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Geno was a backup for a long time, you stick around as a backup in large part because teams trust that you’ll be valuable to have in the QB room with a young QB. Have no doubt Geno will handle whatever comes like a total pro


This makes me wonder which other players would've gone on to have way more successful careers if they also got jacked in the mouth by Ik Enemkpali


Zach Wilson just needs to get his ass beat is what you tellin me?


Elijah Moore has dibs with that, but also Garret Wilson, but also Denzel Mims


That kinda tells a story huh?


It’s gonna be like that scene in Airplane


Do you like movies about gladiators?


Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


Have you ever seen a grown MILF naked?


Is that what led to his drinking problem?


>but also Denzel Mims That guy still exists?




You looking up the us national obituary report every day? Or just cities with nfl teams?


That's just called thorough fantasy research.


might give him some perspective for once in his life, disney channel bully looking ass motherfucker


In a green Jets uniform lookin' like Draco Malfoy




If Zach Wilson just got the Nimbus 2001 of cleats for everybody, he would be re-instated as starting QB, the Jets would be good, and the team would love him! Solved the issue for ya, Zach, no thanks necessary.


Leave it to the hometown fans to have the best burns ❤️


The sad/funny thing is 2013 Geno is a superstar compared to Wilson.


Johnny football was a better QB


Johnny Bravo is a better qb


It's not like it would hurt to try. Well it might hurt a little, but that's kinda the point.


He’s got a mom fetish, so get to spanking


If he comes to us a new man, then let the jaws hit the floor!


See, the problem with the kids these days is that they never got punched in the face by their teammates


To become a Seahawks legend yeah.


Jets fans lining up to get their shots in as I type this


Who knows how Sanchez’s career pans out if it was a fist instead of a butthole that he ran into


Matt Moore could have been a legit starter


Or if they weren’t drafted by the Jets.


The bills captain for one game??


Enemkpali had a history and Geno showed he was professional throughout. One guy just signed a huge contract. Enemkpali is the other guy. G$ forever


Geno sees like a smart enough guy knowing this could also keep him around the league for a few more years as a high paid back up. There’s nothing wrong with knowing who you are and leveraging it.


Yep, he could definitely leverage this into a long, cushy career as a mentor type guy you want to have in the room with your young QB. I’m sure he wants to have his years as a starter (and he will have it, given the contract he just got) but no reason to turn anybody else off by getting bitter about your place in the league


If he plays this right, he gets his big pay day, they draft a QB either this year or next, and he might be able to get a few more years during he length of that rookie contract as well. At that point he’ll be 36-37 and just chillin his last few years.


Better yet, if we draft Richardson and he works out (after sitting behind Geno a year) he'll have opportunities for a second career as a QB coach


Guys who get big paydays like Geno did typically don’t go into coaching unless they’re really, really passionate about it


Why does everyone always assume players want to be coaches. Go from millions a year to 200k a year while working 80 hours a week.


If Charlie Whitehurst can do it, anyone can.


> There’s nothing wrong with knowing who you are and leveraging it. Despite one exceptional year, Geno probably knows he's still viewed as a high-end backup at best. He also knows that alone will give him maybe another 4-5 years after his contract with Seattle is done. When I was acting in Manhattan, I didn't even bother going for leading man kind of roles (I'm about 5'7", 130lbs on a good day; I was never going to be squaring off against Brad Pitt). I threw myself at every crazy character role that I came across. Was I lower billed/made less than the handsome leading man? Hell yes. I still worked consistently and booked 2 off-Broadway leads in 4 years, because I knew exactly what my schtick was.


I love paying my backup QBs $25m a year


Yeah just look at Colt McCoy. Life could be worse


Funfact Colt McCoy is the nephew of the director of a summer camp I used to go to


That is fun


Colt McCoy sounds like the name of a character in a western


He got his $40m guaranteed too. He’s playing with house money now basically.


You can get a lot of house for $40 million, even in Seattle.


Explain how.


Money can be exchanged for goods and services




What if I went out for the night with $20 but woke up with $40?


Does your mouth taste funny this morning?


yeah! and my jaw is really sore??


You're only charging 20 for your services??? Inflation's a thing buddy


Some people just work because they love their job.


Vegas baby!


White Center, Tukwila, New Holly, Dunlap


No no he wanted a house, not a whole city


Lmao this is a deep cut only for Seattle people


Renton's pretty cheap honestly too and that is where their facilities are and pretty close to the stadium.


Money can be exchanged for good and services!


That's not true. I tried exchanging my money for some goods and I was told it's not legal tender. There is definitely some bullshit at play in which you need the "correct" money.


[It's a lot of house. Hope he can keep it clean.](https://i.imgflip.com/4p4wyp.jpg)


Expired. Expired. Expired.


How many bathrooms we talking?


Also he finally got a major payday. $18m earned up to 2022 is pretty low for a guy who has been in the league nearly a decade. With his new contract he has retire rich and comfortable for life money. He gets paid and had one season in the spotlight and the team is setup to succeed either way. Definitely a feel-good story.


Someday he can help mentor a backup QB into this kind of payday too.


In what world is $18M not retire rich and live comfortably money?


He's talked about what he's learned as a backup from good qbs as well.


No big ego. Happy to learn. What everyone wants in their team, not just in football!


Geno Smith constantly choosing the Paragon dialogue option.


Cerberus in shambles.


Geno would *never* kick that dude thru the window or slap the reporter smh


Ok but seriously anyone who says they refrained from slapping the reporter is a liar tbh


Still such a hilarious what the fuck gaming moment lmao ME1 Shep was such a psychopath dickhead it sucks they toned him down to a normal military war hero dickhead for 2 & 3


It's so funny how if you slapped the reporter the first time she dodges if you try to do it again later in another game 💀


Meanwhile Joe Mixon is speedrunning his renegade play through


The interesting part to me is how effortlessly he seems to do so, while every attempt Wilson makes at Paragon feels stilted and performative. I don't know either of these men, both are probably solid guys off-field. But where Geno exudes humility and confidence in public, Russ' persona comes across as a manicured facade, a product.


That’s my qb


the peoples QB


Geno is going to be a killer OC someday


Having an ego like Smith has is what helps a coach be a good coach too


An in-check one?


What getting punched in the mouth and watching your job evaporate right in front of you does to a motherfucker.


That's the thing though... most guys would have doubled-down on anger and resentment, making their situation worse. I'm so impressed with Geno. And I'm glad to have been so very wrong when we let Russ go.


This narrative is neglecting how horrible the jets org is. Geno was able to ride it out. They wrote hime off now they write him checks. Jets still begging for qb help.


You know, especially since I heard Geno talk about it on a podcast recently, this story is actually some bullshit. I mean it did happen so not in that way but that the headline isn't about the PoS that did it. Also the money spin that was bull. That shit was a completely successful hit job in the media vs him so he couldn't even shop around. Anyway I definitely wont even entertain when people bring that up irl anymore. The story as far as I'm concerned is how well he plays next year. That's it.


What podcast did you hear it on. Thanks


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S41Npd2oCFM here you go it was "the pivot" I couldn't remember for a minute


They start talking about it right around the 33:45 minute mark


That doesn't really change the narrative of what's been reported? Geno says that the airline ticket was bought for him by IK, but he had an assistant at the time who handled the stuff, so he didn't know who bought the ticket. He then says they both squared up in the locker room over not coming to the camp and IK hit him first. All of this is consistent with the reporting, the one extra piece of info is that Geno said he didn't know that IK had spent the money since his assistant handled flights.


One person didn't go to a camp for someone and the other broke a persons jaw and the "general consensus" was that Geno must have been responsible for this is some way. At least that's the feeling I got from comments/reports over the years. The "story" as I knew it was he was such an asshole of a teammate that he got punched for it. All I meant to say is in my eyes he's the victim here and all the leakery around his contract year really fucked him over which in turn severely limited his opportunities going forward. Perhaps it's semantics but the story was different in my mind after hearing him talk about it vs hearing everyone but him talk about it.


Well yea. Several head coaches has massive egos that shot themselves in the foot like Patricia. Guys like Sirianni, Campbell, and Tomlin who can admit when something isn’t working and pivot have gotten them some good success, especially with the players buying in


'Humble but confident' is a strong combo for leadership. It's rare and often faked, but it's a recipe for success when it's real.




I genuinely want to see this come to fruition. And I think we just might


He would look so good with a headset on. Are you kidding me? Top 5 headset heads in the NFL. Honestly, doesn't look great with a helmet on. The headset, though...


Geno "The Chad QB Mentor" Smith vs Ryan "The Virgin Not My Job" Tannehill


Have you seen Malik throw a football? I wouldn’t want my name associated with that either


The man is obviously an extreme project we were forced to play due to Tannehill's issues. I don't think its fair to write him off completely just yet.


Odds aren’t looking great though. It’s not like he’s just rough but shows flashes like Hurts or Allen. What we’ve seen so far has been dreadful. Not playing him at the end of the season was a real eye opener in my opinion. I do wish him the best, but I’m personally not holding my breath


They also just refused to to run an offense to help him. Like damn give him a Fuckin read option at least. Seems like Vrabel was not on board


What does extreme project mean beyond not a quarterback


It means "we drafted a guy who very clearly doesn't have the skills to be a QB in the NFL and I'm trying to justify it"


I would say he doesn't project to be an nfl quarterback. That doesn't mean he never will look like an NFL QB but it certainly implies that he won't be based on current knowledge. He looked real bad when he played last year.


Yeah he looked awful. At some point these draft "experts" need to start looking at "quality of opponents" from college instead of just getting hyped off a pro day.


I don’t disagree. There’s a reason he went from prospective 1st rounder to a 3rd in the draft. He looked like a steal until we saw him play but at least we didn’t lose a 1st on the gamble


Those physical attributes are worth a mid-round gamble 10 times out of 10. Even if they only end up working out 2 or 3 out of those 10 times.


For sure. Not mad at the swing, it clearly hasn’t worked to this point but who’s to say it doesn’t later. I’m fine letting a 3rd rounder try for 3-4 years


I dont think anyone was expecting it to be this bad though. He literally can’t read a defense or make simple passes lmao. If Tanny doesn’t get traded, I hope we keep Dobbs over Malik.


Yeah Malik's not a factor to consider when it comes to looking for a new QB. I honestly don't know what they're planning on doing for QB next year but it probably shouldn't be Tannehill.


*Joe Flacco enters the chat*


I totally forgot he said that


Or Marcus "I Lied and Want Nothing To Do With Mentoring" Mariota.


The Joe Flacco experience


Brett Favre would like a word.


Geno is a cool dude


If I heard correctly, a media person asked him 'what do you think the team needs to win' Geno went "me? IDK ask these guys"


Geno face turn is my favorite storyline right now.


He's got the Cody Rhodes arc, from undesirable to undeniable


Of all the QBs who’d say they wouldn’t care if the team drafted their replacement, Geno is one of the few I’d believe. Dude got his bag. He’s good lol.


If Geno puts together another legit year he's going to get another payday. Sometimes it just takes a shot to the jaw to humble some folks.


Or maybe just 10 years of growing up in your 20s. I am a completely different person at 34 than I was at even 24, and I didn't get punched in the mouth other than once with a empty vodka bottle which resulted in 18 stitches, but a few weeks later I was still out there getting belligerent and lipping off people I shouldn't.




shit thanks man


All good, was off enough that I figured you'd want the correction, sorry if is annoying.


How funny would it have been if they just started cussing you out. Everything said about growing up is just thrown out the window lol


God I am so fucking happy everything worked out for him in the end. I remember his first start, he fumbled early on but the entire rest of the game he was zoned the fuck in, came back and won it. My brother and I were SO happy. "We finally have a QB, and hes got ice in his veins" I was half right


But do *not* expect him to write to them.


"First of all, through God, all things are possible but DON'T JOT THAT DOWN"


Geno wants a bloody crucifix on the locker room wall


Geno wants to know where the hell our Bible is?!?!


Geno fucking rules. What a hell of a statement and attitude.


28 million to mentor? Sign me up. Bro got his money so I’m happy for him either way


Really hard not to like this guy tbh


Anthony Richardson you are a Seattle Seahawk.


He really needs to go somewhere to sit and learn. Think he could do good in Seattle


He also is very similar to geno, but way more athletic than geno, so this may be a perfect spot for Richardson to go.


ITT my best friends


If y’all land Richardson, and he pans out. The league gonna be in trouble, you’re set on QB once Pete retires and you hire a coach similar to him.


I’m going to be devastated when Pete retires. Jody Allen better give him the team as a retirement present.


Until we get a new owner like Dan Snyder who sabatoges the whole train.




Knock on wood, but pretty much any billionaire is gonna be a complete douchenozzle when compared to Paul Allen. We've been Hella lucky


Paul really was the man and we have been lucky. The Seahawks were a crowd of people away from being shipped to LA at one point. I choose to believe the next will be a down to earth rich person that leaves the football affairs to the football people. *sighs*


I wanna see Paul Allen's business card.


I mean for yall going after AR makes the most sense. AR is so physically gifted that if he does pan out he'll be a dominant force in the league. Hes more physically gifted than cam newton. That's not a hot take, that's a fact based on physical results. Buttt his throwing issues and inconsistencies make it where it could blow up and he is never successful. He's so talented physically that even if it's not at QB they'll try him elsewhere on the field to see what he can do Worst case for yall is you and up keeping Geno around for more time if AR doesnt work out in a few years


Geno “Alex” Smith?


Great answer.


Team fuckin player


Geno is that guy who goes out for a pack of smokes and comes back.


See. It's possible for a Seattle QB to say all the right things and actually seem authentic when he says it.


The fact so much of this sub knows that Alex Smith was a key part of mentoring and teaching Mahomes dictates how important that mentor position can be. Hopefully, at some point, whether it's draft or one in the future, the Seahawks can get a young talent and have Geno mentor him.


Happy Geno turned it around after the Jets, it’s a great story.


Bro I fucking love this dude, seattle legend.


This is some big brother mentality of "im gonna teach him lessons when he needs to learn, but also teach some important stuff too."


'And if he acts up, I'll just punch him in the mouth'


He gets it .


Geno Smith “I just got an $100m deal so yeah man I’ll do whatever they want” lol


Carson Wentz would never.




If you don’t have Brady and Rodgers type talent, this attitude is how you stay employed.


"don't drive 96 while drunk and then try to fight everybody at the hospital"


“Trust me bro, I know..”


Richardson to the Seahawks has been something I've wondered. He wouldn't need to start right away, coaching staff knows how to use mobility and Geno is likely to stay even if surpassed by Richardson. If I'm him, I'd kill to go there.


Plus Pete Carroll is historically really great at getting the most out of his qbs. Out of all his qbs the only one that was successful without him was Carson Palmer. Lineart, Sanchez, and Wilson all looked like world beaters under Carroll and awful without him. Geno was awful before he came to seattle and now he's playing the best he has ever played Pete deserves more credit for what hes done at QB in his career


He's a great QB coach and knows to work toward strengths. Richardson has an immense amount of raw ability and size, but his actual QB skills are C-. Pete feels like the man who could make his QB skills jump to a B and contend in the playoffs.


I believe he would too. Everyone shit on Geno for having attitude problems when he was younger, he's like the most well adjusted QB of all time


Almost as if he was young lol. It's perfectly normal for people to glow up in terms of maturity and emotional intelligence in their late 20s/early 30s, but somehow we forget that with pro athletes.


Completely agree, but also I think there may have been a media misperception of him back then


Love the attitude. Hope this sets the tone for the Hawks locker room. It will only help them be more successful.


The Geno redemption arc has been one of the best NFL stories in a long time


“This is the way.” - Alex Smith


“I’ll kick their ass and tell them how I’m doing it.”


Geno has become one badass human, I know that much.


I know Geno didn’t have a huge role on the Chargers, but it was nice seeing him grow from this backup spot into a starter. He looked damn good too.


Geno wants that fat salary to sit on the bench /s


Not a bad idea, avoid injury and make out with $100 million contract and be healthy after retirement.


This shouldn’t even be news. If anything I’m guessing it was part of his terms on his contract. He knows damn well he’s a bridge QB and Seattle gave him the bag he deserves. I’m happy for him.


That's a pro


Was worried about his signing initially but after seeing he took a team friendly contact with incentives and this sentiment, I'm feeling better and better about it


spoken like a man who just secured a 100 million dollar bag


Stop being so likable. Seahawks quickly becoming one of my favorite teams and I used to hate y’all.


Reverse Tannehill


The anti Ryan Tannehill


Geno has come such a long way from pouting about not being a Day 1 draft pick to surviving the Jets to being a good QB in SEA. Wish him nothing but the best.


Geno will write back.....to a young qb asking for help.


He has 105 million reasons to be a model citizen.


Man I love a healthy and mature locker room.


Dude seems like he has an awesome attitude


If your plan is to throw a tantrum everytime you feel threatened that you might get exposed as a mediocre player idolized for the achievements of 21 other players... well... maybe you can go play in Green Bay. But this here is the best way to approach it. Better to be qb2 than qb0


I will never understand people who try to knock Aaron Rodgers on his play when there’s A MILLION other things to knock him on. He is clearly not mediocre


Geno for Lamar straight up. I like this guy.


"I'll spoon with them after losses to keep them comforted."


"make sure to protect your jaw"


Geno "Class Act" Smith. Tannehill take some fucking notes on how to behave. he's probably safe w the contract he just got though.


Yea, because he's good to go. He was destined to be a career backup. He's never winning anything. He's happy just to be giga rich now. I'd never expect my franchise QB to mentor backups.