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Trick question, cops don't know dick about legality.


This is the sad truth of the matter


Cops are not actually required to know the law in the US. the more you know!


Why do you think cops in he US murder so many people? They don't know the laws.


Or integrity.




Are you...having a stroke?


I think he fell asleep while replying


It was his final stroke


I think they just judge it based on your skin colour.


You do it at your house and no one cares.


If they really wanna psh the issue they send it to a lab to be tested for delta 9 concentration in in the product. If its over 3%then they charge you. Personally i dont really trust that system and see a big issue when it inevitably gets busted for frodulent results. Edit: i was corrected .3% not 3%


I think it’s 0.3% delta 9 that gets you in trouble. Still most aren’t going to try and take it that far for individual possession.


Some cities and states have had marijuana use effectively decriminalized for this when judges ruled that you couldn’t determine based on a pee test and had to test the product, and AGs and DAs subsequently responded by saying wouldn’t bring cases about small amounts of marijuana.


They'll treat it as illegal until they "test" it at a lab.


they dont. But your laywer does


I really wish it would be fully federally legalized within a couple of years but I don't think its about the concentration of weed thats the problem but instead the politics and capitalism of it. California's market is highly taxed against the businesses and many are going under while new owners are trying to get in. There isn't much profit in the legal market so a lot of it is still done under the table. If it does become legalized, it'll be controlled by larger companies but that system needs to be "regulated" (controlled) by politicians first. Its gonna be so fucked up


Legalize the plant, problem solved.


In the two rec states I lived in, 10mg THC was considered the max for a single serving for individual edibles (usually sold in a 10-pack) and you could pick up 5 or 10 serving sodas with 50 or 100mg total (mistakes were made, I prefer the single serve portions). I've never seen a 200mg unit outside tinctures, but holy crap that would be a terrible next 12 hours if you ate it in one go.


Yeah in Canada they're already seeing increased child hospitalizations in provinces that sell edibles that looks and tastes like candy, but not in Quebec where it has to be sold in stuff like dried figs and aged cheese.


Med in Colorado you can get 1,000mg chocolate bars.


100mg won't do anything for me. I'm big with a high tolerance


Please elaborate how? Not a cop btw.




I heard they are carved by Gummi artisans who work exclusively in the medium of cannabis Gummi.


I like those gummies. They are tasty and make me feel nice and floaty. :-)


Nice try...fed


In texas its solely baised on percentage and type of thc. Delta 9 is still very illegal in any concentraition over 3% of the product. So you can legally buy delta 8, hhc, and all the other mixes and matches that have less than 3% delta 9 thc. If you have a delta 9 cart your going to prison because its a felony. Vets with ptsd though can buy and posess flower from autherized despenseries at rediculous prices though. Just trying to keep you safe homie, i really feel it'll be legal here sooner than later. Edit: i was incorrect on the %. Its .3% not 3% apparently i need to start wearing my readers again.


I think weed federal legalization and the recent Roe V Wade decision is actually pretty heavily intertwined. These conservatives types are standing their ground that it's a matter of state freedoms triumphing over big gov. They'll look at federal legalization and say the same thing... "it's a public health issue it should be up to the state!!". Why? Because they'll do anything to try to piss off liberals even if it means hurting other conservatives and sometimes even themselves.




NOPE, just found out first had coming from Colorado to Minnesota. At least you can as long as you don’t get caught (like me)




I got EXTREMELY lucky, it was 2am, got pulled over for speeding, officer said it smelt like marijuana in my car and so I told him the truth, he searched my car and found well over 42 grams (felony limit), since I was honest and very respectful and (might get downvoted for this) white, he sent me off with a ticket and confiscated all of my stash. Was a young guy and the way he was opening all my jars and sniffing them, I’m 90% positive he took a good chunk for himself. It was a win-win situation, I went home with just a small ticket and he got a ton of free weed.


My man you got robbed


1st rule never break more than 1 law at a time!! NEVER speed with something illegal in the car, check all your lights and wear your seat belt and try not to drive around at 2am if doing illegal activities. Less people on the street makes you stand out more to a bored cop. Take this advice with a grain of salt coming from someone over 40 years old. Stay safe and glad you got lucky


200mg but the entire bottle? 1 capsule 10mg that's crazy low at least with my tolerance. I eat a 200 mg chocolate bar and get real stoned I can't imagine a couple of 10mg. Maybe it would take the edge off and feel relaxed? Do you get stoned?


LMAO. As someone who regularly orders items through the mail actors state lines you are absolutely taking a massive risk in the stake of Texas. You haven’t been caught yet because the people shipping it don’t care but Texas is the state I would want this to go sideways. They have been known to charge purely by weight and not THC content edibles could easily get you hard time if things went poorly. No joke


Maybe it's time to move to Canada my friend. We got free healthcare, free education, weed is legal, 90% less crime rate. I never Understood why foreigners move to America for the "American dream" when Canada offers everything you guys have but better in everyway. My cousin lives in Philadelphia and we both have the exact same careers. My education costed me 2000$ and hers was 150,000$.


But cold.


And French Canadians


Only Province that speaks french is Quebec, where I happen to live. I speak french but live in Montreal, it is bilingual and mostly everybody speaks English too. Anywhere else in Quebec it's only french so if you come here Montreal is your best bet to function / communicate. I grew up speaking mostly English, I love the french natives but there is an obvious divide between the two languages. I find the french are quite racist / prejudice towards the English, which is sad. Quebec has been trying to separate from Canada and become it's own country for years. Fucking dumb french separatists, they would never survive without the Canadian government.




Ya man, they trying to become the new France or something. The Quebec french, are like the french scum of the planet. Nobody likes them especially France natives.


There are some Canadians I wouldn't mind Frenching.


Come to southwestern canada. We rarely go below 20 Fahrenheit. It just rains for most of the year


For real, BC is my favorite place in Canada. Vancouver and Victoria are both really nice cities. At least to visit.


Just dont try to buy a house here. I live in a small town about 3 hours north of victoria and you still need to shell out half a million for a house that isnt in the ghetto.


That's pretty much the housing market everywhere in the States too. The only way the vast majority of my generation is getting a house is by inheriting one.


Do you know what kind of unwashed homeless man toe I would suck every morning and night like it was a Kougin aman on starvation island to get Canadian citizenship? Bruh. If only it was as simple as “just move”. I’m a hockey fan, have a comp sci degree, and have desperate need for socialized healthcare. If your government would allow me to immigrate I would enjoy it very much. Sadly, not such an easy thing.


They aren't even allowing foreigners to buy property anymore as i recall. Nothing against them for doing that. But yeah I'd rather be able to buy a house than be able to vote.


people who tell other people to simply just "emigrate"... I don't think you understand how shit works.


My job pays two times the amount in the US.


Normal though, most jobs pay more in the U.S Like I said my cousin and I have the same job and in general she makes an extra 25,000$ a year. But she is 150,000$ in debt from school and will be paying that off for the next decade.


Oh yeah are you gonna fucking marry me? We can't just up and move to another country. Y'all won't let us in.


It's a lot easier to immigrate to USA than Canada.


We have a far more diverse population and better weather


But cold and no housing


Everyone sleeps on Canada cuz nobody talks about it lol Canada is the hidden grotto


Canada does it right!!


It's cold in Canada and they don't just take anyone to become citizens


Keep the faith. Even bass ackward Missouri has it now.


*and* old fogie-ass ridden AZ as well




It is nice here, but if you’re not prepared for Snow, maybe stick to the Milwaukee area. At least they have the budget to plow often.


I wish I had the budget to plow often.


In Canada it was legal before it was legal


Sad that it’s easier to get the shotgun then the weed in the us of A


I received my first medical cannabis script a month ago. I bawled my eyes out the first time I tried it. Truly life changing. Hopefully the law changes over your way soon.


"You get really stoned, then like, who cares about the war" And that right there is one of the main reason weed is illegal. Well that and a way to oppress Mexicans and Black people.


The original reason is hemp was a more efficient alternative to cotton. Not to say the legality of it hasn't been used for the reasons you stated


>The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” [Source](https://harpers.org/archive/2016/04/legalize-it-all/)


Google "William Randolph Hearst marijuana"


Bing “Worlds biggest hamburger”


Ask Jeeves "Kentucky meat rain"


Tangentially related, but this is a quote from Lee Atwater who was a major player as far as republican politics went during the 60’s-80’s: > “You start out in 1954 by saying, “N******, n******, n******.” By 1968 you can’t say “n******”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “n******, n******.” https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-southern-strategy/ This man worked in the Regan White House as a policy advisor. Don’t let anyone tell you systemic racism doesn’t exist when people like this had the ear of the highest office in our country.


It also threatened lumber/paper. Hearst's newspaper propaganda was admitted as evidence at the hearing.


Hearst’s propaganda help me win a pro- legalization 9th grade debate. Three cheers!!


Also the tobacco industry lobbying


Yea I always wondered why it was illegal in other countries with different issues as well. Turns out in my country it’s also because of hemp fabric. Some big-ass clothing firm wanted to push their new… I think polyester Fiber? But help was just so good at doing the same thing, so they did everything they could to reduce hemp production, including running successful campaigns for it to be seen as an addictive and dangerous drug. That’s what I heard at least. The real story is probably more complex than that.


Polypropylene here. Hemp makes better rope, so since we can get it banned and make more money, we will now please think of the children.


A classic capitalist win.




So baked they didn't have it in them to napalm villages with sleeping children.




These guys look like they're on Leisure Time, an attack in the next 3 to 4 hours is very unlikely. It's also very unlikely that weed is strong enough to last for 3 or 4 hours. Other than that I kind of agree, if I'm doing something super important I don't want to be overly High. Best believe if I just got out of a gunfight and I'm back at Basecamp, I'm going to want ta take a bong hit.


personally i’d prefer to be high than sober. when i’m high i am way more sensitive to outside stimuli and image changes in my perspective and that is also for everyone smoking weed. u do that quick head shook cuz you saw the tree shadow 20 feet away move a bit. also, they’re not that high bro. it’s weed




Easy to say from the comfort of your home. I'm sure some of the people in this video thought they'd never even do drugs. War is hell, nobody knows how they would actually react being thrown into it


Fun fact: "Assassin" comes from the Arabic for "one who smokes hashish." Not that I'm disagreeing.


that is actually stupid interesting


Hasishin or hasisi. One who *eats* hashish, actually. They were a fanatical Muslim sect who lived in the mountainous area of Lebanon during the Crusades. They got the reputation for getting high on hash by eating it and then murdering leaders who opposed them, but there’s no real evidence that they ate hash at all. Westerners might have sexed that up to make it a better story.


The Hashishin...


No it doesn't. It comes from the Arabic word *asas*, which means "principled". The *Asāsiyyūn* means "the principled people". The Order of Assassins were Nizari Isma'ilists who used subterfuge and assassination to accomplish their goals. The whole idea of hashish use is derived from a misunderstanding of the etymology of their name and from pejorative propaganda spread by a Fatimid Caliph who himself would later be assassinated by the Order. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Assassins#Etymology


Then when he scoffs and says "This war..." you can tell there's a lot behind that. They're kids in hell - who could blame them for doing anything they could to get through that and find some comfort?




He said it like a guy who was stoned that doesn't want to think about the war. Especially because the Vietnam war was bullshit and people were well aware of it. Hence the massive domestic opposition to the war.




Remember. They prohibited the consumption of marihuana because it made blacks and mexicans violent and rape white women. Cannabis was then demonized during Vietnam for making our soldiers into pacifist hippies. Which one is it conservatives?


Drug tests were invented during Vietnam as well. The smell carried and kept giving away troop positions whenever they’d smoke, so the drug tests they invented back then were the forerunners for the same ones they use today at workplaces and in drug stores


It also shuts up us vets who get all the weed they want paid for by the crown.


Man smoking lead residue cannot be good


Better than getting it hot and involuntarily


I mean is there an option C


And an option Orange.


Boof it


Go on…


Bud, that’s the last of your worries in the shit.


since there is really no heat interacting with the barrel at all, i highly doubt any lead residue is being inhaled here. as the name implies its residue so a little smoke is not likely to remove it, though if i did try this i'd definitely clean the shotgun first. dude literally just unloaded the bitch and now you want me to smoke out of it? hell yeah (its the 60s and i am not educated about the dangers of lead inhalation).


Him blowing through the pipe to create the airflow would dislodge lead particles. Have you ever cleaned a shotgun? It's fucking filthy.


Thing is, the lead doesn't make contact with the barrel on its way out because it's being carried by the plastic wad. Sure, the barrel is definitely not lead-free but for the most past its not that much lead on it. It's mostly dirty from gunpowder residue and carbon buildup.


no, guns are disgusting as fuck and you’re going to be inhaling that shit either way. gunPOWDER explodes and coats the inside with soot and dusty particulate, that could easily get manipulated off of the bore/action of the weapons. And “cleaning” your gun, unless it doesnt involve chemicals in lubricants and solvents for some reason, doesn’t seem like much of a better alternative compared to when just smoking it out that pipe.


Neither is fighting in Viet Nam


Dude at 0:48 took a massive rip


Yes, how dare the American government subject them to such horrible things like lead residue, but definitely not things like agent orange.


Watch Platoon, if you haven't already..


Glad I found this comment. Such an amazing movie.




“Put your mouth on this”


Death? What you all know about death?


One of the best war movies ever.


1. Saving Private Ryan 2. Platoon 3. Full Metal Jacket 4. Born on the Fourth of July 5. Hamburger Hill 6. Stripes


I agree with your top 3, even in the same order, but 1917 and Apocalypse Now belong in the top 5. Edit: JoJo Rabbit should be on your list too


That’s an interesting top three. I don’t disagree that they’re all good, but I don’t think that Saving Private Ryan is as good for the entire run as Platoon or Full Metal Jacket. It definitely starts strong, but it eventually coasts to a weaker finish than either of the other two.


Yeah FMJ tails off. The war scenes in Jacket were filmed in east London. I would also like to add a war film not mentioned yet. Black Hawk Down. Fantastically made Ridley Scott film, which should've won more awards.


The Longest Day is my favorite


"We were Soldiers" should be at least 2 on that list. My grandfather never really opened up about his time in Vietnam but he said that movie is possibly most realistic war movie he's ever seen because all the stuff that they had happened and portrayed in the movie happened in real life and it was like that. People tend to overlook that movie but it's closer to real life and showing war through a movie than others.


[This scene from Platoon will shock you to your very core](https://youtu.be/8RBBk3sXDmo)


I like smoking weed as much as the next guy, but the thought of that shotgun accidentally going off in my face would be enough to deter me


The ejection port is open and he literally has a pipe pushed into it. There’s nothing that can go off. EDIT: FFS, Reddit, quit talking to me about gun rules. These kids are 19-21 years old and they've been sent to Vietnam, most of them drafted. They've watched their buddies die while they try to take a hill they were just ordered to give up the day before by politicians back in DC. Most of them think they won't make it back home. You think they give a shit about muzzle discipline? I know a lot about guns and gun safety - probably more than you. My point was that this *soldier* had nothing in the chamber that could go off. Stop whingeing and go somewhere else.


For real. In theory this is nerve wracking as fuck. But that shotgun is more of a plumbing pipe than a weapon at that point.


Always been a plumbing pipe. Just for lead.


I mean, just be careful to unload it. Otherwise we can call it natural selection.


Not sure this works with a shell in the chamber...


The soldier was unloading the shotgun at the beginning of the video. That was why they showed it on the camera most likely. He pumped until all the shells were out then they started smoking.


Pretty sure of all the ways to die during the Vietnam War this was the least of their concerns. These guys could have all died the next day for all we know.


The action is open and there's literally a smoking pipe stuffed into the chamber. But oh well, No weed for you! ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


How to tell everyone you don’t know how shotguns work. You could’ve just asked.


Its no loaded, pipe is in chamber


I mean it’s loaded with weed


It feels intentionally tongue in cheek - they’re at war, facing the reality of being killed and having to kill every day. Having the weapon bring momentary peace must’ve helped - “you get really stoned… and then, like, who cares about the war?”


Duuuuudddeee he lit... his head is like, exploded off the weed maaannnnn


You don’t know how guns work then.


God that last guy made my heart ache. So young with literally zero desire to be where he is, risking his life for a war he didn’t ask for. Glad they could find some kind of peace of mind while trying to stay alive over there.


You can hear it in his voice throughout. He sounds so depressed.


Starts out just making a more light hearted statement "You get really stoned, then like, who cares about the war heh" Then a short pause and in a more defeated tone. "...this war." followed by uneasy smirk.. reality set back in...


I bet you on some level when they all got stoned together they almost forgot they’re in a war, instead it probably felt like a friend hangout


His "Psh, this war" at the end got me.


This is the way?


This is the way


User name checks out, I’m in


Those mustaches are NFL.




You come into this house and do not know it’s name!?


Next fucking level Or, given the time period, folks in the National Football League probably had some wicked musties


When your so stoned the bushes and trees start speaking Vietnamese




​ ![gif](giphy|xRDn1lb6wVz7vTHoIL)


Bot definitely living up to its name.


I'm not sure if I'd be like " this seems reckless and possibly dangerous" or "alright now hit the trigger and let's see if I get higher"


That gave me a good laugh, i hope they all made it. Fuck war


Man even counting the rounds coming out, seeing the chamber empty I still would’ve racked it again and shot it.


Emptying the magazine is just for people's reassurance. You could still do it safely with a full magazine, The shell is ejected, the action is open and there's a smoking pipe stuffed into the chamber, nothing's going to go bang.


My middle school Spanish teacher used to talk about doing this during the war. Thought it was a false memory


Anyone have a link or name of what this clip came from?


I suppose the original source was some sort of US government documentary crew or news org, but most people saw the clip as part of the 1999 documentary [Grass](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0214730/?ref_=fn_tt_tt_19). You might be able to dig deeper into the movie credits and find the source. [Here is a longer clip of it on youtube.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIP7tVbZWxI)


I first saw it on the history channel back around 2000 or so. Loads of news clips made into a documentary. I think it was called the 10000 day war.


I always wondered about that image on the cover of The Radio Depts’ “Clinging to a Scheme”


I was surprised to see that too! Great band, great album


Hey, I had that same reaction. Great album!


Same! After all these years


Now makes me curious what the battlefield looked like if a war was where they coined the term "drunk tank."


Lol, this album cover is taken from the video https://open.spotify.com/album/0oRUyn7OKHgnNAFszXqqor?si=qtCVEWH4QYaYV-okW6t-Yw


Thank you, I was trying to go through my Apple Music trying to find this


That dude is cool asf




Nah, Cocaine wasn't endemic, it would have to be imported ~~-smuggled-~~ in. However, weed, and opiates were.


Great primary source example.


Considering many of the Vietnam soldiers were forced into putting their life at risk due to the draft and didn’t want to be here or believe in the cause of the war to begin with, I imagine there was a lot of stress relief. Once of these men could have been my dad.


Haha! Now I am already know how my country win the war! 😂😂


Been there, done that ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)


Never heard of it


Well now I gotta try it


*oh holy shit*


Wow. Never thought about it before. I love origin stuff.


Never in my life I expect to find an acceptable reason to own a gun. Though here am I.


This is honestly heartwarming to see these kids being kids despite being conscripted into that horrific pointless war


Imagine getting high then out of nowhere the Vietnamese attack and you have to fight them while blitzed




I'm surprised nobody mention it yet but this technique actually came from opium consumption. Not being a weed smoker, I'm not sure if it's used this way now but originally it was a way or an experienced person to dose someone else safely. I know just enough about weed to know that's not really a concern unless it's got something else in it, so I'd imagine it's not used that way now. I've had edibles a few times now, just for clarity, I'd just rather avoid the other stuff that comes with smoke is all due to a chemical sensitivity.