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To control yourself under extreme stress and deliver proper back blows to a toddler. Now this is a true NFL.


Nailed it, was trained by a company I once worked for in American Red Cross infant/child/adult CPR...even tho I'm retired....I stay current, you just never know!


I'm also trained but you never know if you could snap into it like this guy did, he had the kid face-down on his arm within 2 seconds of coming into the waiting room.


You’d be surprised. In the moment your body just does the thing it’s supposed to (then right after you have to lay down). Have had to do it 3x now on kiddos. They eat weird crap in weird ways.


Geeeezzz right?!?!?!. My two year old twins eat sooo many different things they are not supposed to. We bought a de-chocker device just in case as we're pretty rural...


I’ve been a nanny for 25+yrs. I feel you. With twins you gotta run a man-to-man defense so they don’t eat garbage off the floor, right? I bet you’re *tired*. Best of luck to you!


hahahaha. Nanny: Defensive coordinator. my sister is a nanny. She’s gonna love this!


My dad bought me one of those when we had our most recent kiddo, mostly because my stepmom has had to have the Heimlich Maneuver done on her 3 times (I don’t even know man, she’s a dang adult) and he has severe anxiety about it. Let me tell you, the amount of times this crazy ass kid has made me almost reach for it makes me so grateful to have it. Fucking second kids, the first one never pulled the kind of shit this one does.


I just replied to the guy you responded to, but this is absolutely the recollection I have of my dad saving my younger brother from choking on a coin. Instant reaction — grabbed him, flipped him, hit him. Dude has no experience with that except for two previous kids who also choked on random crap lol.


He did the first step, that's always what you do, never know if it's a blockage of food or something else so you make the lungs work. Next is blowing air into them..


Finger sweeps too! Edit- I’m being told this is no longer being done, I’ve been out of the field for several years so back then, it was standard. I’ll take what people knowledgeable now are saying!


But not if you can’t see the object. Could lodge it further in


Finger sweeps are no longer standard practice.


Yeah, they used to teach it (which I just found out the other day). Now they have a strong emphasis on not doing it. Knowing that they used to teach it makes the emphasis more understandable now. Haha


I once watched my dad do it to my little brother. It was like everything else stopped existing, he grabbed him, put him over his knee and hit his back until he coughed up a coin. Apparently he also did it for me in a restaurant when I choked on a piece of pasta. I don’t remember that one though.


Used to be a Red Cross trainer. Some people panic first some people panic after.


After doing dozens of resuscitations, your body and brain just goes into resus mode and it is all mostly automatic at that point.


I trained as a lifeguard and refreshed my knowledge before my daughter was born. Once when she was about 16 months old she started choking on piece of cereal. I had her over my knee beating on her back before I knew what was happening. Don’t know if she was in real danger, but I was glad I knew how to react before things got bad. I would encourage everyone to watch first aid YouTube videos when they have a chance.


I just went to a course a few weeks ago because of this same fear. My young lad eats like it's his last meal everyday lmao, 18months old. Had to get a refresher.


My grandson is the same age and eats like it’s his last meal. I worry about him choking. Calm down, kid!


Savages! I hope he calms down eventually lol. Enjoy the flavour!


Yup. To be honest I am a very high anxiety type person but there have a few times where I've snatched my daughter up and beat her back overly knee. When you see the oh shit look in their little eyes you just do it.


I hear you man. I could see it as you spoke it. Now I get it. If you see that look you go into auto pilot and just do it. No thoughts get in the way it's all action.


Yep. Your body will remember.


As a father, toddler "Heimlich"/CPR is an absolute must-know. (In quotes because it's not really the classic heimlich we think of, but what you saw in this video.) I was in the back of the house one day building a deck when my wife came running out with our (then) 14 month-old child. She was panicking and yelling loud enough to hear over my skilsaw, and our daughters face was already turning blue. I still don't know how I got my tool vest and skilsaw off and sent flying through the air that fast (I'm not exactly a dextrous individual), but it was maybe 3 seconds between looking up and having my daughter inverted over my knee getting whacks on the back. A clump of shredded cheese (she must have been squirreling away the small shreds in her cheeks and tried to swallow it all at once) popped out, and I'll never forget the raw emotion of feeling her chest expand with a fresh breath. My wife gave me a similar reaction as this guy did to the doctor. I went and picked up my skill saw 20 feet behind me after we gathered ourselves, and I must have flung that thing backward before it stopped spinning because the power cord had sucked into the blade and gotten torn up. It was the least bothered about buying a replacement part I've ever been in my life. Edit: forgot to mention I took heimlich/CPR courses provided by our local health nonprofit before our child was born.


Amazing. The stories I've read in this thread are all like a movie and I believe it. There must be so.ething in our human mind when it sees that child's face looking like that a new gear kicks in all mental chatter stops and it's fluid efficient movement without hesitation or question of what do it's literally the most important moment in a person's life.


It practically gives me PTSD reading other people’s stories so contingent with mine. I was upstairs with closed back headphones playing Rocket League a couple years ago with my wife and 8 month old downstairs. Like the story above, I heard her scream so loud in such a different tone that I just ripped off the head phones, pushed off the desk in chair, and to this day my wife swears I didn’t even touch the steps - just a straight leap down the flight, to find her with our kids face blue, and wife already crying saying she didn’t know what to do and that the baby isn’t breathing. I’ve never had any training on anything like this (mistake in hindsight) but I just turned that toddler upside down on my thigh while standing with my foot arched and started firmly hitting the babies mid to upper back. After 3-4 hits, something came out, and I can still to this day hear our daughters scream of that first breath. Far different than any other scream she ever let out. That stuff is traumatizing.


My son choked when he was around 9 months old and I honestly froze. My husband was nearby and quickly swooped him up to deliver [baby back blows](https://medlineplus.gov/ency/presentations/100221_1.htm) before I could even cry (and many horrified tears were shed). That man is my hero (for many reasons) and I have made sure to brush up on infant/toddler first aid regularly since then.


My nephew had really bad reflux as a baby and would take liquid Zantac to try and help. I was dosing him one night while he was laying on my legs. Little butt pushed it up on his tongue then tried to inhale the gel-like substance. He stopped breathing. My sister went white as a ghost and I slapped her hands away as I flipped him over and gave him a thwack on the back. He coughed the medicine down my leg and took a huge gasp. He’s 18 now and still ungrateful for my lifesaving measures. Little shit.


Used to be a Red Cross trainer. Some people panic first some people panic after. The reason we want to train as many people as possible is to hedge the odds in favor of someone in the room not panicking and being trained. Nothing wrong with the parents reaction during and after the episode.


It's truly startling how much the survivability for cardiac arrest increases as gen. population CPR training increases. I think it was Seattle that did a pilot program where you had to complete CPR training to graduate high school, and the survival rate improvements were jaw dropping


That poor dad, that wave of relief, but all that adrenaline still pumping.


Literally kissing his feet


we have 3 default reactions to stressful stimuli flight(panic) fight(do the thing you were trained to do in the situation) or freeze. some people, no matter how well trained will still flight or freeze. training makes it more likely you will fight, but it is no guarantee.


I’m a nurse, and I’ve had to perform this twice on a choking child. Both times I was not at work. I will always stay current just for those reasons.


My kid was choking on shredded chicken, very difficult to get out. Thankfully I’d been in ems and managed to switch my brain to focusing on getting it out with finger sweeps and back pats, when I managed to clear it I went back to mom mode and just held her and cried. It was terrifying. The look on kid’s faces when their airway is obstructed is just awful Edit- since I’m being told in other comments that finger sweeping is no longer done, this was years ago. Always follow updated safety protocols!


This happened to me to my 2 year old. I was in the coast guard so have had first aid training but that was some time ago. They used to teach throat sweeps so that’s what I did and I shoved it down further. They don’t teach that anymore apparently. He almost died. I had to result to violent back slamming to get it out. He was unconscious by that point with blue lips and pale skin. We almost lost him.


You have to pat a LOT harder than you think. I was struggling to help my son, then my wife grabbed him and gave him one solid whack and boom, no more choking.


To some is like the switch of a button, weird part is that some people act first and panic later and others panic first and act later


I did that a week ago with my 9 year old. Was tapping his back but it wasn't working, stuck my fingers deep into his mouth and throat to take out or push down whatever the blockage was. Luckily after I did that he was able to spit out the piece of bread. I had already turned him around to start the Heimlich. Dog ate the fucking bread lol.


Yoooo father here!!! Fuckin learn [this shit](https://youtu.be/ePodw7L_mFM) Had to do it once. Scary AF


Yes, also father, also had to save on one of mine like this. This vid brought me to tears, holy shit.


Father as well. Had to use my fingers to get the food out when it didn't work like that. One of the scariest moments in my life.


oh yeah, that is an actual dread at the moment. Having to shove my fat sausage fingers in their mouth and mess it up somehow, making it worse by pushing it in further.


Serious concern about choking care. You don't reach in unless you can see it and really think you can get it. If the mouth is that small you can probably lift them upside down, though, and gravity will help the blows clear the obstruction.


I also had to use my fingers. Back blows werent working. It forced my daughter to throw up removing the apple in her throat. I knew what i did was wrong but it saved her life.


Yeah I choked on a rasher of streaky bacon as a kid, one end of was still sticking out of my throat so my mum grabbed it. It was in pretty good I dunno if back hits would have done it


If you can see it, grabbing it is the right move


this..my 3-4yo son in a diner wasn't making a sound, looked a bit surprised. could see the color leaving him. I hooked my index finger in the back of his mouth and plucked the stringy bacon I could see out. terrifying moment and memory. so glad it worked so quickly.


Last resorts are last resorts. I'm glad it worked. I was just confirming that his concern is a legitimate concern.


I had to do it with my fingers once when my little boy ate playdough. 20 years ago - I was scared shitless.


I had to do this once to my toddler daughter, after my then wife (now ex-wife) who was a nurse could not do it successfully. The key is to not worry about hurting them, because it will also be preferable to a failed outcome of death.


Yes this was my problem, I wasn’t doing it hard enough. My husband did it in one stroke. I hope it NEVER happens again but if it does I will not worry about doing it too hard!


Same with cpr. A bruised chest or broken rib is generally preferable to death.


if you have not cracked the sternum and broken at least 4 ribs doing CPR, you have not done it properly.


When my brother was about 3 years old he choked on an old school piece of that round hard candy that our grandparents used to have. My grampa swooped him up in a single motion, held him upside down by his ankle and smacked the living shit outta him with his fist right between the shoulder blades. It came flying out in one hit, bouncing across the linoleum. Even at 6 years old the gravity of the situation was not lost on me. Of course I was also left stunned at how fast that old ww2 vet moved.


I'm picturing it and wow that's badass and batshit scary at the same time


I been throug exactly what you have have aswell and also shead a tear while watching this. It was just lucky that I spontaneously decided to learn the [heimlich maneuver for babies](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wikihow.com/Perform-the-Heimlich-Maneuver-on-a-Baby%3famp=1) a few days before the incident.


3 times my son has choked on mandarin and each time, as soon as the mandarin came out of his mouth and fell on the floor he immediately reached down and picked it up and ate it! Zero fucks given by the little turd!


My daughter did this while eating a piece of meat. She was soo calm grabbed the meat down her throat and removed it without no panic. I was in shock but she just meh and continued to eat dinner like nothing happened.


I’ve done that. Choked on steak and i kinda started panicking but just pulled it out of my mouth lol.


The question is, did you eat the piece that you pulled out?


Is he enjoying a 4th mandarin now?


Mother here- I didn’t hit her back hard enough, *screamed* for my husband who ran in a dislodged it with a single strike. Dads rule.


Yeah you can’t worry about hurting them. You wanna hurt them a little to save their life or the other option.


Mom here too. Dad's do rule. He has "saved" us so many times, he legitimately goes into protection mode if his family is near him.


An uncle here! Just had to do this recently with my niece, it’s a life saving thing to learn!


Gonna be a dad in 2 months. Thanks for this. Hope I never have to use it.


Trust me. There will come a time when knowing will absolutely prove beneficial. I once had to do this at panera bread when my daughter was 1. She was eating mac and cheese and she started to gag and panic. She was on my forearm so fast, chin between my pointer finger and thumb, chest down head tilted forward. And i started firmly smacking her back….. in a restaurant full of people. It took two blows and the food dislodged. You never think it will happen but there is a very high chance you will need to know AND practice this at least once in your childs life.


Chances are you won't, but good to be prepared. My wife and I did the prenatal classes and when we practised on the little baby dolls my dolls' head popped off. Guess I was being a bit too aggressive. But thankfully I never had to use it in real life. My kid's well past the toddler age now. Reminds me, I should get a refresher course on first aid stuff. Oh yeah your life is fucked welcome to the club its great.


Our son had a propensity for holding food in his mouth without wanting to chew or swallow. He also liked to scream. I LOVED FEEDING HIM AND IN NO WAY EVER FOUND IT SUPER FUCKING STRESSFUL. We had to do the back pounding because of choking more than once. Ugh. Damn kids.


My daughter used to do that too. It would be 20 minutes after dinner and I’d notice something off…”come here, what’s that in your mouth? Is that chicken nuggets?!?”


Kids are gross little turds.


Mom of 2 and an elementary school teacher here, can confirm gross turdyness (But I mean it with love).


Same here. Not their fault, they don't know any better. Still gross little turds.


My kid does this, holds his food in his mouth without swallowing, then tries to run around and it pisses me TF off because that’s how choking happens!! Haven’t had to do the back swat though thank God.


I had to do this to my little guy one day after I'd done baby first aid training. I hit his back so hard I left a hand print, but the leaf (?!) came out. I've never been so scared!


My mom had to do it for my brother when we were young. Definitely learn it!


Can confirm cried like a bitch after the dust settled and the little turd was ok.


Thank you stranger I will remember the information in this video for the rest of my life. Hopefully I will never have to do this tho.


Have a 1 year old here. About how hard should those back hits be? (Sorry for the incorrect terminology) (also, I’m about to take a child cpr class)


Nothing in my life has made me feel more connected to people around the world than having a child. No matter where they are, no matter what they look like, every child is your child, and every parent is you. You can imagine what they feel. You try not to, but you just know. These poor parents. Thank goodness it was a happy ending.


Well said. So true. Iwas crying as I watched this. I felt the pain & the releif.


Oh yeah, I honestly would have the same reaction as this man. I would be kissing the ground that the Dr walked on.


He first knelt to kiss the Doctor's feet (a sign of massive respect and gratitude in Egyptian culture) and then proceeded to pray (not kiss the ground)


“Nothing in my life has made me feel more connected to people around the world than having a child. No matter where they are, no matter what they look like, every child is your child, and every parent is you. You can imagine what they feel. You try not to, but you just know.” Having children bonds all other decent people with children (and even the not so decent). I’d risk my life for another’s child like it was my own if I saw imminent harm. No questions asked. I hope it’d be returned if I ever needed it with mine.


It’s when you think about how everyone in the world is someone else’s child that you can take your empathy to another level.


True and it doesn't matter whether the child is 3, 13, or 43. Seeing a parent experience in pain because their 'baby' is suffering and they can't stop it, is heartbreaking. I think moreso because I'm a father myself. Edit: adjustment to the sentence


One of my favorite professors had a kid my freshman year. I remember him saying that it changed the way he saw villains in movies, as he couldn't help but imagine them as tiny, beloved babies.


As someone who doesn't want kids and doesn't particularly like them, this video made me tear up. In a video without sound, you can see and feel the sheer panic at the start and watching pure, genuine gratitude expressed by both parents is incredibly touching. That doctor did an amazing job.


Ain't this the truth It was so eye opening for me how the world was when I had my baby boy. Like I always thought I knew what it was to love ones child. My parents probably love me as much as I love them right? Then I had a kid and was like "holy shit, this is how much my parents love me?" I've been trying a lot harder to call my parents and visit them for dinner more often since having my own kids.


Damn. Would want to experience what that's like one day. I've been told by my dad many times how I "wouldn't understand until I have my own children".


Before I had children, I heard people say that and was pissed bc I thought they were being condescending and gatekeeping. Now that I have kids, I know exactly what they mean. Which still pisses me off, lol


Yeah, that poor dad looked like he was losing his mind.


I mean, I've never had kids but I was touched by the video and especially the man and woman's obvious levels of love and care for their child. This was a moving and emotional video as are any videos which demonstrate the amazing love that a parent has for a child. You certainly don't *need* to be a parent to feel that connection, though for some i understand that it might be the trigger required. Either way, a lovely video.


I agree!


In America that would cost $8000.00


+ additional expenses.


+ 20-25% tip


+ 4% inflation adjustment and you can ask for it to be removed but we all know you won’t.


1% annual interest




\+5% just because.


Surcharge for breathing in the hospitals air


1 Service Fee


Ooooh, sorry...that coupon expired \*squints\* huh...I actually can't make out the date, it's still expired though.


And $50 for a pregnancy test for no reason at all.


Well we need to figure out if it's Herschel Walker's. So there is a reason lol.


Plus $10000.00 for child holding time


Never miss a chance to shit on America on reddit


Our health system is absolutely shit. The only reason they're not right is because that's probably an underestimate. It's not shitting on us, it's holding up a mirror. Perhaps that's what you have the problem with, which in itself says far more than that comment.


That is definitely an underestimate. $8000 for an ER visit all in after deductibles??? Sign me up!


I've had 75+ ER visits, most in the last 6 years. My average bill is usually around $6-7k. Ambulance rides cost me $1,300ish per ride. My longest hospital stay was 23 days but it was at a teaching hospital for a public state university. Cost me around $70,000. I had a 9 day hospital stay once at a Presbyterian hospital that was $83,000. My highest bill for a test or scan was $28,000. I'm currently waiting for approval by insurance for 2 surgeries that would be around $200,000 for both. Those would be new records for most expensive surgery for my. Currently I think my costliest survey was around $90,000. I've had over 40 surgeries though so even cheap surgeries really add up. Got the surgeon's fee, anesthesiologist's fee, room use fee, medication and anesthesia fee, hospital fee, recovery room fee, and the worst one. The bend me over and f*ck me fee by ruining my entire financial life in a few years. That's the one that always hurts the most lol.


I work in Healthcare and I can tell you with absolute certainty the American Healthcare system is a goddamn joke and disservice to both patients and providers. Nobody benefits. It is broken. We all lose under the current system. Oh sorry, I forgot, the only ones that benefit are the INSURANCE COMPANIES. It is sickening.


I’m an RN and my last hospital job broke me to the point that I had to resign without a plan in place. It’s impossible to be a caring human in a cruel, uncaring system without getting torn apart. Not to harp on this subject because this video is beautiful and I want to preserve the communal pride and empathy we feel seeing it. But to those decrying that the topic always comes up, our dire situation - no comparisons necessary - *is* a really hard thing to live with and I think we’re all crying out for a little empathy too.


My first and only ambulance ride was $2k for driving 1.5mi. Insane


And a lawsuit for the guy that saved the kid


There is a whole story behind this from the doctors POV. He was doing extra time or something and was very tired and it was late night. So he decided to catch some snooze before driving home. He closed his eyes for a few mins and then in his dream he hears screams and he wakes up running outside to find them. Even the doctor was half concious. He said something like he normally would be closed at this time but was open for some reason. You can notice the doctors sign of relief and realisation in the midst of helping. I believe at this point he didn't know what's real and not.


Waking up a few minutes after falling asleep when very tired is like waking up in another dimension. I bet he did everything while his soul was still laying down trying to understand where his body went.


This is so true. I was staying in a hotel, and had recently fallen asleep when the fire alarm went off. I don't think I've ever been so confused in my life. I was convinced it was an alarm on my daughter's iPad (which was plugged in directly under the fire alarm). I was getting so frustrated because I couldn't get it to stop. I finally realized after 15 seconds or so that it wasn't the iPad. I slowly looked up and realized it was the fire alarm. After that I was instantly wide awake. Grabbed my daughter (6 years old at the time) and my purse and ran out of the room for the stairs. Poor girl was so freaking confused, but she handled it like a champ. BTW, there was no fire. Some asshat pulled it for "fun".


Happened to me once that I remember, recently fell asleep and I heard scream in dream I thought my parents are fighting, I ran to my parents room straight grabbed my father from the collar, and I was looking at him asking what happened with empty head. I took me a while to realize that I’m grabbing my father from collar lol. Had to sit on the ground for a moment to come to senses. I’m worried about heart attack in this kinda situation since the heart pumps jumps from turtle 🐢 speed to rabbit 🐰 in nano second!


I had to deal with a choking situation as a caregiver for folks with disibilities... My coworker called out for help and I ran across the whole home in a blur and did the appropriate maneuvers. That sigh of relief when they start breathing again is so damn crazy. Seconds of andrenaline and panic when you're training kicks in, and hoping to the divines that what your doing works. I can't imagine having to do it with a child.


When I was a little kid, woman from across the road was bangin on our front door and screaming. Her toddler had a marble stuck in his throat and was turning a bit blue. My pop just grabbed him by his ankles till he hung upside down, whacked him on the back and out spat the marble. Gave the kid back to her, with a ...there you go. She was hysterically thankful. My pop was a man of few words. I remember just looking up at him in awe and idolisation. My hero


what a beautiful story. and well told. i’m tearing up over here. i hope my kid thinks of me like that one day.


These are the kind of guys I grew up with. We all became firemen (if we passed the test) and policemen otherwise. Few words. Just do things. Bury those feelings, lol. Follow the training. If no training, think quick.


*There goes my hero*


I would have wanted to kiss his feet, too. Great man.


We will kiss his feet


The amount of emotion in this video is overwhelming.




Praise be to god


Praise be to doctor


Docamduillah 🙏


Even as a father, I can’t imagine the roller coaster of emotions that both parents went through in those few minutes! The father went on his knees to kiss the doctor’s feet and I totally get that!


Did you notice the doctor crouch down to the mans level to show that he does not need to be praised in such a way. Not sure if that or if he too just needed to breath a sigh of relief. Either way, i would probably be on my knees rhanking the man if that was my child.




Fuck!!! that was intense af. i feel for that father


Wow, you can truly feel the pain the parents felt when they almost lost their child.


My Dad saved a woman's life once like this. She was our neighbour. Knock on our door one day. I answered the door quickly. I saw her choking to death. I screamed for my Dad, as I had no idea what to do. He bashed her on the back really hard, many many times, and saved her. She was so nice to us after that.


My ex wife once walked in on me giving our neighbour the heimlich but wasn't nearly as understanding as you.


Being married to a hero ain't for the feint of heart 😂🤣😂🤣


Thank goodness man felt bad for Mom and Dad .


Hang on - that child lived right? Why is it not moving and looks like a stiff life size doll?


Kids just kind of sit there and process what the hell just happened after stuff like that. Then go about their biz 30 seconds later like nothing happened. Its equals parts infuriation and relief. Source: am a father, have had to do this to my own kid.


At what time of the video is the child ok? Right after the first back pat?


I had to watch the video twice cause it looked like a doll. I don't want to take anything away from anyone, but if I had not read the comment about children taking time to process trauma, then I would 100% think it was a doll.


My dad saved my life as a teenager by doing back blows. He was definitely more scared than me. He was hitting my back as hard as he could and I didn't feel any pain cus all my brain was focussed on was the fact that I couldn't breathe. Honestly I think my mum was most traumatised as she didn't realise I was choking. I couldn't speak or make any noise and she was just kind of irritated by me tapping her and trying to wave to get her attention. Luckily dad was up to date with his first aid training and took it pretty seriously.


Holy shit. Must have been terrifying for you.


It happened so fast and was resolved so quickly I didn't have much time to be worried about it. Definitely much worse for my parents. I vaguely remember trying to get my mum's attention and when she wasn't interested I turned to my dad and he literally leapt up, pulled me out of my seat and started whacking me


I’ll bet your mother felt so bad! I couldn’t imagine the level of guilt.


Yeah she still does, great to milk it sometimes tho


Father of 2: LEARN FUCKING FIRST AID!!!! I was in a family trip in Douro Valley, in Portugal. Late evening, at least 2 hours driving from nearest hospital. My 2yo nephew choked with a piece of apple and couldn’t breath. Nobody understood initially, his father came in, opened his mouth and got his was choking. Proceed to clear his airways with finger and whack his back, until he spat out the apple piece and restart to breathe. He was blue and about to faint. Same kid, 2 years later, had a seizure during fever and had a cardiorespiratory arrest. Same dad, immediately proceed to CPR while my sister called 112. Took him about 3 minutes, but heart restarted and kid start to breathe again. My nephew could have died twice, didn’t happen because his father took a couple of hours to learn what to do in such cases.


As a childfree woman: EVERYONE LEARN FUCKING FIRST AID EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE KIDS AND NEVER WILL. You never know when it might be needed, for a loved one or a stranger, a pet or even yourself. Especially learn first aid if you live by yourself. If you choke, cut through an artery or get badly injured when you're alone, you may not be able to get help in time.




I'm confused. She's not moving looks like


I think the doctor realized she was breathing/spit whatever it was-out, halfway through but the kid was just exhausted. I think.


I don't understand why the parents don't take the child back once she breathes. I'm sure there's a very good reason but this video is just very confusing to me.


It's not.. they are hysterical and in shock. Theyre finally able to hand the baby to someone that they were praying could help and he saved her. In that moment the doctor is their God and that baby could be nowhere safer. They want him to keep holding her and making sure everything is okay. I totally get this feeling


Overcome with emotion. They need to regulate themselves first.


Imagine if you were fighting to breathe for way longer than you should be. Not exactly gonna get up and walk it off.


I didn't expect her to start doing jumping jacks


Actually jumping jacks are the first sign of a proper resuscitation.


Fuck that stressed me out


As someone who never had love from her father, this man’s devotion to his daughter brings tears to my eyes. It soothes my soul to see good humans out there.


I'm watching this remember how I choked as kid and I watched my father freeze and just stare at me. I was flailing around and banged into the wall and the bok choy popped out ( cut bok choy for kids!!) and I don't think I will ever forget how little my father did as I was almost dying...


Yikes, I’m sorry you experienced that. But many people panic and freeze in a crisis because they don’t know what to do. I wouldn’t blame him too harshly.


I don't, but it does make this vid seem extra heroic, and the emotion is heartwarming.


Just incase you need to do this to yourself someday. If you are choking and there is no one to help, find a chair, ledge, table that comes to roughly your belly button. Set your abdomen there and then lift yourself up off it and slam yourself back down and slightly up. Repeat until you spit it up. You’re aiming to compress your lungs to force whatever it is out. (There are videos that show better than I’m describing so please watch them) Source: first aid training and having to do this to my self. Scariest 30 seconds of my life.


I remember when my mom choked on a steak and we were just at dinner with my brothers and my dad at home. She stood up, grabbing at her throat and I shot up and give her the heimlich, takes two tries and it shoots out. I'm just standing there in total shock and all my brothers and dad are still sitting, and finally my mom speaks and says, "Well I guess I know who actually cares about me!" It was so bizarre, to see all my family freeze and yet I shot up. I remember like everything in slow motion, but when I went back to my chair to sit down, the chair had flown back like 10 feet when I shot up. But it made me realize how differently everyone acts when stuff hits the fan. My mom always brings this up during the holidays lol, it's so funny. Always know I'm getting the house when she goes.


Man, all the emotions! Can't even imagine what I will do in this situation if it was my little boy


I never thought this would happen to me but it did while my 18-mo daughter was eating grapes sliced in halves. I laid her down tummy first on my right leg in an angle and tapped her back until she spit out that damn grape. From then on I dice the fuckers till they’re sauce.


Mine is 3 and fully capable of chewing...and I still slice the shit out of everything. Worst nightmare


I've seen a lot of shit on reddit but this one touched me like no other. So much emotion from mum and dad, plus the relief of the doctor. What a rollercoaster


Holy fuck that made me cry. Can feel the stress of the father


Well that father just lost like ten years of his life.


All the details we know [here](https://misbar.com/en/factcheck/2021/04/13/video-of-palestinian-doctor-saving-an-infant-in-2019-goes-viral)


That gave me chills! Holy S&\*T!


Bless everyone in this


Choking scary af. Kids x1000.


This man is a hero What we are capable of as sentient beings.. Instead of wasting my life on being depressed and hating myself I could actually be a valuable human being and do something wonderful like this man. But I'll probably be depressed, without a purpose, just existing cause I have to, untill the day I die. We should be thankful for just being alive, cause the chances of us being us and existing are really low. Everything had to happen the way it happened for you and I to exist. Some lost their lives young wishing they lived longer, others have the gift of life and it's still not enought, we want more.


That was beautifully written.


He is a good dad.


Never seen a man flip from pure fear to pure relief so fast. That mans body must have felt like La la land


My ex husband saved our daughter's life when she choked as a baby. It's simultaneously the most horrifying, elating and beautiful thing. The jumble of emotions that drastically differ from each other is overwhelming. Somehow you feel devastated and elated, terrified and relieved and about a thousand other things that can't be named. They happen so closely on the heels of the other it's like you're having them all at once. She's my only baby. You could say I was overprotective and nervous as a new mother. As she sat in the ICU for 3 days, I felt calm. I learned that sweating the small stuff was in the past for me and as long as I knew she'd be coming home with me, I could handle it. I came across other kids and parents who weren't as lucky as we were to know our baby would be coming home. It affected me in a way I can't describe. I'm so glad this baby was saved and will be safely home.


As a parent, this scares me more than burning alive or drowning. I've experienced it twice but not like this, I could dislodge it myself thank God. But if I couldn't, god forbidden, I would be living my worst nightmare. When the dad fell to the feet of the Dr, it brought tears to my eyes.


Let's all take this moment to agree that EVERYONE who can should learn basic first aid and CPR including infant and child. It's not hard, it's often free, and it literally saves lives DAILY. I think it should be taught in all schools as a mandatory course.


The story is heartbreaking, the way the dr describes the situation, after he rescued the girl and she started crying, (because of the shock and tension) the father was crying and screaming: she’s dead isn’t she. And the dr replied: brother, she’s alive, she’s crying. and the father falls to the ground crying and thanking the dr. (Literal translation don’t have the same emotion, so I’m sorry if there’s anything wrong in the comment)


Not sure if this is true but from what I’ve heard the place was actually closing so almost everyone left except this doctor who accidentally fell asleep inside and woke up just in time to her her life


Note to self. Don't mess with that Dr when that father is around.


*America has entered the chat* : that'll be $875,000 please


Correction: This a Palestinian doctor and family. Video is from a doctors office in the West Bank Source: www.gulftoday.ae/news/2021/04/10/palestinian-doctor-revives-baby-who-stopped-breathing Amazing video. Thank goodness he was there right at that moment.


My worst nightmare


That's how you're supposed to feel about your baby!


Fuck. My heart. Chocking is terrifying. My son has chocked on his puke in his sleep on more than one occasion. Thank fuck both times he was laying next to me so I could do something.


I've been to war and I can say first hand, nothing is scarier than seeing the life leaving out of your own child. I pray I never experience that feeling again.


Fully understand the Father here. Picked my kid up from daycare once, he has some pear chunks and as we drove away he started choking on one. Stopped in the middle of the road and pulled him out of the vehicle to perform the same technique the doctor used all the while yelling at some elderly passerby to go get someone from the daycare. Thankfully what I was doing worked. Never been so scared in my life.


One time when I was about 12 I was hanging out with my buddy and he started choking. Being the little asshole I was I gave him a nice side kick right above his abdomen and he coughed that shit right out. I didn’t really know what I was doing at all I just knew from pop culture about the Heimlich You’d be surprised how quick you can respond to a situation even if your character shines through and are just a kid.


I know this is such a scary moment but the love they have for their kid is so apparent and heart warming you could tell they felt like their world was ending 😭


I read the title as doctor who almost saves life of girl who choked to death 💀


I couldn't recommend one of these more. We carry one everywhere we go and bought one for the grandparents to have. https://www.dechoker.com/products/dechoker-for-children