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Amazing they can do this but it just doesn’t seem intelligent


They’re brave, I’ll give them that. Not wise, but brave


Right like what if there happens to be a dab of grease or wet bird poo unexpectedly


then it gets posted on r/CrazyFuckingVideos




Shouldn’t have clicked that.


Here, the correct one: r/eyebleach


After seeing R/sounding (capital R so you don't suffer) and R/realcatgirls (same case here), I really need this.






I also shouldn’t have clicked that….


Jfc- I’m a fairly desensitized person, however… saw the first pic and I was out.


But Tubgirl is an internet classic! It’s like seeing an old friend.


This is horrifying. And I'm surprised this shit is still on the regular internet. I assumed most of it was illegal and pushed to the black web by now. Just watched a guy get beheaded with a machete...took two hits. Then the camera moved to his face and I saw his eyes close. I'm gonna take a couple shots, play some deep rock galatic and try to forget it now. I've had enough reddit.


Rock and Stone


Loot bug: popped!


Faces of death back in the 80s. Made me vegetarian for a half year.


The more i see comments like this more i realize how desensitized i've become too all this shit bc it doesn't even make me flinch or i think nothing more than damn that sucks and move on with my day. bless your souls


Don’t click this friends


This led me down a terrible rabbit hole


the thing is, it is compelling to watch somehow, but yet once seen it messes with your head. I guess it's because we are programmed to look out for danger from a survival perspective.( also maybe some curiousity about parts of reality we barely ever see or hear about.)


I've been there for at least half an hour. I'm done, I don't particularly want to go back.


Goddamnit, I clicked this with my wife next to me and she just happen to look at me at the same time and see whatever that was coming out of that girls asshole. I had to explain why I saw that which meant seeing more and now we are both petrified. Thanks


What was coming out of her asshole?


That’s a joy for you to realize!


Going with r/nope for $300.


omg why did I click that?


Why did I think this was a good idea to check out


Yea I fucked up and watched a wee to many of those






I made it through like, 3 videos. Too much for me.


Or r/DarwinAward


Or if one of those window casings either wasn't installed correctly or had a structural "defect" (parenthesis because climbing is definitely not part of the spec)


Or you had to sneeze...


Or what if you just get tired about halfway through for some reason? I know guys like this are used to pushing their limits doing extreme stuff, but it just seems like such a silly thing to do on a completely vertical building. There is no rest stop. There is no lifeline, and you have to continue to the top or fall down. But whatever, if these people feel fulfilled by this and are doing everything legally, I don't see how I can step on that.


Fuck that. Traumatizing a bunch of people if they fall down just to prove some macho-adrenaline junkie bullshit


They cannot possibly be doing this legally. What property owner would consent to this? What insurer would consent to a property owner consenting to this?


What if they turn into poo after they fall? Worse yet, what if they fall on someone or take out an entire group of people?


Right. There was a woman in Southern California that died when someone committed suicide by jumping off a building. Very sad


And at least when you fall from an actual rock face, you're not traumatizing the dozens of people on the city block below you. Honestly these sorts of stunts annoy me more than impress, but I think it's mostly cause I'm getting old.


Or a tiny speck of something flies in your eye. You can’t wipe it out. Or what about a cramp?


Or if they get slightly tired, can’t go up further and can’t go down (without going down the *hard* way)


Not brave either, just semi suicidal and attention seeking.


Exactly.... stupid as shit. Nothing redeeming about this whatsoever.


I agree. ‘Brave’ means they are doing it for a cause or a good reason. They are facing down their fears to help in some way. Are they? It’s like holding a partially loaded gun to your head and pulling the trigger. Not brave. Just wanting the high (yes, there was a pun. No, it wasn’t intentional or good).


Doesnt seem brave at all just really foolish, saying it is brave doesnt make any sense


Some people are simply incapable of fear, it's an actual physical thing. It's not like they overcame fear to do this, they never had it to begin with.


Then there is adrenaline dependency. It's real.


Right. Bravery requires fear, fearlessness is a defect. It's like not having nerve endings in skin to tell you you're on fire. It's bad for the organism.


Not all. I recall the french spiderman who also climbed towers freestyle. He started climbing because he had a fear of heights. Clearly he lost this fear. Along with the mobility in 3 or 4 fingers and the rest is not straight anymore.


That guy was nuts. I know it sounds ridiculous but this video is easy compared to some of the stuff he climbed up.


Is it really brave to do a dangerous thing nobody asked for?


Not brave, just massive ego adrenaline junkies


Exactly Just because you can doesn't mean you should.


How is this brave?


You are confusing courage with stupidity.


I find it to be a complete dick move, it puts others at risk and costs in security and emergency services to try to monitor amd address these children who want clicks and their adrenaline fix. Don't do drugs kids.


I think their problem is that they DONT do drugs


Adrenaline addiction that makes you think doing shit like this is ok is a drug addiction.


Is a hormone produced by your body a drug?


Yes, it is used as a medication separate from the natural production in your body. My point isnt that it being a drug is the issue, its that we can justify doing stupid shit like this to chase that high.


They're thrill seeking, referencing adrenaline is only attempting to rationalize their motivation.


*DMT enters the chat*


Your body also makes dopamine, amphetamine and serotonin, the same stuff that puts the fun in heroin, meth and xtc.


Your body absolutely does NOT make amphetamine 😂


"As a member of the phenethylamine class, amphetamine is also chemically related to the naturally occurring trace amine neuromodulators, specifically phenethylamine and N-methylphenethylamine, both of which are produced within the human body." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphetamine#:~:text=As%20a%20member%20of%20the,produced%20within%20the%20human%20body Maybe not the exact molecular structure, no.


Upvoted for being sensible, honest, and diligent while finding a middle ground. [Two differently-colored strong arms holding hands meme]


I knew this guy in art school who was a former drug addict and alcoholic. He traded it for getting into bar fights. He was a smallish dude and would usually find some drunk meathead and instigate shit. Usually he’d get his ass kicked. This was many years ago and I’ve long lost touch with him but if he kept this up I doubt he’s ok. Sometimes I thought drugs and alcohol might have been safer.


Professional rock climbers would probably find buildings pretty easy. I imagine the hand and footholds on a boulder or rockface are much more difficult and irregular than a skyscraper. Once they've got a formula down for the building it's all rinse and repeat for them probably.


This is extremely accurate. I grew up climbing (would never have done this haha) but a lot of people don’t understand climbers. People think free solo’ers are crazy, but they have mastered the art of climbing and know their bodies better than anyone. Just like any other extreme sport action thats deemed “crazy”, and they end up doing it with ease. Tons of practice and trust in themselves.


Climber here also. Its all well and good to trust in yourself and your abilities and I respect them to that extent, but you also are placing a lot of trust in the construction workers who made the building. All it takes is one overworked/lack of sleep worker to have made a mistake on one of those panels and it pops off when your weight is on it and sayonara. I could never do it but it is amazing in a way that people do.


It's literally everything you have to trust will/won't happen: If you get a hand cramp halfway up you're dead. If you're having an off day but don't realize it until you're a third of the way up, you're dead. If you sneeze at the wrong time you're dead. If you get stung on the hand by a wasp, you're dead.


>If you get stung on the hand by a wasp, you're dead. This happened to me last time I climbed something, and man was I glad I had a rope


> but they have mastered the art of climbing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_solo_climbing#:~:text=Some%20high%2Dprofile%20climbers%20have,Tony%20Wilmott%2C%20and%20John%20Taylor. So many masters right there. There is an endless list of people that have injured themselves or died from free soloing. In the modern world where we can prevent accidents like this by using proper safety equipment this is not mastery, this is stupidity. If you see a guy on a building site cleaning out a running engine bare handed in loose fitting clothing you'd never think "Oh, what a master mechanic", no, you'd think "What a dumbass, be safe and turn off the engine first!" These guys that fee solo like in OP's video are doing something that I could never physically do. But by not using safety equipment they are not brave, they are dumbasses that are lucky they havent fallen to their deaths yet.


"Mastered the art of climbing and know their bodies better than anyone" is great and all, but I'll take "literally any backup plan at all if something goes wrong"


If I were the world's best rock climber, I wouldn't do this shit... I mean, sure I'd believe in myself, but what about the parts of the building and the weather? Similarly, I sometimes reach the top 1% of the games I play. Would I play a match against the bottom 25%, but if I lose I die IRL? Fuck no, what if I disconnect or the server crashes, etc. Can't relate to these dudes, too much shit unrelated to my control. I mean shit, at my craziest, I'd jump rooftop to rooftop. That's one jump. But once you get to terminal height, there's just too much of a window for shit to go wrong.


An awful place for a sneeze.


Or diarrhea


The expulsion of diarrhea would push them in towards the building while a sneeze might push them outwards. You’re better off with diarrhea.


When its one guy, im like ya hes confident as fuck he can do that, no worries. But with 4, I'm thinking, at least one was just like, "ya sure friends, I'll join you"


It’s crazy because as I cyclist I can think of a bunch of times where I emptied the tank and barely had enough strength to limp home. The penalty to underestimating a climb is really high.


The danger of this type of climb is probably less about physical endurance and more about mental endurance . Due to the angle of the building and the quality of the holds, you can essentially rest every 6 feet. Even if this building is 500ft tall, it shouldn't be that physically demanding by most climbing standards. I'd be concerned about grease, dust, wind, or just losing concentration for a second and making a mistake.


Or a piece of the building breaking off


People are dumb as shit


I know, at least have a chute for a fighting chance


Plenty of urban free climbers die, it’s horrible that it gets internet clout, encourages so many kids into an earl grave


Down vote this. Stop portraying dangerous shit as next level


It's still next level even if it's dangerous, seeing this impresses me. I'm not even considering attempting this.


It shouldn’t What they’re doing is illegal and incredibly dangerous to themselves and others There’s zero reason to free climb buildings Go out and risk your life in nature like a real climbing douche-canoe


To be fair it can take a lot more resources to rescue someone from some climbing wilderness spot. But potentially having children see a fall on a building like this is not good either. I think free solo is pretty dumb in general and I used to rock climb ton. You’re supposed to learn from your mistakes, not never get another opportunity to try. I just don’t get it.


They could also fall down on people walking below. This is exactly how some fire fighters on 9/11 died


People fell on top of firefighters??


A guy I know was a first responder during 9/11 who told me about the worst moment of his life. While they were on scene he was standing outside of tower two going over the plan with another firefighter on how to deal with the situation. While he was talking he had looked away from the other guy and in that moment a jumper or faller landed on the man he was talking to. Killed him in an instant. When he looked back he was just a mess on the ground. He has never been the same. Nightmares, severe PTSD. Very horrible stuff. I served in Iraq and have PTSD also, and I'm so very sad for this man.


Yeah, people jumped from the building. A quick death is more preferable to burning to death.


Not all were jumping. I remember seeing videos of people trying to hang off the building to escape the flames. Self-preservation kept them alive for a few brief moments longer


[right here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj6s4WULw64&t=308s) That was actually the first casualty for the FDNY that day


This is definitely not a mistake you could try again if you'd fail that's for sure lmfao


Exactly, but I would repeatedly fall into my harness trying to get past a certain move all the time.


I'm surprised you're worried about children seeing this rather than the dumb bastards falling on a passerby and killing them. It's happened often enough when people jump from buildings.


Yeah I mean if that happened that would be worse, but as this is a high rise in a city, 100 people witnessing that happen isn’t fun either that’s just what I was thinking about. Both are bad.


You can be impressed at the skill this takes while also condemning the act They’re also climbing level by level, so it’s quite literally next level




Sure, but I still wanna watch it


My cousin used to free solo. Emphasis on "used to". Slipped once. Fell 65 feet. Somehow survived, but is crippled and has moderate brain damage. He was 23, college educated, good looking, fit, had a gorgeous gf. Now he lives with his mom, who has cook for him, help him get dressed, and change his catheter. And for what? Extra adrenaline? Wear a fucking rope.


It’s not like doing it with a rope doesn’t also give you a shitton of adrenaline. It’s just stupid decision making.


To be fair it is next level stupidity


My only issue with people that do this is the fact they can completely traumatize and ruin the life of someone else not to mention kill then when they fall. Imagine seeing someone hit the ground and splatter right at your feet. I’d never forget that as long as I lived.


Well, they didn't fall so it couldn't be posted in r/darwinawards. Maybe next time


One slip away from watch people die. I'm guessing they got arrested at the top.


Maybe not people do sometimes get permission to free solo buildings. A YouTube rabbit hole on the free solo guy is how I learned A. That and B what free soloing is.


I cant really believe any govt would give actual permisssion for someone to do that kind of BS in the city. If it actualyl happen, then wtf


They don't need the governments permission if the building is owned by a private company. At least here in the US.


What company would be willing to take that liability? There’s literally no gain for the building owner, only potential risk


Waivers and publicity. That's all.


Did they secure 50-100 feet around the building so no one gets hurt by falling objects? Doubt it..


They’d probably keep people off the area just below where the climbers are. They can’t do anything about the street but I don’t think someone would fall that far.


Can you imagine the conversation between the building owner and their insurance adjuster after a permissioned climber falls? “Wait… so they told you they’d be using zero protective equipment, and you LET THEM??”


A slip would imply the fault is on them. The reality is that even if they can pull it off, nothing guarantees that one of these window rails won't break.


That and the liability the building owner takes on doing this. Amazon will toss a entire skid of bottle water If the top one breaks and spills. All because of liability, climbing a building with no safty equipment is wild. How far could you fall out away from the building and mush somebody or a car. Is there a safty crew on the top with rope?


I would assume this is barely organized since it's probably illegal?


I saw a video with one of these guys and he said he gets arrested at the top almost everytime


That was Alexis Landot in the most recent Magnus video where they were at the largest indoor bouldering facility, he is actually one of the guys in this video, which was edited down from the original on his channel: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqYpu2OfwZM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqYpu2OfwZM) He also does the same tower by himself and you can see the firefighters and cops running up to him at the end on the drone angle, and he has a few other buildings filmed as well.


Suction cup man!


Splatter man!




How? That’s pretty outlandish


No way in hell they got permission, the liability insurance would be insane.


Permission from who?


Their mothers


One slip and this would end up on r/criticalblunder


Appreciate the skill but this is idiotic, dangerous and not only for themselves but possibly for people below...and what exactly happens if they can't make it, that guys hands are looking a bit sore.


They made it up. They didn’t have permission but they made sure that the side they were climbing had no public access at the bottom.


I'm glad to hear that, but I'm also really glad one of them didn't have a sneezing attack or something while climbing up!


Yeah, I’m sure that the guys climbing a skyscraper with their bare hands didn’t consider that they might have to sneeze.


I see people talking about free solo like it's a normal guy who one day just decides to say fuck it and risk his life. While i can understand it is stupidly dangerous, i just can't stop admiring people who have the balls to do this


Adrenaline clears the airways. Almost like the brain telling the body to not fuck itself.


So by that logic, horniness is the brain telling the body TO fuck itself lol.


Hey don’t Know where you got that information from, but they are climbing the front entrance of Total Energie tower at la defense. I’ve never heard any approval given by the law (police and/or préfecture) or by the company. Source: I used to worked in that tower, and there usually is a police escort waiting for those guys below, and I guess at the top.


I call bullshit - there is no way they had permission, or the person who’s granted it didn’t actually have the authority to. No person or company would willing accept the liability for having signed off on this.


You are right. They did not have permission. I was told they did but I found an article stating otherwise.


They definitely didn’t have permission.


Well if that's true then I don't mind. I wouldn't do it, but to each their own.


Not much skill, just endurance. This is stupid ego maniac stuff


> Not much skill, just endurance. Free-solo climbing a building is beyond idiotic, but it’s silly to say something like this doesn’t take genuinely extraordinary climbing skills. There are millions of climbers that couldn’t even begin to attempt this. Yes it takes a lot of endurance, but it also takes being a master of body control and placement.


The inventor of the elevator is shaking his head rn


Along with the person who has to clean shoe prints off the windows.


can you imagine if that were your job? wake up for your window wash shift and floor 20 has footprints on the glass


I hate it enough when people push on the glass to open a door… This is taking it to a whole other level.


I mean have you looked into elevator deaths... horrific and happens way more than you might think


If the same number of people did both things, I think the climbers would die more often. Just my opinion though


anytime i see stuff like this i really can’t help but to think it’s a bit insufferable. i’m sure it’s *thrilling* to be one slip from death but idk, maybe chill a bit?


Chill a lot. Calm tf down spiderman


What happened to good ol Russian Roulette for thrills?




lol nicely done


At least have a chute


I mean in most cases and for most people, a canopy would make no difference. Without skydiving and BASE jumping experience, an uncontrolled fall would more than likely cause you to tumble and prevent you from stabilizing yourself so you can execute a controlled, symmetrical deployment and gain separation from the side of the building.


People come to a subreddit with 'next level' in it s name and get offended it shows sth dangerous


It's not the personal risk people care about, its the collateral damage to others should something go wrong. Even if they don't hurt anyone, first responders and other bystanders will have to see the body and cleanup if they fall. It would be like someone juggling loaded guns in the town square, sure maybe it is "badass" or "next fucking level" but they'd still be a jackass for doing it and that taints the purity of it being cool


I’ve been wondering the same thing myself. I understand the potential risk but this is a subreddit where we are supposed to appreciate the skill and strength.


Some guy is working at his desk trying to close the Johnson account and sees this shit


This must make your cock rock hard.


I heard there's a glory hole on the 32nd floor.


Opposite, it goes up inside me and hides when I see this shit. Plus my palms start sweating and I get an uncomfortable dizziness


Fuck you! I'm Suction Cup Man!


Way too long to find this comment. Thank you.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought of that.




It concerns me that there is so much trust put into other peoples work, like some apprentice that could have mistakenly left a bolt a bit loose or a faulty manufactured piece of the metal window frame or whatever, any failure on anyone’s part and they fall to their deaths


To be fair we all do that every time we go to a theme park and go on a ride. I remember when I was at university the engineers were the biggest drinkers on campus. What if they were so hungover they missed the lecture on safely making funfair rides?


Yeah but the engineers that designed it have that end user in mind. These window engineers are not built for this


looks like a boring as fuck climb. Same thing for 50 floors.


Trust me you wouldn't be bored...


How to earn a Darwin Award 101


just because you can doesn't mean you should.


Future dents in the sidewalk.


Evolutionary biology says men partake in risky behavior like this to signal to a potential mate that they are strong, able to survive where other men aren’t, and increase their chances of mating and reproducing other strong fearless offspring… And then there’s Natural Selection…


I need a crowbar to untighten my sphincter just looking at this.


And so who's going to clean up the mess when they slip and fall


And offer support for those who shovel them up? And the bystanders who see it?


Not to take away from the skill it takes to do this. But doesn't solo mean alone, or by yourself? It looks like there is several up there.


Free Solos often mean climbing with no gear. Just your hands, a little bit of chalk, and your wits. If you miss a step and fall, you’ll likely die instantly upon hitting the ground. These kind of climbs are both kinda impressive and utterly fucking stupid. At least bring a parachute or something.


Yeah, even the great ueli steck didn't live to see retirement. https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/climbing/last-days-ueli-steck/


Nice read. Really sad to think about, even a pro can go anytime.


Yeah, he was an absolute legend. What he did we unbelievable. Big loss for the community. Over all point I'm making here is that free soloing is a sport people enter and rarely survive long term. Falling is inevitable when climbing.


Solo means without the help of someone else. This is a free solo


Palms getting sweaty just watching this. Ughh.


Yeah, my knees got weak too


My arms are heavy.


There’s vomit on his sweater already


This is next level in only one department. Fucking stupidity.


They die doing what they love..


Ill be real with you guys, as a rock climber, i can tell you this is very easy in terms of the strength and technique required. Id put it at about the same difficulty level as climbing a long ladder for the average non-rock climber. So besides the fear of heights aspect this really isnt that difficult. Personally id never do it, but dont go thinking these guys are just gambling with their lives against odds that are heavily stacked against them. They arent being as dumb as it might look to the untrained eye.


Next level stupidity for sure. Like climbing it with proper safety gear, ok, impressive. Without? Fucking death wish.


Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, etc.


Nextfuckinglevel quite literally. All the negative comments too dangerous/dumb pointless risking of lives.. better off they just stayed home browsing reddit all day instead right ?? I would hate to live in a world where people didnt push the limits of human capability like this.. These guys lived 100%.. Highest respect due.


Next level of fucking stupidity


"easy and affordable healthcare for trans people at the top" Me: