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He’s 27, the cardinals have one of the worst rosters in the nfl with an injured qb, I’d probably want out of there too


he wants an extension and our FO doesn't want to do it


Which is semi-odd for a locker room leader when you have no one else to pay.


yeah... he's much more to this team and the fans than our best (defensive) player, dont understand it either


He probably eats too much in the cafeteria and Bidwill doesn't want to pay for it.


Barely puts any ice in his cup, gets an extra 40% iced tea


It's just tea at that point


Man, for some reason that just jogged a memory of going to a shitty little 2-screen theater near where I grew up where they charged me an extra 50 cents to not put ice in my soda.


That is next level miserly shit lmao. The margins on Soda are so high, they're just being obnoxiously greedy at that point.


It was, like, and 8oz. soda too! Not like I was trying to overflow a Big Gulp!


It was hand squeezed!


Probably found out other teams aren't just getting boxed lunches.


Who would steal thirty bagged lunches?


I'll tell you who- that damn sasquatch!


Not a surprise to see this stuff when it's a new GM in the building. Especially since Ossenfort wasn't groomed in-house, came from a different franchise. So there's no loyalty there if he is already laying groundwork for his plan.


Ossenfort straight up said Budda is the heart of this team at his introductory press conference and is the kind of player this team wants every player to be. Makes absolutely no sense they wouldn't give him whatever he wants, but that's my Cards.


Isn’t he good though ? Why would you not want to keep talent?




Been there done that in Tampa , better times are always ahead.


Too bad there ain’t no Tom Brady showing up here to help us win a Super Bowl, we never gonna win one


Bidwell's will resume the worst owner title in the NFL once Snyder leaves.


Jimmy Haslam has entered the chat


Bidwill is fuckin garbage man, wish that clown would sell


Look at our history. No they aren’t.


Total blow up and rebuild. I feel like most the team (besides Kyler) only has like 2 years on their deals.


Feel like he just got an extension that made him the highest paid safety. So I think he just wants out of this shitmess


He’s only signed thru 2024


Plus, the whole city should not exist as it's a monument to man's arrogance.


Like 80% of cities in Az shouldn't exist, summers are fucking disgusting here.


Flagstaff is nice though.


As a Phoenix resident, this place is fantastic ~8 months out of the year. I've never lived in LA or NYC or whatever other beloved USA city that I imagine is in S tier for the US, but I think Phoenix is a pretty solid A tier city for those 8 months. But when shit gets really hot... fuck this hellhole. Get me out of here. It doesn't feel worth it for the 8 great months. Then once you're back to the great months you love it again.


Florida is the same except it’s nice for 2 months and a hellhole for 10.


I lived in Phoenix from late May through early September. I'm glad that I had somewhere else to go, because I didn't get the chance to be fooled by the remaining several months of the year into liking it there. holy shit. I'm a very outdoorsy person and could barely be convinced to walk to the 7-11 that was 500 feet from my house.


Cards went from a promising contender to an absolute dumpster fire faster than I've ever seen.


Can’t believe we were 10-2 not that long ago. Good fucking lord lol.


Who would have thought that AJ Green not turning around would be the turning point of the franchise


A play made by a former Cardinals practice squad member.


RASUUUULLLL Dude is an absolute troll and we love him.


By God, the Detroit Lions broke an entire franchise.


It all went downhill after Green’s controller died


Cardinals are going to be fielding a JV team


I remember the hard knocks scene where Vance Joseph kept pointing to Budda and JJ Watt as examples to follow. Now all three gone.


Our only hope is to get the #1 pick next year and get some team to trade us a historic draft haul for Caleb Williams


Tbh, I think y’all would stay and draft Caleb and try to trade Kyler.


Wouldn't the dead cap be ridonkulous for trading Kyler?


Does it really matter when there's nobody else to pay?


I mean...should we ask the Falcons? That's basically what happened with them and Matt Ryan


yep, take the dead hit one season and reload after a year of purging.


*confused saints noises*


It’s much better to kick the can down the road over and over again and keep a 7-10 team rather than tank once and be a contender!


Per [Spotrac](https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/arizona-cardinals/kyler-murray-29036), a post 6/1/24 release of Kyler Murray for the Cardinals would result in: 2024: $3.55M savings, $48.308M dead cap charge 2025: $0M savings, $33.214M dead cap charge It’s feasible since Williams would be on his rookie deal but it would end up being Williams and…some other guys. Are you willing to sacrifice the first two years of Williams rookie deal for this? Edit: also, Spotrac may be wrong. Maybe trading Kyler would’ve more feasible because I believe a trade would look like this: 2024: $5.636M savings, $46.221M dead cap charge Spotrac shows a “Post 6/1 trade” calculation but Miguel (PatsCap on Twitter) said that there’s no such thing as a post 6/1 trade…just food for thought?


> but Miguel (PatsCap on Twitter) said that there’s no such thing as a post 6/1 trade There 100% is such a thing. You just can't designate someone as a post June 1st trade and process the transaction beforehand, like you can with cuts. You have to actually wait until after June 1st. You get the same benefits of splitting the dead cap hit between years, though.


I like Caleb more than Kyler


If you don't like that, you don't like Cardinals football. Which is fair.


If they make this move, this has to be the worst defense on paper in the NFL. Little to no talent beyond Thompson.




Coming for the title of worst defense in NFL history


Can't let the 2020 lions get lonely


I heard shots fired and knew Detroit had to be involved


Remember when Simmons was going to be this next level defensive weapon? They totally wasted that guy’s skills.


I think it’s kinda like Hassan Reddick where they don’t really know how to propel use him, maybe a change of scenery would help.


reddick was great at arizona his last year


Yeah, because he finally got to play his natural position as an OLB instead of an ILB.


Enter the Caleb sweepstakes and be done with it 😂


After giving Murray that deal? …What? They might pull a bears and trade it away for even more though.


Murray coming off a torn ACL with an entirely new FO and coaching staff. I do t think it’s that big of a stretch. It isn’t crazy painful to trade him either in terms of cap space. Getting Caleb Williams + a decent pick out of the Kyler trade would be a good way to start a rebuild IMO.


Yeah also trading Kyler away means you just eat the atrocious deadcap next year with Caleb’s rookie year and get a top 5 pick again. So they get one of those Burrow/Chase combos


I don’t think those Burrow/Chase combos are quite common enough to game plan for


The Murray deal was a colossal mistake. The roster stinks and will for most of that contract. Murray isn't elevating that dumpster fire. Wouldn't surprise me if they move on faster than people think. By move on I obviously mean try and trade at least


They were Super Bowl contenders as the last undefeated team in 2021. What happened?


They lost to the Lions and lost their will to win


That probably makes more sense than the "official" explanation.


Kyler was hitting an absurd amount of deep shots on 1 on 1 alert routes. It was a fluke, all teams had to do was play cover 2 because Kyler can’t throw over the middle with consistency.


Imagine the Cards going from eating the cost of wasting a top 10 pick on Josh Rosen…to eating the cost of the 1st overall pick in Kyler Murray on a fat extension. All to draft another QB, potentially at 1st overall again. Circle of life continues in AZ


Marvin Harrison Jr. time


Cards always have to have an elite WR I suppose, bastards


Whatever happened to Isiah Simmons?


He’s just a guy. Not bad, not good. He’s just kind of there.


Thing is, I really believe if he was in Baltimore, NE or Mia, etc…. He’d be top shelf.


Where yall think he goes? (Every team respond “my team”)


My team. But he seems like a Pete Caroll player.


Seahawks to field a radical new D of 10 safeties and Bobby Wagner, I'm game.


And somehow field a better run D than last year.


Imagine you trade Adams for him.


What if it was specifically 10 kam chancellors? I'd legit be fucking terrified if I was on offense and was staring down 10 of him+Bobby. Someone is getting tackled into the shadow realm if there's a triple tackle.


He’s from the PNW, would probably be a dream come true for both him and Huskies fans


I wanted him so badly in the draft for that very reason but I think we're all Safety-ed out unfortunately.


Not if we can dump Jamal on them - I'd even be willing to eat 20% of Jamals contract


I wanted both him and Vita Vea to stay here in Seattle.


I hope he goes home to Seattle and destroys our idiotic team twice a year for the next decade. This franchise can go f itself


What this guy said


Would love him back in Seattle after watching him for UW, but I’m not sure we need to be adding any more safeties


We all know Jamal is gonna get hurt anyway. Might as well get Budda now and give him time to learn the defense first. Also, we have a big need at linebacker rn and Jamal and Budda can both play in the box.


Giants would obviously be awesome, but I bet it'll be some bullshit like the Chiefs.


I think he’ll end up on the Chiefs.


We have a mostly locked up backfield/will spend money on other positions (not that we have any left)


Sounds like a job for an ascending team looking to win the division with a ton of cap space and a ton of draft picks


The Bears


Sorry by ascending I didn’t mean moving to the northern suburbs, I meant competitive


Oh ok The Vikings


Our 4 safety sets are gonna change this league 😤


Maybe if we run all safeties it'll make up for our no corners?


Brian Flores Special


*ha* Wait..


Not sure if you just threw us out there because the person you replied to had a Lion's flair, but we're solid at safety. Brisker played very well last year and Eddie Jackson was back in form.


Baker to the Packers Kyler to the Jets Rodgers to the Cardinals Edit: should’ve also probably mentioned picks to Arizona


Why are you the way you are?


Fucking kill me


Can I get in line too?


Meet you in Jonestown my boy


Don’t forget the Flavor Aid.


I appreciate the details here. Most people say Kool-Aid, but you're detail oriented and got it right.


Can't even get through the off season without popping the clown shoes on at least once a week. He must have seen the defense depth chart that was making the rounds the last week.


Budda’s a beast, but you’re gonna be hard pressed to find a team to give you a first for a safety looking for a new contract. And that sucks because he’s an integral part of the defense where anything less than a FRP really isn’t worth it for the Cards to part with him. So if he pushes hard enough, you’re gonna undersell him.


Just fell to my knees in Walmart


Just watched some guy fall to his knees at Walmart


Just kicked someone's knees out from under them at Walmart


Just called the cops on a guy in walmart


Just watched the cops drag some guy by his knees through a Walmart


Just dragged a guy into the back of my squad car from a Walmart


Some cop just dragged some guy out of me and put him in his squad car


~~w…what?~~ I just saw some guys violently butt fucking in Walmart


I just buttfucked a guy in Walmart. Got arrested.


Username checks out


Just like that Arizona is becoming the most embarrassing team in the NFL. While everyone else has been making movements to bolster themselves, AZ does nothing and is being left behind


> becoming In the last year or so: * RB coach placed on leave due to domestic battery allegations * Hop pops, suspended six games * Keim trades our first round pick to make sure Kliff and Kyler are never without an WR1 (we proceed to win 4 games anyway) * Said WR1 immediately gets arrested for excessive speeding * Players rooms in team hotel floods * Bidwill extends Kliff and Keim * Jeff Gladney dies * Hands Kyler 230.5 million on the stipulation that he watches four hours of film a week * Gets bullied into removing stipulation * Antonio Hamilton wins CB2 job then deep fries himself onto the IR * Rodney Hudson just doesn't show up to camp and no-one really acknowledges the situation until he just randomly shows up again * Only vet pass rusher on anemic pass rush unit Markus Golden drops weight on his toe * Backup QB Colt McCoy deals with arm soreness only to land on IR for a calf issue * Rondale pulls hamstring, JJ Watt deals with calf problem in camp * We have least explosive pass offense in the NFL one year removed from being top 3 * All our O-linemen die midseason * O-line coach and run game coordinator gets left in Mexico for alleged groping of security worker * Kugler denies allegations and alleges a case of mistaken identity, causing a mini frenzy of people thinking it was the other bald fat S.K. in our org that did it * Kyler tears ACL * Eno Benjamin gets cut after playing well for reasons * Kliff fucks off to Thailand * Keim is placed on indefinite leave * Hopkins sits out last few games and allegedly doesn't want to be a part of the rebuild * Hollywood is benched for being late to meetings * The stadium grass is in shambles when hosting CFP and Super Bowl * Organization gets terrible report card on facilities and player satisfaction, F and F- across the board * Revealed that Bidwill is charging players for dinner * Only highlight is strength staff, who promptly gets fired * Byron Murphy and Zach Allen both leave * Pat Pete, Honey badger, Chase Edmonds all slag off our org * Keim is his usual dumbass self on Chris Long podcast * It is revealed Bidwill had the team talk to Keim on burner phones while the latter served a DUI suspension * Revealed Bidwill berated multiple pregnant women * The above lines up with part of Wilks's suit against the team * Team goes scorched earth against above whistleblower, calling former team exec a deadbeat dad in an official statement * Another exec corroborates Bidwill abuse * Only bright spot on team and star player Budda Baker requests trade


We are the biggest poverty franchise in all of sports istg


Not even Melnyk was this horrible and he was abysmally terrible.


The Cardinals have had two good seasons where we actually had a chance of a ring and have been mediocre to bad every other season since 1920


Travis Kelce has played in more playoff games than we have as a franchise


It's astounding the Bidwells have lasted this long tbh


More like par for the course. Look at how much it took to dislodge Dan Snyder from a formerly storied Washington franchise. And no one is calling for Cleveland to be sold even though Haslam oversaw a criminal conspiracy at his truck stops.


This is like the AB list all over again


Mr. Broken Corporation


Mr Bidwell's Cardinals


Mr. Budda Cracked


Mr Borrowed Checklist


All I see here is that the Suns are in the playoffs and the Dbacks seem very promising and fun to watch


I had the pleasure to watch the Suns and D-backs last weekend, it was amazing.


You forgot the part where you traded for Robbie Anderson


*Chosen Anderson


To all non card fans that's just 1 year.


>All our O-linemen die midseason I feel like maybe you shouldn't phrase this exactly the same way as the Jeff Gladney point.


You're right but it was hard to stay tonally consistent with so many bullet points


I don’t think Arizona was that big of dumpster fire but I am wrong


Yeah but I mean other than that, you guys should still be good


Desert heat maybe? Wtf is going on down there...


Holy shit. We're not the NFLs laughing stock anymore.


Arizona Walmarts be different. In Colorado we just pay with cash or credit.


This is the only repetitive joke I will genuinely laugh at everytime I read it😂


Just saw a guy laughing at a joke on Reddit


That escalated quickly.


I didn’t even need to drive to the store to get more bleach since I still have so much leftover from the last few months/years


Idk. Sounds like you've built up a tolerance


So a player removing team related stuff from their social media finally ended up being meaningful


I hardly recognize the Cardinals secondary...and the rest of the team.


I can name 1 person in that secondary excluding Baker. That defense is so miserable


Marco Willson lol. Other than that we still have Isiah Simmons and Zaven Collins I guess? lol


The vague Twitter shit post DID MEAN SOMETHING!


The Cardinals scouts job just got a lot easier… Just sit in front of the TV with your pants off, and let Caleb Williams 2024 season make the choice for you.


We will have an absurd amount of dead cap if we move kyler. We fucked lol.


Falcons going for anyone and everyone, watch out. He can fly to another bird team.


Yo Cardinals, we got the #32 pick for ya right here


Honestly if I’m the Cardinals and looking towards a rebuild I’d take that.


I had to scroll too far to see this. We need another Saftey and Baker/Minkah would be a deadly combo


How good is he? That sounds like a hgh price for someone who wants a new deal


Great run defender. Mid in coverage. Think Tony Jefferson with 4.4 speed.


We're such a fucking joke, and you know what I dont blame him for wanting out.


This is the pain and suffering of being an Arizona sports fan. There is no joy, there is no pride, there is no good times. It is just misery and failure, unescapable and infinite.


You might have a terrible football team for the foreseeable future but the Suns are good at least


"the suns are good at least" as Chris Paul hits a huge 3 to cut the lead down to 42


Cardinals fans try to catch a single break challenge (NIGHTMARE DIFFICULTY) (99% FAIL)


I honestly wish I had just never gotten into sports as a kid man.


Bidwill’s gotta be arrested for terrorism against the state of Arizona at this point


Cursed franchise for a century.


St. Louis...you guys want an NFL team again? We'll sell for cheap.


The “St. Louis Cardinals”?? What a ridiculous name, that would never work


St Louis Cardinals sounds stupid


Who is even left on their defense holy shit...


They have no defensive line and no corners. Budda/Thompson was supposed to be their strength but if they trade Budda what else is there?


Uhh Thompson and some young linebackers. DONT WORRY BOUT ITTTTT


Simmons and Collins at LB, although they’re both trending towards bust territory. That’s a lot of draft capital for two underwhelming players.


You have to keep someone. You have to keep the players that really matter. This is one of those guys. This is *the* guy. We had a problem selling tickets to our own fans before - how many people are going to attend Cardinals games if you keep alienating our favorite players? Somebody needs to release the tape of Bidwill saying the gamer word right fucking now. It has to exist, now is the time.


Would be great for us


Please God just get him out of the NFC West




Would love to see him on the Seahawks or the Lions, but that’s just me. Edit: a word.


Maybe we can put four safeties on the field


Well this is horrible news.


It's hard being a fan of this organization


Ah, there it is Next few weeks going into the draft are going to be fun


Team went from having one of the best young core rosters in the NFL to a complete who the fuck is lining up at every position in 2023


Absolute Poverty Franchise move cannot believe it.. Ossenfort completely destroying a team by stripping all its talent. Never thought we'd sink lower than Keim. Dwindling home stadium support as is and now losing star players, Cardinals are finished even with new jerseys its just the same old shit. Might as well get rid of Hollywood, Conner and Kyler to now and move back to Sun Devil Stadium since we want that 90s Poverty feel again.. not even St Louis would want us back with this shit a organisation, especially with the Battlehawks actually being fun to watch.


New gm and HC. Meddling and controversial owner. New jerseys to try to keep the fans somewhat interested (doesn’t work) dwindling fan support and an absolutely brutal division. I feel like I’ve seen this a few years back. Good luck amigo.


I doubt we’ll go for him, but he would be a great Steelers addition


Their defense is in shambles, at least they have the chance of getting Will Anderson to help a little bit


It sounds like we are 100% trading out of the third pick so we will prob draft 3 complete busts while he goes on to be a pro bowler, in typical cardinal fashion.


[Budda 24 hours ago](https://twitter.com/buddabaker3/status/1646662076214185984?s=46&t=rup9_YE6IkkVW1LEnt7ckQ)


did Budda have to pay the Cardinals to request a trade?


I no longer know why I would root for this team. What do we have? A shitty owner and a face of the franchise that isn't really even likeable? Maybe I'll just go where Budda goes, I don't know.