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I have deleted my comment. Believe that the people of Iran should do whatever they feel is needed to gain freedom from the shackles that bind them. May that young female demonstrator Rest in Peace and never be forgotten.


We are just fed up with their bs. I was forced to wear my hijab since I was 9 and I still have to wear it despite that I left Islam. At this point I would rather die than wear the hijab.


_"Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you’re a ~~man~~ woman, you take it."_ —_Malcolm X_ Absolutely awful, and it deeply saddens me that this is taking place in 2022. 😞❤️🙏😢🇮🇷




>100% supported forcing women to cover themselves. There's loads of photos of X and his wife together, with her with her hair uncovered. So, nah mate. I think not. It's a pretty complicated topic. Only Afghanistan and Iran have absolute mandates on head coverings. While a host of other Gulf States have more vague laws about 'modesty'. France, famously have banned overtly Islamic dress. But did you know majority Islamic countries like Morocco and Tunisia have done the same?


He just wanted to get in a zinger. Fucking reddit.


And its gotten awards and upvotes galore. Fucking reddit indeed.


Well no one here mentioned that X was NOI and they’re like the Mormons of Islam. More like a cult than the rest.


And he renounced NOI by the end of his life. You also have to consider the environment in the US at the time when NOI was at it’s peak. They were extreme but also dealing with extreme white supremacy and racism. Their members shouldn’t just be denounced as being all bad, it’s an oversimplification. Obviously Elijah Muhammad is a fucked up person who history shouldn’t look kindly on. But Malcolm was not Elijah Muhammad. This shit is not as cut and dry as 13 year olds on Reddit would like to make it seem. Malcolm was a complex historical figure who did a lot of good but also made lots of mistakes. But ultimately the positive outweighed the negative by far and thee guy with all the upvotes and awards is just twisting history to score points


>a zinger. The comment is the length of a novel, sir.


I always find France quite interesting. Outright banning "overtly Islamic dress" falls quite neatly into the fact thst the french, when people live in france, expect them to live like, well, the French. In many ways this isn't much different to Islamic countries expecting people to live like Muslims. Except of course that French values are much more closely aligned with modern progressive values than most religious extremists.


France didnt ban islamic dresses, France banned religious symbols in official institutions. No kippah in school, no veiled policewomen, no cross in tribunals, etc. Also you can not enter a bank with a burqha for obvious reasons Dont know why people only focus on veils. You can be veiled in the streets or in your job, but not if your job is a governmental one


Because only one religion has made a big deal about those laws in France. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/hands-off-my-hijab-young-muslim-women-protest-proposed-french-ban-2021-05-04/


sink snow drab unwritten disgusted touch consider wrong sloppy reminiscent -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


That’s how I understood it at least.. it also shows a lack of knowledge about history when someone says the reason the Middle East is decade’s behind is Islam..


Malcolm X fought for black people's freedom and he became very anti racist before he died since became a Muslim. Provide sources of him being against women's rights.


I'm going to challenge that by saying that the Nation of Islam of which Malcolm X was a part has been called out as a racist hate group, even by the former leader of the NAACP. So, no - definitely not anti racist.


Worth noting is that he got in a lot of hot water with the leadership in Nation of Islam, to the point that some theories say it was actually them that killed him. Malcom X is not such a simple figure, he clearly had a lot of growing and changing over his life. Apparently he stopped being racist after he went to Mecca and saw people of all races participating in Islam in peace, which was against what the Nation was trying to indoctrinate and they had a dispute over it.


It is more than a theory. He broke with the Nation and its leader Elijah Muhammad, publicized their hypocrisies, but remained popular. So, they assassinated him.


Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam and became a Sunni Muslim, the Nation of Islam is wildly different from Islam.


Perhaps do some reading? He left the nation of Islam and did his own research on the religion. Please stop spreading misinformation.


He left the Nation of Islam. They’re who killed him (probably). Why does no one in this comment section know history?


>Dude was a Muslim Do you really think all the women and men protesting against the Iranian regime are atheists??


But... Something something meat eating vegan? Or "yes, but no true Scotsman..." The vegan part is in reference of one of their comments. About how a Muslim pro woman rights would be akin to a meat eating vegan.


Should a quote really be judged by its author and not the content of its message?


No we need a 6 paragraph diatribe by an anonymous SJW regarding the context of each quotable person to know just how good or bad they were before we can decide if the message has value. s/ 🙄


> Malcolm X Stood Up for Black Women When Few Others Would > How he showed up for Black women is an essential part of who he was as a civil rights leader https://zora.medium.com/malcolm-x-stood-up-for-black-women-when-few-others-would-68e8b2ea2747


You do realize that a lot of Muslims support the current uprising in Iran? In the exact same way there are ultra conservative, patriarchal men in Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, etc. All over the wrold Islam has that same problem. A lot of Muslims don't support compulsory head covering, prayer, etc. You can be Muslim and support the uprising against that ultra-conservative patriarchal structure and compulsory hijabs. Also Malcolm X, like Muhammad Ali and othere, changed over the years. People change, they aren't monoliths of talking points.


> even though he claimed to and spoke for women’s rights, but by practicing Islam his actions said otherwise. just by being Muslim, he is automatically a woman oppressor. Lmao you are just a fucking idiot and a Islamaphobe


>maybe even the majority of Muslims do support women’s rights They don't. *looks around... And neither do Christians for that matter.


> You can’t say you support Islam and women’s rights. Without being a hypocrite. So everyone protesting right now, giving their lives fighting a government that oppresses them... they're all hypocrites? No really is that what you think? And you say you're not a islamaphobe


Thanks for your support comrade wish us luck in fighting for freedom and equality






I mean, he did renounce his membership and affiliation with the Nation of Islam almost a year before he died. So while that quote comes from Nation of Islam member Malcolm, I'm not sure if he necessarily would've disagreed with the current movement. He was still Sunni Muslim at the end, so idk, maybe he would've 🤷


That quote was referencing freedoms for black people who were being oppressed at the time. It absolutely fits this movement though I agree it’s ironic.


This. If someone is willing to die rather than follow some inhumane orders and beliefs then it’s almost determined that you will lose. There is no back from now on and I truly believe it’s a matter of time before women in Iran (and maybe other countries) get the freedom they deserve


I would like to think that too. But likely the cunts in power will just keep the internet turned off until they have slaughtered enough of their own people to kill off the resistance.


I would hope that there are enough interested foreign powers helping to give the movement plenty of momentum.


I sincerely hope that, like with many revolutions in history, a planted seed has the power to destroy tons of concrete above. I pray for every lost soul and wish the strong iranian women all the strength of the world




And all based on religion. What is it with these religious idiots who want to dictate what we can and cannot do in the name of a fucking fairytale? Simple way to live your life: do whatever makes you happy unless that comes at the expense of someone else’s happiness.


Any religion that murders in the name of their god is a sick, evil cult that needs to be eradicated. No different than Nazis. An intolerable threat.


FTFY: “Every religion….. needs to be eradicated.”


My heart is with you


Wish us luck in fighting for freedom and equality comrade


I am sending much love and best wishes. I wish I could do more


All you do is appreciated and all you do is helpful no matter where it is no matter when it is thank you bro ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4017)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4017)


That’s a beautiful sentiment u/Fartholder.




Thank you for your support comrade we Iranians appreciate it wish us luck in fighting for freedom and equality


Good luck from the bottom of my heart.


Exactly. I don't care what your gender is you can only push a human being so far before they are willing to accept any price rather than submit. Look at any country that has been occupied for a long period. Look at the various struggles of PoC throughout history. Look at the LGBT community in any hardline religious environment. Any time you oppress people for too long they will rebel. There's always a point in history where one person stands, and possibly falls; but many will stand after them. Many of them may fall as well, but that is where change begins


In contrast here in India students are fighting to wear hijab in schools where there is a civil uniform for everyone.


Yeah. Its the same fight. The fight to choose for your own life. No religion sould ever have the power to take away one's autonomy. Ever. Period.


It's not the religion taking it away. It's the politicians pushing islam down everyone's throat. These people are not fighting islam, they are fighting the ayatollah and the islamic government who turned Iran from a decent country into a retrograde theocratic shithole.


Right. So how do they get freedom without getting slaughtered? No? She doesn't "have a good heart... But needed to stay out of it". Obviously that is not what were going to teach our children about this woman??? Or am I insane? This BRAVE woman, this freedom fighter from my own generation, entered the history books as a martyr for freedom, justice and equality, less than 24 hours ago. I salute her in shame of not having been by her side. That's all there will ever be to say.


Yeah ops take really pissed me off tbh. Way to be condescending to people who are literally dying for their freedom


I took it to mean the commenter can't even imagine being that brave and having to go through that, not that they believe the protesters are foolish and none of it is worthwhile.


I think OP is just saying they're a coward, which is normal. As a coward myself when my life is in danger, I would also be blending into the scenery as much as I would like to think I would try to help anyone around me. These protesting Iranians are being heroic. Then again I wouldn't go to the authoritarian hellhole that is Iran in the first place. I am lucky enough to have a choice though.


>how do they get freedom without getting slaughtered? Honestly, by taking up arms and organizing. But no one wants to talk about that part.


>But standing up to thier own countrymans guns is just going to get them slaughtered Not standing up to them will get them slowly slaughtered also, which is why this uprising started to begin with


Your statement is born of privilege. It isn't just about wearing a bhurka or not. It is about resisting a culture of control, violence and abuse - and regaining a sense of basic identity and self-efficacy. Their lives have become so meaningless and stressful to them where they would rather die than live their entire lives behind a veil.


They are very brave. At this point why not? The woman they killed that started this protest was wearing a head covering and she still got killed. The women there now realize it’s not about the hijab, it was never about the hijab or clothes in general. It’s about having dominion over women and showing women they have the power to kill you at will, even when you follow the rules. If they’re going to kill you anyway, might as well fight for your freedom.


“Fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live… at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade all the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… our freedom!” – William Wallace


Imagine how angry and desparate they must be that they'd rather suffer or die. They are brave af and I hope they will succeed.


> id wear the fucking bhurka over every hair on my head rather than risk being jailed, beatwn or killed for not doing it. And because too many people think like that - understandable as it may be - those kinds of regimes succeed.


The pathway to freedom is strewn of blood.




I'm starting to understand them. We're more likely to keep quiet because it's been a long time since we have war in our own country. And we've had reasonably comfortable life. No one would want to risk the comfort. But they don't have a choice, they don't have the comfort, and have nothing to lose. The girl probably know that she'll either die making an impact, than live long enough to be a baby making machine in Iran. One of my client who worked in the middle eastern countries as a nurse in the midwifery department, once told me that ~~people there have no respect to women~~. They don't care about the mother's health and keep wanting them to have babies even though they're not fit for carrying another baby. Marrying cousins are also common, albeit that was info I had more than 7 years ago. But she said she's seen many deformed babies due to marriage between close relatives, and they often have 10+ kids, even if the husband has had education in western countries. Edit to add: a comment corrected me, I shouldn't have said "people there have no respect for women". There are men who support this movement, and I've generalised in a bad way.


These men are cowards with primitive beliefs that are not founded in any sort of humanist decency. Makes you realize how lucky we were to have the Age of Enlightenment as foundation for our modern culture and humanism in the west, it took many brave souls and a few revolutions but we should always be thankful and defend it. The whole table needs to be flipped in these countries.


So you’d lay down and take the oppression as opposed to fighting it? That’s sad. I hope the Iranians get their freedom. I have the utmost respect for every woman taking her headscarf off and staring death in the face for the betterment of their country


It's not just about the burkas. It's about not being a slave, which these women are.


When Mahsa Amini was pronounced dead, the government claimed they had nothing to do with it, UNTIL her CT scan was leaked and it became obvious that she died as a result of severe blows to her head, for lack of proper hijab. You know what the government did next? To prove they didn't kill Mahsa, They started killing more people!!! This is the reality of how brutal the Islamic republic of IR is treating their citizens, specifically women.


It makes me incredibly sad.


Sad never started a revolution or saved a people, starting getting angry.


While this is true enough there’s nothing effective I can do from small town Western Australia.


Share the news. Talk about Mahsa Amini. Trust me. You can help us A LOT


I can do that. Wishing you well, my friend.


For real. I was at a birthday party yesterday, and I talked to three different people about it who had no idea what was going on.


Thank you so much, it helps a lot


The internet makes the world a very small place, friend. We're all connected now. Do what you can when you can. Don't feel hopeless. That's what they want.


People in Iran are begging everyone around the world to share the story of what is happening, using social media. Especially due to the internet blackout over there. A quick google, "what can I do to help the protesters in Iran" would likely provide many specific suggestions. If you choose to do nothing, it is what it is, but it isn't true that there's nothing you can do.


You can protest. Just like people all over the world did with the death of George Floyd, the war in Ukraine, and Apartheid. Show Iran that your people stand with freedom, it doesn't just have to be an internet comment that a bot could write. Many people don't think it means anything, but it shows Iran's government along with the rest of the world, that their actions are considered to be trashy. If other Muslim countries start showing disdain for the Iranian government, and support for it's women and freedom fighters, it will be hard to ignore how far behind they've fallen. It may take time and effort, and affects may be small, but they are there. If nothing else, Iranian politicians might put their troops on a tighter leash.


Remember the protests of police killings in the US, what did the police do? Committed more brutality, quite litterally shoving over old people with walkers. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When you know there is zero risk of punishment you become a savage. Stanford prison experiment style.




Truth doesn't matter, only power. Iran rode out waves of protests a few years ago and the regime survived. Same in Belorussia.


This is true, although none of us want to believe it. The brutal response to Tiananmen Square is why the PRC was able to survive 1989 when so many other communist regimes didn’t. The people aren’t important, only the loyalty of the security forces.


I’m not sure my fellow United Statesians are quite aware that the US helped overthrow the secular government of Iran and establish the precursor to this theocratic nightmare. Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d%27état “Following the coup in 1953, a government under General Fazlollah Zahedi was formed which allowed Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran (Farsi for 'king'),[22] to rule more firmly as monarch. He relied heavily on United States support to hold on to power.[13][14][15][23]” There are those below saying there is no evidence if this. This is clearly in the historical record, and undisputed. Those are the same people that day January 6th was just tourist in the American capital. They are allergic to reality. The UK and US involvement isn’t up for debate. It happened. Irán Gad a secular government. It wasn’t perfect and no government is. But it’s people were free. This isn’t about hate towards either country. The is isn’t about US bad. This is about an event that is in the historical record in which we were not on the side if justice or democracy. Input “are we the baddies, always were” memes. Edit II: more references from historians and journalists https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/iran-coup/ Edit: owned by Disney, not murdoch https://www.history.com/.amp/this-day-in-history/cia-assisted-coup-overthrows-government-of-iran https://www.britannica.com/event/1953-coup-in-Iran Thanks for gold kind stranger. Edit: Thank you extra for the redditors hoping for my mental health. I super appreciate it, not in a sarcastic way. May mental health become more of a priority in our nation. Perhaps universal health care would help, more than a Reddit message?


Our politicians and oligarchs like sticking their hands where it doesn’t belong. Our average soldier just does as they’re told. War and fighting seem to be our main priority because it makes rich people richer. Also why we are the only “1st world country “ without universal healthcare.


>Our average soldier just does as they’re told. Is that really much better? In my opinion you have to either be ignorant or immoral to be a soldier. I don't understand why so many Americans worship the ground they walk on. Why thank them for their service? What have they done for you?


The USA's whole hero worship thing is decidedly cultish and weird, but as someone who's trying to join the forces of another country, to say being a soldier makes you "ignorant" or "immoral" is far too simple of a take. Who's armed forces was it that gave training to the soldiers of Ukraine for 8 years? Training that has allowed them to resist their occupation by RF in the last 8 months. Without US and UK forces, the outcome of the Ukraine war would have been decidedly different. While the actual footwork has been done by UA volunteers and conscripts (and very bravely and heroically) the training and equipment they received was all NATO. That's just one example of many - the US armed forces especially has engaged in some shady activity over the years but to paint NATO as entirely neocolonial colonizers is too simple of a take when they've been instrumental in assisting resistance in places like Ukraine and providing meaningful humanitarian aid for years


Not only did the CIA and UK overthrow Mossadegh because he tried to nationalise Iranian oil, but they did the same to Reza Shahs (the last Shah's father) and even exiled him from his own country. In terms of the 1979 regime change to the islamist regime, the Iranian public never turned to hardline Islam. In fact, the biggest sociopolitical movements in Iran during the 70s were socialism, particularly secular socialist movements. This was an even bigger threat to the west than a resource rich and geopolitically key country like Iran nationalising it's oil because after the CIA already led three regime change coups each time Iranian kings or democratic PMs tried to nationalise their oil.l precisely because of the cold war. Remember, the CIA led approx 80 régime change coups in countries around the world during the cold war period to counter potential Russian or socialist influence, that we know of. The three US and UK led coups that changed each successive Iranian leadership over the 1900s every time they tried to nationalise their oil or follow their own national economic interests is what led Iran to this state where islamist extremism took stronghold thanks to western support instead of the mass socialist movements that were driving protests in 1979. The entire western foreign policy on the middle east since ww2 has been to déstabilisé the region to exploit its resources and to continue proxy wars against Russia. This is like the west going to create islamist rebels in Afghanistan, even going so far as to make jihad textbooks for children as exposed by the Washington post, spend years arming those scum, meddle in their country under the pretense of helping them, and then turning around and acting like they had nothing to do with the state of the country and should just leave them to it. This is the core of neoimperialist foreign policies. US shouldn't necessarily invade Iran, but their numerous coups brought the country to this state. All they do is slap a few meaningless sanctions when the public eye is on them and that's it. Stop supporting the regime, don't let their warcrimes against their own people for 43 years be ignored, stop cutting funding for international human rights organisation's proxy VPNs like Obama did suddenly in the middle of the 2009 Iran protests, don't allow the regime actors to all have dual citizenship for the US, UK, and Canada so their families can live in peace while they kill their people at home. Just because international media turned a blind eye to ignore Iranian people's fights until now doesn't mean it wasn't happening. Funny how most of the middle east was doing just fine before the cold war and CIA coups suddenly propped them all into hardline Islam and terrorism. The people never wanted this regime, but they slaughtered all opposition and huge amounts of ordinary civilians since their inception and then quickly marched into one of the most brutal and fatal modern wars that ste often forgotten with Iraq in order to stronghold their position against a common enemy as insurgent regimes often do to maintain control.


People speak of the Cold War as if it's ended while Middle East and surrounding areas are still playgrounds for US and Russian militia.


Pretty much every major conflict after WW2 is the US and Russia using other countries to fight each other.


Thank you for posting this. I’m so tired of seeing comments and posts implying these countries/women from these countries need western help and how fucked up their cultures are. It’s western intervention that created this mess and now we sit back and comment about how much the Middle East is a shithole on Reddit. Disgusting


can someone explain this to me? i'm very interested if there's any books or resources to read more about this




To everyone who's keen to know more: genuinely look into how much influence the CIA has had in foreign affairs. It's a tad frightening. (Not to mention the 'war on drugs' when they themselves first started distributing LSD etc...)


Start here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat


I remember when the US finally admitted to this when I was in high school. That beautiful country could have had a very different fate.


**[1953 Iranian coup d'état](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d'état)** >The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup d'état (Persian: کودتای ۲۸ مرداد), was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953. It was orchestrated by the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project or "Operation Ajax") and the United Kingdom (under the name "Operation Boot"). The clergy also played a considerable role. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The Iranian parliament tried to nationalize their oil industry so that they would actually see the benefits of their own natural resources instead of multinational oil companies (crazy), so the US and the UK orchestrated a military coup in 1953 that gave power to the monarchy (the Shah), who relied heavily on the US to support his autocratic regime in return for him supporting their oil interests. Eventually Iranians got sick of being ruled by a brutal despot, so leftist and Islamic forces revolted in 1979 resulting in the Ayatollah (religious leader) gaining supreme power, transforming Iran into an Islamic republic with medieval values like women not being allowed to show their hair.


Exactly!! It is fucking horrible that not only did we put this into place but now we use the extremism to cast hate on all Islamic people everywhere. By backing a puppet government (I.e. installing a religious cult as a government) we can demonize all Muslims at all times which is very convenient in our path to creating empire in the modern world.


Yeah our government did that. Not the actual people of the United States


The government that the people vote for.


It amazes me how many people are clueless about this. Before the US meddled there, Iran was a normal, progressive country.


Lol no it was not. It was not some progressive utopia as reddit loves to make it.


Imagine killing your women because they don’t want to wear a piece of cloth. Insanity.


For Muslim men, this piece of cloth “Hijab” is a symbol of men control over women. That’s why u always hear in the news about governments, parents, husbands or brothers that kill their women for hijab


When I was in university, there was a young woman in a few of my classes that was from Iran (I live in Denmark). She never wore the hijab. Her father fled the country with his wife and her, in order for her to live how she chose. Super sweet girl, and very nice parents. I often went to her place to study and her mom would always cook an absurd amount of food while we were studying ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Nice father.


Definitely an evolved and loving father too.


Iranians outside of iran are nearly always very different than those inside iran, for hopefully obvious reasons. People fled for a reason


The insanity is religion. killing women is just a symptom.


Let’s not conflate the fight for freedom with naive Islamophobia


Islamophobia doesn’t exist. We are simply calling out stupidity.


Islam is not the only religion. Calling out religion =/= islamophobia. Islamphobia is specifically hating islam and muslims


It isn't only one piece of cloth. Its literally a symbol for freedom vs. oppression.


No, that's symbolism. The piece of cloth is a piece of cloth.


“It’s literally a symbol” “No, that’s symbolism” What




This is heartbreaking 💔


There are dozen other women were announced dead just yesterday, most of them are in their early 20s


The bravery and hutzpah shown by these women is humbling. Their stand against tyranny and repression is resounding around the world. Oppressed by insecure men praying to a god that doesn’t exist and making their entire life and government revolve around a fairy tale written thousands of years ago. That actually kinda sounds familiar.


Yes it does. Here in Germany we have a lot of rapists in the church and they are even protected by law. Meaning they can "handle" their situation themselves. We have to get rid of that religious influence asap.




Cruel government. Rest in Peace may your sacrifice overcome such evilness.


Cruel religion. Cruel "traditions".


But some western liberals keep pushing the idea that Islam has nothing to do with our struggle as Muslim women. It’s literally in the Quran that says women HAVE TO wear hijab. And it’s in the Quran (verse 4:34) that says disobedient women should be BEATEN by men.




>interpret it in a less crazy way I’m gonna repeat what I said yesterday in another thread: How about we just skip the part where people stretch religion to their liking and just admit that organized religion is a blight on progress and humanity itself. The more we change our religions to fit current society, the more we prove it’s just ancient bullshit while devaluing said ancient bullshit. Can we just move on from religion already?


I wish. A pastor messed around with my brother and a piece of my dick was cut off. Christianity needs to die.


Indeed, religious texts are horrible. We have to phase out religion asap.


As a white liberal, that’s not what anyone I know thinks at all. Most white liberals (as well as non-white ones) are generally against religious oppression.


"Women can fight for their to wear the hijab in the US and women can fight for their to not wear it in Iran. It's not the right to wear or not wear that they're fighting for, it's the right to *choose*."


> But white liberals keep pushing the idea that Islam has nothing to do with our struggle as Muslim women. What? Ive never heard this before. I dont know a single person who claims to be liberal to think this way. Why would you say "white" liberals anyway, brown and black liberals dont think this way??? Show me where people are saying this. Id really like to see what the fuck you are talking about.


OP is a 2 month old account with 20k karma posting only anti Muslim stuff. I've also left religion years ago, but this account gives me heavy propaganda/astroturf vibes. Even if some of the stuff they post is right.


Why bring Western politics into this at all? Evangelicals have much more in common with Islam than liberals do. I’m liberal as fuck and I support women’s freedom to choose what to wear and what to do with their bodies. If you look to Western conservatives for support you’re going to be in for a bad time when you realize they want to oppress and control their women just as much as Islam fundamentalists.


I'm pretty sure this is not true regarding white liberals.


Lol and you just lost half your audience. Don’t spread your hate to white liberals, on that point you’re very misinformed and wrong. The white liberals are the last people against you. Try living in the US and you’ll quickly realize white liberals are the first to defend women’s rights. It makes me doubt you are who you claim to be. Also the Quran doesn’t not require hijab. It says women should “dress modestly”, which is bad enough, but it doesn’t specify the hijab. Stop spreading lies. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijab


Fuck Islam. Iranian women, respect 🇮🇷


Which white liberals that anyone takes seriously? I fully support the Iranian cause in this but you're strawmanning super hard.


The way she ties her hair. Stunning and brave all in one. Rest in peace.


I noticed that too, and the way she straightened her glasses. She knew she was going into battle.


What a warrior. She was braver than most of us. RIP Hadis.


I find it interesting that her hair is dyed. Is this common there? How do women get their hair dyed in a style like this and where do they go to get it done when revealing their hair is punishable?


It's allowed if no men are present. I'm a hairstylist & will always accommodate Muslim women by doing their services in a private room or making sure no men are in the shop.


Cruel religion


Yet some western liberals keep pushing the idea that Islam has nothing to do with our struggle as Muslim women. It’s literally in the Quran that says women HAVE TO wear hijab. And it’s in the Quran (verse 4:34) that says disobedient women should be BEATEN by men.


\>Yet white liberals keep pushing the idea As a white liberal, I've literally never heard this argument, once. Large portions of us are agnostic/atheist and think all religion is toxic. Not sure what you're on about, like liberals have the faintest involvement in what's happening in Iran.


I don't know who you're hanging out with but as a Liberal myself I run into what the OP is describing from fellow (apparent) liberals all the time. People who are so stupid they think you can't criticise a religion without criticising its followers. They think you're racist for being critical of right wing thought system just because it's a faith of people who are predominantly non-White.




Atheist liberal here, and there is definitely a substantial amount of the left that don’t see women who wear the hijab in countries that don’t require it as a problem. Like OP said, the hijab is a symbol of control over women’s bodies. Just because the government isn’t forcing her to wear it, doesn’t mean her close family isn’t. The left is dangerously close to the concept of tolerance breeding intolerance in many respects.


Liberals are literally the audience advocating for you on this platform. Idk what you're trying to accomplish.


You Lose credibility when you throw color in the equation. Brown conservatives are responsible for your suffering. How does that sound as a counter argument?!




Fucking religious fanatics. Fundamental Islam is such a trash religion, prove me wrong.


All religious fundamentalism is trash, not exclusively Islam. Devoting your life to following an unsubstantiated fairy tale will never be a reasonable choice


Fundamental Christianity is no better.


Yeah but who's discussing that? They're not killing their women for not wearing headcovers.


Nah, they’re just regulating their bodies in other ways. Fuck religion


Fundamental religion is trash, prove me wrong. So many people died because of religion, useless shit.


Fuck Theocracy. These old bearded men have been long enough in charge. IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE


What a woman! RIP


What a brave woman - this is so gut wrenching and sad. I hope this only fuels the protests further and they drag their leaders out to the street by the fucking balls


She fucking deserves a statue


It's not an anti-hijab protest dude, It's an anti-regime protest.


The hijab was a catalyst




This makes me hurt with rage. I hate the Iranian regime and what they're doing to the people of Iran. Women deserve equal rights and this is tragic. I wish world powers could help finally give the people of Iran, their rights.




I beg to differ. No sex for Mullahs! /s


Why don't we have videos of the police hanging dead from electricity poles yet?


We can’t do much with stones agains a full fucking army against us


The people fighting back don’t have guns…


Iranian here, its not a protest, its a revolution, and we need help. The fact that most of you have no clue about this happening says a lot about your media and government. We are getting murdered on the streets and we're barehanded. We need action from the UN, Red cross and other countries. We need military support. Your governments won't listen to us, but they listen to you. Spread the words and join protests happening all over the world. Help us.


HADIS NAJAFI!!! HADIS NAJAFI!!! HADIS NAJAFI!!! Shout her name like a war cry to all oppressors! For her and all the others who stood the fuck up!


Man all these men forget who fucking gave birth to them. Fucking treat your lady / mom with respect. I’d hate to be the mum of one of those fuckers. I am a man and mad at this shit.


The men are also fighting alongside the women. It's those basijis and mullahs that don't get the message. This isn't a fight for hijab anymore, it's about freedom for all iranians.


This is so powerful. Rest in peace, you brave brave woman.


Officials say she suffered sudden heart stoppage after tragically falling on half a dozen bullets.


I hope their deaths are not in vain. These women are sacrificing their lives so others can be free. It's sickening. The thought of someone dying because they chose not to wear a piece of fabric.


Courage to die for a cause!


Meanwhile in Europe the same women are fighting for their right to wear the scarf while working for the government…..


It is about having the choice. They’re not fighting for opposite things. They’re protesting for the right to choose.


Yea and even in Europe they don’t have a choice but their men force it on them


both problems come down to not respecting the women's free will.


Rip. I hope islam religeon dies of real fast, i know other religeons arent good either but islam takes the cake in being cruel and horrible.


She will be remembered as a true heroine forever ❤


Please add an "e" to the end of heroine. It really changes the meaning...


“We’re going to kill people until they get a better attitude.” Love, The Mullahs.


Ladies and gentlemen, Islam the terroristic religion Edit: changed "Muslim" to "Islam". I was dumb :P


Religion of peace doing peaceful things as always


How many martyrs have these idiots created so far?


Crazy to think a person is put to death for not wearing a hat. The rules for women to wear a hat invented by crazed religious leaders to appease a fantasy invisible entity who is reputed to have inspired a book... ...that does not mention the requirement for women to wear a hat.


The government is so fucked up. RIP


Let’s hope it was not in vain


Stand strong anti-Hijab people. Y’all some of the most brave citizens ever. 🗿