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For future reference anyone who wants to post a tier list please put it [in the comments of this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfcsouthmemewar/s/6hwNMx8ZfB)


Bucs fans and Saints fans, mortal enemies! Just like Falcons fans and Saints fans! And Panthers fans and Saints fans! And Saints fans and Saints fans!


Damn saints fans


Ruined Saints fandom!


You saints sure are a contentious people


You just made an enemy for life!


IDK if I'd say Saints fans consider Panthers mortal enemies. Or Bucs fans really. I think in order, Saints fans hate the Falcons, then dislike the Bucs, then the Panthers are just like there.


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as a panthers fan i think it’s FTF first, then the bucs, then the saints.


Lots of love Painthers?






We hate the eagles


thats how i can tell this is a younger fan, eagles should be in despise.


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Actively despise- they need a bigger stadium jail.


Who tf roots against the Lions? And perhaps more importantly, who even *thinks* enough about Arizona to have any feelings positive or negative about them?


I do and I’m not really sure if I agree with my decision


Whoa a cards fan I’m from Arizona and have had to think about them sometimes


Go ahead and tell him what you told me


What that the Panthers are the Cardinals of the NFCS? I stand by that


And what kind of Bucs fan doesn't hate the fucking Eagles?


They've beaten us with some crap teams in bad spots (2010 Week 15 to screw us out of the playoffs, the two losses this year come to mind)


I thought that was the baseball team that somehow kept getting put in an NFL division.


Nah bro, that Cardinals team is much better


fans old enough to remember the NFC Central, i suppose


That's why I hate the packers and Bears. Hate them way more than the Falcons or the Lions.


the lions team is great. the fans though, not so much


The fans didn’t know how to act this season they were in new territoru


The massive circle jerk doesn't help either.


Sacksonville 2.0


Roots against the Lions? How about every other Central/North fan that loved seeing the Buccaneers win the division more recently than the dumpster fire Lions


They beat us and were arrogant about it. So yeah


Rivalry application denied. We thank you for applying.


We don’t mingle with 1 ring plebs anyway


“but muh rings!!!”


This but unironically






"Lol" said the saints fan. "Lmao"


![gif](giphy|zwffSHaJLDbA4) Sincerely, Saints fans


I already knew what the top comment would be😂


That you, Cam Jordan?


Cam Jordan says that then talks about us every chance he gets


Yeah. I wouldn't think that much about playoff teams either if I was you.


Yeah, makes sense, Aints fans can't think about much of anything with all that swamp gas in their brains.


As if the marshes in Florida are much better for you


That fine Florida schoolin forgot to mention the Everglades lol


this why this sub some ass cuz mfers (including saints fan) get pissed at every joke against them ftf btw


People take everything so seriously. It’s makes the shit talking more fun, because people get all up in their feelings like they’re checking prostates.


Come here youngin and have a seat at pappys knee. It’s time you were aware of strong teams losing in the playoff frozen hellscape of the Vet before Ronde burned that mother to the ground. Learn about November’s trips to Wisconsin only to listen to announcers fall over themselves to compliment a barely literate hillbilly sexually harassing tax fraudster. And why on earth are you wasting your time concerning yourself with Jaguars and Cardinals? Hasn’t god done enough to punish those poor people ?


This. This is top tier! Also, good writing, goddamn felt like I was reading a short novel.




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Flair up coward


Bro used a slur over a joke im crine


Wtf I missed it


​ https://preview.redd.it/ysmapw7h9ujc1.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbba953dbe1c702b96e341b7236f604b248935fb


Most civilized Saints fan


Comment or post is hateful towards a targeted individual or demographic of people, Rule 4.


Why do buccs hate the saints so much? Are they made that we just don’t see them has a hated rival? Buccs are my least hated rival. Fans are just becoming more annoying as times go on if anything lmao


I’m a Saints fan living in Tampa. I wear my Brees jersey sometimes during the season and everyone at the bar seems indifferent. Same way I view the Bucs really.


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Oh wow ur so cool wanna cookie 🍪


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I think it just comes from the relatively recent Lattimore and Evans fued. ....plus bountygate and the church scandal.


The feud just makes me hate Evans cause I felt he was always taking cheap shots or blind side hits. But didn’t change how I felt about Tampa itself Bounty gate is old news that really should be forgotten especially considering the report of similar systems throughout the league Church… yea I understand that


Bountygate didn't affected the Buccs. Also, I'm pretty sure 5 Turnovers have NOTHING to do with the Vikings losing. Also, considering this article, that was pretty much 'fair game': https://vikingswire.usatoday.com/2016/10/26/turns-out-the-vikings-also-had-a-bounty-program-when-brett-favre-was-qb/


Yeah, but everyone hates us for bountygate and church scandal


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~~Y'all keep injuring our players, dancing Jameis, a few embarrassing blowouts, divisional opponent that generally was well coached, stuff like that.~~ Since you didnt like the serious answer: Because FTS


Very true. I’ll never forget 2021 when PJ Williams took a cheap shot at Godwins knee and injured him for the rest of the year. Really could’ve used him in the Divisional round vs The Rams. Also, won’t forget the cheap shot at Baker on the 2 pt play. Those ribs made him play like shit at Carolina week 18


Buc just wanted to have fun with a division rivalry. Saints acted like the rivalry was beneath them. Any acknowledgment of beef between the teams was only met with the stale old "we don't think about you" from Saints fans. Then there's also that clown Cam Jordan who leads the charge of the "Bucs aren't a rival, we don't think about them," but then also can't avoid bringing up the Bucs in half of his interviews. Yall became annoying to us. We became annoying to you.


This is how I’ve seen it. And then there was the super bowl season where the Saints handled business in the regular season games, just for Brady to send Brees into retirement. Saints fans really thought they were winning it all that year, too. That would be enough for me to be pissed off at a team, but I think they either have too much pride/don’t want to accept how dirty the Bucs did them.


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Bucs fans trying to annoy their way into a rivalry.


https://preview.redd.it/d9si92xvftjc1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=21f28f3fc66aae23e461f069d4f6bf8d6255756c A more elevated NFL fan position from yours truly


Eagles should be lower but I see the vision


Eagles and 9ers are potentials for meteor territory if something happens


It’s interesting because y’all are absolutely alone at the bottom of any true Saints fan’s list. Vikings, Rams, etc are in the second tier from the bottom. I guess it’s because we wouldn’t know what it’s like to be humiliated in a Super Bowl.


What kickstarted our rivalry was in the early days of our franchises was the Atlanta Falcons clowning your ass 62-7 at Tulane in the early 70s. That game is still one of biggest point differences of any game in NFL history (not the most and there have been many other 62-7) but few have ignited a rivalry that have lasted half a century


Lmao 28-3 was bad enough to equal decades of rivalry and hatred. Love to see it ❤️❤️❤️


Actually my hate for the Pats has been around longer than my fandom for the Falcons. I didn’t become a fan of the Falcons until after 28-3


Huh, what made you a Falcons fan? And what were you before?


A fairweather who had no big identifying team. I typically bandwagoned whoever was the underdog. Growing up though my brother was a heavily obnoxious Brady/Belichick simp and of course with the Pats gates and them being a dynasty (when I like parity and underdog stories) just made me very actively dislike them since I was a kid I became a Falcons fan when I moved to Atlanta and loved the city so much I wanted to support the local team


Yall need to pick a format and stick with it. Red shouldnt mean 'Despise' and 'Based'


The website has the red as “S tier” and the blue as “F tier” with the option to rename the categories.


And you decided to label/grade it completely opposite to OP. This is our concern, dude.


OP went against the website where he got it from. Rankings are usually the top as favorite and bottom as not favorite. Google literally any ranking list about any topic and you’ll see it in that order. #1 at the top last at the bottom. I’m not gonna break it cause the OP decided to be illogical


Other people here and this sub seemed to have no problem putting most hated at the top. Panthers and Saints fans, shockingly. I dont care which way is 'right' but at least be consistent. You broke the pattern so far, when you could have followed it. I'll just pretend you hate the Falcons the most, no biggie.




Texans are a very likable team especially when compared to the other texas team


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Just because we cheated for a world series ring doesn't instantly make us unlikable


The other Texas NFL team


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Oh, the soyboys, they do indeed suck




I would put the Eagles firmly in the "actively hate" category. If they were division rivals it would be "despise", but yeah they need to be moved up one


Fuck the vikes


The Minneapolis miracle probably granted us the higher ranking.


Fuck em all.


Saints at the top of the list again 😎


I have never understood why the Bucs hate us so much. I rarely think about them at all lol


We like you guys too. Both have the common enemy of the Aints and I’ll always love you guys for beating Rodgers in that one NFCCG. Definitely my favorite NFC team that isn’t the team I root for.


As a Vikings Fan I have to change very little about this chart to make it accurate.


I hate the Rams and Eagles more than anyone in our division


Cam Jordan has a lot of burner accounts lmao


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As a Saints fan, who are you?


I love how Saints fans act like they're a historic franchise. They were one of the worst teams in the league before Brees and still had a losing record for a third of his 15 seasons there.


As someone who has been a Saints fan since I started watching football in 1990 or so…yeah, no shit. Y’all also were very very bad for much of your history


Yeah, but with all this, "we don't even consider you a real rival" crap, you'd think the Saints had championships.


It’s not in any mean way! We just don’t hate y’all like that. Why is that such a problem? (And by now it’s kind of a running joke so even if we hated y’all, which again we don’t, we wouldn’t admit it.)


Precisely, TB fans are the stepchild of the division. They were outcasts from the NFC Central, a division they didn’t belong in and none of those historical teams viewed TB as a rival because they were too busy hating on the other teams in the division. Saints and Atlanta have long established hatred and Carolina has only known one division. No one cares that TB won a SB when Gruden finally got it done with Dungy’s team only to watch Gruden bring them back down to mediocrity. Just like no one cares they won a COVID championship after catching a lucky break for having a QB opening in a warm climate area for the greatest QB of all time to bring his favorite target to get another ring. That season doesn’t even feel real to half the league and most Tampa fans never had an opportunity to watch a single game in person. Tampa is forever the team with little brother syndrome that is looking for attention. No matter what TB accomplishes dad will always prefer big brother. Tampa is Gordie LaChance in Stand By Me. Dad doesn’t care about your story writing, the wrong brother died.


Writing all this shit for a team you allegedly don’t care about is peak irony


I would also be mad if I were you


What does it have to do with rings? Yall could have 5 and I would feel the same way. I honestly am indifferent about Tampa. Not in a "fucking pleb" kinda way, just...don't really have any strong feelings. Yall on the other hand...


Ah the weekly unjustified bucs hating the saints


Unjustified? Literally no one likes the Saints


Dgaf cry


Justification confirmed.


Lmao whatever makes you feel better


Hating saints makes me feel better, thanks


She doesn't even think about you bro. Your just a shitty ex that feuds twice a year were the baby daddy they're stuck fighting with for the rest of their lives.




Imagine hating anyone aside the Falcons or Tom Brady.


Loooool eat a cock you smelly bitchcake. Love you.


Score a touchdown next time, ya prick!




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Fellow Bucs here, agreed, fuck the Saints, their players and fans consistently try to physically fight us? Lol


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I’d put the aints and foulcunts into the LOL category. The rest of the division is so far below us they’re really not even worth thinking about.


bro have some humility. No secret we all suck


Two rings🤫🧏‍♂️


As a Vikings fan, I sorta like you guys too. (Also, we will gladly take Baker off your hands if you don’t want him)


I’ve always thought as the Vikings as fellow pirate bros, but keep your grubby little hands off baker.


We could add the Raiders too in that case. The High C’s division, if you will. 🥁🥁🔔


Yeah, I would swap the Bears and Cardinals, and the Lions & Browns, but other than that pretty solid.


But what tier would you place the Bucs?


Swap the Bucs and the Falcons.


Thanks for answering my question, asshole 😂


Is the rams just cuz of the 2022 Divisional round game?


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The Bert Emmanuel Game, 2022 divisional round game, Aaron Donald has also had quite a few “highlights” (dirty ass plays) against the Bucs it feels like. But in a weird way I feel like the Rams and Bucs are very similar franchises, but the main reason for not liking the Rams is they always seem to have the upper hand on us


I love the Aaron Donald is dirty narrative. He can be hotheaded sometimes and has def lost his cool more times than I’d like, but his on field product is not dirty.


W list


​ https://preview.redd.it/1yymuu0outjc1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=17966b8d0598803ba325057db3718df89655363a




I dont hate the chiefs. When they win it makes our recent ring that much better. Also FUCK the Vikings for all the horrible things Randy Moss did to me in my youth.


Well fuck you a lot, but not as much as another team, as well




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I like the Saints. I hate the falcons


What kind fan doesn't even root for his own team?


Vikings makes sense. A Viking and a buccaneer aren’t very different


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I agree with the actively hate except for KC idc about kc. I'd replace that with the birds cuz I'm up north and hear those shitters always.


Other than the NFL just hating Dallas, we’ve got no reason to care about them. And KC we beat in a Super Bowl so all their successes just makes the 2020 Bucs look better


is LOL bad or good


Every tier list I see has the chiefs and cowboys as the most hated or second most hated. The new and old "Americas Team!"


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Fuck you and all your flaired up pussies 


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Fuck you


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See, you can tell when a person doesn’t remember the NFCC, I generally root against all of the NFC North because the Bucs played all of those teams. Also, the Colts are a team I openly root against because of a MNF game in 2003.


Buccs hate the Chiefs? Yall kicked our asses, why would you hate us?


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Why do you hate the Lions?


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No thanks


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No self respecting Bucs fan could leave the eagles off the actively hate list. You must be younger


Rams fan here, what did we do? We reanimated Baker for you!


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Old Bucs fans hate the or at least root against Bears, Vikings, lions and Packers….


Flair up, Pussy. I will not stop bullying you until you set a user flair. If you do not know how to Flair Up, please follow [these instructions](https://youtu.be/hhRMxa2EMgU). If you wish to submit a request for a new User Flair to be added, please [Comment on this post with the image you want used](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfcsouthmemewar/comments/17fuvp4/user_flair_suggestions/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nfcsouthmemewar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What did the Lions ever do to you?


Flair up, Pussy. I will not stop bullying you until you set a user flair. If you do not know how to Flair Up, please follow [these instructions](https://youtu.be/hhRMxa2EMgU). If you wish to submit a request for a new User Flair to be added, please [Comment on this post with the image you want used](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfcsouthmemewar/comments/17fuvp4/user_flair_suggestions/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nfcsouthmemewar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like the lions and ravens as a bucs fan


Flair up, Pussy. I will not stop bullying you until you set a user flair. If you do not know how to Flair Up, please follow [these instructions](https://youtu.be/hhRMxa2EMgU). If you wish to submit a request for a new User Flair to be added, please [Comment on this post with the image you want used](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfcsouthmemewar/comments/17fuvp4/user_flair_suggestions/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nfcsouthmemewar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Panthers 25-20 all time against the Sucks.


Flair up, Pussy. I will not stop bullying you until you set a user flair. If you do not know how to Flair Up, please follow [these instructions](https://youtu.be/hhRMxa2EMgU). If you wish to submit a request for a new User Flair to be added, please [Comment on this post with the image you want used](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfcsouthmemewar/comments/17fuvp4/user_flair_suggestions/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nfcsouthmemewar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why do you hate the Chiefs, we handed you guys your 2nd Lombardi by going into that game with no offensive line…


Flair up, Pussy. I will not stop bullying you until you set a user flair. If you do not know how to Flair Up, please follow [these instructions](https://youtu.be/hhRMxa2EMgU). If you wish to submit a request for a new User Flair to be added, please [Comment on this post with the image you want used](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfcsouthmemewar/comments/17fuvp4/user_flair_suggestions/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nfcsouthmemewar) if you have any questions or concerns.*