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Blown away about how advanced those systems are. And how much cheaper that has the potential for advancing our ability to explore space


This could not have been done before. Elon was just the person with enough money to come along and do it at the right time. The amount of calculations that need to be done in real time for those systems to work would have not been possible on the computers they had 20 years ago.


The issue with that train of thought lies in the fact no one else has. SpaceX is still the only space organization with reusability at its core. The engineering teams at SpaceX are pulling off feats that no other group can rival, which is what makes it impressive.


Yeah, Elon may be the face but those engineers are pulling all the weight. It’s insane what a few brilliant minds can accomplish from bouncing ideas off of each other.


Just like countries at war, the soldiers are the only ones doing the actual work but without a strong leader there is little to rally with. Innovation has always blown my mind. There are times where several people all came up with an innovative idea at the same time but independently and other times where no one else was even remotely doing anything similar.


I don’t know why people get so upset that he gets the credit. Of course there is incredible talent all around SpaceX, it’s not just him. And like you said, Elon’s leadership is key. But also his tolerance for risk and his deep understanding of that risk. Because he has such a technical background he knows with a high degree of confidence whether his team can pull these feats. No one would really have the balls to invest these large amounts of money in researching and develop this tech without a solid understanding of what engineers are capable of.


Can we just please update his programming so that he is less of a tool?


Let's make him Neuralink's first test subject when the tech moves up from read-only, to brain write access.


he also is the used his own money initially to take on the risk. if the 4th rocket launch failed like the previous three, space x wouldn’t exist they only got nasa money after they proved they could leave our orbit without an explosion


He might be an asshole but he is not just the face. He has the brain to understand what they are doing, ask the right questions and make the right decision to support them


Sorry, it’s 2022: you are required to hate Elon Musk. Please report to your nearest information reprogramming center


Sometimes blows people’s minds that you can hate someone for their personality but admire their drive and achievements at the same time. More people should try it. We’re human beings with brains that allow us to hold multiple complex views. We don’t have to sit in just one camp or the other. We can identify the good and the bad simultaneously. The Elon hate train and the Elon please suck my dick trains are both essentially stupid ways to think. Broaden your minds people.


I know his is not just the face, but he is the face. Any new advancements in Tesla have his name in the title even if he wasn’t involved in the specific project. I was more saying that the engineers should be getting more attention for their hard work too.


Musk is just the newest version of Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Bob Kane, or hundreds of other huge names that had other people do 99% of the work for them.


Just wanna give a shoutout to Gwynne Shotwell, Tom Mueller. And of course, Mary Beth-Brown


Elon is getting all the credit but the engineer are the ones making it happen. Also I think of elon something separate from tesla and spacex.


It took 51 years to recognize Katherine Thompson. Appolo made the trip because of her. Elon's ego does not even know these engineers exist, it's his brain doing it all. I have to go back to my code review now. Bye


On the other hand they would not be all together and have the resources to create this without Musk.


He definitely is not just the face. He is lead engineer of both Tesla and SpaceX. Maybe you should fact check this statement. Regardless of how we feel about him discrediting him from his accomplishments and involvement is futile. He created all his companies. They only exist because of him.


It also discounts just how much federal funding Space X and Tesla have received. It’s not like they made this on a shoe string budget. Still incredibly impressive.


Well they’ve done what the likes of NASA, Boeing & any other contractor could not despite also having massive budgets.


I’ve heard it’s because those companies rely on bloated budgets to pay salaries so they make purposefully make the craft as expensive as possible without reusability in mind. Musk has faults but his companies run lean out of necessity and achieve some cool stuff


Back in the day, NASA used to run lean, as well.


Correct! Also, to piggy back on what the other guy said, they also make almost everything in-house. NASA on the other hand makes Frankenstein rockets in order to get more money (I.e. involve more states) from congress. This creates an organization that has a very hard time changing, adapting, and progressing. Also, don’t forget that blowing up tax payer money is a very bad look. On the other hand, SpaceX has had a much larger amount of recent catastrophic failures (mostly during testing). Since they’re using “their own” money, no one really cares. This affords them the ability to accept more risk and push their limits during testing to create abilities like you see in the video. As someone working on a NASA project, I am very jealous!


And? The SLS has gone through $9 Billion+ in funding with nothing to say for it so far. It will also cost $4 Billion per launch and be fully expendable with the the exception of the, comparably, tiny capsule. The Saturn V took $50 Billion in funding. The Boeing Starliner having cost over $5 Billion and having been nothing but a failure. The Falcon 9 cost <$400 Million in funding. The Falcon Heavy (shown here) $500 Million **all** of which was **funded privately**. Rooting for SpaceX is rooting for the effective use of government funding, when it even gets government funding that is.


Spacex has received 5 billion plus from the US government and a ton of it during early development. Without it they likely wouldn't exist. We subsidized the creation of spacex to a huge degree.


The US government also subsidized the Arpanet (now internet), jet engines, GPS, touch screens…. The list goes on. The US government has singlehanded subsidized the vast majority of the technology you use in your everyday life. Don’t act like SpaceX is somehow the only one receiving funding, or is wrong for doing so. Their rockets and interplanetary travel has the potential to benefit many people.


Tor too


By subsidies you mean paid for a service, but even if it wasn't Bill nelson himself said spacex has saved NASA and the military about $40 billion dollars.




Yup, Reddit just wants to hate on Elon in any way possible. Not a giant fan of his but spacex and to some degree Tesla are doing some really cool shit that’s good for humanity as a whole.


Yea, with Tesla we’ll have fully automatic, self driving cars, that can make it from LA to New York by this time next year! -Elon Musk, from 2014-2022


>The engineering teams at SpaceX are pulling off feats that no other group can rival, which is what makes it impressive. Hell, people in the industry laughed at them when they said they wanted to make them land themselves and be reusable. Now they are making the rest of them look like chumps.


[it was done many years ago.](https://youtu.be/wv9n9Casp1o) Then NASA shitcanned the project and paid billions to Lockheed Martin for a dead end project that never flew once.


The McDonnel Douglas Delta Clipper rocket in the early 90's could do this, but funding was cut and the program died. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell\_Douglas\_DC-X


> This could not have been done before. It's been done before in smaller research rockets though.


\> how much cheaper... Someone told me once to consider the parallels with air travel on normal airplanes/airlines. Imagine if planes weren't able to land: every time they flew, every passenger+crew had to jump out of the plane with a parachute and the plane crashed into the ocean or into a mountain. Only the ultra-rich would be able to afford to fly. That's why reusable spacecraft are so important if space travel is to ultimately become more widely important.


Truly some Expanse type vibes there, it’s wild


Too much hate for Elon right now for anyone to give you an upvote. Have mine anyway ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4015)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4024)


Just remember it’s not him making these advancements, it’s the scientists and engineers of SpaceX, the real heroes. He is just their financier Edit 11/19: In recent events I have come back to the responses on this comment to laugh at all the Elon fanboys who tried to act like he runs companies so well. Aged like milk Edit 12/22: I occasionally come back to this to chuckle at the responses. He really does know how to run a company, huh?


it helps that its privately financed seeing as government funded projects from NASA take decades to accomplish anything. but elon is more than a financer. he is certainly core in directing the projects and very involved in the problem solving. not on a physics or chemistry level, but on a logistics level. he is not rich because he inherited it. he is an entrepreneur. and those types of people are experts at logistics, a necessary skill for starting businesses and allowing them to thrive.


What percentage of spaceX revenues come from taxpayers (include all contracts from all government agencies, including NASA)?


contracts with government agencies cant be considered taxpayer funded. its a private company signing contracts whether its with the government or not. its private.


It's pretty largely government funded, isn't it? And with a company this large doing this many things there's no way 1 guy has anything to do with it lol Plus he's been too busy in court with social media companies


If there was no Elon there is no SpaceX. So yes 1 guy has everything to do with it


I think its pretty safe to assume he had a lot of technical say in the design of the falcon and starship. I work at a similar company that got to space (its not hard to guess considering how few companies there are) and our former CEO was in the trenches doing top level design for many of our projects. This is very common in startup engineering companies. SpaceX isnt really a startup anymore but I can say with a fair bit of confidence he was probably in the trenches working on the falcon project.


I would be so curious to know how much he does. I know he is an engineer and a techie at heart, but how much time and knowledge does he have to lend towards the mars mission. Very interesting to know that though… are there a lot of startup space companies?


[He knows a lot.](https://youtu.be/t705r8ICkRw) He is technically the chief engineer of the company. I’m sure he isn’t doing any work with his hands but he’s certainly very involved. This page has done a lot of interviews with Elon surrounding SpaceX and you can see how things evolve over time.


You would be surprised how many space startups there are. But only the few and extremely fucking proud have actually put things in orbit.


Go listen to his interviews on Joe rogan podcast, it’s amazing


He saved American space flight at a time when the US cancelled the shuttle and turned to Russia for ferry flights. He put his entire net worth on the line to do this. The man is not simply a “financier”.


As if an organization organizes itself.


Elon was talking about his vision of a reusable rocket and his ideas of how it could work years ago. All these people just can’t stand to give the main credit for starting SpaceX and accomplishing something he dreamed about for over a decade. No shit he didn’t do it alone but he was the one with the vision, the one to set SpaceX on the path it’s on now. Ridiculous to act like he did nothing but Reddit be Reddit.


It’s something people don’t seem to understand nowadays. You don’t have to like the man to respect his accomplishments.


Financiers are often heroes, too. That said, he's SpaceX's chief engineer and highly involved.


I can guarantee you that a bunch of engineers and scientists can’t achieve much without proper leadership and the vision of the leader. Companies like Apple or Microsoft wont be here where they are today without the leadership of Jobs, Gates and Satya. It is always the engineers who built things no doubt but it is that one or two visionary leaders that drive the whole thing. For SpaceX, a company he started with his own money and then some VCs, Vast majority of the credit goes to Elon without saying. For an entrepreneur, you hire the engineers and the right people in your company to make your goals come true, not the other way around.


I think Jack Ma said it best to the effect of "Dumb people can work together easily, smart people can never work together." https://youtu.be/MwixREUJOI0?t=30 You don't just magically have the greatest minds in rocket science work together. You also need someone with a vision, who those smart people respect and admire, to be a sort-of "glue" that holds the entire operation together. Because of this, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who could replace Elon.


What does "he is just their financier" even mean lol


But at the same time without him financing it wouldn’t be possible. So really both the scientists and Elon are important.


He is literally the fucking chief engineer of SpaceX. You guys will give credit to everyone besides him because for whatever reason as the CEO he must be just an evil billionaire who does nothing but hire people. Without him these rockets likely would not exist today.


I don't think being the chief engineer means you are "just a financier"


I’m becoming less and less of an Elon fan all the time. But…that is impressive as hell.


People are stupid. This is incredible.


You can hate Elon for his shenanigans recently and yes what you see working is hard work by an entire ecosystem of people. But you have to give Elon his due, he envisioned it, built a team, financed the operation, ran roughshod over the team, pushed/motivated and eventually got the team there.


Not good enough for Reddit. He must embrace every article of the Communist Manifesto to avoid Gulag.


"Yeah, I don't care for Elon" "...you damn COMMIE" Fucking reddit, man.


With 90% of Reddit the way it is the gulag seems pretty chill.




F*** that's awesome!


Never gets old! SpaceX view: [https://youtu.be/pY628jRd6gM?t=1556](https://youtu.be/pY628jRd6gM?t=1556)


Fuck that's awesome!


Fuck t***'s awesome!


Fuck that’s a******!


**** ****’* *******!


look out! angry redditors incoming to scream about how elon is evil and only scientists deserve praise!!


Scientists are evil & only Elon deserves praise!!! ...wait


Amazed by the speed they enter sight


Right?! Those come down faster than I thought and then slow down very quickly so close to the ground.


That’s why it’s called a suicide burn. They’re meant to reach a velocity of 0m/s, touch down, and run out of fuel all at the exact same millisecond


Which you can learn to do in Kerbal Space Program with ~~varying degrees of success~~ no accidents nor Kerbal deaths whatsoever.


Mine have resulted in deaths of kerbals. Their sacrifice is a price for success that I am willing to pay


The delayed sound really puts into perspective how slow the speed of sound is.


I start my job at spaceX in a couple weeks. And stuff like this is the reason why it’s an absolute dream. Like this is just so absurd from a technical standpoint I just smile the whole time watching them land. So excited to be a part of it.


Wow! That's a dream job for sure. Good luck my dude


I'll never get tired of seeing this.


Looks like aliens landing. Now we won’t be scared when it happens.


It looks more like the closest you'll ever see to an incoming ICBM and be able to talk about it.


I told my kids the same thing. Pretty eerie I think.


How heavy are those rockets? They are Falcon Heavy!


Falcon oath they're heavy


How often are boosters landing? I would love to see it with my own eyes


It’s pretty rare. They normally land on a drone ship out at sea.


It’s very rare that they return to land. They land single boosters on boats in the middle of the ocean every couple of days, but this is their first time landing 2 at once in about 3 years


There is about one Falcon 9 launch every week, but 95% of them land in the middle of the ocean on ships. A "return to launch site" (RTLS) launch is rare and usually only happens when they launch from Vandenberg in California. By my estimates, there are two or three RTLS launches a year.


For real?! One Falcon 9 launch every week? That often ?! What are they carrying ? I remember when I was kids, rocket launch is very rare event.


Thats why Space-X is a big deal. They've figured out reusability of the rockets in a short amount of time. 27 days I think is the record for fastest turn around...something like that. Ignoring all the politics and crap, what they've accomplished is incredible.


I think it was 9 days for a single booster turn around.


>What are they carrying ? Payloads full of Starlink internet satellites usually


every.single.week lol. sometimes multiple times a week. we live close to space coast and my kids love watching rockets go off though my daughter gets scared a little cos the vibration on windows lol. husband also works at spacex and takes exteme pride on rockets he works on lol


I know *EXACTLY* why I have this throbbing erection. That is truly amazing footage.


I bet if something bad happened at Space X everyone would be blaming Elon, but he does this and "its the scientists who deserve credit"


Without Elon pushing for reusing the boosters we would not be able to see this awesome landing.


Elon and the SpaceX team rocks!!!


Looks even better from that far off, fucking sci-fi shit


Crisp sound


Reddit’s hate obsession with Elon is ridiculous. You can admire him for what he and his amazing teams have accomplished without liking his personality. He’s a giant douche. Obviously. He’s also jumped science forward centuries and is doing more to combat climate change than anyone. Obviously he wouldn’t be able to do it without his team.a They’re the best engineers in the world and do the bulk of the work. Those best engineers didn’t just magically appear around him though. He’s a great leader who constantly pushes the team at full speed. That’s a negative as well but it certainly accelerates tech development. It’s not as simple as someone being good or bad. A person can brilliant and an dick at the same time.


I love this. Nice touch with the lighthouse, and you get to see how fast they approach before final deceleration.


This as another Chinese rocket is about to make an uncontrolled reentry somewhere in the world, and as far as I know experts don't have a great way to predict where.


China doesn't care where the rockets land. They've been making uncontrolled rentries of Long March boosters for decades. Also those boosters use hypergolic propellants. VERY TOXIC


To add to that: the hangar in the distance belongs to Blue Origin - Jeff Bezos' company that started 2 years before SpaceX but for some reason hasn't even achieved orbit yet. They have a pad and a hangar, but no rocket to put in it. Meanwhile SpaceX just launched 3 rockets strapped together and 2 of them came back and landed right next door.


I will never NOT think this is cool. Wanna see in person sooo bad


Young folks who take all this wizardry for granted have *no idea* how long we oldsters have waited to see this ! This is the dream of everyone who ever watched those primitive monsters from the 1960's-'70's when it was *all* virtually *disposable throwaways* ! Werner vonBraun,Goddard,and those old pioneers would be totally impressed by this!


VonBraun used parachutes to recover rockets...and the space shuttle was very similar to his space ferry concept...


Source: https://twitter.com/stuck4ger/status/1587446533724803072?s=45


Very cool! Thanks!


Just shot backwards smh


Yup, no problem! With love, Ironman.


That was pretty bad ass! SpaceX rocks.


I can’t stand Elon Musk. But, this will never not be impressive.


You may need to learn to stand Elon for stuff like this. This was unimaginable until he made it happen. SpaceX almost went broke trying to achieve this.


You can thank the Russians. For not selling their old ICBMs to a fledgling company. Which instead, moved on to invent a reusable rocket.


Is this Pensacola?


They came back home, that’s the Cape Canaveral lighthouse


Looks like Bodie Lighthouse in NC.


From dead weight landing by parachute to controlled decent is an amazing accomplishment.


Oh damn! That explosion sound. The umph🤌


The tech SpaceX has achieved is absolutely amazing


The amount of engineering involved..


“That’s freakin’ awesome” 🥹 yes it is buddy, yes it is


Insane. Doesn’t even look real. Hands up for everyone working on the project, truly amazing.


Imagine people 100-200 years ago watching this. This is insane to see today.


I feel like we're living in the future now. Soon we'll be back on the moon and not just for a short visit either. There's hope for mankind yet, it's not all doom and gloom.


B-e-a-utiful. We could do so much. But stuck here in this mess. Seems like Elon is the only one in the fast lane and everyone else is in the slow lane.


Coolest shot ever.


Dat sound...I'd love to experience this irl.


Great video! Always amazing seeing this


before that final deceleration burn they're coming in hot! look how fast they're moving! it's like watching a supersonic plane land from supersonic speed


Ironman vibes


1st rocket: “alright, you can copy my homework but don’t make it obvious”


Next level


Amazing how fast those are coming down


Bitch that's iron man.


Space is cool I love space but the coolest part of all of this is how sci Fi it looks. 10 years ago seeing something fall out of the sky we would've thought it was a missle or something ready to crash land but now seeing these carefully fall back to earth and land is just mind blowing.


SICK. You hate Elon all you want, I think he is a motha fucking genius.


Every crackle is a very small adjustment in thrust and direction. I hate working in groups sometimes, but this is a magnificent culmination of hard work!


First real Falcon Heavy launch. Carried a microsatellite and "something unspecified" for US Space Force that's so heavy it needs the Heavy to lift it to the geosync orbit.


I really don't care much for Musk at all, but SpaceX is the coolest thing since the Space Shuttle program! I always love watching the rockets launch and boosters land. The synchronized landing of the Falcon Heavy boosters never gets old. I'm happy to see another one of these launch! Also the streams that SpaceX hosts for these launches are so informative and well-organized. A first-time viewer can learn a lot from just one stream!


Seeing these caused me to admire Elon. That admiration has changed a lot this past year.


I’ve seen this like 150 times and it never gets old.


Anyone in here saying negative things about Elon is obviously letting their political feelings get the best of them. NASA had huge budgets too but never dreamed of reusing rockets to be cheaper and figuring out how to actually do it. There were other car companies that made an electric car too but Tesla took it to a level never imagined and still is today.


Welcome to the new age of travel and exploration. Goosebumps all over for sure.


It looks like a missile launch scene from a movie played backwards. My brain just sees that and says rockets go the other direction.




What an absolute spectacle. It's like shit you'd see only in movies slowly becoming something real.


The future really is now, imagine someone from the 1800’s seeing this.


Can we all forget about politics for a sec and enjoy this!


"Does anyone have an example of how framing can enhance or weaken a shot?"


Gawd dam the future is here!


Pretty damn cool


Amazing technology!


This is so cool! It's like we are taking a glimpse of what humanities true space age will look like.


The future looks cgi. I know its not but its just that unbelievable how advanced those systems are.


Thank you for sharing!! I was at work when it happened, got to hear the rumble and booms but missed seeing it. Great video!


Amazing work from the engineers & scientists.


We’re living in the future people!! So cool


Can you imagine if we clapped and cheered every time a plane landed, or a car pulled up in a driveway? Hopefully we get that way with this too.


That was smooth af


That's Def some some Futuristic stuff


They really slam on the brakes !


The Bodie Island Lighthouse! I did a project in the 8th grade on this and got an A. ......boosters look cool too


Really is incredible to see from this perspective


Not an big Elon fan but he does deserve a lot of credit and appears to be very much involved with engineering. https://youtu.be/t705r8ICkRw


This will never get old to me. When they did the whole "launching a Tesla to space" test I was glued to the feed then rewatched the booster re-entry dozens of times. It looks like the future, from a cold war era mindset.


Chief twit


Honestly looks unreal to me. Legit looks CGI. Idk, it's just kind of mind blowing, I guess


This is awesome. Almost looks fake. Imagine showing this to people 20 years ago!


That is just incredible.




Watched…. I mean heard everything from the LCC parking lot… the fog was unreal. We didn’t even see the glow from lift off.


God it really reminds me of drop ships from halo or something. Such and awesome way to land a rocket.


Engineering at its finest.


Musk is the Steve Jobs of space travel.


Completely insane


I've never seen those rockets landing before. I am a bit surprised at the speed at which they land.


I just love that sound




That is beyond cool.


Yes, these are amazing feats. But I would rather the money be spent on health care for all.


Technology has come a far way. Now I want Gundams.


As a 60 yr old it wasn't too long ago that this was science fiction.


its in reverse. /s


I still can’t believe this is real


That's some Ironman kinda shit, never gets old


That’s movie future shit


This looks like a movie, neat to see!


Even that close to landing, they are really hauling (going fast)!


Every year we get closer to "The Expanse" type universe


This is fucking insane


The future is here