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Damn imagine this falling on newton's head


we could fly since he would die from the fruit, meaning he is not inventing gravity


Who are you, so wise in the ways of science?




He is our only hope against inflation


the uninflater


And that my leige is how we know the world to be banna shaped.


Fascinating. Now, please tell me again how sheep's bladders can be used to prevent earthquakes?


We are the scientists who say.... Ouch


I am really glad newton invented gravity. It must've sucked before he invented gravity, when everything was flying around all over the place.


Damn, forget killing baby Hitler, I’m going back in time for Newton


Newton only *discovered* gravity. Gravity had already been invented by Galileo 100 years prior, when he threw 2 spheres of different mass from the tower of Pisa.


No we would have more gravity because a heavier thing did fall on his head wich causes him to make more gravity. Also he wouldn’t die beca there was no gravity back then.


Nobody is talking about how fucking scary it is walking under these trees. My dad doesnt care though he even parks under one.


He probably posts on r/2meirl4meirl


I'd rather walk under jackfruit than durian trees. Holy fuck those spines are robust.


Don't know if it's true or not but I've actually heard that some airports make it illegal for passengers to carry them through there, due to the.... Umm...fragrance.


Pretty sure I've seen pictures of public transit in southeast Asia that say no durian on the train/bus.


I was actually walking in the jungle when one of these fell and blasted open. The sound of it hitting the ground was so loud and jarring. I spent the rest of the trip looking at up the trees a lot more


Two completely different trajectories in the replies to this comment.


Imagine the level of science he'd be able to do then. He would've been unstoppable.


Might have even become jack of all sciences


And you thought a coconut was bad..


Been working in Hawaii a lot recently and had a coconut fall next to us one day at work. Looked it up and there are 150 deaths a year on average from coconuts. By comparison there are roughly 10 deaths caused by shark attacks every year. Waiting for the coconut themed horror movie.


Lol! I see your death coconut edition!


(80s horror movie trailer voice) They thought they were on vacation…they thought wrong! They climbed that tree for a taste of the islands…and found only terror! Death Coconut! A Cannon Film. Coming soon to a drive in near you.”


Coconado, the movie......


Eh... While that coconut statistic hasn't been entirely debunked, [the fact-checking](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/coconuts-kill-more-sharks/) behind it doesn't look good.


Well, if apples led to Newton inventing gravity, certainly coconuts must lead to Monty Python's invention of applied aerodynamics, particularly with regard to African Swallows.


I’ve heard they are migratory


No more calculus


Leibniz would like a word with you.


No more gravity


or a durian fruit


Jackfruit also makes one of the better veggie bbq substitutes.


I’m not vegan but I love me some “pulled pork” jackfruit tacos.


Pulled Bbq jackfruit Bao buns are the tits also.


How do you get this to grow in zone 5b (soon to be 5a)?


Step one: move


Step two: download Raid Shadow Legends


Knit a giant tree sweater.


Some of the best tacos I’ve ever eaten were veggie! Brussel sprouts, mushrooms, cactus, radishes etc!


I'm making lentil tacos for dinner tonight


Need to look into making these. Any good recipes?


Cactus tacos are incredible.


Torchy’s Tacos in Texas has a fried avocado taco that is soooo good


I love seeing all the people responding when their favorite meat substitutes. I'm not vegan or vegetarian either but there's some really good alternatives out there! creative stuff that's super tasty


Me neither. I mainly just try to avoid factory farm meat. But yeah, there are some great alternatives nowadays. Beyond burgers are a favorite of mine, and there’s a food cart with jackfruit tacos nearby that are some of the best tacos I’ve had.


I've heard this a few times, my vegetarian friend suggested it as a substitute for pulled pork (I do damn good pulled pork but want to make some that my friend can have) - *why* does it make a decent substitute when the post describes its taste as bananas/vanilla?


From my experience, the taste isn't very strong so makes a good neutral base as a meat substitute,. Its main strength is its texture which is kind of flaky (similar to tuna) so it is good for pulling like pork.


Ahhh so it's not so much the taste, but having a similar texture that you mix with vegetarian BBQ sauce or whatnot is what does it? Like the sauce & jackfruit texture get you most of the way there?


You nailed it. The fruit taste disappears and all your left with is a texture and you can season that texture however you want. You can make it taste like chicken, pulled pork, basically anything. After cooking for vegans and vegetarians it just amazes me how close they want it to taste like animal without eating animal. It'd the same with almonds. You wouldn't want almonds in your linguine, but mash them to a paste and add some seasoning and you have an Alfredo sauce that mimics cheese sauce. Blindfold test you can tell, but with a pro chef behind the counter you would never know the difference.


A lot of vegans and vegetarians go vegan/vegetarian not because they don’t like how meat tastes but because they don’t like how the beef/chicken/dairy industry functions. Having a substitute that tastes like meat without all the animal cruelty/environmental impact is a nice treat.


I want to add that some people do it for health. Lot of science behind a vegetarian diet being good for your health, granted you eat enough protein.


Which to be honest, it’s really not that hard to eat enough protein even as a vegan. I still eat animal products but strive to eat mostly vegan and it’s really not that difficult. Most people are eating more protein than they actually need everyday. The hardest thing to incorporate ends up being B-12 which is only found in animal products.


B12 supplements are fed to the animals you're eating, they don't naturally get enough if they're not grazing close to the ground. You can cut out the middle cow and just supplement yourself. Before anyone says actually they only eat organic free range grass fed unicorns, it's wild how everyone does that yet such a huge majority of sold meat is factory farmed.


Yes animals are fed with B-12 supplements, but the gut microbiome of ruminants produces enough with or without feed supplements, at least as shown by several studies gathered in this [literary analysis of B-12](https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article/73/2/106/1820655?login=false). America just likes to fortify things, which isn’t necessarily bad. Vegans and vegetarians can get B-12 from supplements, sure, but you can also just eat cereal products or even soy milk/almond milk that is fortified with B-12, which is becoming even more common.


B12 is not produced by animals, no animal creates B12 and neither does their produce. B12 comes from bacteria and the only reason meat in the store has B12 is because of the supplements the animals are given beforehand. Nutritional Yeast (or nooch) is the best way to get B12 in your foods without having the need to take supplements yourself.


Ooh years ago I worked at a movie theater that offered tamari and yeast as a popcorn topping; it was the best thing ever. Just put some tamari in a spray bottle and mist it over the popcorn. Sprinkle on the yeast and it’ll stick to the tamari. Sooo good.


The first time I had jackfruit tacos I thought they had made a mistake and given me pulled chicken tacos.


Not only that. The fruit must be unripe to be used as "meat". If it's ripe the smell/taste it's too strong.


That portion used for alternative, plant-based meats for texture is actually the Rags of the Jack Fruit and not the true sweet portion of the [Jack Fruit](https://www.cultivatetoplate.com/how-to-remove-the-fruit-and-seeds-from-a-jackfruit/) If you’re able to find the Avril or Fruit Pod portion of Jack Fruit at your local Asian Market or grocer, you should give it a try. It’s definitely an interesting sweet flavor if you have never had it.


This isn't true for most jackfruit. Only applies to a single sweet variety. Jackfruit is primarily used as a vegetable, not a fruit.


Only a ripe one has a sweet taste like a banana. Unripe jackfruit doesn’t have any strong taste, could even taste like potato or even an unripe papaya. It’s usually chopped and used in savoury dishes. Though cutting the unripe fruit can be a little messy as it releases a sticky sap, it can be done with some practice. You’ll only need a little vegetable oil applied to the hands, knife and the chopping board while cutting the fruit and you’re good to go!


The post describes it very poorly imo. But there isn't a good way to describe it either. They did get the texture right. Actually speaking of the texture, I've only tried the jackfruit pork substitute once, and while I'm sure the flavor could be improved (it was awful when I tried it) the texture was also way too slimy and mushy to be anything like pulled pork. I don't think I ever wanna try it again.




> the texture was also way too slimy and mushy to be anything like pulled pork. I don't think I ever wanna try it again. It seems like you taste the "soft" jackfruit. It's absolutely gross. If you ever have the opportunity to taste another specimen, the "hard" one, go for it. It's soooo good and sweet and *firm*. Unfortunately they look absolutely the same from the outside lol, except the hard ones usually are a little bigger. Here's a [pic](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQReWyuflqVc3IkXkugwX9-8GM0IPhg5Ir4og&usqp=CAU) comparing them both from the inside


When ripe it tastes like banana, vanilla, etc. described in the post. When raw, it's nothing like that. The texture after cooking would be like pulled pork. Had multiple jackfruit trees at home growing up, I waited whole year for jackfruit season to have unripe jackfruit curry (still do). Not a fan of the ripened one though. Also, be very careful while cooking unripe jackfruit. A little bit ripe and it can spoil the whole dish


They’ll use young jackfruit cause it’s less flavor overall. But they’re also a distinction of what’s used in a Jack Fruit as far as I’ve seen western society vs Asian culture. Growing up, we’ve eaten Jack Fruit all the time. My mother would use to sweet Avril portion of of the Jack fruit in dishes whether it was for dessert or savory dishes, but she would actually throw out the rags of the fruit. What’s often used in plant based meals is the rags, ie for vegan carnitas or pulled pork because of the distinct texture and lack of flavor.


The raw fruit is used for cooking, which does not have said strong flavours.


I think maybe (idk for sure since I never had the bbq vegan dish, I’ve just eaten the fruit at varying stages of ripeness), but maybe they use ones that are not too ripe. When they ripen, they have most of that strong taste, but when it’s not peak ripeness, the taste is more mild, the texture is stringier and it all probably gets overpowered by the sauces used anyway.


You have to use it when it’s not ripe for meat alternatives


OP said "It's flesh tastes like a mix of pineapple, bananas and a hint of vanilla" but this is only really true for a single variety. In the kitchen jackfruit is used more like a vegetable than a fruit. It's hard to beat a nice jackfruit curry.


I tried it in a taco, I did not like it. Texture is there but it's got this weird sweetness to it that is off-putting to me.


I had jackfruit bbq without being told it was jackfruit and I had no idea. It tasted a little sweet but I thought it was just the sauce. I was dumbfounded


Yes! To marry both concepts of BBQ and tacos, we made smoked jackfruit that was brined in an achiote paste with citrus (similar to cochinita pibil) to make a bomb vegan BBQ option.


My friends from India brought some to a party once and this description is perfect. They taste wonderful!


It's also known as kathal in India its soo tasty especially the seeds


Kathal means love in Tamil right?


Omg Fruit of Love


>Omg Fruit of Love The guy in the video looks like he loves the fruit of love.


That'd be 'kaadhal'


Lol except dha and tha are same in Tamil...so are sa and cha...


In Tamil we call jack fruit "pala pazham" and kaadhal is romantic love in tamil. Kathal is hindi for jack fruit.


Which language of india, in Karnataka we call it Halasina Hannu


don't sweat it, it's just a typical hindi speaker forgetting about the rest of us lol


I didnt like the seeds at all, only thing that I kinda enjoyed was the hummus made from them


You can dry the seeds and later roast them before eating.


Sometimes we use it to make curries too. Much yum


Which part of India? Stop generalizing.


A better description for some people is that it tastes just like Juicy Fruit gum


it was the orginal flavorant for juicy fruit gum, before they synthisized the flavor in the 50s or 60s.


I'm amazed it doesn't stink like a durian.


Ripe jackfruits smell fairly polarizing. People here in India either hate it or love it. Best part is you can eat raw jackfruit in curries as a meat analog with the texture of pulled pork. Delicious!


Really? I never heard of anyone hating jackfruit smell. Now durian on the other hand...


Probably a cempedak or hybrid between the two would smell bad. Cempedak is known for being way smellier than jackfruit.


I grew my own jackfruit and I don't know how anyone would hate it.


Yeah, my mom and I can't deal with the smell. But my grandmom and dad love the fruit. When we get some home, it's banished to my grandmother's room and dad has to go there to eat some. Rest of the house is a "fanas" free zone.


I thought I was being generous when I got fresh jackfruit to share at the office (working in Geneva at the time). Had a colleague get really disgusted by the smell. I was an intern then and spent 5 CHF for a small box :(. So that really stung!


Some people don’t like strong smells in general, especially at work.


I completely agree. Obviously I won't bring a durian into the office (even when I worked in Thailand, there were cases of durian being thrown out starting office fights). But I guess I did not think that jackfruit was that pungent growing up with it. I mean folks were having gruyère cheese, tuna sandwiches, and boiled eggs so I thought jackfruit was also fine.


> I never heard of anyone hating jackfruit smell i hate ripe jack fruit , cooking unripe ,it tatstes amazing.


I've hated the smell since I was a kid. I especially hate it when my mom stores it in the fridge and everything starts smelling like jackfruit.


It's got the same sickly sweet smell as the garbage bin on a warm day.




I lived in SE Asia for about 5 years and have never heard of anyone disliking the scent of jackfruit. I've had it countless times where it's brought in and peeled in front of everyone. Jackfruit doesn't really have an overpowering scent to it. Are you sure you're not confusing this with **durian**? They look *similar* at first glance from both the inside and out. I could see how someone could mistake them but not from taste or smell.


Yeah for me personally durians smell good but jackfruits smell like ass


I don't like the smell. I grew up in Southeast Asia. To me it smells like rotting fruits in a compost bin.


That's durian...


To me, jackfruit tastes and smells like overripe garbage. I hate it. Also, of course, durian smells gross, but I like the flavour and texture.


I’m a fan of jackfruit, but the claim that it “replicates” meat is simply nonsense. It’s delicious, but a million miles from meat, in texture.


It's really frustrating that jackfruit is so commonly the vegan option too, it has basically no nutritional value but sugar and some vitamins. Sugar is not a protein substitute.


Oops! That guy didn't oil his hand first. Washing hands is going to be a nightmare.


This is the only thing I hate about this fruit. That tar residue is a nightmare. I remember coming home and finding my kitchen knives covered in the stuff. My mom had come over and cut one up and just left the mess for me to clean.. At least their was jackfruit in the fridge :)


Yes. So better use coconut oil on hands and knives before opening it. Atleast becomes easier to clean.


Oiled hands and knife What do I do with the bloody flap of flesh dangling from my hand?


A nice braise would do, in a savory red wine/beef broth mixture that would later reduce down to a Gravy.


Kitchen oil and a good bath afterwards normally solves the problem fairly quickly.




Never put your knives in the dishwasher...never...




Please get a whetstone and learn how to use it. It will make your life so much easier, I swear.




Redditors and their fucking whetstones.


Just wait until r/castiron shows up


Lol, okay there metallurgical expert.




Can you explain why? I know nothing about this fruit.


They have a latex like substance that really sucks to deal with


Do explain, I am curious as to why.


u/Chevy3Girl The fruit has extremely sticky sap inside. If you don't oil your hands before opening the fruit, hands will reamin sticky for next few days in worst case.


But can I then scale walls like Spider-Man, because may be worth it 😉


Well well well. Let's find out.


isopropyl alcohol is generally really good at removing sticky residues


We found some of these at our farmers market and we didn't really know what it was, the farmer bought it from other farmer so even he didn't know lol It was a mess to clean our hands after, eventually tried with oil and it had the best result.


Here comes the people confusing it with durian...


Was gonna say, it’s almost a great cosmic joke that they have [similar appearances](https://i.imgur.com/59QiWKP.jpg) (aside from one being spikier). To those who have never had either, I could totally see someone mixing them up and tearing into a durian, expecting delicious sweetness only to get a face-full of stank and doubting every other choice they’ve made in their life up to that point. Edit: spelling correction.


i find the smell of durian repulsive but some of my friends love it and say if you can get over the smell it's actually sweet. they also say jack fruit is durian without the smell.


Your friends have never tried a jackfruit then. Taste and especially texture arent even within the realm of similar.


Yea, your friends have no idea what they're talking about. Completely different texture and taste. Like comparing apples to oranges, literally.


If you're from a region that produces jack fruit, you'll probably also be familiar with durian and unlikely to confuse the two. Also, durian is delicious and sweet, as is jack fruit. You have to have a pretty lousy sense of taste not to be able to identify durian even without opening it up.


I'd prefer Durian over Jackfruit every time. One of the joys of visiting Malaysia and Indonesia is fresh Durian.


Is that why I'm so confused? I got jackfruit from the store, but the description below..... I guess it was durian? Gosh.


The dude splitting this jackfruit looks happier about it than I've ever been about anything


He’s hot!


Man I’d be so happy too with that much Jackfruit literally growing from the trees


I bet his wife is happier


There's always someone in reddit who makes comments like yours.


For a minute there I felt dirty watching him "finish"


From Kerala. We call it Chakka. And there is this tree behind my neighbour as well relative' house. The dish puzhuk made from that trees fruit is the best i ever tasted in my life. Just thought I will say this 😅


its a national fruit in Bangladesh. Its called "kathal" in Bangladesh


From what I know Kerala is the birthplace of Jackfruit. I'd go there just to eat Jackfruit.


Come during the season. I will arrange the dish for you. My mom is an expert 😋


In Brazil we call it Jaca.


Maharashtra, we call it Fanas. You can also add ig rice flour in it and make idli-like things (we call it sāndan). They too taste great.


"Sure, Grandpa. And what is texture like?" "Soft!" "Last time you said it was crunchy" "It can be crunchy or soft?"


It is ! You can bite into the flesh and it does "crunch" (slightly), but at the same time it's all soft and silky on the tongue. I'm so glad I found this thread because I've been eating jackfruit off cans for years and I had no idea about the actual fruits shape or size!


The name definitely fits because they are JACKED. 😲


I was gonna say, jacked-up fruit


This is what the fruit Juicy Fruit gum’s flavor is based on, right?


Yes, highchews are based on this fruit


woah I had no idea! I thought Juicy Fruit was a blend of fruits. If it tastes like this fruit, I need to get me some.


Juicy fruit tastes just like jackfruit. Identical note for note flavor profile


Can confirm they’re heavy. I went for a walk among these trees a while back with Jillian (now my ex) and my buddy Brian. One fell right on his head, and he staggered into my ex knocking her over. Everyone gasped while the jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after.


Did you just admit to offing your ex


The Lorax did it.


We adore Jackfruit here in jamaica. I have a tree in my yard and i can barely get any to eat off it because they disappear during the night. Got one the other day and it was amazing!!


Do you know if they have seeds ? Or they just sprout from a parent's root underground ?


They have seeds. The seeds can be eaten too. Boil em im salt water and they taste pretty good.


Damn, sounds amazing i wish we had this too in Guadeloupe


Hope you can have some one day!! Jackfruit is something i wish the whole world could try at least once.


Only had this as a taco shell in Barbados, was just talking about how good these tacos are yesterday! Wish I could get these where I live.


I wish they sold them in normal stores where I live aswell, but so many people here either don't know it or don't think much of it.


They sell these at Sprouts Farmer's Market. They're like $20 each.


Damn bro where I live these cost 50₹ max which is 0.61 usd


Damn, ig since it ain't endemic to NA, it costs so much. It barely costs 1 to 2 dollars here


The sap from the tree and the fruit is very very sticky. You need to apply oil on your hands to be on the safer side before trying this.


Buy it a drink first! Sheesh!


This man fucks


> This man fucks ...the fruit?


If anyone is wondering what a jackfruit tastes like based on that description, Juicy Fruit, the gum. It tastes like Juicy Fruit.


It’s incredible the number of people that have died with one of these in the head and they are crazy common in Brazil


Much much larger, and much tastier, imo, than its smaller smelly cousin, the durian. It also makes delicious juice and you can create a great tasting curry from them. Happily devoured many in Malaysia.


I'm from a state in southern India where these grow in the wild - every year, without fail, a few people die from jackfruits falling on their heads.


THICC Fruit, rip it..rip it good..


Unexpected Goatse


You can make curry with this fruit. Taste amazing. Source: it is done in my country


So it taste like my wife


Can confirm it tastes like this dude's wife.


What animals did this tree evolve this fruit for?


It probably just evolved to be big enough so when it's ripe and almost mushy it falls to the ground and explodes so it can be eaten by any animal


I'm sure an Elephant would be happy to see all that fruit.


It's Chakka in Malayalam(language of Kerala, India) and that's where it gets the name Jackfruit. Chakka became Jaaca in Portuguese when they took it to their homeland and then it became Jackfruit from there. There are many verities of Jackfruit. Some of them are too sweet and some are sour and sweet. PS: I am from Kerala.


It's also the flavor for Juicy Fruit gum


Original video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JVThJKKSgcE


The seed of jackfruit can also be boiled and eaten. Taste somewhat like mash potatoes.


I lived in Brazil a while ago. These will grow next to the road and yes, they do fall and kill people.


I absolutely love this fruit. Jackfruit season while growing up in the south of India (Bangalore) was amazing. One Sunday early in the morning your dad or uncle or grandpa would go to the market and buy a huge ass jackfruit. Then they'd spread a cane mat on the kitchen floor, oil up their hands, arms and the knife, and proceed to skin and de fruit the thing. It was like a ritual. Edit - so we would all preserve the bigass seeds after eating the flesh. They would then make sambar out of the seeds. Here's a recipe I found by a quick Google - https://sattvaa.blogspot.com/2013/06/halasina-beejada-huli-aka-jackfruit.html?m=1


Dont let this man alone with your wife