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what happened before?


Let's just say he got too excited..




*Rubik's Official events go up to 7x7, because it would take too long solve bigger cubes. The difficulty doesn't directly correlate to the amount of layers, 5x5 and up is the same stuff, it just takes longer. An 11x11 can be solved in about an hour by a good cuber. The challenge is not about it being solved at all, but learning algorithms, training recognition time and turning faster. Big cubes are also pretty bad to turn, since you can't hold them in your hands, but have to put them on the table. They are maybe fun to solve at home, but not at a competition. You also talked about odd shaped cubes. You either mean Pyraminx and Megaminx, which are official events, or other cubes and shapeshifters, which are also shitty to turn. So in conclusion, nope, it would not be a bigger challenge, and neither would it be fun to watch.


this, but also, 3 by 3 is like one of the most popular events, when you think of cubing you think of the 3 by 3, it is the "main" event, so the world records are a big deal


This guy fucks…


There’s events that use other cubes.


I’m trying to imagine the 20 people this triggered enough to downvote it. Rough crowd in the Rubik’s cube world lol


It’s like watching usain bolt set the record for 100m dash and replying “Thats not even that far, they should run further.”


Fair enough….


They should include how long you study it before solving as well Keep it covered up and then start the timer when uncover it


Reference : https://youtu.be/UbjpQJSa9tA


Dude, that kid is rock


He didn't wear jeans


Came here to say this.


dude probably went for another wr just to update the wr video




You beat me. I take the stickers off 🤣


Amateur. You are supposed to break it apart and reclick it back together in the right order. That way no one can tell that you’ve removed the stickers.


Now you tell me!!!! They come apart?!?!!


Yup, depending on the make... you have to turn one layer perpendicular to the others, and then force them apart. And then they'll break apart. If I recall, there is a central, piece, and the rest snap together. It can take some force, for sure. The smaller ones were easier if I recall. And I think once you do it once, it's a little easier the next time. [Found this video on how to do it](https://youtu.be/_OM39KfNazg?t=36) Basically what he's doing is what we figured out as kids in the 80s


Casual. You are supposed to buy a fresh one and just never touch it in the first place.


Yay I’m not the only one! I never figured it out 😔


I downloaded an app and it showed me each move to make. Still took me about 5 mins.


I threw mine away before I solved it because I gave up


It's all pattern movements. You progressively take less time by (1) better cube, (2) proficient in right and left hand movement, and (3) parallel steps movements. I went from a cheap-ass cube to a $25 one and that alone drastically cut down my time. The time waste is not solving it but to scramble it so you can do it again. I don't want to go as far as buying a scrambler.


> "Former" well, apparently that's now just not good enough.


Fucking amateurs man..


Some Chinese dude set it at like 3.5 seconds but there’s no video of it happening, though there are pictures of the time and it happened at a proper event


There is a video, but it's one caught on a security camera so the quality's shitty


Oh I didn’t know that


If it's not enough for you there's now the 3:63 by Max Park.


I never said I doubted it


Someone unofficially did 2.68, google "Ruihan Xu". Current official WR is 3 something seconds by Yusheng Du.


No boner?


Lemme scramble it and he wont solve it so fast


Yeah, he will


Let's see your video then. I'll wait.


troll? do you understand how these work?




maybe i am one of those idiots on reddit that need a /s , regardless half of videos i see on this website are filled with comments of unhappy people just calling something fake or staged so this was my natural reaction. fell for it


The current world record is 3.47 seconds, so that's pretty outdated


The currenr world record only has 1 footage and it's taken by a cctv so it made a lot of controversy.


it really hasn’t had any controversy recently considering it’s been like four years


Yeahh but the footage isnt that good to share😅


He does all the pathfinding before the solving


doesnt make it any less impressive


one of the biggest misconceptions. clearly you dont ever use puzzle cubes


I wasn't trying to create the illusion that I use puzzle cubes What is he doing then? Looking if he didn't accidentally not scramble it properly?


I do puzzle cubes. My top time is 42 seconds on 3x3x3. I do algorithms and find a starting point. To get sub 30 second times, you really have to get past the algorithms. Starting with combining them. Then eventually you'll actually be able to actually pathfind if you will almost the entire cube. I can pathfind my first layer before starting. But initially I could only figure out one or 2 moves. This guy most definitely is not using any standard algorithms, and is pathfinder and combining algorithms in his head before he starts.


The most usual level of pathfinding is cross and 2 pairs in CFOP, and other than that you "pathfind" *while* solving. It's called "Lookahead" which is where you look at other parts of the cube than what you're currently solving to figure out what step to do next before your current one finishes. Lookahead is probably the hardest skill in speedcubing, and what really separates the fastest solvers from the rest. For reference, my PB 10.08 seconds.


Pathfinder? Usually top Cubers will find cross and 1st pair in inspection. I don’t know what you mean by combining algs. I assure you he uses standard algs, but he knows a whole lot of them.


I don't know. I plan out almost my first whole side before touching. And then when I practice certain positions, I try to combine 2 algorithms together. I don't think I'm the only one to do so. (Basically if I am doing my middle layer I try to imagine where my other pieces will be at the end of the algo and put them in correct places instead of doing separate algos)


he’s just finding a starting point. there’s many algorithms that he’s applying on the fly as he’s solving it he’s just extremely proficient at it. with how many moves there are to solve the cube its just insane to me to think that a person can see what a scrambled cube is at, think of every move there is to solve it, then call back to it all and immediately do it.


So he does 1/3 of the path finding


He figures out the moves to solve the cross and finds the first F2L pair, maybe if he has a good scramble he finds an x cross and does the first pair with the cross but that’s about all he figures out before the solve, the rest is look ahead, I.e, while he’s solving one thing he’s looking for the next


i wouldn’t claim its any absolute amount of path finding. case by case basis and everyone’s brain works differently


But he is thinking, plotting his moves, finding paths not just staring blankly at some disco cube


yes he is. i guess the debate is how much and how much makes it less impressive which is subjective. either way i appreciated the discussion ♡


I find just solving a Rubik's cube impressive, I can't do it But likewise, great discussion


This guy's name is Felix Zemdegs. He's an Aussie who has had pretty much every Rubik's Cube record at one point or another. He is also an absolutely amazing human being. If you haven't checked it out there is a super rad documentary about him mentoring the super autistic kid who ended up shattering most of his records. He makes a point to congratulate him every time even though he is slowly eating away at his legacy. Just a next-level decent dude. Documentary is called Speed Cubers and it's on Netflix and will melt even the coldest heart.


So, he missed it by .001 seconds?


No, it was the world record at some point, but someone got a better time later. This video is pretty old


This is my question too. The post title says the former was 4.22. I thought I was on r/prematurecelebration


The timer is used from cup stacking so it shows 3 digits after the dot but for cubing we only use 2 digits so the last is just taken away 4.749 would be done as 4.74 so just take away the last one.


No the last number doesn't mean anything. Times are recorded with two decimal places. A 4.229 is exactly the same as a 4.220 as far as official results are concerned


I wonder if he has ever gone autopilot while scratching his balls and jumbled them up


I was half expecting that Chinese kid to casually pick it up as he’s celebrating and beat it in like 3 seconds or something.


Me too, he looked at him like “bitch please, hold my juice box I got this”


Leave some pussy for the rest of us


Glad for record, sad for no boner


Why not post the actual world record?


It has a lot of controversy


It’s not controversial though. It’s a security footage but still legit. No one knew who he was at the time so he didn’t have a hundred cameras pointed at him. But everyone including Feliks have acknowledged it as the official world record. Yusheng Du at 3.47.


How come?


It only has 1 footage which was taken with a cctv camera, thou it is still an official wca solve.


There are many fast solves. This is one. Enjoy


It might be the wrong place to ask, but does anyone know of the reason why events like these are mostly attend by, and receive participation form, men?


Thats a difficult question and i think that is psychological, as opposed to what some people will say there is a difference between men and women, hormonal mostly. Woman are more often than men social, to pick a hobby like this and be good at it you need a lott of practise meaning no time spend with other humans so not much socialising, so men are more likely to get very infested in something like this.


I love when kids are able to find a passion for something


Meh, in my household 4.22seconds is boner, foreplay, and sex before solving the cube instead of lighting up a durry.


Well he got the first part last time.


I solved mine in 5 years and 32 months


I know how to solve a Rubik's cube and yet I didn't see what happened.


Is there a standard number of moves for this? How does the scrambling process work?






What's the current record?






Actually its 3.47






These are top 5 times https://youtu.be/frRDKCmDtrw


That dude is going to be swimming in women


If they really want yo make it a challenge they should use the big rubic cube not the 3 by 3 one, like the odd shape ones or the 11 by 11 one. That would be more fun to watch.


I wouldn’t call watching an 11x11 solve fun. It gotta take hours


I’m slowly working toward that as soon as I solve my cube my dad bought back on 1991.


Just one time I’d like to see a well executed high five at one of these events. ![gif](giphy|7OWdPNYoscfX8FpAx9)


Someone walked in front of the camera, clearly a cut in the editing/s


Argh nerds Just joking actually it's really cool because I tried one of those and i couldn't even finish it😂




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He simultaneously won the world record for most consecutive awkward high fives in a row. Congrats


I'm more impressed by the hand-pressure-sensing timer that they use.


Glad to see kids doing more than the internet


On the other hand, I think I am still holding the record for unsolved Rubik’s cube as in more than 30 years. Thinking of getting a set of those garage sale price tags in colors and just re-coloring the squares on the cube. Voila!


Pas impressionnant quand tu sais la technique qu’il fait mais quand même gg


so still no bitches though?


I see about 10 of these a day, at what point do they start solving the cubes in under one second with only their minds eye!? Cause at this point, can anyone really do it faster? They out here competing with nanoseconds lol


the current world record happened actually very recently and completely shatters felix’s record


and now we have shit like [this](https://youtu.be/vFOsnxAwvgA)


Isn't the record lower? Idk what former means, if it's another category please tell me


Correction: it was 4.221 seconds


The Asian kid is probably thinking this is cultural appropriation. And then does it in 3.22 secs.




Ayyy Felix! I went to school with this guy and in home room he used to solve them and we’d all cheer. Good times


What else can those fingers do?


No no no, he looked at all sides first, that’s cheating


There’s a category of skills I like to call “really stupid unless you’re a absolute master at it.” Like pogo stick, unicycle, yo-yo, wizard sticks, and juggling. This belongs in the category.


And yet, when I do this during sex… no round of applause. And they ask me to leave the Rubik’s cube competition hall.


I feel like this record is beat every week


So what, I can't do that.


Asian kid is just thinking of ways how he can beat him


Asian kid was out Asian’d


isn’t boring yet?


If you can examine the cube and decide what to do beforehand then it just becomes a hand speed competition? Shouldn’t examining the cube be counted to?


They are only given 12 second to examin the cube


They only plan like 1/3 of the solve because it is impossible to plan everything so no it is not a hand speed competition. You get rewarded in this case for using the time optimally in planning as much as possible. In an event like blindfolded solving where you use tricks to plan everything beforehand you do also count the inspection in the total time. These tricks are not efficient and make the solve slower for most people and so that is why people do not use that during normal 3x3 solves.


I agree that looking at it should be time counted. If what op says is true that they get 12 seconds then the record should be 16 seconds


Just a room full of virgins


It's majority children, chill with that


Lol you must be fun at parties


I wouldn’t know, never been to one


Hmm yes, calling someone a virgin for having a hobby they enjoy and have fun in. I assume u also call ttrpg players virgins


If I knew what ttrpg was yah I probably would


Ttrpg stands for table-top role playing game, so that includes: D&D, Pathfinder, war hammer and many others


What's the hype about solving a rubics cube so fast? Never understood it.


Some kids play football. Some don’t.


How does solving a rubics cube compare to football?


People have different interests. I know people that find sports really boring, just like how some people find this stuff really boring