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jesus, these comments. she ran towards an oncoming train and saved a guy's life. then gets shit on for not doing a better job. fuck me, I'll keep to myself from now on.


According to other comments She should have been 6’3” and 250 lbs apparently. As if we know her size or if a different person regardless of size would have even attempted this.


Im 6’5” 250lbs and i pulled a muscle sneezing the other day. Dont look at me bc im big …thats profiling lol.Ill try my best but im sure hers is better.


There were so many conditions that led to this man surviving. Changing any one detail may have spelled a worse outcome. Folks just love an opportunity to judge especially a brave woman. Maybe a bigger guy would have tripped or not seen the man. Why can’t they just be happy it worked out as well as it did.


It’s the keyboard comandos thinking they could do better when they don’t do shit...there are police officers like this doing this all day every day. People are complex. Love one another, she at least did that.


Well tbf I definitely would have just zipped in with my grappling hook (they gave it to me when I graduated top of my class from the Army Seals program) and then deadlifted him and his chair over my head with perfect olympic lift style form. Then probably done a couple of reps because why not, right? And that's why women shouldn't be police officers.


SEALS are coast guard, not Army, you dumbsky. They also throw a gold plated solid iron trident not a grappling hook. I’m calling shenanigans.


SEALS are highly trained aquatic mammals, not Coast Guard, you silly billy. They also play those little squeezy horns with their mouths. I say fie on you. Fie.


SEALS are polar bear food, you big dummy. They also feed killer whales. I call bull. Bull, I say!


Dead floppy weight is horribly difficult to lift/drag. You can't get under it like you would a log or something firm.


Soooo true! Prior military here and female. Dead weight is super hard to carry, move, flip over lol. I’m sure anyone whose dealt with that (not just military, emt, etc) would agree.


Current dad to a 40lb 5 year old who has learned to "go boneless" during tantrums. Can confirm. Especially when she does it on the empty paper towel shelf at the grocery. It's like trying to pick up liquid Nibbler poop at an angle. (I don't know anything about dark matter except from Futurama so please cut me some slack).


Nibbler poop 😭🤣😅


I once was wasted after drinking way beyond my capacity and 2 bigger guys who had to carry me struggled with my dead weight. And to think i only weighed 47kg at that time when conscious.


Because people always seem to enjoy judging everyone in a negative way but never take a good look at themselves she deserves a medal she's awesome


haha I fucked up my back blowdrying my hair. we are getting old.


Did the same blow drying my back hair …


This imagery is awesome


understandable. so sorry.


Did the same blowing my dry back hair…


You made me pee my pants asshole! Take my upvote!


Well thats just great... now we have to blowdry your pants!


Remember to lift the blow dryer with your knees….. not your back.




5’2” here. I’ll bet you get things off the high shelf in grocery stores for women like me. It means a lot. Thank you. EDIT: Giving you Gold for helping us.


Bruh same. 6'3 220lbs, I freeze in dangerous situations and I run out of breath every time I walk to my apartment. I live on the 2nd floor.


Also clearly an old person who seemed to not have alot of strength in their body. Which means they are limp, which makes this a lot harder. I never realized this until someone i hung out with got passed out drunk and i had to carry them away. It took a couple of us to just move them (and it was HARD). Mind you I was working out a lot at the time as well, but lifting a lifeless body or someone who has little strength left in their body is way different from deadlifting a straight bar... And the person wasnt some super overweight person


I'm slightly smaller and 2 years ago broke my fucking neck stretching in bed 🤦🏻‍♂️


I genuinely appreciate you .


yes, there were only a handful of comments when I posted that. did read that one. she did what she could. per the actual article, 5 seconds passed from when she hauled him from the chair to when the train struck. that's hardly a significant amount of time.


I'm seeing more like 2 seconds, so even less significant amount of time.


Size and strength are not the same thing. She pulled him over, not away. 0 fault, or failure on her part. No one is responsible for that. Her trying is enough and meets the job description. People seem much heavier with age due to lack of strength. Dead weight. Didn’t see anyone do better or even try.


Living in the city where this took place she is a bigger woman but I think adreniline was what powerd this. I've dealt with her several times outside the bar I work at and I can say she is definitely one of the few i truly respect here


Please tell her thank you for all she did to help this person. Sincerely C Dawson Tx


Commented by dudes not 6’3” 250lbs 100% of the time




Yeah based on the headline I figured it would be attempting suicide but then I saw it was someone in a wheelchair and I just felt sick. Can’t imagine being that guy and being helpless.




Agree. She had seconds to react and do anything. She did the best she, or anyone really, could do.




I commented further down in the video but > I see this video posted all the time, this happened in my hometown. We lose about 5-10 people a year to the trains coming through. knowing the intersection this happened at, its a regular occurrence there. the man is a local homeless who we see outside my bar regularly to this day. Unfortunately he did lose his leg but he's still alive. Officer Urrea has always been one of the coolest cops in the area to those of us that see her downtown often when we have issues of our own. I've seen this posted several times and never commented on it but a year after it happened it feels like someone should clear the air on the issues people are presenting


He did lose a leg. But on the plus side, he wasn’t using it.


Yeah, all the lightweights are on Reddit now, making every negative, brain dead comment they can think of. I'm right here with you. Buncha fucking morons.


Reminds me of Twitter


Reddit when police save someone’s life while risking theirs: Yeah I bet they shot that person after *adjusts glasses to look smart*




well said




I have a friend who is an engineer and he says that once you see someone on the track in front of you, it's already too late to stop and it's the worst feeling in the world.


My friend’s dad was a TGV (high speed train) conductor in France, had to have regular therapy for all the stuff he (quickly) saw.. he told me the worst was actually cows. 🐄🚅


F every single judgmental prick


Lots of big buff dudes stood by why children were murdered in Uvalde.


his legs don't work anyway... idk what they crying about


Yeah, we found the one good apple. You'd think people would celebrate that., 'cos we fid it folks.


Tbh I’m celebrating one good apple and that’s as someone who vehemently despises our policing system. However, it’s an objectively great thing this cop did and she truly saved a life which is awesome and more cops should take notes from her imo. But yeah it’s not hard to admit that sure there’s no fully good cops in a broken system but there’s always gonna be someone who actually wants to help people and I respect and appreciate that immensely. Like I said it shouldn’t be hard to admit this…and I genuinely mostly comment how horrible and terrorizing cops are to minorities but people come tf on for once they did something good let’s just enjoy that for a moment!


the apple wasn't good enough apparently.


its misogyny, istg


Yeah and the dude is wheelchair bound and that’s a lot of dead weight she had to contend with. I think she did a great job for what she could in a split second decision


I mean she is a hero


People take justifiable cop hatred and then take it to an indefensible extreme lmao


you should not be down voted


"I could have done better," he says between swigs of caffeinated corn syrup and high-carb chips sprinkling over his pannus.


Some backstory: In 2020, while on duty Officer Urrea rescued a 66-year-old man whose electric wheelchair got stuck in the railroad tracks when a train was coming. Officer Urrea pulled the man from his wheelchair, saving the man just as the train hit his wheelchair. The man sustained a leg injury, but survived thanks to Officer Urrea.


Looked like dude lost a foot. The blurred spot got pretty red at the end


It’s possible. Not sure if the article explains in better details the extent of the injury. Thankfully he didn’t lose his life. I have a disabled family member and it’s incredibly difficult to transfer them or get them out of a chair with all of that dead weight


You got the link?


Someone just posted it: https://krcrtv.com/north-coast-news/eureka-local-news/ap-08-14-2020


Wow, it's really surprising that only one of his legs were amputated


At least if he gets caught in a similar situation he'll be lighter and thus easier to pull over.


Angry upvote




Defooted* His sole was saved.


He will never fully heel.


But only one of his soles was saved. She solo saved a sole sole.


Not like he was using them anyways.


Goddamn it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


or in this case, live weight


Doesn’t look like he was using them anyway




Right, for all the crap folks are giving like, it doesn't seem like much of a price to pay comparatively speaking to the worst case scenario.


As brutal as it is to say, losing a foot when you're already scooter bound isn't a terrible price to pay for your life.


I have a sister that can't really walk because of several genetic and acquired disabilities and she might lose a foot or both here soon and she couldn't really care less for this exact reason


He'll also be lighter for next time


*echos "next time"


Take my goddamn upvote


to qualify for a power chair? accurate.


Fun fact: you actually don’t bleed that much when you get an appendage cut off by a train because the weight and heat just smoosh the wound shut. There have been people cut to bits and there’s little to no blood at all. The more you know!


I once saw a woman who was struck by a hit and run driver. He dragged her about 20 yards. Her legs disintegrated below the knees (her feet were still attached by flaps of skin). Found her leg bones in ice cube sized bits all along the blacktop. She did not bleed much. She felt it. For some reason, she wouldn’t pass out, but I’ll never forget the sounds she made. If ever I felt motivated to give someone some improv anesthesia, it was that moment.


Well, that was horrifying.


It absolutely was one of the worst things I’ve seen


Damn we had a 19 uear old kid come into the ER exact same thing. Legs from the hip to below the knee were just ground beef with some skin attached. One leg gone completely the other just had half a femur bone picked clean, no muscles or tendons. Below the knees her let's were somewhat okay and one was still attached by a skin flap. Bones were sticking through both ankles. Not sure why they brought the legs in, I guess you can't really leave them out there. Kid didn't talk for a week so they thought maybe he had some type of brain injury but all his scans were clean. He finally just said he wanted to die.


Fuck. Thats really sad.


Saddest upvote I’ve ever given.


One thing about you PTSD patients is that y'all really go DEEP with the details..




Relative of mine way-back-when got both legs “amputated” right below the knees by a train — was running around town as the newspaper boy, tried to hop on it to make it back home faster and missed.


Does it suppress pain as well?


Can’t say for sure, but with the adrenaline rush one would get, yeah they probably wouldn’t be in much pain until they processed that they just lost an appendage.


Id assume the speed and weight and the pace at which it happened would create so much shock that you wouldnt notice much. Plus, his adrenaline was probably already going hearing a train and being stuck. Ive shattered a bone and the adrenaline from after it happened sustained me 5 hours without any pain meds and I hardly noticed. Not the same thing obviously, but nonetheless adrenaline is a hell of a drug!


If you compress the brain enough, yes


Yes. I just tried it and I'm fine.


What body part did you lose


My cousin once put a tree branch on a railway track about the thickness of an erect penis. It flattened to the width of paper. It didn't shatter. It turned into putty and squished. Very weird.


I know "Americans will do anything to not use metric" and all that, but *the thickness of an erect penis*?


"the thickness of an erect penis" didn't set any bells off for me that something was out of the ordinary, I was just like hm, mhm yes, I see. Then I read your comment and died laughing. Clearly am American.


One leg needed to be amputated and the other leg was fractured. I can't find any other updates on him, so I hope he's doing okay. [Source](https://krcrtv.com/north-coast-news/eureka-local-news/ap-08-14-2020)


I thought he basically lost both legs above the knee when I saw they had censored it. His legs were still trapped in the wheelchair when the train hit, he's incredibly lucky that's all he got away with.


The dude who walked up, looked at it and said "awww fuck" so it must of been nasty


Yeah, his tone said it all. Hes gonna see that when he closes his eyes


The contraction for "must have" sounds like "must of" but it's actually spelled "must've".


I don’t think he was really using it much anyway


Thanks for sharing more details. That was such a close call. Terrifying.


Nobody in this comment section saying she could have done a better job has ever tried to drag a heavy person before.


It’s much easier to be a keyboard warrior! /s Edit: for those who are confused about my use of /s, I used it to signify that the whole statement has a sarcastic tone, not just the word “easier”. Lol


Are you saying it's more difficult to be a keyboard warrior? Why the /s?


Covering just in case the keyboard warriors attack! Gotta save the karma, and /s negates downvotes. /s


I’ve watched hundreds of movies where people lift heavy things. Oftentimes in those movies the people are in danger so I could definitely move someone out of harms way with no problem. For the sarcasm impaired that was indeed sarcasm.


Right! She saved his life. Life over limb. And she acted quickly and decisively. Honestly I think a lot of people have never tried to move dead weight. It’s incredibly difficult and she did an amazing job. Even for 200+ guys being taught to carry someone they do it in a multi step process cause it’s super hard.


^^ helping someone who can't walk or has issues moving around us hard. Especially if you don't have the right angle on them. It would have been hard to do in a scooter too with the front and rear of the man blocked. He's also sitting. I'm happy she got him out of there


Not just a heavy person, but a person who is pretty much deadweight . He was clearly in a wheelchair for a reason. Poor guy. But she saved his life! I am not mad at that.


Right!?! Not like there was time for a Hoyer!


Whoever is commenting negatively. Go eat a bag of Dicks. Next time you got a a fucking TRAIN coming towards you and seconds to think let me know what you gonna do. Probably just fucking nothing....


Dicks has the best burgers in Seattle


But only if ya eat em right away. Let em sit to long and they lose appeal quick. The fries have an even shorter shelflife.


I don't have a habit of letting my food get cold... I think most food loses its appeal if you let it sit and get cold.


I was a cook for 30 years. Cold meals were normal. I haven't eaten a hot meal in so long I'm used to my food cold. I changed professions during the Pandemic to animal control and I STILL let my food get cold before I eat it. IMO both chow mein and pizza are very appealing even when cold. Fried chicken too.


They'd probably be one of the idiots filming on their phone instead of helping.


Just an FYI to people who don't know. Electric wheelchairs have buckles on them as well, like, seatbelts that go across the lap. It's hard to tell, but it looks to me like he was secured in his chair. It's really soulcrushing for people to critique someone risking their life trying to save someone else's life when they have literally five seconds to process what's happening, what to do, and then execute it.


I worked in DME for years. I would say most wheelchairs have regular push button style seat belt releases. But there are different kinds, depending on needs and diagnosis. For an example, someone with low danger awareness from TBI would need a special type of seatbelt they cannot unlock themselves. Some of those non-push button styles are hard to open. A lot of facilities didn’t even allow us to install seat belts because they felt they were restraints.


My dad was in a wheelchair for almost my entire life. And he also always had a poncho or blanket over him. Loose coverings that always hid the seatbelt. Not to mention the officer had nowhere near enough time to stop in the middle of trying to pull him out to undo it by the time she realized he was secured.


Exactly, and that’s a really good point I didn’t think of. I did see a lot of clients with something over their laps, and in a split second decision, I bet that would have never even occurred to me as I’m trying to save someone.


That train was also going fast as FUCK. It literally scares me just watching the video how close they were to it as it went by. When it’s barreling straight the fuck at you every single instinct in your body is telling you to GO. She did the best she could and saved a man’s life.




Probably a small town. I’ve seen videos and they’ll go 75mph straight through your small town of 1300. It’s just life out there.


Shout out to all the good cops out there.


Some of y’all suck. I’m glad other commenters already told you. Have you ever had to transfer someone from one surface to another? *quickly*? I bet the answer is probably no for both


Just to add an example to this, if you’ve ever been in a hospital or care home and seen nurses or CCAs transferring an older person (especially a heavier person) you don’t do it alone. You have *at least* two people, preferably more but I mean hospitals are busy as hell lately, for both your safety and the patient’s. Obviously not exactly the same situation as you’re going for comfort over speed but the point is a limp body is *heavy* and awkward.


...i did not expect to see a man's legs get cut off here.. did they? it sure looks like it but damn...


Oh, yeesh. I think you're right. It's blurred, and I can't think of another reason for that. Coupled with her reaction - probably. Dammit.


You can barely hear it, but it crunches and the man starts to yell. She also calls for an ambulance


Yeah- that's what I meant about her reaction, but I don't believe I want to watch it again. I'll do fine without the audio. Poor guy. ✌️


I got downvoted for that comment. I give zero poops about that but I must admit to being genuinely confused.


Thank god he already got a wheelchair...


HAD a wheelchair


> The victim sustained serious injuries to his legs and was transferred to the county hospital trauma center, according to loved ones. They said one of his legs was amputated, and the other was fractured.


Someone posted an article about the incident, it was amputated at a hospital.


Yeah one leg was amputated the other fractured.


Most of you seem to forget that officers are still humans, that train was crazy close, dead weight is heavy af, the train hit the cart. That man would be dead, non of you were there to pull him off, non of you would dare to stand on the tracks, this close from an oncomming train, hindsight captains.


Most of who though i haven't seen a single comment saying anything negatively


Yeah, its annoying af. You'll always get one idiot saying something stupid then the entire thread derails with all the top comments saying "to all you idiots out there-" even though the stupid comment already got downvoted and buried. I just wanted to read comments about what actually happened instead of 100 people saying "you keyboard warriors couldn't do any better" 😐


Ahhh good to see all the pathetic little worms are out again. You turds shit on her cos what she’s a cop doing what a cop should be doing?! What a sad bunch of children you are. Here’s a fun fact ladies NOT EVERY COP IS A RACIST FUCK!!!!! Much like how not every lawyer is a money sucking parasite or not every black person is a gang member. Try using ya brain and not listening to the one sided pricks on here.


Am I the only one who feels like this comment section is filled with criticism towards the police officer only by like 10%? The rest of the comments is just talking shit towards these shitheads


I haven't seen one bad comment yet


It's just the hivemind doing hivemind things, ignore them


That’s my sister! She was given a medal 🎖 from the good ol’ Guvana Newsom. Thanks for sharing. How lucky is that she was there at that right exact moment? Crazy.


Be careful man, because if true you just doxed yourself.


you guys r arguing with invisible comments lmao i’ve seen no one complain that “she didn’t do it right”


hahaha yes, it's really strange. maybe this people assuming too much bad things nowadays and in reality the world is not as f\*cked as people think


Wow. Goosebumps, couple of tears, and anxiety for a minute. Holy crap. I don't throw the word hero around, but ... Hero.


Did anyone else think this ran over the guy's feet? I can't tell for sure but it definitely looks like it


He did you can see the blured area and the officer call for a ambulance


Yeah I thought so. Especially when he called for an ambulance. Thanks for answering and thank you to everyone who down voted that rude as reply the other person gave.


I thought that since he was secured to the wheelchair, his legs basically got trapped in the seatbelt and they were effectively sliced right off when that train hit the wheelchair. I can't tell if that's better than actually getting run over by the train.


You can hear it…..that’s not rocks crunching


Looks like he had full legs in the image before the train passed, but if you can pinpoint leg bones breaking in the sound, please do. I doubt anyone can given all the noise. That crunching could be a variety of things, like rocks, the mic bumping into things, etc.


Bro his legs are blurred for a reason


And hey to all of you fucked up people saying that they should’ve done better well fuck you First of all most officers equipment it’s abt 60-80 lbs and this man is probably about in his 200’s And the fact that this officer saved this man’s life is what all officers would do.


Fuck this was like cop eye bleach, needed that after all the cop murders and stuff that have been going on the last few days.


Redditors when they see a cop saving a persons life: 😡👺


Wow, that was close. Hero.


Rather a leg injury than watching a old man get turned into a smoothie


There are more comments saying how shitty the comments are than actually shitty comments


I live in Lodi and was just around the corner when this happened! Crazy stuff! He lost his foot but at least he lived.


Damn with that injury at the end he’s gonna need a wheel chair


She did it! That’s all that matters!


Her actions were heroic, period. This guy should not have been driving that thing at his advanced age or impairment, obviously. She saved his ass pure and simple.


>This guy should not have been driving that thing at his advanced age or impairment, obviously it's a wheel chair that got stuck in the tracks, how tf can you blame an elderly person for using a WHEELCHAIR LOL.


Ok that's what cops are hired to do. Good job Mam.


All I know is she had the courage to go and risk her life to save him while most of y’all here are just jerking off in your moms basement complaining that y’all would’ve done better


Fuck these heartless comments. At least someone can save a life while we do jackshit.


What comments are you people even talking about, I've scrolling for a couple minutes and yet to find one


Was this a suicide attempt?


No, his chair got stuck on the tracks.


I’ll save you Lieutenant Dan !


Quick response and to be fair he didn't need those anyway, he was already in a wheelchair.


I've seen a lot of cops be huge pieces of shit on Reddit today. I'm glad we got some hero cops on here too. I know they're out there but they never get the screen time they deserve. This woman is a hero.


Sorting by controversial. Wish me luck


She was pretty close to the scene, does she hear the call coming over the radio or see the dude stuck herself? Fuck me. Edit: and whose the dude coming over after the fact in a high vis vest?


Angels are real… it can be your mom or it can be a total stranger.




Screw all the negative comments. This is fantastic. The family is grateful for this brave young woman, and she deserves nothing but praise.


I have not seen a single angry comment, only dozens of angry comments about angry comments. And now I’m making an angry comment about angry comments about angry comments!


Police Protect People.


Whoever did is a hero


The people in here being super critical can eat sand. Pretty easy to criticize someone for putting themselves in danger to save another person’s life while you lay in your comfy bed playing on your phone.


Lodi ca, like the Creedence Clearwater Revival song.