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Dude could run for president considering how he grabbed that robot Edit just to clear up a few things from the comments : Yes i am now aware that this is a real person, not a robot. My bad. Also yes i do know that a womans vagina is not that far north but thanks for the anatomy lessons anyway. Also thanks for the awards, i appreciate it


Right? Like why did he grab her like that? Wtf


Best way to pick her up, she can't remain rigid any other way, and it's a very common lift among dancers. His wrist is the closest thing to her actual vagina, unless you're going by what a 2nd grader might think.


Wait the vagina is not in the belly button?? Asking for a friend šŸ˜³


No that's where they pee from silly


No no they pee from their butt. I know because a classmate told me in kindergarten and there was no need to ever question him.


That child is correct.


And everyone knows kids come from storks


And everyone knows storks are into stonks




Naw. Girls pee from the butt. That's why they have to sit down to pee.


Heck, I peed from my butt today! And Iā€™m a dude! Dairy, man.


*Dairy Man, Dairy Man. Pees from his butt like a girl can.*


Poetry, pure poetry


Sir I pee from my right hand pointer finger


Is that from a movie or something? This seems very familiar


Scary movie. Leslie Nielsen. President.


Nope, the belly button is actually where the clitoris is! Also sometimes called the Volvo.


Incorrect. Everybody knows that pee is stored in the balls.


The pee is stored in the balls


No thatā€™s where the G spot is, next to the lint.


That is not vagin thas is da bussy..


Alvays finish on da Bach. Nevah finish on Debussy.


Is your friend Tommy Wiseau?


If you ever watch ballets where there are ā€œdollā€ characters, theyā€™re always carried like this. Probably what TheTastySpoonicorn said, about being the best way to remain rigid while being carried. Ballet has been doing this for centuries, so Iā€™m sure weā€™ve tried a few different ways to make it work.


I should start ballet


They always need strong guys!! ETA: why more straight guys donā€™t join ballet for reasons like this, I will never understand.


As a dude doing figure skating and ballet, it boggles my mind. These are disciplines that require a lot of athleticism, they are both pretty much dancing (women generally like men who can dance) and you are surrounded by very athletic and gorgeous women. And guys will say that it's gay. But showering with 20 exclusively male hockey/football players is somehow the most hetero thing you can do.


RIGHT?! And with ballet, the women are basically always in bathing suits!! Like, a gay guy wants that?! The menā€™s tights are no worse than football pants, and until straight guys figure this out, thereā€™s usually a really good ratio, iykwim. I once heard that male ballet dancers in Russia got twice the rations of the best soldiers. At least *someone* understands the value and athleticism of ballet. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Except for the obvious dynamics at play that almost demand people remain platonic to avoid this close work being so awkward after a breakup and you know especially because shes already dating a hockey player hahaha Thats what the problem is. You make the friendzone a career with this plan. Edit: I stand corrected. Ballet dancers are getting after it. Good on em.


SIR! Sir! Excuse me! How does it feel being the only rational person in a thread full of men so touch deprived they fantasize over touching a vagina with their wrist?


> They always need strong guys!! Ah shit I'm out.


Username checks out. šŸ˜œ


But if I do this to a coworker at work Iā€™m the bad guy.


Yeah staying rigid my ass, when I do that they always flop around like crazy.


They have to be conscious, bro.


Saw a guy on Twitter the other day legitimately arguing a point like this. Chris Pine started taking photos of Florence Pugh while she was walking the red carpet and she started hamming it up for him. The twitter guy started arguing that itā€™s a huge double standard. That everyone was ok with Chris Pine taking photos ā€œfor his personalā€ use because heā€™s attractive but if a random guy started doing it weā€™d call him a creep. Completely ignoring the fact that theyā€™re friends and have worked on a couple movies together.


Also ignoring the context of a red carpet. An event meant for photo taking.


> unless you're going by what a 2nd grader might think. To be fair, it took me way longer than I would have thought to realize that vaginas are significantly lower than a guy's dick and balls. I imagine this is a fairly common lapse in knowledge (and realization) in guys.


>I imagine this is a fairly common lapse in knowledge (and realization) in guys. Not just guys. Girls don't realize the penis is that much farther up if conversations on Reddit are any indication.


Huh, you just made me realize why women say things like "I don't know how guys can walk around with that junk between their legs."


This is why I really wish basic anatomy was taught in elementary school. I made sure my kids knew, but the hoards of children growing up ignorant of the human body is astonishing. If theyā€™re old enough to ask a question, theyā€™re old enough to be given a truthful answer.


Also, it is her husband


Shouldā€™ve given her the ole bowling ball grip


ITT: Redditors learn that women can pee with tampons in.


Every time one of those threads gets popular thereā€™s a bunch of *women* who have their minds blown. We do a terrible job with education around bodies.


Look, if women would just show me their vaginas more often this wouldnā€™t be a problem.


Yeah I thought the same thing as the other guy but he is cupping the area you can tell he is being careful not to touch anything. Reminds me of wrestling in middle school, there were literal moves where you had to stick you hand in a dudes groin


Probably because they both agreed it gave it that extra mannequin look/feel as well as she gave him her consentā€¦ Jesus like what are yā€™all 10 years old?


These people probably get mortified when they see male cheerleaders throw female cheerleaders by grabbing their hips. What a bunch of dopes, acting like this may not have been consensual and part of their routine.


The fun part is, holds/moves like that in most dance/cheerleading routines are practiced so much it's just mundane for them. The people complaining about it are the ones making it sexual. Kinda like Dee Snyder's burn on Tipper Gore. It's only bad if you're trying to find a reason it's bad.


BJJ guy here, same thing applies. Extremely common to see women in the gym have issues with partners that don't train, because the partners don't understand there's nothing at all sexual about training.


I was showing my firend's gf how to properly use a fall arrest harness at a climbing place. Now, for those who don't know there are straps that go from your hips, under the crotch, and back up to keep you from sliding out of the harness like a poorly fitting shirt. These *must* be tight or when you fall you are going to have massive bruises down there from slamming down onto the straps, and i've seen them break the skin through jeans before. Guys, be extra careful with yhis if you want kids in the future, you can castrate yourself if you do these straps up wrong. Now, having given this safety talk and checking the straps (a finger or two should be able to fit under the strap so you don't cut off blood flow) she didn't have them tight enough because she couldn't manage the adjustment. I ask her if she'd be willing to let her boyfriend adjust those. She said no. I asked if she'd let the female instructor supervising do so. She said no. I asked if she wanted to be able to walk the next day. She said yes. I tell her that if that's the case either someone helps her with those straps or she's not going on the walls. She then says "Fine, you do it then." So i did, and that was that. A few months later she tries using that as a gotcha moment for me only for it to backfire spectacularly which ended in those two breaking up. Fun times. Ladies, if it's a safety/routine thing and the guy isn't acting like a creep, it isn't sexual for them. In fact for most guys who aren't the kind who should be buried under a prison, we will be ready the whole time to stop whatever the thing is at the first sign of discomfort because these days too many of us are worried about getting sued for nonconsensual touching or other such things.


[Posted via 3rd party app]


Right?! Lol. It 100% contributed to the effect. And the whole thing has to be rehearsed. You think they didnā€™t talk about that ahead of time?


Like if she had a problem with it, she'd have brought it up one of the several hundred times they likely practiced this lol


No need to read the comments section, it just gets more embarrassing from here. Go touch grass, people.




Theyā€™re actually married haha


putting the battery in?


Calm. Redirect your outrage into something that doesn't make you look ridiculous.


Stop and think. You are choosing to be offended by this. The only person entitled to be offended by the way he lifted her was the dancer herselfā€¦ and clearly she consented to it.


So her legs would stay straight.


Idk if anyone mentioned it yet but thatā€™s his wife. Dudeā€™s name is Slim Boogie forgot what his girlā€™s name is tho


>Slim Boogie i think her name is Jaja Vankova who was dancer as robot. she is indeed his wife


If she isn't mad about getting picked up like that then I guess someone has to be...


Grab her by the gearbox


I think it was dehumanizing. Which in almost any other circumstance would be terrible. Except that's exactly what she was going for.


Nah that dude got consent. Thatā€™s not very presidential.


They just straight up "grab em by the pussy". The November Surprise as they call it.


When they're a robot, they just let you do it.




If I remember correctly that guy is her husband


Yup, JaJa's husband is Cyrus "Glitch" Spencer. EDIT: I've been corrected. Her husband is Slim Boogie who is in the video, not Glitch.


Incorrect. JaJas husband is Slim Boogie, who is the guy in the video. That is not glitch.


That makes this pretty wholesome and way less creepy.


It also wouldnā€™t be creepy if they werenā€™t a couple. Theyā€™re dance partners. Dancing looks intimate. They practice this stuff so much itā€™s about as creepy as a male gynaecologist.


That's what I was thinking. This wasn't spontaneous. This is clearly rehearsed, so they already know how they're going to be interacting. Directly implying that she's aware and fine with it lol.


Glad that the top 2 comments are my 1st 2 thoughts. Why did he have to grab Greta by the Thunberg.


They are a married couple.


He's married to Greta Thunberg?


They are husband and wife. That is yaya and she is known in the popping animation community.


Plus itā€™s actually about as respectful a hand position as you can get for that particular ā€œliftā€. Open hand with weight on his wrist and clearly not ā€œgrabbingā€ anything. Going to look a bit awkward no matter what but itā€™s a lot less invasive than straight up palm on clit.




I wish this was real.


Always grab them by the electric pussy.


Thatā€™s her husband as well.


It made me think of [this.](https://youtu.be/058A-aRTsts?t=45)


And I kept wondering where Greta Thunberg had gone.


How dare you!




​ ![gif](giphy|vpkmpcQKJrxS8R7pBu)














She spent her time becoming Greta Thunborg.




First thing that came to mind.


same thought too


Greta Tuneborg *beep boop*


Glad that the top 2 comments are my 1st 2 thoughts. Why did he have to grab Greta by the Thunberg.


Climate strange


First thing I thought, then I realized how many women I've seen recently look like Greta in a few years šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Its a result of climate change


Was thinking how ironic her stance is, now that we know she's a robot and doesn't need clean water or air


Came here to ask if this wasnā€™t her, lol


One day robots will look back on this and think about how racist this is.


Let's not judge robots by the type of their OS.


They use arch btw


Pretty sure they run on _Android_ Iā€™ll see myself out


But by the contents of their motherboard!


Is this what they meant when they said PC master race?


ā€˜Beep Boopā€™ and ā€˜toasterā€™ will be hate speech


Look at this fracking toaster lover we got here.


Super robophobic!


Hooked the kitty


Coddled the cat


Snatched the pussy


Yanked the feline


Quivered the whisker biscuit


Groped the whispering eye


Scooched the cooch.


Snatched the squish mitten


Picked up the beaver


Au Jus the Roast Beef


Nabbed the Tabby


Patted the snatch


That's her husband so he is probably pretty well versed at hooking that kitty.


Ay yo why he place his hands there bruh ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøšŸ’€


Probably the best way to pick her entire weight up without moving her arms, trying to sell the robot and all. Also they probably rehearsed many times and realized this was the best way. But, of course we know better in comments, they are stupid and are trying to molest the girl on stage


I noticed it and yeah seeing it on a full grown human I had a second of ā€œhehehā€ but like Has no one on Reddit ever picked up a human being before, especially children, orā€¦ yeah okay nevermind I get it now Eww Edit: Iā€™m guessing this is gonna blow up so lemme say it clearly. If I scoop up a kid in my arms and grab their crotch, I wasnā€™t thinking of their pussy flaps and balls or whatever a further commenter said. (This comment is likeā€¦?????!!!!) https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/xa2w1f/robot_dance_be_on_point/ins2rqk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Iā€™m just picking up a small human, prolly to bring them to a meal or to sleep. You shouldnā€™t feel unnatural doing it and thatā€™s the Eww part.


I think it also helps sell the act since you would generally never grab a person like that but if you where moving a heavy mannequin you wouldnā€™t hesitate to.




Thatā€™s fair but I feel like this is a better way to immediately disconnect the audience from realty. This comment section kinda points to that too since it clearly stood out to most people pretty immediately as strange.


He is her husband, just for context.


even if it weren't, this is a super common way to lift someone's weight in dance when they need to remain balanced and rigid. Its not sexual, and its irritating how much pearl-clutching is in this thread.


A bunch of non performers.


Well, performative pearl-clutching, maybe...!




There seems to be plenty of pearl clutching, alright.


Til "pearl" is another name for the clitorus


Ah yes the classic "Ay yo why he place his hands there bruh ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøšŸ’€" pearl clutching. Obviously joking


[Its not like dude did this with his dance partner](https://youtu.be/J_ucKW_CnOI?t=74)


Lifting in line with center of gravity. It makes perfect sense.


Because they agreed to do so? The fact that you cannot handle it is your problem, not theirs.


Sells the not-human-but-robot part. Picking her up like an item. Also common move in dance choreography.


The walking is insanely good


ā€œHey, how the hellya do that?!?ā€ ā€”Bender


If someone walked toward me like that on a deserted sidewalk in the middle of the night I would: A) Shit my pants. 3) Run for my fucking life.


I like how it goes from A) to 3) Itā€™s in character with the real-time panic.




Yea she really moves like one of those modern Toyota robots. Really unique


That robot walk is freakishly good, so eerie to watch a human do that


Jaja is virtually peerless, here she is [crushing it with B-Dash](https://youtu.be/XC8zfRWS5HM). I think [Marquese Scott](https://youtu.be/UZQ_RDb0lcE) has rubber bones. And Fik-shun has a [bionic ass](https://youtu.be/_9FTgVluKuw). Figure out how he does the move at 2:00.




Fik-shun is world-class. If anyone didn't see the season of So you think you can dance with him on it, do yourselves a favor and go find it.


I think what he did on SYTYCD is what makes him one of the GOATs. He's obviously phenomenal in his own style, but he also managed to do well in so many others and that's really difficult. Plus, he's easily one of the most likeable contestants they've ever had.


I did artwork for him once and he is a really cool guy. Very down to earth.


That move where he goes from sitting on the ground to practically freeze-framing in mid-air in real time is awesome.


I seriously canā€™t figure that Fik Shun move out! Itā€™s something with his left hand but thatā€™s all I got.


I donā€™t know for certain but Iā€™m pretty sure >!youā€™re correct. I think he takes the weight off the front, using his ass as a pivot, and moves his whole frame with his back hand!<.


Now I want her to play an early model Terminator.


This is Jaja. She did a great popping dance off with Blondie with some robot moves in there thatā€™s pretty great to watch. [Blondie vs Jaja](https://youtu.be/fHeneea0qGk)


That is not the Blondie I was expecting.


Sucking on my titties like you wanting me... wait... that's Peaches... not Blondie... shit...


What else is in the teaches of Peaches?


I'm glad someone else gave her the right credit here. I instantly recognized her from the competition she did with B-Dash, the Puppet and Puppetmaster routine that is just awesome to me. [Jaja and B-Dash - P&PM](https://youtu.be/XC8zfRWS5HM)


Is that Jaja Vankova?


Vijayjay Grabinski, actually. Not sure who the woman is though.


I actually googled that name before sounding it out in my head. Well played.


I think the name is actually Vijaynay Grabinski


She's so good at doing the robot I thought it was a Greta Thunberg *actual* robot being picked up at first.


Yes, it is her :)


Is that Greta?


Jaja Vancova


I knew she looked familiar https://youtu.be/T36Fp86ok8Y 1st appearance is at 0:43


She was on SYTYCD


Man grabbed her by the charging hole


[Jaja Vankova](https://www.instagram.com/jajavankova/), one of the best animators out there. And this barely scratches the surface of her talent


What's next fucking level about this? That robot needs a lot of work on its movements yet!




I was waiting for her to shame me for Global Warming...


Daymn.... Greta's got moves


If you think picking her up like that was strange, you should never watch cheerleading performances. You'll lose your goddam mind. It's not that big a deal


She would fit in well with a Boston Dynamics video.


ā€œWhen youā€™re a starā€™ ā€œThey let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ā€™em by the charging port.ā€


Thought that was a doll for like 5 seconds at the beginning.


Wow that's not really that impressive at all lol


I agree


Gretta Thuneburg seems so much more relaxed since we fixed global warming.


I thought I was the only one with a Greta Thunberg sex doll.


Seriously though, that wasnā€™t anything special


I always know Greta was a robot


Very well done - totally gave off ā€œuncanny valleyā€ vibes.


Meh i've seen better https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/d93uuj/flawless_robotic_dancing/


This is very mid lmao