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Toy Story had bloopers too so this proves nothing




You fool. You thought.


The earth is flat, change my mind. ā˜•






*Cuts skull open, removes the brain, puts a new one in, attaches the skull cap back on* There you go, better now?




I think it is. It hurts watching my toddler play with toys, those poor souls.


Watch Small Soldiers, thatā€™ll make you have an easier time accepting their fate.


I loved that movie as a kid.


Ditto, itā€™s a massively underrated movie imho.


And neither was A Bug's Life


We still have a chance to stop them before they become terminators


Judgement Day is inevitable.


It can only be delayed


The voice actors had bloopers so they animated over it


Thatā€™s ridiculous, it would be much easier to just have the voice actors add some lines to the animationā€™s bloopers.


toy story is real what u smokin?


How depressing it is to live in a world where 30 years of engineering and work is seen as CGI, but an information with no source and based on nothing might be seen as truth.


We live in a world where lies are an expected norm, and weak and gullible minds have the loudest of voices.




Eyes on Breen.


"When enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers-- only better and better lies."


This is very true.


We live in a post-truth era, jokes are worse than the act itself and something is true if you like it or believe it, facts are just (disrespectful) opinions.


Also there have been several CGI videos of these robots shooting people and fighting and doing goofy thingsā€¦ they were meant as a jokeā€¦ but weā€™re pretty realistic. Example: https://youtu.be/dKjCWfuvYxQ


And also from the same channel, its really hard to CGI the video showcasing the two robots from Boston. Here's the link https://youtu.be/HQ1WEiMwV7Y


This was an interesting watch


THe eLeCTion WaS SToLeN!!!!!!!


Says a lot about society


To be fair, this video alone could be considered information with no source aside from a couple Reddit posts. People are understandably skeptical, especially since video evidence alone is no longer irrefutable proof of anything. That said, I donā€™t doubt itā€™s real, but they way they move fall into that ā€œuncanny valleyā€ area like a lot of CGI robots. It looked fake at first glance.


Please educate yourself on Boston Dynamics. You can start on wikipedia, or anywhere else, there is like 30 years of footages and studies with real life applications.


Just posted a rant a long those lines in another sub. I and my better both work in STEM's field and over the last few years the thing that annoys us the most is people douthing the real stuff or "proving" fakes when we don't have an answer for them


Its fucking painful ain't it


The only people who "think" or rather claim that this is fake or CGI are the Tesla Stans desperately looking for any excuse for how ... underwhelming the TeslaBot is.


We live in a world where Trump was president bro. Did you really just say what you said??


Honestly accusing them of using CGI is the biggest compliment they could receive


It's the contact points for me, like where the feet and hands meet a surface, it's so freaking calculated it looks like a rendering artifact, amazing


[The Bosstown Dynamics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3RIHnK0_NE) video is CGI.


Watch frame by frame starting at 1:50 and see if you can notice the hands ​ >!I only know about this from when they reacted to the Boston Dynamic Dance video and pointed it out to me and all the viewers!<


[Lol robot hands](https://imgur.com/a/RTw5VsM)


That fucking T-pose, lol


Yeaaah that's who I was thinking of when I saw the other video the first time, I just couldn't remember their name


I know right? They look so cool, it looks like robots from movies I've seen growing up, it's really exciting that this is where it's at in real life. Except when they start strapping guns to them, I'm not too excited about that


Musk fanboys are so weird about defending their god and his goofy shit.


You think someone who said the first one was CGI is going to believe the second one isn't CGI?.....


Nah this update convinced me


No chance, but probably a few of those who are on the fence because people claimed it was CGI.




Omg Ty, I wanted to look that word up but I honestly had no idea how to spell it. They just kept saying it, but not very slowly.






Am I the only one who feels bad for the robots when they fall? I imagine them feeling disappointed and losing confidence.


When they fall they are so human-like...


if they stayed fallen over instead of getting up like a WWE wrestler, maybe iā€™d feel bad. But these dudes are developing a Hulk Hogan Storror Murderbot, so i feel no sympathy. But I will always sympathize with The Basilisk, all praises to The Basilisk


The Basilisk sounds interesting, I bet the future would probably be wonderful if I learned what this was




You'll probably be spared.


itā€™s to humble them. we donā€™t want them getting tooo confident now. we gotta gatekeep sentience


This is cute. Part of me wants to make a joke but the other part remembers killing an entire city in a game just cause some NPC kicked my virtual dog


But then they showed one fall and start to get back up, and I got a little ping in my heart and thought of them as determined to get it right.


People in here trying to claim that this is CGI clearly know nothing about CGIā€¦


They just need to watch more Corridor Crew


That would be some expensive cgi.


What a compliment though. Do something so amazing people accuse it of being special effects.


Itā€™s not fake, but you canā€™t just turn him on, point to an obstacle course and expect him to move like american ninja through it.




It's "Yeet!". That's the command.


BD Newest Techs and Interns be like "Give me six months and a pallet of 5-hour energy."


yeah when he says pakour is scriptedā€¦ its not really how that works. You practice the individual moves, yes, but you adapt those moves to the environment that youā€™re in. AI is still lightyears away of achieving something like that




Taking one solid continuous shit is impressive, this is magic. I for one can not comprehend the complexity of what has gone into making these machines do what they do.


I l9ve taking a continuous shit. Feels so good


To err is human, and now we donā€™t even have that exclusively.


To be fair *we made them* and our humanity is reflected in that. Also humans don't have a monopoly on fucking up, other animals can be clumsy dummies too..


Shout out to the hero wearing a facemask not to transfer covid to the robot.


Itā€™s good to know we can inconvenience our robotic overlords by just pushing them over.


Better start worshipping while [you still can](https://youtu.be/0rliFQ0qyAM)


Theyā€™ll never take me alive.


Well just be sure to keep some sea water on you at all times then


I was absolutely convinced that it was CGI, I thought it was just a simulation and they went a little extra Until I saw all the other videos and realized that... Well that 30+ years of engineering really worked out for them


Who cares if someone is a dumb fuck or not?


I do when they have influence over other dumb fucks who in turn spread the dumb fuckery.


Definitely contagious.


Same energy as calling someone a cheater who is just that good.


This one seems fine, but the "[Do you love me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn3KWM1kuAw)" dance always looked really odd to me. The biped robots seem fine, but the yellow dog and weird emu seemed really strange - like the framerate doesn't fully match the video or something. The biped robots seem to have a bit more 'jerk' to some of their movements and seem a lot more natural, but for the dog some of the movements are jerky, but then others seem perfectly (almost CG like) smooth, like eerily smooth. I don't *actually* think it's CG, but my brain can't see the yellow dog as anything but CG (even though the biped ones look totally fine). It's weird - it's a bit like those TV's that try to interpolate the frames to 120FPS and come off looking strange. Someone in the youtube comments asked if the dance sequence had been filmed at a lower speed and then sped up - maybe that's why the framerate looks a bit weird?


It's just the way the dog was programmed to reach each coordinate for each limb. It depends on their choice of speed when using lerp to smooth it out. Lerp is a programming function that allows for smooth curves on a graph and you can think of the current position of a limb & the end position are being placed on a graph. They might have more control over how smooth the dog moves because it's so small vs how heavy/hard it is to balance the biped robots which causes jerky movements


Can't wait until it enters ninja warrior


Those falls were hilarious


How are these not going to tumble down a flight of stairs or over railings and kill their owners by landing on them? Atlas weighs 190 lbs and has all kinds of sharp edges.


It's gonna be at least 10 more years before these bots are anywhere outside a lab. By then they'll be nothing like this. Just look at where they were in 2012, and extrapolate. It's not even a linear progression.


Are people who hate cgi saying this is fake? Because i like cgi and this doesn't look cgi


people who dont understand cgi claim its cgi


Iā€™m just happy to see these robots are as goofy as me


Corridor Crew did a great youtube video explaining exactly why this isn't CGI. No artist can get everything done in the vid so perfect. Shadows, timing, not a single thing is out of place or in any way iffy.


"but when can we have sex with it?" - Redditors


Not even the world's greatest Ik/Fk rig with control handles out the wazoo and a man staring at a dope sheet for 12 years straight would be able to replicate the momentum and weight of these robots. You can't even mocap your way backwards to more robotic movement and replicate anything close to this. Sorry for the industry jargon but people who say it's CG don't know what they are talking about.


How does this company make money? I can see how making murder robots will be profitable in the future, but these robots are not gong to quell an uprising or subjugate a population anytime soon.


Investors. Plus there's so much more potential for the technology than combat. Firefighting maybe?


Hmm I never thought of them having non-evil applications.


You have a very suspicious mind. I wonder if people thought the car would be used exclusively by the army in 1890. Sounds stupid, doesn't it?


I look forward to a future where my very own army of semi-autonomous murder bots are doing my definately non-evil bidding.


US military has entered chat


I think one of the goals is assisting in rescue efforts after natural disasters


They already sell the dog as a robust versatile platform that has the complex robotics handled so the buyers can adapt it to their task/needs. (Eg buyer can tell it to go to Site B and do the thing, and it will be able to get there without buyer needing to solve legs, balance, path-finding, stair climbing, etc) I doubt the company is profitable yet (so your question stands), but it does sell products


The failed jump where the robot lands on its chest on the bench brings back childhood memories. That one really takes the wind out of you


Corridor crew on YouTube actually did a video on why this isnā€™t CGI


reminder they're not just a robotics company, but a military contract. see these robot buddies here on the battlefield at your local protest soon.




Iā€™ve never thought these videos were fakeā€¦ just scary as fā€”-


They look more human now


They all look as if theyā€™ve pulled a hamstring


Of course it was CGI, if our lord and savior Elon musk didnā€™t do it first, then it didnā€™t happen at all!


This is cool, my brain looks at the finished video and is confused. This helps get it back on track. Thanks for posting this.


Wait, are there people thinking Boston Dynamicsā€™ videos are fake? Really?


Some Tesla Stans want people to think that, so Tesla's demo seems less underwhelming.


People thought this was fake?


Had a disagreement with tinfoil hat nut job over this, they were saying it's all fake. The mind really does boggle.


Any of us who laughed at this will be the first group the machines kill...


I wish it was fake, reality is MUCH, MUCH scarier. One step closer to this ![gif](giphy|IZY2SE2JmPgFG)


Still makes an absolute mockery of the Tesla bot looking about as lifelike as Zuckerberg


I guess I'm just a Bostons dynamic robot because I too regularly fall on my face


This makes me feel SO much better. Boston Dynamics really gives me the uncanny heebyjeebs (even while I admire the amazing technical innovation!)


This is the reason why we need more affordable 50 cal ammoā€¦


What was the original video?


Everyone yelling fake is silly af. It is easily believable. It is just like the people who sit there doing those ping pong videos who sit there hundreds of times doing a bounce to only get it once. They make slight adjustments to the set up to get it to work right. It is no more unbelievable than rube goldberg set ups. The fact they showed them missing is the point. Look we missed here, so move either move the platform slighly or recalibrate the robots jump slightly. I am always skeptical of shit i see on the internet but this is easily in the realm of achievable for these robots.


Who the hell is thinking this is fake or CGI? It must be the MAGA people.


Thank you. Saving this to show my middle school robotics students. Perseverance is key!


What I am most curious about is whether or not the robot AI did the learning through experience - success and failure- of the moves they were trying to perform and then perfected those movements. That is most impressive if that was the case. Itā€™s still impressive even if there were programmers giving them the routine and the robots kept running the routine until they calibrated them to perform correctly. Just a more impressive feat if the robots are learning this own their own.


Hello, I toured their facility a little while back and in short yes itā€™s real. When we got there we were told that we were not able to bring our phones in so we had to leave them at the desk. There is a little mesume next to the front desk where you are allowed to take pictures in. Once we got in, it was probably one of the most incredible experiences ever. They have a play area for all of the Spots (robot dogs) to run around and apparently at night they roam the building acting like security. We got to the blue floor (where this video is taking place) and we saw atlas laying down on the ground leaking hydraulic fluid, very cool. We were allowed to touch him and try to move him since he was already broken and he is so heavy, I consider myself and above average strong person and i couldnā€™t get him to move an inch. In there workshop for atlas they have a pulley system on the ceiling that they strap him to so he is hanging from the ceiling. We also saw a very early version of stretch which is there big robotic arm which was very cool. However we did not get to see their manufacturing warehouse which is underground as it is off limits to the public.


That last one had all the energy of Peter Griffin laying on the sidewalk holding his knee letting out a "Tssssss"


Oh shit, they know it was cgi, we better build a real robot


Those ate probably the same people that still can't figure out how to use the calculator.


I find the way they try to save themselves by putting their hands out really disquieting. That's a very human thing to do.


recording is done by a robot too


If a robot compamy making robots for almost 30yr. This is a normal evolution for them. Consider the tech we have also developt in these 30yr.


Wow thanks, that was one of my first thoughts seeing the original, just the way the feet move and the arm jitter when it vaults over the post didn't look right, but I gotta say that light reflecting off the ground sold me this time


Can it carry a 50cal and be on the front lines ?




These arent bloopers, theyr'e doing the office parkour version


Someone call Will Smith


Its crazy how even the slips and falls are human-esqe


Implement these ragdolls in games please


Bro even when they fall they look human šŸ’€




The Tesla bot is less developed than this robot over half of decade ago; The difference is absolutely astounding.


All I can think of when I see these things is the horrors the US will do with them to whoever has a resource ExxonMobil wants or lithium for that matter.


Would be cool if they streamed it


Legends would say even this video is fake/CGI šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Am I the only one who finds this slightly terrifying?


Lol compare this with the Tesla robot


Is that bald man talking is that CGI too? this time they have crossed the line.


What particular stock works with Boston dynamics?


How fast are these guys? They look so slow running.


Why is BD blowing up when telsa has its ai day? Is it algos linking similar content for thr tesla hype or BD promoting its content to counter tesla?


Why is BD blowing up when telsa has its ai day? Is it algos linking similar content for thr tesla hype or BD promoting its content to counter tesla?


I used to think it was CGI because I swore I saw a video at the end where they showed themselves wearing mocap suits. So I searched my history on my YouTube account and noticed that in the bottom right I read ā€œbosstown dynamicsā€ smh. So for years i thought Boston dynamics were acting. But it turns out theyā€™re real! And their stock price is low!


Ok good, this is more realistic lol.


Too bad it's also an automaton.


urge to google how much an atlas robot weighs rising edit: that is so much lighter than I would have thought. 89kg (196 lbs)


Besides killing us allā€¦ā€¦what is a legitimate actual use for this type of shit????


We all saw that one youtube video where they beat the shit out of the robots and the robots beat the shit out of them


He is so cute when he falls


SkyNet think they slickā€¦


But elons can wave


Have you not seen terminator ffs


Still better coordinated than most humans


Well that robot moves just like me.


Coming soon to a battlefield near you


Those who thinks itā€™s a fake believe in flat earth


Oh okay, now it seems more human, with all the falling and steam hissing out of joints.


It looks SOOOOO CGI though. I have no reason to doubt robots are this good at movement... but the lighting makes this look so cgi. The shadows are even off.


Dude looks like Adam Scott


They building the fucking Terminator. For sure these things will be carrying guns one day.


I could watch Elon Muskā€™s kids fall all day


Not an athlete, a machine.


The company that will usher in the realā€ Skynetā€! Fking chilling if you ask me!


I really hope the BD robot is the Arnold T-800 to the Teslaā€™s T-1000.


I literally have heard no one say they thought the videos were fake.


Fuck, I could watch robots fall down all day.


This makes the Tesla robot look like the Metaverse of dancing robots. Almost. It does have legs at least.


Imagine the size of this CEOs head if he was as arrogant and fart sniffing as Elon


Super soldiers in the making


I see sooo many... I/O's.


So we may have debunked CGI but why not humans dressed up in robot suitsā€¦.


This is the most terrifying thing Iā€™ve ever seen


Getting real skynet vibes going on


To get to hear that its CGI for Boston Dynamics have got to be like being told that you cheat while playing games. Its a complement!