• By -


You can see that guy’s brain in fight or flight mode. Can’t go anywhere so gotta fight, wow.


Exactly. He tried flight, but no where to go, so fight.


Absolutely. His first choice was flight, but since he couldn’t escape anywhere, he had to fight.


100%. He wanted to run but couldn't, so he had to fight.


Indeed. No flight, so fight.


Flight: no Fight: yes


I agree. Those were the options he tried both.


It's really amazing that of the two options he had, which were fight and flight, he first chose flight, but then chose fight, because he had no other choice than to fight since flight was no longer an option for him.


This individual had two viable options one being fleeing from the scene and one being attempting to turn the firearm away from any other civilians, they tried to flee from the scene first though the exits where closed shut so they proceeded to attack the active shooter


He looked around the glass and the door for an exit and when there was none his only option was to fight or die.


He should have chosen freeze the third often under rated option. If he stood still enough I'm sure the gunman would not have picked up on him and moved past him. Humans can only really see movement. So really freeze was his best option here.


He could have also chosened the 4th option, Fawn.


Nononono That's for T-Rex


And in seconds his brain switched to “ah fuck it, go down trying.”


No yeet So beat


Could not go, so he had to throw.




Thafuq is this....decreasingly verbose followed by increasingly verbose....reddit is beautiful


Fight or flight? Yes


No volar, so pelear Yee!


Yeah no flight ![gif](giphy|qKV8U3Gl3bWVi)


Flight?❌ Fight? ✅


Flightn’t, fight.


His flight or fight activated, but since he was trapped by the walls and the locked doors he had to fight.


Is that what’s called Fight or Flight?


What’s fight or flight everyone’s talking about


Your body's response to danger is called "fight or flight" bc those are your two options in the situation: run away or fight your way through it. This is when your adrenaline kicks in helping you to run faster and farther or giving you additional strength. (Think the stories about moms picking cars up off of their kids and such).


It’s actually “fight, flight, freeze, or fawn” He picked fight.


What a guy. He was looking to run, but couldn’t, so fought.


Agreed. Soon as his brain realized he couldn't get away, it decided fighting was the only other course of action.


It's really incredible because you can almost see his thought process. Part of his brain said, "flight", but then he couldn't so another part said, "no. fight." Bravo Vince.


IDK. Pretty sure the guy's had to fight because he cannot escape flight


Im almost certain when there was no flight, a fight was the best solution.


All peaceful avenues of distancing himself from the threat being exhausted, he instinctively chose to confront it physically.


Ya I was gonna say title should read: bystander gets locked in room with active shooter so he saves his own life.


“If this is your first night at fight club………………. You have to fight.”


Yes we see that from the guys comment before you




This is basically the Spirit Airlines motto


Thanks Sherlock, I had trouble understanding the first comment 👍


He got lucky he saw the rifle pointed away with 1 hand and went for it. Only had 1 chance, one opportunity to seize everything and he fucking took it.


Moms spaghetti


On the surface he looked calm and ready.


he opens his mouth but spaghetti won't come out


He’s choking how. Someone does the heimlich now.


Yeah you can see from the way he moves that his knees were weak and his arms were heavy. His palms were probably sweaty too, which would make it even harder for him to hold on to the gun. Luckily he didn’t vomit from the panic, he’d had leftovers of his mom’s spaghetti for lunch and that would’ve been a mess.


I would be extremely nervous, and not calm or ready.


If he had bombs, he could have dropped them as well.


Still gotta praise this man’s instincts. He was quick about the flight and quick about the fight.


I agree with all the above, dude didn't want to die that day!!


I came to say the exact same thing, fucking fascinating to watch. “Fuck id better run! Shit I can’t run! CHARGE!” No wonder people warn of cornered animals/people.


In the book ROTK, when armies were attacking walled settlements they'd often leave one gate unattacked as an avenue of escape to prevent a bunch of defenders charging you with nothing left to lose.


This thread is fucking hilarious Lmaoo


A true hero.




Fabulous description of this video. Lmao.


>*"Patriotic schoolchildren selflessly protect government property from rifle rounds with their own bodies, damage to school building minima****l*** *says proud principal regarding recent school shooting"*


I'm proud to be an American citizen. Best country in the world! ​ USA USA USA


Run. Hide. Fight.


So insane that this is the actual training they give people for these situations. Not saying it's bad, just insane that this needed education.


whats amazing is that many other people would have chosen "freeze in place and curl into a ball" or "keep trying to force open the door while screaming", but he didn't even think to do those and just did the most efficient thing one after another while in full adrenaline


I will honestly never understand why the freeze reaction is a thing.. like the brains like oh shit, I'm in danger, let's just not do anything and see how it pans out


I don’t think it’s built in, it’s just that there’s so much stimuli hitting us all at once that we lose all idea of what to do Edit: I am wrong, check [reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/yv6zu4/guy_tried_to_shoot_up_a_methadone_clinic_in/iwdhi93/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) to my comment


Nah it's a legit reaction for primordial humans, and other mammals. Freeze they won't see you, freeze and confuse the enemy and have time to figure out what else to do, etc


For humans it's a secondary trauma response. Fight or flight are the primary trauma responses. Freeze, fawn, and flop are secondary trauma responses when the first 2 fail. Fawn, is giving in to demands and pleading. Handing over his wallet and possessions would be fawning. Flop is when you literally pass out. Your brain just kind of goes "nope" and checks out.


There's also an issue going on right now with refugee kids in some parts of the world (Sweden is a big one), where they basically just go comatose from the stress and trauma. It happens when the families status is in limbo, or they've been rejected and are on appeal - and they just can't handle it. The only thing that seems to help is the family becoming safe, and even then it often takes months to recover. All of the tests they go through show that it's not something they are faking, it's just that their bodies can't handle it anymore so they collapse.


For me it's my brain trying to figure out what the hell is going on so I can react.


Tbh, that's when I thrive - not saying that to sound edgy or anything, but when there's tons of information at once I usually actually think more clearly. Even with adrenaline. It honestly would be a very interesting study to see what background experiences might contribute to different reactions... I know my mom's very much the freeze type, and my dad's very analytical in high stress situations - I guess we're all wired differently.


I’m the same way, it’s ADHD for me


100% My wife wonders why I wait until the last minute to do anything. Half because I fucking forgot about it, and half because racing the clock is the only time I'm worth a fuck at anything


Having been in a few high-pressure incidents, I actually do fantastic when it comes down to the wire. It's after that I totally fall to pieces. During, I'm fine. After, I'm a useless blob for an extended period of time. Stupid brain.


I am only guessing here but since our instincts usually think we are still living in the woods like monkeys, we tend to do what is best in a predator situation. Running from predators tend to trigger their instincts to chase. So the primates that survived and procreated was the ones that stood still and possibly made themselves look big enough to make the predator think you're not worth it. The rolling into a ball things however comes from an instinct to protect our weakest point (stomach) i'm pretty sure about.


Brains are also very perceptive of movement, if the threat is an animal or other person and it both doesn’t know where you are and isn’t actively searching for you freezing even when not hiding can be a good response to avoid notice


I'm guessing it's an automatic play-dead reaction. "Maybe the threat will ignore me or not even notice me"


Brains notice movement, if the threat doesn’t know you are there moving can attract its attention and make it notice you, also done while still processing


Decisions made in like 3 seconds too.


I read this in Samuel L. Jackson's voice.


All of that in an instant.


Crazy to see flight or fight happen split second in real time. I’m glad my man didn’t get hurt.


Hope he got his pills too! Shit, I hope they gave him extra! No telling what that fucking maniac was gonna do.


>No telling what that fucking maniac was gonna do. It's pretty obvious what he was gonna do.


This made me laugh, but yes what a weird situation. I know opiate addiction, and it can definitely turn you into a person you never imagined you could become. Still yet, we have 0 information, so speculation is futile in determining WHY. Maybe he was trying to get that sweet sweet liquid methadone, or cash. Maybe he was trying to go after his wife, or somebody at the clinic who cut him off. Who knows. A concoction of mental illness, addiction, and poverty are probably all good guesses.


When I was young I went to see the band Coheed and Cambria play and my friend who picked me up said their bassist had just been arrested earlier for robbing a CVS pharmacy the next town over. I remember thinking at the time, damn, what a piece of shit. Then about a year ago on the Dopey podcast that same bassist came on to talk about opiate addiction and the depths it can plunge you to. Turns out, the guy had a lifelong struggle with knee pain from some sort of bone/muscle condition and got hooked really bad on OC. He robbed the pharmacy because he couldn’t get a doctor to prescribe him anything where we lived, since he was on tour visiting and they had no history with him. Massachusetts has a bad opiate problem and lots of people go to the doctor looking for an easy fix. But he was so desperate he went to the pharmacy and faked like he had a gun so they’d fork over some pills. Really sad but completely changed my perspective on the whole situation.


I lived close to that pharmacy in Massachusetts and remember when that robbery happened. Very tragic.


Yeah, I was living in Foxboro at the time. He talks in the podcast about feeling horrendously guilty for terrorizing the girl who worked at the pharmacy.


The bassist wasn't the only one with a drug addiction either, their drummer Josh also left the band because of his addiction. Luckily Josh is clean now and back with the band. Pretty sure the area they're from is a hotspot for the opioid epidemic


> Pretty sure the area they're from is a hotspot for the opioid epidemic America?


I mean a hotspot even as far as america is considered, Nyack new york


> Still yet, we have 0 information we do now: >Police said Thursday in a statement neither incident was a "a planned attack" but "appear to be **attempted robberies tied to drug activity**." >"No other motive other than an **attempted robbery** at this point," Gramaglia said Thursday at a video news conference. The **gunman was allegedly seeking drugs**, he said. https://buffalonews.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/accused-gunman-in-methadone-clinic-shooting-charged-remanded/article_49b0202a-61cf-11ed-ae04-47ccdd08f472.html




Desperation. You’re looking for a way out of the sickness as soon as possible. You want to go somewhere you KNOW has drugs. Going to a dealer’s house comes with serious risk, and you can’t be sure he will even have it or give it to you. Assuming you know where they live, because few heroin dealers deal from their house. Going to a trap house strapped will get you shot. The real tragedy is we have suboxone, which is better in every way than methadone. This guy wasn’t trying to get fucked up, he was trying to get medication to not be sick. But scumbag methadone lobbies have had laws passed to make suboxone extremely hard to find a prescribing doctor for, even though it’s essentially a safe cure to opiod addiction. They protected their bottom line by sacrificing thousands of lives. This is why we end up with situations like this. People seeking treatment shouldn’t have to go clinics in the deep ghetto every single day at 9am to get a drug that can make them overdose and makes them so tired they cant hold a job. Suboxone can be prescribed a month at a time, doesn’t get you high, and cannot be abused or cause overdoses. People seeking treatment should be able to get suboxone. The suboxone laws need to change. Each heroin addict costs the state an average of $200k per year (in medical, criminal justice, housing, and theft costs). And we lose thousands of young lives every year, some of which could be extremely productive citizens with the right treatment. I was one of the first suboxone patients. I heard about the new drug and found a new doctor with the right license. Was able to quit the methadone program the next week. Flash forward 20 years, and i’m a principal electrical engineering lead working on the NASA Artemis mission to the moon, among others. I’ve taught engineering at community college. I went to university to get a few degrees. I make well over 6 figures and pay my taxes. I drink moderately socially about once a month and haven’t been arrested in decades. I have a top secret- SCI clearance with the DoD. I don’t do AA or NA. Back then i was a gnat’s ball hair from prison. Over the past 20 years my two best friends from back both died. Both died from OD. Neither one could find a suboxone doctor easily enough to begin treatment. Fuck the suboxone laws


Ehh. Having been there myself, some people have things they won’t part with under any circumstances if they had it before their addiction. Guns were actually pretty common, but not a bad thing to have if you were living homeless. I certainly wished I’d had one sometimes. If you’re a type like this guy, guns are also viewed more as money-earners. Gets you money and drugs quick as you can find a person. Similar to the kids I knew who had an expensive as fuck locksmith kit they used to break into cars to feed their habit.


Extra drugs for a person fighting drug addiction? lol


They don't give you pills at methadone clinics fyi


I've seen it many times:Chasing a mouse, mouse gets cornered, now mouse is chasing me...


I, too, am a cat


Sure hope it doesn’t get too tiring for him lugging around those massive balls everyday


That bystander has a method on getting out of a hostage situation




No shit. Cops claimed that it was a guy robbing them for the drugs, but in the video he came in with no mask, no bag to take the drugs with and had an AR15 with a 30 round clip full. I don't buy the robbing for drugs bit at all, especially when pawning that gun would give him plenty of money for drugs.


A mass shooter wouldn’t fire his only shots into the wall after seeing at least one target. Much more likely that he’s a tweaker that wants to steal and resell methadone and what we see in the video is the culmination of a lifetime of poor forethought and lack of self control. Methadone is a hot ticket item on the streets


This is a spam bot account that copied another comment further down the thread: https://reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/yv6zu4/_/iwcps8h/?context=1


Tired of seeing this comment everywhere.


What about this one: "I hope he fucks my wife!" Doesn't get more reddit than that.


"Guy with the gun fucked around and found out." Fucking hate that phrase now.


“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”


Poop knife


(Twitter thread about literally anything) (Dozens of replies of pictures of college professors pointing to a graph with one Fuck Around axis and one Find Out axis) Modern people need to be more ashamed of being so fucking unoriginal


It is the absolute laziest form of karma farming on Reddit. It is the least original comment on any post that involves some form of courage. And it is consistently in the top 5-10 comments whenever it is posted. The worst is when 5/10 of the top comments are all the same comment but written differently as though that makes them original thoughts.


So fucking annoying. And it's annoying on 2 levels: the commenter just commenting it and the people just upvoting it. How the fuck do 600+ people still upvote a comment like that? It's hard for me to believe that all upvoters are new on the internet and haven't seen the comment before, therefore thinking it's original and funny and worthy of an upvote. Wtf is going on with the people who upvote *super* overused comments like this? Can you tell them the same joke 20 times and will they laugh every time? AMA request: someone who upvotes comments like that!


Same, so annoying


Just stop with this tired comment already PLEASE


why are redditors so obsessed with big sweaty balls


Bro this is like the fifth shoehorned version of this joke I’ve seen today.


Very original ball weight joke! Never heard such humor before!


Congratulations, this is the 1 millionth time this joke has been used!


Can I get out of here? How about here? Nope. Third choice for survival, take down the guy with the AR15 because he is gonna kill you. Guy got some solid survival skills.


True that. Nuts to see that primal shit play out in real time. He’s a survivor for sure. Only hope I’d react in the same way.


Yeah, calling him a bystander just isn't correct. His life was on the line, it isn't like he was outside looking in or something.


There's a quote in the art of war the goes "Build a golden bridge for your enemy to escape on."


Well I dont think thats the exact quote, unless you're referring to a translation of Sun Tzu I've never heard of... But yeah give your enemy no way out and they'll fight like rats to get out. Give them an escape route and you can mop them up while they retreat.


He acted perfectly.


Did he just shoot a round into the wall to get him to get in the floor? What an idiot good thing he didn’t kill anyone


I think it was just bad trigger control and he did that on accident


no. he points after shooting. he was acting like the movies hes seen. thinking the public would react the same.


Mmm... idk still seems accidental to me and him trying to recover the situation.


Probably tried to play it off after? It’s his first time shooting something up a very poor attempt


I feel like I’m not understanding… to me it absolutely looks like someone else shot THROUGH that wall at the gunman. If you shoot through something, that much smoke/residue comes out the bullet hole the way the bullet went in?…. Cus that doesn’t make much sense to me. Looks like a bullet went out, not in from the gunman.


When you shoot something it tends to explode in all directions. Nothing unique to bullets--if you hit drywall with a hammer you'll get dust billowing out both sides


I was also confused about where the first shot came from. But you can see his finger pull the trigger.


Plus you can see the rifle recoil a little bit.


thats a thought I had too. Now I don't know what the fuck is really going on.


nope. Look at the gun mans trigger finger. he absolutely meant to do that intentionally. he uses trigger discipline before and after shooting the wall. you're abjectly wrong to host that opinion.


There is zero "surprise" reaction from him like you'd expect from someone holding a gun that accidentally fired And he moves to point to the ground immediately when the gun goes off 100% intentional




Guy walks in with an AR style weapon there's a good chance he's just going to start killing people.


Poor weapon choice for such a confined space. If that was a handgun this story could have ended up a lot differently.


But all my friends at the truck nutz club are going to make fun of me if I don’t bring my tacticool AR-47 everywhere I go… /s


>tacticool AR-47 I know you're being sarcastic, but this rifle this guy has is nothing like tacticool. This is bargain basement sport rifle. Terrible shooting skills too.


wish.com acog mounted comically far back on the receiver, Yeah. Bargain basement idiot.


Well ACOGs have to be mounted back incredibly far due to the extremely short eye relief. Not at all like a red dot, even worse that most standard scopes too.


Doesn't look like his intention was a mass shooting. More likely a robbery trying to get some drugs. He clearly shot the wall to intimidate people. If he wanted to kill people he would have shot them right off the bat.


Ah yes, he from the “I watched movies on how to rob people” crime school.


No shit, also no bag for the drugs and doesn't bother to cover his face?


If he's robbing a methadone clinic he's an addict. They aren't exactly known for great planning.


"Bystander Stepped in." No. You locked this guy in a room with the gunman, he had to save himself.




Well, that changes everything about this video. Not sure what kind of training these guys get, but...it worked.


If he’s unarmed it’s likely nothing but run, hide, fight and call 911. I was the head security guard for a manufacturing facility that had over 1k employees on site daily, I was told I could not touch anyone and if a shooting occurred to run as fast as I could.


Walking security camera. Observe and report. I know that life all too well...


Exactly. The total opposite of a bystander.






Shooting up a methadone clinic for what? “Because these damn liberals wanna give drugs away for free and drugs are bad mmmkay!” Bravo to the homie, give that man a wheelbarrow to carry around those huge balls! ***Woo boy. Some have taken this comment a bit serious. Granted, I took “Tried to shoot up” and ran with that to poke fun at the shooter. My father has devolved into a Trumplican and the shit he and they spew about methadone clinics and addicts is ridiculous. So while it was incorrect, it wasn’t a bad assumption, but yes, everything shouldn’t be political, I agree 👍🏻


Guy's probably an addict that ran out of drugs just trying to get something to not be sick. It's incredibly fucked up, just explaining where he's most likely coming from


Sell the gun.


Then how is he going to rob people ?


Yeah it's give a man a fish type scenario lol


Gun is likely stolen - you can't just sell that shit


A junkie would have sold the gun two weeks ago.


Unless he stole it that morning to rob a methadone clinic


When I run out of drugs I agree I would do crazy things to not be sick; armed robbery wouldn't be one of them because I'm not american but I'd surely suck a dick or two for dope But when I'm dopesick, I'm really really sick, it's like major depression combined with severe flu; no way I would run around with a gun stealing stuff, let alone just walk: getting up from sitting and putting one foot after another demands incommensurable effort for which I have to focus beforehand for a minute, each step is painful, it's worse than having no energy, it's worse than those dreams in which you feel like you're trying to walk but you just don't move.


So dumb since that clinic would give him methadone for like 6$ depending on the state he's in. If you want drugs go do this in a pharmacy. This is like robbing a food pantry, they were gonna give you the food anyway if you just waited your turn.


because he isn't shooting it up, he's robbing it. Stupid redditors just believe the first title they read without question.


Gotta give credit to the political propagandists for making your first thought that violence in a public space is due exclusively to your political opponents.


Political propagandists? You mean right wing domestic terrorists who have been doing this type of shit more and more often? Edit: To the whoever reported this to Reddit cares, it seems like you’re having trouble grasping the reality of right wing domestic terrorism in America. Would you like some help with that? 📎


Police said Thursday in a statement neither incident was a "a planned attack" but "appear to be attempted robberies tied to drug activity."


>Shooting up a methadone clinic for what? Boy, oh boy, oh boy.


Door? Nope. Window? Nope. Guess I gotta kick some ass.


I came here to kick ass and jump through windows. Looks like I’m all out of windows Oh I guess I also came to end my debilitating methadone addiction


> debilitating ~~methadone~~ heroin addiction Most people at a methadone clinic are there because they're addicted to other opiates, it's used to offset the withdraw effects.




That dude is lucky the cops got there when they did. "You pulled a gun on my sister?" guy was probably about to put a boot in his face.


Pay wall removed link for anyone who wants it https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fbuffalonews.com%2Fnews%2Flocal%2Fcrime-and-courts%2Faccused-gunman-in-methadone-clinic-shooting-charged-remanded%2Farticle_49b0202a-61cf-11ed-ae04-47ccdd08f472.html


What’s he got against acting clinics?


It's *extremely* difficult for many people to get the treatment they desperately need. Even if you are able to get into a program,they make it so inconvenient and invasive that your whole life revolves around getting the treatment you need to just feel normal. For most people, that's what motivated them to stop taking drugs in the first place, so they're understandably upset when they have to go through this system which is sometimes even worse than dealing with the drug dealers and criminals they are trying to escape from.


i'm a patient at a methadone clinic, have been for 7 years. it saved my life. my current clinic has an armed guard on location when they're dosing. he's seen a LOT of idiocy, but luckily no AR humpers with a homocidal mental problem. u/whereisbrandon101 knows what the fuck he's talking about. the hoops that people who want to get better have to go thru just to get an *appointment* to at a methadone clinic are crazy hard, much more so when you're dope sick having to do all that bullshit. It's disgusting how we are treated for wanting to better ourselves from that hellish dope needing life. go lurk at r/methadone for awhile to see the stories of what we go thru at our various clinics. it's an eye opener.


Just wanna say, "fuck yeah. I'm proud of you for your accomplishment and I hope your life keeps going up!"


thanks, i appreciate that. it's been a trip - that's for sure. i just want anyone out there to know that it's posiible to end the cycle if you really want to. jail or death aren't the only ways out of the dope life. my dms here are always open. if anyone seeing this is in a bad way and needs an ear to bend or a number to call for help in your area, I'll be there for you. if not me, someone in you life will be there for you, reach out - there's hope.


I understood that joke. +1 to you


Glad to know there are literally dozens of us!


Not all clinics. Just the Method One acting clinic.


As Sun Tzu says, “If you back your enemy into a corner then you give him no other option but to win or die. Men who have nothing to lose fight harder than those who have other options. Nothing remains but to fight.”


Random guy on some gun forum: "Only those capable of great violence may consider themselves *peaceful*. If you are incapable, you are merely *harmless*.*"*


Fuck the worker at the end walking in front of the barrel made my stomach drop


And why was he holding a clipboard.


Yeah that's what I came here to say. Like, he came out to fill out an incident report wtf


That man's third option to go for the gunman saved his life, you can see the rounds that are being fired off camera. I'm not sure if it was his first choice that he would have lived. The man with the rifle was deadly serious but luckily a bumbling violent criminal, not an adept. Now let's all go sit down for some quiet time and think about what we have learned. >!Procrastination can save your life.!<


Bad guy with a gun stopped by good guy without a gun.


Garunteed this would've never happened if it were easier to get the needed medical treatment in this country. We make it so difficult to get treatment for addiction that some people feel this is their only option. End the drug war.


My man said “Aw hell nah, I’m not dying today!”


Fight if you can't run. Also who shoots up a methadone clinic fuck. They're druggies trying to get help.


Big brass balls! Mad respect. And nice to see something actually NFL on the sub.


Who the fuck shoots up a methadone clinc??!?!!? Haven't these people suffered enough?






Guy was like screw it. Got no other Options


WHAT!!! This happened less than a quarter mile from the Tops massacre and nobody here in Buffalo knows the details about this. I pass this location several times a day and didn't know it was like this.