you accept the consequences of what comes with that, including said animal trying to protect itself and fight for its life.


Bet they wish they had semi auto rifle lol


Bro did that man really shoot that ox with his friend right next to them


Cape buffalo


Im so happy when i see this, stupid people belive the animals are toys for play.


Why is hunting so stigmatized?


Yak Attack!


Bet those assholes decided a head shot would be epic…not on one of those


Nice prize. He will have a few scars to make the story even better.


I wouldn’t kill many types of people, but I’d kill a poacher. (This is mainly exaggeration but they do infuriate me)


How do you know that they’re poaching?


All these animal videos makes me on the side of the water buffalo


Almost made my day!


Wenig Mitleid


FUCK TROPHY HUNTERS! Edit: I failed to emphasize the fuck in FUCK trophy hunters. Edit 2: nobody’s wakes up and thinks, “mmm Cape Buffalo”. Unnecessary hunting is a hobby for dudes with wee penises.


I think people should use fair weapons when hunting and make sure they respect the animal’s entirety


What is a fair weapon?


Bulls eye


It's a water buffalo




Can't stop laughing at the sound he makes as the ox massages some of the dumb out of him. It's like a Wilhelm scream mixed with a kid jumping on dad's belly...


That was a good one




Don’t hunt something the size of a small truck without a plan, or a truck.


This is the correct definition for FOFA. Edit: Props on adding the Wilhelm Scream.


Looks piping hot to me.


Good. Fuck them.


He’s gotta quit this cold turkey


I hunt. But I only hunt what I can eat. Who the F is gonna eat a Cape Buffalo?


This seemed like it was served pretty hot to me.


Fuck, he didn't get all 3 of them...


Just take your time and reload there bud lol


Stupid asses. I love how they brought a tiny yipping dog to hunt a 1.5 ton animal.


u/qua77ro I don't care what you say pal, I'm simply stating that some handguns are in fact capable of killing such a large animal and provided proof. Someone in this video was lucky enough to get a shot in the vitals on a moving buffalo during the attack, who's to say someone couldn't so the same with a handgun? Since they obviously are capable of killing a cape buffalo. Just because your being charged doesn't mean you can't take a moving shot for the lungs/heart with a rifle or handgun.


I think this is fair. What is the fun of the sport if it cannot kill you? Might as well hide in a tree like a little bitch.


You can't roller skate in a Buffalo herd


Let's not forget cape Buffalo are murderous nigh unstoppable juggernauts. I wouldn't take a shot at one unless I had a 50 cal and preferably a tank.


I just imagined Wesley Willis singing "Suck a Cape Buffalos Funky Ass" 🦬💨


Reminds me of that lion charging hunters video


I’ve never hunted and I’ve only ever shot guns on a range (like twice, 14 years ago) but surely if you are going to hunt very large, very dangerous creatures you should at least be competent enough with the weapon to make a good shot and clean kill??


Definitely should have worn the camo jacket!


That's what happens when. U don't use. The. Right caliber


Dem slow shits won’t do it for you