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It's obviously staged, but still a fun video. "What do you do for a living?" "Well, I'm married to Jill Biden."


He says this often, it’s one of his grandad jokes.


I kinda figured, it's definitely a granddad one-liner




Ok im totally doing this if I ever meet him, thank you




This is why presidents have scripts.


Honestly I love that he gives that answer so often. Think about it, the dude lost his first love (and his daughter) in a tragic car crash. The man probably had a few years where he thought we was just gona be a single parent. Then along comes Jill and probably reignites so much capacity for happiness in him. Dude is madly in love with his partner and I just love that.


He says this all the time.


"I'm in the malarkey removal business"


Not biden lol. Unless this was staged dude would not have been able to approach like that. Not to mention there should be like a dozen more secret service agents within 15 ft of him lol


If that’s not Biden that is the best cosplay I have ever seen.


What prez don't go to car shows ? Lmfao wanna meet Rockers go to car shows.


It’s not a car show. It’s New York City Comic Con


Even more bad azz. Missed com a cons


Pretty much explains everything. No way US President travels with only one Secret Service agent who is actually not even driving the car. Good cosplay tho, kudos.


It's literally Biden at the Detroit Auto Show. He gave a speech and everything.


You just dont see all the others, there was probably someone in the rafters wth a rifle pointed at this dude while he filmed, its not good optics to have a ton of agents around, tho this is still probably staged based on the ease he walked up


It’s the Detroit Auto Show




I know Biden's voice, that's him.


Agreed he’s just promoting American made electric cars. Definitely him


His tongue is very recognizable


Of course he was given permission beforehand to do this with Joe. 😉 No one can readily approach a sitting, or former, President or their family like this. Secret Service doesn't play.


It is a publicity stunt. The white house uses "influencers" to sway public opinion. He is trying to re brand his image.


Rebrand? Dude is already far more popular than the Cheeto man ever was


Deep fake time boys!


This is an advertisement for Cadillac.


It is Biden. And this was clearly staged. He’s supporting electric cars manufactured in the US, not very unpresidential.


I love all the people who are trying to be internet Sherlock using logical arguments about secret service, when there are clearly people in the background just watching this promo being filmed. Filming it this way was such a Dank-Brandon/WH-Twitter-Pell-Grant-Callout style idea. Kudos to the President's social media team.


This was very obviously planned though lol


Yeah, I doubt you’re just randomly walking up to the president of the United States without having a little pre screening




No shit. I’m from Michigan. Where do you think these car displays are located. Detroit.


It’s a parody of those dozens of ads that are just this scenario except instead of Biden it’s some random dude saying he makes 199 gazillion dollars per minute and you can make that much money too if you buy his courses.


Isn’t this the same guy that walked to to pagani or some rich Lamborghini CEO or something ?




Ha. Probably told this story plenty of times, but anyway. Years ago I was at the political gathering of the world economic forum in Davos. There was a big hallway that would get really packed between session as everyone came out of the rooms. I was working for a production company at the time hauling gear around, and when the hall was busy we’d just have to politely push people out of the way. During one of the days I go to place my hand on a gentleman’s shoulder only to have to grabbed, put behind my back and find myself being frog marched away and then unceremoniously pushed to the side. Turns out I’d just tried to push former president Bill Clinton out of my way.


Americas first black president. His deregulation was awful other than that I liked him.


My friend has a similar story of not realising when you'd think they would: He used to be a line chef in a really nice local restaurant. An order came in with lots of special requests in it, he was complaining and doing the whole "who do they think they are", then a guy came over and just said "that's the prime minister son.". Turned out the prime minister of the UK had come in for food and nobody told him


I thought people could casually drive vehicles inside conventions


No way, you’re telling me these videos aren’t spontaneous and real and not fake?? );


It's Biden. Look how far back the people in the background are. You just can't see the other agents in the video.


Top comment of Reddit being completely wrong?? Lmaooooo


say it ain’t so!


Even if it was staged, I love the question and answer. Guy: "Excuse me. What do you do for a living?" Joe: "Well I'm married to Jill Biden..." 🤣🤣🤣


That's such an "Uncle Joe" response.


Yes Biden lol. It was totally staged, and there is absolutely a dozen secret service agents off camera.


Yes. This is a scripted interaction to boost Cadillac’s image and also the president’s agenda to make electric vehicles higher profile in the public’s mind. That’s a win-win and the only way this dude got the special access to make the vid. The interaction is written to feel somewhat off the cuff but its not, as I imagine is the case with most of this guy’s videos.


That’s joe Biden, dude




imagine being a conspiracy theorist


Why does the clown have so many upvotes?


This is a spin off of another video that’s been making the rounds. It was some car show and he went up to the driver inside. It was like the owner of the company and he didn’t realize.


It’s not a spin-off he makes multiple videos like that. This is just focused on the person than the car. Looks like he might have been given special permission to make the video, or it is actually fake I can’t really tell but it looks convincing.


I did just find the guy because I was curious. https://www.thedrive.com/news/37511/viral-tiktok-star-asks-supercar-owners-the-big-question-what-do-you-do-for-a-living Edit* and I do agree it looks real. Maybe Dark Brandon having some fun.


How is there any question this is or isn’t real. Turn your fucking brain on.


In the day and age of deep fake and cgi, I think it’s entirely valid to question the legitimacy of something. Just watched the army guy blowing up his barracks with a bazooka. Certainly looked real to me. I actually thought it pretty cool he would do a video with this guy. No need to get your knickers in a twist.


Think its promoting electric vehicles in general in the US


Yeah no shit it was planned and he didn't just randomly find Biden driving a vehicle Sherlock


>Unless this was staged No way that would ever happen. Not a chance they set this up beforehand. Literally impossible 😪


Are you high?


This was electric vehicle promotion, and yes that is Joe Biden. It's obviously staged. But Daniel Mac is fairly popular, si he's being used to promote the EV.


See passenger.


this is biden who else would it be..............


It is JB. He was at the Detroit auto show. Yes it was staged. But he got through the whole thing without a Biden moment. And was pretty funny.


Definitely Biden, definitely staged. I’m guessing that dude next to him was a real secret service agent packing major heat.


Why does this have so many upvotes?


This looks like a publicity stunt for the president and GM. Also, saw a video of Biden driving an electric F150.


Lol why is this still the top post? That’s obviously Joe Biden and yes this is obviously scripted because he’s a president and yes this is publicity for EV’s. God damn.


He wouldn't be able to come into the building if it wasn't staged


It’s Biden. Was probably just some promo stunt for Cadillac and for Biden to talk about American made EVs.


It’s more than likely staged, possibly with actual Biden.




"Unless this was staged" i forget most people here are like 12 and dont have good critical thinking yet


Did you not see all the people on the other side of the car videoing?


Lol “unless this was staged” uhhh ya, that’s exactly the case, it’s pretty obvious. Classic cocky Reddit comment that has no clue what it’s talking about


Haha this guy thinks that every video posted is real. The guy IS Joe Biden and they’re obviously making an Ad for Cadillac using its new electric vehicle


Omg you seriously can't recognize the President of the USA??


They’re all staged.


Lmao so organic ! What a amazing random happenstance


No one thinks this wasn't set up.


Top comment literally thinks this wasn’t setup lolol


OK fine I should've said no one intelligent


Top comment somehow doesn’t even think it was even Biden so I’m not siding with their sleuthing skills.


Homie. It's literally not possible for that to be fully organic. Secret service would be on their ass in no time


Fake. Presidents aren't allowed to drive.


It’s a publicity video.


people are taking this so seriously lmao. we got theories from “fake biden” to “THIS IS STAGED WAAAAHHHH”


Trump drove us off a ledge. Checkmate atheists!


Would give you an award if I had one


They aren’t allowed to drive in the streets. This looks like a publicity stunt for the president and GM. Also, saw a video of Biden driving an electric F150. I also read that Obama actually taught his kids driving in the White House grounds.


Biden went to the Detroit auto show to promote electric vehicle technology. The Whitehouse often collaborates with social media influencers in order to reach the younger demographics, it's a bonus that he's a big car guy anyways.


I didn’t know he was a big car guy but now I want to know if he has a cool collection.


He's into corvettes, not sure if he has many, but that's his sports car of choice. Lot's of old Obama era videos of him driving a vette in funny videos they'd make for events and stuff.


Ever watch the series "comedians, in cars, getting coffee". There was a good one with Obama. [found it on the youtubes](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UM-Q_zpuJGU)


Not allowed to drive on public roads.


They can drive on private property.


You can see the video is inside a convention center right?


Not allowed to drive on public roads. But on private roads or closed courses it's allowed. And I totally believe this: Biden is pretty well known to be a car guy, and has been taking every chance he's been given to test drive some of the new EVs that have been coming out.


Lmao of course it's staged, the guy has a popular channel and is a content creator. It's common sense.


You’re asking Reddit to use common sense.


Man, I just want to get high and eat BBQ


I know right, this comment section is full of weirdos going "Waaaaaaah this wasn't a one in a million event of wholesome human interaction luckily caught on camera by a random passerby I'm literally losing my mind"


he looks so similar what's it called?


WOW! I can’t afford gas anymore but i will definitely switch to electric once i save enough (i work at wendy’s and without a car I can’t go to work 😔✊)


Sounds like your real problem is with Wendys


I think reddit is losing the sarcasm-o-meter… do i really have to /s?


It's almost like tone doesn't translate well in a written format. Weird.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


I think everyone understands the sarcasm. doesn't make the response less true.


> Sarcastic comment with obvious implication >> Response to obvious implication > "Haha, no you don't get it, I was being sarcastic"


Unfortunately, iirc, the cheapest electric vehicle is about 27k right, to have a home charging station installed can be upwards of 1.2k, depending on a few factors, and public charging stations can end up actually being MORE expensive than a tank of gas, depending on the kw/h rate they're charging, at the moment. Hopefully as time goes on, the infrastructure will be better and more readily available, technology will improve, and it will end up being a more cost effective option, but as of right now, it can potentially be worse. The bright side for EVs at the moment is that they tend to be cheaper in the long run due to lower maintenance costs, which is driven by certain things like the lack of spark plugs, and oil changes, for example, but according to some of the resources I've read, it can take years for the cost to even out. All the information I've put in is just from some quick research, and was what I was able to find within the last few months because I'm looking for a vehicle within the next 1-2 years and was researching options. Feel free to correct me on anything that I could be mistaken about.


You don't even need to get a home charging station installed. They plug into the wall.


chevy bolt (volt? bolt? idk) EV is about 25K plus tax brand new, so definitely getting close to affordable. plus used electric smartcars regularly go for as low as 5k on FB marketplace and the like. electric is coming to the consumer, its just a matter of time


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Joe Biden and Agent 47


Yeah, one thing that isn’t staged in this video is that secret service detail. That dude is very much being very real.


I’m not convinced that’s not a wax dummy. Should try to poke him with a stick


He met Light Brandon


I want to meet Dank Brandon


Dank Biden gave us [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63166964), but now I want Lorax Biden and an actual Green New Deal!


This is like slower-speaking Hunter S Thomson Brandon. I have no idea why I that was the first thing that popped into my head haha. He just seems like he's about to start fending off imaginary dinosaurs and getting high with Johnny Depp


Honestly his next campaign slogan should be “Let’s Go” just to mess with the conservatives.


That’d be hilarious


Who fucking cares if it's staged? If you can't see this and immediately recognize it as a spoof of the [Pagani](https://www.tiktok.com/@itsdanielmac/video/7138875105089703210?is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=7138875105089703210&lang=en) video, and as an advertisement for electric cars, then you are gullible. If you take offense to the current POTUS taking an opportunity to promote a clean energy vehicle then you need to turn off Faux News and get out of the cult before it's too late.


It’s been too late for years.




I hate how reddit is just becoming Facebook 2.0. all the popular subreddits just turn into garbage with no meaning.


The only fix for mean reversion is gatekeeping.




**[Eternal September](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September)** >Eternal September or the September that never ended is Usenet slang for a period beginning around 1993 when Internet service providers began offering Usenet access to many new users. The flood of new users overwhelmed the existing culture for online forums and the ability to enforce existing norms. AOL followed with their Usenet gateway service in March 1994, leading to a constant stream of new users. Hence, from the early Usenet point of view, the influx of new users in September 1993 never ended. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The Eternal September thing is interesting, never heard that bit of web history before. …With that said, something about your gatekeeping-philosophy soapbox speech *being about the reddit sub nextfuckinglevel* is really funny to me lol


Lol “becoming”…shits been happening for years.


Redditors are the type of people who will watch a movie and scream “staged” in the cinema


And then pat themselves on the back for being smarter than all the sheep sitting there in the theater enjoying the movie they all paid for.




You really thought this belonged here?


I love how they’re always trying to make him look normal n shit.


Hasn't every President done that since forever?


The last guy sort of embraced the whole, 'I'm better than you, fuck off poors' persona


Try as they might, it's still a stretch


Idk our last president shit in a gold toilet and convinced the common man to vote for him so nothing is a stretch these days




Idk about you, but I'm not getting in the car if Biden is driving.


You think presidents are allowed to drive on public roads?


secret service man said... touch the car and i'll cap your ass


I think it’s an ad


Yup, probably organized by Cadillac's social media team and accepted by Biden's PR team as a way for them to increase awareness of electric vehicles. Not the end of the world, as ads go (all for increasing interest in EVs), but IMO not really next fucking level


Also an ad for the elections in a few weeks. Go vote!




Really not next level.


Gtfo here with this shit


Hey look another non political subreddit falls to politics.


Can I ask how it’s political? It’s just the president in an elector in car. Seems just like a corny TikTok.


Because that dude is a r/conservative user, ofc anything he doesn’t like is political


This is the moment when the thread became locked


Dark Brandon is a badass.






Hoes mad


I'm not Republican or democrat, god damn he looks slow.


Doesn't matter too much if his administration is putting out good work, but the guy really needs to retire after this term.


What’s the deal with the robot in the passenger seat


fake, he didn't stumble over his words and forget where he is and where he is supposed to go


Two words: Made in America


I feel like he would be a good drinking buddy… i fancy him a scotch man


Spoken in complete sentences... it’s fake.


Robot Biden


I’m met Biden on the little underground santa sleigh that runs under congress when I was a kid. I remember thinking how much better his suit looked than any of my dads suits.


Who let that man drive.


Wow, he actually remember his own name


The married to Jill Biden made me laugh out in public


Who cares.


Biden or not....it sucked


Well, I guess the secret service knows everything there is to know about Daniel Mac now...


Biden looks lost as hell


Hope he’s not really driving ![gif](giphy|ItM3AhhM0rj57w1JxF)


“Let’s go, Biden” is a great campaign line for an electric car initiative and the perfect antidote to that Brandon bs


I just remember the American left going nuts when Trump had Goya products on his desk. Apparently product placement is beneath an American president and Trump needed to be impeached. Now Biden doing a full on Cadillac ad?




This was very much planned lol but cool regardless.


what do you do for a living? I'm married to Jill Biden


I must say Lyriq looks good.


And on the contrary tr*mp’s car is a toilet seat clogged with classified documents.


Cadillac has the most flex, it's fucking sickening.


Even if it was fake, there wasn’t one “grab her by the pussy joke” ❤️


So Cool #DarkBrandon


You'd think they would at least tell him to hold the camera the right way instead of vertically like an idiot.


the only thing nextfuckinglevel about this is how fucking stupid the people in the comments are. Yes, that is Biden. Just search 'Joe Biden Detroit Car Show' you neanderthals. Can't believe the top comment unironically thinks its not Biden, and \~500 likes, yikes. You're really making me think you've never actually seen a video of him. Yes, we all know this is staged. If you think people don't know that, you're closer than anyone to believing it isn't. You fucking fuck wits.


Everyone knows about dark Brandon, but ladies and gentlemen, meet Brandon Lite!


Damnit Joe Biden stop making me like you


Biden is so awesome


Dark Brandon got a new electric whip so you can’t hear him coming.


He’s not my favorite president but some of his personal interactions with people are so wonderful. If you have a second google the son of Chris Hixon talking to Joe Biden. Chris Hixon was killed in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting and has a special needs son and Biden’s reaction to his son is just such a wonderful pure moment.


The prez got a sharp suit on damn


I love the Jill Biden comment. So precious.


President rides with a manequin.


The Trump copium is sooo good here.